Pretty Polly- Fred Carriere (MI) 1938 Lomax REC

Pretty Polly- Fred Carriere (MI) 1938 Lomax REC

[From: 1938 Recording by Alan Lomax. This is based on the third broadside, a shortened broadside usually titled "Polly's Love" which the source of many of the British versions. This version is from Michigan. It starts off as though it's a cowboy ballad.

R. Matteson 2016]

 Pretty Polly - Sung by Fred Carriere, (1875-1954) of Champion, MI, on October 10, 1938, recorded by Alan Lomax, melody similar to "Sweet Betsy from Pike." My transcription.

It was in old western [city], in old westernshore
There lived a young damsel so handsome and fair
She was courted by a young man who called her his dear
And was know by his trade as a ship's carpenter.

The king wanted seamen to go about [the] sea
What caused his young damsel to sob and to say,
"Oh William, oh William don't you go on sea,
For don't you remember what you told to me."

Early in the morning she thought it was day
He called upon her and those words he did say,
"Come Polly come Polly, come along with me,
Before we get married our friends for to see."

He lead her through mountains and valleys so deep,
What caused this young damsel to sob and to weep,
She sobbed and she wept those words she did say,
"I'm afraid to my heart you have led me astray."

" 'Tis true 'tis true," young William did say,
"For many long nights I've been digging your grave,"
When she saw her grave open and a spade lying by,
She wrung her poor hands and most bitterly cried,

"Oh pardon, oh pardon," pretty Polly did say,
I live no longer than to become your wife,
I'll sail this world 'round and set you quite free
If you only will pardon my sweet babe and me."

"No pardon, no pardon, there is no time to stand,
And for these times he drew a knife to hand,
He pierced her through the heart till her life blood did flow,
And into her grave her sweet body did throw.

He covered her over so snug and secure,
So no one would find her he thought he'd made sure;
He jumped up on board ship to sail this world round,
Before this young murder would ever be found.

He had not sailed for all but a day
Till the captain came up and these words he did say,
There's a murder on deck boys and the deed has been done
And the ship must be haunted and cannot sail on.

Up stepped a sailor who says it's not me,
Up stepped another and [the] same they did say,
Up stepped young William who stamped till he swore,
And he said it's not me I vow and declare.

As he was returning from the captain with speed
He met pretty Polly which made his heart bleed
She ripped him and tore him, she ripped him in three,
And this is for the murder of my sweet babe and me.

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