Pretty Polly- Oneida students (KY) 1917 Sharp MS
[My title. Single stanza with music from Sharp MS. Dock Boggs 1927 recording begins similarly cf. Dock Boggs. See that version for additional text.
Sharp's Diary: After breakfast, singers begin to flock in as a result of last evening’s talk. First a Mr Nolan worker at the School who sings some and probably knows a good deal. Then 4 or 5 girls from whom I get something but not very much. This till lunch.
R. Matteson 2016]
[Pretty Polly] Sung by May Baker, Martha Turner, Sudie Martin, of Oneida, Kentucky on Aug. 18, 1917.
I courted pretty Polly one half of last night,
I courted pretty Polly one half of last night,
Rose up next morning before it was light.