English & Other Versions 49. The Twa Brothers
[Child G is a US version and Child I is a version of Edward, so they aren't inculded here.]
1) The Twa Brothers- Sharpe 1817 Child A
The Two Brothers- Riddell pre-1858 Child A b.
The Cruel Brother- McCormick 1825; Child B
The Twa Brithers- Cunningham (Ayr) 1820s Child C
The Twa Brothers- Arrott (Aber.) 1806 Child D
The Twa Brothers- Motherwell 1827 Child E
The Twa Brothers- Buchan c.1820s; Child F
Perthshire Tredgey- Sharpe 1823; Child H
The Two Pretty Boys- Stewart (Aberdeenshire) 1955
The Twa Brothers- Robertson (Aberdeenshire) 1958