Recordings & Info 278. The Farmer's Curst Wife
1) Alternative Titles
2) Traditional Ballad Index
3) Child Collection Index
4) Excerpt from The British Traditional Ballad in North America by Tristram Coffin 1950, from the section A Critical Biographical Study of the Traditional Ballads of North America
5) Folk Index
6) Mainly Norfolk (lyrics and info)
7) Oh Johnny Be Gay
ATTACHED PAGES: (see left hand column)
1) Roud No. 160: The Farmer's Curst Wife (349 Listings)
Alternate Titles
The Old Man under the Hill
The Farmer's Old Wife
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife
Blow the Man Down
Brave old Anthony Marala (Michigan)
The Old Woman and the Devil
The Farmer and the Devil
The Carle o' Killyburn Braes [Burns]
The Battle Axe and the Devil
The Farmer's Wife
A Woman and the Devil
Brave Old Anthony Marela
Hi Lum Day
Jack's Wife
Ten Little Devils
The Devil and the Fanner's Wife
The Devil Came to the Farmer's One Day
The Devil's Song
The Old Devil Come to my Plow
The Old Jokey Song
The Old Woman and the Devil
The (Old) Scolding Wife.
Traditional Ballad Index: Farmer's Curst Wife, The [Child 278]
NAME: Farmer's Curst Wife, The [Child 278]
DESCRIPTION: The Devil comes to claim a farmer's wife. She causes great trouble in Hell, attacking the imps with all the vigor she had once used on her family. For safety's sake, the Devil is forced to return her to her family (not necessarily to their joy)
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST_DATE: 1846 (Dixon-Peasantry)
KEYWORDS: family Devil humorous Hell wife feminist
FOUND_IN: US(All) Britain(England(South,North),Scotland(Aber,Bord)) Canada(Mar,Newf) Ireland
REFERENCES: (58 citations)
Child 278, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (2 texts, 1 tune) {Bronson's #41}
Bronson 278, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (71 versions+2 in addenda)
Dixon-Peasantry, Song #24, pp. 210-211, "The Farmer's Old Wife" (1 text)
Bell-Combined, pp. 424-425, "The Farmer's Old Wife" (1 text)
GreigDuncan2 320, "Kellyburn Braes" (2 texts, 1 tune); also p. 575 (1 fragment) {Bronson's #48}
SharpAp 40, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (6 texts plus 1 fragment, 7 tunes) {Bronson's #31, #54, #53, #35, #56, #66, #50}
BarryEckstormSmyth pp. 326-333, "The Farmer's Cursed Wife" (4 texts plus a fragment, 1 tune) {Bronson's #61}
Belden, pp. 94-97, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (2 texts)
Randolph 36, "The Old Man under the Hill" (2 texts, 1 tune) {Bronson's #63}
Randolph/Cohen, pp. 63-66, "The Old Man Under the Hill" (1 text, 1 tune -- Randolph's 36A) {Bronson's #63}
Flanders/Brown, pp. 226-228, "The Scolding Wife" (1 text, 1 tune) {Bronson's #13}
Flanders/Olney, pp. 49-51, "Farmer's Curst Wife" (1 text, 1 tune) {Bronson's #60}
Flanders-Ancient4, pp. 99-135, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (15 texts plus 5 fragments, 13 tunes) {L=Bronson's #60, M=#13}
Linscott, pp. 188-191, "The Devil and the Farmer's Wife" (1 text, 1 tune)
Davis-Ballads 46, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (13 texts, 7 tunes; 2 more versions mentioned in Appendix A) {Bronson's #37, #54, #11, #46, #24, #36, #25}
Davis-More 40, pp. 316-327, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (7 texts plus a fragment, 5 tunes) {BB=Bronson's #33; EE=#10}
BrownII 45, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (1 text)
BrownSchinhanIV 45, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (2 texts plus 2 excerpts, 4 tunes)
Chappell-FSRA 20, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (1 fragment)
Hudson 24, pp. 124-125, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (2 texts)
Boswell/Wolfe 22, pp. 42-43, "The Old Farmer" (1 text, 1 tune)
Shellans, pp. 18-19, "The Evil Woman" (1 text, 1 tune)
Wells, p. 122, "The Devil and the Farmer's Wife" (1 text, 1 tune) {from the same informant, although not the same session, as Bronson's #67}
Brewster 24, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (1 text, 1 tune) {Bronson's #65}
Gardner/Chickering 154, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (4 texts plus a fragment, 2 tunes) {Bronson's #27, #23}
Grimes, p. 94, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (1 text)
Creighton/Senior, pp. 95-99, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (5 texts, 2 tunes) {Bronson's #4, #38}
Creighton-NovaScotia 9, "Farmer's Curst Wife" (1 text, 1 tune) {Bronson's #5}
Peacock, pp. 265-268, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (3 texts, 3 tunes)
Mackenzie 15, "The Devil's Song" (1 text)
Leach, pp. 660-662, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (2 texts)
Friedman, p. 452, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (1 text)
Fowke/Johnston, pp. 172-173, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (1 text, 1 tune)
Fowke/MacMillan 75, "The Farmer and the Devil" (1 text, 1 tune)
Warner 89, "The Devil and the Farmer's Wife" (1 text, 1 tune)
FSCatskills 137, "The Devil and the Farmer's Wife" (1 text, 1 tune)
Niles 60, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (2 texts, 2 tunes)
Sharp/Karpeles-80E 27, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (1 text, 1 tune) {Bronson's #54}
Williams-Thames, p. 211, "There Was an Old Farmer in Sussex Did Dwell" (1 text) (also Wiltshire-WSRO Wt 471)
Vaughan Williams/Lloyd, pp. 34-35, "The Devil and the Ploughman" (1 text, 1 tune) {Bronson's #1}
OLochlainn 54, "The Women Are Worse Than the Men" (1 text, 1 tune) {Bronson's #7}
Hayward-Ulster, pp. 33-35, "The Ould Man of Killyburn Brae" (1 text)
Scott-BoA, pp. 152-154, "The Farmer's Curst Wife (The Devil and the Farmer)" (1 text, 1 tune)
Lomax-FSNA 92, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (1 text, 1 tune)
Ritchie-SingFam, pp. 131-132, "[Little Devils]" (1 text, 1 tune) {cf. Bronson's #52}
Ritchie-Southern, p. 25, "The Little Devils" (1 text, 1 tune) {Bronson's #52}
Asch/Dunson/Raim, p. 26 "Old Lady and the Devil" (1 text, 1 tune)
TBB 39, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (1 text)
Beck 43, "The Curst Wife" (1 text)
JHCox 164, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (1 text)
PSeeger-AFB, p. 58, "The Devil And The Farmer's Wife" (1 text, 1 tune)
Abrahams/Foss, pp. 99-101, "The Devil and the Farmer's Wife" (1 text, 1 tune)
Darling-NAS, pp. 81-83, "The Farmer's Curst Wife"; "Randy Riley" (2 texts)
Silber-FSWB, p. 22, "The Devil and The Farmer's Wife" (1 text)
BBI, ZN960, "Give eare, my loving countrey-men"
ADDITIONAL: Leslie Shepard, _The Broadside Ballad_, Legacy Books, 1962, 1978, p. 179, "The Women are worse than the Men" (reproduction of a broadside print of a short version)
Kathleen Hoagland, editor, One Thousand Years of Irish Poetry (New York, 1947), pp. 274-275, "Killyburn Brae" (1 text)
Roud #160
James "Iron Head" Baker, "The Rich Old Lady" (AFS 201 B1, 204 A1, 206 A1, all 1934); "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (AFS 617 A4, 1936)
Horton Barker, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (on Barker01) {Bronson's #33}
Bill Cox, "Battle Axe and the Devil" (Vocalion 04811, 1939)
George Davis, "Buggerman in the Bushes" (on GeorgeDavis01)
Texas Gladden, "The Devil and the Farmer" (Disc 6082, 1940s)
Carrie Grover, "The Devil and the Farmer's Wife" (AFS, 1941; on LC58) {Bronson's #67}
Thomas Moran, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (on FSB5, FSBBAL2)
Howard Morry, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (on PeacockCDROM)
Maggie Murphy, "Killyburn Brae" (on IRHardySons)
Lawrence Older, "Randy Riley" (on LOlder01)
Bill & Belle Reed, "Old Lady and the Devil" (Columbia 15336-D, 1928; on AAFM1) {Bronson's #32}
Jean Ritchie, "Little Devils" (on JRitchie02) {cf. Bronson's #52}
Pete Seeger, "The Farmer's Curst Wife" (on PeteSeeger16) (on PeteSeeger24); "Old Woman and the Devil" (on AschRec2)
Pete Steele, "Lack Fol Diddle I Day" [fragmentary version] (AFS, 1938; on KMM)
Bodleian, Harding B 25(1855), "The Sussex Farmer", J. Pitts (London), 1819-1844
cf. "The Devil Came to My Door" (plot)
cf. "The Massacre of Glencoe" (tune,according to GreigDuncan2)
The Old Woman and the Devil
The Farmer and the Devil
The Carle o' Killyburn Braes [Burns]
The Battle Axe and the Devil
The Farmer's Wife
NOTES: Linscott lists this as being sung to "Liliburlero," but Bronson (who was aware of though he did not print Linscott's version; it's his "g") says it is "not so close to our pattern here." - RBW
Dixon-Peasantry, like Linscott, writes "[t]he tune is 'Lilli burlero.'"
Compare, for example, Bill & Belle Reed, "Old Lady and the Devil" verse 1 ("There was an old man lived the foot of the hill If he ain't moved away he's a-living there still") with Opie-Oxford2 541, "There was an old woman" ("There was an old woman Lived Under a hill, And if she's not gone She lives there still"). [Also in Baring-Gould-MotherGoose #4, p. 28. - RBW] Neither of Child's versions use this verse (earliest date in Opie-Oxford2 is 1714). - BS
Child Collection- Child Ballad 278: The Farmer’s Curst Wife
Child |
Artist |
Title |
Album |
Year |
Length |
Have |
278 |
A Chorus of Two |
The Devil and the Old Woman |
Death, Doom, Destruction and Other Pleasant Things |
1998 |
2:13 |
Yes |
278 |
A.L. Lloyd |
The Devil and the Ploughman |
England & Her Traditional Songs - A Selection from the Penguin Book of English Folk Songs |
2003 |
2:14 |
Yes |
278 |
A.L. Lloyd |
The Devil and the Ploughman (The Farmer's Curst Wife) |
The English and Scottish Popular Ballads (The Child Ballads) - Vol. 1 [Reissue] |
196? |
No |
278 |
A.L. Lloyd |
The Devil and the Ploughman (The Farmer's Curst Wife) |
The English and Scottish Popular Ballads (The Child Ballads) - Vol. 1 |
1956 |
No |
278 |
A.L. Lloyd |
The Devil and the Ploughman |
Bramble Briars & Beams of the Sun |
2011 |
No |
278 |
Afterhours |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Hung Up and Dry |
1988 |
4:43 |
Yes |
278 |
Alex Robb |
Kellyburn Braes |
The James Madison Carpenter Collection |
1927-1955 |
No |
278 |
Andrew Rowan Summers |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Seeds of Love |
1951 |
2:34 |
Yes |
278 |
Angelo Dornan |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Helen Creighton Collection |
No |
278 |
Anne Grimes |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Ohio State Ballads - History Through Folksongs |
1957 |
4:16 |
Yes |
278 |
Artus Moser |
The Old Man Over the Hill |
North Carolina Ballads |
1955 |
3:32 |
Yes |
278 |
Asa Davis |
Farmer's Curst Wife (1) |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
Asa Davis |
Farmer's Curst Wife (2) |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
Asa Davis |
Farmer's Curst Wife (3) |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
Atwater-Donnelly |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
And Then I'm Going Home: Atwater-Donnelly Live |
2001 |
4:14 |
Yes |
278 |
Aunt Molly Jackson |
Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Mary Elizabeth Barnicle-Tillman Cadle Collection |
No |
278 |
Bellowhead |
Lillibulero |
This Is Proper Folk Too!! |
2012 |
3:09 |
>Yes |
278 |
Bellowhead |
Lillibulero |
Broadside |
2012 |
3:07 |
Yes |
278 |
Ben Henneberry |
Farmer's Curst Wife (1) |
The Helen Creighton Collection |
No |
278 |
Ben Henneberry |
Farmer's Curst Wife (2) |
The Helen Creighton Collection |
No |
278 |
Bill & Belle Reed |
Old Lady and the Devil |
Anthology of American Folk Music |
1997 |
3:05 |
Yes |
278 |
Bill Thatcher |
The Devil and the Woman |
The Edith Fowke Collection |
No |
278 |
Blaine Stubblefield |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Library of Congress |
No |
278 |
Bob Gibson |
Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Live at Cornell 1957 |
2011 |
4:04 |
Yes |
278 |
Bob Mills |
The Farmer's Wife + Nixon's Farewell |
Whatever Happened? |
1997 |
3:48 |
Yes |
278 |
Bobby McMillon |
Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
The Gwilym Davies Collection |
No |
278 |
Bobby McMillon |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
North Carolina Sampler - Anglo-American Vocal Music from North Carolina |
1992 |
No |
278 |
Bobby Mcmillon |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Troyl - the Concert at Mars Hill |
2005 |
No |
278 |
Bobby McMillon |
The Devil Song |
Art of Field Recording, Vol. II - 50 Years of Traditional American Music Documented by Art Rosenbaum |
2009 |
5:14 |
Yes |
278 |
Boogertown Gap |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Smoky Mountain Ballads [Boogertown Gap] |
2010 |
No |
278 |
Brian Peters |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Songs of Trial and Triumph |
2008 |
3:32 |
Yes |
278 |
Burl Ives |
The Devil and the Farmer |
Wild Side of Life |
2006 |
No |
278 |
Burl Ives |
The Devil and the Farmer |
The Singing Wayfarer |
2007 |
No |
278 |
Burl Ives |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Philco's Friendly Troubadour - 20 Vintage Radio Broadcasts 1946-47 |
2004 |
No |
278 |
Burl Ives |
The Divil and the Farmer |
The Wayfaring Stranger |
1955 |
2:07 |
Yes |
278 |
Burl Ives |
The Divil and the Farmer |
The Wayfaring Stranger |
2000 |
2:07 |
Yes |
278 |
Burl Ives |
The Devil and the Farmer |
Coronation Concert - Recorded at Royal Festival Hall, London, England |
1956 |
No |
278 |
Burl Ives |
The Divil and the Farmer |
Troubador - Original 1941-1950 Recordings |
2004 |
2:09 |
Yes |
278 |
Carole & Roger Fyfe |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Turtles on the Beach |
1999 |
3:25 |
Yes |
278 |
Carrie Demon Glines |
Hog Song (1) |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
Carrie Demon Glines |
Hog Song (2) |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
Carrie Grover |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Child Ballads Traditional in the United States, Vol. II |
1960 |
1:25 |
Yes |
278 |
Casey Anderson |
Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
"Live" at the Ice House |
1965 |
No |
278 |
Caswell Carnahan |
The Grey Cairn + The Farmer’s Curst Wife + The Devil to Pay |
New Leaves on an Old Tree + Borderlands |
1995 |
5:35 |
Yes |
278 |
Cath & Phil Tyler |
Devil Song |
Dumb Supper |
2008 |
3:51 |
Yes |
278 |
Celia Farran |
Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Fire in the Head |
2000 |
No |
278 |
Charles Ordway |
Scolding Wife |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
Charlie Hill |
Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
The Gwilym Davies Collection |
No |
278 |
Clan Na Gael |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
B-a-a-a-d to the Bone |
1997 |
2:00 |
Yes |
278 |
Cleon Perkins |
Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
Cole, Kirkpatrick & Van Dijk |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Crows Three |
2002 |
No |
278 |
Colm MacDonagh |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
BBC Recordings |
No |
278 |
Common Ground |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Live at the Emu Farm |
1998 |
3:16 |
Yes |
278 |
Craicmore |
Farmer's Curst Wife |
Live at the Motherlode Theater, Butte MT |
2006 |
3:04 |
Yes |
278 |
Craig Duncan |
Jockey and Jenny + Lilliburlero |
Old English Melodies |
2007 |
3:55 |
Yes |
278 |
Croppies |
Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Pad |
2002 |
No |
278 |
Crows |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Crows |
1981 |
2:32 |
Yes |
278 |
Crucible |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Changeling - Traditional Music and Song from England and Beyond |
2003 |
4:32 |
Yes |
278 |
Dan Dutton |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Rose & Briar |
2004 |
2:54 |
Yes |
278 |
Daniel Dutton |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Twelve Ballads |
2006 |
No |
278 |
Dave Couch |
Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
The Leonard Robers Collection - Sang Branch Settlers - Folksongs and Tails of a Kentucky Mountain Family |
1952-1954 |
1:36 |
Yes |
278 |
David & Ginger Hildebrand |
Daddy Be Gay |
Out on a Limb |
1984 |
No |
278 |
David Krussel |
Ole Devil and the Lady |
The Max Hunter Folk Song Collection |
2:52 |
Yes |
278 |
Devil's Elbow |
The Devil and the Feathery Bride |
Grandad Fred's Marrow |
2008 |
No |
278 |
Dick & Anne Albin |
The Devil and the Farmer’s Wife |
Red Roses, Green Briars and Milk-White Steeds |
1975 |
2:12 |
Yes |
278 |
Dick Richards |
Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
The Gwilym Davies Collection |
No |
278 |
Dolly Degreenia |
Fie Diddle O Day |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
Donnie Koonce |
The Devil and the Farmer |
The Max Hunter Folk Song Collection |
2:43 |
Yes |
278 |
Duncan McFarlane |
The Devil and the Feathery Wife |
Bed of Straw |
2002 |
No |
278 |
E2K |
The Farmer's Cursed Wife + The Valentine |
Shift |
2001 |
2:37 |
Yes |
278 |
Eddie Bond & Josh Ellis |
Farmer's Cursed Wife |
John Brown's Dream |
2009 |
No |
278 |
Edmund Henneberry |
Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Helen Creighton Collection |
No |
278 |
Ellen Stekert |
Poor Old Anthony Rolly |
Songs of a New York Lumberjack |
1958 |
2:55 |
Yes |
278 |
Elmer Barton |
Scolding Wife |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
Elmer Barton |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Burly Banks of Barbry O: Eight Traditional British-American Ballads |
1953 |
No |
278 |
Elmer Barton |
There Was an Old Man Who Bought a Farm |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
Estella Spurlock |
Nine Little Devils |
Voices from the Dust Bowl |
1940-1941 |
2:48 |
Yes |
278 |
Estil C. Ball |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Sounds of the South |
1993 |
3:03 |
Yes |
278 |
Everett Pitt |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Up Agin the Mountain - Traditional Ballads and Songs from the Eastern Ramapos |
1987 |
No |
278 |
Fiddler's Dram |
The Farmer's Cursed Wife (Lilli Bolero) |
Folk '80 |
1980 |
3:02 |
Yes |
278 |
Fiddler's Dram |
The Farmer's Cursed Wife |
Fiddler's Dram |
1980 |
2:54 |
Yes |
278 |
Frank Ritchie |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
The Singing Ulsterman |
1970 |
No |
278 |
Frankie Armstrong |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
And the Music Plays So Grand |
1980 |
3:02 |
Yes |
278 |
Frankie Armstrong |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
The Garden of Love |
1999 |
3:11 |
Yes |
278 |
Fred Brackett |
Scolding Wife |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
Fred Welfare |
Sussex Farmer's Wife |
Ripest Apples - Traditional Singing in Sussex |
197? |
No |
278 |
George Farnham |
Scolding Wife |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
George Vinton Graham |
The Devil Out of Hell (1) |
California Gold - Northern California Folk Music from the Thirties Collected By Sidney Robertson Cowell |
193? |
2:47 |
Yes |
278 |
George Vinton Graham |
The Devil Out of Hell (2) |
California Gold - Northern California Folk Music from the Thirties Collected By Sidney Robertson Cowell |
193? |
:21 |
Yes |
278 |
Gerard Campbell |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
The Wandering Minstrel |
1958 |
No |
278 |
Gingerthistle |
Devil & the Farmer's Wife |
Grandad's Porch |
1998 |
No |
278 |
Gordon Hall |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Roy Palmer Collection |
1971-1998 |
3:20 |
Yes |
278 |
Gryphon |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Gryphon + Midnight Mushrumps |
1996 |
2:00 |
Yes |
278 |
Gryphon |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Gryphon |
2004 |
1:55 |
Yes |
278 |
Gryphon |
The Devil & the Farmer's Wife |
Crossing the Styles - The Transatlantic Anthology |
2005 |
1:56 |
Yes |
278 |
Hamper McBee |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Raw Mash - Songs and Stories of Hamper McBee |
1978 |
No |
278 |
Hannah James & Sam Sweeney |
The Farmer’s Cursed Wife |
State and Ancientry |
2012 |
3:59 |
Yes |
278 |
Harry Duffy |
Kellyburn Braes |
Folksongs and Music from Berryfields of Blair |
196? |
No |
278 |
Heather Alexander |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Festival Wind |
2003 |
4:13 |
Yes |
278 |
Hesperus |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife + Campbell's Retreat from Red Gap |
Patchwork - A Fusion of Medieval Renaissance and Traditional American Music |
2000 |
6:21 |
Yes |
278 |
Hobart Smith |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Hobart Smith of Saltville, VA - Traditional Appalachian Songs and Tunes [The Old Timey Rap] |
1964 |
3:58 |
Yes |
278 |
Hobert Stallard |
The Devil and the Farmer |
Meeting's a Pleasure - Folksongs of the Upper South, Vol. 1 & 2 |
2006 |
No |
278 |
Horton Barker |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Ferrum College Collection |
1976 - |
2:19 |
Yes |
278 |
Horton Barker |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Traditional Singer |
1962 |
2:57 |
Yes |
278 |
Horton Barker |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Library of Congress - Archive of Folk Culture: Anglo-American Ballads, Vol. 1 |
1999 |
2:39 |
Yes |
278 |
Horton Barker |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Library of Congress |
No |
278 |
Horton Barker |
The Old Man and His Wife |
Cumberland Gap - Maud Karpeles' Appalachian Collection 2 |
1976 |
No |
278 |
Ian Campbell Folk Group |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Edinburgh Folk Festival Vol. 1 |
1963 |
No |
278 |
Iron Mountain String Band |
Devil's Curst Wife |
Songs of Old Time America |
1989 |
No |
278 |
J. Kearns Planche |
Devil Has Come |
The John Donald Robb Field Recordings 1944-1979 |
2:27 |
Yes |
278 |
J.E. Mainer |
The Old Woman and the Devil |
The Legendary J.E. Mainer, Vol. 10 - the Good Old Rebel |
1970 |
2:22 |
Yes |
278 |
Jack Peters |
The Farmer's Scolding Wife |
Early Times Distillery, for Songs of Early Times |
1961 |
No |
278 |
James (Iron Head) Baker |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Library of Congress |
No |
278 |
Jean Jenkins |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Wife of Usher's Well - Mountain Ballads |
1976 |
No |
278 |
Jean Ritchie |
Little Devils |
Songs from Kentucky (2) |
1953 |
No |
278 |
Jean Ritchie |
Little Devils |
British Traditional Ballads in the Southern Mountains - Child Ballads, Vol 2 |
1961 |
1:35 |
Yes |
278 |
Jean Ritchie |
Little Devils |
The Folk Box - A Comprehensive Anthology of American Folk Song |
1966 |
No |
278 |
Jean Ritchie |
The Little Devils |
Jean Ritchie Singing the Traditional Songs of her Kentucky Mountain Family |
1952 |
No |
278 |
Jean Ritchie |
The Little Devils |
Songs of Her Kentucky Mountain Family |
1957 |
1:45 |
Yes |
278 |
Jean Ritchie |
The Little Devils |
O Love Is Teasin' - Anglo-American Mountain Balladry |
1985 |
No |
278 |
Jean Ritchie |
The Little Devils |
Mountain Hearth and Home |
2004 |
1:45 |
Yes |
278 |
Jeff Warner & Jeff Davis |
Farmer's Curst Wife |
Days of Forty-Nine |
1977 |
No |
278 |
Jeff Warner & Jeff Davis |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Two Little Boys - More Old Time Songs for Kids |
1994 |
3:11 |
Yes |
278 |
Jenes Cottrell |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Old Time Music at Newport |
1963 |
3:14 |
Yes |
278 |
Jenes Cottrell |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
2nd Annual Brandywine Mountain Music Festival |
1976 |
No |
278 |
Jenes Cottrell |
Devil and the Farmer’s Wife |
Old-Time Music from Clay & Calhoun Counties, WV - From the Collection of the Brandwine Friends of Old Time Music |
2004 |
No |
278 |
Jennifer Clarke Skromeda |
Daddy Be Gay |
The Great Silkie - Tales of the Celts |
2001 |
2:02 |
Yes |
278 |
Jewel Hawkins |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
The John Quincy Wolf Folklore Collection - Ozark Folksongs |
2:00 |
Yes |
278 |
Jimmy White |
The Devil |
BBC Recordings |
No |
278 |
Joe Collins & Mike McGee |
The Farmer's Cursed Wife |
For the Fun of It! |
2003 |
No |
278 |
Joe Hubbard |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Virginia Traditions - Ballads from British Tradition |
1993 |
:53 |
Yes |
278 |
John Langstaff |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Sings American and English Folk Songs and Ballads |
1956 |
1:53 |
Yes |
278 |
Johnny Bonneville & Fiddlin' Phil Swaby |
Devil and the Farmer |
Songs About Devils, Farms and Trains |
2004 |
No |
278 |
John A. Lomax, Jr. |
Tee Roo, Farmer's Curst Wife |
John A. Lomax, Jr. Sings American Folksongs |
1956 |
2:21 |
Yes |
278 |
John A. Taggart |
Fi-Lay Fi-Little Fi-Lay |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
John Jacob Niles |
The Farmer's Cursed Wife |
American Folk and Gambling Songs |
1956 |
2:55 |
Yes |
278 |
John Jacob Niles |
The Old Woman and the Devil |
The Ballads of John Jacob Niles |
1960 |
3:44 |
Yes |
278 |
John Koerner |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Some American Folk Songs Like They Used To |
1974 |
No |
278 |
John Langstaff |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Water Is Wide: American and British Ballads and Folksongs |
2002 |
1:56 |
Yes |
278 |
John Langstaff |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
John Langstaff Sings - Archival Folk Collection 1949-1961 |
2004 |
1:56 |
No |
278 |
John McCutcheon |
The Devil and the Farmer’s Wife |
How Can I Keep from Singing? |
1975 |
3:04 |
Yes |
278 |
Johnny Bonneville & Fiddlin' Phil Swaby |
Devil and the Farmer |
Songs About Devils, Farms and Trains |
2004 |
4:50 |
Yes |
278 |
Johnny Morris |
Devil's Curst Wife |
The Max Hunter Folk Song Collection |
1:56 |
Yes |
278 |
Jon Boden |
Lillibulero |
A Folk Song a Day - May |
2011 |
3:24 |
Yes |
278 |
Jonathan Moses |
Bonnie Muriley |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
Josiah Kennison |
Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
Josiah Kennison |
Man A-Jogging the Plow |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
Josiah Kennison |
Old Man A-Jogging a Plow |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
Judy Collins |
O Daddy Be Gay |
Maids & Golden Apples [A Maid of Constant Sorrow + Golden Apples of the Sun] |
2001 |
2:35 |
Yes |
278 |
Judy Cook |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Lincoln's America |
2009 |
No |
278 |
Kathleen Danson Read |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Spoken Literature of Early English Ballads |
1956 |
2:12 |
Yes |
278 |
Kathy Kahn |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
The Working Girl - Women's Songs from Mountains Mines and Mills |
1975 |
No |
278 |
Kenneth Ward Atwood |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
The New Beehive Songster - New Recordings of Utah Folk Music, Vol. 2 |
1975 |
No |
278 |
Lawrence Older |
Randy Riley |
Lawrence Older of Middle Grove, New York - Adirondack Songs, Ballads & Tunes |
1964 |
No |
278 |
Lee Kelly |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Jug O' Punch |
2010 |
No |
278 |
Lena Armstrong & Etta Jones |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Traditional Music of Beech Mountain, North Carolina, Vol. I |
1964 |
No |
278 |
Leslie Lawson |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
BBC Recordings |
No |
278 |
Lewis Lund |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Brave Boys - New England Traditions in Folk Music |
1977 |
2:51 |
Yes |
278 |
Linda Sigismondi |
Farmer's Wife and the Devil |
Appalachian Ballads and Songs for the Mountain Dulcimer Companion CD |
2005 |
No |
278 |
Lorna Anderson & Haydn Trio Eisenstadt |
Scottish Songs for William Napier V – Kellyburn Braes |
Haydn Edition |
2008 |
3:02 |
Yes |
278 |
Lorna Anderson, Jamie MacDougall & Haydn Trio Eisenstadt |
Scottish Songs for George Thomson II – Kellyburn Braes |
Haydn Edition |
2008 |
4:33 |
Yes |
278 |
Luther O. Weeks |
Anthony Rowley (1) |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
Luther O. Weeks |
Anthony Rowley (2) |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
Maclaine Colston & Saul Rose |
Devil and the Feathery Wife |
Sand & Soil |
2009 |
4:12 |
Yes |
278 |
Madeline MacNeil |
The Devil and the Farmer |
Gentle Folk |
1975 |
2:45 |
Yes |
278 |
Maggie Murphy |
Killyburn Brae |
The Hardy Sons of Dan - Football, Hunting and Other Traditional Songs from Around Lough Erne's Shore |
2004 |
No |
278 |
Maggy Murphy |
Killyburn Brea |
Linkin' O'er the Lea - Traditional Folk Songs and Ballads from Tempo, County Fermanagh |
2002 |
No |
278 |
Margaret Nelson, Phil Cooper & Paul Goelz |
The Devil and the Feathery Wife |
Pretty Susan |
1992 |
2:52 |
Yes |
278 |
Marianna Cummings Schaupp |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Ben Gray Lumpkin Digital Folk Music Collection |
1950-1970 |
4:57 |
Yes |
278 |
Marta Burton |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Southern Journey - Tribute to Alan Lomax - Live at Swallow Hill |
2009 |
2:43 |
Yes |
278 |
Martha Reid |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Scottish Tradition 24: Songs and Ballads from Perthshire |
2011 |
No |
278 |
Martin Carthy |
Devil & the Feathery Wife |
Live in Bethlehem 17-11-1988 |
1988 |
4:45 |
Yes |
278 |
Martin Carthy |
The Devil and the Feathery Wife |
Martin Carthy & June Tabor Live at McCabes Guitar Shop,Santa Monica, CA 03-14-87 |
1987 |
4:33 |
Yes |
278 |
Martin Carthy |
The Devil and the Feathery Wife |
Out of the Cut |
1982 |
4:59 |
Yes |
278 |
Martin Carthy |
The Devil and the Feathery Wife |
Cambridge Folk Festival - A Celebration of Roots Music 1998-99 |
2000 |
4:32 |
Yes |
278 |
Martin Carthy |
The Devil and the Feathery Wife |
Martin Carthy at Ruskin Mill - Richard Valentine Benefit Concert |
2005 |
7:27 |
Yes |
278 |
Martin Carthy |
The Devil and the Feathery Wife |
Cool as Folk |
2007 |
No |
278 |
Martin Carthy |
The Devil and the Feathery Wife |
Guitar Maestros |
2006 |
No |
278 |
Martin Carthy |
The Devil and the Feathery Wife |
Essential |
2011 |
4:47 |
Yes |
278 |
Martyn Wyndham-Read |
The Devil and the Ploughman |
A Wench, a Whale and a Pint of Good Ale |
1966 |
2:40 |
Yes |
278 |
Michael Cuddihey |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Edith Fowke Collection |
No |
278 |
Mike Cooney |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
John Howson Collection |
1970-1995 |
No |
278 |
Minnie Smith |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Library of Congress |
No |
278 |
Mitzie Collins |
The Farmer’s Curst Wife |
A Sampler of Folk Music |
1976 |
No |
278 |
Mrs. A.R. Blake |
Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
Mrs. Elizabeth O'Hara |
Killyburn Brae |
The Ulster Folk & Transport Museum Collection |
No |
278 |
Mrs. Eunice Gilbert |
Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Helen Creighton Collection |
No |
278 |
Mrs. Florence Underhill |
Scolding Wife |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
Mrs. George Ripley |
Devil Doings |
The Max Hunter Folk Song Collection |
2:49 |
Yes |
278 |
Mrs. J.L. Leila Yowell |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Cumberland Gap - Maud Karpeles' Appalachian Collection 2 |
1976 |
No |
278 |
Mrs. Lottie Grey |
Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Helen Creighton Collection |
No |
278 |
Mrs. May Kennedy McCord |
Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Max Hunter Folk Song Collection |
2:45 |
Yes |
278 |
Nathan Hatt |
Farmer's Curst Wife (1) |
The Helen Creighton Collection |
No |
278 |
Nathan Hatt |
Farmer's Curst Wife (2) |
The Helen Creighton Collection |
No |
278 |
Nick Dow |
The Devil and the Feathery Wife |
Burd Margaret |
1978 |
2:48 |
Yes |
278 |
Nimrod Workman |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Mother Jones' Will |
1978 |
No |
278 |
Nova Baker |
The Old Lady and the Devil |
The Land of Yahoe - Children's Entertainments from the Days before Television |
1996 |
No |
278 |
Ollie Gilbert |
The Old Man Under the Hill |
The Max Hunter Folk Song Collection |
2:08 |
Yes |
278 |
Oscar Brand |
Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Folk Music Legend |
2007 |
1:19 |
Yes |
278 |
Oscar Brand |
The Devil and the Farmer’s Wife |
Folk Festival |
196? |
No |
278 |
Oscar Brand and His Young Friends |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Trick or Treat - Halowe'en Celebrated in Story and Song |
1979 |
2:29 |
Yes |
278 |
Otis Williams |
Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
The Max Hunter Folk Song Collection |
1:56 |
Yes |
278 |
Patricia Foran |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Edith Fowke Collection |
No |
278 |
Patrick Gainer |
The Farmer's Wife and the Devil |
Folk Songs of the Alleghenies |
1963 |
No |
278 |
Patrick Sky |
Farmer's Cursed Wife |
A Harvest of Gentle Clang |
1966 |
No |
278 |
Paul Clayton |
The Farmer's Nagging Wife |
Unholy Matrimony |
1958 |
2:43 |
Yes |
278 |
Paul Clayton |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Folksongs and Ballads of Virginia |
1956 |
2:36 |
Yes |
278 |
Paul Lorette |
Old Scolding Wife |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
Peggy Seeger |
Halifor Band |
No Tyme Lyke the Present - Traditional & Contemporary Folk Music |
1976 |
1:57 |
Yes |
278 |
Peggy Seeger |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Folksongs and Ballads |
1958 |
No |
278 |
Peggy Seeger |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Everybody Sing, Vol. 3 - Songs for Seniors |
196? |
No |
278 |
Pete Castle |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Rambling Robin |
1982 |
2:00 |
Yes |
278 |
Pete Seeger |
Farmer's Curst Wife |
American Ballads |
1957 |
2:54 |
Yes |
278 |
Pete Seeger |
Old Woman and the Devil |
Asch Recordings, 1939-1945, Vol. 2 |
1967 |
No |
278 |
Pete Seeger |
The Devil and the Farmer |
In Prague 1964 |
2001 |
3:30 |
Yes |
278 |
Pete Seeger |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
American Favorite Ballads, Vol. 3 [1959] |
1959 |
3:02 |
Yes |
278 |
Pete Seeger |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
American Favorite Ballads, Vol. 2 [2003] |
2003 |
2:49 |
Yes |
278 |
Pete Seeger |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
American Folk Anthology [Pete Seeger] |
2008 |
2:49 |
Yes |
278 |
Pete Steele |
Lack Fol Diddle I Day |
Kentucky Mountain Music - Classic Recordings of the 1920s & 1930s |
2003 |
1:22 |
Yes |
278 |
Phillip Hole |
The Farmer's Cursed Wife (1) |
The New York Renaissance Faire 2007 |
2007 |
3:01 |
Yes |
278 |
Phillip Hole |
The Farmer's Cursed Wife (2) |
The New York Renaissance Faire 2007 |
2007 |
3:36 |
Yes |
278 |
Phoeba Parsons |
Devil and the Farmer’s Wife |
Old-Time Music from Clay & Calhoun Counties, WV - From the Collection of the Brandwine Friends of Old Time Music |
2004 |
No |
278 |
Phyllis Marks |
The Devil and the Old Woman |
Folksongs and Ballads, Vol 2 |
1991 |
No |
278 |
Rafferty the Piper |
The Farmer's Cursed Wife |
Songs of the Faire Folk |
2003 |
No |
278 |
Rafferty the Piper |
The Farmer's Cursed Wife |
Rafferty’s Rambles |
2007 |
No |
278 |
Ralph Huskins |
Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Helen Creighton Collection |
No |
278 |
Raymond Crooke |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
<website> |
2007 |
2:08 |
Yes |
278 |
Raymond Crooke |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Pigs Might Fly and Other Politically Incorrect Ballads |
2007 |
No |
278 |
Richard Dyer-Bennet |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Richard Dyer-Bennet Vol. 13 - Stories and Songs for Children and Their Parents |
1964 |
1:49 |
Yes |
278 |
Richard Dyer-Bennet |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Twentieth Century Minstrel - Folk Songs & Ballads |
1949 |
No |
278 |
Richard Dyer-Bennet |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
The Art of Richard Dyer-Bennet [The Essential Richard Dyer-Bennet] |
1993 |
1:49 |
Yes |
278 |
Richard Hartlan |
Farmer's Curst Wife (1) |
The Helen Creighton Collection |
No |
278 |
Richard Hartlan |
Farmer's Curst Wife (2) |
The Helen Creighton Collection |
No |
278 |
Richard Hayward & Sean Maguire |
The Farmer and the Divil |
Words and Music of Ireland |
1957 |
2:31 |
Yes |
278 |
Robin Greenstein |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Images of Women - Vol. 1: Anglo and Afro-American Folk Songs |
2002 |
3:17 |
Yes |
278 |
Roger Landes & Connie Dover |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Dragon Reels |
1997 |
4:31 |
Yes |
278 |
Roy Guest |
Kellyburn Braes |
The Hoot'Nanny Show, Vol.2 |
1964 |
2:20 |
Yes |
278 |
Sam Eskin |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Songs of All Times |
1951 |
No |
278 |
Sam Eskin |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Ben Gray Lumpkin Digital Folk Music Collection |
1950-1970 |
2:38 |
Yes |
278 |
Sam Hinton |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Singing Across the Land |
1956 |
No |
278 |
Sam Hinton |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife (Minnesota) |
The Library of Congress Recordings, March 25, 1947 |
1999 |
No |
278 |
Sam Hinton |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife (New England) |
The Library of Congress Recordings, March 25, 1947 |
1999 |
No |
278 |
Sandy & Caroline Paton |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
When the Spirit Says Sing - Folksongs for and with Young Folks |
1999 |
No |
278 |
Saoirse |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Celtic Eclectic |
2007 |
4:06 |
Yes |
278 |
Seamus Ennis |
The Farmer's Cursed Wife |
The Bonny Bunch of Roses |
1997 |
1:36 |
Yes |
278 |
Sheila K. Adams |
Farmer's Cursed Wife |
Live at the Berea College Celebration of Traditional Music |
1982-1997 |
2:51 |
Yes |
278 |
Sheila Kay Adams |
The Farmer's Cursed Wife |
What Ever Happened to John Parrish's Boy? - Sheila Kay Adams in Concert |
2002 |
No |
278 |
Sheila Kay Adams |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Loving Forward, Loving Back |
1987 |
No |
278 |
Simply English |
Lilliburlero |
Jolly Rogues Together |
1999 |
2:04 |
Yes |
278 |
Spenser Moore |
There Was an Old Man |
The Gwilym Davies Collection |
No |
278 |
Spider John Koerner |
Farmer's Curst Wife |
Raised By Humans |
1992 |
2:40 |
Yes |
278 |
Spud |
The Farmer's Cursed Wife |
Smoking on the Bog |
1977 |
2:51 |
Yes |
278 |
Steve Benbow |
The Farmer's Cursed Wife |
Don't Monkey with My Gun |
2003 |
No |
278 |
Steve Hartz |
The Farmer's Curst Wife + Darby's Horn |
By the Muddy Angelina |
2001 |
No |
278 |
Susan Reed |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Songs for the Wee Folk |
1958 |
No |
278 |
Ted Ashlaw |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Adirondack Woods Singer |
1976 |
2:01 |
Yes |
278 |
Terry Callier |
Johnny Be Gay If You Can Be |
The New Folk Sound of Terry Callier |
1964 |
4:28 |
Yes |
278 |
Texas Gladden |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Ballad Legacy |
2001 |
3:30 |
Yes |
278 |
Texas Gladden |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Ballad Legacy |
2001 |
4:18 |
Yes |
278 |
The Ancient Orphic Mystery Band |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Traditional Folk Music of Britain & Ireland |
1977 |
1:46 |
Yes |
278 |
The City Waites |
Lillibullero (The Farmer's Curst Wife) |
The City Waites |
1976 |
3:16 |
Yes |
278 |
The City Waites |
Lillibullero (The Farmer's Curst Wife) |
Low and Lusty Ballads - The Elizabethan Underworld |
1992 |
3:16 |
Yes |
278 |
The Dubliners |
Killyburn |
Ballads and Booze |
1978 |
No |
278 |
The Dubliners |
Killieburn Brae |
The Dubliners |
2009 |
4:17 |
Yes |
278 |
The Dubliners |
Killieburn Brae |
A Parcel of Rogues |
1975 |
No |
278 |
The Grumpystiltskyn Jug Band |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Still Grumpy |
2004 |
3:45 |
Yes |
278 |
The Mules |
The Devil & the Ploughman |
Here to Help |
2006 |
2:10 |
Yes |
278 |
The West Orrtanna String Band |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
An Orrtanna Home Companion |
1978 |
No |
278 |
The Yetties |
Lilliburlero or the Farmer's Cursed Wife |
Folk Music of England |
1997 |
2:29 |
Yes |
278 |
Thomas Moran |
The Farmer’s Curst Wife |
The Folk Songs of Britain, Vol 5: The Child Ballads 2 |
1961 |
1:36 |
Yes |
278 |
Thomas Moran |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Green Wedding - The Classic Ballads 3 |
1976 |
No |
278 |
Thomas Moran |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Classic Ballads of Britain & Ireland - Folk Songs of England, Ireland, Scotland & Wales, Vol 2 |
2000 |
2:06 |
Yes |
278 |
Thomas Moran |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
BBC Recordings |
No |
278 |
Tim O'Brien & The O'Boys |
The Farmer's Cursed Wife |
Oh Boy! O'Boy! |
1993 |
3:22 |
Yes |
278 |
Tom Glazer & Pat Moffitt |
The Farmer’s Cursed Wife |
The Musical Heritage of America |
1973 |
3:01 |
Yes |
278 |
Tom Kines & Jean Price |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Canadian Folk Songs - Chansons Folkloriques du Canada [Canadian Folk Songs: a Centennial Collection] |
1967 |
1:54 |
Yes |
278 |
Two Roads Home |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Dovetailing |
2002 |
2:35 |
Yes |
278 |
Unidentified Singer |
Killyburn Brae |
The Ulster Folk & Transport Museum Collection |
No |
278 |
Unidentified Singer |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Robert Winslow Gordon Collection |
No |
278 |
Unknown |
The Farmer's Curst Wife (1) |
The James Madison Carpenter Collection |
1927-1955 |
No |
278 |
Unknown |
The Farmer's Curst Wife (2) |
The James Madison Carpenter Collection |
1927-1955 |
No |
278 |
W.B. Morton |
Farmer's Curst Wife |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
278 |
Walter Pardon |
Devil and Farmer's Wife |
Jim Carroll & Pat Mackenzie Collection |
No |
278 |
Walter Pardon |
Devil and the Farmer’s Wife |
A Country Life |
1982 |
No |
278 |
Walter Pardon |
The Devil & the Farmer's Wife |
A World Without Horses |
2000 |
2:56 |
Yes |
278 |
Walter Pardon |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Three Score and Ten - A Voice to the People |
2009 |
2:53 |
Yes |
278 |
Waterson:Carthy |
The Devil and the Farmer |
A Dark Light |
2002 |
3:39 |
Yes |
278 |
Waterson:Carthy |
The Devil and the Farmer |
The Definitive Collection |
2005 |
3:39 |
Yes |
278 |
Weasel Creek String Band |
Devil & the Farmer's Wife |
Oasis Acoustic, Vol. 28 |
2001 |
3:16 |
Yes |
278 |
Will Danforth |
The Farmer's Curst Wife |
Live at Mama's |
2000 |
No |
278 |
Win Stracke |
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife |
Songs of Old Town |
1968 |
2:54 |
Yes |
Excerpt from The British Traditional Ballad in North America
by Tristram Coffin 1950, from the section A Critical Biographical Study of the Traditional Ballads of North America
Texts: Barry, Brit Bids Me, 325 / Beck, Sgs Mich Vjks, 107 / Belden, Mo F-S, 947 Brewster, Bids Sgs Ind, 155 / Brown Coll/ Bull Tenn FLS, VIII, #3, 73 / Chappell, F-S Rnke Alb, 42 / Cox, F-S South, 164.1 Crabtree, Overton Cnty, 98 / Creighton, Sgs Bids N Sc, 18 / Cutting, Adirondack Cnty, 71 / Davis, Trd Bid Va, 505 / Downes and Siegmeister, Treasry Am Sg, 228 / Duncan, No Hamilton Cnty, 108 / Flanders, Vt F-S Bids, 226 / Gardner and Chickering, Bids Sgs So Mich, 373 / Garrison, Searcy Cnty, 13 / Haun, Cocke Cnty, 69 / Henry, F-S So Hghlds, 125 / Hudson, F-S Miss, 124 / Hummel, Oz F-S / JAFL, XIX, 2985 XXIV, 3485 XXVII, 68; XXX, 329; XLVIII, 299 / Kolb, Treasry F-S, 8 / Linscott, F-S Old NE, 188 / Lomax, Cowboy Sgs Frntr Bids, 110 / Lomax and Lomax, Our Sgng Cntry, 152 / Louisville Courier-Journal, 114 '177 MacKenzie, Bids Sea Sgs N Sc, 647 Mason, Cannon Cnty, 75 / Morris, F-S Fla, 472 / Musick, F-L Kirksmlle, 11 A / Niles, Anglo-Am Stdy Bk, 31 / Niles, BldsLvSgs TgcLgds, z/ PTFLS,X, 1 64 /Randolph, Os F-S, I, 1 89 / Randolph, Oz Mt Flk, 227 / SharpC, EngF-S So*Aplchns, #34/ SharpK, EngF-S So Aplchns, I, 275 / Siegmeister, Sgs Early Am, 44 / Smith and Rufty, Am Anth Old Wrld Bids, 53 / SFLQ, II, 77; IV, 157 / Va FLS Bull, #s 4 6, 8 10. Korson, Pa Sgs Lgds, 39.
Local Titles: A Woman and the Devil, Brave Old Anthony Marela, Hi Lum Day, Jack, Jack's Wife, Kellybumbraes, Ten Little Devils, The Devil and the Fanner's Wife, The Devil Came to the Farmer's One Day, The Devil's Song, The Farmer's Curst Wife, The Old Devil Come to my Plow, The Old Jokey Song, The Old Man under the Hill, The Old Woman and the Devil. The (Old) Scolding Wife.
Story Types: A: The Devil comes to take the farmer's shrewish wife, much to the farmer's delight. The woman is no more controllable in Hell than she was on earth. She kicks the imps about and is generally unmanageable. For the sake of peace and his own safety, the Devil is forced to take her back to the farmer. Upon her return, she sometimes asks for the food she was cooking in the pot when she left. Once and awhile she hits her husband, too. There is usually a comic, philosophic last stanza.
Examples: Belden (A), Davis (A), SharpK (A).
B: The story is like that of Type A. However, this feature is added: the farmer, having no oxen to plow his farm, lores the Devil, who abducts the wife as payment. Examples: Barry (C).
C: The Devil takes so many things from the farmer in accordance with a pact between them that soon the poor man has only his hogs left to plow with. The Devil then abducts the wife, and the usual story ensues.
Examples: Gardner and Chickering (E).
D: The usual story is told. In the end, however, the farmer welcomes his wife back and congratulates her for killing the imps and ruling Hell.
Examples: Barry (D).
E: The usual story is told, but, as in some of the Type A texts, the woman asks for the food in the pot on her return, only to find that is has all been eaten up. She also brags to her husband of her accomplishments in Hades.
Examples: Cox.
F: The usual story is told. As in Types A and E the woman asks for the food in the pot on her return. She follows this query by beating her husband, who is sick in bed, on the head with a pipe.
Examples: Randolph, OzF-S (B); SharpK (B).
Discussion: This ballad and a related song, The Devil in Search of a Wife, were London broadsides of the nineteenth century. Child prints only two versions of the traditional song, of which the A text is most like the majority of the American ballads. In this country, however, a mock aphoristic closing stanza on shrewish women is almost universally found, and the Child B
ending, in which the returning wife asks for the food (mush, chicken, bread, etc.) she was cooking when abducted is not at all uncommon. See Types E and F.
Barry, Brit Bids Me y 332, pieces together his conception of the original story. The farmer has made a pact with the Devil for aid, as he has no oxen to plow his fields. Satan returns for the soul of one member of the family as payment. As in Child A, the farmer is relieved that his eldest son is not desired. This explanation would account for Type B stories and is lent support by the Maine, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia versions that find the farmer yoking the swine to his plow. (In Siegmeister, Sgs Early Am, 44, from New York the farmer uses his wife as well as the swine.) See also the Gardner and Chickering, Bids Sgs So Mich, E text (Type C) which was recited as a story outline, the exact words of the song having been forgotten.
Beck, Sgs Mich Lmjks, 107 prints a text from the woodsmen that substitutes a lumberjack for the farmer, and the Randolph, OzF-S 9 1, 189 version is long, with many added details. Nevertheless, the story matter of both these texts can be said to be Type A. Note that the American stories have a number of varied endings, all, expecting Type D, being in the same mood.
There is something of the sentimental in Type D.
The American refrains are whistles, as in Child A, and/or nonsense lines of the "sing fol-roll dolli", etc. sort.
Belden, Mo F-S, 95 expresses the belief that the devils dancing on a wire, as they do in Missouri and Nova Scotia, may hark back to the mystery plays.
Folk Index: The Devil and the Farmer's Wife [Ch 278/Sh 40/Me I-A15]
Rt - With a Fie Fie ; Sussex Whistling Song
At - Old Man Under the Hill ; Battle Axe and the Devil
Rm - Lillibullero
Mf - Hi-Fi Stereo Color TV
Dunson, Josh; & Ethel Raim (eds) / Anthology of American Folk Music, Oak, Sof (1973), p 26 (Old Lady and the Devil)
Scott, John Anthony (ed.) / Ballad of America, Grosset & Dunlap, Bk (1967), p152 (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Friedman, Albert B. (ed.) / Viking Book of Folk Ballads of the English-S, Viking, sof (1963/1957), p452 [1846ca] (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Lynn, Frank (ed.) / Songs for Swingin' Housemothers, Fearon, Sof (1963/1961), p218 (Old Man Who Lived Near Hell)
Lomax, Alan / Folk Songs of North America, Doubleday Dolphin, Sof (1975/1960), p187/# 92 (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Luboff, Norman; and Win Stracke (eds.) / Songs of Man, Prentice-Hall, Bk (1966), p318
Fowke, Edith and Richard Johnston / Folk Songs of Canada, Waterloo Music, Bk (1954), p172 (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Ives, Burl / Irish Songs, Duell-Sloan, Bk (1958/1955), p 30 (Women Are Worse than the Men)
Silverman, Jerry / How to Play Guitar, Doubleday, Sof (1968), p126
Leach, MacEdward / The Ballad Book, Harper & Row, Bk (1955), p661A (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Leach, MacEdward / The Ballad Book, Harper & Row, Bk (1955), p661B (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Leach, MacEdward / The Heritage Book of Ballads, Heritage, Bk (1967), p124 (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Ancient Orphic Mystery Band. Ancient Orphic Mystery Band, Troubadour TR 09, LP (1977), trk# A.06 (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Anderson, Casey. Casey Anderson "Live" at the Ice, Atco 33-172, LP (1963), trk# A.01 (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Armstrong, Frankie. And the Music Plays So Grand, Sierra/Briar SBR 4211, LP (1980/1978), trk# B.01
Armstrong, Lena; & Etta Jones. Traditional Music of Beech Mountain, NC, Vol I, Folk Legacy FSA 022, LP (1964), trk# 9 [1963] (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Ashlaw, Ted. Adirondack Woods Singer, Philo 1022, LP (1976), trk# 8 [1973/07ca] (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Baker, Nova. Land of Yahoe, Rounder 8041, CD (1996), trk# 18 (Old Lady and the Devil)
Ball, E. C. (Estil C.). Sounds of the South, Atlantic 7-82496-2, CD( (1993), trk# 1.03 [1959/07ca] (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Barker, Horton. Anglo American Ballads, Library of Congress AFS L 1, LP (1956), trk# A.02 [1939] (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Barker, Horton. Lomax, Alan / Penguin Book of American Folk Songs, Penguin, sof (1969/1964), p 43/# 23 (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Barlow, Susie S.. Hubbard, Lester A. / Ballads and Songs from Utah, Univ. of Utah, Bk (1961), P 39/# 17A [1948/10/18] (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Black, Mrs.. Cox, John Harrington (ed.) / Folk-Songs of the South, Dover, Sof (1967/1925), p164/# 30 [1917/01/03] (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Broadbent, Peter. Wolfe, Charles K.(ed.) / Folk Songs of Middle Tennessee. George Boswell, Univ. Tennesse, Sof (1997), p 42/# 22 [1952/06/27] (Old Farmer)
Buckner, Sarah. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p275/# 40A [1916/09/19] (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Burstow, H.. Williams, R. Vaughan; & A. L. Lloyd (eds.) / Penguin Book of English Fol, Penguin, Sof (1959), p 34 [1903] (Devil and the Ploughman)
Campbell, Gerard. Wandering Minstrel, London LL 1714, LP (195?), trk# B.08 (Killyburn/KillieBurne Brae)
Chisholm, N. B.. Sharp, Cecil & Maude Karpeles (eds.) / Eighty English Folk Songs from th, MIT Press, Sof (1968), p 51 [1917ca] (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Chisholm, N. B.. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p276/# 40B [1916/09/21] (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Clayton, Paul. Unholy Matrimony, Elektra EKL 147, LP (1958), trk# B.02 (Farmer's Nagging Wife)
Clayton, Paul. Asch, Moses (ed.) / 124 Folk Songs as Sung and Recorded on Folkways Reco, Robbins, fol (1965), p 41 (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Collins, Judy. Maid Of Constant Sorrow, Elektra EKLS 209/7209, LP (1961), trk# B.02 (Oh Daddy Be Gay)
Collins, Judy. Folk Music Scene, M. Witmark, Sof (1967), p 95 (Oh Daddy Be Gay)
Collins, Mitzie. Sampler of Folk Music, Sampler aafm 7601, LP (1976), trk# A.07 (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Cottrell, Jenes. 2nd Annual Brandywine Mountain Music Festival, 1975., Heritage (Galax) 012, LP (1976), trk# 12
Cuddihey, Michael. Fowke, Edith (ed.) / The Penguin Book of Canadian Folk Songs, Penguin, Sof (1973), p174/#75 [1957] (Farmer and the Devil)
Dubliners. Ballads and Booze, Chyme CHLP 1007, LP (1978), trk# B.05 (Killyburn/KillieBurne Brae)
Dyer-Bennet, Richard. Twentieth Century Minstrel; Folk Songs & Ballads, Decca DL 9102, LP (196?/1946), trk# 1
Dyer-Bennet, Richard. Richard Dyer-Bennet 13, Dyer-Bennet 13, LP (1964), trk# A.05
Ennis, Seamus. Bonnie Bunch of Roses, Tradition TLP 1013, LP (195?), trk# A.04 (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Farnham, George. Flanders, Helen H. & George Brown / Vermont Folk Songs and Ballads, Folklore Associates, Bk (1968/1931), p226 [1930/08/28] (Scolding Wife)
Faulkner, Mr.; and Ben Henneberry. Creighton, Helen / Songs and Ballads from Nova Scotia, Dover, sof (1996/1933), p 18/# 9 [1927-32]
Gainer, Patrick. Folk Songs of the Alleghenies, Folk Heritage, LP (1963), trk# A.06 (Farmer's Wife and the Devil)
Gant, Foy and Ado. Lomax, John A. & Alan Lomax / Our Singing Country, Dover, Sof (2000/1941), p152 [1934] (Tee Roo)
Gingerthistle. Grandad's Porch, Kudzu KPP 007, CD (1998), trk# 5
Gladden, Texas. Ballad Legacy, Rounder 1800, CD (2001/1941), trk# 1 [1946]
Gladden, Texas. Ballad Legacy, Rounder 1800, CD (2001/1941), trk# 37 [1938]
Grover, Carrie. Wells, Evelyn Kendrick (ed.) / The Ballad Tree, Ronald, Bk (1950), p122 [1944/05]
Hildebrand, David & Ginger. Out on a Limb, Hildebrand H101, LP (198?), trk# 9 (Daddy Be Gay)
Hinton, Sam. Singing Across the Land, Decca DL 8108, LP (1955), trk# A.01c (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Ives, Burl. Wayfaring Stranger, Columbia CS 9041, LP (1964/1955), trk# B.02
Ives, Burl. Ives, Burl / Burl Ives Song Book, Ballantine Books, Bk (1953), p194 (Divil and the Farmer)
Ives, Burl. Coronation Concert, Decca DL 8080, LP (1954), trk# A.01a (Divil and the Farmer)
Jepson, James. Hubbard, Lester A. / Ballads and Songs from Utah, Univ. of Utah, Bk (1961), p 40/# 17B [1947/09/11]
Kahn, Kathy. Working Girl. Women's Songs from Mountains Mines and Mills, Voyager VRLP 305-S, LP (1972), trk# B.05
Keefer, Jane. Banjo Newsletter, BNL, Ser (1973-), 1979/11,p10
Koerner, John ("Spider" John). Some American Folk Songs Like They Used To, Sweet Jane SJL 1024, LP (1974), trk# A.01 (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Lain, Myrtle. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume I, British Ballads and Songs, Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p191/# 36B [1930/02/14] (Old Man Under the Hill)
Langstaff, John. Water Is Wide. American and British Ballads and Folksongs, Revels 2202, CD (2002), trk# 5 [1959] (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Lund, Lewis. Brave Boys, New England Traditions in Folk Music, New World NW 239, LP (1977), trk# 2 [1959/10] (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Maguire, D.. O Lochlainn, Colm (ed.) / Irish Street Ballads, Corinth, Sof (1960/1939), p108/# 54 [1912ca] (Women Are Worse than the Men)
Marks, Phyllis. Folksongs and Ballads, Vol 2. Phyllis Marks, Augusta Heritage AHR 008, Cas (1991), trk# 1.13 (Devil and the Old Woman)
McBee, Hamper. Raw Mash, Rounder 0061, LP (1978), trk# 20
McCutcheon, John. How Can I Keep from Singing?, June Appal JA 003, LP (1975), trk# 2
McMillon, Bobby. Carolina Sampler, Global Village C 312, Cas (1992), trk# 9 [1980s]
Mills, Nellie. Morris, Alton C. / Folksongs of Florida, Univ. Florida, Bk (1950), p324/#173B [1934-39]
Moberly, Susan. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p279/# 40E [1917/08/20] (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Moran, Thomas. Folk Songs of Britain, Vol 5. The Child Ballads, Vol. II, Caedmon TC 1146, LP (1961), trk# B.07 [1950s] (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Morgan, William. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), P281/# 40G [1917/10/05] (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Niles, John Jacob. American Folk and Gambling Songs, Camden CaL 219, LP (1956), trk# A.07 (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Older, Lawrence. Adirondack Songs, Ballads and Fiddle Tunes, Folk Legacy FSA 015, Cas (1964), trk# A.02 (Randy Riley)
Owens, William A.. Owens, William A. (ed.) / Texas Folk Songs. 2nd edition, SMU Press, Bk (1976/1950), p 36 [1930s] (Devil's Song)
Pace, Eliza. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p280/# 40F [1917/10/01] (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Peak, Mrs. Georgia. Moore, Ethel & Chauncey (ed.) / Ballads and Folk Songs of the Southwest, Univ. of Okla, Bk (1964), p127/# 53 [1940s] (Farmer Jones's Wife)
Peters, Jack. Songs of Early Times, Early Times, LP (1961), trk# A.08 (Farmer's Scolding Wife)
Pitt, Everett. Up Agin the Mountain, Marimac 9200, Cas (1987/1944), trk# 2 [1944/12/03] (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Prescott, Henry. Linscott, Eloise Hubbard (ed.) / Folk Songs of Old New England, Dover, Bk (1993/1939), p188 [1920-30s]
Provance, F. P. (Fillmore Peter). Korson, George (ed.) / Pennsylvania Songs and Legends, Univ. of Penna., Bk (1949), p 39 [1943] (Old Jokey Song)
Reed, Bill and Belle. Anthology of American Folk Music, Smithsonian/Folkways SFW 40090, CD( (1997), trk# 5 [1928/10/17] (Old Lady and the Devil)
Ritchie, Frank. The Singing Ulsterman, Request RLP 8057, LP (196?), trk# B.03 (Old Man from Killyburn Brae)
Ritchie, Jean. Folk Box, Elektra EKL 9001, LP (1964), trk# 71 (Little Devils)
Ritchie, Jean. O Love Is Teasin', Elektra 60402-1-U, LP (1957), trk# 2.06 (Little Devils)
Ritchie, Jean. Best of Jean Ritchie, Prestige International INT 13003, LP (196?), trk# 12 (Little Devils)
Ritchie, Jean. British Traditional Ballads in the Southern Mountains (Vol. 2), Folkways FA 2302, LP (1961), trk# A.02 (Little Devils)
Ritchie, Jean. Ritchie, Jean / Singing Family of the Cumberlands, Oak, sof (1955), p131 (Little Devils)
Ritchie, Sabrina. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p277/# 40C [1917/09/20] (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Seeger, Peggy. Folksongs and Ballads, Riverside RLP 12-655, LP (1959), trk# 7
Seeger, Peggy. Everybody Sing, Vol 3., Riverside RLP 1420, LP (196?), trk# A.05b (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Seeger, Peggy. Seeger, Peggy / Five String Banjo American Folk Styles, Hargail, sof (1960), p 8/# 4 (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Seeger, Pete. American Ballads, Folkways FA 2319, LP (1957), trk# 9 (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Seeger, Pete. Seeger, Pete / American Favorite Ballads, Oak, fol (1961), p58
Seeger, Pete. American Favorite Ballads, Smithsonian/Folkways SFW-CD 40155, CD( (2009), trk# 2.23 [1957] (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Sky, Patrick. Harvest of Gentle Clang, Vanguard VSD7 9207, LP (1966), trk# B.03 (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Smith, Hobart. Hobart Smith, Folk Legacy FSA 017, LP (1964), trk# 10
Smith, Mrs. J. H.. Morris, Alton C. / Folksongs of Florida, Univ. Florida, Bk (1950), p323/#173A [1934-39] (Jack's Wife)
Spradley, Isabel. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume I, British Ballads and Songs, Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p189/# 36A [1929/11/07] (Old Man Under the Hill)
Stekert, Ellen. Songs of a New York Lumberjack, Folkways FA 2354, LP (1958), trk# A.06 (Poor Anthony Rolly)
Storey, (Mr.) Sandy Stuart. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p278/# 40D [1917/04/19] (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Sturdivent, Pina. Abrahams, Roger; & George Foss / Anglo-American Folksong Style, Prentice-Hall, Sof (1968), 6-3 [1965]
Summers, Andrew Rowan. Seeds of Love, Folkways FA 2021, LP (1951), trk# B.02 (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Todd, Dylan. American Folk Songs, Overland OLM 101, LP (1958?), trk# B.03 (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Unidentified Singer. Niles, John Jacob / Ballad Book of John Jacob Niles, Bramhall House, Bk (1961), p315/N 60A [1912/10] (Old Woman and the Devil)
Unidentified Singer. Niles, John Jacob / Ballad Book of John Jacob Niles, Bramhall House, Bk (1961), p318/N 60B [1930s] (Farmer and the Devil)
Vass, John Daniel. Shellans, Herbert (ed.) / Folk Songs of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Oak, Sof (1968), p18 [1959/03/27] (Evil Woman)
Warner, Jeff; and Jeff Davis. Days of Forty Nine, Minstrel JD 206, LP (1977), trk# A.06 (Farmer's Curst Wife)
Waterson - Carthy. Waterson - Carthy / The Definitive Collection, Highpoint HPO 6012, CD (2005), trk# 11 [2002ca]
Weavers. Gilbert, Ronnie, (ed.) / Weavers' Song Book, Harper & Row, Sof (1960), p134
Weavers. Brand, Oscar / Folk Songs for Fun, Berkeley Medallion, Sof (1961), p105
West Orrtana String Band. Orrtana Home Companion, Revonah RS 932, LP (1978), trk# A.02
Workman, Nimrod. Mother Jones' Will, Rounder 0076, LP (1978), trk# 16
Yale, Marvin. Cazden, Norman (ed.) / Merry Ditties, Bonanza Books, Bk (1958), p 74
Yale, Marvin. Cazden, Norman, / Folk Songs of the Catskills, SUNY Press, sof (1982), p508/#137 [1940s]
With a Fie Fie - Darling, Erik/Traditional
Rt - Devil and the Farmer's Wife
Darling, Erik. Child, Child, Wind River WR 4013, CD (2000), trk# 2 (Old Ben Johnson)
The Devil and the Ploughman / The Farmer's Curst Wife / Lily Bulero
[Roud 160; Child 278; Ballad Index C278; trad.]
This song was collected by Ralph Vaughan Williams in 1903 from Henry Burstow, Horsham, Sussex, and published by him and A.L. Lloyd in The Penguin Book of English Folk Songs. In 1960, A.L. Lloyd recorded it for the album A Selection from the Penguin Book of English Folk Songs with concertina accompaniment by Alf Edwards. Like all tracks from this LP it was reissued in 2003 on the CD England & Her Traditional Songs. Lloyd wrote in the album's sleeve notes:
The tale of the shrewish wife who terrifies even the demons is ancient and widespread. The Hindus have it in a sixth century fable collection, the Panchatantra. It seems to have travelled westward by Persia, and to have spread to almost every European country. In early versions, the farmer makes a pact with the Devil and hands over his wife in return for a pair of plough oxen. Vaughan Williams got the present ballad from the Horsham shoemaker and bell-ringer, Henry Burstow. Mr Burstow whistled the refrains that in our performance are played by the concertina. Whistling was a familiar way of calling up the Devil (hence the sailors' dread that whistling may raise a storm).
Martin Carthy sang this song in 2002 as The Devil and the Farmer on Waterson:Carthy's fourth album, A Dark Light. He commented in the record's sleeve notes:
The Copper Family, Packie Manus Byrne, Séamus Ennis, Sam Larner, Almeda Riddle, Cecil Sharp and A.L. Lloyd, who, in this case, co-produced The Penguin Book of English Folk Songs, were some of the people who had a profound effect on one or other of us at some stage in our musical lives, and, in part, this CD reflects that involvement. In the end all our choices wouldn't fit on to one balanced CD and there were glum faces at the end of the sessions. But, since everybody lost something, we ended up sort of happy.
For myself, there were two people in the late 1950s whose unforgettable wildly different performances—one at the Troubadour Folk Club in Earl's Court and the other at Ewan MacColl's Ballads and Blues Club in the upstairs room of a pub in the Edgware Road (the name of which I can't remember)—decided for me the musical direction which my life was going to take. That pub, close to the old Metropolitan Theatre, may lie buried along with that famous theatre under the flyover which leads on to the M40 westway, but the memory will never, ever fade. The people I'm talking about are Séamus Ennis, whose version of The Devil and the Farmer starts this CD off, and Sam Larner, whose mighty telling of the Henry Martin story in Lofty Tall Ship was probably the single moment that ensured—bewildered though I was by what I thought of at the time at its baffling tune—that this music would embed its hooks into me for life.
Brian Peters sang The Farmer's Curst Wife in 2008 on his album of Child ballads, Songs of Trial and Triumph.
Barry Dransfield sang a variant called Lily Bulero in 1994 on his CD Be Your Own Man. He commented in the liner notes:
I heard this from Joe Skeaping, a wonderful early music player, in a Mayfair restaurant in the seventies. The song has Celtic connections in the lyrics and is more usually heard from the Irish (The Devil and the Farmer's Wife). The tune is reckoned to have been William of Orange's marching tune as he came up from Cornwall.
Jon Boden sang Lillibulero as the May 19, 2011 entry of his project A Folk Song a Day. This song will also appear in October 2012 on Bellowhead's forthcoming CD Broadside.
Compare to this the loosely related The Devil and the Feathery Wife sung my Martin Carthy on his album Out of the Cut. Both feature the farmer, his wife and the devil but the stories turn into quite different ways.
A.L. Lloyd sings The Devil and the Ploughman
There was an old farmer in Sussex did dwell,
And he'd a bad wife as many knew well,
To me fal-de-ral little law-day.
The devil he come to the old man at plough,
Saying, “One of your family I must have now,”
To me fal-de-ral little law-day.
“Now it isn't for you nor yet for your son,
But that scolding old wife as you've got at home.”
“Oh take her, oh take her with all of me heart,
And I wish she and you never more part.”
So the devil he took the old wife on his back,
And lugged her along like a pedlar's pack.
He trudged along till he reached his front gate,
Says, “Here, take in an old Sussex chap's mate.”
There was thirteen imps all dancing in chains,
She up with her pattens and beat our their brains.
Well, two more little devils jumped over the wall,
Saying, “Turn her out, father, she'll murder us all.”
So he bundled her up on his back again,
And to her old husband he took her again.
“Well, I've been a tormentor the whole of me life,
But I was never tormented till I met your wife.”
And now to conclude and make an end,
You see that the women is worse than the men:
If they get sent to hell, they get kicked back again,
To me fal-de-ral little law-day.
Waterson:Carthy sing The Devil and the Farmer
Oh there was an old farmer in Sussex he dwelt,
He had an old wife he didn't love well,
With me whip fol day
Fol lickety dee folder ol dee.
And the devil he came to the farmer at plough,
Say, “One of your family I got to have now,”
With me whip fol day
Fol lickety dee folder ol dee.
“Oh see here, good farmer, I've come for your wife,
Ay, she's the bane and torment to your life.”
“Oh take her, oh take her with all of my heart,
I hope that you and she never shall part.”
So the devil he hoisted her up on his back,
Down to Hell he has gone with a crack.
There were two little devils a-playing with chains,
She upped with her foot, she clattered their brains.
There were two little devils a-playing the ball,
“Oh take her away, father, she'll murder us all.”
So the devil he hoisted her back on his back,
Down to the farmer he's come with a crack.
There were nine years going and one coming back,
Down to the farmer he's come with a crack.
“Oh I've been a tormentor for most of my life,
But I never knew how till I met with your wife.”
This shows up that women do better than men,
They go to hell and get sent back again.
Barry Dransfield sings Lily Bulero
There was an old Farmer in Sussex did dwell
Lily Bulero bullen a lar
He had an old wife and she gave him hell
Lily Bulero bullen a lar
Chorus (after each verse):
Lero, lero, Lily Bulero, lero, lero bullen a lar
Lero, lero, Lily Bulero, lero, lero bullen a lar
So the devil he came to him at the plough,
“I want your wife and I want her now.”
The devil he hoisted her upon on his hump
And down to hell with her did he jump.
Two little devils were playin' with chains;
She took up a stick and she knocked out their brains.
Two more devils looked over the wall,
They said, “Take her back or she'll murder us all.”
So the devil he put her back on his hump
And back to earth with her did he jump.
“Now I've been a devil the whole of my life
But I never know hell 'til I met your wife.”
See also the Mudcat Café thread Lyr Add: The Devil and the Ploughman. The Wikipedia article Lillibullero has more information on William of Orange's marching tune and has completely different lyrics.
As sung by Terry Callier on "The New Folk Sound of Terry Callier" (1968)
1. There was an old man lived over the hill.
Oh, Johnny, be gay.
There was an old man lived over the hill.
If he ain't moved away, he's a-livin' there still.
Johnny, be gay if you can be.
2. The devil come up to the old man one day.
Oh, Johnny, be gay.
The devil come up to the old man one day,
And he says, "Your old lady I'm takin' away."
Johnny, be gay if you can be.
3. "Well, take her, please take her with all o' my heart.
Oh, yeah, you can have her with all o' my heart.
I hope to my soul you two never part."
4. The devil he packed her up on his back.
The devil he packed her up on his back.
Straight down the hill he went clickety-clack.
5. Well, ten little devils said, "Welcome to hell."
Yeah, ten little devils said, "Welcome to hell.
Pa, turn up the fire; we'll sizzle her well."
6. She caught four little devils out playin' tricks.
She caught four little devils out playin' tricks.
She bound 'em up tightly an' beat 'em with sticks.
7. Well six scared little devils they run down the hall.
Six little devils they run down the hall,
Cryin', "Take her back, daddy; she's killin' us all."
8. Oh, the devil he flung her up on his back.
The devil he flung her up on his back.
Straight out o' hell he come clickety-clack.
9. She found her ol' man layin' late in his bed.
She found her ol' man layin' late in his bed,
An' she picked up a butterknife, went to his head.
10. The old woman went whistlin' over the hill.
Oh, Johnny, be gay.
The old woman went whistlin' over the hill.
"Devil won't have me; I wonder who will?"
Johnny, be gay if you can be.
Johnny, be gay if you can be.
Johnny, be gay if you can be.