False Knight- Duncan MacPhee (Pert) 1955 Henderson
[Published with music in Scottish Studies - Volumes 9-10 - Page 10, 1965. This variant was recorded in the berryfields of Blairgowrie, Perthshire in the summer of 1955. The singer was then 19 years of age.
R. Matteson 2018]
False Knight- Sung by Duncan MacPhee, recorded in the Hamlish Henderson in the berryfields of Blairgowrie, Perthshire in the summer of 1955. He uses the tune - "The Rose Tree."
1. "O what's that on your back?" cries the false knight upon the road.
"Sure it's the bundles and my books," cried the wee lad and still he stood.
2. "O will you give me share?" cries the false knight upon the road.
"O I canna gie ye share," cried the wee boy and still he stood.
3. "O whatna sheep and cattle's that?" cries the false knight upon the road.
"Sure it's my father's noo, an' mine" cried the wee boy and still he stood.
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