Outlandish Knight- Parsons (Dev) 1888 Baring-Gould B

Outlandish Knight- Parsons (Dev) 1888 Baring-Gould B

[From Baring Gould MSS, Bronson has stanzas 6 and 7 reversed. Lines 3 and 4 reversed with 1 and 2 in stanza 11.

R. Matteson 2018]

Outlandish Knight- Taken down from Jas. Parsons, Lew Down. The first time he sang it he omitted verses 8 – 10. He could not recall conclusion of v. 11 & he repeated at end last lines of v. 16 varying the final line; later on he recalled it.

1.​ An outlandish knight from the Northern land
He said he would marry me.
He said he would take me to the far, far land
And there he would wed with me.

2.​ O fetch me some of your father's gold
And some of your mother's fee
And two of the best of your father's nags
That stand by thirty & three.

3.​ Then up & she mounts on her milk white steed
And he on his dapple-grey.
They rode till they came to the sea-seaside
Three hours before 'twas day.

4.​ Light off! light off thy milk white steed
And deliver it unto me.
For six pretty maids have I drowned here,
And the seventh thou shall be.

5.​ Pull off, pull off thy silken gown
And deliver it unto me.
For I reckon it be too fine & gay
To rot in the salt, salt sea.

6. ​Pull off, pull off thy silken stays
And deliver them unto me.
For I reckon they be too fine & gay
To rot in the salt, salt sea.

7. ​Pull off, pull off thy holland smock
And deliver it unto me
For I reckon it be too fair & fine
To rot in the salt, salt sea.

8.​ If I must pull off my holland smock
Pray turn thy back to me.
For it is not fit for a lady like me
A naked woman to be.

9. ​If I must pull off my holland smock
Pray turn thy back on me.
For it is not fit an outlandish thief
All naked me should see.

10. ​O then he turned his back on her
And looked upon green tree
That she might pull off her holland smock
And that her he might not see.

11.​ As he turned his back on the fair lady
A viewing the leaves so green.
Then she caught him by his middle small
And she threw him into the stream

12. ​He dropp-ed high, he dropp-ed low,
Until he came to the side.
Catch hold of my hand my lady dear
I'll make thee my lawful bride.

13. Lie there, lie there thou false hearted man,
Lie there instead of me.
Six pretty maids hast thou drowned here
But the seventh has drowned thee.

14.​ Then up she mounted her milk white steed
And she led the dapple grey.
She rode till she came to her father's house
Two hours before the day.

15.​ The parrot was up in the window high
And laughed so shrill & did say
I'm afraid some ruffian here has been
And led my sweet lady away.

16.​ Don't prittle & prattle, my pretty parrot
Nor tell any tales of me.
Your cage shall be made of the glittering gold
Although it was made of a tree.
Your cage shall be made of the glittering gold
And the door of best ivory.


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