Recordings & Info 259. Lord Thomas Stuart

Recordings & Info 259. Lord Thomas Stuart

[There are no recordings listed in the Child Collection Index.]


 1) Alternative Titles
 2) Traditional Ballad Index

 3) ATTACHED PAGES: (see left hand column)
  1) Roud No. 4024: Lord Thomas Stuart (4 Listings)

Alternative Titles


Traditional Ballad Index: Lord Thomas Stuart [Child 259]

DESCRIPTION: Thomas Stuart gives his lady wide lands as a gift. She desires to see them. They ride out, but Thomas is stricken with pain. He bids her ride on; he himself returns home and dies. She dreams a dreadful dream, returns home, and realizes he is dead
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST_DATE: 1824 (Maidment)
KEYWORDS: love home courting disease death dream
FOUND_IN: Britain(Scotland(Aber))
REFERENCES: (3 citations)
Child 259, "Lord Thomas Stuart" (1 text)
GreigDuncan6 1233, "Lord Thomas Stuart" (1 text)
Leach, pp. 629-630, "Lord Thomas Stuart" (1 text)
Roud #4024
NOTES: GreigDuncan6 quoting Greig: "Origin unknown - first printed in [James Maidment,] _A North Countrie Garland_ 1835 [sic] [Edinburgh, 1824]." I don't understand the "1835"; Child refers to the 1884 reprint of the 1824 edition. It is in _A North Countrie Garland_, ed James Maidment revised by Edmund Goldsmith, (Edinburgh,1891 reprint of 1824 edition), pp. 11-14.
The dream "that our chamber was full of swine and our bed full of blood" associates pigs with death. That association is also made, and discussed briefly, for "Lady Anne Bothwell's Lament." - BS

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