The Sea Captain- Brown (NS) pre1928 Mackenzie B
[From Ballads and Sea Songs from Nova Scotia, 1928 by William Roy Mackenzie, version B.
R. Matteson 2014]
B. "The Sea Captain." From the singing and recitation of Miss Greta Brown, River John, Pictou County, Nova Scotia, pre-1928.
There was a sea captain that followed the sea.
Let the winds blow high or blow low, boys.
"I will die, I will die," was the seaman's reply,
"If I don't get that maid from the shore, shore,
If I don't get that maid from the shore!"
One night at the ocean he took her on board,
The captain he gave her a share O.
He gave her big gun from the cabin below.
And farewell all sorrow and care, care,
And farewell all sorrow and care.
3 The night being so still and the water so calm,
She sat on the stern of the ship O.
Her voice was so sweet, so neat and complete,
She sang seamen and captain to sleep, sleep,
She sang seamen and captain to sleep.
She took off his jewels, she took off his ring,
She took off his gosbear to wear O.
She took his broadsword for to make her an oar,
And she paddled her way to the shore, shore,
And she paddled her way to the shore.
"O was your men mad, or was your men drunk?
Or was your men deep in despair O?
But to let me roam all alone by the shore,
I'm a maid most again on the shore, shore,
I'm a maid most again on the shore!"