Waco Girl- Eddie Murphy (LA) 1934 Lomax REC

Waco Girl- Eddie Murphy (LA) 1934 Lomax REC

[From, "Traditional Music in Coastal Louisiana: The 1934 Lomax Recordings" by Joshua Clegg Caffery.

R. matteson 2016]

THE WACO GIRL- sung by Eddie Murphy of Crowley, Louisiana in June, 1934 as recorded by Alan Lomax.

 There was in the town of Waco
 A town we all knew well
 It was in the town of Waco
 Where I did live and dwell.

 And I fell in love with a Waco girl
 She had dark  rolling eyes,
 The devil called into my mind
 To murder this [...Burdell].

 We walked about, we talked about
 'Till we came to level ground,
 Here I picked this house board up
 And knocked this fair maid down.

 She fell down upon her bended knee,
Crying, “Oh my God, have mercy on me.”
A begging for a pardon,
I beat her more and more.

I beat her till the ground around
Was covered all over with blood,
 I wrapped my hand in her beautiful hair,
I swung her round and round.
I threw her in a stream of water
That flows through Waco town.

I got back home about twelve o'clock,
My mother old in [. . .]
Woke up in a terrible fright.
Sayin' “My son, what have you done,
  To bloody your hand and clothes.”
The only answer that I could give
Were bleeding from the nose.

I asked her for a I asked her for a handkerchief
To bound my aching head.
I asked her for a candlestick
To light me unto bed.

I rolled about, I tossed about,
No pleasure could I see.
It seemed like all the power of hell
Were bearing down on me.

In about three weeks, her body were found,
Came floating through Waco town.
They caught me on suspicion
And locked me up in jail.

Come all you good people,
What has a lover true,
Don't ever let the devil
Get the upper hand on you.

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