Get Up & Bar the Door- Macausian (ME) 1928 Barry B

Get Up & Bar the Door- Macausian (ME) 1928 Barry B

From: British Ballads from Maine; 1929


"Get Up and Bar the Door"- Sung by Miss Eunice M. Macauslan, Isleford Me.; Sept. 11, 1928. Noted by George Heizog.

1. It came aboot the Michaelmas time.
And many good times were then,
When oor gude wife had puddings to make,
And boiled within the pan.
And the barring of the fore-door, weel, weel, weel,
And the barring of the fore-door weel!

2. They made a paction 'twixt them twa.
They made it firm and sure,
The first that spak the foremost word
Should rise and bar the door.
And the barring of the fore-door, weel, weel, weel,
And the barring of the fore-door weel!

3. Long cam twa gentlemen
At twelve o'clock at night;
They neither could see house nor ha',
Nor hae coal nor candle-light.
And the barring of the fore-door, weel, weel, weel,
And the barring of the fore-door weel!

4. Said the tane unto the tither.
"You tak here me knife,
And you'll cut off the old man's beard
While I kiss the gude wife."
And the barring of the fore-door, weel, weel, weel,
And the barring of the fore-door weel!

5. Up starts the gude man,
An angry man was he,
"Wud ye kiss me good wife before me face,
Scaud me wi' pudding brae!"
And the barring of the fore-door, weel, weel, weel,
And the barring of the fore-door weel!

6. Up starts oor gude wife,
Takes three steps o'er the flure,
"Gude man, you've spoke the first word.
So rise and bar the door!"
And the barring of the fore-door, weel, weel, weel,
And the barring of the fore-door weel!

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