Hymns 51-100

Standard Plantation Melodies and Revival Songs 51- 100


51. Blessed be the Name of the Lord
52. Silence in Heaven
53. The Happy Man
54. When the Tempest Passes Over
55. I'm Just a-Going Over Home (Poor Wayfaring Stranger)
56. Go Bear Your Burden in the Heat of the Day (Bear Your Burden in the Heat of the Day)
57. The Rock that is Higher than I
58. Come, Great Deliverer
59. From Every Graveyard
60. Heaven Bells (Live Humble)
61. Hunting my Redeemer
62. God is Always Near Me
63. Exile from Eden
64. Washed in the Blood of the Lamb
65. The Old Church-Yard
66. Proud Babylon's Fall (Good-bye, City of Babylon!; Goodbye Babylon)
67. Slavery is Dead
68. A Little Talk With Jesus
69. Come Ye that Love the Lord.
70. Walk Jerusalem Just Like Job.
71. Gideon's Battle.
72. Christ is all the World to Me.
73. The Book of Revelation.
74. Drooping Souls.
75. The Venturing Ground.
76. Song of the Hill.
77. Who Is He?
78. Will You Meet Me at the Gathering?
79. Get Ready, there's a Meeting here To-night.
80. The Resurrection of Christ
81. The Prodigal Son.
82. I'm on My Journey Home.
83. The Wandering Sheep Restored.
84. My Redeemer.
85. The Heavenly Railroad.
86. Go Down, Moses.
87. They say there's a Land o'er the Ocean.
88. The Mourner's Race
89. Rise and Shine.
90. Going to Wake up the Dead.
91. The Gospel Train
92. Look Away to Bethlehem.
93. The War, Christians, is 'Most over.
94. Jesus Loves Even Me.
95. Mercy's Free.
96. The Young Christian.
97. Joseph Made Known to His Brethern.
98. The Children of God.
99. The Dying Christian.
100. He Saves to the Uttermost.


51. Blessed be the Name of the Lord
J.J.W. Bowman; Matthew 24:29 C.M.

Glory to the eternal King,
Clad in his majestic power.
Let the heaven his praises sing,
Let the world proclaim his power.

Chorus: Stars of the elements are falling,  
Moon going to turn to blood,
The children of the Lord  
Turning home to God;
Blessed be the name of the Lord.

2 Through eternity he reigns,
In unbounded realms of light;
He the universe sustains,  
As an atom in his sight.

3 O let my transported soul,
Ever on his glories gaze;
Ever yield to his control,  
Ever sound his lofty praise.

52. Silence in Heaven
W.H. Vaughn;  Rev. 8:1;  P.M.

1. And there was none found worthy,  
To unseal that Seven-seal Book;  
Jesus, the immortal Lamb of God,     
Said, I'll go pay the debt.

Chorus: O, when the heaven struck silence,
When the heaven struck silence,
When the heaven struck silence,  
For the space of half an hour.

2 Four thousand years from this time,  
I 'll die on Calvary's cross;
And I saw God's chariot coming down,
Aiming up Zion's hill.

Chorus: Fore wheel run by the grace of God,
Fore wheel run by the grace of God,
Fore wheel run by the grace of God,  
Hind wheel run by love.

3 And laid it on his shoulder,  
And commanded him up the hill;  
And when he got about the center,
His kneebones give away.

Chorus: And they led my Lord away,
And they led my Lord away,
And they led my Lord away,  
Cut and hewed his cross.


53. The Happy Man
Selected;  Romans 8:1  C.M.

1 How happy is the man,
Who has chosen wisdom's ways,
And has measured out his day
To his God in prayer and praise.
His God and his Bible
Is all that he desires,
And to holiness of heart,
He continually aspires.

2 He rises in the morning,
With the lark he tunes his lay;
And he offers to his God
A tribute of prayer and praise;
And then to his labors 
He cheerfully repairs,
With confidence believing
That God will hear his prayers.

3 What he engages in,
At home or abroad,
His object is to honor  
And to glorify his God.
With joy he hails the morning,  
That rolls the Sabbath round;
And in the courts of worship
He is ever to be found.

4 In poverty he is happy,
He knows he has a friend
That never will forsake him,  
Though this world may have an end.
And then he has a history  
Through life from day to day;
Religion is no mystery
To him while on the way.

5 The yoke of Christ is easy,
His burden is always fight;
He never will get weary  
While heaven is in sight.
In sickness, pain, and sorrow,  
He never will repine
While he is drawing nourishment
From Christ, the living vine.


54. When the Tempest Passes Over
D. Tucker       P. M.

1 We are sailing on the old ship of Zion,
 We are sailing to the home of the blest,
Where the holy angels wait for our coming,  
In the city where the saints sweetly rest.               

CHORUS:  When the tempest passes over, 
When the tempest passes over,
We will meet each other there, on the shore.

2 Millions have already reached the blessed harbor
And are singing with the Lord, gone before;
Millions more are sailing over the river,
To their mansions on that beautiful shore.

3 Spread your canvas to the winds,
Gently waft the noble ship to the shore;
All on board are sweetly singing to Jesus,
Who will bring them to the bright evermore.

4 When we all are safely landed in heaven,
We will gladly shout our dangers are o'er;
We will walk about the beautiful city,  
And we'll sing the happy song evermore.


55. I'm Just a-Going Over Home
Parker Brown; Heb. 11: 16;    P. M.

1 I am a poor wayfaring stranger,
While journeying thro' this world of woe;
Yet there's no sickness, toil, or danger,
In that bright world to which I go.
I'm going there to see my father,
I'm going there no more to roam;
I'm just a-going over Jordan,
I'm just a-gomg over home.

2 I know dark clouds will gather round me,
I know my way is rough and steep;
Yet brighter fields lie just before me,
Where God's redeemed their vigils keep.
I'm going there to see my mother—
She said she'd meet me when I come;
I'm just a-going over Jordan,
I'm just a-going over home.

3 I feel my sins are all forgiven,
My hopes are placed on things above;
I'm going o'er to yon bright heaven,
Where all is joy and peace and love.
I'm going there to see my children—
I know they 're near my Father's throne;
I'm just a-gomg over Jordan,
I'm just a-going over home.

4. I want to wear a crown of glory,
When I get home to that good land;
I want to sing salvation's story,
In concert with the blood-washed band.
I'm going there to see my classmates,
Who 've gone before me one by one;
I'm just a-going over Jordan,
I 'm just a-going over home.

5. I'll soon be free from every trial,
My body will sleep in the old church-yard;
I'll drop the cross of self-denial,
And enter on my great reward.
I'm going there to see my Savior,
To sing his praise in heaven's dome;
I'm just a-going over Jordan,
I'm just a-going over home.


56. Go Bear Your Burden in the Heat of the Day
A. A. Whitman; Matt. 20: 12.   L. M

1 Through heat and cold Christ had to go,
Bear your burden in the heat of the day;
To regulate the Church below,
Bear your burden in the heat of the day.

CHORUS: Bear it -well, bear it well,
Bear your burden in the heat of the day.

2 My father fought the battle at last,
Bear your burden in the heat of the day;
And all his days on earth are past,
Bear your burden in the heat of the day.

3 And ere we walk the golden street,
Bear your burden in the heat of the day;
We 'll tell to all the saints we meet,
Bear your burden in the heat of the day.

4 Religion's like a blooming rose,
Bear your burden in the heat of the day;
It's none but those who feel that knows,
Bear your burden in the heat of the day.


57. The Rock that is Higher than I 
                Ps. 61: 2

1 O Sometimes the shadows are deep,
And rough seems the path to the goal,
And snows sometimes, how they sweep,
Like tempests down over the soul.

CHORUS: O then to the rock let me fly,  
To the rock that is higher than I;
Then quick to the rock let me fly,  
To the rock that is higher than I.

2 O sometimes how long seems the day,
And sometimes how weary my feet;
But toiling in life's blessed way,  
The rock's blessed shadow how sweet

3 O near to the rock let me keep,
Or blessings or sorrows prevail;
Or clinibling the mountain way steep,  
Or walking the shadowy vale.


58. Come, Great Deliverer
Selected;  Acts 5: 19.    L. M.

1. O hear my cry, be gracious unto me,
Come, great Deliv'rer come;
My soul bowed down is longing now for Thee,
Come, great Deliv'rer come.

2 I have no place, no shelter from the night,
Come, great Deliv'rer, come;
One look from thee would give me life and light,  
Come, great Deliv'rer, come.

3 My path is lone, and weary are my feet,
Come, great Deliv'rer, come;
Mine eyes look up thy loving eyes to meet,  
Come, great Deliv'rer, come.

4 Thou will not spurn contrition's broken sigh,
Come, great Deliv'rer, come;
Regard my prayer and hear my humble cry,  
Come, great Deliv'rer, come.

59. From Every Graveyard
Abe Booker;  John 5: 28, 29  P.M.

1. In that great judgement-day,
You'll hear King Jesus say:
"I'm going to redeem my people
From every graveyard."

CHORUS: O rise, ye nations; rise, ye nations;
O rise, ye nations, from every graveyard

2 You 'll hear the Christian say,
Was this the Lamb t' was slain
To redeem his people  
From every graveyard.

3 You'll hear Jesus say:
My Father, these are they
Come up through tribulations
From every graveyard.

4 We shall see him as he is,
In that eternal day;
We'll plume our wings and fly away
From every graveyard.

5 But when the saints must go,
The silver clouds swing low,
To take up all God's people
From every graveyard.

6 We 'll put on the long white robe,
We 'll wear the starry crown,
Walk up and down the golden streets,  
From every graveyard.
60. Heaven Bells
L. Facing; 1 Peter 5:6 P.M.

1 Run on, my brother,
I know you are before me;
You can't get any higher in glory.
When I get there I 'll stop and tell
How Jesus saved my soul from hell.

CHORUS: Live humble, humble, humble, my soul,
The bells done rung;
Get the glory and honor, praise Jesus;
Get glory and honor, praise the Lamb.

2 I'm going to stand on the sea of glass,  
The sea of glass all mingled with fire;  
I long to join God's heavenly choir,  
In order to raise my voice up higher.

3 The wind is high and the path is dry,
And God Almighty's chariot is going swiftly fly.—
I ran to the valley and fell on my knees,
And asked my Lord if he pleased, if he pleased,
To fill my soul with a heavenly breeze.

4 Adam and Eve were the very first one  
That broke God's law and sin begun;  
Was not my Jesus so good and kind? 
He took away some and left some behind.

5 I 'll tell you, brethren, a mortal fact,
If you've got religion, don't never turn back.
I want to know before I go,
Whether you love the Lord or no.

6 Ever since I've been newly born,   
I love to see God's work going on.   
If ever I reach the other shore,
I 'll never come here to sing any more;

7 A golden band all around my waist,
And the palms of victory in my hand,
And the golden slippers on my feet,
Going to walk up and down the golden street.

8 I'm anchored in Christ,
Christ anchored in me,
And the devil in hell can't pluck me out;
But he shall be loose and have his way,
Yes, at the great resurrection day.

61. Hunting my Redeemer
M. Macoomer; Matt. 2: 2;    L.M.

1 Come all the world and you shall know,
Hunting my Redeemer;
How I was saved from endless woe,  
Hunting my Redeemer.

CHORUS: Nobody knows the trouble I see, the trouble I see, the trouble I see,—
Nobody knows the trouble I see,
Hunting my Redeemer.

2 I strove indeed, but could not tell,
Hunting my Redeemer;
How to shun the gates of hell,  
Hunting my Redeemer.

3 What to do I did not know,
Hunting my Redeemer;
I thought to hell I'd surely go,  
Hunting my Redeemer.

4 I looked this way and that, to fly,
Hunting my Redeemer;
I tried salvation for to buy,  
Hunting my Redeemer.

5 I prayed in the east and prayed in the west,
Hunting my Redeemer;
Seeking for eternal rest,  
Hunting my Redeemer.

6 At last I looked to Calvary,
Hunting my Redeemer;
And saw my Jesus on the tree,  
Hunting my Redeemer.

7 I felt the pardon, heard the voice,
Hunting my Redeemer;
My soul was happy, I rejoiced,  
Hunting my Redeemer.


62. God is Always Near Me
Wm. Polley;  Ps. 91: 11  P.M.

1 God is always near me,
Hearing what I say;
Knowing all my thoughts and deeds,  
All my work and play.

2 God is always near me;
In the darkest night
He can see me just the same  
As by mid-day light.

3 God is always near me,
Tho' so young and small,
Not a word, a look, or thought,  
But God knows it all.

63. Exile from Eden
A. J. Warner;  Gen. 3:24;   P. M.

1 Man at his first creation,
In Eden God did place,
The public head and father  
Of all the human race.

2 'T was by the subtle serpent
He was beguiled and fell,
And by his disobedience 
Was doomed to death and hell.

3 Death was pronounced against him,
Death was the penalty;
The law of God was broken,  
And must fulfilled be.

4 But man, the helpless creature,
Unable to perform
The smallest jot or tittle,  
To build his hopes upon;

5 While in this situation,
Behold the promise made,
That the offspring of the woman
Should bruise the serpent's head,

6 And destroy the power of darkness;
That man should only feel
The malice of the serpent
Raging at his heel.

7 Lo, at the time appointed,
Jesus unveiled his face,
Assumed our human nature,
And suffered in our place.

8 He suffered on Mount Calvary;
Yes, there he ransomed me;
The law demands fulfillment,
To set the sinner free.

9 With rugged thorns they pierced him,
And nailed him to the tree;
All nature seemed to mourn,
Behold the cruelty.

10 But justice cried against him:
Come, pay the sinner's due,
His debt you've undertaken,  
You therefore must go through.

11 They placed him in a sepulcher,
It being near at hand;
The grave it could not hold him,  
Nor death's cold iron band.

12 He burst their bars asunder
And pulled their kingdom down,
He overcome our enemies  
And wears a starry crown.

13 Lo! at bis resurrection,
To Mary he appeared;
Go, tell to my disciples 
What you have seen and heard.

14 Go tell them I have risen
And death can do no more;
I'm going to my Father  
To dwell for evermore.

15 He came to his disciples
And found them all alone;
He gave them his commission  
To make his gospel known.

16 Go, preach it to all nations,
Baptize them in my name,
Beginning at Jerusalem,  
'T was there I suffered shame.

17 Go, preach it to all creatures,
That they may hear and know;
Go, publish free salvation,  
That men to heaven may go.

18 In every sore temptation    
You succor I will send;   
And lo! I will be with you      
Until the world shall end.


64. Washed in the Blood of the Lamb
J. Batters; 1 John 1:7.    L. M.

1 Come ye that love the Lord indeed,   
Washed in the hlood of the Lamb; 
Who are from sin and bondage freed,   
Washed in the blood of the Lamb.

CHORUS: Redeemed, redeemed,
I know I am born of God;
Redeemed, redeemed,
I'm washed in the blood of the Lamb.

2 Great tribulations you shall meet,
Washed in the blood of the Lamb;
But soon shall walk the golden street,  
Washed in the blood of the Lamb.

3 The happy day will soon appear,
Washed in the blood of the Lamb;
When Gabriel's trumpet you shall hear,  
Washed in the blood of the Lamb.

4 Behold the earth in burning flames,
Washed in the blood of the Lamb;
The judge the sentence now proclaims,  
Washed in the blood of the Lamb.

5 Behold the righteous marching home,
Washed in the blood of the Lamb;
And all the angels bid them come,  
Washed in the blood of the Lamb.

6 Ye everlasting doors, fly wide,
Washed in the blood of the Lamb;
Make ready to receive my bride,  
Washed in the blood of the Lamb.

7 In grandeur see the royal line,
Washed in the blood of the Lamb;
In glitt'ring robes the sun outshines,  
Washed in the blood of the Lamb.

65. The Old Church-Yard
Mother; Gen. 50: 25, 26;  P.M.

1. O Come, come with me,
To the old church-yard.
Fo I know well the path,
Through the soft greensward.
I have friends slumbering there,
Whom I wish to regard,
And we'll trace out their names,
In the old church-yard.

2. O mourn not for them,
Their grief now is o'er.
Weep not for them
They weep no more.
For deep is the sleep,
Though cold and hard
Their piltows may be
In the lone grave-yard.

3 I know it seems hard
When friends depart
To breathe our kind words  
To the broken heart.
I know that the joy  
Of life seems marred.
When we follow our friends
To the old church-yard.

4. I have friends slumbering there
In the calmest repose,
Released from this world's  
Sad bereavements and woes.
And who would not rest  
With the friends they regard
In the quietude sweet,
In the old church-yard?

5 We 'll rest in the hope
Of that bright day,
When beauty shall spring  
From the prison of clay;
When Gabriel's voice  
And the trump of the Lord
Shall awaken the dead
In the old church-yard.


66. Proud Babylon's Fall
Hattie Hill;  Rev. 14: 8;   L. M

1 Proud Babylon yet waits her doom,
Good-bye, City of Babylon!
Nor can her tott'ring palace fall,  
Good-bye, City of Babylon!
Till some blest messenger arise,  
Good-bye, City of Babylon!
The precious heathen world to call,
Good-bye, City of Babylon!

CHORUS: Babylon, Babylon, Babylon, good-bye,
Good-bye, City of Babylon!

2 O see on both the Indies' coasts,
And Africa's unhappy shore,
The untaught savage press to hear,  
And hearing wonder and adore.

3 See why the joyful truth is told,
That Jesus left his throne in heaven,
And suffered, died, and rose again,  
That guilty souls might be forgiven.

4 See what delight unfelt before
Beams in his fixed attentive eye,
And hear him ask,
For wretched me,  
Did the divine Redeemer die?

5 Ah, why have ye 60 long forborne
To tell such welcome news as this?
Go now, let every sinner rfear, 
And share in such exalted bliss.


67. Slavery is Dead
B. J. Carter;  Deut. 15: 12-19

Our glorious flag is floating,
Triumphantly at last.
Our nation is exulting,
The rebels die is cast.
Rebellion now is conquered,
No more to lift its head,
And best of all we now can sing  
Old slavery is dead.          

CHORUS: Let it wave! let it wave!
Let the banner proudly wave!
Let it wave! let it wave!  
But never o'er a slave.

2 We are a happy nation,
Because our country's free
From war and desolation, 
And from bold tyranny.
The tyrant's arm is broken,
No more to hold a slave.
This is the year of Jubilee,
So let our banner wave.

3 We stood and fought like demons
Upon the battle-field,
Both, slave and northern freeman  
Have faced the glowing steel.
Our blood beneath this banner
Has jingled with the whites;
And 'neath its folds we now demand
Our just and equal rights.

4 The world has seen our valor,
And nations now confess,
That man is not in color,  
In fashion nor in dress.
In Charleston and old Richmond,  
In spite of Lee and Bragg,
We dropped the rebs in wild dismay,
And planted there our flag.

5 We've fed the Union soldiers
When fleeing from the foe;
And led them through the mountains,
Where white men dare not go.
Our hoecake and our cabbage,
And pork we freely gave,
That this old flag might be sustained—
Now let it proudly wave.

68. A Little Talk With Jesus
Hattie Steward; Luke 24: 32; P.M.

1 A Little talk with Jesus,
How it smooths the rugged road,
How it seems to help me onward 
When I faint beneath my load. 
When my heart is crushed with sorrow  
And my eyes with tears are dim;
There is naught can yield me pleasure
Like a little talk with him.

2 I would tell him, I am weary,
And I fain would be at rest;
That I'm daily, hourly longing  
To repose upon his breast.
And he answers me so sweetly  
In the tenderest tones of love:
I am coming soon to take thee
To my happy home above.;

3 And this is what I'm wanting,
His lovely face to see;
And I'm not afraid to say it,  
I know He is wanting me.
He gave his life a ransom  
To make me all his own;
And he will not forget his promise  
To me, his purchased one.

4 The way is long and weary
To yonder far off clime;
But a little talk with Jesus    
Doth while away the time.   
The more I come to know him,
And all his grace explore,   
It sets me ever longing
To know him more and more.

5 I can not live without him,
Nor would I, if I could;
He is my daily portion, 
My medicine, my food.
He is altogether lovely,  
None can with him compare;
Chiefest among ten thousand
And the fairest of the fair.


69. Come Ye that Love the Lord
C J. Nicols.            P. M.

1. Come ye that love the Lord,
Unto me; unto me.
Come ye that love the Lord,
Unto me.

2. I have something good to say,
About the straight and narrow way.
For Christ the other day,
Saved my soul.

3. He gave me first to see,
My guilt and misery.
Then he set me free,
Bless His name.

4. My old companions said,
He's surely going mad.
But Jesus makes me glad
Bless His name.

5. Some said I'd soon give over,
You shall see, you shall see.
Some said I'd soon give over,
You shall see.

6. Some tiem has passed away,
Since I began to pray.
I love the Lord today,
Bless His name.


70. Walk Jerusalem Just Like Job
Edw'd Nathan; Ps. 39: 1;  L.M.

1 Mary wears a golden chain,
We 'll walk Jerusalem just like Job
Every link bears Jesus' name,
We 'll walk Jerusalem just like Job.

CHORUS: When I come to die I want to be ready,
When I come to die,
We 'll walk Jerusalem just like Job.

2 Joshua was the son of Nun,
We'll walk Jerulalem just like Job;
Prayed to the Lord to stop the sun,
We 'll walk Jerusalem just like Job.

3 When I came out I wrote my name,
We 'll walk Jerusalem just like Job;
Never to return again,
We'll walk Jerusalem just like Job.

4 As we go round the shores of time,
We'll walk Jerusalem just like Job;
We will leave this sinful world behind,
We'll walk Jerusalem just like Job.


71. Gideon's Battle
W.H. Brown; 1 John 1: 7   L.M.

1 Gideon he marched out to fight,
In the light of God;
He took no weapon but hia lamp,  
In the light of God.

CHORUS: Let us walk in the light,
Walk in the light,
Let us walk in the light,
In the light of God.

2 Help me, brethren, by your prayers,
In the light of God;
That I may read my title clear  
In the light of God.

3 A little longer here below,
In the light of God;
And then to glory we will go,  
In the light of God.

72. Christ Is All the World To Me
           John 6: 67, 68   P.M.

1. O when shall I see Jesus
And reign with Him above,
And drink the flowing fountain
Of everlasting love?

CHORUS: Christ is all the world to me,
And His glory I shall see.
And before I leave my Savior,
I'll lay me down and die.

73. The Book of Revelation
Geo. Martin           P.M.

1 The Book of Revelation
God has to us revealed;
The mystery of salvation  
In the Book of Seven Seals.

CHORUS: O wasn't that hard trials,
Great tribulations? 
O wasn't that hard trials?
I am bound to leave this world.

2 And to the Church in general
The mystery was sent,
And teaches every nation
That they must all repent.

3 The way this book was opened,
John plainly doth inform;
The law of God was broken,
And a Savior must be found.

4 For justice has a legal claim
On what the law demands,
Unless a Savior is ordained,  
The criminal must be damned.

5 There was a search in heaven
And in the earth around;
John stood in sorrow hoping,  
That a Savior might be found.

6 And while John stood weeping,
He heard an angel say.
The voice it was beseeching,  
For him to look that way.

7 He looked toward the burning throne,
His looking did not fail
To see the loving Lamb of God, 
Who surely should prevail.

8 He took the book from his father's hand,
And opened every seal;
He gave stern justice his demand, 
And his people he redeemed.

9 And when he took his mission,
Like thunder it was heard;
To better man's condition  
In Bethlehem appeared.

10 John saw the heavens open
And the conqueror riding down; 
He looked and saw white horses,  
And the riders following on.

74. Drooping Souls
Selected;  Matt. 11: 28    P.M.

1 Drooping souls, no longer grieve,
Heaven is propitious;
If in Jesus you believe,
You will find him precious.
Lo! he now is passing by,
Calls the mourners to him;
He has died that you and I
Might look up and view him.

2 From his hands, his feet, his side
Flows a healing lotion;
See the heart-consoling tide
Boundless on the ocean.
See the living waters move  
For the sick and dying,
Now resolved to gain his love,
Or to perish trying.

3 Jesus' grace is always free,
Drooping souls to gladden;
Lo! he calls: Come unto me,  
Ye weary heavy-laden.
Though your sins like mountains rise,  
Rise and look to heaven;
Soon as you on him rely,
All shall be forgiven.

4 Streaming mercy, how it flows,
Now I know, I feel it;
Half has never yet been told,  
Yet I want to tell it.
Jesus' blood has healed my wounds, 
O the wondrous story!
I was lost, but now I'm found,
Glory, glory, glory!


75. The Venturing Ground
W. H. Vaughn; Num. 24:17;   Matt. 2:2. L. M.

1 The prophet Balaam did declare,  
That in the east should rise a star;  
This is the venturing ground,  
This is the venturing ground.

Thank God, this is the venturing ground,
Hallelujah, this is the venturing ground;
So free, this is the venturing ground;
So glad, this is the venturing ground.

2 When God's chariot swings low in the east,  
Let God's children have a little peace,  
This is the venturing ground.
This is the venturing ground;
Thank God, this is the venturing ground;
Venture on, this is the venturing ground;
Sinner, man, this is the venturing ground,
Farewell, this is the venturing ground.

3 The best of all is in the west,
Let God's children have a little rest;
This is the venturing ground,
This is the venturing ground.
O, my sister, this is the venturing ground,
Got religion, this is the venturing ground;
Just now this is the venturing ground,
Just now this is the venturing ground.

4 But when the chariot swings low in the south,
All God's children going to have a little shout;
This is the venturing ground,
This is the venturing ground.
Going home, this is the venturing ground,
Good-bye, this is the venturing ground;
Undefiled, this is the venturing ground,
Undeflled, this is the venturing ground.

5 O yes, I'll venture till I die,
And then I'll take my wings and fly;
This is the venturing ground,
This is the venturing ground.
Venture, venture, O venture then,
For, sinners, you must be born again;
O this is the venturing ground,
O this is the venturing ground.


76. Song of the Hill
D.N. Mason;  Gen 8:4

1. The ark was seen to rest,
On a hill.
There pious Noah stood,
And spread his hands abroad,
And sacrificed to God
On a hill.

2 The fiery law was given
On a hill.
Amidst the flames and smoke
The great Jehovah spoke,
While awful thunder broke
On a hill.

3 Moses saw the promised land
From the hill.
At God's divine command
On Pisgah he did stand,
An viewed the promised land
From that hill.

4 And afterwards he died
On a hill.
Go up the mount and die,
The Lord to him did cry;
He went without a sigh
From the hill.

5 The holy temple stood
 On a hill;
This was Jehovah's seat,
When he the tribes did meet,
Who worshiped at his feet
On a hill.

6 Christ was transfigured once
On a hill;
His garments all were white,
His countenance was bright;
Peter saw the glorious sight
On a hill.


77. Who Is He?
Aaron Jones;  Luke 2: 16;

1 Who is he in yonder stall,  
At whose feet the shepherds fall?

ChORUS: 'Tis the Lord, wondrous story,
'T is the Lord, the king of glory;
At his feet we humbly fall,
Crown him, crown him, Lord of all.

2 Who is he in yonder cot,  
Bending to his toilsome lot?

3 Who is he in deep distress,  
Fasting in the wilderness?

4 Who is he that stands and weeps  
At the grave where Lazarus sleeps?

5 Lo, at midnight, who is he  
Prays in dark Gethsemane?

6 Who is that upon the tree,  
Shed his precious blood for me?

7 Lo, we hear the soldiers say,  
The God of nature dies to-day.

8 Who is he, that from the grave  
Comes to heal, to plead and save?

9 Who is he, that from above  
Rules the world in peace and love?

10 Who is he, that is so nigh   
That he hears the sinner's cry?

11 Who is he, that on that day
Shall lead the ransomed host away?


78. Will You Meet Me at the Gathering?
D. Tucker        P.M.

1 We love the books of Matthew,
Of Mark and Luke and John;
The life of God, our Savior,  
Is what they dwell upon.

CHORUS: Will you meet me at the gathering,
Meet me at the gathering?
Will you meet me at the gathering?   
I 'll meet you in that day.

2 The Acts and then the Romans,
Corinthians you see;
Galatians and Ephesians  
Bring Christ to you and me.

3 Philippians and Colossians
Are next in order here;
Thessalonians and Timothy
In train they both appear.

4 Then Titus and Philemon   
And Hebrews rich in truth,  
With James and two of Peter    
Instruct all age and youth. 

5. John writes to little children,   
And gives Epistles three,  
While Jude discusses plainly    
Of what we all should be.

6 The last is Revelation,   
To all the nations sent;  
And then we-have completed   
The whole New Testament.


79. Get Ready, There's a Meeting here To-night
Chas. T. Jones;  Matt. 7: 16;   L. M.

1 Get you ready, there's a meeting here to-night,
Come along, there's a meeting here to-night;
I know you by your daily walks,
There's a meeting here to-night.

2 O hallelujah to the Lamb,
There's a meeting here to-night;
The Lord is on the giving hand,
There's a meeting here to-night.

3 If ever I reach the mountain top,
I 'll praise my Lord and never stop.

4 Go down to the water when you 're dry,
And there you 'll get your full supply.

5 You pray for me and I 'll pray for you,
And that's the way the Christians do.

6 O run up, Christians, get your crown,
And by your Savior's side sit down.

7 You may hinder me here, but you can not there;
He sits m heaven and he answers prayer.

8 You can't get lost in the wilderness,
With a lighted candle in your breast.


80. The Resurrection of Christ 
L. Facing; Luke 24: 34

1 He was cradled in a manger in the town of Bethlehem,
He was cradled in a manger in the town of Bethlehem,
He was cradled in a manger in the town of Bethlehem,
And the Lord conveyed his spirit home.                 

CHORUS:  He rose, he rose, he rose, he rose, he rose from the dead;
He rose, he rose, he rose, he rose, he rose from the dead;
He rose, he rose, he rose, he rose, he rose from the dead,
And the Lord conveyed his spirit home.

2 The Jews they crucified him, and nailed him to the cross,
And the Lord conveyed his spirit home.

3 The earth began to tremble, and the Roman soldiers fell,
And the Lord conveyed his spirit home.

4 Joseph begged his body, and laid it in the tomb,
And the Lord conveyed his spirit home.

5 The cold grave could n't hold him, nor death's cold iron bands,
And the Lord conveyed his spirit home.

6 From heaven came.an angel, and rolled the stone away,
And the Lord conveyed his spirit home.

7 Mary came a-running, the Savior for to see,
And the Lord conveyed his spirit home.

8 The angel now addressed her, and told her Christ had risen,
And the Lord conveyed his spirit home.

9. O Mary, do not touch me, I've not ascended yet,
And the Lord conveyed his spirit home.

10 Go, tell my disciples, I'm risenfas I said,
And the Lord conveyed his spirit home.

81. The Prodigal Son
Selected;  Luke 15:18   P.M.

1 Ring the bells of heaven,
There is joy to-day, for a soul's returning from the wild;
See the father meets him out upon the way,  
Welcoming his weary, wandering child.

CHORUS: Glory, glory, how the angels sing,
Glory, how the loud harps ring;
Tis the ransomed army like a mighty sea,
Pealing forth the anthem of the free.

2 Ring the bells of heaven, there is joy to-day.
For the wanderer now is reconciled;
Yes, a soul is rescued from his sinful way,
And is born anew a ransomed child.

3 Ring the bells of heaven, spread the feast to-day,
Angels swell the glad triumphant strain;
Tell the joyful tidings, bear it far away,  
For a precious soul is born again.

4 Ring the bells of heaven, every one may come,
For our Father waits to welcome him;
Ye who 're sick and weary of a wanderer's shame,
Come, be reconciled, in Jesus' name.


82. I'm on My Journey Home
Geo. W. Leach. Rev. 6: 2.  C.M.

1 My Savior's name I'll gladly sing,    
I'm on my journey home; 
He is my captain and my king,    
I'm on my journey home.

CHORUS: Ride on, ride on, ride on, conquering Jesus;
Ride on, ride on, all the way along. Repeat.

2 Where 'er I go his name I 'll bless,
I'm on my journey home;
And strive to live a Methodist,  
I'm on my journey home.

3 The devil's camp I'll bid adieu,
I'm on my journey home;
And Zion's peaceful ways pursue,  
I'm on my journey home.

4 Come, sinners, join with me and list,
I'm on my journey home;
And fight like valiant Methodists,  
I'm on my journey home.

5 It is religion makes the man,
I'm on my journey home;
The world may try to make it vain,  
I'm on my journey home.

6 But I would give the world for this,
I'm on my journey home;
To be in heart a Methodist,  
I'm on my journey home.

7 We shout too loud for sinners here,
I'm on my journey home;
But when in heaven we shall appear,  
I'm on my journey home.

8 Our shouts shall make the heavens ring,
I'm on my journey home;
And all the saints in glory sing,  
I'm on my journey home.

83. The Wandering Sheep Restored
Selected. Luke 15: 12, I3.    S. M.

1 I Was a wandering sheep,
I did not love the fold;
I did not love my Shepherd's voice,  
I would not be controlled.
I was a wayward child,  
I did not love my home;
I did not love my Father's voice,
I loved afar to roam.

2 The Shepherd sought his sheep,
The Father sought his child;
They followed me o'er vale and hill,  
O'er deserts waste and wild.
They found me nigh to death,  
Famished and faint and lone;
They hound me with the bands of love,
They saved the wandering one.

3 Jesus my Shepherd is,
'T was he that loved my soul,
'T was he that washed me in his blood,
'T Was he that made me whole.
'T was he that sought the lost,
That found the wandering sheep;
'T was he that brought me to the fold,
"T is he that still doth keep.

4 No more a wandering sheep,
I love to be controlled;
I love my Shepherd's tender voice,  
I love the peaceful fold.
No more a wayward child,   
I seek no more to roam;
I love my heavenly Father's voice,
I love, I love his home.


84. My Redeemer
D. Tucker;  Luke 23:46  P.M.

1. I will sing of my Redeemer,
All His wondrous love to me.
On the cruel cross He suffered
From the curse to set me free.

CHORUS: Sing, O sing of my Redeemer,  
With his blood he purchased me,
On the cross he sealed my pardon,  
Paid the debt and set me free.

2 I will tell the wondrous story
How my lost estate to save,
In his boundless love and mercy, 
He the ransom freely gave.

3 I will praise my dear Redeemer,
His triumphant power I 'll tell,
How the victory he giveth  
Over sin and death and hell.

4 I will sing of my Redeemer
And his heavenly love to me;
He from death to life hath brought me,  
Son of God with him to be.


85. The Heavenly Railroad
Nancy Taylor; 2 Cor. 12: 2, 4.   P. M.

1 There is a road which Christ has made,
The angels bid me come;
With heavenly truths the rails are made,  
The angels bid me come.

CHORUS: Going home, children;
Going home, children;
Going home, children,  
The angels bid me come.

2 From earth to heaven the line extends,
The angels bid me come;
To life eternal, there it ends,  
The angels bid me come.             

Chorus: Watch and pray, children, etc.

3 Then come, poor sinners, now's your time,
The angels bid me come;
At any station on this line,  
The angels bid me come.

4 No fare for you is there to pay,
The angels bid me come;
Must come to Christ, in him abide,  
The angels bid me come.

5 God's love the fire, his breath the steam,
The angels bid me come;
Which drives the engine and the train,  
The angels bid me come.

6 If you repent and turn from sin,
The angels bid me come;
The cars will stop and take you in,  
The angels bid me come.

7 The Bible is the engineer,
The angels bid me come;
Which points the way to heaven clear,  
The angels bid me come.          

Chorus: Sing and shout, children, etc.


86. Go Down Moses
F. Minter; Exodus 3:10  L.M.

1 When Israel was in Egypt land,
Let my people go;
Oppressed so hard, they could not stand,  
Let my people go.
Thus saith the Lord, bold Moses said,  
Let my people go;
If not, I'll smite your first-born dead,
Let my people go.

CHORUS: Go down, Moses, 'way down in Egypt land,
Tell King Pharoah, to let my people go.

2 No more shall they in bondage toil,
Let my people go;
Let them come out of Egypt's soil,  
Let my people go.
It was a dark and dismal night,  
Let my people go;
When Moses led the Israelites,
Let my people go.

3 O let us all from bondage free,
Let my people go;
And let us all in Christ be free,  
Let my people go.
We need not always weep and mourn,  
Let my people go;
And wear these slavery chains forlorn,
Let my people go.

4 What a beautiful morning that will be,
Let my people go;
When time breaks up in eternity,  
Let niy people go.
The devil thought he had me fast,
Let my people go;
But I thought I'd break his chains at last,
Let my people go.

5 O take your shoes from off your feet,    
Let my children go;  
And walk into the golden street,  
Let my people go.
I do believe without a doubt,  
Let my people go;
That the Christian has a right to shout,     
Let my people go.


87. They say there's a Land o'er the Ocean
D. Tucker;  Beut. 34: 1, 2.    P.M.

1 They say there's a land o'er the ocean,
Where wonders and beauties are seen;
They say it's a glorious Eden,
Where none but the blessed convene.
Many friends for that land have departed,
They have crossed over life's troubled sea;
O let us sail over and meet them,
Jesus, the life-boat will carry you free.

CHORUS: Then sail, sail away o'er the ocean, 
Where we 'll join with the bright angel band;
Then sail, sail away o'er the ocean,  
To our home in that happy land.

2 They say we shall dwell there forever,
If we list to our Savior's command;
They say we shall ever be happy,  
When safe in that beautiful land.
'Tis there we shall meet loving Jesus, 
Who suffered and died us to save;
He will stand on the bright shore and hail us,
As we ride o'er the last broken wave.

3 They say, we shall know all our loved ones,
When we meet on that bright golden shore;
They say we shall clasp hands so gladly,
And together rejoice evermore.
O let us prepare for the journey,
Let our hearts be kept loyal and true;
Then the Savior will watch and protect us,
Till the mansions of heaven are in view.


88. The Mourner's Race
D. Tucker; Matt. 5:4  P.M.

1 There's trouble here, there's trouble there,
I really do believe there is trouble everywhere.                  

Chorus. Run, mourners, run, for low is the Bible;
Run, mourners, run, for low is the way.

2 There is praying here, there's praying there,
I really do believe there is praying everywhere.

3 There's Christians here, there's Christians there,
I really do believe there are Christians everywhere.

4 There are believers here, there are believers there,
I really do believe there are believers everywhere.

5 There are devils here, there are devils there,
I really do believe there are devils everywhere.

6 My Jesus is here, my Jesus is there,
I really do believe my Jesus is everywhere.


89. Rice and Shine
D. Tucker;  Isa. 60: 1   P.M.

1 Good morning, brother Pilgrim,
Pray tell to me your name,
And to where it is you are going,  
Also from whence you came.


Brethren, rise and shine, behold King Jesus coming;
Brethren, rise and shine, and meet him in the cloud.

2 My name it is bold Pilgrim,
I am for Canaan bound;
I'm from the howling wilderness,  
From that exhausted ground.

3 What kind of shoes are those you wear,
On which you boldly stand?
Likewise the shining instrument,  
You bear in your right hand?

4 "T'is gospel shoes upon my feet,
And in my hand a shield;
With this bought sword I mean to fight,  
Until I win the field.

5 We came up out of Egypt
And across the Red Sea,
But when I get to Canaan, 
My happiness I 'll see.

6 Jesus he will go with me,
And with a cloud by day;
And if I trust him as a guide  
I'll never lose my way.

7 You'd better stay with me all night,
And give your journey o'er;
Your captain he is out of sight,  
His face you 'll see no more.

8 O no, says the bold pilgrim,
Sir, your offer I disdain,
For a brilliant crown awaits me there,  
I shortly shall obtain.

90. Going to Wake up the Dead
Sallie Washington; 1 Thess. 4: 16.

Come ye that love the Lord indeed,
God's going to wake up the dead;
Who are from sin and bondage free'd, 
God's going to wake up the dead.
Submit to all the ways of God,  
God's going to wake up the dead;
And walk that narrow happy road,
God's going to wake up the dead.

CHORUS: He'll wake up the dead,
Wake up the dead,
God's going to wake up the dead.

2 Great tribulations you shall meet,
God's going to wake up the dead;
But soon shall walk the golden street,
God's going to wake up the dead.
Though hell may rage and vent her spite,
God's going to wake up the dead;
Yet Christ will save his heart's delight,
God's going to wake up the dead.

3 That happy day will soon appear,
God's going to wake up the dead;
When Gabriel's trumpet you shall hear,
God's going to wake up the dead.
Sound through the earth, yea down to hell,
God's going to wake up the dead;
To call the nations great and small,
God's going to wake up the dead.

4 And is my loving brother fled?
God's going to wake up the dead;
And is he numbered with the dead?
God's going to wake up the dead.
Then come, my brethren, drown your cries,
God's going to wake up the dead;
He's gone to Christ above the skies,
God's going to wake up the dead.

5 Behold the earth in burning flames,
God's going to wake up the dead;
The trumpet louder still proclaims,
God's going to wake up the dead.
The earth must hear and know her doom,
God's going to wake up the dead;
The separation day is come;
God s going to wake up the dead.

6 Ye everlasting gates fly wide,
God's going to wake up the dead;
Make ready to receive my bride,
God's going to wake up the dead.
Ye harps of heaven, now sound aloud,
God s going to wake up the dead,
Here comes the purchaser of my blood,
God's going to wake up the dead.

7 They've fought the fight, their race is run,
God's going to open the books;
Their songs are now in heaven begun,  
God's going to wake up the dead.
Their fears are gone, their sorrows fled, 
God's going to wake up the dead;
No more afflictions here on earth,
God's going to wake up the dead.


91. Gospel Train
A. Jamieson;  Acts 2:41 P.M.

1. I The gospel train is moving,
I hear it just at hand;
I hear the carwheel moving, 
And rumbling through the land.          

CHORUS: Get on board, children;
Get on board, children;
Get on board, children,
For there's room for many more.

2. I hear the bell and whistle,
They 're coming round the curve;
She's playing all her steam and power,   
And straining every nerve.

3 O see the gospel engine,
She's heaving now in sight;
Her steam-valves they are groaning,  
The pressure is so great.

4 No signal for another train,
To follow on the line;
O sinner, you 're forever lost,   
If once you're left behind.

5 O see the engine banner,
She's flut'ring in the breeze;
She's spangled with the Savior's blood,
But still she floats at ease.

6 This is the Christian banner,
The motto's new and old,
Repentance and Salvation  
Are burnished there in gold.

7 She's nearing on the station;
O sinners don't be vain,
But come and get your ticket,
And be ready for the train.

8 The fare is cheap and all can go,
The rich and poor are there;
No second class are on board this train,
No difference in the fare.

9 We soon shall reach the station,
O how we then shall sing
With all the heavenly army
On that celestial shore.


92. Look Away To Bethlehem
A.A. Price; Matt. 2:6

1. How lost was my condition,
Til Jesus made me whole!
There is but one physician,
Can cure a sin-sick soul.
Next door to death he found me  
And snatched me from the grave,
To tell to all around me  
His wondrous power to save.        

CHORUS:  Look away, look away,
Look away to Bethlehem;
Look away, look away,
Look away to Bethlehem.

2 The worst of all diseases
Is light compared to sin;
On every part it seizes,  
But rages most within.
'Tis palsy, plague, and fever,  
And madness all combined,
And none but a believer
The least relief can find.

3 From men great skill professing,
I thought a cure to gain;
But this proved more distressing,  
And added to my pain.
Some said, that nothing ailed me,  
Some gave me up for lost;
Thus every refuge failed me,
And all my hopes were crossed.

4 At length this Great Physician,
How matchless is his grace!
Beheld my lost condition  
And undertook my case.
First gave me sight to view him,  
For sin my eyes had sealed,
Then bade me look unto him;
I looked and I was healed.

5 A dying, risen Jesus,
Seen by the eye of faith,
At once from danger frees us  
And saves the soul from death.
Come then to this physician,  
His help he 'll freely give;
He makes no hard condition,
'Tis only look and live.

93. The War, Christians, is 'Most over.
B. J. Coleman;  Isa. 40: 81.

1 O Brethren, ain't you glad    
That the war is 'most over? 
O brethren, ain't you glad   
That you are going home to glory?

CHORUS: We'll rejoice, rejoice,
We are going home to glory;
We'll rejoice, rejoice,
And shout, O glory.

2 O sisters, ain't you glad
That the war is 'most over?
O Sisters, ain't you glad  
That you are going home to glory?

3 O father, ain't you glad
That the war is 'most over?
O father, ain't you glad
That you are going home to glory?

4 O mother, ain't you glad
That the war is 'most over?
O mother, ain't you glad
That you are going home to glory?

5 O preacher, ain't you glad
That the war is 'most over?
O preacher, ain't you glad
That you are going home to glory?

6 O 1 am so glad
The war is 'most over;
O I am so glad  
That I am going home to glory.


94. Jesus Loves Me
J. Holliday; 1 John 4: 19;  P.M.

1 I Am so glad that my Father in heaven,  
Tells of his love in the book he has given;  
Wonderful things in the Bible I see,  
This is the dearest, that Jesus loves me.

CHORUS: I am so glad that Jesus loves me,
Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me;
I am so glad that Jesus loves me,  
Jesus loves even me.

2 Though I forget him and wander away,  
Yet will be follow wherever I stray;  
Back to his dear loving arms would I flee,  
When I remember that Jesus loves me.

3 Jesus loves me and I know I love him,
Love brought him down my poor soul to redeem;
Yes, it was love made him die on the tree,
O I am certain that Jesus loves me.

4 If one should ask me how I can tell,  
Glory to Jesus, I know very well;
The dear Holy Spirit with mine doth agree,
Constantly whispering, Jesus loves me.

5 And now when the wave of temptation doth roll,  
And sorrow and sin sweep over my soul,  
Comes a peace like a river, my spirit is free, 
When I, tho' unworthy, feel Jesus loves me.

6 Shout the glad tiding, salvation is free,  
Jesus has purchased redemption for me;  
Though in the crimson blood flowing I see,  
Glory forever, that Jesus loves me.

7 If there is only one song I can sing, 
When in his beauty I see the great King,  
This shall my song in eternity be,
O what a wonder that Jesus loves me.


95. Mercy's Free
Lester; Heb. 12: 2   P.M.

1 By faith I view my Savior dying,
On the tree, on the tree;
To every nation he is crying,  
Look to me, look to me.
He bids the guilty now draw near,
Repent, believe, dismiss their fear;
Hark, hark! what precious words I hear,
Mercy's free, mercy's free.

2 Did Christ, when I was sin pursuing,
Pity me, pity me?
And did he snatch my soul from ruin,  
Can it be, can it be?
O yes, he did salvation bring,
He is my prophet, priest, and king;
And now my happy soul can sing,
Mercy's free, mercy's free.

3 Jesus, the mighty God, hath spoken
Peace to me, peace to me;
Now all my chains of sin are broken,   
I am free, I am free;
Soon as I in his name believed
The Holy Spirit I received,
And Christ my soul from death relieved,
Mercy's free, mercy's free.

4 Jesus my weary soul refreshes,
Mercy's free; mercy's free;
And every moment Christ is precious  
Unto me, unto me.
None can describe the bliss I prove,
While through the wilderness I rove,
All may enjoy the Savior's love,
Mercy's free, mercy's free.

5 This precious truth, ye sinners, hear it,
Mercy's free, mercy's free;
Ministers of God, declare it,  
Mercy's free, mercy's free.
Visit the heathen's dark abode,
Proclaim to all the love of God,
And spread the glorious news abroad,
Mercy's free, mercy's free.

6 Long as I live, I 'll still be crying,
Mercy's free, mercy's free;
And this shall be my theme when dying,  
Mercy's free, mercy's free.
And when the veil of death I've
When lodged above the stormy blast,
I 'll sing while endless ages last,
Mercy's free, mercy's free.


96. The Young Christian
Chas. Munday;  Job 2: 16.

1 I Am a little scholar,
I daily go to school,
And learn of Master Jesus,  
His perfect holy rule.          

CHORUS: Look away to Bethlehem, etc.

2 The scholars they do love him,
His school is good and free;
Come all, ye careless sinners, 
And go to school with me.

3 I am a little Christian,
The Lord hath made me Bo;
All over a new creature, 
What wonders he can do.

4 I love the things I hated,
And hate the things I loved;
My Master is preparing me  
To reign with him above.

5 I am a little shepherd,
I feed my Master's sheep
Upon the hills of Zion,  
With him I love to keep.

6 The food my Master gives me,
With which to feed my flock,
Is the word of life divine, 
And honey from the rock.

7 I am a little watchman,
I stand upon the wall,
And when the foe is coming  
I give a certain call.

8 I blow my little trumpet,
To let the people know,
And all those who may take warning, 
May escape from every foe.


97. Joseph Made Known to His Brethren
Selected.    Gen. 45: 3.

1 When Joseph his brethren beheld,
Afflicted and trembling with fear,
His heart with compassion was tilled,  
From weeping he could not forbear.
Awhile his behavior was rough,
To bring their past sins to their mind,
But when they were humble enough,
He hastened to show himself kind.

2 How little they thought it was he
Whom they had ill-treated and sold;
How great their confusion must be
As soon as his name he had told.
I am Joseph, your brother, he said,
And still to my heart you are dear;
You sold me and thought I was dead,
But God, for your sakes, sent me here.

3 Though greatly distressed before,
When charged with purloining the cup
They now were confounded much more,
Not one of them durst to look up.
Can Joseph, whom we would have slain,
Forgive us the evil we did?
And will he our households maintain?
O this is a brother indeed.

4. Thus dragged by my conscience I came,
All laden with guilt, to the Lord,
Surrounded with terror and shame,  
Unable to utter a word.
At first he looked stern and severe,
What anguish" then pierced my heart,
Expecting each moment to hear
The sentence, Thou cursed, depart.

5. But O, what surprise when he spoke,
What tenderness beamed in his face;
My heart then to pieces was broke,
O'erwhelmed and confounded by grace.
Poor sinner, I know thee full well,
By thee I was sold and was slain;
But I died to redeem thee from hell,
And raise thee in glory to reign.

6. I am Jesus, whom thou hast blasphemed,
And crucified often afresh;
But let me henceforth be esteemed  
Thy brother, thy bone and thy flesh.
My pardon I freely bestow,  
Thy wants I will freely supply;
I 'll guide thee and guard thee below,
And soon will remove thee on high.

7. Go publish to sinners around,
That they may be willing to come;
The mercy which now you have found,  
And tell them, as yet there is room.
O sinners, the message obey,  
No more vain excuses pretend,
But fly without further delay
To Jesus, our brother and friend.

98. The Children of God
J.J.W. Bowman; John 14: 1   P.M.

1. Children of the heavenly king,  
As ye journey, sweetly sing;  
Sing your Savior's worthy praise,  
Glorious is his works and ways.

CHORUS: Come home, come home, my Father says, come home;
Come home, come home, my Father says, come home.

2. Ye are traveling home to God,  
In the way the fathers trod;  
They are happy now, and ye  
Soon their happiness shall see.

3. O ye banished seed be glad,
Christ our advocate is made,
Us to save, our flesh assumes,
Brother to our soul becomes.

4. Fear not, brethren, joyful stand,  
On the borders of your land;  
Jesus Christ your Father's son,  
Bids you undismayed go on.

5. Lord, submissive make us go,  
Gladly leaving all below;  
Only thou our leader be,  
And we still will follow thee.

99. The Dying Christian
J. H. Parker; Ps. 116: 15. - L. M.

1. The time has come when I must go  
And join my body with the tomb; 
The time has come when I must go 
And so I bid this world adieu.

2 As I lay sick upon my bed,  
Arise you up and go ahead;
And my poor children standing nigh,
Crying, O my mother, you must die.

3 How often have I heard you say,
You wanted this block out of your way;
This block shall now no more appear,
So fare you well, my husband dear.

4 Here these few lines I leave behind,
I pray you, keep them in your mind;
So farewell, friends, and farewell, foes,
I leave you all my eyes to close.

5 The grave is dark, and lonesome too;  
Come, welcome death, I 'll go with you;  
And there I 'll lie till judgment day,  
And Gabriel's trump shall wake my clay.

6 And Jesus he'll go with me too,
To heal my stripes and heal my wounds;
I '11 join those that have gone before,
My bruised limbs you 'll bruise no more.

7 The wrath of God you can not shun, 
He 'll pour his vengeance on your head;  
Wicked husband, fare you well,  
O, will you turn and flee from hell?


100. He Saves to the Uttermost
Phof. Draper. Luke 15: 21. P. M.

1 I Was once far away from the Savior,
And his face was not smiling on me.
I wondered if Christ, the Redeemer,  
Would save a poor sinner like me?

2 I wandered on in the darkness,
Not a ray of light could I see,
And the thought filled my heart with sadness,  
There's no hope for a sinner like me.

3 But there in that dark lonely hour,
A voice sweetly whispered to me,
Saying, Christ, the Redeemer, hath power
To save a poor sinner like thee.

4 I listened, and lo 'twas the Savior,
That was speaking so kindly to me,
And now unto others I'm telling, 
How he saved a poor sinner like me.

5 I then fully trussed in Jesus,
And O, what a joy came to me;
My heart was filled with his praises,
For he had saved a poor sinner like me.

6 And when life's journey is over,
And I the dear Savior shall see,
I'll praise him forever and ever,
For saving a sinner like me.


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