Sailing Trade- Kate Mitchell (Aber) c.1909 Grieg B

Sailing Trade- Kate Mitchell (Aber) c.1909 Grieg B

[My date, location. From The Greig-Duncan Folk Song Collection - Volume 8 - page 516 by Patrick N. Shuldham-Shaw, ‎Emily B. Lyle - 2002. Song No. 1245

R. Matteson 2017]

B. The Sailing Trade- sung by Miss Kate Mitchell of Aberdeenshire[1] circa 1909. Collected by Gavin Greig.

The sailing trade it's a wearied life
It has robbed me of my heart's delight
It has left me in deep tears to mourn
Still thinking on my love's return.

Oh where he is I canna tell,
Nor in whose arms my true love dwells
But them that enjoys him at this time
Enjoys the fairest of all mankind.

Oh father, father build me a boat
That on the sea I may gently float
And view the French ships as they pass by
And make inquiries for my sailor boy.

She had not sailed long on the deep
When a fleet of French ships she chanced to meet,
Oh sailors, sailors, come tell me true
Does my love Billy sail alang wi' you?

What clothing does your Billy wear.
And what's the colour of his hair?
His trousers white and his jacket blue
And his curly locks they hang o'er his broo.

But cries the captain I rather fear
Your Billy dear is drowned I hear;
For the very last night as the wind blew high
We lost a charming young sailor boy.

Oh sailors, sailors, go all in black
Oh sailors, sailors go mournfully,
Tie a black silk scarf to your top-mast high
And a mourning go for my sailor boy.

She called for paper. she called long
She called for paper to write a song
At every line she dropped a tear
And at every verse she cried Billy dear.

She wrung her hands and she tore her hair
She beat herself in her despair
Till overboard her body thrown
What way could she live and her Billy gone.

1. My guestimation of the location


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