My Willie Boy- Jimmy MacBeath (Moray) 1952 REC
[From School of Scottish Studies; Original Tape ID - SA1952.028.
R. Matteson 2017]
My Willie Boy- sung by Jimmy MacBeath (1894- 1972) of Moray on October 10, 1952, who learned the song from his mother and regrets not having more of it.
Oh father, father build me a boat,
For on the ocean I will float.
And ev'ry man-o'-war pass by,
It's I will inquire for my Willie boy.
I'd hadn't sailed so very far,
Whne I met up with a man-o'-war,
Oh captain, captain come tell me true,
Is my dear Willie asboard with you?
what kind of clothes does your Willie wear?
What kind is your Willie's hair?
His hair is black and his eyes is blue,
He wears a suit of the navy blue.
I doubt, I doubt and I drather fear,
That your true Willie is no more here
Last night, last night when the wind blew high,
We lost your Willie off the topmast high.
She wrung her hand and tore her hair,
Liken a lady[1] in deep despair
And ev'ry tear and ev'ry tear she dried,
O Willie dear don't leave me here to die.
1. laydi? lion?