William Ismael- Atwood (Vermont) pre-1919

William Ismael- Atwood (Vermont) pre-1919

[From Songs from the Hills of Vermont; Sturgis, 1919. James Atwood who died ten years after the book was published was born March 7, 1845 and his father was born in the late 1700s. The date is considerably older than 1919. This is the only extant version of the this ballad which is related to Captain Glen and also Child 57. Apparently it is derived from "The Downfall of William Grisman" (1650 broadside).

R. Matteson 2012, 2014]

"A tragedy in England that happened over 200 years ago" are the words that appear below the tiled of Mrs. Sturgis' copy of James Atwood's text. This is a rare version of "William Guiseman" sung by Fred Atwood with a tune identical of that of James.

William Ismael
- Atwood (Vermont) pre-1919

1. Come all you wicked young men, come hear what I can tell,
My name is William Ismael, in London I did dwell.
I've lately done some murder and that was known full well,
And it's for my offence[1] I must die.

2. It was of a farmer's daughter, who lived to me near by,
I promised for to marry her, I cannot tell you why.
I often called to see her, my mind to satisfy,
And it's for my offence I must die.

3. With flattering words I enticed her into the field of doom,
And when we both together into that field did come,
We walked around together and then we both sat down,
And it's for my offence I must die.

4. She was the fairest maiden I e'er saw in my life,
And if I had not murdered her she would have been my wife.
I cut her throat, I killed her, she loved me as her life,
And it's for my offence I must die.

5. Three days she lay uncovered before that she was found,
Until some people searched all o'er the briary ground.
Three days she lay uncovered, all with her bloody wound,
And it's for my offence I must die.

6. And when I heard that she was found, to the water I did go,
And shipped myself on board to clear myself so,
But God He would not suffer me to flee the country so,
And it's for my offence I must die.

7. "Here is some wicked young man," the Captain he did say,
"Who has shipped himself on board that we can't sail away.
"So I'll return on shore again, here I'll no longer stay,"
And it's for my offence I must die.

8. It was near west of Stratford that I was caught at last,
And into Stratford prison directly I was cast,
And carried up to London to answer what was past.
And it's for my offence I must die.

9. Now all you wicked people, a warning take by me,
My sins have grown so heinous that they can't pardoned be,
And now for your example hang on the gallows tree.
And it's for my offence I must die.

1. This is the original spelling.


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