The Trooper and the Maid- Rice (NC) 1916 Sharp A
[This version was collected in the same location, Madison County NC as Dillard Chandler's version, hence the similar text. The first verse is irregular.]
From: English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians; 1917
Notes: No. 37. The Trooper and the Maid.
Texts without tunes:—Child, No. 299.
Texts with tunes:—Christie's Traditional Ballad Airs, ii., 210. Songs of the West, 2nd ed., No. 65.
No. 37 The Trooper and the Maid- Mrs. Tom Rice; NC, 1916; Sharp A

1. Feed your horse we're able,
"Here's oats and corn for you, young man;
To feed your horse, we're able."
2. She took him by his lily-white hand
And led him to the table,
"Here's cake and wine for you, young man;
Eat and drink, we're able.'
3 She pulled off her lily-white gown
And laid it on the table.
The soldier off with his uniform
And into the bed with the lady.
4 They hadn't been laying in bed but one hour
When he heard the trumpet sound.
She cried out with a thrilling cry:
O Lord, O Lord, I'm ruined.