The Mermaid- Barlow (KY) 1933 Niles B

The Mermaid- Barlow (KY) 1933 Niles B

[From The Ballad Book- John Jacob Niles. The third stanza is very unusual (as it relates to Child A stanza 3) and is found only in Niles (as far as I know) in Sharp B. Also unusual is the -o added to the end.

R. Matteson 2014]

The Mermaid- Sung by Bill Barlow- Jenkins, KY; 1933; Niles B

1. Oh, the stormy winds do blow
With the landlubbers down below,
And the sailor-men a-climbin' to the top
To haul in the riggin'-o.

2. 'Twas Sunday night, our sails were set,
We hardly cleared the land-o,
When we spied a mermaid a-swimmin' by,
A comb and a glass in her hand-o.

3. The captain plumbed with a lead and a line
He plumbed for to reach the sand-o,
While the winds and the waves did toss and roar.
We knew we'd never see land-o.

4. Then three times 'round went our gallant ship,
And three times more went she,
And the mate and the cabin boy said goodbye
As we sank in the salt, salt sea.


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