Sailor Boy- Jessie MacDonald (Aber) 1968 Hall

Sailor Boy- Jessie MacDonald (Aber) 1968 Hall

[Fragment from School of Scottish Studies; Original Tape ID - SA1954.074. Recorded by - Peter Hall in Jan. 1968.;jsessionid=CF74C3EB7C32CFA12948978938BB4971

R. Matteson 2017]

Sailor Boy- sung by Jessie MacDonald (b. 1885) of Braemar, Aberdeenshire.  Recorded by - Peter Hall in Jan. 1968.

Oh its father, father give me a boat,
For its on the ocean that I may float.
And ev'ry strange ship I do  pass by,
I'll make inquiry for my darling boy.

I was not long sailin' o'er the deep,
Till a man o' war ship that I chanced to meet,
"Oh captain, captain come tell me true,
Does my love Billie sail on board with you?"

What kind of clothes does your Billie wear?
What was the colour of Billie's hair?
His . . .[tape stops]