Little Matthy Groves- Stockton (TN) 1916 Sharp E
[My title. Fragment (2 stanzas) from Sharp/Campbell English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians I. Also in Sharp/Karpeles 1932, p. 161-182, versions A-Q. Notes from 1932 edition and notes from Sharp's diary follow.
R. Matteson 2012, 2015]
1932 Edition Notes: No. 23. Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard.
Texts without tunes:— Child s English and Scottish Popular Ballads, No. 81. Reed Smith's South Carolina Ballads, p. 125. Cox's Folk Songs of the South, p. 94. Journal of American Folk-Lore, xxiii. 371; xxv. 182.
Texts with tunes:—Rimbault's Musical Illustrations of Percy's Reliques, p. 92. Chappel's Popular Music of the Olden Times, i. 170. MotherwelJ's Minstrelsy,
Appendix, tune No. 21. W. R. Mackenzie's Ballads and Sea Songs of Nova Scotia, No. 8. Wyman and Brockway's Twenty Kentucky Mountain Songs, pp. 22 and 62. Journal of American Folk-Lore, xxx. 309. British Ballads from Maine, p. 150. Davis's Traditional Ballads of Virginia, pp. 289 and 577.
Sharp diary 1916 page 267. Monday 4 September 1917 - Rocky Fork: Went off early in search of Jeff Stockton on Hogskins Creek. Made a muff shot first & called on Mrs Henry Stockton but afterwards ran Jeff to earth next door. Turned out to be a very fine singer who gave me 17 songs. Stopped from 10 — 3.30 dining with him his wife & daughter at 12 — not so bad a business as usual. Then home and wrote out most of my songs before bed time. Packed ready for early start to Alleghany in the morning.
Little Matthy Groves- Stockton- Sharp E

1. It's holi, holi, holiday,
The very first day in the year,
Little Matthy Groves went to church,
The Holy Word to hear, hear,
The Holy Word to hear.
2. If I am Lord Thomas's wife,
Lord Thomas is not at home;
He's gone away to his false taverin,
His 'prentiss for to see.