Hymns 101- 170

Standard Plantation Melodies and Revival Songs 101-170

[Hymns without music 158- 170 are found in the 1883 edition and will be added later.]


101. What's the News?
102. Mixture of Joy and Sorrow.
103. It Is I.
104. When We've Nothing Else to Do.
105. The Cross and Crown.
106. Christian Liberty.
107. We'll Sing all Along the Way.
108. Dialogue between a Believer and His Soul
109. Come, Brethern and Sisters.
110. Jesus Knows My Heart.
111. What the Pilgrim Says.
112. Waiting To-Night.
113. Going to Rise A-shouting.
114. Methodism and Methodist Doctrine.
115. Steal Away Home to Jesus.
116. The Heavy Cross.
117. Keep Me from Sinking Down.
118. Sweet Heaven.
119. Been in the Grave and Arose Again.
120. Sweet Chariot.
121. Come Down, Angel, trouble the Water.
122. Jesus is a Rock in a Wearied Land.
123. Suffer Little Children.
124. Wondrous Love.
125. Over Me.
126. Keep A-praying.
127. Roll, Jordan, Roll
128. When the Bridegroom came.
129. The White Pilgrim's Grave.
130. The Church of God.
131. No One Like Jesus.
132. That Great Day.
133. Took the Lord Away.
134. Out on the Ocean.
135. Waiting on the Lord.
136. Remember Your Creator.
137. Jesus, Set me Free.
138. Honor the Lamb.
139. Going Home.
140. Feeble Man.
141. Let Me Die Like Simeon Died.
142. The Lamps all Lit up on the Shore.
143. Give Me More Religion.
144. Gone up Through Great Tribulations.
145. The Home Just Beyond.
146. The Hammers Ring.
147. Done Took the Children Out of Pharaoh's Hand.
148. Shouting on the Other Shore.
149. The Heavenly Choir.
150. Gim'me de Wings.
151. Death Stole My Mother Away.*
152.'Southern Home.
153. Christian Warfare.
154. Do You Think I'll Make a Soldier?
155. Ring Dem Charming Bells
156. Will You Go, Sinners, Go?
157. Consecration Hymn.
[1883 Edition]
158. Over the River.
159. The Traveler's Farewell.
160. Death, the Monster.
161. Traveling through the Wilderness.
162. The Prodigal Son.
163. The Lord Will Provide.
164. Save Me, Lord, Save Me.
165. March On.
166. Wrestling with God.
167. The Judgment.
168. The Final Day.
169. Arise, 0 Zion.
170. Longing for Rest.


101. What's the News?
J.L.H. Sweres; Luke 24: 17  P.M.

1 Whene'er we meet we always say,
What's the news? what's the news?
Pray, what's the order of the day?  
What's the news? what's the news?
O I have got good news to tell, 
My Savior has done all things well,
He triumphed over death and hell,
That's the news, that's the news.

2 The Lamb was slain on Calvary,
That's the news, that's the news;
To set a world of sinners free,  
That's the news, that's the news.
For us he bowed his sacred head,  
For us his precious blood was shed;
But now he's risen from the dead,
That's the news, that's the news.

3 To heaven again the Conqueror's gone,
That's the news, that's the news;
He's seated now upon his throne,  
That's the news, that's the news.
Upon that throne he will remain,
Until as Judge he conies again,
Surrounded by a dazzling train,
That's the news, that's the news.

4 His work's reviving all around,
That's the news, that's the news;
And many have Messiah found,  
That's the news, that's the news.
And since their souls have caught the flame,
They shout hosanna to his name,
And all around they spread his fame,
That's the news, that's the news.

5 The Lord has pardoned all my sins,
That's the news, that's the news;
I feel the witness now within,  
That's the news, that's the news.
And since he took my guilt away,
And taught me how to watch and pray,
I'm happy now from day to day,
That s the news, that's the news.

6 And Christ, the Lord, can save you too,
That's the news, that's the news;
Your sinful heart he can renew,  
That's the news, that 's'the news.
This moment, if for sins you grieve,  
This moment, if you do believe,
A full acquaintance you 'll receive,
That's the news, that's the news.

7 And then, if any one should say,
What's the news? what's the news?
O tell them you 've began to pray,  
That's the news, that's the news;
That you have joined the conquering band
And now at God's divine command
You are marching to a better land,
That's the news, that's the news.

102. Mixture of Joy and Sorrow
Selected. Phil. 1: 23. P. M.

1 Mixture of joy and sorrow
I daily do pass through,
Sometimes I'm in the valley,  
Then sinking down with woe;
Sometimes I am exalted,  
On eagles' wings I fly,
Rising above Mount Pisgah,
I almost reach the sky.

2. Sometimes my hopes are little,
I almost lay them by;
Sometimes they are sufficient,   
If I were called to die.
Sometimes I am in doubting  
And think I have no grace;
Sometimes I am a-shouting,
And Bethel is the place.

3. Sometimes I shun the Christian,
For fear he 'll talk to me;
Sometimes he is the neighbor,
I long the most to see.
Sometimes we meet together
In seasons dry and dull;
Sometimes I find a blessing
Of joy that fills my soul.

4 Sometimes I am oppressed
By Pharaoh's cruel hand;
Sometimes I look o'er Jordan
And view the promised land;
Sometimes I am in darkness,
And sometimes in the light;
Sometimes my soul on wings of faith
Ascends in lofty flight.

5 Sometimes I go in mourning
Down Babylon's cold stream;
Sometimes my Lord's religion
Appears to be my theme;
Sometimes when I am praying,
It almost proves a task;
Sometimes I find a blessing,
The greatest I can ask.


103. It Is I
Selected; Mark 6:50  P.M.

1. When the storm in its fury on Galilee fell
And lifted its water on high,
And the faithless disciples were bound in the spell,
Jesus whispered: "Fear not, it is I."

Chorus: It is I, it is I, fear not, trembling one,
It is I, it is I, it is I;
In the midst of the storm, in the midst of the gloom,
Fear not, trembling one, it is I.

2. The storm could not bury the word in the wave,
'Twas taught in the tempest to fly;
It shall reach his disciples in every clime,  
Saying, Be not afraid, it is I.

3 When the spirit is broken with sorrow and care
And comfort is ready to die,
Then the darkness shall pass and the sunshine appear
By the life-giving word, It is I.

4 When death is at hand and this cottage of clay
Is left with a tremulous sigh,
The precious Redeemer will fight all the way,  
Saying, Be not afraid, it is I.

5 When the river is past, and the glories unknown
Burst forth on the wondering eye,
He will welcome, encourage, and comfort us all,  
Saying, Be not afraid, it is I.

6 When the river of death we are gazing upon,
The river of Jordan, so fair,
He will welcome, encourage, and comfort us all,  
Saying, Be not afraid, it is I.


104. When We've Nothing Else to Do.
D. Tucker;  Matt. 7: 5.

1 If our duty here we strive to do,
No lost time there'll be
To talk about our neighbor's faults;—  
Our own we 'll plainly see.

CHORUS: When we've nothing else to do,
When we've nothing else to do,
'T will be time enough to do it,
When we've nothing else to do.

2. When the days are filled with sorrow
And life seems fraught with pain,
Keep up good heart; the sun so bright  
Is brightest after rain.
Strive to walk within the light,  
Clouds will disperse to-morrow.

3 Do not let the grumblers ever bring    
Discouragement to you.  
But say that you 'll give in to them,    
When you ve nothing else to do,  
And win a crown of brightest gems,   
And send good news on angel wings.


105. The Cross and the Crown
Selected; Luke 24: 26 C.M.

1 Must Simon bear his cross alone,   
And all the world go free?  
No, there's a cross for every one,   
And there's a cross for me.

2 Yes, there's a cross on Calvary,
Through which by faith the crown I see;
To me 'tis pardon bringing,  
O, that's the cross for me.

3 How happy are the saints above,
Who once went mourning here;
But now they taste unmingled love,  
And joy without a tear.

4 I 'll bear the consecrated cross
Till from the cross I'm free,
And then go home and wear the crown,
For there's a crown for me.

5 There's a crown in heaven above,
For me when he appears;
The purchase of my Savior's love,  
O, that's the crown for me.

6 The Church will hear the midnight cry,
The Lord will soon appear;
Ye virgins, rise, with burning lamps  
Go meet him in the air.

7 Yes, a house in heaven prepared,
Christ is interceding,
Which no wicked man can share,  
O, that's the house for me.


1 Fighting for peace and liberty,

  Been washed in the blood of the Lamb; Till we the King in glory see,   Been washed in the blood of the Lamb. Chokus.

I'm free, I'm free, I know I'm free, Been washed in the blood of the Lamb. 2 I was once a slave in sin,

  Been washed in the blood of the Lamb; But since my Lord has taken me in,   Been washed in the blood of the Lamb. 3 Old Satan came into my tent,

  Been washed in the blood of the Lamb; He gave one shout and out he went,   Been washed in the blood of the Lamb. 4 I 'll tell you what's a matter of fact,

Been washed in the blood of the Lamb; If you've left the devil, don't never turn back, Been washed in the blood of the Lamb.

5 I 'll tell you when I feel the best,

  Been washed in the blood of the Lamb; When I've got Jesus in my breast,   Been washed in the blood of the Lamb. 6 This is religion I do know,

  Been washed in the blood of the Lamb; I never felt such love before,   Been washed in the blood of the Lamb, 7 The very time I thought I was lost,

Been washed in the blood of the Lamb; My dungeon shook, my chains fell off, Been washed in the blood of the Lamb.

107. We'll Sing all Along the Way.

1 Do N't forget me when I 'in old,     Crippled, blind, and gray;  As you go, remember me,     I'm singing along my way. Chorus.

We 'll sing, we 'll sing,  We 'll sing all along the way; We 'll sing, we 'll sing,  We 'll sing all along the way. 108. Dialogue between a Believer and His Soul.


In. 1: 18.

P. M. Fine.

Believer :1 Come, my soul, and let us try

  For a little season, Every burden to lay by,   Come, and let us reason. What is that casts thee down?  Who are those that grieve thee? Speak, and let the worst be known, Speaking may relieve thee.

Soul: 2 O 1 sink beneath the load

  Of my nature's evil, Full of enmity towards God,   Captive by the devil. Restless as the troubled seas,   Feeble, faint and fearful, Plagued with every sore disease, How can I be cheerful?

Believer: 3 Think on what thy Savior bore

  In the gloomy garden, Sweating blood at every pore   To procure thy pardon. See him stretched upon the wood,   Bleeding, grieving, crying, SufFring all the wrath of God, Groaning, gasping, dying.

Soul: 4 This by faith I sometimes view

 And those views relieve me, But my sins return anew,   These are they that grieve me. O, I'm leprous, filthy, foul,   Quite throughout infected; Have not I, if any soul, Cause to be dejected?

Believer: 5 Think how loud thy dying Lord

  Cried out, It is finished; Treasure up that sacred word   Whole and undiminished. Doubt not, he will carry on   To its full perfection That good work he has begun; Why then this dejection?

Soul: 6 Faith when void of works is dead,             This the Scriptures witness;        And what works have I to plead,         Who am all unfitness?            All my powers are depraved,              Blind, perverse and filthy;              If from death I'm fully saved,         Why am I not healthy? Believer: 7 Pore not on thyself .too long,             Lest it sink thee lower;         Look to Jesus, kind and strong,   Mercy joined with power. Ev'ry work that thou must do,             Will thy gracious Savior           For thee work, and in thee too,             Of his special favor. Soul: 8 Jesus' precious blood once spilt                I depend on often.          But I feel myself so hard. Believer: Jesus will thee soften. Soul: But my enemies make head. Believer: Let them closer drive thee. Soul: But I'm cold, I'm dark, I'm dead. Believer: Jesus will revive thee. 109. Come, Brethren and Sisters.


1 Come, brethren and sisters that love one another,

  And have done for years past and gone; How oft have met in that sweet heavenly union, That opened the way to God's throne. With joy and thanksgiving we 'll praise him who loved us,

While we 're on the bright shining way. Though we here part in body, we 're bound for one glory,

And bound for each other to pray.

2 There's Jesse and Joseph, Elias and Moses,

And Solomon, and Stephen and John, And Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and David,

Who prayed as they journeyed along; There's Simon and Anna and I do n't know how many,

Who prayed, and God heard from his throne;— Some cast among lions, some bound in rough irons, Yet praises and glory they sung.

3 And three of the Hebrews most valiant and faithful,

With courage went into the flame; With praying and praising they entered the furnace,

 Who trusted in Jesus' name. As Samson was dying he was heard of God crying,   And Saul when he fell by the way; See Gideon a-marching, for truth I am searching, So then to my God I will pray.

4 Some tell us that praying and also that praising

Is labor that's all spent in vain, But we have the witness that God's of such goodness, from praying we will not refrain.

There's old Father Noah and ten thousand more   Can witness that God heard them pray; There's Simeon and Hannah, Paul, Silas, and Peter,   And Daniel and Jonah will say, 5 That God by his spirit and angels did visit     Their souls when to him they did pray,   While we go on praying and they go on praising   And glorify God on the way. God grant us to inherit that same praying spirit, While we are here toiling below; And when we 're done praying we shall not cease praising,

But round God's bright throne we shall bow.          110. Jesus Knows My Heart. Edw'd Freeman. Ts. 139: 1, 2.

1 Shout, shout, for we arc free,

  Jesus knows just what I am; Christ has bought our liberty,   Jesus knows just what I am. Chorus.

Jesus knows my heart, Jesus knows my heart. Jesus knows just what I am. 2 Brethren, do n't you think it best   To carry Jesus in your breast? 3 I know just what I mean to do,

I mean to reach the kingdom too.

4 Rocks and mountains skipping away,   They've got to melt in judgment-day.

1 I Know not the day nor hour

When the Son of man will come; I know there are lions on my way, But the race I will try to run. Chorus.

Just hear what the pilgrim says, You need not think it is strange; Why O! this is the way we read The holy Prophets went. 2 We have the names of friends,

  Friends who say they are true, But when we are in distress   Our friends they ai;e but few. 3 Jesus, the only true friend,

  Can save us from all sin; The Son of man is first and last,   And no man can work like him. 4 The devil he will say

  That you have not got any grace; But if he haunts you very close,   Just take him to the starting-place. 5 The greatest cross we can have

  Is our own sinful heart; I pray the Lord my soul to save,   From all my sin to part. 6 Jesus' cross we must bear,

  Temptations we must meet, Oppressors are on every hand,   But the Lord still answers prayer. 7 Preachers, how do you do?

  Come tell us how you have been. Ah, brethren, we have had it hard,   Going 'gainst tide and wind. 8 Ever since we've been gone,

 We've had many combats; O what sorrows we have seen,   But we did n't turn back for them.


I'm waiting to-night, watching for the light,

  Waiting for the Lord to come; There's many a heart watching to-night, To see the bridegroom come.

2 Thy walls are all of precious stone

  Most glorious to behold; Thy gates are richly set with pearl,   Thy streets are paved with gold. 3 Thy garden and thy pleasant green

 My study long have been, Such sparkling light by humai sight   Has never yet been seen. 4 If heaven be thus so glorious, Lord,

 Why should I stay from thence? What folly't is that I should dread,   To die and go from hence? 5 Reach down, reach down thine arm of grace

  And cause me to ascend Where congregations ne'er break up  And Sabbaths never end. 6 Jesus, my love, to glory's gone,

 Him will I go and see; And all my brethren here below   Will soon come after me. 7 My friends, I hid you all adieu,

  I leave you in God's care; And if I never more see you,  Go on, I 'll meet you there. 8 When we've been there ten thousand years

  Bright shining as the sun, AVe've no less days to sing God's praise   Than when we first begun.
113. Going to Rise A-shouting.

Alex. Macdads. Bev 20: 18.

1 Hioh up in heaven I 'll take my seat,   I 'll ground my weapons at Jesus' feet. Chorus.

0 some lie buried in the grave-yard,  Some lie buried in the sea. 1 am going to rise a-shouting,   Going to sound the jubilee. 2 I wish old Satan would be still,  And let me do my Master's will. 3 Look 'way over Joshua's wall,

See them turn back, stumble, and fall.

4 Christians, do n't you think it's best   To have the witness in your breast? 5 If I had kept my armor bright,

I might be walking with the sons of light.

6 The lightning flashed, the thunders rolled,   You 're welcome home, ye faithful souls. 7 I'd rather pray my soul away   Than lie in hell a half a day. 114 Hallelujah, Amen.

Ellhn J. Pknklton. Eev. 19: 1.


1 Once while I was walking

  Alone the Christian road, My joyful heart was musing   Upon the love of God. Chorus.

Hallelujah, amen; hallelujah amen I Hallelujah, amen, amen, amen! 2 He chose me for his shepherd,

  To stand on Zion's wall; He bid me preach the Gospel's   Glad tidings unto all. 3 I '11 bear my cross, though heavy,

  And I am hut a youth; Thus I shall be able   To preach the word of truth. 4 When clad with Christian armor,

  The breast-plate, sword and shield, I '11 quit me like a soldier;   Old Satan's bound to yield. 115. Steal Away Home to Jesus.

Aet Hines. Job. 26: 14.

1 My Lord calls me, he calls me in the thunder; The trumpet sounds it in my soul, I hain't got long to stay here.


Steal away, steal away to Jesus; Steal away, steal away home, I hain't got long to stay here.

2 Tall trees are bending, poor sinners are trembling, The trumpet sounds it in my soul;

I hain't got long to stay here.

3 My Lord calls me, he calls me by the lightning, The trumpet sounds it in my soul;

I hain't got long to stay here.

4 Tombstones are bursting, our bodies are changing, The trumpet sounds it in my soul;

And I hain't got long to stay here
1 Only but for Adam's fall,

   I'm going to lay down the heavy cross; Men would not have died at all,    I'm going to lay down the heavy cross. Chorus.

By and by, by and by, by and by, I m a-going to lay down the heavy cross by    and by. 2 The prettiest thing, that ever I 've done,

   I'm going to lay down the heavy cross; Was seeking of religion when I was young,   I'm going to lay down the heavy cross. 3 Little did I think that he was so nigh,

  I'm going to lay down the heavy cross; He spoke, and then I laughed and cried,   I'm going to lay down the heavy cross. 4 I run right to the cross and cried,

   I'm going to lay down the heavy cross; Jesus saves me, I won't die, I'm going to lay down the heavy cross.

117. Keep Me from Sinking Down.

M. Gooseland. Vs. 69: 2.

1 I Bless the Lord, I'm born to die,

  Keep me from sinking down; I'm gwine to judgment by and by,   Keep me from sinking down. Chorus.

O Lord, O my Lord, O my blessed Lord! Keep me from sinking down. 2 Just look over yonder, what I see,

  Keep me from sinking down; Band of angels coming for me,   Keep me from sinking down. 118. Sweet Heaven.

Geo. W. Hatton. 2 Cor. 5: 1, 2. J.. M.

1 Through heat and cold Christ had to go,

  O how I long to be there; To institute his Church below,  O how I long to be there. Chorus.

Sweet heaven! O sweet heaven!

Sweet heaven! O how I long to be there!

2 My father's fought the battle at last, And all his days on earth are past.

3 Mother's broke the ice and gone,  Now she sings a heavenly song. 4 I hope to meet my mother there,  Who used to kneel with me in prayer. 5 Ere we walk the golden streets,  We 'll tell to all the saints we meet, 0 Religion's like a blooming rose,  And none but them that feel it knows. 119. Been in the Grave and Arose Again.

H. C. Miller. Ps. 30: 8. P. M.

1 I've been coming up all this time,

I've been in the grave an' rose again; I do n't want the chariot to leave me behind, I've been in the grave an' rose again.


O hallelujah! O hallelujah! O hallelujah! I've been in the grave an' rose again! 2 Chariot run to the mountain top,  My Lord bid the chariot stop. 3 Way over yonder in the harvest field, Angels working at the chariot wheels.

4 My head was wet with midnight dew, The morning star was a witness too.

5 I never will give up my shield, Until the devil's made to yield.

6 I 'll leave this world like a shooting star; Look in heaven, you 'll find me there.

120. Sweet Chariot

Jesse Munoay. 2 Kings 2: 11. L M.

[ l time.

1 The brightest day that ever I saw,    Coming for to carry me home;  When Jesus washed my sins away,    Coming for to carry me home.

Swing low, sweet chariot, coming for to carry me home! Swing low, sweet chariot, coming for to carry me home. 2 Come here to sing, come here to pray,  And praise the Lord till break of day. 3 You love praying? I do too;   That's what I come here to do. 4 I 'll argue with the Father, chatter with the Son,  And talk about the world, I 've just come from. 5 What a pretty morning that 'll be,  When time breaks up in eternity. 6 I never heard him speak so loud,   It must be Jesus in the cloud. 121. Come Down, Angel, trouble the Water.

W. II. Bowman. John. 5: 4.


1 The old ship's coming just like a whirl,

  Let my saints go home; To take God's children out this world,   Let my saints go home. Chorus.

Come down, angel, trouble the water; Come down, angel, trouble the water; Come down, angel, trouble the water,   And let my saints go home. 2 When I'm happy I shout and sing,   And make the heavenly welkin ring. 3 The very time I thought I was lost,

My dungeon shook and my chains fell off.

4 T run to the rocks for to hide my face; The rocks cried out, No hiding-place.

5 Angels bright with wings of gold, They brought glad tidings to my soul. 122. Jesus is a Rock in a Wearied Land. 1 The sinner sees a mote in the Christian's eye,

Margaret Nicols. Ps. 94: 22.


But he can't see the beam in his own. O never mind, sinner, you'd better go and pray, And let God's children alone.


Why my Jesus is a rock in a wearied land,— A wearied land, a wearied land! Why my Jesus is a rock in a wearied land,  A shelter in time of a storm. 2 I 'll sweep my house with a Gospel broom,

  I'm sure I 'll sweep it clean; If ever I reach my heavenly home,   Then sinner, you 'll not be seen. 3 I 'll wash my robe in Jesus' blood

  And travel in my way; I'm battling by the Word of God,   I'm ready for the judgment-day. 123. Suffer Little Children.

Mes. Kate Tayloe. Mark. 10: 14.


1 Hark, hark, catch that sound!

       Such is the kingdom of the Lord;     A band of angels hovering around,        Such is the kingdom of the Lord.                      Chorus. Why, Jesus, did n't you say,   That you suffered little children to come unto thee? Why, Jesus, did n't you say,   That such is the kingdom of the Lord?
2 I know when I was born of God  And learned to walk the narrow road. 3 You may hinder me here, but you can't up there; God lives in heaven, and he hears my prayer.

4 All around the walls of Jericho

Why Joshua took his horn and blowed.

2 When I was sinking down,

Sinking clown, sinking down; When I was sinking down, When I was sinking down Beneath God's righteous frown', Christ laid aside his crown,

For my soul, for my soul, etc.

3 Ye winged seraphs fly,

  Bear the news, bear the news; Ye winged seraphs fly, Ye winged seraphs fly Like comets through the sky; Fill vast eternity With the news, with the news, etc.

4 To God and to the Lamb

I will sing, I will sing; To God and to the Lamb, To God and to the Lamb And to the great I am, While millions join the theme (

I will sing, I will sing, etc.

5 Ye sons of Zion's king,

  Join the praise, join the praise; Ye sons of Zion's king, Ye sons of Zion's king With hearts and voices sing, And strike each tuneful string In his praise, in his praise, etc.

6 And when from death we 're free,

 We 'll sing on, we 'll sing on; And when from death we re free, And when from death we 're free, - We 'll sing and joyful be, And in eternity

We 'll sing on, we 'll sing on, etc.

1 Great Jehovah, great Jehovah, great Jehovah,     Over me, over me;   Before I'd be a slave, I'd be buried in my grave,     A.nd go home to my Father and be saved. 2 Sinking Peter, etc.

3 Doubting Thomas, etc.

4 Weeping Mary, etc.

5 Mourning Martha, etc.

6 Watchful pastors, etc.

7 Loving fathers, etc.

8 Praying mothers, etc.

9 Toiling brethren, etc.

10 Shouting sisters, etc.

11 Lord have mercy, etc.

12 Sweet heaven, etc.

126. Keep A-praying.

Maria Coward. Gen. 32: 25.


1 Going to pray like good old Daniel

  Did in the days of old; Going to pray all night till broad daylight,   Going to ask God to bless my soul. Chorus.

Keep a-praying, let the heavens be mine; Keep a-praying, let the heavens be mine; Keep a-praying, let the heavens be mine,   Going to ask God to bless my soul. 2 Going to wrestle like good old Jacob

  Did in the days of old; Going to wrestle all night till broad daylight,   Going to ask God to bless my soul. 3 Going to pray like good old 'Lijah

  Did in the days of old; Going to fight old Saul and all his men,   Going to ask God to bless my soul. 127. Roll, Jordan, Roll.

Uncle Jokdan. 1 Peter 1:4. P. M.
1 O, Preacher, you ought t' have been there,

Yes, my Lord! You ought t' have been sitting in the kingdom, To hear sweet Jordan roll.


Roll, Jordan, roll; roll, Jordan, roll;

  I want to go to heaven when I die To hear sweet Jordan roll. 2 I wish in my soul I'd been there,

  Yes, my Lord! I'd sit down in the kingdom And hear sweet Jordan roll. 3 I have a dear mother's gone there,

  Yes, my Lord! She's sitting in the kingdom And she hears sweet Jordan roll. 4 All bright angels up there,

  Yes, my Lord! Flying in the midst of heaven, They hear sweet Jordan roll. 128. When the Bridegroom came.

Margaret Lapsley. Matt. 25: 1. P. M.

1 There was ten virgins when the Bridegroom came, There was ten virgins when he came;

There was ten virgins, there was ten virgins, There was ten virgins when he came, when he came.


O Zion, O Zion, Zion, behold the heavens, When the Bridegroom comes. 2 Five of them were wise when the Bridegroom came, etc.

3 Five of them were foolish when the Bridegroom came,


4 The foolish took no oil when the Bridegroom came, etc.

5 There was a cry at midnight when the Bridegroom came,


6 The wise they trimmed their lamps when the Bride

groom came, etc.

7 But the foolish had no oil when the Bridegroom came,


8 The foolish were left in darkness when the Bridegroom

came, etc.

9 The foolish they kept knocking when the Bridegroom

came, etc.

10 Depart, I never knew you, said the Bridegroom then


129. The White Pilgrim's Grave.

Selected. Matt. 16: 24.

'4 • *—* i t Be t * * * i

Icttt—w—m—w w—* w—w « 1

1 I Came to the spot where the white pilgrim lay

  And pensively knelt by his grave, When in a low whisper I heard something say,  How sweetly I sleep here alone. 2 The tempest may howl, the loud thunders roll

  And gathering storms may arise, Yet calm is my feeling, at rest is my soul,   The tears are all wiped from mine eyes. 3 The cause of my Master compelled me from home

  To publish salvation abroad; The trump of the Gospel endeavoring to blow,   Inviting poor sinners to God. 4 And when at a distance and far, far from home

  No kindred relation was nigh, I fell in affliction and sunk to the tomb,  My soul swept to mansions on high. 5 Go tell my companions and children most dear

To weep not for me, though I'm gone; The same Hand that led me through scenes dark and drear,

Has kindly assisted me home.

1 I Really thought I'd fly away,  When Jesus washed my sins away;  My dungeon shook, my chains fell off,  My ransomed soul, it soared aloft. Chorus.

The Church of God, it sounds so sweet,

The Church, the Church of God, it sounds so sweet.

2 Look away yonder, what I see!—  A band of angels after me; They are in my room, around my bed, To carry me home when I am dead.
3 If you get there before I do,   Look out for me, I'm coming too;   If I get there before you do, I 'll shout to see you coming too.

4 I hope to meet my mother there,  Who used to join with me in prayer;  When my friends in heaven I see, It will glory, glory, glory be.

131. No One Like Jesus.

Originnl by W. H. Vaughn. John 8: 2.


1 The wretched thief upon the cross,

  Suffering, bleeding, crying, Until Jesus by his grace   Saved his soul from dying. Chorus.

No one can do like Jesus, glory, hallelujah; No one can do like Jesus, glory, hallelujah. 2 The elder standing on the wall,

  Holding up the banner; Whene'er a sinner gets a fall - It grieves the heart of many. 3 Brethren, you must do your best,

  Work among the sinners, Call them from the wilderness,   To tell the love of Jesus. 4 Tell the world of sinners around,

  Come and try these waters; Come and try, and taste and see,   Be Zion's sons and daughters.

1 Jesus done just as he said,

  In that great day; He healed the sick and raised the dead,   In that great day. Chorus.

That great day, that great day! O who's going to walk with God In that great day?

2 Won't that be an awful time,

  In that great day; When the sun refuse to shine,   In that great day? 3 No use waiting for the blowing of the horn,

In that great day; No use hollowing when the train's done gone, In that great day.

4 Gabriel walking in the air,

  In that great day; Trumpet sounding everywhere,   In that great day.
1 They took my Lord to Pilate's bar,   But thoy could not condemn him there;  He called for water to wash his hands,   I find no fault of this good man.             Chorus. Done took my Lord away, Away, away; Done took my Lord away, Tell me where I 'll find him. 2 0 Lord, he will go with you,  My Lord, he will go with you, He who dyed his garments for you And trod his own wine press alone. 3 O Lord, he will provide,  My Lord, he will provide, O Lord, he will provide,

He '11 stay right close by your wavering side.

4 Rolling stone gathers no moss, Wavering mind no strength; Black heart, curious heart,

Sin 'a so bold, do n't turn no thanks.

5 Old Satan wears a hypocrite shoe,

If you don't mind he 'll slip it on you; Old Satan thought he had me fast, 1 broke his chain, I'm free at last.

6 O Lord, I've been singing and praying; My Lord, I've been singing and praying; O Lord, I've been singing and praying, Upward now I am going to bend my way.

134. Out on the Ocean.

1 O! Where is Father Spencer,

  I wonder where he a gone; The Church is all in mourning   And he can not be found. Chorus.

Out on the ocean,

  In the year of jubilee; Out on the ocean, What will become of me?

2 Death hath robbed the Church and people,

  And robbed my mother, too; Hath stole away my father,   And laid him in the tomb. 3 We will seek him o'er the mountains

 And o'er all the hills; And if I can not find him,  My father's voice is still. 4 And if you meet with trials

  And troubles on your way, Cast all your cares on Jesus   And do n't forget to pray. 135. Waiting on the Lord.

W. H. Evaks. Job. 14: 14. C. M.1 Remember your Creator while you 're young, while


1 Lord, what a wretched land is this,

  That yields us no supply; No cheering fruits, no wholesome trees,   Nor streams of living joy. Chorus.

We, are waiting on the Lord, waiting on the Lord, Waiting on the Lord. Repeal.

2 A thousand savage beasts of prey

  Around the forest roam, But Judah's lion guards the way   And guides the stranger home. 3 Long nights and darkness dwell below

  With scarce a twinkling ray; Through dismal deeps and dangerous snares,   To God we make our way. 4 Our journey is a thorny maze,

  But we march upward still; Forget these troubles by the way   And reach at Zion's hill. 5 There on a green and flowery mount

  Our weary souls shall sit, And with transporting joys recount   The labors of our feet. 6 Eternal glories of the King,

  That brought us safely through, Our tongue shall never cease to sing,   And endless praise bestow.
you 're young; Remember your Creator while you 're young, Do you think it would be better, to wait a little later, O remember you 're Creator while you 're young.

2 0 remember, you may die while you 're young.

3 O remember, Jesus loves you while you 're young.

4 You must walk the path of duty while you 're young.

137. Jesus, Set me Free.

1 'way over yonder, in the harvest field,

  Jesus set me free; . Angels working at .the chariot wheels,   Jesus set me free. Chorus.

I know the time, I know the place, King Jesus set me free. Repeat. 2 Chariot down by the Jordan side,

  Jesus set me free; In that chariot I am going to ride,   Jesus set me free. 3 I saw my mother running along,

  Jesus set me free; I asked her if the train was gone,   Jesus set me free. 4 She told me if I'd run right fast,

  Jesus set me free; I'd overtake the train at last,   Jesus set me free.

1 I'm sometimes up and sometimes down,

  Honor the Lamb, honor the Lamb; But bless the Lord I'm heaven bound,   Honor the Lamb, honor the Lamb.                Chorus. Every day weep, work, and pray,   Honor the Lamb, honor the Lamb; Jesus says, I am the way,   Honor the Lamb, honor the Lamb. 2 Mary came in the morning soon,   Seeking Jesus in the tomb. 3 Paul and Silas, in their cells, Of Jesus to the jailer tells.

4 Sinking Peter in the sea, Holding Jesus makes the lea.


1 I Found free grace in the wilderness, In the wilderness, in the wilderness; I found free grace in the wilderness,

And now I'm a-going home.


Now I'm going home,

O! now I'm going home;

I found free grace in the wilderness,

And now I'm going home.

2 Sought my Lord in the wilderness, etc.

3 My dungeon shook in the wilderness, etc.

4 My chains fell off in the wilderness, etc.

5 I felt mighty happy in the wilderness, etc.

6 John baptized in the wilderness, etc.

1 I'm going down to Jordan to pay my fare,

  Lord, I'm nothing but a feeble man; Jesus' life-boats meet me there,   Lord, I 'm nothing but a feeble man. Chorus.

O Lord, what have I done, will you hear my prayer? Good Lord, I'm nothing but a feeble man. Repeat.

2 Jesus calls, come unto me, Sinners, I will set you free.

3 He called his brethren on the sea, Leave your nets and follow me.

4 On a cloud to heaven rode, • Now lie dwells in light with God.

5 By and by he 'll come for me, When from sin I'm wholly free.

1 I'm born of God, indeed I am,

 O let me die like Simeon died; Sinner, deny it if you can,   Just let me die like Simeon died. ClIOHUS.

Let me die, let me die,

Just let me die like Simeon died. Repeat.

2 While shepherds to their flocks attend,   The angels brought good news to them. 3 In Jerusalem at his post,

See Simeon filled with the Holy Ghost.

4 Now Lord, let thy servant go,   Jesus Christ is born I know. 5 Widow Anna came to see

Who should bleed and die for me.

142. The Lamps all Lit up on the Shore.

Jacob Hakt. Prov. 6: 23. P. M.


   1 Christians, low, low is the way;    The way to get to heaven      Is by faith and humble prayer.                Chorus. As soon as my feet strike Zion,   And the lamps are lit upon the shore, I leave this sinful world behind, 1 'll never come here any more.

2 Sisters, low, low is the way, etc.

3 Brothers, low, low is the way, etc.

4 Converts, low, low is the way, etc.

5 Mourners, low, low is the way, etc.

6 Classmates, low, low is the way, etc.

7 Preachers, low, low is the way, etc.

143. Give Me More Religion.

Mrs. E. J. PenKlton. Gnl. 1: 18, 14. P. M. 1 I've been coming up all this time,


Do n't want the chariot to leave me behind.

             Chorus. O Lord, give me more religion, O give me more religion, lord, give me more religion, To help me on to God. 2 If you reach Canaan before I do,   Tell my friends I'm coming too. 3 I'm sailing on through wind and tide,   In the chariot I soon shall ride. 4 Some say I 'll not make it so,

1 'll land my soul on heaven's shore.

144. Gone up Through Great Tribulations.

D. Tucker. Rev. 7: 14.


1 Where is my mother gone,  Where is my mother gone,  Where is my mother gone, Servant of the Lord?


She's gone up, she's gone up, She's gone up through great tribulations; She's gone up, she's gone up, Servant of the Lord. 2 Where is Elijah gone, etc.?

3 Where is my comrades gone, etc.?

4 Where is my preacher gone, etc.?

145. Washed in'Jesus Blood.

W. H. Woods. Eph. l: 7.
1 How tedious and tasteless the hour,

 When Jesus no longer I see; Sweet prospects, sweet buds, and sweet flowers   Have all lost their sweetness to me. Chorus.

I believe, Jesus says, that his blood washes whiter than snow;

I believe, Jesus says, that his blood washes whiter than snow.

2 The mid-summer sun shines but dim,

  The fields strive in vain to look gay, But when I am happy in him,   December is pleasent as May.

1 Did you ever hear the hammer ring?   Did you ever hear the hammer ring?   Did you ever hear the hammer ring,  When they nailed poor Jesus down?   Children, they nailed poor Jesus down; Yes, bless the Lord, they nailed poor Jesus down; Children, they nailed poor Jesus down. 2 They nailed him to the rugged cross, etc.   They said, he should n't rise any more, etc. 3 Did you ever hear of such a man? etc.  Why he gave up his son for to die, etc. 4 He died for you and he died for me, etc.   Ho died for the whole round world, etc. 5 He rose on the third appointed day, etc.   He conquered death and hell. 147. Done Took the Children Out of Pharaoh's Hand.

Josephine Eobison. Exodus. 3: JO.


1 Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone,

Done took the children out of Pharoah's hands; He, whom I fix my hopes upon, Done took the children out of Pharoah's hands.


O Lord, suffering Lamb; O Lord, suffering Lamb; 0 Lord, suffering Lamb,

Done took the children out of Pharoah's hands.

2 His track I see and I 'll pursue,   The narrow way till him I view. 3 The way the holy prophets went,   The road that leads from banishment. 4 The King's highway of holiness,

1 'll go for all its paths are peace.

5 I 'll point to thy redeeming blood, And say, behold the way to God.

6 Then will I tell to sinners round, What a dear Savior I have found. 148. Shouting on the Other Shore.

America Bell. Heb. 13: 20.

1 My mother died a-shouting   Over on the other shore;   Do n't you hear the lamhs a-crying?  O good Shepherd feed my sheep.             Chorus. Some for Paul, some for Silas, Some to make my heart rejoice; Don't you hear the lamhs a-erying? O good Shepherd feed my sheep. 2 My father, etc.

3 My brother, etc.

4 My sister, etc.

5 My classmates, etc.

6 My preacher, etc.

7 My leader, etc.

8 My children, etc.

9 My neighbors, etc.

149. The Heavenly Choir.

Rev. 14: 2.
1 When John was by an angel led

To the bright world on high, He saw the joys await the dead When up to heaven they fly.


Yes, my Lord, yes, my Lord,    I'm going to join the heavenly choir; Yes, my Lord, yes, my Lord,   1 'm a soldier of the cross. 2 He saw them 'round their Father's throne,

  Gazing upon his face, Singing with harps of sweetest tone   The praises of his grace. 3 He saw the city where they dwelt,

  Where praises can't be told, Her gates are richly set with pearl,   Hor streets are paved with gold. 4 He saw them clothed in robes of white,

Such as the angels wear; Shining like stars, amazing bright, And like the angels fair.

5 Charmed with the sig^it, John bowed his head

  Before the angel fair, Who says to John, Do n't worship me;   To God address thy prayer.

And O, good Lord, gim' me de wings; O Lord, gim' me de wings; And O, good Lord, gim' me de wings; Git up in de Chariot and trabel along.   B is for the Book,   To us the guide was given, Written by the wise men,   The Word come from heaven.         Chorus—And O, good Lord, etc. C is for Christ,   Nailed to the tree; Sinner repent,   Forever might be.                Chorus—And 0, good Lord, etc. D is for dove, with the olive leaf green; Returning to the ark in peace she was seen.                Chorus—And O, good Lord, etc. F is for Felix, whom Paul sent away, And desired to return at some future day.                Chorus—And O, good Lord, etc. G is for Goliah, who fell on the plain; By the sling of David this giant was slain.                Chorus—And O, good Lord, etc- L is for Lydia, God opened her heart; What he had bestowed 'twas her joy to impart.              Chorus—And O, good Lord, etc. M is for Mary, who fed on Christ's word; Martha, her sister, belov'd by the Lord.                Chorus—And O, good Lord, etc. N is for Noah, with God for his guide, Safely he sailed o'er the billowy tide.                Chorus—And O, good Lord, etc. O is for Obadiah, the prophets to save, Twice fifty concealed and fed in a cave. Chorus—And O, good Lord, etc.

•Original dialect has been retained In the chorus, but changed elsewhere. Sing at pleasure without notes.

P is for Peter who walked on the wave, Sinking he cried, Lord I perish, O save. Chorus—And O, good Lord, etc.

Q is for the queen from distant lands came, Allured by the sound of King Solomon's fame. Chorus—And O, good Lord, etc.

R. is for Ruth, goes forth 'mid the sheaves, Gleaning the ears the husbandman leaves. Chorus—And O, good Lord, etc.

S is for Stephen, Christ's martyr, who cried To God for his murderers, then calmly died. Chorus—And O, good Lord, etc.

T is for Timothy, taught in his youth To love and to study the Scriptures of truth. Chorus—And O, good Lord, etc.

U is for Uzziah, in rashness and pride Profaning God's altar, a leper he died. Chorus—And O, good Lord, etc.

V is the vine, a green branch may I be, Bearing fruit to the glory of Jesus, the tree. Chorus—And O, good Lord, etc.

W is the widow, her two mites she gave, And trusted to God to sustain her and save. Chorus—And O, good Lord, etc.

X is the cross that our dear Savior bore. O, think of his sorrows and grieve him no more. Chorus—And O, good Lord, etc.

Y is the youth, who killed by a fall, By a miracle wrought was recovered by Paul. Chorus—And O, good Lord, etc.

Z is for Zoar, where Lot prayed to be. It reminds me of Christ, a refuge for me. Chorus—And O, good Lord, etc. 151. Death Stole My Mother Away.

By J. H. Parker.

1 There is a time when I must die,

 When death shall shake this frame; And stand before my God on high,  When death shall shake this frame. Chorus,

O, death stole my mother away; 0, death, Death's going to lay his cold icy hands on me.

2 As I go down the stream of time,

 When death shall shake this frame; I'll leave this sinful world behind,  When death shall shake this frame. Chorus—O, death stole, etc.

3 There's no repentance in the grave,

 When death shall shake this frame; Nor patdon offered to the dead,  When death shall shake this frame. Chorus—O, death stole, etc.

4 Hell is ready to receive,

 When death shall shake this frame; That dying man who won't believe,   AVhen death shall shake this frame. Chorus—O, death stole, etc.

5 O, bless the Lord, I am born to die,

 When death shall shake this frame; To stand before my God on high,  When death shall shake this frame. Chorus—O, death stole, etc.

152. Southern Home.

By E. W. S. Hammond.

1 I Wandered very far away,

 From the place where I was born, And my poor heart has been so sad,   Dejected and forlorn;
No master kind to treat me well,   To cheer me when in pain; I want to see the cotton fields,   And the dear old home again. O! the good old days have passed and gone,   I sigh for them in vain; 1 want to see the cotton fields,   And the dear old home again. 2 I'm left all sad and lonely now,

 When my days are very few; My wife and children both are gone,   I don't know what to do; And master, too, he may be dead,   His hair was turning gray; Before I pass away.

Chorus—O! the good old. days, etc. 3 When I was. free, I left that land,

  Where the days were bright and fair, Where missis spoke to me so kind,   Where I was loved with care,— I left that home, no friend to find,  My heart was filled with pain; O! take me to that good old home,   To see it once again. Chorus—O! the good old days, etc.

153. Christian Warfare.

1 When Christ, the Lord, was here below,       Down by the river;   About the work he came to do,       Down by the river side.       Chorus. We will end this war,   Down by the river; We will end this war, Down by the river side.


By E. W. S. Hammond.

2 Pilate says, "I wash my hands,

I find no fault in this good man."

Chorus—We will end this war, etc.

3 They led him away to Pilate's bar,   But they could not condemn him there. Chorus—We will end this war, etc.

4 O, Mary wept and Martha cried, When Christ, the Lord, was crucified.

Chorus—We will end this war, etc.

5 Fishing Peter led the way,

Was nothing caught till the break of day.

Chorus—We will end this war, etc.

6 Yes, when we camp in the middle of the air, I hope to meet my brethren there.

Chorus—We will end this war, etc.

154. Do You Think I'll Make a Soldier?

1 Do you think I'll make a soldier, soldier? Do you think I'll make a soldier, soldier? Do you think I'll make a soldier, soldier?

In the year of jubilee.


Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory; Eise and shine and give God the glory, glory; Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory,     In the year of jubilee. + 2 Think I saw the mighty (army, army.

Chorus—Rise and shine, etc.

3 We are climbing Jacob's ladder, ladder.

Chorus—Rise and shine, etc.

4 See the mighty Savior coming, coming.

Chorus—Rise and shine, etc.

5 We are listed in the army, army.

Chorus—Rise and shine, etc. 6 Fighting for our Master Jesus, Jesus.

Chorus—Rise and shine, etc.

7 In the battle he will lead us, lead us.

Chorus—Rise and shine, etc.


155. Ring Dem Charming Bells
By E. W. S. Hammond.

1. Come along, my brother, come along,
For de time is drawing near,
For de angels say dere's nuffin to do  
But to ring dem charming bells. Chorus.

O, to ring dem charming bells,
O, to ring dein charming bells;
For de angels say dere's nuffin to do
But to ring dem charming bells.

2 Come along, sister Mary, come along,
For de time is drawing near,
For de angels say dere's nuffin to do  
But to ring dem charming bells. Chorus.

3 Noon run down to de settin of de sun,

  And de stars refused to shine, An' a sinner man run to de end of de day,   An' he wished he had pray'd before. Chorus.

156. Will You Go, Sinners, Go?

1 Will you go, sinners, go,

  To the highlands of heaven, Where the storms never blow,   And the long Summer's given; Where the bright blooming flowers   Are their odors emitting, And the leaves of the bowers, In the breezes are flitting?

2 Where the rivers of joy

O'er the bright plains are flowing, And our bliss ne'er shall cloy,

To that land we are going— O, say, will you go,

And the world leave behind you? Since its pleasures you know,

Have but dazzled to blind you.

3 Will you go to that land,

Where your friends wait to greet you? There a beautiful band

Join with us to entreat you. They are waiting above,

Waiting happy to hail you, In those regions of love,

Where no ills can assail you;—

4 Where the saints robed in white,

Cleansed in life's flowing fountain, Shining beauteous and bright,

They inhabit the mountain; Where no sin or dismay,

Neither trouble nor sorrow, Will be felt for to-day,

Nor be feared for the morrow.

157. Consecration Hymn
Br A. Kemp.

1 My body, soul, and spirit,
Jesus, I give to thee,
A consecrate offering,  
Thine evermore to be.        

Chorus. My all is on the altar, I'm waiting for the fire, Waiting, waiting, waiting, I'm waiting for the fire. 2 O Jesus, mighty Savior,

  I trust in thy groat name, I look for thy salvation,   Thy promise now I claim. Chorus—My all, ete.

O, let the fire descending

Just now upon my soul,
Consume my humble offring,
And cleanse and make me whole.

Chorus—My all, etc.

I'm thine, O blessed Jesus,  
Washed by thy precious blood;
Now seal me by thy Spirit 
A sacrifice to God. Chorus—My all, etc.


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