Chapter VIII. Man's Song of Woman


There is probably no theme which comes nearer
being common to all types of Negro songs than the
theme of the relation of man and woman. It is the
heart and soul of the blues. The Negro bad man is
often pictured as being bad because of a woman.
The jail and chain gang songs abound in plaintive
references to woman and sweetheart, and the worker
in railroad gang and construction camp often sings to
his "cap'n" about his woman. Likewise, in the songs
of woman, man plays the leading role. These man
and woman songs are of such significance that special
attention must be given to them as a type of Negro
song in order to round out the picture of Negro work-
aday life which this volume is trying to present. In
this chapter and the one following, therefore, there
have been brought together examples of songs which
deal primarily with the relation of the sexes.

Conflicts, disagreements, jealousies and disappoint-
ments in the love relation have ever been productive of
song. They are the chief source of "hard luck" songs
or blues, and the Negro's naive way of singing of His
failure and disappointments in love is what has made
the blues famous. Sometimes his songs portray vividly,
often with a sort of martyr-like satisfaction, his diffi-
culties with women. At times his song is defiant.
At other times it is merely a complaint. Again, it is
despondent, in which case he is going "to jump in the
rivuh an' drown" or "drink some pizen down" or do


136 Negro Workaday Songs

something else calculated to make the woman sorry
that she mistreated him. Some of the "hard luck"
stories of the Negro man are told in the following
group of songs.

Lawd, She Keep on Worryin' Me

Lawd, Lawd, she keep on worryin' me,
Lawd, captain, she keep on worryin' me.

Lawd, she cry all night long,
Lawd, Lawd, she cry all night long.

Mama, the mo' I pet her, Lawd,
The mo' I pet her the mo' she cries.

Lawd, I gonna give her mouf full o' fist
An', Lawd, she won't cry no mo'.

Captain, captain, I don't bother nobody,
Works every day as bes' I can.

Captain, look like you could make her,
Lawd, leave me alone.

Captain, she say she love me
Like school boy love his pie.

Lawd, she say I leave her alone,
Lawd, ain't got no friends at all.

My Girl She's Gone and Left Me

My girl, she's gone and left me,

She left me all alone,

She promised that she would marry me

The day that she left home.

So kiss me, all you brown skins

And all you yellows, too.

I would give anything in this wide, wide world

Just because I do love you.


Man's Song of Woman 137


Dat Brown Gal Baby Done Turn Me Down

I's goin' down to de rivah,
Jump in an' drown,
Dat brown gal baby
Done turn me down,
Done turn me down.

Goin' down to de drug sto',
Pisen I drink down,
Den dey take de news
To my baby brown,
To my baby brown.

Call up de doctah
Mighty quick,
Tell my brown baby
I sho' is sick,
I sho' is sick.

Den my black baby
Come hurryin' 'roun',
She sho' be sorry
She turn me down,
She turn me down.

I Brung a Gal From Tennessee

Ain't yer heard my po' story?

Den listen to me: ~

I brung a gal from Tennessee

Tennessee, Tennessee

I brung a gal from Tennessee.

Ain't yer heard my po' story?

Den listen to me:

Dat Georgia gal set de police on me.

Tennessee, Tennessee,

I brung a gal from Tennessee.

Don't Wanta See Her No Mo'

I ain't never seed her befo',
I ain't never seed her befo',
I ain't never seed her befo',
Don't wanta see her no mo', baby.


138 Negro Workaday Songs

She say, "Come on, go to my house,"
She say, "Come on, go to my house,"
She say, "Come on, go to my house,"
She ain't nuffin but a roust-about, baby.

She s'arch my pockets through,
She s'arch my pockets through,
She s'arch my pockets through,
Den say, "I ain't got no need of you, baby."

Don't e'r wanta see her no mo',
Don't e'r wanta see her no mo',
Don't e'r wanta see her no mo',
Never had seed her befo', baby.

I's Havin' a Hell of a Time

I's a-havin' a hell of a time,
I's a-havin' a hell of a time,
I's a-havin' a hell of a time,
Livin' wid dese two women o' mine.

De po' boy, dey got no mercy at tall,
De po' boy, dey got no mercy at tall,
De po' boy, dey got no mercy at tall,
Dey lock in de room, he sets out in de hall.

Ain't gonna stay here no mo',
Ain't gonna stay here no mo',
Ain't gonna stay here no mo',
De creepers all 'roun' my do'.

Goin' back down to Georgia Ian',
Goin' back down to Georgia Ian',
Goin' back down to Georgia Ian',
Where women don't have jes' one man.

Yer don't haf to have no clo'es,
Yer don't haf to have no clo'es,
Yer don't haf to have no clo'es,
De women don't never lock deir do's.


Man's Song of Woman 139


Lawdy, What I Gonna Do?

U— h, Lawdy, what I gonna do?
U— h, Lawdy, what I gonna do?
U— h, Lawdy, what I gonna do?
Been havin' jes' ol' lady, but now I got two, baby!

U— h, Lawdy, ol' lady got rough,
U— h, Lawdy, ol' lady got rough,
U— h, Lawdy, ol' lady got rough,
Say, hell in fire, she sho' got 'nough, baby!

U— h, Lawd, ol' un bring in de meat,
U— h, Lawd, ol' un bring in de meat,
U— h, Lawd, ol' un bring in de meat,
Dis new gal of mine she got all de sweet, baby!

U— h, Lawdy, dem rations am good,
U— h, Lawdy, dem rations am good,
U— h, Lawdy, dem rations am good,
Have sech a good time, if de ol' woman would, baby!

Some o' Dese Days

Some o' dese days,
Hit won't be long,
Mammy gonna call me
An' I be gone.

Some o' dese nights,
An' I don't kere,
Mammy gonna want me
An' I won't be here.

Some o' dese days

In de by an' by,

You won't have no'n' t' eat,

Den you gonna cry.

Some o' dese days
While Fs here to home,
Better feed me an' pet me,
Don't, Fs gonna roam.


140 Negro Workaday Songs


You Take de Stockin', I Take de Sock

You take de stockin', I take de sock, honey,
You take de stockin', I take de sock, baby,
You take de stockin', I take de sock,
Take you all night to wind dat clock, honey.

You take de garter an' I take de string, honey,
You take de garter an' I take de string, baby,
You take de garter an' I take de string,
You gits de money, I don't git a thing, honey.

You take de slipper, I take de shoe, honey,
You take de slipper, I take de shoe, baby,
You take de slipper, I take de shoe,
I don't kere now whut you gonna do, honey.

You take de boot an' I take de laig, honey,
You take de boot an' I take de laig, baby,
You take de boot an' I take de laig,
You ain't nuffin but a rotten aig, honey.

Pull off Dem Shoes I Bought You


Goin' up de country,
Dont' you wanta go?
Git me out my
Rag time clo'es.

Pull off dem shoes I bought you,
Pull off dem socks I bought you,
Pull off dat hat I bought you,
You know you have mistreated me.

Tore up all my clo'es;

Pull off dat wig I brung you,

Let yo' devilish head go bal'.


Mary, Mary, when I met you

You didn't have no clo'es at all.

Now I ax you kindly, Miss Mary,

Give me dem shoes, stockin's, an' dat petticoat,

An' dat dress an' hat, an' las' dat wig,

An' let yo' head go bal '.


Man's Song of Woman 141


Mammy-in-Law Done Turn Me Out

Keep on a-worryin',
What's it all about?
Done turn me out.

Don't bring in no sugar,

Don't bring in no meat,

Don't never bring in

Nothin' to eat.

Mammy-in-law done turn me out.

Don't bring in no rations,
Don't bring in no dough,
'Nother man hang around her do'.
Mammy-in-law done turn me out.

De Women Don't Love Me No Mo'

De women don't love me no mo',

I's a broke man from po' man's town.

De women don't love me no mo',

'Cause I can't buy her stockin's an' a gown,

'Cause I can't buy her stockin's an' a gown.

I don't kere, don't matter wid me,
I don't love to work no mo'.
Got to have money, got to have clo'es,
Don't, a feller can't make no show.

De gal love de money

An' de man love de gal;

If dey bofe don't git what dey wants,

It's livin' in hell.

The Negro man runs true to masculine style when he
philosophizes upon the subject of woman. Needless
to say, his philosophy is often the result of his failure to
get along with the other sex. When he is "down" on
womankind the burden of his song is that woman is
the cause of most of the trouble in the world. He
avows that

Woman is a good thing an' a bad thing, too,
They quit in the wrong an' start out bran' new.


142 Negro Workaday Songs

Or he declares that he will never again have anything
to do with women:

All I hope in dis bright worl':

If I love anybody, don't let it be a girl.

One of his strong points is giving advice to others in
order that they may avoid his mistakes. "Listen to
me, buddy," he says, "let me tell you what a woman '11

Don't never git one woman on yo' min',
Keep you in trouble all yo' time.

De Woman Am De Cause of It All and the songs im-
mediately following it are typical of the songs of the
woman-hater. Dey Got Each and de Other's Man is
as clever a bit of cynicism as one could want.

De Woman Am de Cause of It All


De woman am de cause of it all,
De woman am de cause of it all,
She's de cause of po' Adam's fall,
De woman's de cause of it all.

Bill and John fall jes' de same,

Bill and John fall jes' de same,

De onliest difference, dey ain't got po' Adam's name,

But de woman am de cause of it all.

She strips yo' pocket book,

She strips yo' pocket book,

Den tells de police you a damn crook,

De woman am de cause of it all.

Workin' in de gang, 'out no frien',
Workin' in de gang, 'out no frien',
Nobody comes, brings nuffin' in,
De woman am de cause of it all.


Man's Song of Woman 143



De woman is de cause of it all,
She's de cause of Daddy Adam's fall.

01' Daddy Adam, 01' Mudder Eve,
Takin' all dese years to bring in de sheaves.

01' Miss Eve didn't have no showin'
Widout heaps of stags to keep her goin'.

If dey'd been twenty stags in de Garden of Eden,
De devil and de sarpent sho'd got beaten.

If Dere's a Man in de Moon l

If dere's a man in de moon,
Dere's a woman hangin' roun'.
If dere's a man in de moon,
She nag at 'im, I be boun'.

Man in de moon, man in de moon,
Wonder if dat man's a coon,
Wonder if dat man's a coon,
Wonder if dat man's a coon,
Dat man in de moon.

Go fer a walkin' out at night,
See dat woman pickin' a fight.

Man in de moon, man in de moon,
Wonder if dat man am a coon,
Wonder if dat man am a coon,
Wonder if dat man am a coon,
Dat roun' face man in de moon.

A Vampire of Your Own

If you want to have a vampire of your own,

Let these loose women alone.

Fix up your wife you have at home,

An' you'll have a vampire of your own.


1 Probably derived from the song // the Man in the Moon Were a Coon,
which was a popular minstrel several years ago.


144 Negro Workaday Songs

Stop spendin' your money on other women,
An' your friends, you have not any.
Go home at night, treat your own wife right,
An' you'll have a vampire of your own.

Dey Got Each and de Udder's Man

See two passenger trains, Lawd,

Runnin' side by side.

See two womens, see two womens,

Stan' an' talk so long.

Bet yo' life dey got

Each and de udder's man.

The Negro man is at his best when he sings of his
"gal" or his "baby." Sometimes his song is boastful
of the qualities of his "gal." Sometimes he compares
the merits of the brown girl and the yellow girl or of
the black and the yellow and casts his vote for his
favorite color. Again, he sings the story of his court-
ship, and he counts it a never-to-be-too-much-talked-
about experience to have been driven away from his
sweetheart's house by an irate father. In My Jane
the lover characterizes his "gal" with enviable terseness
and humor.

My Jane

My Jane am a gal dat loves red shoes,
My Jane am a gal dat loves silk clo'es.

My Jane am a gal what loves plenty money,
She can devil a feller till it ain't even funny.

My Jane am a gal dat loves heaps o' men,
Gits what you got an' dat's yo' en'.

My Jane am a gal loves to frolic all night,
Won't cook fer a feller, not even a bite.

My Jane's a gal gits all she can,

If you ain't got it, she hunts another man.

My Jane am a gal drive a feller to de bad,
But Jane's, hell-o-mighty, bes' gal I ever had!


Man's Song of Woman 145


My Gal's a High Bo'n Lady

My gal she's a high bo'n lady,
She's dark but not too shady,
All de mens fall fer dat

High bo'n gal o' mine!


She's a high bo'n baby,

She's a high bo'n lady,

She's a brown dat suits my eye.

De mens dey calls her cutie,
Dat gal a natural bo'n beauty,
All de same I's in de ring

Fer dat high bo'n brown o' mine.

If You Want to See a Pretty Girl

Rubber is a pretty thing,

You rub it to make it shine.

If you want to see a pretty girl,

Take a peep at mine, take a peep at mine.

Talkin' about a pretty girl,
You jus' ought-a see mine.
She is not so pretty
But she is jus' so fine.

She gives me sugar,
She gives me lard,
She works all the while
In the white folks' yard.

Honey Baby

; If I could lay my head on yo' sweet^breas',
Honey baby, I could fin' sweet res'.
Sweet res', sweet res',
Honey baby, I could fin' sweet res'.

If I could set down in your lap,
Baby mine, I could have a nap.
Good nap, sweet nap,
Honey baby, I could have a nap.


146 Negro Workaday Songs


Give Me a Teasin' Brown

If 'twant fer de ter'pin pie
And sto'-bought ham,
Dese country women
Couldn't git nowhere.

Some say, give me a high yaller,
I say, give me a teasin' brown,
For it takes a teasin' brown
To satisfy my soul.

For some folksies say
A yaller is low down,
But teasin' brown
Is what I's crazy about.

You Take de Yaller, I Take de Black

Yaller gal's yourn
An' de black gal's mine,
You never can tell
When de yaller gal's lyin'.

Give me a chocolate drop,
She's white on de inside,
Black on de back.
She don't cause a feller
To ride de railroad track.

You take yaller,
I take de black,
Hurry up, nigger,
Come out'n dat shack.

Dat chocolate
Gal am mine.

Long, Tall, Brown-skin Girl

I'm Alabama boun',
Long, tall, brown-skin girl.
I'm' Alabama boun',
I'm Alabama boun'.


Man's Song of Woman 147

Ifhave a mule to ride

To that long, tall, brown-skin girl.

I have a mule to ride,

I have a mule to ride.

She is on the road somewhere,
She is a long, tall, brown-skin girl.
She is on the road somewhere,
She is on the road somewhere.

You can leave me here

With my long, tall, brown-skin girl.

You can leave me here,

You can leave me here.

I Got a Gal an' I Can't Git Her

I got a gal an' I can't git her,
I got a gal an' I can't git her,
I got a gal an' I can't git her,
Mammy won't lemme see 'er, can't even go wid her.

Went to de house, I wus lovin' sick,
Went to de house, I wus lovin' sick,
Went to de house, I wus lovin' sick,
I got over dat spell, Lawd, mighty quick.

Daddy had a pistol, mammy had a gun,
Daddy had a pistol, mammy had a gun,
Daddy had a pistol, mammy had a gun,
Totin' my stuff roun' de corner, Lawd, wus fun.

I Went to See My Gal

I went to see my gal at half pas' fo'
Her ol' fool daddy met me at de do'.

"I come to git a match," so says, says I.
"Write it on yo' tombstone, by and by."

I kicked up dirt, I kicked up san',

Lawd, I kicked up everything but dry Ian'.

You ax me did I run? — No, Lawd, I flew.
I's a mighty black nigger, he skeered me blue.


148 Negro Workaday Songs


Baby, Why Don't You Treat Me Right

I'm goin' down to the rivuh,

I'm goin' to jump overboard an' drown,

Because the girl I love,

I can't see her all the time.


Baby, why don't you treat me right,
So that I can love you all the night?
Then you will be my sweet little wife.
Baby, why don't you treat me right?

I'm coming to see you tomorrow night,
I want everything to be just right,
I'm coming to get my own,
An' I want that shine to leave you alone.

Dey's Hangin' 'Roun' Her Do'

Dey's a-hangin' 'roun' her do',
Dey's never done dat befo',
Fer she's wearin' her aprons low.
Lawdy, Lawdy, I don't wanta go,
All dese niggers hang 'roun' her do',
'Cause she's wearin' 'em hangin' low.

Unfaithfulness in love is another great source of
song. "Somebody stole my gal" is a common tale,
and the sequel, "I'm gonna git dat man," is equally
common. The "creeper," the man who "fools wid
another man's woman," is the most despised of all
Negro characters. Says the Negro man,

A sarpent crawls on his belly,
A cat wallers on his back;
De meanest varmint in de worl'
Is de creeper in my shack.

In the following group of songs the man pays his
respects to the unfaithful woman and to the "creeper."


Man's Song of Woman 149


A Creeper's Been 'Roun' Dis Do'

You don't think I don't know

A creeper's been 'roun' dis do, dis do'.

A sarpent crawls on his belly,
A cat wallers on his back,
De meanest varmint in dis worl'
Is de creeper in my shack.

My woman say hit's her brother,
Den say hit's her daddy, too;
If dat midnight creeper don't stay 'way,
I know what I's gonna do.

My han's am long,

My fingers am strong and slim,

When I gits through wid dat creeper's neck

Dey won't be creeps lef in him.

Dew-drop Mine

Keep me, sleep me, close on yo' heart,
Tell me, angel Susie, never mo' to part.
My black baby, you got no wings,
But, my black baby, you got better things.

Angel mine, you quit lyin'
In de bed wid dat udder man,
Dew-drop mine, I's a cryin'
Fer you, but I's spyin'.

Angel mine, dis I know,
You don't love me no mo'.
Dew-drop mine, dis I know,
Ajmidnight creeper come in my do'.

He Tuck Her Away

I sho' got to fight, I's got to use de knife,

'Cause dat stray done got my wife.

Oh, he tuck her away, he tuck her away.


150 Negro Workaday Songs


I Got My Man

Look out, nigger, hoi' up yo' han\
Waited long time, but I got my man.
You got de gal, I got you,
Devil git us bofe 'fore we gits through.

Home Again, Home Again x

Home again, home again,
Crazy to git back.
When I gets dere,
Finds a stray man in my shack,
Finds a stray man in my shack,
Finds a stray man in my shack,
Home again, home again,
Finds a stray man in my shack.

Home again, home again,
Axe handle in de yard,
Whales dat nigger over de head.
Now Fs workin' hard,
Now Fs workin' hard,
Now Fs workin' hard,
Home again, home again.
Now Fs workin' hard.

De chain gang got me, an' de coal mine, too,

But, Lawd, what's a po' nigger gonna do

When a creeper comes creepin' in,

When a creeper comes creepin' in,

When a creeper comes creepin' in?

Home again, home again,

When a creeper comes a-creepin' in.

Fs Done Spot My Nigger

Han' on my gun,

Finger on de trigger,

Fs goin' to jail

'Cause Fs done spot my nigger.


L Cf. Home Again Blues, a popular phonograph piece.


Man's Song of Woman 151

My woman done fool me,
Everything gone wrong;
I ain't never gonna live
To sing dis song.

Jedge an' jury
Sentenced me to hang,
Jes' as lieve to go dere
As to go to de gang.

He Got My Gal

Come up Whitehall,
Run out 'Catur,
I'se boun' fer to fin' dat
Big black waiter.


He got my gal, he got my gal,
He got my gal, he got my gal,
I boun' now to git dat man.

He give her money,
He give her fine wear;
But when I finds dat waiter,
Watch out fer his hair.

She's Got Another Daddy

Bill Snipe's wife couldn't buy no coffin,
But 'hin' her veil I seen her laughin'.
She's got another daddy, Lawd,
She's got another daddy.

Bill's wife rid 'hin' de hearse,

She rid in a hack,

I kotch her grinnin' at her new daddy

Out'n a crack.

She's got another daddy, Lawd,

She's got another daddy.

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