Sailor Boy- Annie Ritchie (Aber) 1908 Greig C

Sailor Boy- Annie Ritchie (Aber) 1908 Greig C

[My date, location. From The Greig-Duncan Folk Song Collection - Volume 8 - page 516 by Patrick N. Shuldham-Shaw, ‎Emily B. Lyle - 2002. Song No. 1245

R. Matteson 2017]

C. Sailor Boy - sung by Miss Annie Ritchie of Aberdeenshire[1], c. 1908 collected by Gavin Grieg.

1. O sailors, sailors build me a boat
On yon wide ocean that I may float
To view the tall ships as they pass by
That I may enquire for my sailor boy.

2. O father, father build me a boat
Upon the ocean that I may float
For the very last night as the wind ran high
We lost a fine young sailor boy.

3. O Nancy, Nancy your love's nae here
He is drowned I greatly fear
Last night's gale when the winds blew high
We lost a fine young sailor boy.

4. O sailors, sailors, go dress in black
O sailors, sailors you'll mourn for that
Put a black flag on your top-mast high
You've lost a fine young sailor boy.

5. O sailors, sailors, come tell me true
If my true love Willie sails on board wi' you.

1. my best guess at location