Flower of Northumberland- Cruickshank (Aber) 1908 Greig D
[Ending stanzas from Greig-Duncan Collection; Lyle. Dialect mostly missing.
R. Matteson 2018]
The Fair Flower of Northumberland- sung by Mrs. Cruickshank of Aberdeenshire, c. 1908
1. A cook in your kitchen I would be,
Oh why was my love so easily won,
I would wait on your lady and serve out her tea,
For I durna go back to Northumberland."
2. "A cook in my kitchen ye canna be,
Oh but your love it was so easily won,
She would not have such cooks in her kitchen as thee,
So you'd better go back to Northumberland."
3. Ye'll tak' me in your arms twa
Oh why was my love so easily won,
Ye'll throw me over your high castle wall,
For I durna go back to Northumberland."
4. The laddie was not willing for the lassie to kill,
Although her love it was easily won,
He bought an old horse, and he hired an old man.
And he sent her save (safe) back to Northumberland.
5. When she came to her father's ha',
Oh why was your love so easily won,
Ye're na the first flower that the Scotch has beguiled,
And you're aye the fair flower of Northumberland."
6. "Ye sanna want breid(bread) and ye sanna want tea,
Although your love it was easily won,
Ye sanna want money to buy a man wi',
And ye are aye the fair Flower of Northumberland.
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