The Riddle Song- Wilson (KY) 1917 Sharp A
[From English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians; Sharp/Karpeles 1932. Version A
R. Matteson 2012, 2014]
THE RIDDLE SONG- Mrs. Wilson (Pineville, KY) 1917 Sharp A
* [see note below]

I gave my love a cherry that has no stones,
I gave my love a chicken that has no bones,
I gave my love a ring that has no end,
I gave my love a baby that's no cryen.
How can there be a cherry that has no stones?
How can there be a chicken that has no bones?
How can there be a ring that has no end?
How can there be a baby that's no cryen?
A cherry, when it's blooming, it has no stones,
A chicken when it's pipping, it has no bones,
A ring when it's rolling, it has no end,
A baby when it's sleeping, there's no cryen.
* the text with the music varies slightly from Sharp's collected text.