The Valiant Soldier- Forbes (NC) 1934 Chappell B

The Valiant Soldier- Forbes (NC) 1934 Chappell B

[My title, from Folk-Songs of Roanoke and the Abermarle; Chappell; 1939, version B.

R. Matteson Jr. 2014]

B. [The Valiant Soldier] (Tom Forbes, Old Trap, NC 1934)

There was a soldier
That just came home from war;
He courted a fine lady
With various goods in store.

Her riches were so great
That they scarcely could be told,
And she said she loved the soldier
Because he was so bold"

It was down in the garden
Some flowers for to see;
Well, says the soldier,
My mind is to marry thee.

Well, says the lady,
And there will be some strife,
For I know within my own mind
That I can't be your wife.

So they'd just been to church,
And returning home again,
Met her cruel old father
With several armed men.

Saying, Daughter, O dear daughter,
Since you be the soldier's wife
All down in this low valley
We'll try to end your life.

Well, says the soldier,
Soldier I know I am,
I know I am a soldier
And I can cross the main.

He drew his sword and pistols,
Slung them to his side,
Said he would get married
Let what would betide.

 He drew his sword and pistols
And he caused them for to rattle;
The lady she held the horse
While the soldier fought the battle.

The first one he came to
He pierced him through the brain,
And the next one he came to
He served him the same.

Says one to another,
Before we are all slain,
For fighting the valiant soldier
I see it's all in vain.

We1l, says the old man;
If you'll just but hold
You can have my daughter
And ten thousand pounds in gold.

Fight on, cries the lady,
The portion is too small,
Hold your tongue, says the old man,
And you can have it all.

He took them on behind him,
He called them his heirs;
'Twas not out of friendship,
'Twas only by feard.

Come all you young ladies,
With your money laid up in store,
Never slight a soldier
Because sometimes he's poor.

A soldier is a soldier,
So jolly, brisk, and free,
And. so willing will he fight
For his love's liberty.


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