False Knight Upon the Road- Richardson and Wickens (NS) 1950 Creighton

False Knight Upon the Road- Richardson and Wickens (NS) 1950 Creighton

[From Traditional Songs from Nova Scotia; Senior and Creighton, 1950. The title is the generic Child title.

R. Matteson 2014]

False Knight upon the Road- Evelyn Richardson and Anne Wickens; pre1950; Nova Scotia. Melody transcribed by Margaret Sargent [music upcoming]

1. "Oh where are you going?" said the False Knight to the child in the road,
"I'm going to school," said the pretty little girl,
But still she stood in the road

2. "What do you go to school for?" said the False Knight, to the child in the road.
"To learn to read," said the pretty little girl,
But still she stood in the road.

3. "What do you learn to read for?" said the False Knight, to the child in the road.
"To keep me from hell, " said the pretty little girl,
But still she stood in the road.

4. "There is no hell," said the False Knight, to the child in the road.
"I believe you lie," said the pretty little girl,
But still she stood in the road.


T:False Knight upon the Road
T:The Fause Knight upon the Road
O:Creighton and Senior, Igio, p.Y Sung by Evelyn Richardson
O:and Anne Wickens. Melody transcribed by Margaret Sargent.
N:Child 3
K:Glyd % Hexatonic ( -7) irregular (Bronson has Pi 1 + sharpened fourth)
C | G2 G>A | [M:3/4] G>G C>D G2 |
w:Oh where are you go-ing," said the False
[M:2/4] G2 G>G | G2 G>A | [M:3/4] G4 G2 | [M:2/4] AA A2 |
w:Knight to the child in the road, I'm go-ing to
A2 G>A | B>B B>B | B2- B3/ E/ | D2 G2 | G2 G>G | G4 |]
w:school, said the pret-ty lit-tle girl,* But still she stood in the road.
W:"Oh where are you going," said the False Knight
W:to the child in the road,
W:"I'm going to school," said the pretty little girl,
W:But still she stood in the road.
W:"What do you go to school for?" said the False Knight,
W:to the child in the road.
W:"To learn to read," said the pretty little girl,
W:But still she stood in the road.
W:"What do you learn to read for?" said the False Knight,
W:to the child in the road.
W:To keep me from hell," said the pretty little girl,
W:But still she stood in the road.
W:"There is no hell," said the False Knight,
W:to the child in the road.
W:"I believe you lie," said the pretty little girl,
W:But still she stood in the road.

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