Recordings & Info 32. King Henry

Recordings & Info 32. King Henry

[There are no traditional US & Canadian versions]


 1) Alternative Titles 
 2) Traditional Ballad Index
 3) Wiki 
ATTACHED PAGES: (see left hand column)
  1) Roud number 3965 (2 listings)


Traditional Ballad Index: King Henry [Child 32]

DESCRIPTION: King Henry goes hunting and encounters a hideous woman. For courtesy he salutes her, only to find her making incredible demands -- first the flesh of his animals, and finally that he sleep with her. He does, to find her transformed into a beautiful woman
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1783/1799 (GordonBrown/Rieuwerts)
KEYWORDS: courting sex shape-changing royalty
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(Aber))
REFERENCES (7 citations):
Child 32, "King Henry" (1 text)
Bronson 32, "King Henry" (1 version)
GordonBrown/Rieuwerts, pp. 174-179, "King Henry" (2 parallel texts plus a photo of the badly-transcribed tune; also a reconstructed tune on p. 280)
Leach, pp. 124-126, "King Henry" (1 text)
OBB 16, "King Henry" (1 text)
DBuchan 4, "King Henry" (1 text, 1 tune in appendix) {Bronson's {#1})
Roud #3967
cf. "The Marriage of Sir Gawaine" [Child 31] (theme of the loathly woman)
NOTES: For a discussion of the Loathly Woman theme, see the notes to "The Marriage of Sir Gawaine" [Child 31]. - RBW


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