Death- Songs & Ballads from Overton Co.
[Some individual texts for songs in this chapter are attached to this page on the left hand column. Links from this page may be done at a later date.
I've made a recording of George Collins (Child 85) playing Nathan Hicks c. 1934 dulcimer- Listen: [George Colon] Performers: Richard L. Matteson Jr. -dulcimer, with Kara Pleasants- vocal, and Zach Matteson- fiddle, in December 2011. Recorded by Bob Hitchcock Dec. 2011.
I've also done a painting of John Henry (see below).
R. Matteson 2014]
This chapter deals with death in two major ways: first, as a welcome guest; second, as a tragedy. Those who welcome death do it for two reasons: as a release from suffering; and as an opportunity for meeting loved ones. When death comes as tragedy it may come accidentally, through betrayal, or to someone who is unprepared to face it. These are the tragic viewpoints found.
The Blind Child
Little Bessie
The Orphan Girl
The Dying Girl's Message
The Dying Girl's Message (Dying Nun's Message)
Two Little Orphans
Two Little Orphans (2)
Row Me Over The Tide
A Drunkard's Child
A Beautiful Chair
Faded Flowers
Musician's Harp
Dreaming of the Loved Ones
The Wreck of the Old '97
The Wreck of the Old Ninety-Seven (2)
True and Trembling Brakeman
True and Trembling Brakeman (2)
Engine one Forty-Three
The Wreck of Number Nine
Death of John Henery [sic]
A Dream of a Miner's Child
Fate of Floyd Collins
Little Mary Fagan
Kitty Wells
The Girl I Left in Sunny Tennessee
George Collins (Child 85)
Laura's Grave
Put My Little shoes Away
The Letter Edged in Black
Baggage Coach Ahead
He is Coming To Us Dead
My Buddy
The Life of Jimmie Rogers [sic]
Death of Jimmie Rogers [sic]
Johnson and Dickson
Don't Go Out Tonight, My Darling
Conversation With Death

JOHN HENRY- Excerpt of a painting by Richard Matteson Jr.