Sweet Sixteen- Flora Lassiter c. 1890s

Sweet Sixteen- Flora Lassiter c. 1890s

[This version, based on an unknown parlor song from the 1800s, is rare. It was learned in the late 1800s by Flora Lassiter McDowell and is the first record of this song. Two versions appear in The Whorehouse Bells Were Ringing and Other Songs Cowboys Sing by Guy Logsdon (1995) from before 1976 (collected by Logsdon from Riley Neal);  a copy of this song is found in the Lomax papers probably from before 1940.

R. Matteson 2014]


1. Come all you little girls and listen to my song,
I'll sing a few verses it won't detain you long.
It's about the little girls they are often to be seen
Long about the time they are sweet sixteen.

2. First [they] begin to comb, then for the lace
They will make artificals to wear on the face;
But although their necks are very clean,
Long about the time they are sweet sixteen.

3. First, [they] begin to comb, then for the lace,
They will make tight bands to wear around the waist;
But although their necks are very clean,
Long about the time they are sweet sixteen!

4. Then to Sunday School and Church they will run,
Laugh and talk about the boys Just to have a little fun
Laugh and talk about the boys and say they are so green
Long about the time they are sweet sixteen!

5. Then to Sunday School and Church they will run,
Laugh and talk about the boys just to see a little fun ;
Laugh and talk about the boys, although behind their back
If they had a half a chance they would give then all a sack.

6. Then up to oners side will go home with you this night,
She will kindly say "No," but her actions prove it right!
She will stare you in the face; look saucy as a queen,
Long about the time they are€ sweet sixteen!

7. Then lay your arm around her neck as many would do,
They'll all strike at you, but they're sure to miss you too;
Then they'll forget it all and on you they will lean,
Long about the time they are sweet sixteen.

Mrs. McDowell distinctly remembers singing this song for some visitors at her home when she was a little child, but she does not remember who taught it to her.


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