Pretty Polly- (NL) 1951 MacEdward Leach REC

Pretty Polly- (NL) 1951 MacEdward Leach REC

[From: The Book of Ballads, p. 147, by MacEdward Leach, ‎Limited Editions Club - 1967. From his (1951) “Leach Newfoundland Collection.” Mike Molloy, Frank Knox, Joe Sutton and Peter Molloy. Newfoundland (St. Shott’s, Trepassey). reel to reel, sound recording, 1951. T-82-00007-68, 68.  Recording includes: 244. Pretty Polly.

No informant is named in the book - the second stanza has music. This is a rare Canadian version similar to the English broadside Polly's Love.

R. Matteson 2016]

 PRETTY POLLY- from an unknown informant of St. Shott’s, Trepassey, Newfoundland 1951.

In Dustinger's city, in Dustinger's town
There dwelt a dear damsel, I vow and declare;
There came a young fellow for to make her his dear,
And he by his trade was a ship's carpenter.

'Twas early in the morning by the break of the day,
Young Jimmy came forward and this he did say:
"O Polly, pretty Polly, come go 'long with me,
Before we gets married our friends to go see."

He led her through brambles through bushes so high;
At last Pretty Polly began for to cry,
Saying, "Jimmy, dearest Jimmy, you have led me astray;
A purpose my innocent life to betray."

"O yes, pretty Polly, that's just what I mean,
For this long night I've been digging your grave;
Your grave it lies open; there's a spade standing by;
It's into that graveyard your fair body must lie."

There's no time to cry, there is no time to stand
He instantly drew out a knife in his hand;
He cut her, he stabbed her till the blood from her flowed,
And into that grave her fair body he throwed.

He covered her over with green leaves and stones,
Not thinking this murder would ever be known.
He entered on board for to sail the world 'round,
Not thinking this murder would ever be found.

'Twas early next morning by the break of the day,
 Our captain came forward and this he did say:
"There's a murder on board, boys, and it's lately been done;
 Our ship she's in mourning and she can't sail along."

Up speaks one young fellow  saying, "Indeed it's not me.
Up speaks a bold sailor and the same he did say.
Up jumps young Jimmy did rant and did swear:
"Indeed it's not me, sir, I vow and declare."

As he was returning from his captain with speed,
 He met his love Polly which made his heart bleed;
She ripped him and she stripped him till she tore him in three
Because he had murdered her baby and she.

"No danger, no danger of the ghost," she did say[1],
"May the Heavens protect you, may you all well agree,
And send your ship safe to her own countree."

1. missing line follows?

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