Get Up and Bar the Door- York (NC) 1941 Brown B

Get Up and Bar the Door- York (NC) 1941 Brown B

[Neither of the two Brown versions have been proven to be authetic traditional versions from North Carolina. This version was learned by York from famous collector James Carpenter, who collected it in Britain-- so at best it's a cover song. It seems to me that this information should be included in the Brown collection- but it wasn't. More information about Carpenter's source is needed but will likely never be known.

R. Matteson 2013]

Brown Collection of NC Folklore: 43. Get up and Bar the Door (Child 275)

For analogies in other tongues to this little domestic comedy, see Child's headnote. It has been found occasionally in later tradition: in Scotland (LL 216-18), Newfoundland (BSSN 41-2), New Brunswick (BBM 318-19), Maine (BBM 320-1), Virginia (TBV 495-6, a fragment only). West Virginia (FSMEU 147-8),  Florida (FSF 320-1), Missouri (OFS i 186), and Michigan (BSSM 371-2).

B. 'Get Up and Bar the Door.' As sung by Mrs. James York of Olin, Iredell county, September 14. 1941 ; transcribed from the phonograph record by Professor Schinhan. Three stanzas only, with chorus. [Learned from Carpenter at Duke, last verse are not transcribed]

1 It came about the Martin's time
A gay time it was aye, no,
When our good wife had things to bake
And she boiled 'em in a pan, oh.

Chorus: And a bar'n of our door weel weel weel
And a bar'n of our door weel.

2 The wind's so cold in north and south.
And blow cold afore, oh,
When our good man to our goodwife:
'Gang out an bar the door oh.'

3 'My hand is in my hostage cap, [1]
This man is yea may see, oh;
And it shouldna be barred this hundred year
And it will never be barred by me, oh.'

1. This stanza is by no means clear [Sausage meat]. The first two lines of the third stanza of Child's A version run

'My hand is in my hussyskap,
Goodman, as ye may see.'
"hussyfskap" means housewifery.

43.  Get Up and Bar the Door  (Child 275) [Music from Vol. 4]

'Get Up and Bar the Door.' Sung by James York, with guitar. Recorded at Olin, Iredell county, September 14, 1941. Our text is almost identical with that  of BBM 318, version A. Anyone who has ever attempted to recover a text, even from a good recording, will know that it is sometimes impossible to  understand the words as they were sung. What the present editor gave to the  editors of the ballad texts was simply what he was able to recover from the recording by careful listening. During a recent visit at the home of the singer,  however, he was given the corrected version which follows below.

-A- weel, weel,- weel, -
And the bar'n- of our door weel. —

 1 It came about the Martimer's time,
A gay time it was then, O,
When our good wife had puddings to make
And she boiled 'em in a pan, O.

2 The wind's so cold, blew south and north,
And blew into the floor, O,
Said our good man to our good wife,
"Gang out an' bar the door, O."

3 "My hand is in my sausage meat,
Good man, as ye may see, O,
And it shouldna' be barred these hundred years ;
It'll never be barred by me, O."