The Little Yellow Dog- Ingenthron (Mo.) 1941 Randolph B; Max Hunter C
[This was collected and recorded by Randolph in 1941 (Randolph B). Randolph's music is in 3/4 time and different but similar to the music below from Lyle Lofgren's article. Ingenthron also recorded a version for Max Hunter in 1958- this time it's titled: What Is That Blood On Your Coat Sleeve?- listen here:
R. Matteson 2012]
THE LITTLE YELLOW DOG- Recorded by Charles Ingenthron of Walnut Shade, Missouri in 1941, and published by the Library of Congress Archive of Folk Song on their LP album L-12 (available in cassette, perhaps reissued by Rounder). Randolph B. Bertrand Bronson, (Ingenthron's is his 6B), wrote it in a mix of 3/2 and 2/2. Republished: Inside Bluegrass, February 1998 by Lyle Lofgren. Below see Ingenthron's 1958 version recorded by Max Hunter.

Oh, what's that stain on your shirt sleeve?
Son, please come tell me."
"It is the blood of my little yellow dog
That followed after me."
"It is too pale for your little yellow dog.
Son, please come tell me."
"It is the blood of my little yellow horse
That I rode to town today."
"It is too pale for your little yellow horse.
Son, please come tell me."
"It is the blood of my own brother dear,
That rode by the side of me."
"Oh, what did you fall out about?
Son, please come tell me."
"We fell out about a sprout
That might have made a tree."
"Oh, what will you do when your father comes home?
Son, please come tell me."
I'll step on board of *yandro ship
And sail across the sea."
"Oh, what will you do with Katy dear?
Son, please come tell me."
"I'll take her on board of *yandro ship
To bear me company."
"Oh when will you come back, my dear?
Son, please come tell me."
"When the sun rises, never to set,
And you know, that'll never be."
*usually "yonders" or "yonder". Randolph has "yondo."
Max Hunter Folk Song Collection
What Is That Blood On Your Coat Sleeve?- As sung by Mr. C. W. Ingenthron, Walnut Shade, Missouri on November 19, 1958. The title makes no sense since it's not part of the song. Hunter was aware that Ingenthron recorded the song under "The Yellow Dog" title and perhaps considered "What Is That Blood?" a safe generic title to avoid copyright restrictions.

[Listen here:]
VERSE 1: O, what's that stain, on your shirt sleeve
Son, please come tell me
It tis the blood of my little yella dog
That followed after me
It tis to pale for your little yella dog
Son, please come tell me
It tis the blood of my little yella hoss
That I rode to town today
It tis to pale for your little yella hoss
Son, please come tell me
It tis the blood of my own brother, dear
That rode by the side of me
VERSE 4: O, what did you fall-out about
Son, please come tell me
We fell out about a sprout
That might have made a tree
VERSE 5: O, what will you do, when your Father comes home
Son, please come tell me
I'll step on board of yondos ship
And sail across th sea
VERSE 6: O, what will you do with Katy, dear
Son, please come tell me
I'll take her on board of yondos ship
To beare me company
O, when will you come back, my dear
Son, please come tell me
When th sun rises, never to set
And you kvow that'll never be
*usually "yonders" or "yonder". Randolph has "yondo."
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