Recordings & Info 243. James Harris (The Daemon Lover)

Recordings & Info 243. James Harris (The Daemon Lover); The House Carpenter

[A Warning for Married Women (Child version A, the earliest extant version) was entered in a Stationers' Register to Francis Grove on Feb. 21, 1657 by Laurence Price, a prolific broadside ballad writer. Whether Price's work is based on an earlier ballad is unknown.

In the United States the ballad, known usually as The House Carpenter, is one of the most popular and frequently collected English and Scottish ballads. Davis collected fifty-two texts from Virginia and published 29 texts and 7 melodies in the 1925 book, Traditional Ballads of Virginia. 
The House Carpenter- "Tom" Ashley- 1930]

Can't You Remember When Your Heart Was Mine?  by the Carolina Tar Heels in 1928 was the first old-time country recording of "The House Carpenter" although the first verse was taken from a different song. The Greers recorded it in 1929 but it was never issued. For the Greers music see Brown Collection. Tom Ashley's version was recorded in 1930 and again with Tex Isley in 1966. Bradley Kincaid recorded the ballad in 1933.

The two recordings with nearly identical texts by Ashley are transcribed in this collection - see: The House Carpenter- Ashley. Ashley's tune is modal with banjo accompaniment and is similar to the Appalachian versions that Cecil Sharp collected in 1916. Ashley's verses 3 and 7 are taken from versions of Young Hunting.

R. Matteson 2012]

 1) Alternative Titles
 2) Traditional Ballad Index 
 3) Child Collection Index
 4) Excerpt from The British Traditional Ballad in North America by Tristram Coffin 1950, from the section A Critical Biographical Study of the Traditional Ballads of North America
 5) Folk Index
 6) Mainly Norfolk (lyrics and info)
ATTACHED PAGES: (see left hand column)
  1) Roud No. 14  James Harris (The Daemon Lover); The House Carpenter (523 Listings) 
  2) The Ancestry of "The House-Carpenter" 
  3) Demon Lover in New England?- John Minear 
  4) Marriage and Retribution in 'James Harris' 
  5) "James Harris" in Britain Since Child

Alternate Titles

A Warning for Married Women
James Harris
Little Closet Door
(Well Met, Well Met) My Old True Love
On the Banks of the Sweet Laurie
The Banks of Claudy
The Carpenter's Wife
The Daemon Lover
The House Carpenter
The Faithless Wife
The  House Carpenter's Wife
The Salt Salt Sea
 The Salt Water Sea
The Sea Captain
Little Farmer Boy
The Ship Carpenter
Said an Old True Love
Forsaken House Carpenter
The Old Salt Sea
If You Will Leave Your House Carpenter
Well Met, Well Met, My Own True Love
Well Met, Well Met, My Old True Love  
Well Met, My Old True Love
The Sea-Faring Man
Well Met
The Banks of Italy
James Herries
I Have Forty Ships

Traditional Ballad Index:  Daemon Lover, The (The House Carpenter) [Child 243]

NAME: Daemon Lover, The (The House Carpenter) [Child 243]
DESCRIPTION: A girl who once loved a sailor is greeted by her lost lover (, now rich and powerful). He bids her come with him; she points out that she is married and has a child. He convinces her to come with him. Their ship sinks not far from land
AUTHOR: unknown
KEYWORDS: courting infidelity abandonment Devil death
FOUND_IN: Britain(Scotland(Aber),England(South)) US(Ap,MA,MW,NE,NW,SE,So,SW) Canada(Mar,Newf)
REFERENCES: (54 citations)
Child 243, "James Harris (The Daemon Lover)" (8 texts)
Bronson 243, "James Harris (The Daemon Lover)" (146 versions+1 in addenda)
GlenbuchatBallads, pp. 130-132, "Lady Jane" (1 text)
Greig #162, pp. 2-3, "James Harris" (1 fragment)
GreigDuncan2 332, "James Harris" (1 text, 1 tune) {Bronson's #134}
BarryEckstormSmyth pp. 310-313, "The House Carpenter" (1 text plus a fragment and a broadside version, 1 tune) {Bronson's #53}
Belden, pp. 79-87, "James Harris (The Daemon Lover)" (4 texts plus mention of 5 others, 2 tunes) {Bronson's #106, #124}
Randolph 30, "The House Carpenter" (4 texts plus 7 excerpts and 5 fragments, 8 tunes) {A=Bronson's #117, B=#114, E=#99, I=#122, J=#90, M=#5, N=#101, P=#97}
Randolph/Cohen, pp. 54-56, "The House Carpenter" (1 text, 1 tune -- Randolph's 30J) {Bronson's #90}
Eddy 23, "James Harris (The Daemon Lover)" (4 texts plus an excerpt, 4 tunes) {Bronson #121,#125,#55,#95}
Gardner/Chickering 10, "The House Carpenter" (2 texts plus an excerpt, 3 tunes) {Bronson's #131, #66, #128}
Dean, pp. 55-56, "The Faithless Wife" (1 text)
Peters, pp. 109-110, "Well Met, Well Met, My Old True Love' (1 text, 1 tune) {Bronson's #103}; pp. 121-122, "The Ship Carpenter" (1 text, 1 tune); pp. 149-150, "The Demon Lover" (1 text, 1 tune, but this was from a library's copy of Motherwell)
Flanders/Olney, pp. 243-244, "The Young Turtle Dove" (1 text, with an introductory "Turtle Dove" verse)
Flanders-Ancient3, pp. 287-321, "James Harris, or the Daemon Lover" (13 texts plus 3 fragments, some mixed with other songs (e.g. "G" has the "Turtle Dove" verse; "N" is very confused, with references to the Banks of Claudy), 11 tunes) {A=Bronson's #93, N=#141}
Davis-Ballads 40, "James Harris (The Daemon Lover)" (27 texts plus two versions in the appendix which are "Fare You Well, My Own True Love (The Storms Are on the Ocean, The False True Lover, The True Lover's Farewell, Red Rosy Bush, Turtle Dove)" with added "House Carpenter" verses; 7 tunes all entitled "The House Carpenter"; 23 more versions mentioned in Appendix A) {Bronson's #139,#42,#86,#62,#137,#52,#89}
Davis-More 36, pp. 270-289, "James Harris (The Daemon Lover)" (9 texts plus an excerpt, 10 tunes)
BrownII 40, "James Harris (The Daemon Lover)" (5 text plus 7 excerpts and mention of 2 more)
Chappell-FSRA 18, "The Demon Lover" (1 text, 1 tune) {Bronson's #94}
Hudson 21, pp. 119-122, "James Harris (The Daemon Lover)" (2 texts)
MHenry-Appalachians, pp. 59-61, "The House Carpenter" (1 text)
Shellans, pp. 30-31, "The House Carpenter" (1 text, 1 tune)
Boswell/Wolfe 3, pp. 7-9, "The House Carpenter" (1 text, 1 tune)
Scarborough-SongCatcher, pp. 150-159, "James Harris (The Daemon Lover)" (6 texts, all of which are entitled "The House Carpenter"; 3 tunes on pp. 400-401) {Bronson's #64, #58, #25}
Brewster 21, "James Harris" (9 texts, 2 tunes) {Bronson's #93, #127}
Peacock, pp. 740-741, "The Young Ship's Carpenter" (1 text, 1 tune)
Creighton-SNewBrunswick 5, "The House Carpenter" (1 text, 1 tune)
Leach, pp. 598-606, "James Harris (The Daemon Lover)" (4 texts)
McNeil-SFB2, pp. 122-131, "The House Carpenter's Wife"; "The House Carpenter"; "J'ai Marie un Ouvrier" (4 texts (1 Cajun French), 4 tunes)
OBB 28, "The Daemon Lover" (1 text)
Friedman, p. 13, "James Harris (The Demon Lover; The House Carpenter)" (2 texts, 1 tune)
Wyman-Brockway II, p. 54, "The Daemon Lover" (1 text, 1 tune) {Bronson's #91}
Ritchie-Southern, pp. 84-85, "The Little Carpenter" (1 text, 1 tune) {compare Bronson's #44, from a recording, showing a slightly different tune but almost the same text except that it is a "House Carpenter" rather than a "Little Carpenter"}
FSCatskills 74, "The Ship's Carpenter" (1 text, 1 tune)
Warner 45, "The Ship Carpenter" (1 text, 1 tune)
PBB 65, "James Harris (The Demon Lover)" (1 text)
Niles 55, "James Harris (The Daemon Lover" (1 text, 1 tune)
SharpAp 35, "The Daemon Lover" (10 texts plus 12 fragments, 22 tunes){Bronson's #2, #10, #54, #77, #113, #135, #23, #7, #29, #14, #109a, #50, #9, #65, #6, #36, #21, #48, #80, #74, #81, #136}
Sharp/Karpeles-80E 25, "The House Carpenter (The Daemon Lover)" (1 text, 1 tune) {Bronson's #9}
Sandburg, pp. 66-67, "The House Carpenter" (1 text, 1 tune) {Bronson's #118}
Lomax-FSNA 88, "The House Carpenter" (1 text, 1 tune)
Hodgart, p. 75, "James Harris (The Demon Lover)" (1 text)
JHCox 25, "James Harris (The Daemon Lover)" (5 texts plus mention of 16 others, 1 tune) {Bronson's #120}
JHCoxIIA, #12A-D, pp. 48-56, "The House Carpenter," "The House Carpenter's Wife" (4 texts, 3 tunes) {Bronson's #32, #83, #130}
Fowke/MacMillan 81, "The House Carpenter" (1 text, 1 tune)
TBB 34, "The Daemon Lover" (1 text)
Gilbert, pp. 35-36, "The House Carpenter and the Ship Carpenter" (1 text)
Abrahams/Foss, pp. 25-27, "The House Carpenter" (1 text, 1 tune)
LPound-ABS, 17, pp. 43-45, "The House Carpenter" (1 text)
Darling-NAS, pp. 34-36, "The House Carpenter" (1 text)
Silber-FSWB, p. 218, "The House Carpenter's Wife" (1 text)
BBI, ZN2466, "There dwelt a fair Maid in the West"
ADDITIONAL: Fred W. Allsopp, Folklore of Romantic Arkansas, Volume II (1931), p. 208, "The House Carpenter" (1 text)
Roud #14
Clarence Ashley, "The House Carpenter" (Columbia 15654-D, 1931; rec. 1930; on AAFM1, BefBlues3) {Bronson's #70}
Clarence Ashley & Tex Isley, "The House Carpenter" (on Ashley01)
Pearl Jacobs Borusky, "Well Met, My Old True Love" (AFS, 1940; on LC58) {Bronson's #103}
Sheila Clark, "House Carpenter" (on LegendTomDula)
Carolina Tar Heels, "Can't You Remember When Your Heart Was Mine?" (Victor V-40219, 1930)
Dillard Chandler, "Little Farmer Boy" (on Chandler01)
Mrs. Mary Ann Galpin, "The Young Ship's Carpenter" (on PeacockCDROM) [one verse only]
Rebecca King Jones, "The House Carpenter" [excerpt] (on USWarnerColl01)
Bradley Kincaid, "The House Carpenter" (Bluebird 5255/Sunrise 3338, 1933)
A. L. Lloyd, "The Demon Lover" (on Lloyd3, ESFB1, ESFB2)
Almeda Riddle, "The House Carpenter" (on LomaxCD1706) {Bronson's #71}
Jean Ritchie, "The House Carpenter" (on JRitchie01)
Jean Ritchie & Doc Watson, "The House Carpenter" (on RitchieWatson1, RitchiteWatsonCD1)
Hobart Smith & Texas Gladden, "The House Carpenter" (Disc 6079, 1940s) {Bronson's #47}
Lillie Steele, "The House Carpenter" (on PSteele01) {Bronson's #24}
Doug Wallin, "The House Carpenter" (on Wallins1)
Clay Walters, "The Ship Carpenter" (AFS, 1937; on LC58) {Bronson's #13 or #78}
Annie Watson & Gaither Carlton, "The House Carpenter" (on Watson01)
Bodleian, Harding B 18(255), "House Carpenter," J.H. Johnson (Philadelphia), n.d.
LOCSinging, sb40538b, "The House Carpenter," H. De Marsan (New York), 1864-1878; also as105530, "The House Carpenter"
NOTES: Although Child calls this "The Daemon Lover," a survey of the 163 versions printed or cited in Bronson shows that 99 are named "The House Carpenter" or minor variants, and several others were probably retitled by the editors. This probably ought to be the family name -- but I adopted the one I did as a partial link to Child. - RBW
Broadside LOCSinging sb40538b: H. De Marsan dating per _Studying Nineteenth-Century Popular Song_ by Paul Charosh in American Music, Winter 1997, Vol 15.4, Table 1, available at FindArticles site. - BS

Child Collection- Child Ballad 243: James Harris, (The Daemon Lover)

Child --Artist --Title --Album --Year --Length ---Have 243 A.C. Overton House Carpenter Going Down to Raleigh - Stringband Music in the North Carolina Piedmont 1976-1998 2009 No
243 A.L. Lloyd The Daemon Lover The English and Scottish Popular Ballads (The Child Ballads) - Vol. 7 [Reissue] 196? 4:24 Yes 243 A.L. Lloyd The Daemon Lover The English and Scottish Popular Ballads (The Child Ballads) - Vol. 4 1956  No
243 A.L. Lloyd The Demon Lover English & Scottish Folk Ballads [1996] 1996 3:55 Yes
243 A.L. Lloyd The Demon Lover English & Scottish Folk Ballads [1964] 1964 No
243 A.L. Lloyd The Demon Lover Classic A.L. Lloyd - Traditional Songs 1994 3:55 Yes
243 A.L. Lloyd The Daemon Lover Bramble Briars & Beams of the Sun 2011 No
243 Abe Horton The House Carpenter Old Time Music from Fancy Gap 1978 No
243 Abe Horton The House Carpenter 39th National Folk Festival 1977 No
243 Acie Cargill House Carpenter Bluegrass and Kentucky Blues 2007 3:30 Yes
243 Acie Cargill & The Stone in Shoes Band The House Carpenter In the Willow Garden 2002 3:49 Yes
243 Acie Cargill & The Stone in Shoes Band The House Carpenter Hymn to America 2007 No
243 Alasdair Roberts & Friends The Daemon Lover Too Long in This Condition 2010 4:43 Yes
243 Albert Jeremiah Fields The House Carpenter Singing About It - Folk Song in Southern Indiana By George List - Accompanying Cassette 1991 No
243 Alex Robb The Daemon Lover The James Madison Carpenter Collection 1927-1955 No
243 Alexandra Hawley & Jeffrey McFadden The House Carpenter Terry Riley - Cantos Desiertos 2003 2:05 Yes
243 Alison McMorland, Geordie McIntyre & Kirsty Potts The Daemon Lover Ballad Tree 2003 3:19 Yes
243 All in the Merry Month of May House Carpenter Root Bramble Stone 2011 No
243 All Wrecked Up House Carpenter A.P. Carter Highway 2003 6:29 Yes
243 Allie Long Parker House Carpenter The Max Hunter Folk Song Collection 4:52 Yes
243 Almeda Riddle The House Carpenter Songs and Ballads of the Ozarks 1960 No
243 Almeda Riddle The House Carpenter Southern Journey, Vol 6: Sheep, Sheep, Don'tcha Know the Road? 1997 7:44 Yes
243 Almeda Riddle House Carpenter Make It Your Sound, Make It Your Scene – Vanguard Records and the 1960s Musical Revolution 2012 No
243 Almeda Riddle The House Carpenter (1) The John Quincy Wolf Folklore Collection - Ozark Folksongs 6:05 Yes
243 Almeda Riddle The House Carpenter (2) The John Quincy Wolf Folklore Collection - Ozark Folksongs 7:44 Yes
243 Almeda Riddle The House Carpenter (3) The John Quincy Wolf Folklore Collection - Ozark Folksongs 1:04 Yes
243 Almeda Riddle The House Carpenter (4) The John Quincy Wolf Folklore Collection - Ozark Folksongs 7:16 Yes
243 Andrew King The House Carpenter The Bitter Harvest 1998 8:57 Yes
243 Andrew Rowan Summers The House Carpenter The Unquiet Grave and Other American Tragic Ballads 1951 4:09 Yes
243 Andrew Stewart The Daemon Lover Hamish Henderson Collects - Songs, Ballads and a Story from the School of Scottish Studies Archives - Vol. 2 2006 1:29 Yes
243 Andy Irvine The Demon Lover Abocurragh 2010 6:21 Yes
243 Andy Irvine The Demon Lover BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards 2011 2011 5:51 Yes
243 Angie C & Friends House Carpenter MoonShine Memories 2010 No
243 Anne Byrne The House Carpenter Come By the Hills 1974 3:54 Yes
243 Ariella Uliano House Carpenter Leave Only Your Footsteps Behind 2008 No
243 Asonance Tesař (The House Carpenter) Alison Gross - Scottish and Irish Folk Songs and Ballads 2000 6:20 Yes
243 Audrey McGuire The House Carpenter Tennessee, the Folk Heritage, Vol. 2.: the Mountains 1982 No
243 Aunt Molly Jackson The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Bell Duncan James Harris (The Daemon Lover) The James Madison Carpenter Collection 1927-1955 No
243 Belle Luther Richards House Carpenter The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection No
243 Benji Kirkpatrick The Ship Carpenter Half a Fruit Pie 2004 10:03 Yes
243 Berzilla Wallin The House Carpenter Digital Library of Appalachia: Warren Wilson College Collection 197?-198? No
243 Betty Canupp James Harris The Mary Elizabeth Barnicle-Tillman Cadle Collection No
243 Beulah Greer The House Carpenter (1) Ben Gray Lumpkin Digital Folk Music Collection 1950-1970 1:49 Yes
243 Beulah Greer The House Carpenter (2) Ben Gray Lumpkin Digital Folk Music Collection 1950-1970 1:07 Yes
243 Bird Microphone House Carpenter Memory Days 2007 No
243 Bob Dylan House Carpenter The Bootleg Series, Volumes 1-3 (Rare & Unreleased) 1961-1991 1991 4:08 Yes
243 Bob Dylan House Carpenter For Sale or Just on the Shelf - Columbia Studios - Recording Session Outtakes 1961-1964 1964 4:07 Yes
243 Boiled in Lead House Carpenter Silver 2008 No
243 Boiled in Lead House Carpenter Alloy Complete 1998 No
243 Bradley Kincaid House Carpenter Old Time Songs & Hymns - Vol 3 & 4 1974 No
243 Bradley Kincaid The House Carpenter Mountain Ballads and Old Time Songs, Vol. 3 1965 3:08 Yes
243 Bradley Kincaid The House Carpenter Favorite Old Time Songs, Vol. 2 1984 No
243 Brian Peters The Demon Lover Persistence of Memory 1985 5:39 Yes
243 Brian Peters The Demon Lover Songs of Trial and Triumph 2008 5:44 Yes
243 Buffy Sainte-Marie House Carpenter Little Wheel Spin and Spin 1966 3:36 Yes
243 Cammi Vaughan The House Carpenter Lass of Roch Royal 2005 No
243 Capt. Pearl R. Nye The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Cara The House Carpenter In Between Times 2007 6:04 Yes
243 Cara The House Carpenter In Full Swing - Live 2008 6:42 Yes
243 Carl Peterson The Daemon Lover (House Carpenter) Drifting with Michener 2006 No
243 Carl Peterson The Daemon Lover Pirate Songs, Sea Songs & Shanties 2006 No
243 Carl Peterson & The Drambeauties The House Carpenter Playing Nice Together 2007 No
243 Cathy & Dave House Carpenter Crazy Quilt 1998 4:21 Yes
243 Chairs The House Carpenter Musical Chairs 2006 3:18 Yes
243 Cindy Grayson House Carpenter Celtic Seasoning - Classic Folk, Vol. 2 2010 No
243 Clarence (Tom) Ashley House Carpenter Greenback Dollar - The Music of Clarence (Tom) Ashley 1929-1933 2001 3:17 Yes 243 Clarence (Tom) Ashley House Carpenter Old Time Music at Newport 1963 4:02 Yes
243 Clarence Ashley House Carpenter Songcatcher II: The Tradition That Inspired the Movie 2002 3:53 Yes
243 Clarence Ashley House Carpenter The Roots of Bob Dylan 2009 No
243 Clarence Ashley The House Carpenter Anthology of American Folk Music 1997 3:16 Yes
243 Clarence Ashley The House Carpenter The History of Country & Western Music 2001 3:16 Yes
243 Clarence Ashley The House Carpenter Les Triomphes De La Country Music - Volume 16: Old Time 2002 3:14 Yes
243 Clarence Ashley House Carpenter Before the Blues - The Early American Black Music Scene as Captured on Classic Recordings from the 1920s and 30s - Vol. 3 1996 3:15 Yes
243 Clarence Ashley House Carpenter Out-Takes from the Early Dylan Sessions 2011 No
243 Clay Walters The Ship Carpenter Child Ballads Traditional in the United States, Vol. II 1960 6:22 Yes
243 Clive Palmer House Carpenter Just Me 1979 3:48 Yes
243 Clive Palmer & Bob Devereux House Carpenter Suns and Moons 1999 3:43 Yes
243 Curtis & Loretta The House Carpenter Our Heritage in Song 2009 No
243 Custer LaRue & The Baltimore Consort The House Carpenter (The Daemon Lover) Custer LaRue Sings The Daemon Lover - Traditional Ballads & Songs of England, Scotland & America 1993 4:03 Yes
243 Cyril Tawney The Carpenter's Wife The Outlandish Knight 1969 6:38 Yes
243 Dáithí Sproule The House Carpenter A Heart Made of Glass 1993 6:02 Yes
243 Dan Dutton The House Carpenter Rose & Briar 2004 7:54 Yes
243 Dan Keding House Carpenter In a Dead Man's Company - Dark Spirits & Savage Truths 2000 No
243 Dan Keding House Carpenter Stories from the Other Side 1990 5:16 Yes
243 Dan Tate House Carpenter Dan Tate - From the Collection of Peter Hoover 2006 No
243 Dan V. Stafford The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Dave Thompson The House Carpenter Ballads and Songs of Tradition 2000 1:51 Yes
243 Dave Van Ronk House Carpenter Inside Dave Van Ronk 1991 3:34 Yes
243 David Doucet J'Ai Marie Un Ouvrier 1957 - Solo Cajun Guitar 1999 4:16 Yes
243 David Grisman & Daniel Kobialka House Carpenter Common Chord 1996 3:55 Yes
243 David McIntosh House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 David Rice House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Dervish The Banks of Sweet Viledee Midsummer's Night 2001 3:43 Yes
243 Dervish The Banks of the Sweet Viledee Decade 2001 3:44 Yes
243 Dillard Chandler Little Farmer Boy Dark Holler - Old Love Songs and Ballads 2005 4:30 Yes
243 Dillard Chandler Little Farmer Boy The End of an Old Song 1975 No
243 Doc Watson House Carpenter Live at Club 47, Cambridge, MA 1963 5:13 Yes
243 Doc Watson The House Carpenter Doc Watson at Gerdes Folk City 2001 4:30 Yes
243 Donald Leace & Carol Hedin The House Carpenter At the Shadows 1962 5:03 Yes
243 Dorothy Rorick The House Carpenter The Art of Old-Time Mountain Music 2003 3:04 Yes
243 Dorothy Rorick House Carpenter Old Originals, Volume 2 - Old Time Instrumental Music Recently Recorded in North Caroline & Virgina 1976 3:06 Yes
243 Dorothy Rorick The House Carpenter (James Harris, the Daemon Lover) Virginia Traditions - Ballads from British Tradition 1993 2:35 Yes
243 Doug & Jack Wallin House Carpenter Family Songs and Stories from the North Carolina Mountains 1995 5:39 Yes
243 Doug Wallin The House Carpenter Crazy About a Song - Old-Time Ballad Singers and Musicians from Virginia and North Carolina 1992 No
243 Doug Wallin The House Carpenter Far in the Mountains, Vol. 3 & 4 - Songs, Tunes and Stories from Mike Yates' Appalachian Collections 1979-1983 2002 4:52 Yes
243 Ed Rennie Little House Carpenter Narrative 2005 No
243 Edward Ballinger Price Daemon Lover The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection No
243 Edward Flower & Joel Brown The House Carpenter Chords & Thyme - English Folksongs for Guitar 1994 3:51 Yes
243 Elecampane Well Met When God's on the Water 1975 2:25 Yes
243 Elizabeth Nicholson House Carpenter + The Broken Pledge Sink or Swim 2006 5:39 Yes
243 Elizabeth Robb The Daemon Lover The James Madison Carpenter Collection 1927-1955 No
243 Ellen Stekert The House Carpenter Our Singing Heritage. Vol 1 1958 No
243 Elmer George House Carpenter (1) The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection No
243 Elmer George House Carpenter (2) The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection No
243 Elmer George House Carpenter (3) The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection No
243 Elmer George The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Emilyn House Carpenter Some Lone Valley 2004 No
243 Eunice McAlexander House Carpenter The Ferrum College Collection 1976-1977 5:30 Yes
243 Ewan MacColl James Herries Solo Flight 1972 3:15 Yes
243 Ewan MacColl James Herries Blood and Roses - Vol. 5 1986 3:27 Yes
243 Ewan MacColl The Daemon Lover [English] The Long Harvest, Vol. 2 - Some Traditional Ballads in Their English, Scots and North American Variants 1966 3:51 Yes
243 Faun Fables House Carpenter The Transit Rider 2006 5:04 Yes
243 Faun Fables House Carpenter Duyster II 2006 No
243 Feter McBlues House Carpenter <website> 2007 2:27 Yes
243 Fingerz 'n' Fretz The Demon Lover The Dorchester Hornpipe 2009 No
243 Finley Adams The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Frank Browne The Banks of the Sweet Vilidee Early Ballads in Ireland 1968-1985 1985 3:18 Yes
243 Frank Proffitt The House Carpenter I'm Going Back to North Carolina - Frank Proffitt - 3 1987 No
243 Frankie Armstrong Demon Lover Encouragement 2008 5:19 Yes
243 Fred High House Carpenter The John Quincy Wolf Folklore Collection - Ozark Folksongs 1:55 Yes
243 G.W. Blevins The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Gavin Davenport House Carpenter Brief Lives 2010 4:48 >Yes
243 George Ellias House Carpenter Unreleased Bootlegs and Singles 2011 4:43 Yes
243 George Vinton Graham The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 George Vinton Graham The House Carpenter (1) California Gold - Northern California Folk Music from the Thirties Collected By Sidney Robertson Cowell 193? 2:01 Yes
243 George Vinton Graham The House Carpenter (2) California Gold - Northern California Folk Music from the Thirties Collected By Sidney Robertson Cowell 193? 3:04 Yes
243 Geraldine MacGowan & Friends The Demon Lover Timeless 1999 5:13 Yes
243 Glen Phillips & Nickel Creek House Carpenter Live at House of Blues, Anaheim, CA 2001 5:58 Yes
243 Go-Go Fightmaster House Carpenter Go-Go Fightmaster 2002 3:07 Yes
243 Golden Delicious House Carpenter Cavity Search 1998 5:20 Yes
243 H.L. Maxey House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Harmony Glen The House Carpenter Streaming Tunes 2007 5:06 Yes
243 Hedy West The House Carpenter Pretty Saro and Other Appalachian Ballads 1966 2:56 Yes
243 Hedy West The House Carpenter Ballads & Songs from the Appalachians 2011 No
243 Hedy West The House Carpenter Live in Pforzheim, Germany 1968 4:30 Yes
243 Henry Reed House Carpenter Fiddle Tunes of the Old Frontier - the Henry Reed Collection 1966-1967 1:14 Yes
243 Homer Sampson The House Carpenter Folksongs and Ballads, Vol 3 1991 No
243 I.N. Marlor House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 J.W. (Peg) Hatcher The House Carpenter The Ferrum College Collection 1976 - 2:04 Yes
243 Jack Hinshelwood House Carpenter If Ever I Return, Pretty Peggy-O 2003 No
243 Jacqui McDonald & Lynn Well Met Well Met No
243 Jacqui McShee's Pentangle The House Carpenter At the Little Theatre 2000 6:21 Yes
243 Jacqui McShee's Pentangle The House Carpenter Mystera 2000 1999 6:06 Yes
243 Jacqui McShee's Pentangle The House Carpenter Women in Folk 2005 No
243 Jacqui McShee's Pentangle The House Carpenter Passe Avant 1998 6:08 Yes
243 Jacqui McShee's Pentangle The House Carpenter A Stroll Through the Park 1999 6:09 Yes
243 Jacqui McShee's Pentangle The House Carpenter In Concert 2008 No
243 Jacqui McShee's Pentangle The House Carpenter Celtic Spirits 2002 6:06 Yes
243 James Findlay Demon Lover As I Carelessly Did Stray 2009 No
243 James Harlan Martin The House Carpenter Ben Gray Lumpkin Digital Folk Music Collection 1950-1970 2:40 Yes
243 Jamie McMenemy The Demon Lover The Road to Kerrigouarc'h 1981 5:20 Yes
243 Janet Smith & Steve Mann Daemon Lover Variations Imaginational Anthem - A Guitar Anthology 2005 4:15 Yes
243 Jean Jenkins Well Met, Well Met The Wife of Usher's Well - Mountain Ballads 1976 No
243 Jean Ritchie House Carpenter Live at the Berea College Celebration of Traditional Music 1982-1997 6:21 Yes
243 Jean Ritchie The House Carpenter All Those People... Fox Hollow 1968 Vol. III 1968 4:13 Yes
243 Jean Ritchie The House Carpenter British Traditional Ballads in the Southern Mountains - Child Ballads, Vol 1 1961 4:22 Yes 243 Jean Ritchie The House Carpenter Ballads from Her Appalachian Family Tradition 2003 4:22 Yes
243 Jean Ritchie & Doc Watson The House Carpenter Jean Ritchie and Doc Watson at Folk City 2001 4:31 Yes
243 Jeff Lang The House Carpenter Half Seas Over 2008 5:24 Yes
243 Joan Baez House Carpenter In Concert Part 1 1962 5:21 Yes
243 Joan Baez House Carpenter The Joan Baez Ballad Book 1972 5:12 Yes
243 Joan Baez House Carpenter The Lovesong Album 1975 5:09 Yes
243 Joan O'Bryant The House Carpenter's Wife American Ballads and Folksongs 1957 4:31 Yes
243 Joe Whisner House Carpenter Handicap Harlots 2012 4:06 Yes
243 John Adkins House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 John Fahey House Carpenter Your Past Comes Back to Haunt You (The Fonotone Years 1958-1965) 2011 1:30 Yes
243 John Langstaff The Daemon Lover John Langstaff Sings - Archival Folk Collection 1949-1961 2004 No
243 John Reischman & The Jaybirds The House Carpenter Stellar Jays 2007 5:49 Yes
243 John T. Alexander The House Carpenter Ben Gray Lumpkin Digital Folk Music Collection 1950-1970 2:27 Yes
243 Jolie Holland Demon Lover Improv Catalpa 2002 4:33 Yes
243 Jon Bickley House Carpenter House Carpenter 2008 No
243 Jon Boden The House Carpenter A Folk Song a Day - May 2011 5:43 Yes
243 Kelly Joe Phelps The House Carpenter Shine Eyed Mister Zen 1999 6:44 Yes
243 Kent Gustavson The House Carpenter Solo Acoustic 2006 2:46 Yes
243 Kieron Means False Young Man Far as My Eyes Can See 2005 No
243 Kim Hughes The Ship’s Carpenter Cattywampus 1998 4:37 Yes
243 Kornog The Demon Lover Première - Music from Brittany 1984 4:30 Yes
243 Kris Ann Parker House Carpenter The Max Hunter Folk Song Collection 4:28 Yes
243 LaRena Clark The House Carpenter The Edith Fowke Collection No
243 LaRena Clark The House Carpenter A Canadian Garland - Folksongs from the Province of Ontario 1965 No
243 Larry Campbell The House Carpenter Rooftops 2005 No
243 Laura Orshaw The House Carpenter Grandad's Flying Squirrels 2004 No
243 Lauren Sheehan House Carpenter Some Old Lonesome Day 2002 No
243 Lawrence Russell House Carpenter Old Five String, Vol. 2 1991 No
243 Lee Knight The Gypsy Davey + House Carpenter Adirondack Ballads and Folk Songs - from Lumberwoods, Iron Mines and Communities 2005 2:54 Yes
243 Lee Monroe Presnell The House Carpenter Ballads and Songs of Tradition 2000 4:38 Yes
243 Lena Armstrong & Etta Jones The House Carpenter The Traditional Music of Beech Mountain, North Carolina, Vol. I 1964 No 243 Lena Bourne Fish Ship Carpenter (1) The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection  No
243 Lena Bourne Fish Ship Carpenter (2) The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection No
243 Lena Bourne Fish Ship Carpenter (3) The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection No
243 Lena Bourne Fish The Ship Carpenter Whiskey in the Jar 1987 No
243 Leza Mesiah House Carpenter The Moor of Dundee 2002 4:38 Yes
243 Lillian Anderson House Carpenter Folk Songs of Appalachia 2012 No
243 Lisa Moscatiello House Carpenter Innocent When You Dream 1998 5:10 Yes
243 Lonesome Sisters & Riley Baugus House Carpenter Lonesome Scenes 2012 5:33 Yes
243 Lucy Quigley House Carpenter The Max Hunter Folk Song Collection 2:44 Yes
243 Maggie Holland The House Carpenter Still Pause 1983 4:08 Yes
243 Marcoacca House Carpenter <website> 2008- 7:32 Yes
243 Mark A. Humphrey House Carpenter Burning Love 1997 No
243 Mark Automaton Demon Lover The World, The Flesh & The Devil 2005 No
243 Martha Martin The House Carpenter (1) Ben Gray Lumpkin Digital Folk Music Collection 1950-1970 3:38 Yes
243 Martha Martin The House Carpenter (2) Ben Gray Lumpkin Digital Folk Music Collection 1950-1970 2:52 Yes
243 Martin Simpson House Carpenter This Is Folk 2006 No
243 Martin Simpson House Carpenter Kind Letters 2005 5:45 Yes
243 Martin Simpson The Demon Lover Special Agent 1981 5:00 Yes
243 Mary Smith House Carpenter Mary and the Soldier - A Collection of Traditional Ballads 2001 4:58 Yes
243 Maynard Raynolds House Carpenter The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection No
243 Megan McInnis & Chris Chapman The Demon Lover (House Carpenter) The Demon Lover 1997 No
243 Meredith McCoy The House Carpenter The Rooms Inside 2011 No
243 Michel F. Côté House Carpenter Flat Fourgonnette (Mescal Free Style) 2005 No
243 Michael J Tinker House Carpenter Shores of Amerikay 2012 No
243 Mick McAuley The House Carpenter Putumayo Presents Celtic Crossroads 2005 5:02 Yes
243 Mick McAuley The House Carpenter An Ocean's Breadth 2003 5:05 Yes
243 Moira Cameron Daemon Lover Lilies Among the Bushes 1997 No
243 Moira Kerr House Carpenter Bravest Heart 2000 No
243 Molly Tenenbaum House Carpenter Instead of a Pony 2002 No
243 Monica Andis The House Carpenter + Vigilante Man Sitting on Top of the World 2007 No
243 Mort Montonyea House Carpenter The Library of Congress  No
243 Mountain Dew House Carpenter Toss the Feathers 2002 5:36 Yes
243 Mr. & Mrs. Cleophas Franklin House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Mr. Fox House Carpenter Mr. Fox + The Gypsy 1996 5:13 Yes
243 Mr. Fox The House Carpenter Join Us in Our Game - The Transatlantic Recordings 2005 5:13 Yes
243 Mr. Fox House Carpenter Beginner's Guide to English Folk 2008 5:13 >Yes
243 Mr. Fox House Carpenter The Transatlantic Story 1998 No
243 Mr. Ward & Mrs. Crockett The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Mr. William Edens House Carpenter The Max Hunter Folk Song Collection 7:02 Yes
243 Mrs. Alice Mancour House Carpenter (1) The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection No
243 Mrs. Alice Mancour House Carpenter (2) The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection No
243 Mrs. C.S. MacClellan The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Mrs. Carrie Walker House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Mrs. Dizia Puckett House Carpenter The Library of Congress  No
243 Mrs. Doug "Ina" Harvey House Carpenter The Max Hunter Folk Song Collection 1:20 Yes
243 Mrs. Emma Dusenbury The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Mrs. Esco Kilgore House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Mrs. G.A. Griffin The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Mrs. Haden The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Mrs. Jennie Devlin The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Mrs. Julie Grogan The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Mrs. L.L. McDowell The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Mrs. Lena Bare Turbyfill The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Mrs. Lillie Steele The House Carpenter Banjo Tunes and Songs 1958 No
243 Mrs. Maggie Gant The Banks of Italy The Library of Congress  No
243 Mrs. Martha Shupe House Carpenter The Library of Congress  No
243 Mrs. Mary Franklin Farmer The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Mrs. Mary Fuller Cain The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Mrs. Myra Barnett Miller The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Mrs. Myra Daniels House Carpenter The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection No
243 Mrs. Nathan Hicks House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Mrs. Oscar Allen Well Met, Well Met Cumberland Gap - Maud Karpeles' Appalachian Collection 2 1976 No
243 Mrs. Pete Steele The House Carpenter Folk Music of Ohio 1938 Through 1940 1979 No
243 Mrs. Pete Steele The House Carpenter (1) The Library of Congress No
243 Mrs. Pete Steele The House Carpenter (2) The Library of Congress  No
243 Mrs. Rebecca Jones The House Carpenter (1) The Library of Congress No
243 Mrs. Rebecca Jones The House Carpenter (2) The Library of Congress No
243 Mrs. Roxie Phillips House Carpenter The Max Hunter Folk Song Collection 2:57 Yes
243 Mrs. Ruth Clark Cullipher & Angie Clark The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Mrs. Sabra Bare Hampton The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Mrs. Sarah Ison House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Mrs. Susan Weddle The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Mrs. T.M. Bryant The House Carpenter The Library of Congress  No
243 Mrs. Wales House Carpenter The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection No
243 Mutual Admiration Society House Carpenter Live at Paramount Arts Center, Ashland KY 2001 6:33 Yes
243 Nábac The House Carpenter Siar Anoir 2007 4:23 Yes
243 Nat Donaldson The House Carpenter The Mary Elizabeth Barnicle-Tillman Cadle Collection No
243 Natalie Merchant House Carpenter The House Carpenter's Daughter - A Collection of Traditional & Contemporary Folk Music 2003 6:00 Yes
243 Nic Jones Demon Lover Game Set Match 2006 3:00 Yes
243 Nickel Creek House Carpenter This Side 2002 5:32 Yes
243 Nickel Creek House Carpenter + Jam Farewell (For Now) Tour 2007 13:25 Yes
243 Nimrod Workman The House Carpenter Meeting's a Pleasure - Folksongs of the Upper South, Vol. 1 & 2 2006 No
243 Noah Saterstrom House Carpenter Thistle 1998 2:19 Yes
243 Oakley Hall House Carpenter Gypsum Strings 2006 5:50 Yes
243 Ollie Gilbert House Carpenter The Max Hunter Folk Song Collection 2:02 Yes
243 Orlon Merrill House Carpenter The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection No
243 Oscar Degreenia House Carpenter (1) The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection No
243 Oscar Degreenia House Carpenter (2) The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection No
243 Oyster Band The House Carpenter The Big Session - Volume 1 2004 4:04 Yes
243 Pamela Hunt House Carpenter Mountain Flower - A Dulcimer Sampler 2000 5:33 Yes
243 Paul & Liz Davenport The Demon Lover Songbooks 2008 No
243 Paul Clayton The House Carpenter Cumberland Mountain Folksongs 1957 2:18 Yes
243 Paul Simon The House Carpenter Song Live at Queens College, Flushing, NY 1964 5:00 Yes
243 Paula Robison & Eliot Fisk The House Carpenter Mountain Songs - A Cycle of American Folk Music 1994 No
243 Pauline Scanlon The Demon Lover Hush 2006 3:37 Yes
243 Pearl Jacobs Borusky Well Met, My Old True Love Child Ballads Traditional in the United States, Vol. II 1960 6:01 Yes
243 Peggy Seeger House Carpenter Songs of Courting and Complain 1955 4:10 Yes
243 Peggy Seeger The House Carpenter (1) [American] The Long Harvest, Vol. 2 - Some Traditional Ballads in Their English, Scots and North American Variants 1966 4:31 Yes
243 Peggy Seeger The House Carpenter (2) [American] The Long Harvest, Vol. 2 - Some Traditional Ballads in Their English, Scots and North American Variants 1966 2:57 Yes
243 Peggy Seeger Well Met Well Met [American] The Long Harvest, Vol. 2 - Some Traditional Ballads in Their English, Scots and North American Variants 1966 1:35 Yes
243 Pentangle House Carpenter Basket of Light 1969 5:30 Yes
243 Pentangle House Carpenter Early Classics 1992 5:29 Yes
243 Pentangle House Carpenter Light Flight: The Anthology 2002 5:30 Yes
243 Pentangle House Carpenter Strange Folk 2006 5:26 Yes
243 Pentangle House Carpenter Speak of the Devil [Live at Berkeley Community Theater 05-29-70] 1070 7:07 Yes
243 Pentangle House Carpenter The Lost Broadcasts: 1968-1972 2004 5:57 Yes
243 Pentangle The House Carpenter Pentangle in Concert (Sings the Pentangle) 1970 5:55 Yes
243 Pete & Lillie Steele The House Carpenter Banjo Tunes and Songs 1958 3:34 Yes
243 Pete Seeger The House Carpenter Sing with Seeger 1965 3:51 Yes
243 Pete Seeger The House Carpenter Folk Music of the World 1991 3:36 Yes
243 Pete Seeger The House Carpenter Concert + Pete! Folk Songs and Ballads 1995 3:33 Yes
243 Pete Seeger The House Carpenter The Folk Singer - Live Renditions of Folk Songs from around the World 2006 3:38 >Yes
243 Pete Seeger The House Carpenter The House Carpenter 2003 No
243 Peter Bellamy The House Carpenter Both Sides Then 1992 5:12 Yes
243 Peter Bellamy The House Carpenter Folk '80 1980 5:11 Yes
243 Peter Bursch & die Bröselmaschine House Carpenter Bröselmaschine 2 1975 4:30 Yes
243 Peter Gott The House Carpenter Digital Library of Appalachia: Warren Wilson College Collection 197?-198? 4:10 Yes
243 Peter Johnson House Carpenter South Wind - Traditional Music from a Boston Ceilidh 2003 No
243 Petter A. Naessan The House Carpenter <website> 2007 1:47 Yes
243 Phillis Marks House Carpenter The Gwilym Davies Collection No
243 Rapunzel & Sedayne House Carpenter + I Curse the Day Songs from the Barley Temple 2011 7:05 >Yes
243 Raun MacKinnon House Carpenter American Folk Songs - 12 Interpretations of Authentic Ballads 1962 2:42 Yes
243 Raymond Crooke House Carpenter <website> 2007 4:38 Yes
243 Raymond Crooke House Carpenter Laws of Chance 2005 No
243 Rebecca Fox The Housecarpenter Birmingham Traditional Music Club - Live at the Wagon & Horses 2006 5:38 Yes
243 Rebecca King Jones House Carpenter The Warner Collection, Vol. 1 - Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still 2000 :53 Yes
243 Rebecca King Jones The House Carpenter The House Carpenter 1987 No
243 Richard Dyer-Bennet House Carpenter Richard Dyer-Bennet Vol. 3 1956 4:34 Yes
243 Richard Dyer-Bennet The House Carpenter Olden Ballads 1952 No
243 Rick Lee Daemon Lover There's Talk About a Fence 1999 3:29 Yes
243 Rick Pickren The Ship Carpenter Traditional American Folk Songs from the Warner Collection 2003 3:27 Yes
243 Robin Greenstein The House Carpenter Images of Women - Vol. 1: Anglo and Afro-American Folk Songs 2002 5:08 Yes
243 Robin Holcomb & Todd Rundgren The House Carpenter The Harry Smith Project: the Anthology of American Folk Music Revisited 2006 5:13 Yes
243 Robin Holcomb & Todd Rundgren The House Carpenter (2) The Harry Smith Project: the Anthology of American Folk Music Revisited 2006 No
243 Roger McGuinn The House Carpenter Folk Den Podcast 1995- 3:16 Yes
243 Roots Quartet The Daemon Lover On Weymouth Strand 1999 7:10 Yes
243 Rosaleen Gregory The Daemon Lover Serpent's Knee 2012 3:42 Yes
243 Rosalie Sorrels House Carpenter Folksongs of Idaho and Utah 1961 2:45 Yes
243 Ruth Moses House Carpenter The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection No
243 Ryckeboer Marcus Inc. House Carpenter R.M.I. 2000 4:27 Yes
243 Samuel Harmon The House Carpenter The Library of Congress No
243 Sara Grey The House Carpenter Boy, She's a Daisy 2002 No
243 Sarah Hook The House Carpenter Tenpenny 2010 No
243 Sarah Ogan Gunning The House Carpenter The Silver Dagger 1976 No
243 Season's Melody House Carpenter The Crossroads Faire 2009 No
243 Sheila Clark The House Carpenter The Legend of Tom Dula and Other Tragic Love Ballads 1986 5:18 Yes
243 Sheila Kay Adams Little Farmer Boy A Spring in the Burton Cove No
243 Shelby Flint House Carpenter Shelby Flint Sings Folk + Shelby Flint + Cast Your Fate to the Wind 2002 2:53 Yes
243 Spotted Dogs The Demon Lover Demo II 2007 3:48 Yes
243 Steeleye Span Demon Lover Commoners Crown 1975 5:54 Yes
243 Steeleye Span The Demon Lover On BBC TV [Electric Folk BBC2] 1975 7:31 Yes
243 Steeleye Span Demon Lover A Parcel of Steeleye Span - Their First Five Chrysalis Albums 1972-1975 2009 5:53 Yes
243 Stefan Grossman House Carpenter Yazoo Basin Boogie 1977 2:29 Yes
243 Steve Suffet The House Carpenter I've Been Up on the Mountain 2006 No
243 Stone Breath The House Carpenter The Long Lost Friend - A Patchwork 2004 6:17 Yes
243 Strainsofme The House Carpenter <website> 2007 3:45 Yes
243 Subrosa House Carpenter No Help for the Mighty Ones 2011 3:14 Yes
243 Superwolf & Dan Malloy Demon Lover Sprout - The Soundtrack 2005 No
243 Susan Glaser & Karl Paulnack The House Carpenter Mountain Songs 2002 No
243 Sweeney's Men The House Carpenter The Acoustic Folk Box 2002 3:57 Yes
243 Sweeney's Men The House Carpenter The Legend of Sweeney's Men - Anthology 2004 No
243 Sweeney's Men The House Carpenter Sweeney's Men + The Tracks of Sweeney 2002 3:57 Yes
243 Sweeney's Men The House Carpenter Irish Folk Favourites 2001 3:59 Yes
243 Sweeney's Men The House Carpenter Time Was Never Here 1968-69 1992 3:57 Yes
243 Tempest The House Carpenter Serrated Edge 1992 6:57 Yes
243 Tempest The House Carpenter The 10th Anniversary Compilation 1999 7:19 Yes
243 Tempest The House Carpenter 15th Anniversary Collection 2004 6:48 Yes
243 Texas Gladden The House Carpenter Ballad Legacy 2001 3:07 Yes
243 Texas Gladden The House Carpenter The Library of Congress - Archive of Folk Culture: Anglo-American Ballads, Vol. 1 1999 2:58 Yes
243 The Beers Family The House Carpenter Dumbarton's Drums - More Folk Songs from the Beers Family 197? No
243 The Calico String Band House Carpenter Unearthed! 1976 4:08 Yes
243 The Dickel Brothers The House Carpenter The Dickel Brothers Vol. 1 1999 No
243 The Down Beets House Carpenter + Red Rocking Chair The Down Beets 2011 No
243 The Errant Band of Roving Troubadours The Demon Lover Plough and Scatter 2007 No
243 The Ex House Carpenter Mudbird Shivers 1995 4:08 Yes
243 The Hall Brothers House Carpenter Songs from the Shore 2007 3:59 Yes
243 The Handsome Family The House Carpenter Live at O13, Tilburg, Netherlands 2001 6:13 Yes
243 The Handsome Family The House Carpenter Milk and Scissors 1996 3:36 Yes
243 The Handsome Family The House Carpenter Live at Paradiso, Amsterdam Netherlands 2001 5:11 Yes
243 The Handsome Family The House Carpenter Live at Patronaat, Haarlem, Netherlands 1999 4:49 Yes
243 The Harvesters House Carpenter Pastures of Plenty and Other Songs 1961 2:22 Yes
243 The Iron Horse The Demon Lover Demons & Lovers 1996 6:17 Yes
243 The London Philharmonic & Alasdair Mitchell The Demon Lover McEwen - Three Border Ballads 1993 23:58 Yes
243 The Mammals House Carpenter + Pipeline Evolver 2002 4:30 Yes
243 The Mammals The House Carpenter + Pipeline At This Stage... 30 Years at the Wheatland Music Festival 2004 No
243 The Renegades The House Carpenter The Renegades - From the Collection of James Leva 2008 No
243 The Shiftless Rounders House Carpenter (Places) 2003 4:47 Yes
243 The Shiftless Rounders House Carpenter Pickathon 2005 Roots Music Festival 2006 3:54 Yes
243 The Spectral Light and Moonshine Firefly Snakeoil Jamboree House Carpenter Scarecrow Stuffing 1999 6:02 Yes
243 The Wassailers The Demon Lover The Wassailers 1978 4:16 Yes
243 The Watson Family The House Carpenter The Watson Family 1990 4:33 Yes
243 This Leo Sunrise The House Carpenter Koewacht 2007 No
243 Tim O'Brien Demon Lover Two Journeys 2001 5:21 Yes
243 Tom Ashley & Tex Isley House Carpenter Clarence Tom Ashley and Tex Isley Play and Sing American Folk Music 1966 4:41 Yes
243 Tom Glazer & Pat Moffitt The House Carpenter The Musical Heritage of America 1973 4:40 Yes
243 Tom, Brad & Alice The House Carpenter Carve That Possum 2005 4:05 Yes
243 Tony Rice House Carpenter Church Street Blues 1983 4:27 Yes
243 Tossi Aaron The House Carpenter Tossi Sings Folk Songs and Ballads 1962 2:58 Yes
243 Ula Kapala House Carpenter Echa Celtyckie 2002  No
243 Unidentified Singer House Carpenter The Mary Elizabeth Barnicle-Tillman Cadle Collection  No
243 W.E. Ireland The House Carpenter The Helen Creighton Collection  No
243 Wagtail House Carpenter Live at Middle Earth, Bradford, Vermont 2007 5:21 Yes
243 Wagtail House Carpenter One Clear Moment 2007 No
243 Walker and Jay House Carpenter The Old Lonesome Sound 2009 3:21 Yes
243 Warde H. Ford The House Carpenter The Library of Congress  No
243 Waxman The Housecarpenter Rising Tide 2006 4:52 Yes
243 Wendy Saivetz The House Carpenter Red Red Rose 1993 2:59 Yes
243 Wilbur Addison The House Carpenter Ben Gray Lumpkin Digital Folk Music Collection 1950-1970 :27 Yes
243 William Martin The House Carpenter (1) Ben Gray Lumpkin Digital Folk Music Collection 1950-1970 2:24 Yes
243 William Martin The House Carpenter (2) Ben Gray Lumpkin Digital Folk Music Collection 1950-1970 2:15 Yes

Excerpt from The British Traditional Ballad in North America

by Tristram Coffin 1950, from the section A Critical Biographical Study of the Traditional Ballads of North America


Texts: Adventure, 730 '23, 191 / Barry, Brit Bids Me, 304. / Belden, Mo F-S, 79 / BTewster, BldsSgsInd, 136; Brown Coll/ JBFSSNE, VI, 7; VII, io/ Bull U Sc 162,pu / Chappell, F-S Rnke Alb, 38 / Child, IV, 361 / Cox, F-S South, 139 / Cox, Trd Bid W Va, 38 /  Cox, W. Va. School Journal and Educator, XLIV, 388 / Crabtree, Overton Cnty, 208 / Cutting,  Adirondack Cnty, 69 / Davis, 7rd Bid Fa, 439 / Dean, The Flying Cloud, 55 / Duncan, No  Hamilton Cnty, 91 / Eddy, Bids Sgs Ohio, 70 / Flanders, Garl Gn Mt Sg, 80 / Flanders, New  Gn Mt Sgstr, 95 / Focus, IV, 162 / Gardner and Chickering, Bids Sgs So Mich, 54 / Garrison,  Searcy Cnty, 27 / Gilbert, Lost Chords, 35 / Grapurchat, East Radford (Va.) State Teachers  College, 8 25 '32 / Alberta P. Hannum, Thursday April, 89 / Harper's Mgz (May, 1915),  91 1 / Henry, F-S So Hghlds, 1 16 / Henry, Sgs Sng So Aplcbns, 59 / Hudson, F-S Miss, 119 /  Hudson, Spec Miss F-L, # 19 / Hummel, Oz F-S / JAFL, XVIII, 207; XIX, 295 ; XX, 257;  XXV, 274 ; XXVI, 360; XXX, 325 ; XXXV, 347; XLIX, 209; XHI, 274; XLV, 21 ; XL VIII,  295; LII, 465 LVII, 74 / Luther, Amcns Their Sgs, 17 / Macintosh, So III F-S, 33 / Mason,  Cannon Cnty, 19 / Minish Mss / MLN, XIX, 238 / Mod Phil, II, 575 / Morris, F-S Flo, 464 /  Musick, F-L Kirksville, io / Neal, Brown Cnty, 69 / New York broadside: "The House Carpenter" (J. Andrews, N.Y., c. 1850) / Owens, Studies Tex F-S, 34/ Ozark Life, V, #8 / Perry,  Carter Cnty, 160 / Pound, Am JBlds Sgs, 43 / Pound, Neor Syllables, io / PTFLS, X, 159 /  Randolph, OzF-S, I, i66/ Randolph, OzMtFlk, 201 / Sandburg, Am Sgbag, 66 / Scarborough,
Sgctchr So Mts, 150 / SharpC, EngF-S So Aplchns, #29 / SharpK, Eng F-S So Aplchns, I,  244 / Shearin and Combs, Ky Syllabus, 8 / SFLQ, II, 75; VIII, 160 / Reed Smith, SC Bids,  151 / Smith and Rufty, Am Anth Old Wrld Bids, 44 / Stout, F-L la, 11 / Thomas, Devil's  Ditties, 172 / Va FLS Bidl, ^fes 2 12 / Wilson, Bckzods Am, 96 / Wyman and Brockway, 20 Ky Mt Sgs, 54.

Local Titles: A Warning for Married Women, James Harris, Little Closet Door, (Well Met, Well Met) My Old True Love, On the Banks of the Sweet Laurie, The Banks of Claudy,  The Carpenter's Wife, The Daemon Lover, The House Carpenter, The Faithless Wife, The  House Carpenter's Wife, The Salt Salt Sea, The Salt Water Sea, The Sea Captain, The Ship Carpenter.

Story Types: A: A sailor returns home and, though faithful himself even  to the point of refusing a princess, finds his true love happily married to a  carpenter. However, by promises and cajoling, he persuades the woman to leave her husband and children and sail off with him. She consents, but soon  regrets leaving her baby and sometimes envisions torment that is in store for her. lite ship sinks. Often, a stanza is added telling of her contrition or of the condition of her deserted babe and husband. But curses on deceiving  men and warnings to erring women also conclude various texts.

Examples: Barry (A), Belden (C), Davis (B), SharpK (A).

B : The story is similar to that of Type A. However, the demonaic quality of the lover is still evident to some degree through his ability to interpret the woman's vision, or through some similar hint.

Examples: Davis (M, N), Scarborough (D, E), SharpK (B, L).

C: The usual story is told. However, after the lover identifies Heaven and Hell "where you and I must go", he sinks the ship purposely.

Examples: PTFLS, X, 161 (B).

D: The story is similar to that of Type A. However, the girl leaps over-board and drowns, while the lover goes down with the ship.

Examples: Cox, F-S South (D); Eddy (A); PTFLS, X, 161 (A).

E : The usual story is told. However, the boat does not sink, although the girl rues her decision to run away. This type is of course the result of fragmentation. Examples: Chappell

F: A type of story, independent of 'The House Carpenter tradition, has been found. In this type George Allis reminds the wife of her late promises that she would go with him in seven years and a day. She goes, in what prove to be golden ships with silken sails, but is "sorry sore" on seeing the banks of Claudy where seven ships sink to the bottom and are never more seen. Allis is clearly a ghost, but his demonaic qualities are not made fully apparent- Examples ; SFSSNE, VI, 9.

Discussion: The story of the Child (IV, 361) versions is that of Jane Reynolds and a sailor, James Harris, who exchange marriage vows. The  young man is pressed into service and reported dead after three years. Jane marries a ship carpenter, and they live happily for four years and have  children. One night when the carpenter is absent from home, a spirit raps
on the window and says that he is James Harris come to clain his love after seven long years. She explains what has happened, but consents to go  where he says he can support her well. In most versions, she repents on  shipboard, but the boat goes down and she dies in one manner or another.  Anyway, she is never heard of again, and her husband hangs himself.

In America, the lover and the wife (except for the "Fair Ellen" name that seems to have drifted into the song from Lord Thomas and Fair Annet; see  Davis, Trd Bid Fa, E, F, K, N, Q) have lost their names (Type A). The carpenter is usually a "house" carpenter and not a "ship" carpenter. (In Gilbert's text the ship carpenter steals the house carpenter's wife.) The action before the arrival of the spirit and the aftermath concerning the death of the carpenter are left out. And the demonaic nature of the lover has been rationalized. In connection with this final point, a number of versions (Type B) retain vestiges of the eerie lover in the form of the "hills of heaven"  stanzas (Child E and F), although the cloven foot is not present. The PTFLS,  X, 161, B version (Type C) follows Child E and F somewhat further in that  the lover sinks the ship to get to Hell. Type D stories show a variation not  in Child, as the grief of the girl reaches a suicidal peak. This change seems  to me to be a sentimentalization. Type E is caused by omission and could result from the cutting short of any text. However, such abbreviation might well be important enough to cause a new version. Type F follows Child A in keeping the name of the lover and, with the text in Greig, Last Leaves Traditional Bid, 196, is one of the few versions surviving that is not a part of The House Carpenter tradition. The text was also recognized by an Irish woman in New York The miraculous gilded ship(s) is in Child A, B, C, and F. Check
BFSSNE, VII, 10 for an additional line.

Most American copies are close to the deMarsan (N. Y.) broadside (c. 1860), printed by Barry in JAFL, XVIII, 207. This text resembled Child B  most closely. Belden, Mo F-S, 79 expresses the opinion that print has perpetuated this ballad orally, and on p. 80 he discusses the Missouri American texts in detail. Davis, op. cit. y 439 also is a source of information.

James Harris has been subject to much corruption in its American travels. Davis, op. cit., 440, 4631!. discusses these changes and prints examples. His  list o corrupting songs includes The False Young Man, The True Lover's  Farewell, The Rejected Lover, The Wagoner's Lad, Cold Winter's Night, and  Careless Love. See also the Duncan, No Hamilton Cnty, "Little Closet Door" text, p. 91 and the Corruption Chart at the end of this paper.

It should be noted that in only a few American versions does the girl weep for her husband. (See Belden, op. cit., C and Davis, op. cit., I.), and in  Davis, op. cit., the girl refuses to go, but leaves anyway. Also note the change in the first stanza ("I could have married a railroader. . . but I  married a house carpenter") in Cox, Trd Bid W Va, 12 (D).

There is no parallel European tradition of this ballad. However the Danes have a song concerning a treacherous woman, and the English song did  originate in Scotland two facts that may or may not be related.

Folk Index: The House Carpenter [Ch 243/Sh 35/Me I-A13]

Rt - I Married a Carpenter; False Young Man
At - Demon Lover; Salt Salt Sea; James Harris; Can't You Remember When Your Heart Was Mine ; Salt-Water Sea
Sandburg, Carl (ed.) / American Songbag, Harcourt, Sof (1955/1928), p 66
Dunson, Josh; & Ethel Raim (eds) / Anthology of American Folk Music, Oak, Sof (1973), p 24
Friedman, Albert B. (ed.) / Viking Book of Folk Ballads of the English-S, Viking, sof (1963/1957), p 14 [1810ca] (James Harris)
Lloyd, A. L. & Isabel Arete de Ramon y Rivera (eds.) / Folk Songs of the, Oak, Sof (1966), # 27
Lynn, Frank (ed.) / Songs for Swingin' Housemothers, Fearon, Sof (1963/1961), p282
Best, Dick & Beth (eds.) / New Song Fest Deluxe, Hansen, Sof (1971/1948), p 18
Cox, John Harrington(ed.) / Traditional Ballads Mainly from West Virgini, WPA, Bk (1939), 12D [1920s]
Leisy, James F. (ed.) / Hootenanny Tonight!, Gold Medal Books, sof (1964), p188
Clayre, Alasdair (ed.) / 100 Folk Songs and New Songs, Wolfe, Sof (1968), p 84 (Demon Lover)
Leisy, James F. (ed.) / Folk Song Abecedary, Bonanza, Bk (1966), p166
Leach, MacEdward / The Ballad Book, Harper & Row, Bk (1955), p599
Leach, MacEdward / The Ballad Book, Harper & Row, Bk (1955), p602 [1785]
Leach, MacEdward / The Ballad Book, Harper & Row, Bk (1955), p603
Leach, MacEdward / The Ballad Book, Harper & Row, Bk (1955), p605 [1860] (Demon Lover)
Aaron, Tossi. Tossi Sings Folk Songs and Ballads, Prestige International INT 13027, LP (196?), trk# A.06
Armstrong, Lena; & Etta Jones. Traditional Music of Beech Mountain, NC, Vol I, Folk Legacy FSA 022, LP (1964), trk# 5 [1963]
Ashley, Clarence (Thomas/Tom). Anthology of American Folk Music, Smithsonian/Folkways SFW 40090, CD( (1997), trk# 3 [1930/04/14]
Ashley, Clarence (Thomas/Tom). Friedman, Albert B. (ed.) / Viking Book of Folk Ballads of the English-S, Viking, sof (1963/1957), p 16 [1930/04/14]
Baber, Carrie. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume I, British Ballads and Songs, Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p166/# 30A [1921/09/03]
Baez, Joan. Joan Baez in Concert, Vanguard VRS 9112, LP (1962), trk# B.02
Baez, Joan. Siegmeister, Elie (arr.) / Joan Baez Song Book, Ryerson Music, Sof (1971/1964), p 66
Beers Family. Dumbarton's Drums, Columbia CS 9472, LP (1967), trk# 6
Bennett, Virginia. Sharp, Cecil & Maude Karpeles (eds.) / Eighty English Folk Songs from th, MIT Press, Sof (1968), p 48b [1917ca]
Bennett, Virginia. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p254/# 35M [1918/09/13] (Daemon Lover)
Berea College Students. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p257/# 35S [1917/05/20] (Daemon Lover)
Bernard, Grace. Cox, John Harrington (ed.) / Folk-Songs of the South, Dover, Sof (1967/1925), p142/# 25C [1917/01]
Bishop, Mrs.. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p246/# 35C [1909/07/16] (Daemon Lover)
Boone, Julie. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p258/# 35V [1918/10/03] (Daemon Lover)
Bradley, Mrs. Tom. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume I, British Ballads and Songs, Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p168/# 30B [1928/11/04]
Buckner, Sarah. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p245/# 35B [1916/09/18] (Daemon Lover)
Carolina Tar Heels. Mountain Frolic. Rare Old Timey Classics; 1924-37, JSP 77100A-D, CD (2007), trk# D.08 [1928/10/11] (Can't You Remember When Your Heart Was Mine)
Carter, Francis (Mrs.). Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p256/# 35O [1917/09/07] (Daemon Lover)
Chandler, Anelize. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p252/# 35J [1916/08/28] (Daemon Lover)
Chandler, Dillard. End of an Old Song, Folkways FA 2418, LP (1975), trk# 15 (Little Farmer Boy)
Chisholm, Mrs. Ef.. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p256/# 35N [1918/10/03] (Daemon Lover)
Clapp, June. Buttermilk Hill, Butterfly CP 1992, Cas (1992), trk# A.03
Clark, LaRena. Fowke, Edith (ed.) / The Penguin Book of Canadian Folk Songs, Penguin, Sof (1973), p186/#81 [1961]
Clawson, Flossie. Scarborough, Dorothy(ed.) / A Song Catcher in the Southern Mountains, AMS, Bk (1966/1937), p156 [1930]
Clawson, Patricia. Hubbard, Lester A. / Ballads and Songs from Utah, Univ. of Utah, Bk (1961), p 30/# 13B [1947/03/04]
Collier, Evelyn. Scarborough, Dorothy(ed.) / A Song Catcher in the Southern Mountains, AMS, Bk (1966/1937), p151,400 [1930]
Copeland, Louise. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume I, British Ballads and Songs, Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p173/# 30M [1940ca]
Cowden, Noble. McNeil, W. K. (ed.) / Southern Folk Ballads, Vol 2, August House, Sof (1988), p122 [1979/12] (House Carpenter's Wife)
Crane, Addy. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p252/# 35K [1916/08/31] (Daemon Lover)
Day, James William (Jilson Setters). Scarborough, Dorothy(ed.) / A Song Catcher in the Southern Mountains, AMS, Bk (1966/1937), p158 [1930ca]
Dethrow, J. A.. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume I, British Ballads and Songs, Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p169/# 30D [1940/05/17]
Devlin, Jennie Hess. Newman, Katharine D. / Never Without a Song, U. Illinois, Sof (1995), p125 [1937ca]
Dickel Brothers. Dickel Brothers Volume One, Empty Records MTR 376, LP (1999), trk# B.01
Donald, Laura Virginia (V.). Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p256/# 35P [1918/06/06] (Daemon Lover)
Duvall, Leone. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume I, British Ballads and Songs, Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p170/# 30H [1924/04/02]
Dyer-Bennet, Richard. Sing Out Reprints, Sing Out, Sof, 5, p24 (1963)
Dyer-Bennet, Richard. Richard Dyer-Bennet 3, Dyer-Bennet 3000, LP (1957), trk# B.05
Edwards, George. Cazden, Norman, / Folk Songs of the Catskills, SUNY Press, sof (1982), p274/# 74 [1940s] (Ship's Carpenter)
Edwards, George. Cazden, Norman / Abelard Folk Song Book, Abelard-Schuman, Bk (1958), p 82 (Ship's Carpenter)
Gentry, Jane Hicks. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p251/# 35H [1916/09/12] (Daemon Lover)
Gentry, Jane Hicks. Smith, Betty N. / Jane Hicks Gentry. A Singer Among Singers, U. Ky, Sof (1998), p159/#18 [1916/09/12] (Daemon Lover)
Gladden, Texas. Anglo American Ballads, Library of Congress AFS L 1, LP (1956), trk# A.01 [1941]
Gladden, Texas. Lomax, Alan / Folk Songs of North America, Doubleday Dolphin, Sof (1975/1960), p182/# 88 [1941]
Gladden, Texas. Ballad Legacy, Rounder 1800, CD (2001/1941), trk# 21 [1946]
Gladden, Texas. Seeger, Pete; with Jo Metcalf Schwartz / Incompleat Folksinger, Simon & Schuster, Bk (1972), p114
Griffin, Mrs. G. A.. Morris, Alton C. / Folksongs of Florida, Univ. Florida, Bk (1950), p31/#168A [1934-39]
Grossman, Stefan. Yazoo Basin Boogie, Transatlantic TRA-217, LP (1970), trk# B.01
Grossman, Stefan. Grossman, Stefan (ed.) / Book of Guitar Tunings, Amsco, Sof (1972), p59
Grossman, Stefan. Grossman, Stefan / Tab Book for Yazoo Basin Boogie, Kicking Mule TB 102, sof (1975), p10
Gunning, Sarah Ogan. Silver Dagger, Rounder 0051, LP (1976), trk# 13
Hall, Mary. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume I, British Ballads and Songs, Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p173/# 30L [1942/03/14]
Hare, A. J. (Professor). Cox, John Harrington (ed.) / Folk-Songs of the South, Dover, Sof (1967/1925), p148,524/# 25L [1916ca]
Hewitt, Emma and Effie. Cox, John Harrington(ed.) / Traditional Ballads Mainly from West Virgini, WPA, Bk (1939), 12C [1924ca]
Hindman School Students. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p258/# 35U [1917/09/20] (Daemon Lover)
Horn, Mrs. Stanley. Wolfe, Charles K.(ed.) / Folk Songs of Middle Tennessee. George Boswell, Univ. Tennesse, Sof (1997), p 7/# 3 [1949/06/04]
Horton, Abe. Old Time Music from Fancy Gap, Heritage (Galax) 019 (XIX), LP (1978), trk# 17
Horton, Abe. 39th National Folk Festival, NCTA NCTA 77, LP (1977), trk# A.04
House, Hester. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p251/# 35I [1916/09/15] (Daemon Lover)
Ingenthron, Charles. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume I, British Ballads and Songs, Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p176/# 30O [1941/09/04]
Johnson, Lawrence. Cox, John Harrington(ed.) / Traditional Ballads Mainly from West Virgini, WPA, Bk (1939), 12A [1927ca]
Johnson, Nora. McNeil, W. K. (ed.) / Southern Folk Ballads, Vol 2, August House, Sof (1988), p124 [1935/04]
Jones, Rebecca. McNeil, W. K. (ed.) / Southern Folk Ballads, Vol 2, August House, Sof (1988), p126 [1933/05]
Keene, Laura. Scarborough, Dorothy(ed.) / A Song Catcher in the Southern Mountains, AMS, Bk (1966/1937), p155 [1930]
Kelley, Lewis. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume I, British Ballads and Songs, Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p169/# 30C [1931/08/12]
Kelley, Lizzie. Cox, John Harrington (ed.) / Folk-Songs of the South, Dover, Sof (1967/1925), p141/# 25B [1917/01]
Kincaid, Bradley. Bradley Kincaid. Volume 2, Old Homestead OHCS 155, LP (1984), trk# B.04 [1933/08/14]
Kincaid, Bradley. Mountain Ballads and Old Time Solos. Album Number Three, Bluebonnet BL 109, LP (1963), trk# B.04 [1963/07ca]
Kinnard, H. D.. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p258/# 35T [1917/05/27] (Daemon Lover)
Mac Kinnon, Raun. American Folk Songs, Parkway SP 7024, LP (1962), trk# A.01
Mason, S. J.. Pound, Louise (ed.) / American Ballads and Songs, Scribner, Sof (1972/1922), p 43/# 17 [1908]
McClellan, Mrs. C. S.. Morris, Alton C. / Folksongs of Florida, Univ. Florida, Bk (1950), p312/#168B [1934-39]
McCord, May Kennedy. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume I, British Ballads and Songs, Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p174/# 30N [1941/10/21]
McCoy, Sarah B.. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume I, British Ballads and Songs, Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p170/# 30G [1930ca]
McDonald, Mrs. H. L.. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume I, British Ballads and Songs, Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p176/# 30P [1942/02/10]
McGuire, Audrey. Tennessee: The Folk Heritage, Vol. 2. The Mountains, Tennessee Folklore Soc. TFS 103, LP (1980), trk# 4 [1964]
Morris, Polly. Scarborough, Dorothy(ed.) / A Song Catcher in the Southern Mountains, AMS, Bk (1966/1937), p152,401 [1930]
Nelms, R. L.. Moore, Ethel & Chauncey (ed.) / Ballads and Folk Songs of the Southwest, Univ. of Okla, Bk (1964), p112/# 46 [1930s]
O'Neill, Rose. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume I, British Ballads and Songs, Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p171/# 30J [1940/06/14]
Paugh, Ida Knapp. Cox, John Harrington (ed.) / Folk-Songs of the South, Dover, Sof (1967/1925), p146/# 25E [1915-1916]
Pentangle. Basket of Light, Reprise 8004, LP (1970), trk# 9
Pettit, Katherine. Niles, John Jacob / Ballad Book of John Jacob Niles, Bramhall House, Bk (1961), p296/N 55 [1933/08]
Pratt, Mrs. Doc.. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p257/# 35Q [1917/09/22] (Daemon Lover)
Ramsey, Mrs. Sylvaney. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p249/# 35E [1916/09/01] (Daemon Lover)
Ray, May. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p252/# 35L [1917/04/29] (Daemon Lover)
Reber, Rosina Staley. Hubbard, Lester A. / Ballads and Songs from Utah, Univ. of Utah, Bk (1961), p 28/# 13A [1947/08/10] (Ship's Carpenter)
Rice, David. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume I, British Ballads and Songs, Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p169/# 30E [1936/12/14]
Riddle, Almeda. Southern Journey. Vol. 6: Sheep, Sheep, Don'tcha Know the Road, Rounder 1706, CD (1997), trk# 7 [1959/10]
Riddle, Almeda. Abrahams, Roger D.(ed.) / A Singer and Her Songs. Almeda Riddle's Book o, Louisiana State U. Press, Bk (1970), p 7 [1964-67]
Ritchie, Jean. British Traditional Ballads in the Southern Mountains (Vol. 1), Folkways FA 2301, LP (1961), trk# 5
Ritchie, Jean; and Doc Watson. Jean Ritchie and Doc Watson At Folk City, Smithsonian/Folkways SF 40005, LP (1990/1963), trk# 16
Roberts, Mrs. Willie. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p257/# 35R [1918/05/22] (Daemon Lover)
Rorick, Dorothy. Old Originals, Vol. 2, Rounder 0058, LP (1978), trk# 18 [1974/03/07]
Rorick, Dorothy. Old Time Music. The Essential Collection, Rounder 1166, CD (2002), trk# 12 [1974/03/07]
Ross, Ab. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume I, British Ballads and Songs, Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p169/# 30F [1927/07/07]
Russell, Lawrence. Old Five String, Vol 2, Heritage (Galax) HRC 052, Cas (1991/1984), trk# 9
Sainte-Marie, Buffy. Little Wheel Spin and Spin, Vanguard VRS 9211, LP (1966), trk# A.02
Sampson, Homer. Folksongs and Ballads, Vol 3, Augusta Heritage AHR 009, Cas (1991), trk# 1.06 [1989/12/05]
Sands, Mary. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p244/# 35A [1916/08/01] (Daemon Lover)
Seeger, Pete. Pete Seeger, Archive of Folk & Jazz FS 201, LP (Arc), trk# 1 [1953-54]
Sheehan, Lauren. Some Old Lonesome Day, Sheehan 1, CD (2001), trk# 5
Shelton, Frankland B.. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p250/# 35F [1916/07/31] (Daemon Lover)
Shelton, Mrs. Tempa. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p250/# 35G [1916/09/06] (Daemon Lover)
Shelton, Wm. Riley. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p248/# 35D [1916/08/29] (Daemon Lover)
Shiflett, Robert. Abrahams, Roger; & George Foss / Anglo-American Folksong Style, Prentice-Hall, Sof (1968), 2-7 [1961]
Short, Leonard. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume I, British Ballads and Songs, Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p170/# 30I [1933/07/02]
Short, Lillian. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume I, British Ballads and Songs, Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p172/# 30K [1940/03/31]
Smith, Jessie Ann Chennault. Owens, William A. (ed.) / Texas Folk Songs. 2nd edition, SMU Press, Bk (1976/1950), p 31 [1938] Sorrels, Rosalie. Folksongs of Idaho and Utah, Folkways FH 5343, LP (1961), trk# 14
Steele, Pete. Banjo Tunes and Songs, Folkways FS 3828, LP (1958), trk# 16
Stekert, Ellen. Our Singing Heritage. Vol I, Elektra EKL 151, LP (1958), trk# 8
Stevens, Leonard. Scarborough, Dorothy(ed.) / A Song Catcher in the Southern Mountains, AMS, Bk (1966/1937), p153,401 [1930]
Summers, Andrew Rowan. Unquiet Grave, Folkways FA 2364/FP 64, LP (1951), trk# B.04
Sweeney's Men. Sweeney's Men, Transatlantic ESM CD 435, CD (1996), trk# 11 [1968]
Thomas, Stella. Cox, John Harrington (ed.) / Folk-Songs of the South, Dover, Sof (1967/1925), p144/# 25D [1915/10]
Toney, Mrs. Cox, John Harrington (ed.) / Folk-Songs of the South, Dover, Sof (1967/1925), p139/# 25A [1916/01/20]
Van Ronk, Dave. Dave Van Ronk, Fantasy 24710, LP (1970/1962), trk# 3.01
Vass, John Daniel. Shellans, Herbert (ed.) / Folk Songs of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Oak, Sof (1968), p30 [1959/03/27]
West, Hedy. Pretty Saro, Topic 12T 146, LP (1966), trk# A.01
Williams, Flora A.. Cox, John Harrington(ed.) / Traditional Ballads Mainly from West Virgini, WPA, Bk (1939), 12B [1927ca]
House Carpenter's Wife [Ch 243/Sh 35/Me I-A13]

Us - House Carpenter
I Married a Carpenter [Ch 243/Sh 35/Me I-A13]

Rt - House Carpenter
Vincent, Lanese; and Sidney Richard. McNeil, W. K. (ed.) / Southern Folk Ballads, Vol 2, August House, Sof (1988), p128 [1934] (J'Ai Marie un Ouvier)

Mainly Norfolk:The Demon Lover / The House Carpenter

[Roud 14; Child 243; Ballad Index C243; trad.]


A.L. Lloyd sang The Demon Lover in 1956 on his and Ewan MacColl's Riverside anthology The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume IV. Like all of his recordings from this series it was reissued in 2011 on his Fellside CD Bramble Briars and Beams of the Sun. He recorded this ballad again in 1964 on his and Ewan MacColl's Topic album English and Scottish Folk Ballads. This track is also on the expanded CD reissue of 1996 and on the compilation Classic A.L. Lloyd. Lloyd commented in the album notes:

In the 17th century a very popular ballad was printed by several broadside publishers, entitled: A Warning for Married Women, being an example of Mrs Jane Reynolds (a West-country woman), born near Plymouth, who, having plighted her troth to a Seaman, was afterwards married to a Carpenter, and at last carried away by a Spirit, the manner how shall be presently recited. To a West-country tune called The Fair Maid of Bristol, Bateman, or John True. Samuel Pepys had this one in his collection also. It was a longish ballad (32 verses) but a very poor composition made by some hack poet. Perhaps the doggerel writer made his version on the basis of a fine ballad already current among folk singers. Or perhaps the folk singers took the printed song and in the course of passing it from mouth to mouth over the years and across the shires they re-shaped it into something of pride, dignity and terror. Whatever the case, the ballad has come down to us in far more handsome form than Pepys had it. Though very rarely met with nowadays, it was formerly well-known in Scotland as well as in England. For instance, Walter Scott included a good version in his Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border (1812 edn.). Generally the Scottish texts are better than the English ones, none of which tell the full story (we have filled out our version by borrowing some stanzas from Scottish sets of the ballad), but none of the Scottish tunes for it are as good those found in the South and West of England. Our present tune was noted by H. E. D. Hammond from Mrs Russell of Upway, near Dorchester, Dorset, in 1907. Cecil Sharp considered it “one of the finest Dorian airs” he had seen. Dr Vaughan Williams made a splendid choral setting of the opening verses of this ballad, which he called The Lover's Ghost.

The Watson Family sang this song as The House Carpenter in 1963 on their Folkways album The Doc Watson Family and Hedy West sang it on her 1966 Topic album of Appalachian Ballads, Pretty Saro. She commented in the sleeve notes:

This is the commonest collected version of The Demon Lover (James Harris) in the United States. The oldest known printed version is entitled A Warning for Married Women in which the “heroine” is identified as Mrs. Jane Reynolds, born near Plymouth. The date of the broadside is 1685. A.L. Lloyd says it was almost surely in oral tradition long before that. In the original British forms the returning lover was a ghost who wreaks a terrible revenge on the girl who wouldn't be faithful to his memory. This is on of the first songs Grandma and [grand uncle] Gus remember hearing their mother sing.

Sweeney's Men sang The House Carpenter in 1968 on their eponymous first Transatlantic album, Sweeney's Men.

LaRena Clark sang The House Carpenter in 1969 on her Topic album A Canadian Garland: Folksongs from the Province of Ontario.

Cyril Tawney sang The Carpenter's Wife in 1969 on his Polydor album The Outlandish Knight: Traditional Ballads from Devon and Cornwall.

Steeleye Span recorded Demon Lover in 1975 with quite different but related verses for their seventh album, Commoners Crown.

The Wassailers sang The Demon Lover in 1978 on their Fellside album Wassailers.

Peter Bellamy sang this song as The Housecarpenter on his 1979 album Both Sides Then. He commented on his sources:

This version learned from a recording of the Watson family of Deep Gap, North Carolina, with additional verses from a forgotten source.

Nic Jones sang Demon Lover in a live performance from the late 1960s that was included in 2006 on his Topic CD Game Set Match.

Brian Peters sang The Demon Lover in 1985 on his Fellside album Persistence of Memory and in 2008 on his album of Child ballads, Songs of Trial and Triumph.

Ed Rennie sang Little House Carpenter in 2004 on his Fellside CD Narrative.

Martin Simpson sang The House Carpenter in 2005 on his Topic album Kind Letters.

Cara recorded The House Carpenter for their 2007 album In Between Times and on their 2008 DVD In Full Swing—Live. They comment in their sleeve notes:

This is a haunting version of an old ballad which has been done by many singers including Bob Dylan. It is also called James Harris or The Demon Lover (Child coll. #243) and dates back to a song by London-based ballad writer Laurence Price in 1657. The original title was A Warning for Married Women and is based on the story of Mrs. Jane Reynolds, “a West-Country Woman, born near Plymouth; who having plighted her troth to a Sea-man, was afterwards Married to a Carpenter, and last carried away by a Spirit...” It has everything a good ballad needs: a lovely lady, a husband, a lover, ships, heartbreak, death and the devil—what more can you ask for? Sandra found this version on an album by Mick McAuley.

Frankie Armstrong sang Demon Lover on her 2008 Fellside CD Encouragement.

Alasdair Roberts sang The Daemon Lover in 2010 on his CD Too Long in This Condition.

Jon Boden sang The House Carpenter as the May 22, 2011 entry of his project A Folk Song a Day. He noted in his blog:

Learnt this recently—I'm a bit torn whether to use the ‘sinking’ verse or not as I quite like the ‘what hills’ verses being more abstract—more like he's an actual demon taking her directly to Hell. I've left it in for now though.

A.L. Lloyd sings The Demon Lover

“Well met, well met, my own true love,
Long time I have been absent from thee.
I am lately come from the salt sea
And it's all for the sake, my love, of thee.”

“I have three ships all on the sea
And by one of them has brought me to land.
I've four and twenty seamen on board
And you shall have music at your command.”

She says, “I am now wed to a ship's carpenter,
To a ship carpenter I am bound.
And I wouldn't leave my husband dear
For twice the sum of ten hundred pound.”

“Well I might have a king's daughter,
And fain she would have married me.
But I forsook her crown of gold
And it was all for the sake, my love, of thee.”

“So I pray you leave your husband, dear,
And sail away with me.
And I'll take you where the white lilies grow
All on the banks of Italy.”

“And this ship wherein my love shall sail
Is wondrous to behold.
The sails shall be of shining silk
And the mast shall be of red beaten gold.”

So she dressed herself in her gay clothing
Most glorious to behold,
And as she trod the salt water's side
Oh she shone like glittering gold.

They hadn't sailed a day and a day
And a day but barely three,
She cast herself down on the deck
And she wept and wailed most bitterly.

“Oh hold your tongue, my dearest dear,
Let all your sorrows be.
I'll take you where the white lilies grow
All on the bottom of the sea.”

And as she turned herself roundabout,
So tall and tall he seemed to be,
Until the tops of that gallant ship
No taller were than he.

And he struck the topmast with his hand,
The main mast with his knee,
And he broke that shining ship in two
And he dashed it into the bottom of the sea.

Steeleye Span's Demon Lover 

 “Where have you been, my long lost love,
This seven long years and more?”
“Seeking gold for thee, my love,
And riches of great store.”

“I might have married a king's daughter
Far, far beyond the sea.
But I refused the golden crown
All for the love of thee.”

“What have you to keep me with
If I with you should go?
If I forsake my husband dear
And my young son also?”

Chorus: I'll show you where the white lilies grow
On the banks of Italy,
I'll show you where the white fishes swim
At the bottom of the sea.

“Seven ships all on the sea,
The eighth brought me to land,
With four and twenty mariners
And music on every hand.”

She set her foot upon the ship,
No mariners could behold.
The sails were of the shining silk,
The masts of beaten gold.


“What are yon high, high hills
The sun shines sweetly in?”
“Those are the hills of heaven, my love,
Where you will never win.”


“What is that mountain yonder there
Where evil winds do blow?”
“Yonder's the mountain of hell,” he cried,
“Where you and I must go.”

He took her up to the top mast high
To see what he could see.
He sunk the ship in a flash of fire
To the bottom of the sea.

Peter Bellamy sings The Housecarpenter

“Well met, well met, my own true love,
Well met, well met,” says he,
“I've just returned from the salt, salt sea
And it's all for the love of thee.”

“So come in, come in, oh my own true love,
And have a seat with me.
It's been three-fourths of a long long year
Since together we have been.”
“Oh I can't come in nor I won't sit down,
For I have but a moment's time.
For they say you are married to a house carpenter
So your heart would never be mine.
“And yet I could have married some king’s daughter fair,
And she would have married me,
But I forsaked her crowns of gold
And it’s all for the love of thee.

“So it's won't you forsake on your house carpenter
And come along with me?
I’ll take you where the grass grows green
On the banks of Italy.”

So she's lifted up her little young son
And kisses she's gave it three, saying,
“Stay right here my darling little babe
And keep your papa company.”

Now they'd not been on board above two weeks,
I'm sure it was not three,
When his true love began to weep and moan
And she wept most bitterly.

“Are you weeping for your silver and your gold?
Are you weeping for your store?
Or are you weeping for your house carpenter
Whose face you'll never see no more?”

Oh, a curse, a curse on the sailor she cried,
Yes a curse, a curse she swore,
“You've robbed me of my little young son
So I never shall see him no more!”

“Oh what hills, what hills art those, my love,
Those hills that shine like gold?”
“Those are the hill of Heaven, my love,
Where you and I can't go.”

“And what hills, what hills art those, my love,
Those hills so dark and cold?”
“Those are the hill of Hell, my love,
Where you and I must go.”

Now they'd not been on board above three weeks,
I'm sure it was not four,
Before there came a leak in the ship
And she sunk and the never rose more.

Jon Boden sings The House Carpenter 

 “Well met, well met, my own true love,
Well met, well met,” cried he,
“I've just returned from the salt, salt sea
And it's all for the love of thee.
 “Oh I could have married the king's daughter dear
And she would have married me,
But I have refused the crown of gold
And it's all for the love of thee.”
 “If you could have married the king's daughter dear
I'm sure you are to blame,
For I am married to the house carpenter
And he is a fine young man.”
 “Oh, if you'll forsake your house carpenter
And come along with me,
I'll take you to where the grass grows green
On the banks of Italy.”
 “If I forsake my house carpenter
And come along with thee,
Oh, what have you got to maintain me upon
And to keep me from slavery?”
 “Oh, I've six ships sailing on the salt sea,
A-sailing from dry land,
And a hundred and twenty jolly young men
Shall be at your command.”
 She picked up her poor wee babe
And kisses she gave him three,
Saying, “Stay right here with the house carpenter
And keep him company.”
 Oh, she picked up her poor wee babe
And kisses she gave him three,
Saying, “Stay right here with the house carpenter
And keep him company.”
 They had not been two weeks at sea,
I'm sure it was not three,
When this poor maid began to weep
And she wept most bitterly.
 “Oh do you weep for your gold,” he said,
“Your houses, your land, or your store?
Or do you weep for your house carpenter
That you never shall see no more?”
 “I do not weep for my gold,” she said,
“My houses, my land, or my store.
But I do weep for my poor wee babe
That I shall never see more.”
 They had not been three weeks at sea,
I'm sure it was not four,
When in their ship there sprang a leak
And she sank to the ocean floor.
 “What hills, what hills are those, my love,
That are so bright and free?”
“Oh, those are the hill of Heaven, my love,
But they're not for you and me.”
 “What hills, what hills, are those, my love,
That are so dark and low?”
“Oh, those are the hills of Hell, my love,
Where you and I must go.”

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