Hix-Hicks Goochland Co. Deeds 1700s & Henrico

Hix-Hicks Goochland Co. Deeds 1700s & Henrico

[One Granville Co.- Will of John Tudor bottom of page. not edited yet. Prepared by Mrs Dolores C. Rutherford.]


Bk. 1 (1730-1734)

Pp. 192-193: Recorded: 10 June 1730. Marmaduke Hicks, of Goochland Co., Va. Made: 6 May 1730 to William Mosse(?) of St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., Va, For 5000 lbs. tobacco and caske[t] - 200 acres (upper part of 400 acres of land patented to
Marmaduke Hicks and William Mosse on 7 Sept 1729 - borders Deep Creek.
Wits: Marmaduk Hix (signed) John Lead (ink) Constant Lead (ink.)

Pp. 197-199; Made: 16 June 1730; Recorded: same. Marmaduke Hicks and Wm. Moss
to Nicholas Cox For L40 - land in St. John's (?) Parish, Goochland Co. on the West side of Deep Creek across
Horsepen Branch - part of 400 acres granted Hicks and Moss on 27 Sept 1729.
Wits.: Marmaduke Hix;  John Lead (ink.); Constant Lead (ink.)
(NOTE: I either neglected to get the acreage, or it wasn't given.)

Pp. 207-208: Made: 18 Aug 1730 Recorded: Same Daniel Hix, of Goochland Go. James Holman, same place
£ 20 and "moreing" - 150 acres on N. side of James River on branches of Tuckahoe Creek. Borders lands of James Holman and John Williams.
Wits.: Daniel Hix (signed) Richard Deane (no wife joined in deed or was examined separately)
Georg Thomson ; John Morris

Pp. 208-210: Made: 18 Aug 1730; Recorded: same; Daniel Hix, of Goochland Co. George Thompson, same place
For £12.10.0 and "moreing" - 1£0 acres on branches of Tuckahoe Creek, part of a patent to Hix dated
9 July 1724. Borders lands of John Williams and Thos. Goolsby, Jun'r.
Wits.: Daniel Hix (signed) John Scrags (mk.) Richard Deane John Morris

Pp. 210-211: Made: 18 Aug 1730; Recorded: same. Daniel Hix, Goochland Co. Thomas Goolsby, Jr., same
For £10 and "moveing" - 100 acres on branches of Tuckahoe Creek, part of a patent of 400 acres granted to Hix on 9 July 1724. Borders John Williams, Thompson's line, Mosses line, James Holman's comer, and lines of sd. Daniell Hix.
Wit: Daniel Hix (signed) Richard Deane (no wife); George Tomson (Thompson) John Morris .

Pp. 328-329: Recorded: 16 May 1732; Appraisal of the inventory of Samuel Butler, dec'd. Made: not given
Made by: Richard Wade
Wit.: Samuel Hix (mk.) Isaac Robson (mk.)
Presented by Major Willis NOTE: There was no will for this Samuel Butler in Goochland Co., Va.)(or in Henrieo Co. records)

Pg. 470; Recorded: 19 Mar 1733/34 Made: 5 June 1733; Samuel Hicks of Goochland Co., planter; [Mortgage] to John Colrill, Mdleton Shaw, & Nicholas Nicholas of Pr. Wsw Co., Gentlemen
For five shillings sterling money of Gr. Britain - land whereon Samuel Hick now lives - 69 acres.
Probably a mortgage. Mentions a quarry Samuel Hix (signed by mark CO )
Wits.: Antho. Hoggett; Jos. Dabbs; Jos. Watkins

Pg. 512-513: Made: 18 Jane 1734; Recorded: same.  Marmaduke Hix of Goochland Co. John Twitty, same place
For L40 Va. money 200 acres patented 25 Sept 1730. Doesn't mentions- names of Joarmdeesr iBng^ lands. t of a tract of 400
Wit.: Marmaduke Hix (signed) Ste. Hughes
Isac Hoghes (wf., Agnes, examined and rel. dower rts.)
Joseph Chandler

Bk. 2 (1734-1736)
Pg. 89 only: Will of Nathaniel Hix of Goochland Co., Made: 26 Nov. 1728
St. James Parish Recorded: 20 May 1735
Oldest son - Arche. Hix
Other children - ELee, An, Anias(?). Sarah, Stephen and Eda(?)
Wife - Rebecker - exec'x
Vita.: Signed by mark
James Holman
Charles Jordan J .
Edward More (mk.)

Pg. 111 Only: Will of Daniel Hix M1DE: 26 Nov 1734
Wife - Joan Hix (sole exectx.) Recorded: 15 July 1735
Daug. - Lucy Hix (eldest)(his plantation after wife's death)
Winefred Hix
Lucy to get "land where I now live between Tuckahoe to mar Spring Branch" - also 150 acres on
the Door peum(?) branch. [Deer Pen branch]
Winefred to get rest of land "I now live on".
If both should die without issue, land is to go to Areher Hix. (no relationship given)
Witns . Daniel Hix (signed)
J. Williams
Henry Holman
Wilminton Harris (mk.)

Bk. 3 (1737-1742)
Pp. 87-88: Marmaduke Hix of Goochland Go. Made J 20 Jan 1737
Recorded: 21 Mar 1737/8
Robert Smith of Gloster Co.
For & 14 - 152 acres bordering lands of James Barnes, John Twitty, and Wm. Salley (Salle, Sale),
Wits.: Marmaduke Hix (signed)
John Twitty (didn't note whether wf. was examined or not....but Stephen Bedford no wife signed with him)
Rich'd Mnring [Morning]
John Retterford

Pp. 91-92: Marmaduke Hix of St. James Par., Goochland Co., Va. Made: 21 Feb 1737
to Recorded* 21 Mar 1737
John Coupland of Henrico Co., Va.
Mortgage for £ 30 "due and unpaid to John Coupland for sundry goods, wares, merchandizes, and money" -
200 acres on S. Fork of Deep Creek adjoining lands of James Barnes, Wm* Lax and others*
Wits*: Signed by both parties
Paul Michaux
W* Battersby
Arthur Hopkins

Pg. 103: Marmaduke Hix and John Retterford wits, to deed from John Twitty to Richard Maning(?) (could this be
Moring?) .

Pp. 3u5-346: Will of Henry Holman Made: 10 Apr 1739
No daughters named or mentioned. Recorded: 19 Aug 1740
Son - Nathaniel
Wife - Mourning
Wits.: James Barrett, _ John Williams, and Rebekah Hix (mk.)~-$/\fi(- • M | I V fh "WiSu

Bk. 4 (1741-1745)

Pg. 72-73; Robert Willis James Co., Va. Made: 6 Oct 1742
Recorded: (didn't get this, but well beloved daughter, Teney(?) [Zeney or Elizabeth or Betty m. Henry] Hix prob. close to same date)
For "love and affection" - land on which she now liveth - 50 acres on N. branch of Tuckahoe Creek.
Wits.: Robert Willis (by mk. )
James Stephens (mk)
Richard Willis (mk.) (wf. Mary examined and relinquished her dower rts. in this land)
?V* 418-419: Teaney Hix Made: 18 Sept 1744
to Recorded: same
her brother, Robert Willis, Jr*
Same 50 aores as above - said to be "whereon Teaney Hix lately lived".

Pp. 371-372: James Barnes of Goochland Co. Made: 26 Feb 1747
to Recorded: 15 Mar 1747
Marmaduke Hix, same place
£ 18 - 138 acres on S. side of James River. Borders lands of Abraham Sally and Little Deep Creek.
WiWiiiiam Smith J*T B^f (aigned)
John Cardwell mo wi.;
John Legrand
For £ 18 - all the right made me lay John Coupland and Charles Thomas in 138 acres on S. side of James
River, W side of Little Deep Or.. Borders lands of Robt* Smith aad Abraham Sal3£.

Bk. 5 (1745-1749)
Pp. 9: John Hix, wit. to deed from Cardwell to Cardwell dated 1745, recorded same year.

Pp. 78-79: Thomas Mjman and wf. Lnsey of St. James Par., Goochland Co., Va. Made: 18 Feb 1745
to: Recorded: same
Amos Hix of Parish and county of Henrico, Va.
For £ 25 - 150 acres of land bordering lands of Ruseles and Clark, Holman.
Wit.: Thos. Tilmon (by mk T ) Ralph Graves , George Thompson Lucy Tilmon (by mk. T )
Archerbole Hix

Pg. 407 only: Will of John Hix of Goochland Co., Made: 9 Dee 1747
Wife - Elizerbeth - land and personal estate. Recorded: 17 May 1748
Son  David Hix - land on which I now live-
Hy children - not named ) rest of estate to be divided
Wife's children - not named ) amongst
Gr-son « James Johnson
Evidently some children still small.
Son, Thomas Jolly Hix, exec'r. John Hix (signed)
Wits.: Isaac Johnson, James Turner, Henry Turner

Bk. 6 (1748-1755)
Pp. 237-239: Amos Hix and wf. Mary of Henrico Co., Va. Made: 29 July 1752
Recorded: 18 Aug 1752
John Woodward, Goochland Co.
For £ 38 150 acres on W. side of Tuckahoe (Cr.); Borders Col. Rich'd Randolph, Deer Pen Branch,
Jos.  Farrar (formerly the Glieb), and Arch'd Hix
Wit. . Amos Hix (signed) James Bates Mary Hix ( X)
Joseph Freeman; Abraham North (mk)

Bk, 6 (1755-1759!

Pp 129-131: John Henry, Gent, of Hanover Co* and wf. Sarah Made: 16 Nov 1756
F* to Recorded: same
John Hicks of Louisa Co*, Va.
For £ 130.15 Va* Money - 747 acres, pt. of larger tract bequeathed to grantors of this deed by
the last will and testament of John Sjyme (?) (could by Iyme), Gent., dec'd. Begins at Upshaw's
lower c^rner~3n the county line. More description, didft' t"c©py—no more names in description.
Wits.: John Henry
John Holt (vf# did not sign and was not examined)
Harrison Harriss
Robert Sharp

Pg. 164 only: Sarah Henry relinquishes her dower in above land to John Hicks. Made: 29 Nov 1756
Recorded: 21 June 1757
,w 17C>g\ Richard Johnson and John Boswell witnessed her signature.
1TF-3T7: David Hix of. Goochland Co. (9*t» ^ § A Y * * W > ) Made: 20 Apr 1758
to U Recorded: 15 Aug 1758
Daniel Johnson, same place
For £ 30 Va* money - 100 acres on branches of Geneto Creek* Borders Henry Turner, Sam'l Richardson,
and Wm. Johnson's lines, "being land and plantation whereon John Hix formeriy lived"
Wits.: David Hix (mk. X )
William Miller (no wife signed or examined)
John Laprade
John Woodall (mk.)
Will'm Woodall (mk.)

Pp. 317-319: John Hix of Louisa Co. Made: 19 Sept 1758
to Recorded: same
Harrison Hariss, of Louisa Co., overseer
For £ 44 Va. money - 206 acres on Deep Creek. Borders land of Col. John SJymes.
Wits.: Ma. Rutherford, David Parrish John Hix (mk. )

Y> Pp. 404-405 Samuel Hix of Goochland Co* and wf. Dianah Made: 4 Apr 1764
tRecorded: 17 July 1764
jJohn Farrar, same place
or £ 20 " 6 9 acres ^ the %*& of Tuci«i:ho* Creek joining the lines of the said John Farrar and Strangeman
\ W S ^ Hutchens - "whereon said Sam'l Hix now lives" , , n
sst Samuel Hix (by nk. ^ )
^ Wits.: Geo. Payne,Min't (prob. means "minister") Dianah Hix ( « « \ )
Robert Payne ftf^
Thos. Payne, Jun»r
John Payne, Jun'r

Bk. 8 (1759-1765)

Pp. 80-82: Elizabeth and William Hix (no county given) Made: 18 Apr 1759
Recorded: 15 Apr 1760
Daniel Johnson, no county given
For £ 30 "current money" - 100 acres in St* James Northam Parish, on branches of Genito Cr.. Borders
lines of Wn. Johnson, Sam'l Richardson, and Henry Turner. Xasd whereon John Hix formerly lived.
Wit: Elizabeth Hix (by mk.)
John Laprade
Miller Doggett (mk.) William Hix (signed)
William Miller
Samuel Perry

Pp. 279-281: Archibald Hix and wf. Elisabeth of Goochland Co. Made: 21 Sept 1762; Recorded: same
John Woodward, same place
H°dghm> " h m M f**™> Thomas  Stephen Woodson,
No wits> both signed by mark
(NOTE: An Archibald Hix left a will in 1796 in Powhatan Co., Va.)

Pg. 77 only: Elizabeth and Henary Hix and Jno. Webster wit. deed from Cragwall to Thos. Poindexter in 1760

«as=-igss a s -,u 17.58 carmelo Drive
Cannichael, Calif. 95608
Bk* #1, Part 1:
Pp. 76-71: John Price of Henrico Co., planter Made: £ Dec 1726
to Recorded: 3 Dec 1726
Samuel Hix, same place, planter
For £ 50 sterling money of England - 69 acres of land on Tuckahoe Creek whereon Samuel Hix
now lives - beginning on the North fork of said creek.
Wits.: John Price (mk)
Page torn, can't read wf. Hannah examined and relinquished
her dower rts.
(This land was in the part of Henrico Co, that in 1727 became part of Goochland Co.)
Deed and Will B. (no No*). 1714-1718:
Pp. 92-93: Joseph Hickes (signed by mk*) and James Shepherd (by mk.) were witnesses to a division
of property between Wm. Shepherd and Richard Baker in 1716.
Pp. 240-241: Jones Gillim, Michael Thomas, Sam'l Hix (signed by "S" mark), John Spear, and James Spear (by mk.)
witnessed a deed (mortgage) from Robert Napier to^JJicholas Cox (latter of Chas. City Co.) on
1 Jan 1717 (recorded 4 Apr 1717). ^ ^ W ^ }Uw A+Jtrfk^ R/.
Deed and Will Bk* #2. Part 2 (1725-1737): 1 '
Pg. 518 only: Will of George Freeman (made - 3 Oct 1735, recorded - 2 Feb 1736)
Legatees: wf. - Jane
dans. - Hannah and Allis
sons - John, George, Joseph, Holman
Witnesses: - John Grifin $nk.), Thomas Butler (mk.), Arch. Hix (mk. »H"), James Holman.

Granville Co., N.C,
Probate Records
Pg. 311 only: Inventory of Mary Rose13 Estate:
"1 tub, 1 pail, 1 piggan, 1 gilt trunk, 2 chairs, 1 wheel mmmm_
1 Table, 1 clawhammer, 1 pine chest, 1 box Iron, 2 delf bowls,
1 frying pan, 6 plates, 2 dishes, 2 basons, 1 pair pot hooks,
1 peck measure, 1 quart bottle."
John Tudar, Adm'r
Admitted to August Court, 1781.

Pp. 338-339: Will of John Tudar Made: 12 Jan 1782
Probated: May Court 1782
We already have this, but I will excerpt it here:
Wife - Elizabeth - icy land (also named executrix)
Six youngest children - Valentine, Tabitha, Winefred, Bloomer,
Daniel, and Anne.
160 acres (after death of wife) to go to son Valentine. If
he should die without heirs, this land to go to Bloomer
and Daniel.
Son - Henry - 5 shillings.
" - John - 5
Dau. - Phebe Morris - 5 shillings.
Witness: Reuben Searcji.


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