Dives and Laz'us- (African-American) Lomax; 1934

Dives and Laz'us- (African-American) Lomax; 1934

[From: John and Alan Lomax's American Ballads and Folk Songs, 1934. This is an African-American version of Dives and Lazarus. It doesn't resemble the US versions found by Davis or Sharp that are said to be found in shape-note books, rather it's an independent ballad.

Dives appears in other African-American spirituals:

Rich man Dives, he lived so well,
Don't you see?
Rich man Dives, he lived so well,
Don't you see?
Rich man Dives, he lived so well,
When he died he found a home in hell.

R. Matteson 2012, 2014]

DIVES AND LAZ'US [A Fragment]- Collected by John and Alan Lomax from American Ballads and Folk Songs (1934).

Wo' his purple an' linen, too,
Ring dat big bell;
Don't keer what sort-a rags fer you,
Ring dat big bell;
Dine sumptious ev'y day,
Ring dat big bell;
Tell Laz'us go away.

Chorus: Ring-a dat big bell,
Dat biggest big one!
Tell-a me whut he done done
Way down in hell!

Laz'us lay outside,
Ring-a dat big bell
Dogs lick his so' side,
Ring-a dat big bell;
But when he bof die,
Ring-a dat big bell,
Laz'us he even up-high.

Rich man I hears folks tell,
Ring-a dat big bell,
Dropped into lownes' hell,
Ring-a dat big bell
Laz'us lay close an' fast,
Ring-a dat big bell,
In Ab'ham's breas' at last.

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