The Sea Captain- Willam Larkin (Illinois) 1866
[From: The Old Album of William A. Larkin by Ruth Ann Musick; The Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 60, No. 237 (Jul. - Sep., 1947), pp. 201-251. Musick's notes follow:
R. Matteson 2012, 2104]
This is sometimes called "The Maid on Shore" or "The Maiden Who Dwelt by the Shore" and is included in Mackenzie, pp. 74-75; Greenleaf and Mansfield, pp. 63-64; Belden, pp. 107-109.
The Sea Captain- written by William A. Larkin; Peking Illinois; June the 12th, 1866 [Spelling original- unedited]
1. There was a fair damsel so crossed in love
That she was deep in despair oh
No care could she find to ease her sick mind
And she wandered alone on the shore oh shore, (repeat)
2. There was a sea captain who ploud the main
The sea it was cam and clear oh
I shall die I die was this captains reply
If I dont git that maiden so fair oh fair
3. What shall I give to you my jolly sea boys
What shall I give to you oh
Some projgect of art has come in to her heart
And she wanders alone on the shore oh shore
4. Hour captain got jewels our captims got rings
Hour captains got costly ware oh
If you will come on board wee will suit if we can
And wee will give you a sailler on shore oh shore
5. I have got no monney this damsell replied
To by of your costly ware oh
Hour captain he is kind he will trust you a while
Till he meets you again on the shore oh shore
6. By many persuasions this maid came on board
The sea it was calm and clear oh
He invited her down to the cabin below
Oh fare you well sorrow and care oh care
7. I will sing you a song if you think it fit
The captain he set her a chair oh
She sang so sweet so neete and complete
She sang all of the sailler to sleep oh sleep
8. She took ove there jewels she took over there rings
She took ove there costly ware oh
She took the captains broad sword in the place
To padle her boat to the shore oh shore
9. Oh were my men mad or were my men drunk
Or were they so deep in despair oh
That they let her go away with her beauty so gay
Singing fare you well sorrow and care oh care
10. Your men were not mad nor were your men drunk
Now were they so deep in despair
I begiled in your men as I did your heart
And I am again a maiden on shore oh shore