Recordings & Info 44. The Twa Magicians

Recordings & Info 44. The Twa Magicians

[There are no known traditional US & Canadian versions. According to Coffin, 1950:

Barry, Brit Bids Me, 442 reports that an Islesford, Maine woman recognized, but could not repeat, the Child Buchan Mss, text. See also the Barry Mss. in the Harvard University Library.

The Child Collection includes "Hares on the Mountains," my 44 Appendix.

R. Matteson 2012]


 1) Alternative Titles 
 2) Traditional Ballad Index
 3) Child Collection
 4) As recorded by Steeleye Span
ATTACHED PAGES: (see left hand column)
  1) Roud Number 1350: Twa Magicians (30 listings) 

Alternative Titles

The Two Magicians
Coal Black Smith
The Lady and the Blacksmith

Traditional Ballad Index: Twa Magicians, The [Child 44]

DESCRIPTION: A (blacksmith) sees a girl who pleases him, and sets out to sleep with her. She tries to foil him with magic transformations, but he proves as sorcerous as she, and gains her maidenhead
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1828 (Buchan)
KEYWORDS: magic seduction rape shape-changing
FOUND IN: Britain(England,(Scotland(Aber))
REFERENCES (10 citations):
Child 44, "The Twa Magicians" (1 text)
Bronson 44, "The Twa Magicians" (1 version plus 11 versions of "Hares on the Mountain")
GreigDuncan2 334, "The Twa Magicians" (1 fragment)
BarryEckstormSmyth pp. 442-445, "The Two Magicians" (notes plus a copy of Buchan's text and a stanza of "Hares on the Mountain")
Leach, pp. 152-154, "The Twa Magicians" (1 text)
PBB 25, "The Twa Magicians" (1 text)
Sharp-100E 20, "The Two Magicians" (1 text, 1 tune) {Bronson's #1}
DBuchan 47, "The Twa Magicians" (1 text)
ADDITIONAL: Bob Stewart, _Where Is Saint George? Pagan Imagery in English Folksong_, revised edition, Blandford, 1988, p. 40, "The Two Magicians" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #1350
A. L. Lloyd, "Two Magicians" (on Lloyd3, BirdBush1, BirdBush2) [tune by Lloyd]
cf. "Hares on the Mountain" (theme)
cf. "Les Metamorphoses (Metamorphoses)" (theme)
NOTES: Sharp bowdlerizes "gain my maidenhead" to "change my maiden name" (!) -PJS
Bronson believes that the ballad "Hares on the Mountain" is a very-much-worn-down version of this piece. This is, at best, currently beyond proof; personally, I don't believe it.
The idea of gaining a lover who is changing shape has ancient roots. We find it in Ovid's "Metamorphoses," where Peleus (the father of Achilles) finds Thetis in a cave and attempts to couple with her. To defeat him, she turns into a bird, a tree, and a tigress. The latter scares him off, but eventually he catches her while asleep (XI.225ff.; the story also occurs in Quintus of Smyrna's account of the War with Troy, book III, starting around line 620). And Zeus, of course, used myriad guises to gain access to women. For other examples, see Emily Lyle, Fairies and Folk: Approaches to the Scottish Ballad Tradition, Wissenschaflicher Verlag Trier, 2007, p. 138.
Bob Stewart, p. 41, proposes an alternate explanation, that the song derives from early Christian legends of saints combatting shape-changing priests. In medieval Catholic England, it is true that these stories would likely have been better-known than Ovid. But the parallels are less close. In any case, it seems to me there are plenty of shape-changing tales in folklore which might provide the root of this song!
Lyle, p. 81, suggests that this is a "levelling" ballad, with the low-status blacksmith pursuing a member of (presumably) the gentry or even the nobility. Unfortunately, with so few substantial British texts to work from, I think this has to remain speculation. She also suggests (p. 82) that the song is a "conception story"-- that is, a tale of how some significant figure came to be born. I agree that it has many of the hallmarks of such a tale, but of course the drawback is that there is no hint in the extant versions that the lady becomes pregnant, let alone bears a noteworthy child. - RBW 

Child Collection 044: Two Magicians

044 A.L. Lloyd The Two Magicians The Acoustic Folk Box 2002 4:43 Yes
044 A.L. Lloyd The Two Magicians The Bird in the Bush - Traditional Songs of Love and Lust: Erotic Folk Song 1996 4:44 Yes
044 A.L. Lloyd The Two Magicians Classic A.L. Lloyd - Traditional Songs 1994 4:43 Yes
044 A.L. Lloyd The Two Magicians Troubadours of British Folk, Vol. 1: Unearthing the Tradition 1995 4:43 Yes
044 A.L. Lloyd The Two Magicians Three Score and Ten - A Voice to the People 2009 4:44 Yes
044 Allison Gross Twa Magicians Black Ballads 2003 5:56 Yes
044 Andrew Rowan Summers Hares on the Mountain Seeds of Love 1951  No
044 Annie Dodd Coal-Black Smith The Gwilym Davies Collection  No
044 Audrey Coppard Hares on the Mountain English Folk Songs 1956 1:36 Yes
044 Austin Wookey The Coal Black Smith Somerset Scrapbook - Songs, Stories and Music from the County of Somerset by Bob Patten - Accompanying Cassette 1987  No
044 Austin Wookey Coal Black Smith (1) Bob & Jacqueline Patten Collection 1970-1999  No
044 Austin Wookey Coal Black Smith (2) Bob & Jacqueline Patten Collection 1970-1999  No
044 Banish Misfortune The Two Magicians Freest Fancy 1980  No
044 Bell Duncan The Twa Magicians The James Madison Carpenter Collection 1927-1955  No
044 Bill Jones Bide Two Year Winter 2003 2:19 Yes
044 Blood Axis + In Gowan Ring Two Magicians Hand/Eye 2002 3:52 Yes
044 Blood Axis + In Gowan Ring Two Magicians Witch-Hunt - The Rites of Samhain 2001 3:47 Yes
044 Bob Fox & Stu Luckley The Two Magicians Box of Gold 1997 4:47 Yes
044 Bob Fox & Stu Luckley The Two Magicians Songs of Witchcraft & Magic - Songs & Ballads Compiled By the Museum of Witchcraft 2007  No
044 Bob Stewart The Two Magicians The Wraggle Taggle Gypsies O - Folksongs and Music of England and America Collected By Cecil Sharp 1976 2:17 Yes
044 Burl Ives Hares on the Mountain Philco's Friendly Troubadour - 20 Vintage Radio Broadcasts 1946-47 2004  No
044 Celtic Stone Two Magicians Digital Flashbacks: 1983-1990 1990 5:13 Yes
044 Charlie Showers Hares on the Mountain Bob & Jacqueline Patten Collection 1970-1999  No
044 Chris Wood Hares on the Mountain Albion – An Anthology 2009 5:27 Yes
044 Chris Wood & Andy Cutting Hares on the Mountain/Elizabeth Clare Lusignac 1995 5:21 Yes
044 Chris Wood & Andy Cutting Hares on the Mountain + Elizabeth Clare Live at Sidmouth 1995 5:21 Yes
044 Clishmaclaver Two Magicians Roots Entwined 1990 3:28 Yes
044 Coral Cadman Two Magicians String of Pearls 2005 3:54 Yes
044 Craig, Morgan, Robson Hares on the Mountain Stranded 2007  No
044 Craig, Morgan, Robson Twa Magicians Stranded 2007  No
044 Crows The Two Magicians Crows 1981 4:04 Yes
044 Damh the Bard The Two Magicians Tales from the Crow Man 2009 4:52 Yes
044 Damien Barber Hares on the Mountain The Furrowed Field 2000 3:33 Yes
044 Dave Swarbrick The Two Magicians Live at Jacksons Lane 1995 4:59 Yes
044 Dave Swarbrick Two Magicians Swarb! - Forty Five Years of Folk's Finest Fiddler - The Life and Music of Dave Swarbrick 2003 4:21 Yes
044 David Clauss & Robyn Llewellyn Two Magicians Celtic Stone 1983  No
044 Dorothy Bavey Hares on the Mountains Steve Gardham Collection 1970-1982 :46 Yes
044 Dorothy Bavey Two Magicians Steve Gardham Collection 1970-1982 3:52 Yes
044 Duncan Williamson The Lady and the Blacksmith Travellers' Tales Vol 1 - Songs, Stories & Ballads from Scottish Travellers 2005  No
044 Ernest Austin Hares on the Mountain + The Knife in the Window Flash Company - Traditional Singers from Suffolk and Essex 1974 3:21 Yes
044 Ewan MacColl The Twa Magicians Blood and Roses - Vol. 5 1986 4:28 Yes
044 Fourpenny Bridge The Two Magicians Etton Alive 1975  No
044 Frankie Armstrong Hares on the Mountain 'Till the Grass O'ergrew the Corn - A Collection of Traditional Ballads 1996 1:33 Yes
044 Frankie Armstrong, Sandra Kerr, Alison McMorland & Kathy Henderson Hares on the Mountain My Song Is My Own - Songs from Women Over the Centuries 1980  No
044 George Withers Coal Black Smith (1) Bob & Jacqueline Patten Collection 1970-1999  No
044 George Withers Coal Black Smith (2) Bob & Jacqueline Patten Collection 1970-1999  No
044 George Withers The Two Magicians Bob & Jacqueline Patten Collection 1970-1999  No
044 Gyron V Hares on the Mountain Traditionalist EP 2009
 No 044 Hilary Spencer Two Magicians Afterimage 2001 3:10 Yes
044 Horton Barker Hares on the Mountains Cumberland Gap - Maud Karpeles' Appalachian Collection 2 1976  No
044 Jacqui McShee's Pentangle Two Magicians Feoffees' Lands 2005 5:41 Yes
044 James Yorkston & The Big Eyes Family Players Hares on the Mountain Folk Songs [James Yorkston] 2009  No
044 James Yorkston & The Athletes Hares on the Mountain + Old Maid Tender to the Blues 2002 4:41 Yes
044 Jeff Wesley Hare on the Mountain Brisk and Bonny Lad - Songs from a Northamptonshire Farmer 1979  No
044 Jeff Wesley Hares on the Mountain It Was on a Market Day - English Traditional Folk Singers - Vol. 2 2002  No
044 Jeff Wesley Hares on the Mountain (1) John Howson Collection 1970-1995  No
044 Jeff Wesley Hares on the Mountain (2) John Howson Collection 1970-1995  No
044 John Langstaff Hares on the Mountain John Langstaff Sings - Archival Folk Collection 1949-1961 2004  No
044 John Langstaff Hares on the Mountain John Langstaff Sings the Lark in the Morning and Other Folksongs and Ballads 2004
044 John Langstaff The Two Magicians John Langstaff Sings the Lark in the Morning and Other Folksongs and Ballads 2004 2:11 Yes
044 John Langstaff Hares on the Mountain John Langstaff Sings the Lark in the Morning and Other Folksongs and Ballads 2004 1:26 Yes
044 John Roberts & Tony Barrand The Two Magicians Dark Ships in the Forest - Ballads of the Supernatural 1977 5:19 Yes
044 Jon Boden Two Magicians A Folk Song a Day - January 2011 4:17 Yes
044 Jonny Kearney & Lucy Farrell Hares on the Mountain BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards 2011 2011  No
044 Jonny Kearney & Lucy Farrell Hares on the Mountain The North Farm Sessions 2010  No
044 Jonny Kearney & Lucy Farrell Hares on the Mountain FAF Tracks 2011 4:17 Yes
044 KreK Hares on the Montain Charley's Farewell 2002 2:12 Yes
044 Martin Carthy The Two Magicians Martin Carthy 1965 3:27 Yes
044 Martin Carthy The Two Magicians Round Up 1970  No
044 Martin Carthy & Dave Swarbrick The Two Magicians Both Ears and the Tail 2000 3:52 Yes
044 Mary Humphreys & Anahata Hares on the Mountain Floating Verses 2005  No
044 Michael Morpurgo & Coope, Boyes & Simpson Hares on the Mountains Private Peaceful - the Concert 2006  No
044 Moira Cannon Two Magicians The Singing Silkie 2011  No
044 Na'Bodach Twa Magicians An Intelagent Design 2006 4:28 Yes
044 Oscar Brand and His Young Friends Two Magicians Trick or Treat - Halowe'en Celebrated in Story and Song 1979 1:47 Yes
044 Patterson, Jordan, Dipper Hares on the Mountain Flat Earth 2002 3:26 Yes
044 Pete Castle The Two Magicians Xtracted 1997  No
044 Ravens Two Magicians Rise with the Moon 1994 3:07 Yes
044 Ray Driscoll Hares on the Mountain Wild, Wild Berry - The Songs of Ray Driscoll 2008  No
044 Raymond Crooke Two Magicians <website> 2007- 4:58 Yes
044 Richard Hayes Phillips Hares on the Mountains/The Snows/Broomfield Hill Old as the Hills 2005  No
044 Richard Sanderson Hares on the Mountain Live at Scaledown Club, London 2006 3:23 Yes
044 Robin Hall & Jimmie MacGregor Hares on the Mountain Scotland, My Scotland [Tonight and Every Night] [Two Heids Are Better Than Yin!] 1997 2:00 Yes
044 Rosie Doonan & Ben Murray The Lusty Smith Mill Lane 2005 4:32 Yes
044 Scotch Measure The Twa Magicians Scotch Measure 1985 4:28 Yes
044 Seelie Court Hares on the Mountain Cobblestone 2007  No
044 Seriouskitchen Two Magicians On the Mash 2002  No
044 Shirley Collins Hares on the Mountain Sweet England 1999 1:36 Yes
044 Shirley Collins & Davy Graham Hares on the Mountain Folk Roots, New Routes 1964 3:00 Yes
044 Spinndrift The Two Magicians Far Distant 2010  No
044 Spriguns of Tolgus Twa Magicians Jack with a Feather 1992 4:02 Yes
044 Steeleye Span Hares on the Mountain Parcel of Rogues 1973 4:31 Yes
044 Steeleye Span Hares on the Mountain Live BBC 1974 3:27 Yes
044 Steeleye Span Hares on the Mountain Rarities & Verities 1998 3:45 Yes
044 Steeleye Span Hares on the Mountain A Parcel of Steeleye Span - Their First Five Chrysalis Albums 1972-1975 2009 4:31 Yes
044 Steeleye Span The Two Magicians Live BBC 1974 5:25 Yes
044 Steeleye Span Two Magicians Now We Are Six 1974 4:27 Yes
044 Steeleye Span Two Magicians Present - The Very Best of Steeleye Span 2002 4:32 Yes
044 Steeleye Span Two Magicians Live at a Distance 2009 4:33 Yes
044 Steeleye Span Two Magicians A Parcel of Steeleye Span - Their First Five Chrysalis Albums 1972-1975 2009 4:25 Yes
044 The Armstrong Family Hares on the Mountain, #1 The Wheel of the Year: Thirty Years with The Armstrong Family 1992 1:16 Yes
044 The Armstrong Family Hares on the Mountain, #2 The Wheel of the Year: Thirty Years with The Armstrong Family 1992 2:39 Yes
044 The City Waites The Two Magicians Sorcery and Spectres 1995  No
044 The City Waites The Two Magicians The English Tradition - 400 Years of Music & Song from Medieval Times to Queen Victoria 2000 2:28 Yes
044 The Garret Singers Hares on the Mountain The Garret Singers 1970  No
044 The High Level Ranters Hares on the Mountain The Lads of Northumbria 1969 3:21 Yes
044 The Merry Wives of Windsor The Two Magicians Our Revels Now Begin 2003 3:11 Yes
044 The Owl Service The Two Magicians The Petrifying Well 2008 3:31 Yes
044 The Owl Service The Two Magicians Wake the Vaulted Echo 2006 3:34 Yes
044 The Owl Service The Two Magicians What the Folk, Vol. 2 2008  No
044 The Spectral Light and Moonshine Firefly Snakeoil Jamboree The Two Magicians Burning Mills 2004 4:42 Yes
044 Three Quarter Ale Two Magicians Three Quarter Ale 2003  No
044 Three Quarter Ale Two Magicians Live at the North Georgia Celtic Festival 2003 4:04 Yes
044 Tommy Makem & Liam Clancy Hares on the Mountain Tommy Makem & Liam Clancy 1991 2:32 Yes
044 University of Glasgow Madrigirls The Two Magicians Nevermas 2006 3:11 Yes
044 Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer Two Magicians SlipTease 2007  No
044 Vikki Clayton The Two Magicians Lost Lady Found 1997 4:45 Yes
044 Vulcan's Hammer The Two Magicians The Two Magicians 1975 4:03 Yes
044 Walter Broadbank Hares on the Mountain Steve Gardham Collection 1970-1982 2:39 Yes
044 Wild Rose Two Magicians Fast Folk Musical Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 8 - Women in Song 1984 2:51 Yes

As recorded by Steeleye Span

She looked out of the window as white as any milk
And he looked in at the window as black as any silk

Hello, hello, hello, hello you coal black smith
You have done me no harm
You never shall have my maidenhead
That I have kept so long
I'd rather die a maid
Ah, but then she said and be buried all in my grave
Than to have such a nasty, husky, dusky, fusky, musky
Coal black smith
A maiden I will die

She became a duck, a duck all on the stream
And he became a waterdog and fetched her back again

She became a star, a star all in the night
And he became a thundercloud and muffled her out of sight

She became a rose, a rose all in the wood
And he became a bumblebee and kissed her where she stood

She became a nun, a nun all dressed in white
And he became a chanting priest to pray for her by night

She became a trout, a trout all in the brook
And he became a feathered fly and catched her with his hook

*She became a corpse, a corpse all in the ground
And he became a the cold clay and smothered her all around

*an alternate version of the final verse is:
She became a quilt, a quilt all on her bed
And he became a coverlet, and gained her maidenhead!

*another alternate final verse:
She became a bottle of wine, filled with sparkling red
And he became a big thick cork and gained her...



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