O Polly- Clint Keller (US) 2001 Mudcat Forum

O Polly- Clint Keller (US) 2001 Mudcat Forum

[No location named, my title. From Mudcat discussion forum, 2001. Obviously this is much older- dating back to the 1800s.

R. Matteson 2016]

O Polly - posted by Clint Keller in 2001. He commented: Kind of a two-part tune; the verses with four short lines go with part A, the ones with two long line go with part B. It's supernatural or not, as you will. My grandmother was born in 1885 and raised by her grandmother, who was born about 1830. She used to sing a bare-bones Pretty Polly like this:

"O Polly, pretty Polly
Come go long with me
And by eight o'clock tomorrow
My bride you will be."

They rode over hills,
over valleys so deep
Until that fair maiden
began for to weep,

Saying: "William, dear William,
You're a-leading me astray
my innocent life to betray."

"O Polly, pretty Polly
You've just guessed it right;
I was digging your grave
All last night —

"See yonder it lies
with the spade standing by;
There is the place
where your body will lie."

He was taken with fits
The very next night
And died in the morning
Before 'twas daylight,

Saying, "Polly, pretty Polly,
over yonder she stands,"
With her rings on the fingers
of her lily-white hands."

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