The Resurrected Sweetheart- Cottrell (KY) Niles B
[The title was surely supplied by Niles. From The Ballad Book of John Jacob Niles; 1961. This could be traditional- or it could be an arrangement from tradition- as always it's hard to tell with Niles who admitted "arranging" ballad (Wilgus).
This version is similar to Niles A also from Kentucky.
R. Matteson 2012, 2015]
The Resurrected Sweetheart- Sung by Cisslie Graves & Granny Cottrell (near Pineville, KY) Niles B
1. The wind blew east the wind blew west
Hit rained small drops of rain
I had one love and only one
And she in the grave has lain,
And she in the grave has lain.
2. Ah, weep your tear and make a moan,
As many a gay youth may,
And sit and grieve upon her grave,
For a season and a day.
(repeat last line of each verse)
3. And when the season's past and gone,
The fair young maid did say,
"What man is weeping on my grave,
The night and most the day?"
4, " 'Tis I, 'tis I, my fair Young love,
Who can no longer sleep,
For want of a kiss of your darling lips,
The day and the night I seek."
5. "Cold clay I am, my lips cold clay,
To kiss them would be wrong,
For if You go against God's law,
Your time will not be long'
6. "See there, see there, the sun has set,
The day has passed fore'er,
You cannot bring it back again,
BY foul means or by fair.
7. "See there, alas, the garden green,
Where often we did walk,
The fairest flower that e'er was seen
Is withered at the stalk.
8. "Our own hearts, too, will die, my love,
And like the stalk decay,
So all that you can do, my love,
Is to wait Your dyin' day."
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