Glossary of Scottish Words for Translations

Glossary of Scottish Words for Translations; From: A Book of ballads, Old and New by Guido Hermann Stempel

A', all.

Aboon, abune, above, upon.

Ae, one, an, a; only.

Aff, off.

Aft, aften, oft, often.

Again, against; back, tn reply.

Ain, own.

Aince, once.

Alane, alone.

Alang, along.

Aid, old.

Amang, among.

An, an', and, if.

Ance, once.

And, if; and . . . but, if only.

Ane, one, an, a.

Aneath, beneath.

Anither, another.

'As, has.

Aught, owed.

Aul', auld, old.

Awa, away.

Ba', ball.

Bad, bade.

Bait, feed.

Baith, both.

Baken, pt. ppl., baked.

Bane, bone.

Bane, death.

Bar, bore.

Bat, but.

Be, are.

Bear, bore.

Bed-fit, foot of a bed.

Been, are.

Beet, vb., amend, remedy.

Beforn, before.

Behint, behind.

Beir, vb., bear.

Belive, soon, at once.

Ben, into the parlor.

Benbow, bent bow, bow.

Bent, place overgrown with bentgrass.

Bestood, (hard) pressed.

Bickered, shot off and on.

Biek, bask.

Bigged, built.

Bigly, suitable for habitation, handsome, fine.

Billie, billy, comrade. See bully.

Birk, birch.

Blan, ceased, let up.

Blaw, blow.

Blude, bluid, blood; blude-reid,

bluid-red, blood-red.

Bluidy, bloody.

Bobbit, curtsied.

Boot, advantage; salvation.

Bore, (bored) hole, perforation.

Bot, but, except.

Boun, adj., ready.

Boun, eft., get ready; boun'd, got ready. See busk.

Bound, boundary, enclosure.

Braid, broad, wide.

Brand, sword.

Words ending in is or ys for (e)s (genitive and plural of nouns, 3d person singular of verbs) and in it, yt, id, yd for (e)d (preterit and past participle) are not glossed.

Brast, pt., burst.

Braw, brave, handsome, fine, splendid.

Breast-bane, breast-bone.

Bree, brow.

Bree, broo, broth.

Breeden, pres. pi., breed.

Brether, brothers.

Brither, brother.

Brond, sword.

Broo, bree, broth.

Brook, enjoy, continue to enjoy, keep (life).

Bully, comrade, sworn-brother. See billie.

Bund, pt. ppl., bound.

Buntlin, bunting, yellow-hammer.

Burn-brae, brookside meadow.

Busk, get ready. See boun.

But, but if, unless.

But an', but and, and also.

Byre, cow-shed.

Ca', call.

Cam, came.

Can, aux., do, did; could, did.

Canna, cannot.

Carline, carline wife, old woman.

Carp, tell, talk.

Casten, pt. ppl., cast.

Cauld, cold.

Channerin, fretting.

Christendame, baptism.

Christiantee, Christiantie,

Chris-   tendom.

Chuse, choose.

Clay, mold, earth, grave.

Clerk, scholar, official.

Close, closs,

court, courtyard.

Comen, pt. ppl., come.

Cop, top (of head).

Corbie, raven, crow.

Coud, could; coudna, could not.

Counseil, counsel.

Craw, crow.

Crew, crowed.

Croodlin, cooing.

Cule, cool.

Darena, dare not.

Daw, vb., dawn.

Dead, death.

Dee, die.

Dee, do.

Deil, devil.

Deir, dear.

Denner, dinner.

Dere, hurt, harm.

Dight, attend to, prepare, dress, meet (in battle);

dight, pt. ppl., done (to death).

Ding down, knock down, lay low.

Dinna, do not.

Dochter, daughter.

Do'en (him, her, etc.), betaken (himself, herself, etc.).

Doubt, fear.

Dought na, was not able to.

Dow, dove.

Down,  hill.

Drap, drop.

Drawen, drawn.

Dree, suffer, endure.

Dub, pool. Dule, sorrow. Eartly, earthly, human. Ee, eye; ee-bree, eyebrow. Een, even, evening. Een, eyne, eyes. Eldern, elderly. Eneugh, enough. Words ending in is or ys for (e)s (genitive and plural of nouns, 3d person singular of verbs) and in it, yt, id, yd for (^d (preterit and past participle) are not glossed.
Evanish, vanish. Evera, every one, every. Everilkone, everychon, everyone. Evermair, evermore. Everychon, everilkone, everyone. Eyne, een, eyes. Fa', fall, befall.

Fader, fadir, father.

Fadom, fathom(s).

Faem, foam.

Fail, turf.

Fan, when.

Fa'n, fallen.

Far, where.

Fare, go, voyage.

Farley, ferly, adj., strange.

Farley, ferly,»., wonder, marvel.

Farsed, stuffed.

Fash, trouble.

Fashous, troublesome, vexatious.

Fat, what.

Fause, false.

Feard, fear.

Feared, afraid.

Feit, feet

Ferly, farley, adj., strange, wonderful.

Ferly, farley,«., wonder, marvel.

Fettled, made ready.

Fit, foot, feet.

Flang, flung.

Forbot, prohibition; over God's forbot, against God's prohibition, God forbid.

Forenent, against, in.

Fortnit, fortnight.

Forward, agreement.

Fra, frae, from.

Free, noble, generous, brave, precious, fine, etc.

Fro, from.

Fu', full; very, most. Fun, whin, furze, heather. Fute, whute, whistle. Ga, gae, go; pt., gaed, ged, went.

Gae, gaed, gave.

Gaf, gave.

Gane, gone.

Gang, go.

Gar, make, cause (someone) to; gar

the bells be rung, have the bells

rung; pt., gard, garr'd. Gars-green, grass-green. Gat, got. Gaun, going. Gear, property. Ged, went. Geid, gave. Gi', gie, give; pt., gi'ed, gaf, gae,

gaed, gave; pt. ppl., gi'en, given. Gif, if.

Gin, if; (after interjection) but. Ginnest, beginnest. Glee, glove. Glent, glinted, passed swiftly, "like a flash." Goud, gowd, gold; gowden, golden. Graith, equipment, armor, "horse

and arms" (Child). Greet, grit, gravel. Greves, groves. Grith, peace, royal assurance of

peace. Grumly, terrible, fierce. Gude, gueed, gueede, guid, good.

Ha', have. Ha', haU. Hadna, had not. Hae, have. Words ending in is or ys for (e)s (genitive and plural of nouns, 3d person singular of verbs) and in it, yt, id, yd for (e)d (preterit and past participle) are not glossed.

Hald, hold; pt. pfl., halden, held.

Haled, hauled, drew back.

Hall-yate, portal.

Hame, home.

Han', hand.

Harness, armor.

Haugh, low ground, bottom land.

Hause-bane, collar bone.

Heir, inherit.

Hell-yates, hell-gates.

Helpen, vb., help.

Hem, them.

Hent up, picked up, took up.

Here, their.

Hersel', herself.

Hert, heart; pi., hertes.

He's, he shall. See 's.

Het, heated, hot.

Hewen, hewn, hewed.

Hie, haste.

Hie, high.

Hielanders, Highlanders.

Hight, bid, command.

Hind, young man.

Hind, gentle.

Hit, it.

Holland, fine Holland linen.

Hond, hand.

Honged, hanged.

Hooly, slowly, softly.

Hop, hope.

Howk, hoik, dig.

Hundrith, hundred.

Ilka, each.

Ilkone, each one, everyone. Fs, I'se, I shall. See's. Iwis, truly, indeed. Same, comb.

Keep, care.

Keepit, kept.

Kern, comb.

Kemp, warrior, champion; pi.,

  kempes. Kempery, warlike, fighting. Ken, know. Kilt, tuck up. Kirtle, skirt. Kist, pt., cast. Knicht, knight. Knowen, pres. pi., know. Kye, cows. Laigh, low.

Laily, loathly, loathsome. Lain, lie, falsehood. Laith, loath, sorry, unwilling. Lan', land. Lang, long; comp. langer; think   lang, grow tired (of waiting, etc.). Lap, wrap. Lap, leapt. Late, let. Lauch, laugh. Lave, rest (of), (the) others. Laverock, lark. Lawland, Lowland. Lee, lie. Leive, leave. Leman, lover, loved one. Lene, lend. Let, hinder, hindered. Leven, lawn, glade. Licht, alight, alighted. 'Lieve, believe. Lift, air. Lift, lifted. Light, lighted, alighted. Lilly, lovely. Jaw, wave. Jow, stroke, blow. Words ending in is or ys for (e)s (genitive and plural of nouns, 3d person singular of verbs) and in it, yt, id, yd for (e)d (preterit and past participle) are not glossed.

Lin, let up, cease.

Lind, line, linden tree, basswood.

Ling, bent-grass.

Lither, lazy (and mischievous).

Live-lang, livelong.

Loe, love.

Loose, release, rescue.

Lope, leapt.

Lough, laughed.

Low, flame.

Low, mound, hill.

Luikt, looked.

Mair, more.

Maister, master. 1

Mak, make.

Make, mate.

Mane, moan.

Manhuid, manhood.

Mare, more.

Mary, lady in waiting, lady's maid.

Maugre: in the maugre of, in spite of.

Maun, must.

Mavrone! my dear! dear me!

Maw, mow.

May, girl, lass, maiden, virgin.

May, can; could, might.

Meal-pock, beggar's bag.

Mean, moan.

Meed, mood, courage, heart.

Meikle, mickle, much, great.

Meinie, retinue, following.

Merk, mirk, murky, dark.

Merry men, followers, companions in arms.

Mervel, marvel.

Met-yard, measuring stick, yardstick.

Mich, much.

Micht, might.

Mickle, meikle, much, great.

Mider, mother.

Mind on, remember.

Mirk, merk, murky, dark.

Mirry, merry.

Mither, mother.

Mo, adv., more.

Moder, mother, mother's.

Mony, many.

Muckle, much.

Muir, moor, swamp, swampy fields or meadows; muir-men, peasants.

Mutch, cap.

MyseP, myself.

Na, nae, adv., no, not; na often

affixed to verb: dinna, couldna;

adj., no; nae ane, naebody, no

one, nobody. Nane, adj., none, no one; adv., not

once, not at all. Nat, not.

Ne, nor; ne none, nor any. Heave, fist. Needna, need not. Nicked: nicked him of nay, refused   him. Nigh, draw near. No, na, nae, adv., not. Noo, now. Nourice, nurse, nursing mother. Nouther, neither. O', of, for, about. Ony, any. Or, ere, before; or e'er, before. Ost, host. Ought, owed. Ower, owre, over, too (much, etc.).

Words ending in is or ys for (e)s (genitive and plural of nouns, 3d person singular of verbs) and in it, yt, id, yd for (e)d (preterit and past participle) are not glossed.

Paction, pact, agreement.

Pat, put.

Pellet, ball, bullet.

Pestelet, pistolet.

Pike, pick.

Pine, torment, torture.

Pitten, pt. ppl., put.

Plait, plaited, intertwined.

Plett, plait.

Pleugh, plow.

Plight, plighted, pledged.

Pouthered, powdered.

Pu', pull.

Puir, poor.

Quin, queen.

Quit, requited, avenged.

Quo', quoth, said.

Rade, rode. Raise, rose. Rank, order; in rank, one after an-   other. Rash, rush, bulrush. Rather, earlier, quicker. Read, advice, counsel. Read, advise, explain. Reave, deprive. Reft, bereft. Reid, red; reid-roan, reddish roan. Richt, right. Rin, run. Row'd, unrolled. 'S, 'se (I'se, ye's, etc.), shall, must; contraction of has (cf. "That good He gift has be her ain" Child's No. 6A, st. 24, and French future U donnera, i. e., dormer 0, literally "he has to give").

Sa, sae, so.

Saft, soft.

Sair, sore; sorely, bitterly.

Sal, satl, shall.

San, since.

Sark, shirt.

Saul, soul.

Saut, salt.

Saw, vb., sow.

Scad, scald.

Scroggs, shrogs, underbrush, sticks or stakes cut from same.

See: Christ you save and see, watch over, protect.

See, pt., saw.

Sen, since.

Sen', send.

Shaw, grove thicket.

Shaw, vb., show.

Sheave, slice.

Shee, shoe.

Sheen, bright, radiant, beautiful.

Sheet, shoot.

Shent, disgraced.

Shet, pt., shot.

Sheugh, ditch, furrow.

Shill, shrill.

Shinnes, shins.

Shold, should.

Shoon, shoes.

Shotten, pt. pi., shot.

Shot-window, unglazed window in a tower for use of archers; lookout.

Shrad, copse, brushwood, underwood.

Shrogs, scroggs, underbrush, sticks or stakes cut from same.

Sic, sic a like, such, such a.

Side, long, wide. •

Sike, trench, ditch.

Silkie, seal.

Siller, silver.

Simmer, summer.

Words ending in is or ys for (e)s (genitive and plural of nouns, 3d person singular of verbs) and in it, yt, id, yd for (e)d (preterit and past participle) are not glossed.

Sin, since.

Sin, sun.

Sith, since.

Skaith, harm, damage.

Slade, valley.

Slee, sly; slUy.

Slicht, vb., slight.

Slon, slay.

Smale, adj. pi., small.

Sooth, true.

Soud, sould, should; soud hae, should have.

Sowdan, sultan.

Spak, spak.

Sped, brought to an issue, attended to.

Speered, asked, inquired.

Speird, spierd, asked, asked for, inquired.

Sprent, spurted.

Stane, stone.

Stap, stop, live, dwell.

Steid, steed.

Sterre, star.

Stickit, slicked, stuck.

Store: set no store by, not think much of.

Stour, onset, fight, clash of battle.

Straik, vb., streak, brush.

Strang, strong.

Straught, straight; straightway.

Streen: the streen, yesterday evening.

Strenger, stronger.

Sud, suld, should.

Sum, some.

Swapt, smote; swapt together, struck at each other.

Sware, swore.

Swat, pt., sweat, sweated.

Swerd, sword.

Sweven, dream.

Swithe, stoutly.

Syne, since, then, next, after that, thereupon.

Tae: the tae ... the tither, the

one . . . the other. See tane,

tone. Ta'en, taken. Tak, take. Tane: the tane, the one (of us, of

them, etc.). See tae, tone. Tane, taken, captured. Tell'd, told.

Tent, tend, take care of.

Tett, plaited strand of hair.

Thae, those, the.

Thame, them.

Than, then.

The', they.

Theek, vb., thatch, line.

Thegither, together.

Then, than.

Thiderward, thitherward. Thorough, thrae, through.

Thrast, thrust, forced their way.

Thraw, throw.

Thristlecock, thrush.

Thritty, thirty.

Throly, stubbornly, eagerly, boldly.

Thu, thou.

Till, lure, entice.

Till, prep., of place as well as time, to.

Tint, lost.

Tirl, rattle (the latch-pin).

Tither, (the) other.

Tithinges, tidings.

Tone: the tone . . . the to the r, the one . . . the other. See tae, tane.

Words ending in is or ys for (e)s (genitive and plural of nouns, 3d person singular of verbs) and in it, yt, id, yd for (e)d (preterit and past participle) are not glossed.

Tooken, pt. pi., took.

Toom, empty.

Tother, (the) other.

Tree, beam, timber, wood; the cross.

Trouth, troth, (sense of) honor.

Trow, true, believe.

True-love, lover, beloved one.

Tul, till.

Turmentures, tormentors, executioners.

Twa, two.

Twin, separate, part; pt., twined, twinn'd.

Unbond, />/., unbound, untied.

Unco, unknown, strange, extraordinary; very.

Unshemly, unseemly.

Until, prep., of place as well as time, to, unto.

Upo', upon.

Verament, truly.

Vew, yew; vew-bow, yew-bow.

Wad, would; wad hae, would have;

wadna, would not.

Wae, woe.

Wald, would.

Walylalas! Wan, wand.

Wane, wone, number.

War, were.

Wardle, world.

Ware, aware.

Wark, werk, work, deed.

Warld, world.

Warst, worst.

Washen, pt. ppl., washed.

Wat, wot, know, knows.

Wauken, waken. Words ending in is or ys for (e)s (genitive and plural of nouns, 3d person singular of verbs) and in it, yt, id, yd for (e)d (preterit and past participle) are not glossed.

Waur, worse.

Weel, well; weel-far'd, wellfavored, goodlooking; weeltappit, well preened, well groomed, spruce.

Weepand, weeping.

Weet, wet.

Weir, war.

Wende, go.

Werk, wark, work, deed.

Wha, who; whae'er, whoever.

Whan, when.

Whatten, what, what a.

Wheder, whether.

Whute, fute, whistle.

Wi', with.

Wight, creature, person, thing.

Wight, strong, sturdy, bold.

Win, »., wind; vb., dry (hay).

Win, won.

Win: win in, get (back) in; win near, get near (to).

Wiss, wish.

Wist, knew.

Wit, knowledge, understanding.

Withouten, without.

Wold, would.

Wone, wane, number.

Won up, win up, get up.

Wood, mad, crazy.

Worth: woe worth thee, woe be unto thee.

Wot, know, knows.

Wouch, distress.

Wowl alas!

Wrang, wrong.

Wroken, pt. ppl., avenged.

Wud, wood.

Wull, will.

Yare, ready.

Yatt, yett, gate

Yede, went

Yee, eye.

Yemen, yoaman pl. Yemen

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