Hicks (Hix) Land Patents, Indentures, Grants
[Immigrants were awarded land which was first given to their sponsors (a sponsor paid for their voyage in exchange for indentured service in a trade). A large number of early immigrants died. A single male indentured servant in the early to mid-1600s would have to survive the voyage, receive his land, work for his sponsor in a hostile environment (lack of food, clothing, shelter- the Virginia winters are not easy) and find a wife. There simply weren't many women there.
The House of Burgess officially began in 1619 chiefly to set the price of tobacco, which was used as a form of currency. By 1637 the first 7 original shires (counties) were created.

[Map- taking into account the 7 original shires- see above)

Map showing Virginia circa 1676 at the time of Bacon's Rebellion. Nathaniel Bacon of Henrico Co. led an armed rebellion of settlers against Governor William Berkeley. Bacon complained about Indian attacks and governments Indian fur trade agreements. When Berkley and the House of Burgess (ruling body) refused to grant Bacon a commission to fight the Indians, Bacon and 500 men came to Jamestown and pressured the House of Burgess into granting his commission. After months of conflict Bacon and his men set fire to Jamestown, forcing Berkeley to retreat across the river. Bacon died of dysentery in October 1676 before reinforcements from England could arrive. After a several armed merchant ships came from London, the rebellion, with new leadership, ended-- and the men returned home. Berkeley, who had failed to address the demands of the colonists, was recalled to England after an investigation.
Land Patents Hicks/Hix Virginia and North Carolina (by date/counties/regions):
Charles City County [Stretched below James River]
Note: Robert Hicks, father of Captain Robert, and John Evans first bought land on south side Appomattox River in Charles City County before moving south to Surry Co. located below the James River.
1654 April 8 Robert Hicks Charles City Co., south side Appomattox River, north side 3rd. branch Blackwater (Creek), near Warrck Path (VPB#6,p.510)
1675 Oct. 4 Henry Hicks Charles City Co., north side of James, at Gyllie's (Gilles)path near Merriaes path, over Mongoies Run, to west branch of Herring Creek to a run of Chickahominy
1682 Oct. 22 John Evans Charles City Co., south side Appomattox River, adjoining Maj. Gen. Wood's land, 557 acres, (VPB#7, p.216, 217)
1690 April 20 John Evans Charles City Co., Adjoining 557 acres of Oct. 22, 1682 above, 818 acres, (VPB#8, p.75)
1694 April Robert Hicks Charles City Co., Parish of Bristol, south side Appomattox, adjoining John Evan's land.
James City County [Jamestown, stretched below James River; Was Surry before 1656]
1682 Oct. 22 John Hicks James City Co., south side South Swamp at mouth of Prestons Spring branch, 183 acres,
(VPB#7, p.183)
Henrico - Goochland [Western- most county stretching North and South. Goochland County was created from Henrico in 1727]
1687 April 20 Henry Hicks Henrico Co., Varina Parish, north side of James, crossing the Round about branch
Surry Co./Brunswick County/Greensville Co.
1728 Sept. 28 John Hix Surry Co., Brunswick Co., 960 ac., South side of Meherrin River on the Indian Line, east side of Great Creek, (VPB #13, p.393-394)
1728 Sept. 28 James Hix Surry Co., Brunswick Co., 390 ac., on Jennytoe (Genito) Creek on south side of Meherrin River, (VPB #14, p.70-71)
1728 Sept. 28 Robert Hicks Surry Co., Brunswick Co., 580 ac., on North side of Roanoke River, bounding Jones, (VPB #14, p.80)
1728 Sept. 28 Robert Hicks, Jr. Surry Co., Brunswick Co., 280 ac., on south side of Meherin River on north side of Jeneto Creek, (VPB #14, p.80-81)
1728 Sept. 28 John Hicks Surry Co., Brunswick Co., 400 ac., on North side of Meherin River on Stevenes' Branch, (VPB #14, p.82)
1728 Sept. 28 Henry Bedingfield, Jr. Surry Co., Brunswick Co., 425 ac., on south side of Meherin River bounding Robert Hix, Jr., crossing Geneto Creek to George and Daniel Hixs' line, (VPB #14, p.88)
1730 Sept. 28 Thomas Wilson
Elizabeth Urvin (Ervin) Surry Co., 300 ac., On south side of Nottoway River
1730 Sept. 28 Robert Hicks, Gent. Surry Co., 2610 ac., On North side of Meherin Bounded by Wyche, Myery Branch at The mouth of Meadow Run, Lucas, Goodwin, Goodrich on Reeve's swamp, Kavanaugh's house. 1070 ac. Part granted him 1716 October 31, 140 ac. Granted him 1724 July 9, (VPB #14, p.124, 125)
1730 Sept. 28 Marmaduke Hicks Goochland Co., 400 ac., On south side of James River on West side of Little Deep Creek
Bounded by Arrinton, Liles, Easly,(VPB #14, p.134, 135)
1732 Oct 3 Robert Hicks Witness, Brunswick Co., St. Andrews Parish
1732 Oct. 30 John Evans To James Parish. 549 ac.
1733 Mar. 23 Robert Hicks, Jr. Brunswick Co. 130 ac., On south side of Meherin River, (VPB #15, p.190)
1737 Jan. 02 Robert Hicks Surry Co, 650 ac., On North side of Meherin River, Beginning and extending on the East side of Reeve's swamp on the South side of the Three Creeks, (VPB #17, p.452, 453)
1734 Feb. 3 Robert Hicks, Jr. St. Andrews Parish, 195 ac., At a white oak lying on the first great creek above Christianna.
1734 July 31 George King Brunswick Co., St. Andrews Parish, 100 ac. south side of Roanoke River on Lewis Parham's corner, witnesses Michael Young, James Parish & John Thomason
1734 Dec. 7 Daniel Hix Estate of Thomas Godwyn, auction
Charles Ross; Charles King
1744 Mar. 5 Capt. Robert Hicks, Jr., Brunswick Co., St. Andrews Parish, 320 ac. On the south side of Meherrin River, bounded by land of Peterson, Hicks, Carter, Robert Clark to Amos Horton
1760 Mar. 03 James Hicks Brunswick Co., 272 ac., in the fork of the Great Creek, (VPB #33, p. 714)
1769 April 06 Robert Hicks Brunswick Co., 454 ac., adjoining lands of Baley & Hows, (VPB #38, p. 526, 527)
1769 July 14 Benjamin Hicks Brunswick Co., 223 ac., adjoining lands of Hicks, How & Tharp, (VPB #38, p. 663)
1770 Aug. 27 Robert Hicks Brunswick Co., 204 ac., on the North side of the Meherin River, (VPB #39, p.102, 103)
1772 Mar 23 Benjamin & Lewis
Hicks Brunswick Co., Meherrin Parish, 142 ac., 100 pounds,Part of 900 ac. Of James Hicks, father of Benjamin & Lewis on the great creek At Steep Branch, (Deed book 10, p.361)
1772 Mar. 23 Benjamin & Martha Hicks
to Lewis Hicks Brunswick Co., Meherrin Parish, 270 ac., part of Patent of Benjamin Seawell dated 1759 May 12, bounded by the Great Creek and Little Creek, Robert Hicks, and the old Indian Line, (Deed book 10, p.362)
1773 June 15 James Hicks Brunswick Co., 40 ac., adjoining his own land and others, (VPB #41, p. 347, 348)
1776 July 22 Lewis & Sarah
Hicks Brunswick Co., St.Andrews Parish, 300 ac., part of Patent of Benjamin Seawell dated 1759 May 12, to William Harrison, Jr.
1777 Nov. 19 Lewis Hicks Brunswick Co. , Meherrin Parish, 223 ac. On Hayses creek, bounding Robert Hicks, Howse, Tharp, from Benjamin and Martha Hicks To Lewis for 100 pounds, from patent Of 1769 July 14, witness John Hicks, (Deed book 13, p.5)
1777 Nov. 19 Lewis Hicks Brunswick Co., Meherrin Parish, 510 ac., On both sides of the great creek bounded by Thrower, Seawell, Robert Hicks, Field, John Hicks,from Benjamin and Martha Hicks to Lewis for 600 pounds, from patent Of 1728 Sept. 28, witness John Hicks,(Deed book 13, p.5)
1799 Mar. 30 Charles & John
Hicks, executors of James Hicks Henry County, 154 ac., On the waters of Beaver Creek, Adjoining James Hicks' own land, (VGB #42, p. 286)
Virginia Land Grants or Patents
James Hicks Oct 1637 pg-73 Up Co of New Norf. Rappa Co.
James Hicks July 1662 pg-411 Rappa River
Jeremy Hicks Nov.1654 pg-296 Rappa River
Mary Hicks Jan.1663 pg-466 Rappa River
Richard Hicks May 1650 pg-192 S. Side Rappa River
Samuel Hicks/Hickes May 1637 pg-59 Isle of Wight
William Hicks Oct. 1649 pg-185 Northumberland Co.
Wm. Hickes June 1660 pg-394 New Kent Co.
Edwd Hix/or Fox June 1657 pg- 345 Lancaster Co.
Eliz. Hix Dec 1663 pg-12 Rappa Co.
Mary Hix Sept 1657 pg-374 Westmoreland Co.
Thomas Hix Mar 1666 pg-548 Rappa Co.
William Hix Sept 1638 pg-97 James City
1666 Thomas Hicks Accomack Co.
(This is 7 years after a Thomas Hicks leaves England to serve 7 years under John Morgan in Virginia, Is it the same person?)
1667 John Hicks James City Co.
1668 William Hicks Accomack Co.
1675, Oct. 4 Henry Hicks Varina Parish, north of the James River upon Gyllie's path, merridaes path, Mongoles run, west branch of Herring's Creek to the Chickahominy Also And. & John More, Jeffrey Harris
1683, April 16 Robert Hicks Westoree Parish (near Hopewell)
1687, April 20 Henry Hicks Varina Parish, Henrico Co,, south of Chickahominy River
John Evans Varina Parish, Henrico Co., south of Chickahominy River
1723, Sept. Daniel Hix Henrico Co., north side of the James River Also Thomas Evans, adjacent to Daniel Hicks, along Buck Branch
1724, July 9 Daniel Hix Tuckaho Creek, north side of the James River along Leeding Branch, Drinking Branch
John Hicks, 200 acres on the southern side of the James River bounded on the Crosse Creek. Patent Book 1, p. 450 (src #17)
(BRO) Bristol Records Office, "Servants to Foreign Plantations"
(HG) The Ancient and Present History of The State of Glouchestershire, England, 1696