Lord Gregory (my title)- Motherwell c.1820 Child J
This short fragment is from Motherwell's Note-Book, c. 1820-27, a small octavo containing various memoranda referring to ballads, including the whole, or a portion, of several copies. Formerly in the possession of Mr J. Wylie Guild.
[Lord Gregory]- Version J The Lass of Roch Royal Child 76
Motherwell's Note-Book, p. 12.
1 'O wha will shoe my pretty little foot?
And wha will glove my hand?
And who will lace my middle jimp
Wi this lang London whang?
2 'And wha will comb my yellow, yellow hair,
Wi this fine rispen kame?
And wha will be my bairn's father,
Till Lord Gregory come hame?'