English and other Versions 26. The Three Ravens

English and other Versions 26. The Three Ravens

[Child has two version of "The Three Ravens" and four versions of "Twa Corbies."  The version collected by Kidson that was learned c. 1825 has music and an MP3.]


1) The Three Ravens- Ravenscroft; 1611 Child A a.

2) The Three Ravens- Motherwell (Scotland) 1827 Child A b

3) The Twa Corbies- Sharpe (Scotland) 1803 Child A a.

4) The Twa Corbies- Campbell (Scotland) c.1815 Child A b.

5) The Twa Corbies- Chambers (Scotland) 1829 Child A c.

6) The Twa Corbies- Tytler (Scotland) 1783 Child A d.


7) The Two Ravens- Cunningham (Scotland) 1825

8) The Three Ravens- Holmes c. 1825 Kidson (w/music w/MP3)

9) Brennan Moor- Bidder (Devon) c.1890 Baring-Gould

10) The Corbie and the Crow- Christian (Scotland) 1893