Loving Henry- O'Bryant (Kansas) 1958 Max Hunter
[From the Max Hunter Folk Song Collection. O' Byrant learned this from Allie Long Parker of Arkansas a few years earlier (Toelken).
R. Matteson 2014]
Loving Henry- As sung by Joan O'Bryant, Wichita, Kansas on June 21, 1958
Listen: http://maxhunter.missouristate.edu/songinformation.aspx?ID=0140

Light down, light down, loving Henry, she said
And stay all night with me
There's a chair for you and a chair for me
And the candle's a burning free
I can't light down Lady Marget, he said
And stay all night with thee
For my only little gall in the Arkansas land
Will wait long for me comin' home
Then bending over the horn of his saddle
He kissed her one, two and three
She took a sharp knife all from her side
And pierced him both wide and deep
Ride on, ride on, loving Henry, she cried
And ride beneath th sun
And your only little gal in the Arkansas land
Will wait long for you comin home
I can't ride on, Lady Marget, he cried
And ride beneath th sun
For don't you see my own hearts blood
A tricklin down, does run
Some takin him by the lily white hands
Some takin him by the feet
They throwed him in the dark river side
That runs so wide and deep
Lie there, lie there, lov'n Henry, she cried
Till the meat rots off your bones
And your only little gal, in the Arkansas land
Will wait long for you comin home
Fly down, fly down, little parrott, she cried
And perch upon my knee
Your cage shall be made of th fine beaten gold
And the bars made of ivory
I cain't fly down Lady Marget, he cried
And perch upon your knee
I've just seen you murder your own true love
You'd kill a little bird like me
I wish I had a new cedar bow
And an arrow to fit my string
I'd shoot you thru th neat little breast
That looks so neat and clean
But you ain't got no new cedar bow
Nor arrow to fit your string
So I'll set right here on th top of this branch
And happ'ily I will sing