Rained A Mist- Gilbert (AR) 1969 Max Hunter

Rained A Mist- Gilbert (AR) 1969 Max Hunter

[From The Max Hunter Folksong Collection. A nearly identical version of this was recorded by Alan Lomax from Mrs. Gilbert (see Bronson 35).

R. Matteson 2013, 2015]

Rained A Mist
[1]  - As sung by Ollie Gilbert, Mountain View, Arkansas on May 26, 1969; Max Hunter Folk Song Collection
Listen: http://maxhunter.missouristate.edu/songinformation.aspx?ID=0751

It rained a mist, it rained all day
Two little boys went out to play
Went out on the grass to play, play, play
Went out on the grass to play

Th first ball tossed, it was too high
Th next 'un was to low
Th next 'un was in a jewels[2] room
Where no one's allowed to go, go, go
Where no one's allowed to go

Out stepped a Jew all dressed so fine
Come in, come in, she called
Come in, come in, you brave little lad
An' you may have your ball, ball, ball
An' you may have your ball

I won't come, I'll not come in
I won't come in your hall
For he who passes through your hall
Will never get out at all, all, all
Will never get out at all

Th first she showed 'im was a gold ring
Th next 'un was gold pin
Th next she showed 'im all fine things
To invite the little lad in, in, in
To invite the little lad in

She taken him by his little hand
An' led 'im thru the hall
An' down in cellar dark an' deep
Where no one heerd him call, call, call,
Where no one heerd him call

She pinned a napkin o'er his face
An' pinned it with gold pin
Then called for a vessel of gold
To catch his heart blood in, in, in,
To catch his heart blood in

Go dig my grave both long an' wide
Go dig my grave for me
An' when my playmates calls for me
Tell them that I do sleep, sleep, sleep,
Tell them that I do sleep

Go place my songbook[3] at my feet
My Bible at my head
An' when my parents calls for me
Tell them their little boy's dead, dead, dead
Tell them their little boy's dead

1. It Rained a Mist (title as sung by Mrs. Gilbert)
2. Jew's (See also Mrs. Gilbert's version)
3. pslam-book

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