Outlandish Knight- E. Glew (Sus) c1957 Plunkett
[From: Roud Folksong Index (S363733), Plunkett Collection (Sussex Texts typescript), not the standard Outlandish text, title is wrong.
R. Matteson 2018]
Outlandish Knight- Ernest Glew of Sussex about 1957. Collector, Mervyn Plunkett. [incomplete]
1. It's of a knight in the west country
Courted a lady gay
And it's all 'is and was set to do,
To entice the lady away.
2. Go fetch me some of your mother's bright gold
And some of your father's fees,
Two of the best nags got out of the stable
Where they stand thirty and three.
3. She fetched some of your mother's bright gold
And some of her father's fees,
Two of the best nags got out of the stable
Where they stood thirty and three.
4. He mounted upon her milk white steed
He rode the dapper grey,
5. Mount off[1] mount off, that milk white steed,
And deliver it up to me.
6. Take off, take off that fine holland slip
Deliver it unto me,
7. Now if I'm to take off mt fine holland slip
Pray turn your back unto me,
8. He turn'd 'imself around and around,
A-viewing the banks so green
She caught him by the middle so small
An tumble 'im into the stream.
9. Now he swum 'igh and he swum low,
Until he came to the brim,
Pray take 'old of my 'and my fair lady
And my bride thous shall be.
10. "Oh no, oh no, that shall never be,
Lie there instead of me,
For it's six pretty maid you have drowned here,
And now I've drowned thee.
11. She mounted on the milk white steed,
She rode til she came to her own father's house,
12. "What now, what now, my pretty Polly,
What now, what now," cries she
"Oh that pretty white cat in the window high,
I was thinking she might catch me."
1. originally "hoff"
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