Checklist of Recorded Folk Songs: Vol. 3 Index

The Library of Congress

Music Division


Check-list of recorded songs in the English language

in the

Archive of American Folk Song

to July, 1940



Alphabetical list with geographical index


Geographical Index


Washington, D. C.


The Library of Congress

Music Division


Check-list of recorded songs in the English language

in the

Archive of American Folk Song

to July, 1940

Alphabetical list with geographical index


Geographical Index


Washington, D. C.


JUL 6 1942














1 -





All around the maypole

Atmore state farm blues

Black gal, black gal

Boston burglar, The

Cap'n, did you hear?

Cap'n, I heard what you said

Chain gang blues


Fight on, your' time ain't

Got Heaven in my view
Hop-a-la (2)
Hot boiling sun
I am a stranger
If it wasn't for the Lord
In 1931 j boys, when my


trouble ' gun


It ain't gonna rain no mo'

It keeps me alive

I ti ske t-I ta sice t

Jail house blues

Ladies in the dining room

Little Sally Walker

Miss Sue from Alabama

My mother died a shoutin'

Norah ' s flood




Sally go 'round the sunshine

Separated line


Shortenin 1 bread


Storm come rollin' through

Time is a windin' up
Trouble , trouble
Walk with me, Lord
Where you building your

Worried , worried

Going north

I can't get no hearin' from
my babe





Down on me

Goin' walk around, in Jordan

tell the news
I don't want nobody's blood

on my hands
I never heard a man speak

like this man before (2)
Low down, chariot, let a

soldier ride
One morning soon
Reap what you sow
What more can Jesus do?
What you gonna do .when this

world' s on fire?
Why don't you come out de

Wonder what's de matter in Zion

Franklin county

Praise God
Service of the Lord
Wondrous love

Liv ings ton
Acting crasy

Ain't goin' let you humbug me
Ain't got long to be here
Ain't that a witness
Alabama bound
All de friend I had dead an'

All hid? (3)
All my sins been taken away


ly 'round


All the

Ail the way 'round the ring

go ' round
Amazing grace

Angels standin 1 In de water
Another man done gone
Awful death
Bad man Laz'rus






Livingston (cont.)
Banbury cross
Barnyard imitation (2.)
Be holy
Been drinkin 1 . white-

Before I ' 11 be beaten by

the ole Virginia nigger
Big Jerry

Billy goat Latin (.3)
31a. ck cat told de white cat
Black snake bit me, I don't

Black woman (2)
Black woman blues
Blackest gal in dis town
Blood done sign my name, De (2^
Boll weevil (/.,.)
Boll weevil blues
Born again
Bosom o' Abraham

Br'er Rabbit
Brick yard
Bring me a gourd to drink

Bully coon
C-natural blues
Candy gal (2)
Cap'n cain't read
Cap'n, did you hear 'bout?
Captain of de ship
Casey Jones

Catch a nigger by de toe
Certainly, Lord
Chic-a-dee (2)
Chicken and hawk
Choose yo' seat and set down
Climbin' up de hill o' .Mt.

Zion (2)
Come, butter, come
Come, my lovin' brother .
Come up, horsey, hey, hey
Come, we that love the Lord
Convict got away and nigger

dogs after him
Cornfield holler (2)


Livingston ( c ont . )

Cotton need pickin' so bad
Cotton needs plowin' so bad
Cross-E shimmy dance time
Darling, don't you miss me?
Dat ' ligion Jesus give me
.Death have mercy on my age
Dialogue about working on

Dialogue on Richard-

Arnerson's education
Didn't he ramble?
Didn't you hear that bell

when it toned?
Doan know when ole death

gwine call me home
Dog caught a hog
Dog flea
Done done all I kin do for

de Lord
Done worked on- the levee
Don't feel like I'se any-

wa.ys tired
Don't you grieve
Don't you hear the turkle

dove moan?
Don ' t you leave me here
Don't you want to go?
Down on me (3)
Drinkin' wine (A)
• :Enoch!s field- hollers
Everybody ought to love

they soul
Everybody talkin' about

heaven ain't gwine there
Everywhere I go somebody

talkin'' 'bout Jesus
Free at last
Froggy went a courtin'
Gettin' down side o' der

Give me a gourd o' cold

water (3)
Give my heart ease.
Glad to see you, little

Go tell Aunt Dinah (2)
Go to sleepy (2)
Go 'way from my window




Livingston (cont.)
Goat Latin (2)
God knows I am de one
God's goin 1 build up

de Zion wall
Goin' home en the

morning train
Goin' to war
Going home to rest
Good news (2)
Gwine home some day
Gwine to jine de band
Ha, ha, I'm single again (2)
Ha, ha, Rosie
Handwriting on de wall
Hang up the baby' s stocking
Happy shouting
Hark, from the tomb a

doleful sound
Have mercy, Lord
Have you decided which

way to go?
He that believe have an

everlasting home
Heard de angels singin 1
Heaven bell
Hiding-seek song
His old shoes a draggin'
Hold the gates

Holy bright number, The
Heme in the rock
Hoot owl imitation
Humpbacked mule (2)
I ain't gonna be here

but a few mo' days
I been drinkin'
I believe I ' 11 go back

I can eagle rock, Lord,

I can ball the jack
I can't hold out no longer
I feel like my time ain't

I got a home in the rock
I got a mother in Beulah

I got a whole heap to

tell you
I got to stand there by



Livingston (cont-.)

I lef my home a prayin'
I looked up the river
I lost my needle
I never heard a man speak

like dis man before
I want to be an angel
I want to live like Jesus

in my heart
I wouldn't be a sinner
I'll be present when de

roll is called
I'll be there in the glory
I'll scon be gone
I'm all the time in trouble

in my heart
I'm choijpin' cot-con
I'm goin' down to de

I ' m gonna walk around in


I'm gwine home on de

mornin' train
I'm gwine to Texas






I'm so glad got

in time
I'm worried now and I won't

be worried long
Israelites shoutin' in .heaven (2)
It may be the last time
I ' ve found the way
Jack, can I ride?
Jenny cook de puddin'
Jes' tip around my bed

right easy
Jesus ' blood done made me

whole (2)
Jesus goin' make up my dyin' bed
Jesus gwine take me in His

lovin' arms
Jesus, my all

Jesus, the man I long to know
Job, Job (12)
John done saw that number
John Henry (4)
John saw dat number (5)
John the Baptist, John

divine (2)




Livingston (cont.)

Jonah, go down yonder


Kansas City

Kill dat kid

Knock John Booker to de low

Let de heaven light shine on

Let de light shine on me
Let him go, girls, God bless

Let me loose
Let me ride
Let Your will be done
Levee holler
Liar, The

Line it for the captain
Lining hymn
Little bitty man (2)
Little David, play it on your

ha rp
Little girl, little girl
Little girl, yes,' ma'am-
Little lap-dog lullaby
Little Sally Walker (2)
Long way to travel
Lord , I'm rollin '
Love comes twinklin' 1 down
Low down, death, right easy
Makes no difference what de

people say
March down to Jordan
Meetin' gwine be here to-
Meridian jail house
Miss Maggie
Molly full o' peppers
Monologue on cussing
Monologue on dances
Monologue on Doctor Rich's

Monologue on early days
Monologue on white marsters
Monologue, the black cat
Motherless children sees

a hard time
Mournin ' song

Move de member, novo Daniol
My good Lord done boon here


jivingston ( cont . )
My mother ' s dead and gone
My soul wonts something new
My time ain't long-
Never said a mumblin' word
New York city blues
Nigger mr^ke molasses
Nobody's business but mine
Nobody's fault but mine
Oh captain, you put me to

wheelin 1
Oh I ain't goin' stay here
Oh I ain't gonna stay here
Oh Jesus, jes' write my name
Oh Lawd, Lawdy
Oh Roberta
Old marge John
Old Molly Rare
Old aule boy
Old time religion
On Jordan's stony bank
On Jordan's stormy banks
One morning soon
Out on dis battlefield
Outshine de sun
Paper of pins


"Peep, squirrel (3^


Plenty good room

Plumb de line (3)


Po' child

Po' Laz'us (2)

Po 1 sinner, farewell

Pray, little milk maid

Pray, pray, children

Prayer, A (6)

Prayer and announcement

Preacher standin' in de

Precious Lord, hold my hand

n,„ i, ' .: J, V,,- ,.,1.

;\.a ucJiSri

Rabbit on de log
Railroad Bill (3)
Red bird in the tree
Lena, big-foot Rena
Ride on, King J.esus
Re i >e rta
Rock chariot
Rosie (2)
Aosie, oh, gal


_ c ;




Livingston ( cont . )

Running up the king's

Sah, cow, I can' b milk that' cow
Sally's got religion
Sammy gone away

Satisfied (2)
, Scand'lous and a shame
Sea lion
Sermon (2)
Sermon on Job, Job
Sermon on judgment

Shack bully v/aking-up song

She brought ray breakfast

Shortenin ' bread
So soon I ' 11 be at home
Somebody touched me
Somewhere in heaven you

will find me
Soon one mornin' (2)
Spanish war
Stagolee (3)
Steamboat days
Stoop down and drink
Storm in Arkansas
Sugar be be
Sumpin' on my mind keeps on

worryin ' me
Sun don't ever go down, De
Sun going shine in my door

some day
Susie Lou
Sweet love
Take a stand
Take a whiff on me
Tamp 'cm up solid


Livi n gston ( c ont . )
Three gold lilies
Tie-tamping chant (A)
Tilas Mack


Time if






Track-lining holler (2)

Train imitation (2)

Trouble so hard

Twelve gates to the city

Uncle Remus

Yaller >::•.: 1 and brown skinned

Yonder cone my Lord
You got to clear de line

befo' you call
Young girl fooled her mamma
Young speckled Lady
Waxtin' on you (3)
Wi;ks, Sally Baker
Wr-kin' up
Was do blood runnin' warm

in your veins?
Was you there When they

crucified my Lord';
We all have g imething to do
Weil, it's st dark
What is the soul of man?
Whr.t kind of man Jesus is
What you ronna do when this


w :rld '




Wnen I cm read my title clear (.'■)

When I go home

Alien I lose my money

When I was a young girl

When I wore my apron low

When shall I read my title

When the gates swing open
When the saints comes me robin'


"Ween trouble's in my heme

White cat

Who built de ark?


Tell me what the jaybird say (2) Whoa, can't git de saddle
Thank You f >r de risin' sun
Thanking Jesus for de Holy

This little light o 1 mine
This water that Jesus has

given to you




Whea-raule whcop

Witch stories

Wonder what's the matter in

Won't dat be a time (2)




A in'!


workin' song


Captain, I am gittin 1 tired
Carrie, Carrie

Great Titanic-

I been working on the levee

I got a gal in Baltimore

I know it was the Blood

Just over in the glory lend

Let ' s go down to the water

Little David

Oh when I'm dead and buried

Read about Adam

Tondin' gangway

Wheel in de middle o' de

You never know 'who's your

friend ■

Mo ntgomery

Alabama whine

Birdie's goin' to the sea-

Blood done sign my name, De

Boll weevil rag

Daddy shot a bear

Done lef ' this world behin'

Don't you like it?

Drinkin' of the wine

Hush, li'l baby

I will meet you on the king-
dom's shore

I'm so heavy loaded, 1 can't

It's so sweet

Jesus going to take me in
His loving arms

John Henry

Lord, I cannot stay here by

Po' Laz' us


Red ball turning over

Roosevelt bluet 1 .

Round and around the ring

Boon's ever I leave-a my tomb

State farm blues

Willy, Willy, wee

Yailer woman

You better &:o to bed


M^I!oa£2IadaY. ( cont . )
You turn, I turn

S cottsbo ro
Caoklin' hen
Cincinnati blues
Cotton mill colic
Cumberland mountain blues
Croon coffee grows m a

white oak stump
Here, rattler, here
John Henry (2.)
Let mo be yo' salty d:>~
Miller, The
Old hen cackle .
One of us

Roll an, buddy
Skyline jubilee
Skyline salty dog
These old Cumberland mountain



Be sua; c^n<n in your heart

Down that road (2)

Fairy land, The

K moj in . the rook

I fool like my time ain't

I'm goin' to leave you in

Lu;o' ..._-..;.i± -! t) OX .ilIO jj jJ. u

it jest suits mo


Shine on me

Sun will never go d ;wn s Iho

Y m can' t hide (2)



Can't you roll up and gin?
Churning song
Gliratin' up do hill o'

Mount Zionie
(.'one, butter, cone
Dialogue about church

Go to sleep' (2)
He that believe have an evtoa

las tin;- life
Help mo to bear my oroaa




Sumtorvil.l e ( c ont . )

I'm a gwine jino God's

heavenly choir
Lord ' s prayer
Monologue on hard times and

Peep, squirrel
Poor little Johnny
Ready when He comes at the

Rocky my soul
Shing is a little baby
When the battle ' s over we

shall wear a crown
When the saints go aarehin'
Where you, Rachel?



Head high in steel
Ho, boy, caincha line?
Tie-tamping chant


Didn't it rain (2)



Lord, it's almost done

My baby' s gone

Prisoner girl blues


All around in the kitchen

All hid?

All way 'round the merry pole

Br'er Rabbit chant

Candy gal

Hey, hey, Logan

Hoi Rosie

Jack, can I ride?

Rocky row


Strawberry walk


Cl into n Gould, (cent.) ■

Angel drooped they wings, The Hush, little baby

Come on, brother, let's go I ain't got nobody

down the wall I can 5 t get ray number hern

Dry bones today

Gonna lay my head down on I can't set down

some railroad line I don't do nobody nothin'

He's the joy of my salvation I goin' pack my suitcase

How did you feel? I have a homo in yonder city

If you wants get up in heaven I stole good business

I'll bo somewhere I wont up on the mountain (2)

I'm a pilgrim I'm a pilgrim

I'm gonna tell the world It makes a long-time man

about it feel bad

Mr. Roosevelt Jail house blues

Old ship of Zion, The Jesus, my God, I know His

Out in the cold world alone name

Song of the PI A Job

Wond'ring sweetheart Joe de Grinder

Working for the crown John Henry

Young girl's warning John saw dot number'

Julie dan Johnson

Fayett e vil le Jumpin' Judy

Amsterdam maid, The Laughing

I'll go no more a roving Long-tailed rat (3)

Old black horse, The Lard don't turn your child

Sail away for the Rio Grande away

Makes a long time men feel

Gould bad

Alabama bound Mary Mack dressed in black

Bad man ballad Milk cow blues

Black mare My mind don't change blues

Boll weevil Oh go ! way, devil, an'

Boll weevil song leave rae 'lone

Bottom boll is rotten Oh if your house catch s

Bumblebee fire

Cornfield holler Oh I'm so sleepy

orawdad Oh my captain don't depone

Didn't he ramble? on mo

Do you want to be a lover of Po' La 2 'us (2)

the Lord? Rattle, rattle section

Ef I Fit up in do mornin' Rock Island line (2)

Field "holler (2) Rook pile




Got a few more days

Greyhound blues

Guard talking to convict Run away be bo

Have you ever been to Runaway Negro

Nashville? Stagolee

Hot Springs blues Sun gore down


- Q




Gould (cont.)

Time has made a cknge

Twelve disciples, The

Twenty-one Summer a

Waterworks in Georgia

Way out on the mountain

"/hen my blood run chiller
and cold.

Ion' come dat ole devil par-

You got to lay down and die

Lit tle Rock
Amasing grace
Banty rooster v (3)
Beautiful brovm eyes
Black bayou ain ' t got: no


Boll weevil

Cacklin ' hen
Cap'n Tom
Casey Jones
Do you want to be a lover of

the Lord?
Down in the Arkansas
Girls won't do to trust. The
Go ' long , mule
I ain't gonna be treated

I wish I was a single girl

I wish I was single again
I'm goin' to walk f.L. streets

of glory
In that mor.nin. '
Jack and Joe-
Julie Ann Johnson
Lady, shun that dark-eyed

Lulu Wall
Made my round, I done got

Meet your partner
Mr. Tom Hughes' town
Nobody ' 3 bus ine s s
Old Joe Clark
Old Ninety-Seven


Lit tle Rock (cent.)

Reel, reel, your delight

Rock Island line

Roxie Anne


Show me the lady

S bagolee

Steamboat Bill

Sun didn't shine on yonder' s

m oun ta in, The ( 2 )
Sunny Tennessee
This old-time religion
Titanic, The
Too poor, too poor

when I was a little boy
whoa dar, mule


Abraham' s prcclame tion

Ain 1 b that good, ain't that

As I walked cut on the sea-

Baa, baa, black sheep

Backslider's song, The

Barbara Allen (2)

Billy boy

Bought me a cat

Bounce the oymblin'

Brave young soldier, The

Brown vi r L

Calling ducks

Calling ducks and chickens

Calling farm animals

Candidate's a dodger, The

Charming beauty bride , The

Chimney sweeper, The

Coma al.1 ye Missouri girls

Dallas county jail, The

Derby ram. The

Did you go to tiie barnie?

Dodger song

Down oy the greenwood side

Drink her down

Dying Calif ornian, The

Edward (?.)

Fair Charlotte

False hearted young man




Men a (cont. )
Frisky Jim
Frog went a courtin'
Fuller and Warren
Georgia Wedlock
Going to Georgia
Going to the army
Guerilla man, The
Gypsy Davy

Gypsy's warning, The
Hog drovers (2)
House carpenter , The
I dropped my baby in the dirt
I have a father in the king-
I love little Willis
I was brought up in Sheffield
I won't stay in the wilder-
ness, I won't' stay behind
I'm just as fond of beauty
Jackie Frazior
Jealous-hearted husband
Jersey City
Jimmy on a stormy sea
Johnny Brown
Johnny Dyers
Jolly bachelor. The
Lady fair

Lady o' the lake, The
Last Saturday night was jolly
Lazy young man, The
Little ball of yarn
Little black moustache, The
Little Lizzie
Little Sir Hugh
Locks and bolts
London bridge

Long before the rising sun
Lord Banyan
Lord Bateraan
Lost baby, The
Marthy and Mary
Mermaid, The (2)
Miller's daughter, The
My father gave mc a lump of gold
My old drake
My parents raised me


Mena (cent. )

New Jerusalem, The

Oh fathers, gits read;/,

let's go home
Old aunt Sis
Old Car'lina

Old grey beard a shaking
Old sister Phoebe
Once I courted a charming

beauty bride
One day in a lonesome grove
One morning in May
Paper of pins

Polly Vaughn
Popular creek
Pretty fair miss in the

garden (2)
Prodigal son, The
Reek and ramblin' blade, The
Reek and rambling one, The
Rejected lover, The
Rosemary and thyme
Roving gambler, The
See the boat come round the

Shake that wooden leg,

Six married daughters
So soon in my chamber room
Soldier boy, The
Soldier, soldier, marry me
Somebody is low and handsome
State of Arkansas, The
Sun shines over the mountain,

Sun went down beyond yon hill,

There was a lady lived abroad
They have given her to another
Thou, hast wounded the Spirit

that loved thee
Toothache (2)
Two brothers, The
Walking and talking
We will camp upon the

mountain, Israel
Weevily wheat


- 11 -



Mena (cont.)

What luck, young Johnny?

When I was single

When I eras young and in my

When young ladies gets

Who killed poor Robin?
Wicked girl, The
William Hell
Ye sons of Columbia
Young man and maid
Young man and maid, pray

lend attention

Pine B luff

Get down of fa that brain
Julie Ann Johnson
Whoa, back. Buck


Drop ' em down

I wonder if i ever will, get

back home
Po' Las' us

Skin and bones
Sweet babe


Casa G rande

Banks of the sweet Dundee,

Old man Crumble
Sing tru-la-lo )-loo
Under yonder s tree

There ' s a spot that I know


He was jnly just a cowboy
Robin bird song


- 12 -




No home for the poor


Way down in old St. Fratici;.


13 -




A ndros island

Animals eat their mothers,

3' Rabby and B 1 Booky go

to the warehouse of the

B' Rabby frightens B' Booky
Boy nasty
boy who died, The
Brother Nancy's dead and gone

Devil destroys the widow

woman, The
Devil is a schoolmaster, The
Father John
Ghostly husband's brown cotton

drawers , The
He had few more minutes for

to live
Hey, merry Ann
Jack and his brother escape


from the old woman of




WOOds (2 )

Jack and his little tune-tune -
escape from the many-
headed giants

Jack and his two little sing-
ing birds

Jack finds Madagascar, the
glory of the world

Jack gambles with the devil

Jack kills the elephant with
the gold tail

Jack rescues the Princess
Greenleaf from the en-
chanted land

Jack rescues the Princess
Lucy-Ann from the tiger

Jack sings his way into
favor with Princess Annie

Jack, the tarry sailor boy (2.)

Joy peng, peng

Lido, Lido, Lido

Man and the little fish. The

Mr. Go Slow and Mr, Chee-chee

Mr. Go Slow and Mr. Go Past

Mr. Grist and his wife Affie

Mr. Yaller-wing in tiio sea

Our goodman


Andros island (cant,)
Roving gambler, The
Slide, Munger, slide
Sorry, William, see the

baby don't favor you
Stand up from below, you

bravo sailor boys
Swing your tail
Young. girl, young girl, why

do you deny me, my dear?

Nas sau

Abaca is s pretty place,

Duma, Duma
Ain't that Evelina looking

across the sea?
All day, all night long (2)
All for you, baby
All night, Jesus, all night (2)
All of my sins are taken away
A meri can blue s
And then I lay my body down
As I was a walking down

Fulton- market street
3' Booky is squeezed by the

B' Booky scares little boy
B' Lobster sings his way to

Bay of Mexico, The
Bella Mina
Biddy, biddy, hold fast my

gold ring (2)
Blow, Liza, blow
Bring more
Bullfrog dressed in soldier

. clothes
Galling' on my Lord
Cecil save in a time of storm
Charley Johnson, come and get

your bowl of rice
Come around to my house now,

there ain't nobody home but

Come down, you roses
Come, Johnny Cocoa
Dadd\ Fru--Fra
Devil rolling like thunder


- It


Nass au (cent.)

Dig my grave both long

and narrow
Down in the valley, send

me here
Down the road, baby
Election song

Father, don't pull my hair
Father John (.2)
Fire down below
Frog plays the fiddle, The
God bless you till we

meet again
Going to the market for

sugar cane
Goodbye , Nelly
Great storm pass over, The
Greyhound boat run ' em

down, The
Had a field of blue cane in

Bayne Town
Hallie rock
Hang Jack Davis on the sugar

apple' tree
He stole the tafia
Here I am, send me
Ho, the last one
House is haunted, The
I am the wine
I bid you go<.;d night
I don't want no fire, man
I got a letter from Miami
I hungry
I know you going to 'miss

me "«hen I'm gene
I will make you fishers of men
If I had a wing like a dove,

I would fly
If you think I lie, peep-see (2)
I'll pack up your eyes with sand
I'm coming heme in the morning
I ' in going to heaven when I die
In the army of the Lord
It's a lifetime job
Jack gambles with the devil

for his daughter Greenleaf

John Bully by the way
John went dov/n to London

to buy him a glass


Nassau (cent.)

Johnny, come blow the organ
John's gone to Golding cay,

aye > zjs mama, aye
Josie, take your hand out

of my pocket
Jump up, Joe
Land turtle carries the

Leaning on my Lord
Let we go to Georgia, Let

we go home (2)
Like an honest boy should
Like to have a good time
Lime, oh lime, oh my sour

Little Dick Milton
Little Jack marries the

Princess Worry Care
Little Sir Hugh' (2)
Long summer day
Long time ago (2)
Lord got away from me, The
Maid freed from the gallows
Mail sail tomorrow
Mama don't raise no cotton,

no corn
Mama don't want no shim-
sham- s hi nimy here
Mams, he stole my hat,

knock him so barn!
Mama, I saw a sell boat
Mama say, ball the jack
Man-of-war sailor, you

better let me lone
Mannerly girl and the

unmannerly girl
Married men going to keep

your secret (2)
Mary, come join the religion
Mosquito on the housetop,

Pokus jump the window
My mother passed out
My woman is a secret murder
Never get a licking till

you. go down to Bimini (2.)
No la ay man
Oh buck' up, go , Mr . Joe .




Nas sau (cont. )

Oh Lord, Lord, Lord

Oh mania, dog bite

Oh mama Red-eye

Oh mama, the greyhound boat

run ' em down
Oh my bang, my banjo
Oh my Sole;/
Oh my T.illa
Oh the rocky road
Oh Tilla,, where you going to

do it/ Tilla?
Oh yes
Over there
Payroll tomorrow
Pretoria ballad
Priest climbs after a bird
Puppy show (2)
Raw rum, gin, and toddy
Remember, gal
Rock Daniel until I die
Rock right through the fire
Roll ' em for you
Roll ' em on down
Roll over Jordan
Round and round the bar -•

room (2)
Round the bay of Mexico
Run here, Lula
Run 'round the di' tree,

he meet me there
St. James hospital
Sam gone in my cuckoo eye


Send down bj




Setting down ' longsid.:

my Lord (2)
Shining angel
Shoes, shoes


ing .shoes


Show me the gal


my old travel'
hey call


Worry Care

Sister recognizes brother
Slide Hunger, slide
Soldier of the cross
Stay in your mother's house (2)
Sweet Wiley Jane
Swing your tail (:?.)
Tell me how long I ' m in your

There is joy in that land

where I am bound


Nassau (cont.)
This train

Three girls become men
Throw me over yonder
Ti ger man-of-war
Tight like that
Time (2)
Titanic sinking
Train will be here tonight
Turn out from below
Two soeds of corn bring

mama here
Uncle Joe
Uncle Lou
Uncle Lou, don't touch the

Walk on the bay, let me see

you walk
Want to go to Abaco
Wasp bite Noby on her

We are the witness, we are

the nine
What happens to the young

gird, that steals the shiny

What Jesus i.s
What you going to do with

When the whale get strike
When you go, I'm going to

tell your mama
When you go to sea, don't.

go with everybody
Villi te gown and dingy coat
Wicked brothers, The (2)
Wind blow tine China right

down in town, The (2)
Woman is a nation, a damn

You cannot make a bowline
You lie, you lie
You say my dog ate hot-cake,

you lie, lie, lie
You shall be free

Cat island

Aunt/ Sarah in the bear grass

Babylon is burning down






Cat island ( c o n t . )
Bella Mina

Better get off of this train

Bimini. gala

Blue hole water dry

Bootlegger song

Boss man, I ain't working for

Bulldog bite
Bullfrog dressed in soldier

Caesar Riley
Calling on my Lord
Cat came back, The
Church service
Constitution and. Gueriere

Cup runneth over with joy,

joy? joy, The
Do that thing
Down in the valley .
Everybody going to take ad-
vantage of me
Fare you well, my. own true

Fire down the road
Go 'way from da t window
God give me the wing like a

dove .1 v would fly
God going to shake ray righteous

hand (2)
Good grog I drink till the day

I die
Goodnight, sweetheart, good-
Heaven is my fatherland, I

don't want to stay here
Heavenly light, shine on me
Hey my, oh, Bonny in the harbor
H'ist up the John B's sails
Hold ' em, Joe
Hold out your light for your

I am my mama's little Alabama

I am the wine (2)
I know I may be gone


Cat island (cont.) ■

I know the Lord has laid His

hands on me
I load my gun with a sugar

I need Jesus to "walk around

my dying bed
I want to go to Abaco
I went to the well for a

pail of water
I will die in the church of

I will not be removed
I wish I could sing like

Ma r y Mag da 1 e n e
I ' m coming tonight if your

dog don't bite
I'm going to lock at my grave
Janie, throw the water on me
Joy, joy, joy glory

Julie run away
Jumping dance
King Jesus is on the main

line too
Last year Miami door open.

this year Miami door closed
Lay him in the graveyard, aye

Lord, to rise no more (2)
Lay him in the graveyard to

rise no more
Let' s sail to Abaco
Little Sally Walker
Little Sir Hugh
Long- tailed Nanny
Lord gal, the double rap (2)
Lord, give me the wing like

a dove, I would fly (2)
Lord, makes, us one
Maid saved from the gallows.

Main sheet broke away, poor

old man. The (2)
Mama don't want no peas, no

rice, no coconut oil (3)
Mama, I saw a sailboat
Mama, lay, lay, lay white

gown and dingy coat


- 1?


C «L7 .", il J ft C


C at island ( c on t . )
Man-of-war sailor
Married man going to keep

your secret
Married man will keep

your secret
Mary on the Lord's side (2)
Matilda , Matilda
Meet me over in Galilee
Mr. Blue in the shop, how

you sell it a yard?
Nassau boy, he had a fight
Next year and another new

year I may be gone
Oats and peas and barley grow

he Lord ' s




Oh Mary, who'E

3 ide ?
Oh yes (3)
Old Barney lay, he lay in

the ocean
Old Dan Tucker
Only me one
Papa don't raise no cotton,

no corn
Peas in the pot
Finning of the leaves
Play right, play right,

everybody play right
Pokus jumped the window
Radio burn down on that bay
Round dance (2)
Running down

Sail, gal, got a piece to sail
Sailing in the boat when

the tide runs strong
St. James hospital
Sam, mama look at rugged Sam
See uncle Lou when he fall in

the well?
Send down blessing
Send me down a blessing
Sentence to jail in

December (2)

Sermon; Keep cut of trouble

Set dov.n, servant
Shako the dilly tree
Simeon went down the Bay road
Slide Munger, slide


Cat island (cent,)
Suck hex" out (2)
Sweet papa Keefe
That angel band
There's a man going 'round

taking names
Three sailboats from Old

Wake up dry bone in low land
Walking Joe
Walking round the yaller

girl to see banjo play
Walking very sorry
War down the line and the

King never knew
Watermelon spoiling on the

Way down Curry road (2)
Wo are three bums
When I acre my apron low
Woman's sweeter than man
Work song from the Nassau

Wouldn't get no baby out of

Yankee Doodle
You get to lose that gal
You pray for me and I pray


i or




~- 13 -


A lameda

Bs r'bara Allen

Candy girl, The

Casey Jones

Lyre bird and the jay, The

Molly dear

Monologue on the candy girl

and Margy
My gal Sal
My mother and father were

Old Sam Finley



Answer to the greenback

dollar , The
Back to Arkansas
Barbara Allen (2)
Billy in the low ground
Bully of the town, The
Call that religion?
Carper blues
Come sit by my side, little

Cotton fever (2)
Darlin ' baby

Dying girl's message, The
Firebrands for Jesus
Forgive me, Lord, and try

me one more time
Government camp, The
Grady Watson's favorite
I'm goin' down the road feelin 1

I'm leaving you this

lonesome song
Job's just around the

corner, The
My horses aren't hungry
My little Mohee
Nine little devils
Old apple tree in the

orchard, The
One day in springtime
Pearl Bryant
Rock all of -vur babies to

Running Stewball


Arvin (cent.)

Santa Barbara earthquake,

She ain't that kind
Sparklin 1 blue eyes
Storms are on the ocean,

Sweet Betsy from Pike
Talkin ' blue s
Three wishes, The
True sweetheart, The
Wabash cannon ball, The
Waco girl, The
Where we'll never grow jld
Wild-cat woman and tom-cat




Associated farmers have a

Down in the little green

Fight for union recognition
Let's jine up
Roll out the pickets



Away, Rio

Blow , boys , blow

Good-bye, fare you well

Hanging Johnny

Poor old man, The

Roll the cotton down

Rolling home

Sailor ' s alphabet

Sally Brown

Wh i sky J ohnny

Bra wl ey

A^-'the :>ld crow flies
Bingo farm, The
Bowl of chop suey, A
C.C.C. blues (2)'
G >rinna

Cotton pickers' waltz
Drunken hiccups
Going down the road fooling


- 19 -




Brawl ey ( cont. )
Hobo meditation
How long, how long?
Lonesome road
Migratory grit
Moonshine hollow
My little darling
Picture from life's other

side, A
Sea gull

Teddy bear blues
Worried man blues

Bingo farm
It's me, oh Lord
My dear old western home
Old Arkansas got something
Old torn cat, The
On a Monday morning

C amino


Arkansas traveler, The

Cuckoo, The

Devil's dream

Durang's hornpipe

Gray eagle, The

Irish washerwoman, The

Larry O'G-aff

Leather breeches

Pioneer tune


Quadrille- tune

Soldier's joy

Two Irish tunes

Year of jubilee, The

J ota
Young explorer, The

Central Valley

Alderman of the ward (2)
Alonzo the brave and the

fair Imogens
Andrew Bat an
As I staggered from home

yesterday morning (2)
As the dew flies over the

green valley


Central Valley (cont.)

Barefooted in front and no

shoes on behind
Barney McShane (2)
Battle of Antietam creek,

Beneath the old oak tree,

Bill Bailey
Bishop of Canterbury and

King John
Buffalo, Buffalo
Captain Hull and proud Dacus
Cole Younger
Cruel hiss, The
Cumberland crew, The
Custer's last charge
Dark-eyed sailor, The
Derby ram, The
Devil's dream
Dixie paradise
Drunken Frenchman, The
Erin go bragh
Fair captive, The (2)
Fair Charlotte
Farmer's boy, The
Feeding his kittens on baked

corn bread
Finnegan's wake
Flying Cloud, The
Footprints in the snow
Foreman Monroe (3)
Granny does your dog bite?
Green fields of Virginia,

Hole in the wall, The
Ida Rod
I'll never go out with

R i 1 ey anymo r e
I'm goin' down this road feelin'

Jack Donahue
James Bird (2)
Jerry, will you ile that

Jimmy Lan i g an
Jimiie Jenkins
John Brown
John Hopper's hill


- 20 -


Ce ntral Valley ( c ont . )
Keith and Hiles line
Keyhole in the door, The
.Kitty Wells
Lady Lcroy (2)

Lass of Glen Shea, The
Last fierce charge, The
Little brown bulls, The (2)
Lowlands lov; (2)
McAllister (2)
Many c ue stions
Milwaukee fire (2)
Monologue on Ford family in

Wisconsin and California
Monologue on Pat and Warde

H. Ford
My bonny black Bess
My mother ~ees a lady
Nightingales of spring
Oh I'll never go out with

Riley any more
Old Dan Tucker
Our goodraan
Oxford merchant
Paddy got drunk :>n fish and

Poor wayfaring stranger
Putting on the agony
River-driver's song
Sailor's grave. The
Sergeant Tally-Ho
Sharaus O'Brien (2)
Shantyboy, The
S Liaon Slick
Soldier's joy
Soldier's sweetheart, The
Stirling* s hotel
Tailor boy, The
Texas canyon

There is a land of pleasure
Tune the olo. cov.' died on,

V.e ' re anchored by the

roadside, Jim
Wild Irish boy, The


Arkansas traveler, The (2)


Columbia ( cont . )

Aunt Jemina's plaster
Buffalo girls (2)
Bury mo in the fruit-a-

Captain with his whiskers,

Club meeting, The
Park-eyed sailor
Pays of forty-nine, The (2)
Pigging on the lode (2)
Pr. Ridge' s £
Ella Ree

Pron Hamburg chuet a c^sin'
Georgia wagoner
He nev;r came Leek
Hi ice, hi lo


I'm ■ " . py as thi lay is

I'm old but I'm av;fully

t ough
Jenny Lynn, the Irish girl
J >hjvny :/ b y )ur run
Leather breookos
Life on the ocean wave
Lov.- 3 snebody
LaeLeoi's real

.docking bird, Id
Mrs. Fogarty's Christmas

My raother-in-law
Oh love, they say, is a

very funny thing
Parry it Mangel Schneider's,

Plain polka
Raffle for a stove
Root, h.-g, or die quickstep
Schottische (2)
Silver tail, The

■tar's joy

Three wishes. The
Tune the old cov died on,

Turkey in the str- :.

- ■ ■ ■ O OC. I.'


Columbia (cont.)


- 21 -



We ' 11 dri nk the old jug dry


Dan Riley (2)
For old time's sake
She's more to be pitied
than censured (2)



Arkansas traveler, The

Bad companion

Chain gang

Jack rabbit blues

John Hardy

Lonely, I'm so lonely

Soldier's joy

Sunday gal

Grove land

Bill Staff or d

Blind girl, The

Bologny sausage

Cat came back, The


Drunkard's child

Drunkard's doom, The

Drunkard's dream, The

Dying Calif ornian, The

Forget-me-not song, The

Gentle Annie

Gooseberry pie

Her beauty was all she had

How this world was made

King William was King James'

Lady del Roy
Leather breeches
Lily Dale
Little brown jug
Little old log cabin in the

Lor ena
My little German home across

the sea
Now, now, now
Sailor Jack


Gr ove land (cont.)

St* Peter at the golden

Shadow of the pines, The
Sing san kitty, won't you

Sunny South, The
Willy Taylor


Barbara Allen

One morning in May


E minor blues

Eighth day of January

Fields are turning brown,

From hell to Arkansas
Little red caboose behind

the train, The
Minstrel song
Old Blue
Old Joe Clark
Raw ruckus nine
Twinkle, little star
Wagoner, The
Whistlin' Rufus



Barney Riley

Sweet, sunny South, The

" Billy boy
Blue Julietta
Ca' the yowes
Cam' ye by At hoi
Every little bit added to

what I : v& got
Fair invitation, A
Fair invitation, 1939. A
Four Maries, The
Goodbye, booze
Highland Mary
Little Mohee, The
Uncle Rat
Weary pun o ' tow, The

Pine Grove


Boy's best friend is his
mother, A




Pino Grove (cont.)
Casey Jones
Eliaa Jones

Faded coat of blue, The
From the cradle to the grave
Good old rebel, The
High in the belfry
Man with the mandolin
My Lulu

Old Michael Brannizaris' pup
Old photograph
Quadrille tune

San Francisco

San Jose

Barbara Allen

Battle of Fredericksburg, Th.;
Bridgewater, The
Buffalo girls at Nome
Chief Bright Sky
Cumberland's crew, The
Dear Adel, my son
Devil out i£ hell, The
Down around the' coast of

La Bar bar eo
Dying Calif ornian, The
Edwin of the lowlands low
Fairy bovrer, The
Fuller and Warren'
Go away, go away
Go tell aunt Tildy. . . .
Golden West, The
Hard times in Kansas (2)
Henry the shepherd
Her sweet sailor
Highland Mary, The
Home came the good old man
House carpenter, The
Ice-skating song
It ain't gonna rain no more
James Bird
King William was King James'

Lady del Roy, The
Lord Bakcman
Lord Thomas

Lowlands low, The.

Lowlands of Holland, The


San Jose ( cent .')

Limey, oh Luney has gone to

the war-
Madam, I have come a courting
Maid of Glencoe, The
Ma thy Grove

Mormon-eyed preacher, The
Oil she licked him and she

kicked bira
Oh they told me out in

O'j.d Grumpy
Old rosin the bow
Old willow tree, The
Prisoner's song, The
Quaker courtship, Th.j
Rachel, I've been thinking
Stone that keeps rolling

will gather no moss, The




weep no more for



There's aunt Jemima

There's Billy Jones, the
tinner boy

' Tis low down in that beauti-
ful, valley

True lover of mine

Weevily" wheat'

Well water, The

When I 'was a young man, oh

When Mary laid her down to

Whippoorwill song, The

Willy Reilly and his dear
coolin bawn

Willy Taylor'

laller gal

Young Charlotte

Young Johnny, the miller

Young Johnny, the sailor



All about the camp
Barbara Allen
Black Jack Davy '
Bold Jack Donahue
Brown girl, The
Careless love


<■ 1 -



Shafter (cont.) Shatter (cont.) '

Chicken reel Monologue on Oklahoma

Cotton picker's sung-, The Monologue on why wo came to

Cowboy song California

Crawdad song My true love's name is J ohm

Ouster's last charge Oh little playmates

Deep Ellura blues Oklahoma

Dialogue about life in the Old gray beard a shaking

, government camp ■ Our mothers

Disappointed in love Pretty fair maid'

Documentation of Shafter Ragtime Annie

council meeting Range buss on high, The

Down on the Bigel ow farm Sally Buck

East Virginia blues Shady grove

Fair maiden, The Shanghai, The

Figure eight Spanish two-step, The


Foggy mountaintop Stuttering song

George Collins Tall stories

Going down the road feeling Texas girl

bad Travelers line, A

Great speckled bird, The Two c nvicts

Ground hog, The Utah Carl

Hamburger eater, The Wabash cannonball, The

Haunted falls, The Wagoner, The

Highway hobo, The Wealthy old farmer

Hillbilly gal We'd rather not be on relief

I am a rambling gambler We ' d rather not be on the

I bought a goat rolls of relief

I come in the other night iVhen its chitterlin' cookin'

I courted a fair and hand- time in Cheatham county

some lady Wildwood flower

I rode Southern, I rode L. Young Emily

& N.

I'm just here to get my baby Tuolum ne co unty

out jf jail Arkansas

John Holly Campaign song against Grover

J ohnny C le v e land

Latest song hit Guess I'll have to telegraph

Little Joe the wrangler my baby

Lloyd Bateman I found a horse shoe

Madam, I have a very fine I've only been down to the

farm club

Man and a woman bought a Keeley cure, The

little pig Lumberjack special

Migrants, The Monologue: Letter from the

Money ain' t no use anyway chief cook

Monologue on a dust storm Oh mams, how pretty the

in Oklahoma moon shines tonight

Monologue on Black Kettle's Root, hog', or die

prophecy Tell me where my Lindy-Cindy' s







Tu olumne county (cont.)

Watermelon smiling on the vine,

Why don't you write a letter



Arkansas traveler
Cssey Jones

Coming 'round the mountain
Haste to the wedding
Heel-and-toe polka
Irish washerman, The
Perry' s victory
Soldier's joy
Turkey in the straw


Along come old Jinnie one

fine summer day
Arkansas traveler
Arthur Clyde (2.)
Casey Jones
Death of Dewey Lee
Documentation of Visilia

court proceedings
Documentation of Visalia

literary society
Don't you grieve about me
Dope fiend, The
Eighth of January
Fate of Edward Heckmo.n
Fisher's hornpipe
Jesse James
J ohn s on- J ink s on
Just a closer walk with Thee
Lightning express, The
Little fat boy, The
Loveless CCC
Miller's a goin' f ' 5r tp aic ->

Monologue on his version of

Casey Jones
Old hen cackles
Sally Good in
She was happy till she met

Sherman cyclone, The
Silent sea , The


Vis alia ( c ont . )
Tall papaya tree
That aggravatin 1 beauty,

Lola Wall
Turkey in the straw (2)
Wild Bill Jones
Zebra Dun

Yuba City

Dialogue about play-parties
Dialogue about their weddinj

1 don't want your greenback







Little bitty blues
Make a change in the

Monologue on ham-suppers
Monologue on his troubles
Monologue on hog-killings

in Arkansas
No depression in heaven
Peapicker's blues
Widow Bud, The


- 25 -



Location unknown
John Henry
Pretty girl a milking her

Welcome, welcome


- 2S




W ashington

Arkansas traveller

Black Kills, The

Buffalo skinners, The

C. & 0. canal song, The

Can't you line 'em?

Coal creek march

Cripple creek

Dink's song

Coin' down this road feeling

Gray eagle

Have a little whiff on me
Hi-ho for the wide Missouri
John Sherman's barroom
Little brown jug (2)

Mississippi sawyer
Old Lexington
One day I thought I ' d have

some fun
Only a tramp
Peter Gray
Run, little dogies
She'll be cornin' 'round the

Shortenin ' bread
Sleep, baby, sleep
Somebody stole my little

black hen
Sourwood mountain
Ten thousand goddam cattle
Tennessee wagoner. The
Twelve apostles
Whoa., mule, whoa
Wreck of the old Number Nine,

The •




Belle Glad e

Ain't this a mean world to

live in
Alabama blues
Bad man ballad
Best to go back on de

Nassau boat
Blues got mo in trouble
Boot that thing
Buryin 1 Laz'us
Den de prodigal son, lie

corae home
Fox and hounds, The
Frankie and Albert
Georgia Sobo, The
I don't want no cold iron

shackl 3S around my leg
I looked down the lino and

I started
I'm a pilgrim
It's a heaven somewhere
John Henry

Levee camp holler (2)
Loosen this old shackle
Mother ' s child
Mr. Charley

Muley on the mountain ( 5 )
Nassau boat
Oh captain

Oh workin' on the levee
Old black woman, you ain 1

no mo ' mine
Once I had a loving mother
Pick song
Polk county blues
Pray on

Sheep done gone astray
Take this letter to my



Tram ,




Weeping worry blues, The

Cherry L a ke F arms
Barbara Allen
Bile dem cabbage down
Bill Bailey
Bill Johnson

Bound for the promised land
Chicken reel


Cher ry Lake Far ms ( c on t . )
Cryin' Holy unto the Lord
Flop-eared mule
Hallelujah way, The
Happy in Jesus
Heaven will be brighter
How beautiful heaven must

Katy Johnson
Leather breeches
Lonesome road

Look down that lonesome road

Mocking bird
Old dance tunes
Old hen cackle
Old Joe Clark

Sit down and rest me a while
Smile and sing
, Take a ' tater and wait
Take your burden to the Lord

and. leave? it there
Talking blues
Train blues
Wayfaring stranger
Mien the gates swing wide

for me

Chos en

Bella Mina

Caesar Riley

Captain, there ' s a spirit

aboard your ship
Congo, The
Crow dance
Fire down below (,?:)
Good morning, father Fisher,

good morning, father Brown
H'ist up the John 3's

sails (2)
I am some mother's child (3)
Jumping dance (?.)
Nassau gals going to give

me trouble
No, no, not I
Soley marri ed
Sponger money (2)
Spread down your apron, gal,

dew :i.3 falling (2)




Chosen (cont.)
Sugar mama

Swing low, sweet chariot
Throw the breakus on me (2)
Tilly, lend me your pigeon
to keep company with mine

Cross City

Got a letter from my baby

this morning
I'm going to Georgia (2.)
Joe Maws, witches and hants
Poor stranger blues
Potato story
Right back in jail again
Worked all summer long


All around the race-track
Bluebird through my window
Blue s
Can't you line it? (2)


' K




Captain, captain, don

Careless love
Casey Jones
Dream of mine, A
Dry bones
Educ a t i on blue s
Every mail day
Frankie and Albert
Going to see my long-haired

Goodbye, mother, I am gone
Handwriting on the wall
I ain' got no mama now (2)
I ain ' t poor no more
I got some place to lay ray

If I ever get ray hands on a

dollar again
I'm your child, Lord
It ain't going to rain no

John Henry (2)
Just from the kitchen
Leaning on this Lord
Let the deal go down
Longest train I ever saw, The


Eat onville (cont.)
Motherless child
Offertory sentences
Oh Lula

Out in the cold again
Peas in the pot
Po ' boy

Po ' boy, long ways from home
Prayer with moaning
Rise, Sally, rise
Sail" on, little girl, sail

Sally, go round the sunshine
Service, A
Service: Eatonville Methodist

Some old cold, rainy day-
Steal Miss Liza Jane
Talking in Sebastopool
Tell me what kind of man

Jesus is
That old black gal
Tone the bell easy
What did the doodlebug say

to the mole?

Fort White

Ax change! Itchum Mary

3 r own- eyed Mary

Hollo, Sambo, hello, Jim

Home i.n the rock, A

Jolly miller, The

King William was King David's

Old owl, The
Papaw patch
Rock the baby, Luten

In that storm
It ain't nothing but love
Let us all run "bo Jesus
Log camp call of Canadian

Lord Thomas

Old Joe Finley had a pig-
Pretty Polly-
Rocking chair blues
Sinner, you must be born







Gainesville ( cont . )

Twelve clays of Christinas,


West Palm Beach storm, The
What are they doing in

heaven today?

High Spr ings

Barbara Allen (3)
Billy boy
Charlie Brooks

Cuckoo is a pretty bird, The
Fair and tender ladies
Froggy went a courting
George Cartel-
Great speckled bird, The
House carpenter, The
I wonder when I shall be

I'm an old livelong maid
Lord Thomas

Lover's farewell, The (2)
Oh bury me not in the deep,

deep sea
Old Joe Clark
Pretty Polly

Silk merchant ' s daughter , The
Swapping song, The
Time enough yet
Two sisters, The
Yes or no

Jack sonvill e

All you rounders better lie

Around the world on 25 cents
Captain's mule
Children's sermon
Church door-opening song
Crow dance
Dat old black gal
Dialogue on Negro books

Ever been down?
Fish vendor ' s cries
Ghost story, A
Girl who didn't mind her

mother, The


Jac ksonville (cont.)

Gonna see my long-haired babe

Gotta make a hundred


Have you ever seen a monkey?

Hawk and chickens

I heard a mighty ruinblin' at

the water trough
I lost my Jersey cow last

I'm goin' to Georgia (2)
Imitation of Geechee preacher
John Henry

Jump Isabel, slide water
Just a jitterbug
Kerosene Charlie eats ' taters
Kerosene Charlie goes fishing
Let the deal go down
Lot's shake it
Little girl
Mama don' want no peas, no

Marse Tommy's son
Monologue on travels
Mule on the mount
Oh Mr. Brown

Oh the Buford boat done come
Old black mammy's lullaby
Plan tat i o n s tory
Po 1 gal

Sally went to Mobile (2)
Shack rouster holler
Shove it ever

Storm story, A

Tilly, lend me your pigeon
Two Irishmen and a Hebrew
Wake up, Jacob
Watermelon vendor's call
Way down yonder
We hab a jest Gawd
Where have you been, charming

White folks in de college


Wish I was a sing



Day's a breakin'




man again


v30 -




Kenansvill e ( cont .• ) '
I'm in His care
John the revelation
Leadin' me on

On the old Kissimmee prairie
Pastime Annie
Uncle Bud

Key West

Bingo, i . as his name
Boil them cabbage down
Bonefish (2)

Bulwarks turns upside clown
Cabbage and snot
Grab is a better man than

Crow., The
First time I come to this

Flowers, kind friends
Hoist up the John B sail (3)
I am a pilgrim
I got a gal, she mean me no

Just before I go
Little black cat sitting

under the stove, The
More you scratch, The
Mosquito and the sandfly
Mr. Bethel dog bit me
My pigeon gone wild in the

Phyllis stole the ham
Round, and round the barroom
Sponger money (2)
Tea roll idea

They'll only talk about you
Turn her away
You shall be free


Maypor t
Tap dance


Don't give a damn
Florida boys
Frog went a courting
Little old log cabin in the

Miller ' a will , The


Moss Bluf f . i .,
Poor old maids
Pretty fair miss in the

garden, A
Railroad boy, A
Vacant lot, The
Who killed Cock Robin?
Wicked Polly


All by the greenwood side

Barbara Allen

Ben Butler .

Betsy > my darling girl


Billy Crimes

Bugaboo , The

Calling chickens ■

Cambric shirt, The

Come sit you down

Dear friends, fare-well (2)

Devilish Mary

Drowsy sleepers.'

Ducks in the pond

Dying cowboy, The

Fair Lucy

Frog went a. courting

George Collins

Gypsy laddie

Her father's name

House carpenter, The

I love my love

I want some meat

1 want to go a courting

I want to go back to Georgia

In Dublin city where I did

It rains and it nails
Jack boy
Jack's wife (2)

Jeweler ' s daughter , The
Jimmies Ransom
John Hardy
Johnny Doyle (2)
Johnny, fill up the bowl
Johnson and. Dixie
Jolly Irishman, The
Just twenty years ago
King ; s love letter , The


- 31 -




Newberry ( c ont . )
Lord Bateman
Lord Lover (2)
Lord Thomas
Lover's bargain, The
My mule

My mule and me
My pretty fair damsel
My pretty little miss
New Jerusalem'
Old Alex Brown
Old blind buoy
Polly Vann
Prettiest little gal in the

Pretty fair miss, A
Pretty Molly-o
Rich merchman, The
Rye whisky

Sailor and the tailor, The
St. James hospital
Silas Carter's sermon
Sows in the corner, The
Sugar in the gourd
Sweet Mary and sweet Joseph
Sweet William
Sweet William and fair

There was a farmer (2)
There was a youth (2)
There was an old owl
This is the seven fox
Throe little babes, The
Two school boys, The
Two sisters, The
Wake up, Jacob
Walls of Jericho, The (2)
Want to go courting .
Wedding day, The
When I lie down
When I was a rich .man
TJhoa , Larrj , whoa
Yonder comes a young man
Yonder sits a humble


Bad Laz'us


Raiford ( cont . )
Barbara Allen
Blind child, The
Blood of Jesus made me whole,

Bull- cow blues
Calling Smoky
Can't you line 'era?
Clever Glenn Carver
Come by here
De Funiac blues, The
Death comes creepin' at my

Devil told Job
Don't talk about it
Down by the Rocky mountains (2)
Drinking and gambling

Dupree blues

Go down, red rising sun
Go tell aunt Tabby •
Got the time in his hands ■
Handwriting on the wall
He knows

He ' s a battle-ax
High lonesome hill
Hikin' Jerry
Home on the range
Hot boiling sun (2)
I am packing up
I am some poor mother ' s

I feel my time ain't long
I hate the sin dat made me

I heard what you said about

I left my woman in. the back

door cryin'
I love Jesus
I want to moan right on dat

If I can make it
I'm gonna roll on a few days

I'm on the battlefield for

my Lord




Raif'ord ( c ont . )
I'm not uneasy
I ' m tramping
I've got a hiding place
Jesus making up my dying

John Henry (2)
Just because you been born

Lights in the quarters

getting mighty dim,

Little Lonnie-
Long lonesome blues
Longest day I ever lived.,

■ ■ Lord, send me where you

want me to go
Lost train blues (2)

Make me a garment
Marthy had a baby
Mocking bird, The
My • time ain ' t long
My trouble is hard
My way is so hard
New buryin' ground
Nothing but joy
Oh cap'n cain' read
Oh don' worry 'bout her,

Oh looky here, woman, what

you gonna do, babe
Oh the sun done quit shinin.'
Oh ye prodigal son
Old bad Las 'us
Old calling mourners
One Saturday night
Po' friendless child
Po ' Las, ' us
Po 1 stranger blues
Prayer ( 2 )
Pretty girl don't pay me no

Prisoner blues ;
Reading that letter
Red hot sun turning over
Sally Gordon
Sermon (2)


Raiford ( c ont . )

Sinking of the Titanic
Sissy in de barn
Sleep on, mother, sleep on
So God can use me
Sometimes I feel like a

motherless child (2)
Stagolee (3)

Standing on that rock (3)
Steal Liza Jane
Sun going down
Sun wouldn ' t shine on

Yander ' s mountain
Take dis hammer
This is the way you build a

Three nights' experience
Traveling shoes (2.)
Trouble is hard
Turn you round
Two soldiers, The
Walking in my sleep
Well, it ain't no. way to hide
When I wake up in the mornin'
When I was a little boy.
While I ' m on this j ourney
"Work don' z bother me
Wouldn ' t mind dying
You must be born again

Ri vier a

Alphabet song

Aunt Jemima

Bat, bat come under my hat

Birdie, birdie in the tree

BIa.ckem boogey

Drive the nail a' right, boys

Fox, The

Frost looked forth one still,

clear night, The .
I belong to the union band
I heard a sweet robin
If something sees ...something
.Jack and the beanstalk
Jeremiah jumped in the fire
Old Ben Tucker
Old black cat, The


- 33 -


Riviera ( c ont „ )
Old maw-maw

Sweet little wood mouse, A
Tambo eating tamarind
Tobacco is a noxious weed
Tom White
When a sinner comes, as a

sinner may
When the leaf turns red (2)


Big boy, can't you move em?

Collier in the scrub

Fire in the mountain

High puppies

Hug ' em in Sebring

Jesus says I'm welcome

L and N Mobile

Lament , A

Old time country people, The

Virginia reel






Horned owl
Hunting song
Snake song
Steal partner











Tarpon Sprin gs
Soul tana






kt sea , ..iff c o ast
Johnson girls, The
Lord, Lord


Alabama prison blues
Amazing grace




rolled the- store

Big fat woman
Black gel
Boll weevil
Clirobin ' high mountains

tryin 1 to got h jme

Dingdong bells
Do it in Weldon yards
Do yon want to be a

lover of the Lord?
Dyin 1 crapshooter 1 s

T got to cross do river


I got to cross the

river Jordan
I promised Mr. Tyreo
It 1 s my need
Just as well get ready

y :>u got t -j die
Kill-it-kid rag
King Edward blues
L-rdy, won't you pray

for me?
Longest train I over saw (2)
Maggie Moore
Monologue on accident
Monologue on himself
Monologue on history of

Monologue on life as maker

of records
Monologue on old songs
Mulay on the mountain
Murderer's home blues
Old-time religion, amen
?o' Las' us
Raise a ruckus tonight


Atlanta ( cont . )

Ring them yaller women's do'

St. James infirmary
Take me back to fie Id on


Thi ;




Twelve disciples, The
Will Fox


Ain't no stranger now

Capt. Hansy blues

Cornfield blues

Cripple creek

Everyman gets to lay down

and die
John Henry
Traveling shoes


Buck dance

Dicta ' t it rain

If I could hear my mother

My Lord., what a morning
That's enough for me to


Glynn county

All around the maypole
All niffht long
Amen, amen, amen
Angels rolled the stone

away, The
Belongs to God
Bluebird through my window
Can't call the Kallie Moore
Careless love
Chain gang holler
Chain, gang song
Choodie-oodle- >o
Coming home some day
Finger ring

Fooling ■ r nine on the guitar
Fox and hounds, The


- '35




Gly nn county

Fr jg went a courting

Give away Jordan

God rode on a mighty storm

Going down to Richmond

He's a battle-ax

He ' s a dying bed-maker

Key, hey, John

K'ist the window, open the

door and let me come in
Ho, by Z ion's watchman
Ho gal, when you come off

the island
Ho, mama Dinah
Hold out

Hot time in old Virginia-
How about you?
I ain ' t ;;oing to hurt

I am looking for the bully

of that, town
I know you're going to

miss me when I'm gone
I'll be waiting there - (2)
I'm going hom$ on the

morning train
It .past suits me
Jesus died on the cross
John anc j his rival
John and old Mistis'

John and the bear
John and the coon
John Honry (3)
John whips the giant
Join the band
Jooking (A)
Judgment bar
Monologue on his conversion


Monologue on his name a





Monologue on post-bellum

Monologue an religious

Monologue on the emancipa-


Glynn cou nty ( cont . )

Monologue on the relation

between conscience- and

Morning glory argument, The
Oh my Harry
Pinning on the leaves
Polk county breakdown
Poor Joe breakdown
Preacher went a hunting
Raise a ruckus tonight
Read 'era, John, reed * em (3)
Ride my horse
Riley shanty (2)
Rise , ■, Sally,, ■ ;rise
Rock, I tell you, rock (3)
Snngaree •;. '■ \.

Say, little sister, won't

you marry, me?
See day dawning
Soldier of the jubilee'
Steal. Miss Lisa Jane (2)
Talk right holy
Tank argument, The ■
There sets the Sally in the

Train, The (2)
Two-step (2)

Who shall be able to stand?
World can' b do me no harm,



j-'are thee well
Hallelujah ■ .
King Jesus is lisi
Rolling Sam
String dem beans
This train (2)
What kino of shoes


;enxn '


do angels



Ain' nobody's fault but mine
Ain' t that good news?
All the way-
Beautiful s-ato


.- 36 -


Mi lledgeville (cont.)

Do just like my Lord says

Georgia hound blues
Hammer ring
He d me what tie doctor

could not do
He's a battle-axe
Hikin' Jerry
Holy righteous number
I heard the angels singing
I've been to Jesus and

I've been baptised
John Henry
John was a writing
Kneel right on that shore
Mother, please don't drive

me away
Never spec' to stop till I

join the band
Oh Lawdy me, oh Lawdy my


Oh my bawd, what shall I




One mo* train


Packin' up and get/bin' rea<


to go


Po 1 Laz'us (2)





Rock foundation

Sin no more


Tell me right


Tryin' to get home

Um-hum, oh, Lordy, urn-hum

Waitin' on you

While the blood ' s runnin '

warm in my veins
You long-time old rounder

To ccoa Fa lls

Little lot" cabin


- 37 -


Location unkn ov/n
Brennan on the moor
Bryan O'Lynn
Devili sh Mary
Farmer's curst wife, The
If he'd be a buckaroo
It's hard times, boy
Lowlands low, The (2)
Nelly at the wake
Old Chisholm trail, The
Persian eat, The
Poor miner
Way out in Idaho


33 -




Loc ation urikn .>wn
Dance calls
Old J >e Clark
Tiger rag

Garb'jri dale

As I walked out mo

morning .alone
Black Jack Davy
Brother Green
Fat Rachel
Free a little bird
Frog went a cairtiti'
Golden willow tree
Hang me, ,h hang ma
K onky t jnk tr a in
House carpenter
I been d )wn in the circle

If you want t i go a

co art in'
Indian song
Lady Isabel and the elf

Lonesome road blues
Lumberjack' s story
Mary Jubal gentle
Once there was a blind man
Rippling brook
Run, nigger, run (2)
Swannanoa Tunnel
Soldier's joy
'Taters, they grow small

in Marion, The
Tiger rag
Turkey buzzard
Turkey in the hay
Twelve apostles

Walter jumped a fox
Weevily wheat

When I would go a travel in 1
Wood chopper ' s j ig
Young people who delight in

sin (2)


Climbing up the golden


Champai gn. ( cont . )
Eighth of August
Flop-eared mule
Golden slippers
Grand march
King' s head
Smoky mountain song




Bo ■ )gie-woo gie ( 2 )

Buffalo gals

Captain Jinks

Clirabin' up the mountains,

Clog dance

Couldn't hear nobody pray (2)
Cowhorn solo
Dutch courtship
Dying mother blues
Fare ye well
Fox chase

Got up and bar the door
I'm on the battlefield for

my Lord
Irish washerwoman
It' s me, Lord
Joe Louis

Johnny Mitchell man
Let me ride
Levee camp story
Lily Mae (3)
Mammy blues
Maple sugar song
Medley: Square dance

tune s , unid entif ied
Papaw patch
Polish wedding dance
Pop goes the weasel
Soldier's joy
Square dance calls
Steal away
This old world's in a

leaving dance
When the Black Diamond

breaker was burned to the

Woods holler


- 39 -





As I walked over Mulberry

Banks of the old Pedee, The
Biddy MeGee

Brooklyn theater fire, The
Crossing down at Wann, The
Erin go braugh
Experience in Arkansas
Get out of the way, you

whisky seller
Golden dagger, The
Hand me down the old shoe

I met an old washerwoman

hanging out her clothes
John Rogers, the miller
Little too small, A
Sarey Kelly blues, The
State farm blues
Was a massy had a lassie


Arkansas traveler, The

Barbara Allen

Brother Green


Darling Betsy

Had a little fight in Mexico

His old grey beard needs

Lame soldier, The
Lass of Loch Royal, The
Stone river
Texas rangers, The.
Wagoner lad, The
Wars of Germany, The
Weevily wheat
When first to this country a

stranger I did come

Elklnsv llle

Come all young friends

whilst I relate
Lady Isabel and the elf

Lonesome dove, The
Oxford girl, The
William Hall
Youns Beichan


Evansv ille

.Arkansas traveler

Barbara Allen

Bonaparte ' s retreat

Boston burglar, The

Cambric shirt, The

Drowsy sleepers, The

Eighth day of January, The


False lover

Father, oh father, go build

me a boat
Fisher's hornpipe, The
Frog went a courting
Fuller and Warren
Gypsy daisy, The
Gypsy's warning, The
Henry, the driver boy
House carpenter, The
Irish washerwoman, The
John Riley
Lady Isabel and the elf

Lady Margaret and sweet

Lady of Carlisle, The
Lassie Mawhee, The
Locks and bolts
Lord Thomas and fair Eleanor
Low and lonesome low, The
Old man came over the moor,

Romish lady, The
School song, The
Sheffield apprentice, The
Soap suds over the fence
Soldier's joy, The
Stonewall Jackson






ias come, the grass


is green
There was an old woman all

skin, and bones
To rue my love, the time draws

When I was a- bachelor
Yankee Doodle
Youns Charlotte


- uo -



Mt . Vernon

Babes in the woods, The

Falling leaf


Gc tell aunt Rhoda

Green gravel

Humpbacked mule, The

Roxie Ann

We'll all go down to Rowser's

Whoa, mule, whoa

Ion shall be free (2)

New Harmony

Capitals of the states song,

How tedious and tasteless

Multiplication tabic song, a
Old sister Phoebe
Pisen sarpint song, 'The
Pretty Sary
Ran cum- tan sum
Yonder comes my true love

Oak land City

Battle of Boyne, The
Jackie Frai sur s '
Merrimac and the Moni tor ,

One morning in May
White pilgrim, The
Wife 'of Usher's well, The


Boo-hoOj I want to get

Boston burglar, The
Bramble briar, The
Elfin knight, The

House carpenter, The
I once had a .lover
Lady Isabel and the elf

Lass of Loch Royal, The
Little sparrow, The
Mr . Grumble
Old bachelor, The
On a cold, frosty morning when

a nigger feels good


Princeton ( c ont . )

Talk about us black coons
Young Edward in the lowland

low <■
Young Edwin in the lowland

low (?.)
Young man who wouldn't raise

corn, The



Johnny fill up the -bowl


- Al -





Buffalo girls
Devil's dream (2)
German waltz

Haste to the wedding (2)
Irish washerwoman
Jig (3)

Listen to the mocking bird
Little brown jug
Medley: Haste to the wedding;
Off she goes; and another


Medley: Three o'clock in the
morning; Beautiful Ohio;
Till we meet again

Nancy's fancy (2)

Off she goes (2)

Pigtown fling







Location unknown
Barbara Allen

I'm going back to Georgia (2)
John Henry

My horses ain't hungry
Poor little turtledove
Pretty girl a milking her cow
Pretty girl milking the cow
Skip-a to my Lou
Soldier, won't you marry


me ;




Welcome, welcome (2)

When the moon comes down in

Wife of Usher's well, The


Alphabet song

Boy went out to shoot one

day, A
Doncha grieve after me
Down in the canebrake (2)
Fox and the grapes, The
Frog went a courtin'
Granny, my toes are sore
Granny, will your dog bite?
Grasshopper settin' on a

sweet tater vine
Had a little cow
I got my aunt Sally
I had a beau last night
I have a new lover
I saw a little boy
I wish I was single
I wish I was single again (3)
If you belong to Gideons band
If you get there before I do
If you've got any good things
In a few days
Juniper tree, The (2)
King William
Lady bug

Lowlands low, The
Mi Ilex, The
My father and mother were

My mother she had an old

My pretty little pink


Lawrence (cont.)
Needle ' s eye
Night-herding song, The
Oh dear, what can the

matter be?
Old Robin is dead and laid

in his grave
Old woman all skin and bones
Paper of pins, A
Quaker's courtship, The
Raccoon's tail is ringed all

Rosemary and thyme
Said the blackbird
Said the bullfrog to the

Sandy, he belongs to the mill
She kept her cream in 'the old

man ' s boot
Shoot the buffalo
Soldier, won't you marry me?
Springfield mountain
There was a jolly miller boy
There was a little man
There ' s blood on the saddle
This is the way she washed

Three crows, The
Three little babes, The
Uncle Johnny sick in bed
Way over yonder
Weevily wheat
Who killed cock robin?
Whoopie ti-yi-yo
Will you marry me, my pretty

little miss?


- 43





Amazing grace

Burglar and the old maid,

Come all you fair and

handsome girls
Come, my loving father,

and gc along with me
Cuckoo is a pretty bird.

Drunkard ' s child.
F. F. E. - the fastest

on the line
Fare you well, green fields
Floyd Frazier
George Collins
Henry Lee

I am thinking of my heme
If father don't go I'll

journey on
Jack was a lonesome cowboy
Maid freed from the

gallows , The
Mandy from Big Sandy
Nobody's darlin' but mine
On the hill over there
True arid faithful

brakeman, The
Walk with me
We have fathers gone to


All alone
All go to heaven when the

devil goes blind
Assassination of Governor

Barbara Allen (2)
Billy in the lowground
Blackberry blossom
Blind man ' s lament
Boa tin' up Sandy
Brashy fork of Johns Greek-
Bright and morning star, The
Brisk young farmer, The
Cacklin' hen (2)
Coal creek troubles
Come all ye fair and

handsome girls


Ashland (cont. )

Come all ye pretty maids

Damon's winder


Dear old village churchyard

Death of Lula Viers

Devil's dream

Dr . Humphrey' s j ig

Down in the valley

Fiddler of Lost Hope hollow

Foot washing festival

Franklin Roosevelt

Gal I left on Sandy, The

Cive the fiddler a dram

("rod is worried with your wicked

God's goin' to set this world.

on fire
Great judgment morning, The
Ground hog
Hell and scissors
Humphrey's jig

I am a poor pilgrim of sorrow
.1 had me a cat
I have a father over yander
I hoar the low wind sweepin'
I love my rooster
In the glory land
Jerusalem; my happy home
Joseph and Mary
Kitty Kline (2)
Lady went a hunting
Last appeal, The
Lead her up and down
L e a ther br e e c he s
Lonesome dove
Lord Daniel
Lord Thomas
Lord Uhlan's daughter
Lo vely Nancy
Man of
Mary and Martha
Monologue on her experiences

singing; Lord, You've been

so good to me
My honey quit me in the wrong
My son's conversion
My warfare will soon be ended
Nellie. Gray
Nigger's wedding, The


- u -



Ashland ( c ont . )

Mo corn on Tigert ■

Often visions by faith

Oh brothers, will you meet

Old gray mare
Old Joe Clark
Old time schottische
On Jordan's stormy banks
Once there was a man who

courted a lady
Paper of pins (2)
Pearl Bryan
Pretty Polly (2)
Raccoon waltz
Rattlesnake daddy
Rockababy buntin'
Rowan county troubles
Run, nigger, run
Sally G-oodin
Salt, salt sea ■
Sea line

Soldier boy. The
Soldier's song
Sourwood mountain (2)
Story most pleasing I'll'"

tell you, A
Sunrise call
Sweet Susan
Thou'rt gone, my precious

Turnip greens
Twelve commandments, The
Valentine, The
Walk with me
Wassail song
We shall know each other

Weeping willow tree
Western Union telegram, A
When I shall cross over the

dark rolling tide
When Jesus Christ was here

Wild horse

Will the circle be unbroken?
Woman at the well, The
Years of time are swiftly



Big C reek

I am a man of constant sorrow
I came to this country, 1365
I ' 11 never believe -what

another woman says
J. 13. Marcum song, The
Jake leg blues
Jake walk blues
Rocky island

Cl.-iy c ount y

Ain't nobody's business but

my own
Amazing grace-
Archie 'D. •
as I came through this

country in 1&49
Autobiography of Aunt Molly

Jftcks on
Baker and White feud song
Ballad of Lazarus, The
Barbara Allen
Beauty bride, The (3)
Black-eyed Nancy '
Blind girl,- The '
Boston burglar,' The
Brisk young farmer, The
Brisk young soldier, The
Prist young soldier, The
Brown girl, The (3)
Buck creek gals
Butcher boy, The
CIO union. song
Careless love
Charming Betsy
Charming Billy
Christmas eve in the East


Clay county election, 1933
Coal creek disaster
Coal miner's child, The
Come all you fair and tender

Come all you young and

tender ladies
Come on, my little girl
Come with me to the old

Come ye that love the Lord




C lay county (cent.)
Cowgirl, The
Crossbones Scully (2)
Cruel mother, The (2)
Cuckoo, The
Cumberland gap
Darling Corey
Day is past, the shade of

night draws near, The
Dear friends, farewell
Death of Edward Hawkins, The
Death of Mary Jane Martin,

Devil and the farmer, The
Dishonest miller, The
Dog and gun, The
Don't believe in a woman,

you're lost if you do
Don't let your woman have

her way
Down in Karo
Dry bones

East Ohio miners' strike
Easter ballad, The
Ellen Smith
Fair you well, my little

Annie darling
Fare you well, old Elie

Branch .
Farewell, sweet Jane (2)
Flora Dean
Fox chase, The
Frankie and Albert
Frog wont a courting
Gambling man.
Ghost stories
God's getting

your wicked
Gospel train,
Green corn
Hand me down my little

brown 'plice
Hard times in Coleman's minet
Hark, the voice of Jesus cry-
Hold fast to the right
Honey, take a whiff on me
House carpenter. The
How firm a foundation


Clay co unty ( c ont . )

How tedious and tasteless

the hours
How Uncle Wilts was churned

up for the devil
Hungry disgusted blues
1 came to this country, 1849
1 don't know what you stay

here for
1 got up this morning, put

my clothes on wrong
1 love coal miners, I do (2)
I want to see my mother

when she enters in
I. was born about four

thousand years ago (2)
Ida Red


Tho (S















poor orphan alone (2 )


I'm era zy over you




goin' move when the Lord says


Jesse James






John Henry (2)
Johnny Randall
Join the C.I.O.
Joseph and Mary
Katy Dorsey
Katy Dory
Kentucky miner ' s

TV. o


Kentucky soldier ,
Ladle Leroy
Lady Claire
Lady gay, A
Lady Margaret and

William (2)
Lady Marg'et and sweet Willy
Lady Nancy

Land of the Yeahoes, The
Let me be your teddy
Little dove, The
Little Mohee, The
Little Scotchee, The
Little talk with Jesus, A
Liza Jane

Lonesome jailhouse blues
Lonesome road
Lord Bateiiian


dreadful fate ,



AS -




C lay count y ( c ont . )
Lordy, Lordy
Loving Henry

Merchant's son and the par-
son's daughter, The
Miller, The
Monologue on lancing after

Monologue on dulcimers and

Monologue on feuds and their

Monologue on her early life
Monologue on Holiness church
Monologue on little funny

Monologue on square dancing
Monologue on violence
Moonshine Bill
Moonshiner, The
Mr. Cundiff
Murder of George Thompson,

Murder of Harry Simms, The
My lovely, bright-eyed Jane
My warfare will soon be ended
New river train, The
Nothing goes hard, with me
Now I'm saved

Oh lovely appearance of death
Old Joe Clark
Old Number Nine
Oma Wise (3)

Once I had an old grey marc
One morning in May
Orphan girl, The
Outshine the glittering sun
Peanut farm, The
Pearl Bryant

Poison in the glass of wine (2
Poor s tranger

Poor wayfaring stranger, The
Praise the Lord, how sweet

the promise
Pretty Polly (2)
Prisoners' call. The
Rich Irish lady, The
Rising sun blues, The (2)
Roll on, buddy
Romish lady, The


Clay county ( c ont . )
Roving gambler, The
Rowan county trouble, The
Rye whisky
Sadly blows the. weeping

Shooting of his dear. The
Silver dagger, The
Six Kings' daughters
Skip to my Lou (2)
Skip to my Lou, my darling
Soldier and the lady
Some mother's boy tonight
State of Arkansas, The
Sugar babe
Sweet Irene
Sweet Willie

Swofford branch stills, The
Ten thousand miles (3)
Texas rangers, The
There was a little family in

Train, The
True and trembling brakeman,

Two sisters, The (2)
Wallins creek girls
Way down in
We have game today
Waeviiy wheat

We'll be happy in the kingdom
When you hear my bulldog

White pilgrim, The
Wicked Polly .
Wild Sill Jones (2)
William and Nancy
William Hall
Witch stories
With his old shoe boots and



Buck creek girls

Casey Jones

Girl I left behind me. The

Goo goo eyes


47 -




Cod y (cont.)

Wreck of the old Ninety-
Seven, The.

Colmans (Bell county)

In that resurrection morning
Monologue on faith of the

Church of God
When upon the clouds in


Cumbe rland

Away in the manger
Death of gramma Ray, The
Death of junior Ray, The
Don't you grieve after me
Dying boy, The
Joys of Heaven, The
Kentucky flood, The
Let the church roll on
Loss of Lindergh's son., The
Lost sheep, The
Miner's death., The
Miners of Coal creek, The
Oh what makes this old ivorld

seem so lonesome
Orphan girl, The
River that runs, The
Shake hands with mother again
Take me through


Betty Lou is my name, Dunham

is my station
Big wax doll
Bonny young girl
Boston burglar, The
Brave soldier and Peggy, The
Come all you young and

tender ladies
Davy Crockett
Dialogue on witchcraft
Dove song, The
Drunkard ' s dream
Fond afflictions


Dunham ( c ont . )

Go in and out the window

Green gravels

House carpenter, The

Jesus, Thou art the sinner's

Joshua Collins
Little dove, The
Little raomie, The
Liza Jane

Lonesome scenes of winter
Lord Batsman
Lord Thomas
Lowlands so low
Neat fair girl
Neat fair girl worked in a

Old Brindle
Old man daisy
Old Peggy Walker
Old Queen Quine
Old Smoky
Old 'Tom Wilson
Omie Wise
Poor Gains
Pretty Polly and sweet

Pretty Polly and the parrot

Queen Blender
Range of the buffalo, The
Ring around the roses
Roll a bowl o' shoat and a

hog eye
Roses on my shoulder
Rye whisky
Sheep song, The
Sweet farewell, A
Texas rangers, The
Three little babes, The

Wild Bill Jones
Willow garden
Young men and maids

Plorrec s

Fare yen well, my own true

Gin.ny pit around


- 48




Florress (cont.)
Lynchburg town
Pretty Saro
Roll on, babe
Troubled in mind

Fort Thomas


Alimony blues. The

Hinky tinky parlez-vous

Knoxville girl, The

Naomi Wise

Old man's story

Pearl Bryan

Rye whisky

Soldier's sweetheart, The

Sweet Betsy from Pike

Widow's daughter, The (2)

G ooserock

Big camp meeting over yonder
Gome all you young and

tender ladies
Gruel mother, The
Little family of Bethany, The
My Lord's a movin' in the air
Pretty Polly
There was a lady ' and a lady


Harla n

Bald-headed end of the broom,

Bangum and the boar (2)
Bear the news, Mary
Billy goat song
Biack-syc-d Susie
Bright moving stars are


Coal creek war, The (2)
Cumberland gap
Die in the field of battle
Down in the valley
Father's got a home
Frog song, The
Frog story, The
Glory, hallelujah
Ground hog


Harl an (cont.)

Hard-working miner, The

I once had a father

I wonder where my father's

If you 'want to go heaven
I'm a gonna hold out to the

I'm just from the 'fountain
In the promised land
It's the old ship of Zion
Jesus is a rock in a weary

Let this warfare be ended
Little carpenter, The
Little Sir Hugh
Lisa Jane
My father ' s gone to view

that land
Oh fathers, adieu
Oh fathers, will you meet me
Oh fathers, yes, go clown in

the valley to pray
Oh glory to the dyin' lamb
Old fish song, The
Old Joe Clark'
Peddler, The
Pretty Polly
Rosin the bow
Run, nigger, run
Sally Goodin
Ship that never returned,

The .
Shoot that turkey buzzard
So freely, Lord (2)
Sourwood mountain, The
Two little Johnnies (2)
We have fathers up in heaven
We Til cross the river of

What '11 we do with the baby?
When we all get to heaven


Arkansas traveler
As I sat down to play tin can
As I went out for a -'ramble
Bailiff of Kazeltown's
daughter, The


_ ,■'. o




Hazard ( cont . )
Betty Jane

Billy in the lowground
Black-eyed Susie






Brown girl. The

Butcher boy, The

Cackling hen, The

Cherry tree carol

Cold penitentiary blues, The

Cripple creek

Cumberland gap

Drunkard's daughter, The

Fair you well, my "blue-
eyed girl

Fathers, are you ready
to go home?

Flop-eared mule

Florella (2)

Frog went a c our tin 1 (3)

Give the fiddler a dram

Glory in the me e tin' house


Golden willow tree, The (2)

Green morris song, The
Had a little boy as big as

my thumb
Harlan jail
Harvey Logan
Hickory Jack
Hiram Hubbard
Hog-eyed man, The
Hog went through the fence,

yoke and all, The
Home, beautiful home,

sweet home
Hook and line




to this country, 18o5


In Johnson City where I

did dwell
I ' ve been all around thi

Johnny McGardner
Lady Margaret and sweet

Last of Callahan, The
Last of Sizernore, The


H azard (cont.)
Leather breeches
Liza Jane
Lord. Bateman (2)
Lost girl. The
Loving Henry
Lula Wall

Murder of Virgil Bibson, The
Neele ' s eye
Nig, inch along
Old hen cackled, The
Old Joe Clark
Pretty Polly (2)
Rickett's hornpipe
Rise, old napper
Roll on, buddy
Roving boy, The
Run, banjo
Sally Goodin (2)
Skip to my Lou
Slidin' Jenny
Soldier's joy
Sourwood mountain
Uncle Joe
Waynes burg

Ways of the world; The
Where have you been, my good

old man? (2)
Wreck on the Somerset road,

The (2)
You can't get to heaven on a

daxjcin ' floor


Arkansas traveler, The

Bailey of Hazel town's daughter,

Barbara Allen
Billy in the lowground (2)
Blind child, The
Blind man's song, The
Blue -eyed girl
Bolts and locks
Bonaparte ' s retreat
Brown girl, The
Buck creek girls (2)
Butcher boy, The
Cackling hen, The


50 -




Hydon (cont. )
Callahan (2)
Casey- Jonas
Charming Betsy
Clear water, The
Come in, come in, young

Cotton-eyed Joe
Cripple creek (4-)
Cuckoo , The
Cumberland gap
Death of Dewey Lee, The
Don't the road look dark and

Driver boy. The
Drunkard's dream, The (2)
Dying cowgirl, The
East Virginia blues
Ellen Smith
Erin's green shore
Fair young lady was walking

in her garden, A
Garfield is not a dandy man
Get out of the way, you

whisky sellers
Give the fiddler a dram
Glory in the meetin' house (2)
Gcin' down the road feelin'

Green grows the laurel
Ground hog

Hand, me down my old white hat
Handsome Mary, the lily of

the West
Hanging of Henry Ho skins. The
Her age I did not know
Here you stand all in this ring
Hickory Jack
High chicken roost
Hog-eyed man, The (2)
Hook and line (2)
I am a man of pleasure
I am a wild and wicked youth
I love somebody

I stood on the banks of the river
I "wish to the Lord I'd never

been born
I wonder where my true love is


Kyden (cont.)
Ida Red
I'm going down the- river

George line
In Bridgewater town
It's nobody's business
I've rambled, this country

both early and late
Joe Bowers
John Hardy (3)
John Henry
John Riley
Juice of the forbidden fruit,

Lady Gay
Lady Marg'et and sweet

Lady Marg'et and sweet
; Willie (2)
Last of the Sizemore, The
Leather breeches (.3)
Little bird
Little son Hugh
Lord Bateman
Lord Daniel (2)
Lord Daniel ' s wife
Lost girl
Lovely Nsncy (2)
Lulu Wall
Mermaid, The

Moon is shining. bright, The
My friends have been the

cause of a great separation
Natchez under the hill
Nigger, inch along (2)
Oh, to me the time draws near
Old bell ewe and the little

speckled wether, The
Old Christma.s
Old gum boots and leggins
Old Joe Clark
Old ragged boots
One morning in May
Orphan child, The
Poor Johnny's been to sea
Pretty Polly (.3)
Pretty Saro
Rooky island
Rosin the bow


- 51




Hyden (cont,) .

Sally Goodin (2)
Sam Bass
Seven long years I served

the king
Seven long years I've been

Shortenin' bread
Sourwood mountain (3)
Spruce branch hog song (2)
State of Arkansas, The
Sweet island's hill
There is a lark and a

lily dear
There was a rich old merchant
Times is gettin' hard
Tom Bolyn

Tom Morgan's hog song
We have some fathers gone

to heaven
When you was but a slender

Wife wrapped up in a

wether's skin, The (?)
Wild and reckless hobo, The
You got to cross that

lonesome valley
You've got to cross that

lonesome valley


vianchester (cont.)
Barbary Allen
Beautiful home
Beauty bride, The
Bert Martin, moonshiner
Blind child, The
Crawdad song
Drunken drivers, The
Everybody loves somebody
Heaven bells a-ringin'
I want a girl with a pair of

big blue eyes
I'm a go in' out to the city
Knoxville girl
Lady and a lady gay, A
Little Mawhee, The
Little Mohee

Lonesome jailhouse blues
Loving Henry

Poison in a glass of. wine.
Since my mother's dead and

Song in Zion, A
They say it is simple to

Wabash cannonball, The
When I was young and im my

Whoa , mule


Laurel county

Arkansas traveler, The .

Blue bonnet

Bonyparte ' s retreat


John Riley

Wo, sir, no (2)

Oh daddy, come make your

Old Christmas

Old Joe Clark ; ./

Old Mr. Moore (2)

Prettiest little girl in

eounty-o , The
Sally Goodin
Sourwood mountain (2)







Astrolling one night
through New York town



Adkins song, The
Blue denim blues
Bo Ian town city
Brother Green

Buck creek girls won ' t go to
Kill Butcher's boy, The
C. C. C. blues
Chew my chawing gum
he Cumberland gap
Darling Cora

Do you hear my mournful story
Few more days in sorrow, A
Girlp of the Middlefork, The
Girls on Middlefork, The
Go in and out the window
Go wash in that beautiful pool




Mi ddiefork ( c ont . )
Green gravels
He is keeping me
Hoe down rhythm
Hog-eyed man, The
I would pawn you my watch :
Ida Red

I'll be satisfied
I'm gonna cross that. 'White

Oak mountain
I'm just .as rich as you
In my Wen thai valley home
In that land' where' I'm bound-
Jo B. Marcum song-,. -The
Jackson j ail ■ blues
Jesus gettin' us ready for

that groat day
Jinny, put your kittle on
Joan of Arc
John Kenry
Just a wild, reckless

Knoxvillc girl, The (2)
Leslie county jail
Letcher county burglar. The
Little bird
Little birdie
Little David, play on your

Little speckled wether, The
Little white daisy
Lord Danaver and little

Lord Daniel
Loving Henry
Lula Viers
Marrowbone itch
May we sow the righteous

Miner's child, The
Moonshiner song, The
My God is a man of war
My bead ana stay-
Needle's eye
No man ' s land
Orphan children, The
Pickin' up chips
Pretty fair lady was walking

in her garden


Middle fork ( c ont . )
Rambling bo;/, The
Rocky mountain top
Skip to my Lou
Soldier, won't you marry me?
Texas rangers, The
That'll do now .
Through 'the pines where

the sun never shines
' Tobacco song
Wayfaring' stranger, The
Wedding bells
When the light hath gone

out. of your soul'
When the' train comes along
Wild Bill Jones .
Willie Moore (2)


Midd lesboro

Beside the ocean blue
Brother miner '
Candy man, The
Georgia blues

God moves the wind, and storm
Green valley waltz
Greenback dollar. The
Hanging of .Buford Overton,

Hard-working miner, The
1 ain't got nobody
I don't want your millions,

I wish I had never seen sun-

I'm alone because I love you
John de Troy
K. C. whistle blues
Long chain Charley
Lovers' warning (2) .
Married life blues
Murder of the peddler and

his wife, The
Omie Wise

Rising sun blues, The
Rose Connelly
There ' s mere pretty girls

than one
Which side ore you on?
Wild Bill Jones


- '■) 5 -




P aintsville

Dowhard road, The

Great Niagara falls


In a foreign, heathen

Keep your hands on that

plough, hold on
Knoxville girl
Let this warfare be ended
Monologue on his visions
My high silk hat
On my way to the Canaan ' s

Only Name, the sweetest

Name, The
There's a little black

train a coming
We -shall not be moved
Who shall be able to stand?
Wild and reckless motorman,


Pi ne Mountain

Amazing grace

Aunt Sal's song

Barbara Allen (2)


Brown girl, The

Galling chicken, cow, and

Cyarn crow

Dear old village church-
yard. , The

East-bound train. The

Four yoke of oxen, The

Froggy want a eourtiri'

Golden vanity, The

I went out one sweet May

Jackie Frazier

Knoxvilie town, The

Lady gay (2)

Lady Isabel and the elf King

Lindbergh ba'cy, The

Little Sir Hugh (2)

Lolly toodum (2)

Loving Nancy

Mary Fa can


Pine Mountain ( c on t . )
Morning air

Mother, the queen of my heart
My lover. on the deep blue sea
Nightingale , The
Nurses, The
Our goodman
Pretty fair maiden all in her

Pretty Polly (6)
Poor orphan left alone, A
Scott Jackson and Pearl Bryant
Soldier , won ' t you marry me ?
State of Arkansas, The
Sweetheart in the army
Titanic, The
Two orphans, The
When walking out one sweet

May morning
Willy Weaver
Wondrous love (2)
Years have passed and gone

far away, The
Yes or no


Are you washed in the blood

of the Lamb?
As we march through
Ask that sinner to the

mourner's bench
Away in the manger
Barbara Allen
Billy boy
Black-eyed Susan
Blind and helpless child (2)
Blue-eyed gal
California ear thquake
Canaan land where the soul

of man never dies
Come -ail you hardly miners

Cripple creek
Barling Cora
Devilish Mary
Devil's after me
Dream of the miner ' s girl
Drunken driver. The


5U -




Pineville '( c on t . )
' Dying' cowboy
Eliza ; Green in curlycues
Empty pocket blues
Farmer's in the dell
Frog went a courting
Git along down town
Glad I learnt to love Jesus
Go in and out the windows (2)
God gave Noah the rainbow
■' ' ' sign (2)
Gravel yard

Great speckled bird, The
Green gravels
Ground hog
Had a little dog, its name

was Rain
Had no peace for my soul until

I heard the story told '
Half has never been told, The
Hand me down ray walking cane
Hard times in these mines
He shed His blood for me
Henry Wagoner
Hold the fort
Hook and line (2)
Hush, the wave's are rolling

I ain't a bit drunk
1 cannot tell how much I owe
i laid off the old cost and

put on the new'
I truly understand that you

love another man
I was 'called to my home in

Ida Red (2)
If I die in the state of

If the light has gone out of

your soul
If 'the light has gone out in

your soul
If you will listen
I'll be satisfied
In sunny Tennessee
It is love

Jesus walking through the land
John de Troy
John Henry (2)


Pinevil le (cont.)
Just as rich as you
Last gold dollar is. gone
Little' bird
Little brown jug
Little David, play on your

Little Mohee
■ Liza up a ' Simmon tree
Look at Him dying
Make a change in business

all around
Miner ' s c hild ' s dream
Miner's farewell
Monologue, tales about

W . F, H 'inter
Monologue, testimony (2)
Moonshine ■ story
Mother, hold my dying hand
Mother's good-bye (2)
My Savior first of all
Nobody works but father
Nobody's darling
Old coon dog
Old gospel ship, The
Old Joe Glark
Old Rainey
Old-time religion
On a summer evening, as a

poor woman lay
Praise the Lord, I've got

my ticket
Prayer (2)
Praying together of the

Preacher went a huntin'
Precious memories
Rabbits in the- lowlands
Ransom handsom cinna.mon tea
Rock of ages
Roll on, buddy
Round county crew
Service •
Set calling
Shake hands with mother

again (2)
Ship that neArer returned,


Sidney Allen


- 55




Pineville (cont.)
Silver daggers, The
Some mother's boy is

homeless tonight
Something got a hold of me
Sourwood mountain
Stories about Brad Lowry
Sugar in the gourd
Take in the life boat
Take me through (2)
Tall stories about hunting
Tattler's wagon, The (2)
Telephone to glory *,
There's no place like home
This is like heaven to me
This life is like a mountain

Three little babes
True-blue Bill
Two little orphan children
Wabash, Santa Fe
Waiting for a train
We'll be at home again
We'll seo our city as we

march through (2)
What are you goin ' to do

with the baby--o?
What will I do with the

When I look around and see
what the good Lord ' s done
for me
When I reach that city on

the hill
When our Lord shall come-
When the roll is called

up yonder
Wild and reckless hobo (2)
Wild Bill Jones
Will the circle be unbroken?
Witness for Jesus
Working on the building
You got to aalk that lone-
some valley


Aeroplane ride. The
Ala bam'

As I was walking one May,
May morning


Salyersville (cont.)

Beautiful home of the blest
Bonaparte ' s retreat


Boys won't do to trusl




Callahan (2)

Charming Billy

Cold mountain hills are

falling around me
Come all you friends and

dear relations
Come all you roving cowboys
Coon dog

Covington burglar, The
Dirty shirt, The

Drowsy sleepers, The
Drunken hiccups, The
Early, early in the spring
East Virginia
Fair Charlotte (2)
Fare you well, my pretty

littlo miss
Gilder boy

Girl I left behind me, The
Golden glove. The
Got a little home in Georgy
Hounds on my track
I once was a rich and gam-
bling bey
Ida Red

If I were some little bird
I'm gonna feast at the

welcome table
In Jersey City
It's old granpaw yet
I've been on the bend so

I've been redeemed
I've rambled this country

both early and late
Jack Wilson
John Hardy
John Henry (2)
Johnny just from the sea
Julia Ann Johnson




he sam<




King's highway, The
Lady of Carlisle, The (2)
Lifeboat, The
Lightning express. The






Salyersville (cont.)
Little Bobby-
Lonesome scenes, of winter,

Lord Lovell
Lost Indian
Lovely Nancy
Mississippi sawyer
Mud fence, The :
My parents treated me

My son Johnny -o
Old coon dog, The
Old hen, she cackled, The
Old ship of Zion, The'-
On the banks of the sweet

Over the river to Charlie
Ox driver, The
Pass around the bottle
Pearl Bryant
P.iney ridge
Poor robin is dead
Pretty little widow, The
Rackin' to my shack
Rebels' raid, The
Roving gambler, The
Rowan county crew, The
Rowan county trouble , The
Run, nigger, run
Sally Good in
Shadows gather 'round me,-

Ship carpenter, The (2)
Shcrtenin ' bread
Silver strands
There's a city whose Builder

and Maker is God
Trouble on my mind (2)
Two brothers, The
Up and down the lane
Vance song, The
Way down the mountain
Way down the river, boys
Ways of the world, The
When the work's... all done

this fall (2)
Wife wrapped up in the wether ' s

skin, The


Salyersville (cont.)
Wild horse-, The
Will the weaver
Workin's too hard., boys


Barbara Allen
■Buffalo gals
Henry of Knoxville
Knoxville girl, The
Old Granny Hare
Sourwood mountain

West Liberty

Arkansas traveler, The
Ballad of old Hustlecap,

Barbara Allen
Black is the color of my

true love's hair

Frog went a c our tin'
Girl I left behind me, The
Hot corn, cold corn, bring

on the jimmy- John
I don't want your greenback

I heerd the low wind sweep-
I married me- a wife in the

month of June
I'm goin' to join the army
In Tennessee valley
Lake of Poncy train, The
Lord Batesman
Martha Campbell
W1A blues

Oh Willie, oh Willie (2)
Old coon dog, The
One evening so late as I

Our goodman
Rocky island
Romish lady, The
Rowan county trouble
Shady grove
Skip to my Lou
Texas rangers


- 5? -


West Liberty (cont.)
Two Italians
Two soldiers, The
What' 11 I do with the
baby , oh !


Cherry tree carol, The (2)

Cluck, old hen

Dance all night and give

the fiddler a dram
Little stream of liquor,

Loving Nancy
Murder of Alexander

Going, The
My true love's a gambler
Pretty Polly
Springfield mountain
Sweet winds of Sion, The


58 -





Coonjine, roustabouts, coon-

Pullin 1 cypress logs out of


Trench blues (3)


Baby, low down, oh


Hard times, po' boy

He never said a mumblin'

word (2)
Hold de wind
I asked my captain what

time o ' day
I'm sorry, mama
Julie Ann Johnson
Liza Jane rag
Oh didn't it rain?
Penitentiary blues
Shake, shake, Mattie
Take a whiff on me (2)
Tie tamping chant
When I was single
You shall be free

Avery Island

Do Lawd, remember me
I want to go to heaven
all dressed in white
Jesus roll 'er in His arms
Run here, Jeremiah
Run , mourner , run

Baton Rouge
Green gravels
I just can't help from

I ' 11 be waiting
Influenza epidemic in

Baton Rouge
It's all in my soul
Jesus died a sinner's Friend
Julie Montgomery
Love Me, people, love Me
Ho more, my Lord


Baton Rouge (cont.)
Outshine the sun. (2)
Remember Me
Travelin' on
When I lay my burden down

Coulee Croche

When a woman get blue


Chickens a crowing
Chickens cacklin'
Devilish Mary
Frankie and Albert
I ain't gonna grieve

my Lord any more
I ' m alone in this world
Let me be little dog,

Old Joe Clark
Orphan girl, The
Sally Goodin
Sitting on top of the

Skip to my Lou
There was a rich old

farmer ( 2 )
Waco girl, The
Weevily wheat (2)

False River

How long baby, blues
Moon looks pretty, The

J ennings

Feel like dyin' in this

Heard ' em when they called

Eli i ah ' s name
I ' m a poor , wa yf arin '

Joe's gone to heaven
Long tall angels
Old Jeremiah


59 -




Jennings (cont.)
Oh new calvary

Tall angels at the bar

Ka plan

Old Chishplm trail, The

Kn ight

Carry me , bury me
Dingdong bells
Home on the rock
My mother got religion (2)

Why 'n't you shout like
you know you bound
for glory

Bats on
Been a listening all de

night long
Can't put on my shoes
Don't you grieve after me
I wants to cross Jordan

in-a dat mawnin'
Laz'us is dead
Liza Jane
Stavin ' Chain
We ' re all gwine down

to Jordan
When I first got ready

Lake Arthur

Adam in the garden pinnin'

Comin ' down the line
Dry bones .
Give-a me Jesus
Good Lord!
Lord , Lord , s ho 3" by
My soul is a witness for

my Lord
Thank God almighty (2)


When I leave you, baby


Baptist is my name
Bound for the promised


Merryvilie (cont.)

Christ is comin' on the cloud

Come on, Willie


Father, I stretch my hand to

Fox hunter's song

God's little army

Great judgement morning, The

Green old tree, oh, rocky, oh

Green old tree, old rocky

He that believe have an ever-
lasting life

Hold the wind

Hold the wind, don't let it

I believe I go back home

I'm a royal child

I'm lookin' for dat man dat
don't know Jesus

I'm on my way to heaven




:ool down here at the


river Jordan
Little gal > ma'am
Little Sally Walker
Noah, Noah
Old ship of Zion
Old spectacled lady
Ox-driving song (2)

Purple day, The
Rode off to Famarton
Ship cf Zion

Sitting down side o' the Lord
Tie-throwing call
We go to church in the early

When I can read my title

You'd bettur come here and
see about me


Bet on Cueball
Big-leg Ida
Catch that train '
He got a debt to pay
I got up this morning


- 60 -


New Iberia (cont.)
Long tall gal, A
Oh Dago.

Steel-calling holler
Tamp ' em up solid
Tie-toting holler

New Orleans

Aaron Harris was a boa, bad

Alabama bound :
Albert Carroll blues
Artichoke song
As I go round this mountain
Autobiography of Ferdinand

(Jelly Roll) Morton
Boogie woogie blues
C. C. rider

Card dealer's song
Dialogue on jazz and blues
Did you ever see the devil?
Dog-tick and ' baccer-worm '
Eat vi hen I'm hungry
Game Kid blues
Green corn

Green gravel -\

Honky-tonk blues
Hoodoo story
I come to see Miss Jinny Ann

Indian songs at the Mardi

John Care

Levee rambler blues
Low down blues
Monologue on Aaron Harris
Monologue on Aaron Harris,

Maiarne Papa Loos, Sheep-
eye, and Robert Charles
Monologue on Bad Sam and

Benny Frenchy
Monologue on beginnings of

Monologue on Bill Johnson,

early jazz bands, and band

Monologue on breaks and riff s

in jazz, on swing, and on hit

theories of jazz



New Orleans (cont.)

Monologue on early blues

and Buddy Bolden
Monologue on Game Kid and

Buddy Carter
Monologue on his ancestry,

early life and first

music lessons
Monologue on his early

Monologue on his travels
Monologue on Jelly Roil

Blues and the origin of

his nickname
Monologue on New Orleans

clubs, parades and fights
Monologue on New Orleans

death customs and food
Monologue on New Orleans

funeral customs and be-
ginnings of jazz
Monologue on New Orleans

honky-tonks (2)
Monologue on origins of jazz

anil styles of playing
Monologue on saloons and

piano players of Beale


Monologue on St. Louis


Street, Memphis


Monologue on the Georgia

skin game
Mr. Banjo (2.)
New Orleans street bands
Possum up a gum stump
Red ball

Robert Charles' story
Sally Ann

Sammy Davis ' ragtime style
Scissors grinder song
Ten thousand miles from

Tony is a Dago
Until I reach my home
You can have it, I don't

want it




Bill Billy (2)

Come out the wilderness

Death-bed prayer hymn


-61 -




New Roads (cont.)
Drinking medley
Easter Sunday
Giles Baker
Hot taraales

Let us sing about heaven
Little Indians
Little Robert Lee
My old grandma
My soul is gone away
Old black crow in the

hickory nut tree
Old black crow in the

hickory tree
Raise a ruckus
Soldier goes to war, A

Oil City

Cleveland campaign song

I done tole you


Jerry's saloon blues

Just pickin'

Low down worry blues

Mr . Crump don ' t ' low

it here
Oil City blues
Settin' here thinking
What she ate
When the sun goes down

Shrevepo rt

A-natural blues
Alabama bound
Alberta blues
All around the maypole
All out and down
Ain' goin' down to de

well no mo T
Ain' goin' drink no mo'
Angola blues (3)
Baton Rouge rag
Becky Dean

Billy in the lowland (2)
Billy the weaver
Blind Lemon blues (2)
Blues I got make a nev/born

baby cry
Boll weevil (2)
Boll weevil blues


Shreveport (cont.)
Bourgeois blues, The
Bring me a li'l water, Silvy
Bully o' the town
C. C. rider
Careless love
Dance calls
De Kalb blues (2)
Dear old daddy
Death letter blues (2)
Don ' t you love me mo mo ' ?
East Texas blues
Easy, Mister Tom
Ella Speed (3)

Fc' day worry blues
Fort Worth and Dallas blues
Frankie and Albert 05)
Git on board
Go down, old Hannah
Got a gal in town 'with her

mouth chuck full of gold
Got up In the morning so

doggone soon
Governor 0. K. Allen (2)
Governor Pat Neff
Gray goose, The
Graen corn
Gwine dig a hole
Gwine dig a hole to put the

devil in
Ha, ha, this-a-way (3)
Hello, central
Henry Ford blues
Hesitation blues
Hindenburg disaster, The (2)

Honey, take a whiff on me
I ain' gonna ring dem yallow

women's do' bells
I got up this morning, had

to get up so soon
I lost my handkerchief

I walked her and I talked her
If it wasn't for Dicky
I'm all out and down (2)
I ' m sorry, mama
In dem long hot summer days






Shrevepo rt ( cont . )
Irene (3)

It's a. sin to tell a lie
Jawbone walk
John Henry (2)
Julie Ann Johnson (6)
Kid West blues
Last night in the evening
Leaving on the morning

train blues
Little John Henry
Look here, baby, one thing I

got to say
Lover in the lone green

Maid freed from the gallows,

Mama, did you bring me any

Mary, don't you weep
Matchbox blues (2)
Medicine man, The
Midnight special (?.)
Miss Sue from Alabama
Monkey men

Mr. Tom Hughes' town
My daughter is too young
My true love
New York city
Newsboys' call
Newboys' street, cries
Nobody knows the 1 trouble

I've seen
Nobody's business if I do
Noted rider blues
Old hen cackled and rooster

laid an egg
Old man settin' in the

corner dyin'
Old rattler
Old time religion
One dollar bill, baby
Out East blues
Outshine the sun
Pick a bale o' cotton
Po ' Howard
Queen Mary

Raccoon up the .'simmon tree
Railroad rag (2)


Shreveport (cont.)

Red Cross sto'


Salty dog

Scottsboro boys

Something, something keeps

a worryin' me
Send down your hand (2)
Shorty George
Shreveport jail, The (2)
Sometimes I get a thinkin'
Take a whiff on me (2)
Thirty days in the workhouse
This morning
Tight like that
Titanic, The
Turn ;/o ] radio on






over in the promised


Western cowboy (3)
that's you goin' to do with

your long, tail daddy?
Where de sun done gone
Which way to the Rod river

Whoa, back, Buck
You cain' lose-a me,

Cholly (3)
You don ' t know my mind.

Follow me
Go around town
Johnny, are you ready?
Miss Sue from Alabama
When the wind begins to




Boll weevil (2)

Born by a prickley. pear

Bread and wine (2)

Come on, straighten me out

Dot: ' t tear my clothes

Like a winter love the

Like a -/inter needs the

Married women bluas
Monologue on a lion


- 63 -


Yiflnni iclcl ( cont . )

Monologue on early life
My papa lef ' me
Nothing in the jungle

any badcler'n me (2)
Strange fly from Cubal
Watermelon growin' on

sweet pertater vine
When I get big
When I get big how I'm

going sing
Vfrien I was crawlin' en

the floor



Crying Holy to the Lord
Lord, Lord , He sho Ls good

to me
There ' s a man going round

taking names

C hevy Chas e
Careless love

Cotton-eyed Joe
Crows in. the garden
Gray goose, The
Make it on the side of the

road (2)
Young girl blues




- 65 -





Last night I took a walk
Thirty-first level blues


American schottische
Over the wave
Traveling boy, The


Down in the lone green valley
Raffle for a stove, The
Twenty-four sailors, The


Dying ranger, The
Jim Fiske


Boogie woogie
Brother low-down and sister

Cotton farmer blues
God gonna fix them when He

Highway 51
Highway 61 blues
I got Jesus in my mind
I'm in the highway, man
Jesus comin' back again
Jesus is mine (2)
John Henry
Lily Mae U)
Oh Mary, don't you weep
She's a double-crossing

woman (2)
Talk on

This old world's in a tangle
What more can He do?
You got to move


Babe, I know you didn't want

me for yo' se'f
I ain't goin' this dark road

by myself
I got a wife , she ' s in the bed


Grand ville

Devil's dream, The
French polka
Old mother Flanagan
Rocky road to Dublin, The
Scotch tune, A


Weaver's dance, The


Brennan on the moor
John Hopper's hill
Lumberjack's alphabet, The
Macs and O's, The
Willy Reilly

Iro nwood

Fire engine, The
Paul Bunyan stories

Marine sco

Fred Blackburn
I had an old team
Swamper's revenge on the
hemlock knot, The

Mt. Pleasant


Banks of the Little Eau
Plaine, The

Bud lake plains

Come all you jolly shanty-

Coon hunters, The

Derby ram, The

Jam on Gerry's rocks, The

Johnny Carleses' lumber

Major and the weaver, The

Monologue on lumber camps
and lumberjack ballads

Old gentleman from Brighton,

Paul Banyan's story

Roving lumberjack, The

Wife of Kelso, The

Wild rovier, The







Black sheep, The

Bonny Scotland

D^rby ram, The

Jack Haggerty

Jack Morrisey

Little bro\vn bulls, The

One night I came home to my

Raving shantyboy, The
Stowaway, The
Wild colonial boy, The


And I learned about working

from him
Barbara Allen
Big state fair, The
Buffalo girls
Chieftain's daughter, The
Come all you young companions
Dangerous Dan McGrew
Furnace song
Harry Dunn

Hell bound train, The
Home on the range
I am a true-born Irish lad
I bane a swede from North

In 1805
It's not always the bullets

that kill
Jack end Tom
Johnny Stiles
Jolly good fellow
Light evening dew, The
Marching through Georgia
Married me a wife in the

middle of June
Mr. Donderbeck's sausage

My love is like a losenger
My wild Irish nose
Piece of baloney, The
Signboard, The
Silver Jack

Tramp, tramp, tramp (2)
True Paddy's song


Newberry ( cont . )

We ' d rather be a couple of

bums (2)
Wedding bells, The


I been a Swede from North

Kate O'Mory
Little Johnnie Grey
Little Mohea, The
Lost Jimmie Whalen, The
Minneapolis Tribune, The
My dad's dinner pail
Peerless, The

She's more to be pitied than

Port Huro n
Bigler, The
Biglor's crew, The (2)
Blind beggar's daughter, The
Dog and the gun, The
Hi barbaree
Indian lass, The
Julia La Plante
Lady Leroy
Old Mort line, The
Oliver Cromwell, The (3)
On the Grand River (2.)
Red iron ore
Sailor's alphabet
Sally Riley-o
Schooner Hume
Schooner Moonlight
Scrubber Murphy
Shantyman's life
Shores of Lake Michigan, The
Three miles and a hell of a

Wabash cannonball, The
Ward lakes
Wexford girl

Round Lake

Big white house in Larktown
In New York city, where I
did dwell


- 67 -




Round Lake (cont.)

Nelly going to the wake
Root, hog, or die

St. Igns.ce

Battle of Shiloh, The

Bigler, The

Blue velvet band, The


Fifer boy, The

Flying Cloud, The

Greenland whale fishery, The

Jam on Gerry's rocks, The

Milwaukee fire, The

Monologue on boats

Murder of Marian Parker, The

Poor Jack, he come on shore

Red iron ore, The

Sweet sunny South

Young Edwin

St. James, Beaver islan d
Andy Rowe

Banks of Claudie, The;
Beaver brig, The
Beaver island bootleggers,

Black tar on the stick
Bobolink, The
Bold Princess royal, The
Bold trooper, The
Bonny bunch of roses, The
Bonny highland soldier, The
Bonny Irish boy, The
Brennan on the moor
Callahan' s reel
Carey and O'Donnell
Caroline of Edinborough

Christmas eve
Clifton's crew, The
Cole Younger

Constant farmer's son, The
County Tyrone, The
Dear old Ireland
Devil's dream, The
Don't judge a man by the

clothes that he wears
Down in the Sally gardens


St. James, B eaver is land ( cont . )
Drunkard's dream, The
Drunkard ' s lament , The
Fair Ellen
Fatal wedding, The
First day of April, The
Flying Cloud, The
Frog went a courting, The
Gallagher boys, The (4-)
Gallant brigantine, The
Gone again, too-ri-addy
Green valley, The
Harry Bale
Henery and Mary Ann
Henry Connors
James Bird
Jessie Monroe
Lakes of Colfaine, The
Lament of the Irish immigrant,

Last fierce charge, The
Lowlands, The
Maid in love, The
Middlesex Flora, The
My dear Irish boy
My parents lived in Gonna ught,

they were of high degree
Old mountain dew, The
Old oak tree, The
One- legged Indian, The
Peddler, The
Persian's c r ew , The
Pride of Glencoe, The
Protestant cow, The
Protestant minister, The
Rich merchant, The
Rich merchant's daughter, The
River side, The
Robin Thompson's daughter
Rousy Maggie
Sailor boy, The
Sally Monroe (3)
Sentence to death
Silvery tide, The

Smugglers of Buffalo, The
Storm, The
Stowaway, The
Sweet Raquale


- 68 -


St. James, Beaver island ( c out . )
Temple house, The
Tibaud song, The.
Tommy Boyle

True lover's discussion, The
Up and down the broom
Waterford boys, The
Wexford girl, The
Yftien first I went to sea
White Holland hankerchief,

Wild Amerikay, The
Willy Trainer
Wreck of the Merold, The
Yankee Brown

St. Louis


Lake of Poncytrain, The
Leather breeches
Little Brown bulls, The
Once more a lumbering go
Paul Bunyar; stories
Wild Mustard river, The

Traverse City

Davy Crockett

Falling of the pin K , The (2)

Farmer's son and the shanty-
boy, The

Gold mine in the sky, The

I ' m a rover

Jack Donahue

Jam on Gerry's rocks, The

Little brown bulls, The

Long Barney

Michigan fire, The


Once more a lumbering go

Pride of Glencoe, The

Susanside side, The

When I first came to Traverse


- 69 -



Marin on St. Croix

Carvers of the hour, The
Wake up


- 70 -





Gentleman from Spain, A

Go to sleepy

Hey lo-gan to show

I ' m wandering o ' er the

Miss Betty's dead
Miss Suo

Oh John, the rabbit

Sail the boat
Sail the hoot
Walk about Annie-

Barbara Allen

Bury me not on the .lone

Bury me out on the prairie

Coconut grove, The
Coffee grows on white oak

Common Bill
Cowboy' s dream
Derby ram, The
Dying Californian
Dying cowboy
Here Rattler, here
Hog drovers
Homespun dress
Jealous lover, The
Jolly cowboy
Jolly miller
King William
Lady Maggie
Needle's eye
Ola blue

Poor little kitty foot
Pretty Polly
Pretty Saro
Rally, boys, rally
Shoot the buffalo
Skip to my Lou
State of Arkansas
True lover's farewell


Banner (cont.)

Two little sisters

We ' re marching round the

fcuth's companion

B randon

Aaarn had seven sons (2)
All around, the maypole
All the way round the shoe

All them biscuits
Angels watching over me
Chew your rock candy

Draw a bucket of water
Eve and Adam
Evo ry bo dy happy
Go in and out the window
Go to sleepy
Green gravel
Here comes one gentleman

from Spain (2)
H'ist your window way

How many miles to Benjamin

I lost my handkerchief
I sing a little song about

a little tree
Little Rosa Lee (2)
Little Sally Walker
Loop do loop
Lucy rabbit
Moarrin ' song
Must have that pure

My mammy bold me
Oh here sits a monkey in

the chair, chair, chair
Old lady sittin 1 in the din-
ing room
Papa go in 1 to town, zigsag
Pull-in' the ship
Rabbit in garden
Ring around the Moses
Rubber doily
Sail the hooticat
Shoo- 'rerun 1
-Sissy in the barn


- 71 -


Brandon (cont.) B yhalia (cent.)

Well, I'll do what the Green grass growin' all

spirit say do around

We're goin' around the I believe I'm gonna shake His

mountain righteous hand

We're goin' 'round the I love the Lord, He heard my

mountain cry

If I got my ticket

Burn svi lie My mother she's waiting for

All around this ring so me

straight Old Uncle Rabbit

Brown girl, The Satisfy

Charlie Sea lion

Coffee grows on white oak Send me

trees Shake my mother's hand

Cuckoo is a May bird Sierra love song

Devil song, The Use me, Lord

Drowsy sleeper Wait in the rising sun

Fish story 5 A. You bound to look like a

Fly in the buttermilk monkey when you get old
For I love you and. you

can't help it Canton

Four in the middle Casey Jones
Coin' to Boston

Good morning, Mister Devil Cock rura

Had a little fight in Mexico All of my sins been taken away

Hard times, girls Come down, angel, and trouble

Hog drovers my soul

I love little Willie Couldn't hoar nobody pray

John Hardy Father Abraham

King William God is worried with your

Lend her up long as you love wicked ways

her I ,"]ust can't feel at home in

London bridge is a burning this v;orld any more

down I was a wandering sheep

Marching around the levee I'll be there in the mornin'

Miller boy I'm a pilgrim and a stranger

Oh blue I in this land

Pearl Bryan I'm so glad I done come out

Rise you up, ray true love of Egypt land

Roving up the row'ser I've been toiling at the hill

Shoot the buffalo so long

Sweet Willie . Let y >ur light shine

Young Johnny Lord, have mercy when I come

to die

Byhalia Oh Lord, done what You told

Amazing grace me to d.o

Belgian Congo song Oh run and. tell sister Mary

Call that possum Somebody knoekin' at yo'

God holds the key door






Cockrum ( c ont , . )

Till the day is done
Turn the key of Bethlehem
Wrasslin' Jacob


Bird in the cage

Chariot jubilee

Charley, he's a nice young

Come, jingle at the window
Cotton-eyed Joe
Engine, engine, No. Nine
Coin' over the mountain,

two by two
Hey, pretty one
Hundred an' eighty-five, a

hundred an' ten, A
I want to go where Jesus is
Jes' a pullin' a skiff
Keep yo ] hand on the throttl
Last night an' the night

Little girl, little girl
Mary Mack
M&zoo from Alabam'
Nigger boy in de woodpile
Oh John the rabbit, oh yes
Oh Lordy, won't you come by

Old lady goose
Old ship of Zion ■
Old speckled lady, way over-
Prettiest little girl in

the county-o
Rock candy-
Sally Good in

Shortenin' bread
Such a gittin' upstairs
Swing little Cora Lee
Two bottles .water, two

bottles soap
Went into garden
Wont to the barn
When my name is called, in

glory, I'll be there



Babe, I know you didn't

want mo for yo' se'f
Calls, meal time
I ain't goin' this dark road

by myself
I got a wife, she's in the bed
I got up this mornin'
I know I am a child of God
I w isn't I had a mother here
I'm a good speculator
I'm leavin', I'm leavin'
Lost my handkerchief
Miss Jinny' s gone to drink

Miss Sue from Alabama
Oh the sun goin' down and I

won ' t be here long
Oh the sun's goin' down
Pullin ' the skiff
Quittin' time song
Quitting time songs and yells
Rabbit, rabbit
Sally go 'round the sunshine
Sea lion
Sister Nettie in the garden


Charcoal frosty morning
Come out the wilderness
Don't you grieve after me
Hammer that killed John

He that believeth
I ' ve been redeemed
Jesus, the Man I want to

Keep your lamps trimmed and

Kingdom, Lord
One morning soon
Ride on, Jesus
Stay in the field
Working on the railroad

G reenvill e

Ain't gonna count but one

more time






Greenville ( cent . )
Alice Palace

Beefsteak, beefsteak barbe-
Big boat up the river
Cherry, cherry In my basket
Early, early in the spring
Farewell, dear friends
God made a ' gator
Golden willow tree, The
Green town lady
Heaving the lead line
Heel, toe, cross it over (2)
Hello, Bill
Here come three little

gentlemen from Springtown
Hig a ma jig and away we go
Hot tamales
I asked my captain what time

of day
I met Brother Rabbit
I went in the henhouse
Jack, Jack
Johnny en the ocean
Jump po' rabbit
Last night and the night

Little boy who sewed your

Lordy, captain, captain,

better watch your Tien
Mississippi sounding calls
O.T.P. and the Morgan
One, two, three s a-leary
One year, twenty-four years

Piggly Wiggly blues
Rainbow song
Ratty, ratty section
Roustabout raising song (3)
Walking on the green grass
Way down yonder in Yanktiyank
When I was the age of one
Why sing?

You fool the captain
Young girl, when you marry

Gulf port

Black-eyed Susie
Cripple creek


Gulf port ( o on t . )
Cross-eyed gopher
Goin' on down town
Humpbacked mule
Lisa Jane
Miss Cindy
Oh my little darling
Old Dan Tucker
Old Joe Clark
Roll on the ground, boys
Rove, Riley, rove
Run, nigger, run
Sally Goodin
Shake your little foot,

Sally Ann
Uncle Bud
Want a little water,

Who will shoe your pretty

little feet?


Arkansas traveler, The

Bear oroek' s up

Black-eyed Susie

Chicken pie


Devil ' s dream

Downfall of Paris

Drunkard's hiccups

Eighth of January

Give the fiddler a dram

Gray eagle

Groat Titanic, The

Grub springs

How old are you, my pretty

little Miss?
Miss Sally at the party
Oh yes, mammy, look at Sam
Old Molly Hare
Pass around the bottle
Rabbit in the pea patch big 'taters in sandy land
Run, nigger, run
Sally Gooain
Soldier's joy
Texas bell

Walkin' In the parlor
Wolves a howlin'


1U -




Holly Springs
Burden down
Free at last
Lara, have mercy when I come

to die
One mornin 1 Eve and Adam

broke the lav*'



Annie Girl

Butcher's boy

False vow

Julie and Willie

Oxford girl

Springfield mountain

Will Ray

Youth's companion




Arkansas traveler, The

Backwater blues

Baldin, or, Long-eared mule

Barbara Allen (2)

Billy in the low ground


Black-eyed Susie

Bonyparte's retreat

Brown-eyed Mary

Buffalo gals



Devilish Mary

Down yonder

Dusty miller

Eighth of January

Farewell, whisky

Froggy went a courtin'

Give the fiddler a dram

Goin' up to Hamburg

Golden dagger

Grub springs

Gypsy song, 'The

Jinny crack corn

Joltin' up and down the old

brass wagon
Leather breochers
Little Danville girl, The


luka (cont.)

Not a gonna have no supper

here tonight
Nuts in May
Old Miss Sally
Fapaw patch
Pretty little gal all 'round

to vim
Pretty Saro
Rabbit on the log
Rats in the meal barrow
Sally Goodin
Scott number two
Soldier' s joy
Sourwcod mountain
Sweet, potaters
Sweet sorrow
Tishomingo county blues
Tom and Jerry
•Tupelo destruction
Turn the glasses over
Up the road fur as I can see
We weave the wadmal
Mien I was a little baby
Wolves a howlin'


As. we go merrily on
Go to sleepy

Go to sleepy, mother's baby
Learning her letters'
Lost ay handkerchief
Oh Logan, come ashore
. Roc.kabye . baby (2")
Run , nig go r , run
We'll understand it better
Why does the midwife?


Barbry Allen

Bones, Dese

Buck dancin' Charley

Bye you baby Bunting

Charlie, he's a fine young

Chicken in the bread tray


- 'O




Magee (cont.)

Coffee grows on white

oak trees
Cornfield holler
Disobedient son

Eighth of January
Elfin knight, The (2)
Father, build me a boat
Glove all bordered with gold
Green bed, The
Henry Holmes' holler (2)
House carpenter
Jack Monroe
Janie , wind the bail
Jingle at the window
John Patrick
Jolly cowboy
Lady Isabel and the elf

Little do you good people

Little pig
Little Sally Walker
Lone prairie, The
Lord Thomas
Lost John
Meet rne, my Lena
Merry golden tree, The
Muffing man
Old blue sow
Old field rabbit
Old hound dog
Old man and the old womr>n,

Once I had a little girl, I

loved her as my life
Paddy went out, to hoe his

Pe fa .rl Brown
Pig and the devil's eye,

Po' little Mary sottin' in

the corner?
Possum and the raccoon
Rattan' section
Rattlesnake song '
Rise you up, my true love
Ro c ka bye , baby
Rooster and the preacher


Magep ■ (coat. )
Saw a sow
Shout for joy

Six long years I was fight-
ing for my King
Sweet William
Them dark clouds is risin'
Three little babes
T?*'o sisters, The
Went up on the mountain (2)
When the boys goes a courtin'
Where 'u you get yv)ur whisky?
Young farmer


Amazing grace

Arkansas traveler

Big-foot nigger in a sandy lot

bill Chatham

Bound for Canaan

Bragg' s retreat


Chippy, get your hair cut

Christmas time in the

Cindy Jane

Circus piece

Cold, frosty morning

Cornstalk fiddle and shoe-
string bow

Devil ' s dream

Eighth of January

Farewell, Mary Ann

Fisher' s hornpipe

Goin' to the wed din'

Great big jam pertatsrs


Haste to the wedding

Hell after the yearlings

Hog eye

I want to go to me e tin' and
got no shoes

Indian eat the woodpecker

Indian war whoop


J ok,.; on the puppet, The

Leather breeches (2)


Little boy went a courtin'

Liza Jane (2)


- to




M eridian ( cont . )

Mississippi sawyer (2)

Monologue on life as a fiddler

Murillo's lesson

Oh will you wear red?

01g Molly Hare

Pound cake and sugar

Puncheon floor

Purtiest gal in the country

Railroad Bill

Rake ' s hornpipe

Run, nigger, run

Rye straw


Soldier's joy

Stony point

Texas wagon

Throwin' soapseeds in the

corner of the fence
Tom and Jerry
Traveling pilgrim


Baptizing song


Choose ray seat and set down

Country girl blues

Everytime I feel that spirit

Farrnin' man blues

Going on up the shiny way

Guitar tuning

Guitar-picking song

High lonesome hill

I done got over

I was standing at the bedside

If I'm faithful to my Savior

I'm go in' tell my Lord

Jesus' love just bubbles
over in my heart

line in this song, I'll free-
ly call

Let us march down to Jordan

Let your light shine

Little David, play on your

Lonesome highway blues

Lord, my hidin' place

Mississippi river blues

M jurnin'

Nobody' s business


Natchez (cent.)

Old sheep, you know the way
Packin' up and gittin' ready

to go

Roll, Jordan, roll
Rubber ball blues
Santa Field (Fe) blues
Settin' in the kingdom

Sto' gallery blues
Ten thousand blessin.'s in

His hand to satisfy the

There ' s a mansion over yonder
Time is gittin' hard
Train blues
Yonder comes Lord Jesus





Great God a' mighty
I've been 'buked and

been sc 3rned
John Henry

1+cnrV "I n ( *l

OX«ev» uo.J_J_ \<~ }

Tie shufflinr chant



Bachelor bold and young-
Paper of pins
Roily True] urn
Seventeen next Sunday
Young Johnny Green
Youth' s companion

P archtaan

Ain't that Berta?

Alabama bound (2)

All I need

All I want

All night long

Always take mother's advice

And he never said a mumblin'

Bad man balled
Be ready. when He comes
Be so glad when the sun go



77 -




Parchman (cont.)

Better come take me home
Big-log Rosie {U)
Big Mac from Macamere
Birmingham jail
Black eagle blues
Black gal
Brady, Brady-
Calling trains
Can't pick cotton, can't

plow corn
Captain George
Captain George got the

Cone here together
Danger ms blues
Dang'ous blues, Do
Dem long summer days
Diamond Joe (3)
Didn't you hear about the

waterboy getting drowned?
Dollar Mamie
Down the lonesome road
Drink my morning tea
Dying bed maker, The
Early in the mornin' (2)
East Colorado
Eaton clan
Every mail day
Every one got to reap what

you sow
Everybody's down on me
Field hollers (2)
Freight train
French blues
G^ 'way devil, leave me

Going on up the shiny way-
Golden circle around the

Got a woman up the bayou
Got his eyes on you
Got no traveling shoes
Gulf is a long railroad, The
Hand me down the silver

Have you ever been to

Hear de lamb a bleating,

'way round the mountain


Parchma n ( c on t . )

High-rollin sergeant

Hocking cow blues


Howling wolf blues

Hush your mouth

I boon workin' for Mister

Ch r rley
I don't mind the weather if

the wind don't blow
I don ' t want another woman

like Mary Sinclair
I got a man in New Orleans
I got a man on the wheeler
I heard a mighty rumblin'
I jes' stand, wring ray

hands, and I cry
I shall not be moved
I was workin' on the levee,

a sleepin' on de ground
I will be so glad when I

get home
I won't be uneasy 'bout my

dyin '
If dyin' was all
If she don't come on do big

If there's anybody here

wants to buy some cabbage?
If you white folks want to

learn plant poker
I'll pack my suitcase
I ' ra a pilgrim and a stranger
I'm a stranger
I'm gain' to wear that long

white robe
I'm goin' wake up in the

mornin '
I'm. troubled (2)
I'm troubled, Lord
I'm working my way back home
In the byo ' n' bye
It maker a long time man feel

It's a leak. in this old build-
it's better to be born lucky
Jesus hold my hand
John baptise me
John Henry (6)
Just a few days longer






Parehman ( cent . )

Last month of the year,

Load me to the rock
Loft-seated driver
Lot your bangs roll down
Levee camp holler (3)
Lighthouse blues
Lining track
Little baby Franklin
Little Billy Marie
Lord, have mercy when I

eorae to die
Lord, I'm in trouble
Lost John
Make the devil leave mo

Makes a long time man fool

bad (2)
Midnight special, The (2)
Milk cow blues (2)
Mobile bay (2)
My baby sister keeps on a

writin '
Nashville blues
No mo' freedom (2)
N ) more trouble
Noah built the ark
Oh come here, dog, 'and. get

your bone
Oh David
Oh I ain't got much longer

to be worried down here
Oh Lawd, gal, I got, a

lifetime sentence
Oh Lawd, I was setting on

my Western wagon
Oh Mr. Dooley, don't 'rest

Oh now Lord, don't You leave

Oh you can slip yo' collar
Old apple tree in the

Old bad Lazarus
One mornin' at the break

of day
Outshine do sun
Penitentiary blues


p£ rchman ( c ont . )
Po' boy
Po' girl long ways from

Po' Laz'us (3)

Prison rider blues

Pullin' the skiff
Rabbit on a log
Rabbit on the log
Railroad man
Red river blues
Ricketiest superintendent
Rosie (6)
Roxie (3)
Sal, Gal, through with the

Johnson gal
Sermon. (2)
Shake ' era on down
Shepherd, Shepherd, where

did you leave Your lamb?
She ' s gonna write him
Sick ' om dogs on
Sis Joe

So soon I ' II be at home
Some folks say the devil
Sometimes it cause me to

Stewball (6)
Susie gal
T for Texas
Thank you, Master
There never was woman could

roll a. hundred years
There was a man
They have taken ray Lord away
This train
To be sho 1
Track-lining holler
Trouble in my home
Uh, uh

Walkin' boss
Wa.terw >rks in Georgia
Way high up

What's it to me, mamma?
When I lay my burden down
When it rains five days
When you look 'way cr >ss that

1 mesomo stream


79 -




Parchman ( cont . )

V.'here have you bo en,

John Billy?
Where my coat used to be
Workhouse blues
Written diwn
Ion' c >mcs de sargent
¥eu don't seem to care
Y.ju got y iur pistol
You're gonna need my help

some day

Piney Wood s

Gottin 1 late in the evenin'
I been ' buked and I been

I don't know but b'lieve I

Knock alone, Brother Rabbit
Listen, let me tell you
Mary Mack dressed in black
Oh 3r'r Rabbit, shake it
Qld cold 'titers
Steal hor, golden boy
This world is no place for

Toll the boll
Way down yonder in the

Simpson ridge


Alabama wait?:

Big-eyed rabbit

Drunkard's hiccups

Fisher' s hornpipe

Hard road to Texas

Jones county

Little Willie

My little pony

My old dog's trailin 1 up a

Rock candy


All hid?

Been to the barn
Chickasaw Indian
Come, butter, come


Rome (cont.)

Got to bundle up and go

In God' s chariot

Joe Turner

Keep yo' lamp a trimmed and

a burnin'
Little red box
Monologue on plantation

Oar song

Old grampus is dead
P Ian ta t i on u o an s


Tom" s ±o




ve call to Lena


Abraham Lincoln


Barbry Allen

Boatman, The

Brown girl, The

Careless love

Charlie Guiteo.u

C )f.f ee grows on white oak

Comely youth, The
Farmer , The
Fight in Mexico, The
Frog wont a courtin'
George Collum
flora we go in a ring so

Hog drovers
Hog eye

Irish girl, The
Jesse James
Johnny Doyle
J udgment , The
King William

Ring's seven da\ighters, Tb=
Little brown dog
Little family, The
London bridge
Lord Level
Lost child, The
Marching around the lily
Mary Blain
i-1 o bu c ha d r e z a .a r
No, sir I
N.tes on the staff, The


Oj —




Saltillo (corit.)

Old blind drunk John

Old man that lived in the

West, The
Old Mexico
Old ; Morgan
Old Napper
Old Pharoah
Pretty Jimmy
Pretty Polly Perkins
Rich lady from London, The
Sailor and the soldier, The
Silver dagger
Snail, snail
Sweet William
Temperance ball
Texas ranger
Three little babes
Under the juniper tree
Wagoner boy, The
Weevily wheat
Young oysterrnan, The

Tishoming o
Blue eyes
Boys and girls
Brave Tennessee boys -
Calling family, cows, and

Camelite, The
Charlie, he's a nice young

Coconut grove, The
Coffee grows on white oak

Common Bill

Father, go dig me a boat
Four in a ring and you can ' t

jump, Josie
Girl I left behind
Girl I left behind me, The
Go to Boston

Had a little fight in Mexico (2)
Hog drovers (2)
House carpenter
I wish I was a single girl'
Jack, the sailor


Ti shomingo ( c ont • )

King William's son
London bridge is burning

Lonesome dove, The
My blue-eyed baby
My true love I want to marry
Old Father Grumble
Oxford girl, The
Pretty little pink
Prisoner at the bar, The
Rambling boy
Sail around the ocean
Shoot the buffalo
Snowf lakes new are falling
When I came to this country

a stranger
When I was a bachelor
^fhen I was a yeung girl
William and Molly
William Kail
Wrecked and rambling boy,



Call him, Rachel, call him
Calling chickens and dogs
Calling cows
Calling her husband
Careless love
Down in the Arkansas
Greon-a, green-a, crab apple
Green-a tree, rocky road
Here, Rang, here
How many miles to Bethlehem?
I ' n gonna bring you glad news
I'm runnin' over the river
Jesus met a woman at the well
Little, Sally Walker (2)
Mis' lady, Mis' lady
My old wagon's on the road
Pretty little pink
Punch a-never little fellow
Rabbit, rabbit-
Red leaf, yellow leaf
Sally go 'round the moonlight
Steal Miss Liza
Suko Brindy


- 81 -



Tupelo (cent.)

Tupelo destruction

United States needs prayer

everywhere, The
Walkin' on the green grass


Amazing grace

Barbara Allen (2)

Coffee grows on white oak

Higher up on the cherry tree
King William was King

James' son
Lord Daniel's horn
Marching round the green

Old grampus is dead
Sugar lump

There sits a young lady
Weevily wheat

When I woke up this morning


Vicksbur g ( c ont . )

Oh I'm gwine up the bayou
Oh man , oh man , y ; u

better pray
Oh pick, I drive you
Oh the darkes' night I

ever seen
Oh where were you in

nineteen and fo'?
Old lady, shout, shout
Prison bound

River song

Rouse-the-roustabouts song
Shortejain ' bread
We're walking on the green

Year of jubilee
You shall be free



Ah, my good gal gone

Casey Jones

Eh, Louise, gal, do you ever

think of me?
Everybody ready but the lazy

Get up in the mornin' so

Good woman is hard to find, A
Here, Ring, sio ' im
How long, how long, haw long?
I believe I'll catch the

morning train
I believe I ' 11 go
I believe I'll go, I don't

feel welcome here
Jane , Jane
Join the head, now
Little Sally Walker
Logan, come shq'
Lost my handkerchief
Mr. Rabbit
Oh I'm down here workin' for

my board and clothes


82 -





Going to roll the union on
In my heart

Join the union tonight
Landlord, what in the

heaven is the matter with

No more mourning
Planter and the sharecropper,

Raggedy, raggedy

Kansas City

Ethel Waters blues
Monologue on early life
Pork and beans
Snowy water blues
Stop it j, Joe

St. Louis
Bean song

Cloak-makers union
Dickman song
Down the street we hold our

Goin' t' lay down my sword

and shield
In the land of peace and

Nutpicker ' s song
Peace and freedom
Rockabye baby

We shall not be moved
Welfare supervisor's chant,

Worker ' s answer , The
You'll get pic in the sky

bye and bye


As I walked out one

Ballad of the Santa Fe
Barbara Alien (2)
Bingcn of the Rhine
Boston burglar. The
Buffalo gals
Bury me beneath the willow (.?.)


Springfield ( c on t . )
Butcher's boy, The (2)
Cacklin' hen
Chicken pie
Cluckin' hen
Cole Younger
Crooked song, The
Devil's dream reel
Drunkard ' s child , The
Eighth of January
Ella Ree
Fair Charlotte
Go tell McKJ.nley

Hoar the nightingales sing
Hell against the barn door
Home - on the range
House carpenter
Hurrah, hurrah for William

I courted a fair maid
I have a sister over yonder
I love you well (2)
I was forced on board to

serve my King
Jack Strafford
Jacket so blue
Jawbone song
Jealous lover, The
Joe Bowers

Just a little too small
King William
Lady Mary

Lake Ponchar train, The
Last fearful charge, The
Let ' or go
Lila Lee

Little old sod. shanty
Lolly tudum
MacDonald of Glencoe
Monologue on election

campaigning in Stone co. ,

Mo/, 1896
Mrs. Fogarty's Christmas

Narragansett bay
Old England's shores
Old Irish washwoman, The
Old Ned Moore






Springfield ( c on t . )
Old Sally Goodin
Old Shiloh
Old Tennessee
Old timer' s reel
Old wagoner
On Gloddie ' s bank::.
Parlor is a pleasant place
Peanut stand
Pompey smash
Pretty Polly (2)
Rally trudura
Rich squire, The
Risselty rosselty
Root, hog, or die (2)
Rye whisky
Sam Bess

Shoot the buffalo
Silver lion came tearing out

of the wilderness
Skip to my Leu
So I robbed old Nelse
Spelling from the old blue

back speller
Stone that goes rolling

will gather no moss, The (2)
Sweet Jane

There's a boat full of Irish
Thoughts from other times

Tom-tom, The
Tune the old cow died on,

Unconstant lover, The
Way up the lonely old Sal!;

Weeping willow, The
Wexford girl, The
Whistling Rufus
Whoa, mule, whoa
William Hall
Wind that sweeps o'er the

wild moor
Young Charlotte
Young Johnny


W illow Springs

Common Bill
Dumb wife, The
Frog went a courtin 1
Jack the sailor
John Riley's courtship
Little family, The
Loving Sallie Taylor
Old maid, The
On Fieldmount spring
Pretty ' Laura
Silk merchant's daughter
Seven long years did Sim

court the widow
Texas ranger, The
That pretty little squirrel
Thief of Tennessee, The
War is now raging, The
When I was single


- BU -



As I went a courting a

farmer ' s daughter
As I went walking in sad

Bold soldier, The
Bonny Muriley
Cuckoo is a fine bird, The
Drunkard's dream, The
Green mountain boys, The
I am a boatsman by trade,

Jack Williams is my name
I am a maid in love, sir
It's a poor sailor boy of

courage stout and bold
Jack bung yer eye
Joe. Bowers
Josie Langmade
Lowlands low, The
There was an old soldier

and lie had a wooden leg
We anchored by the roadside

Willy Brandon
Willy Taylor
Young Edward Bolus
Young Henery and Miss Ryatt


Come all ycu true born

Forest rangers, The
Lass of Mohee, Trie
Peter Emmerley
Pigeon on the gatepost


- 85 -

Glouceste r

As we went a "bobbing around

Banks of sweet Dundee , The

Brooklyn theatre; fire, The

Converted Indian maid, The

False lover, The

Frog and the mouse, The


House carpenter, The

Irish washerwoman, The

James Bird

Johnny Sands

Lady of York, The

Little pallet of straw, The

Little valley, The

Miss Wyatt, eighteen forty-

Mother Dicker

Mother, oh dear mother you

Oh the Irish ain't much

Old Indian, The

Orphan child, The

Poor Jim, the newsboy

Rock the baby, John

Rocking the baby to sleep

Shanghai rooster

Shoo fly, don't bother me

Sing song kitty, won't you

Some for the girl that
dresses neat

Tarry trousers

There ' s many a bachelor
born to wed

True paddy' s son, The

Mien I was a little boy

When I was young and in ray

Wife of Kelso, The

Will the weaver

Young Charlotte (?)


- 86 -


San Ildefonso

Devil in the Siry peaks,

Great grandad
Little old raid cabin down

in Tennessee


- 37 -




Now York


Ballad of John Catchings,

Barbara Allen

Barker ' s cry-
Be mad j stick mad

Beaux of Oak hill, The (2)

Benton song. The

Billy boy (2)

Blow the man down

Bluebells through my win-
dow (2)


Bluebird through my win-
dow (3)


Boston burglar, The

Brass buttons, blue coat (2)

Brian Bora's march

Brian ' Lynn

Buckle rabbit j shake it,
Sii'Ui-ce i u

Buffalo skinners, The

Can't you dance the polka?

Careless love

Casey Jones


Coal cry

Cod liver iie

Come all you coal miners

Come on, friends, and let's
go down

Crab pedaling song

Cry, baby, cry (6)

Dewitt goes to Walty

Die, pussy, die

Don Pedro, The. (2)

Bon ' t you toll pa

Drill, ye tarriers, drill

Emma and Edwin

Every day in the saddle

Fat, fat, the water rat

Fish and vegetable peddling

Fish cry (3)

Fish peddling song (6)


Fo' o'clock blues

Forsake not the way-
Forty dukes a riding (2)

Froggy went a wooing go


N ew York ( cunt . )

Fruit and vegetable cries (2)
Gettin' up holler
Girlie-show cry
Git along, little dogie
Give me back my job again
Go in and out my window,

Ma zoo
Go to sleep
Goober (2)

Got no more home than a dog
Greons cry

Handy, me boys, so handy
Hanging Johnny

Hard times in Coleman's mines
Hard times in Foxridge mines
Haul away, Joe (2)
Haul the bowline
Heave away, my Johnny-
Hebrew song
Henry, my son
Here stands a red rose
Hey cotton






Hey there, my partner

Ki-de-ho fish song

Hide-and-go-seek chants

Homeward bound

Honey baby, so sweet

How about you?

How long the train been gone? (2)

How Uncle VSilns was churned up

for the devil
Huckleberry hunting
I am a girl of constant sorrow
I am a little sailor boy (2)
I should worry, I should care
I walked all the way from. East

St. Louis
ieka bicker soda cricker
I'm a square

I'm go in' to organize, baby mine
I'm going back to Georgia (2)
I'm gonna keep on livin'
I'm ridin' to Kentucky
I'm Spanish

In the jam at Geary's rocks
Is it true that the women are

worse than the men? (2)
It's raining, it's pouring (2)
It's raining, it's snowing
Joe Turner






New York ( cont . )
John and William
John. Henry
John Henry was a very small

Johnny Booker
Johnny made a little hole
Johnny Randal
Johnny Randal, my son (2)
Johnny walk along to Hilo
Johnny's it, caught a fit'
Johnson boys
Johnstown flood s The
Jug of punch, The
Kevin Barry
Key lost (2)

King will take the Queen (2.)
Leave her, Johnny, leave her
Let's go fishin 1
Let's go to Italy (2)
Little Sally Saucer
Little Sally Water
London bridge

London bridge is falling down
Lone ranger, lone ranger
Long nose, wiggly tongue I
Long time ago (2)
Look for me for I'll be there
Lord Waterford is dead
Lost John (2)

Love bug, The
Lowlands , The
Mama don't want no peas, no

rieo, no coconut ile
Mamma, mamma, have you heard?
Mike Riley, who advertised for

a wife
Monkeys have no tails in

Zamboanga , The
Monologue: Fish-peddling cries
Monologues How Kingfish makes

up songs
Mountain dew, The
Mr. Cundiff
Mule on the mountain
My horses ain't hungry
My love is a rider
My mother
My mother, your mother had a fight


N ew York ( c ont . )
Newsboy ' s chant
Newspaper hawking cries
No more pencils, no more

books I
Noah, Jonah, and Captain

John Smith
Nobody loves me
Oh de Kate's up de river,

Stackerlee's in de ben'
Oh Mr. Brown
Oh we are the jolly corn-

Old Chisholm trail, The (2)
Old faithful alarm clock,

Old horse

Old lady in the dining room
Old mother Gray
Old mother witch (5)
Olius Brown
Oma Wise
On a mountain stands a

lady (2)
On the mountain
Once upon a time
One evening last November
One more trip, said, the

sleepy headed driver
Other night when I came

home , The
Our goodman
Outshine the sun
Over the ocean, over the sea
Paddy Doyle (2)


Paddy f


tt back

: daughter, The


Poor little turtledove (3)

Pork and beans

Rattlesnake (5)

Reuben Ranzo

Ridin' old paint

Ring around the roses

Ring around the rosy

Roll, Alabama, roll

Roil ' em

Roll the cotton down

Rolling home

Rose in the ring

Sally Brown


- 89




Hew York (cant.)
Santy Anna (3)
Shad song
' Shan Van Vocht
Shave and 3. haircut
Sissy in the bond.
Smarty going to a party
Song about recording for

Halpert and ■ Hatch
Song from west coast of

Song to kid the iceman
Sounding the lead on the

Ohio river
Sticks and stones (3)
Stormalong (2)
Street cries of Now York

Sweet patootie blues
Ten thousand, goddam cattle
That old feelin' .
There lived a. man in era"
There was two little bbya,

about four hours- long
There ' s ' a . lady by the riv-
er (2)
This is the way to Willowbt
This old hammer
Three crows
Three jolly old bums
Three, six, nine
Tommy ' s gone to Hilo
Trail to Mexico, The
Train , The

Walking up the green grass
Walter, Walter, wildf lower
Way down South where I was

Welcome the traveler home
What a wonderful thought
What shall: we do with a

drunken sailor?
Which side are you on?
Whisky Johnny
White slave, The ,
■ Who wants to be ray donkey?
Who's been doin* it?
Wolf, are you ready? (3)
Woodpecker. peckin'






New York ( c ont . )
Upon the mountain

R amapo

I'm a happy little joker
Sailor boys sees pleasure,

Two little schoolboys (2)



Bachelor ■ s hall

Billy Johnson from the war

department came
Bonny, bonny boy, The
Bonny Irish boy
Dan Camel in the shade of

Down by the greenwood side,,
House carpenter

Oyster girl, The
Ranzel, my song
Salisbury mills
Springfield mountain '.
Sweet Peggy Gordon
Tailor and the chest
Tree in the merry greenwoods
Young sailor lad •


9G -





ABC ' s and multiplication



Alice Moore .

Arkansas traveler

As I go out on Sunday

Awake, oh wake

Barbara Allen

Barney McCoy (2) .

Big serpent, The.'

Sill Ormond

Billy boy (?.)

Billy in the lowground

Black-eyed Susan

Black Jack Davie

Bonny blue eyes

Bonny George Campbell

Bonypar te ' s r e tr oa t



Bright laurel valley

Broken engagement

Bryan's last battle

Buffalo gals

Bury me deep

Butcher's boy, The

Bye, bye, my darling

Cacklin 1 hen (3)

Calling Sim

Can I sleep in your barn to-
night, mister?

Captain, captain

Captain with his whiskers (?.)

Careless love

Casey Jones

Cat cane back, The

Charles Guiteau

Charming Betsy

Chinese breakdown

Cindy (4)

Cluck old hen

Columbia (2)

Come in, said the barber



Court in' the widow

Cripple creek

Cumberland gap

Damage suit


Asheville ( c ont . )
Dance calls (2)
Darling Cora
Death of Queen Jane, The
Derby ram, The {?.')
Devil is defeated, The
Dewdrops are- falling on me.

Dishonest miller, The
Dr. Jones
Dogget ' s gap
Don't forget me, little

Down at widow- Johnson's
Down in the valley (2)
Down in Union county
Down the road
Down where the watermelon

Downfall of Paris, The
Drinking of the wine
Dry bones
Dummy line

Dying girl ' s message , ■ The
East-bound train, The

Eli Webb and John
Ella ' s grave
Ellen Smith
Essie dear
False wife, The
Farmer' s boy, The
Fate of Santa Barbara
Floyd Collins

Fly around, little red bird
Four little prisoners
Frankie (2)
Frankie Silvers
Free a little bird (2)
Free as a little bird
Froggy went s, courtin'
Gcorgie Buck
Girl at the gate, The
Go and leave me if you wish
.to (3) .
Go wash in that beautiful

" pool
Going o.cross the sea '
Going down 'the road feeling





Asheville ( c ont . )
Going downtown
Going to Italy
Goodbye, darling, I must

leave you
Green grow the laurels
Green ' s march
Ground hog

Hand me down my walking cane
Hangman ' s tree , The
Heaven bells
Heights of Alabama
Hell broke loose in Georgia
Hide Thou me
High top shoes
Honey baby, so sweet
Hulla -ma- gullum
Hunk-a -vrhunk
I am bound for the promised

I feel like helping some poor

I want to be an angel
I will arise
I wish I was a mole in the

I wish I was a single girl

I wish I were some little

If you can't dance Kitty Puss
I ! 11 be glad when you ' re

dead, you rascal, you
I'll remember you, love, in

my prayers
I ' m going away
I'm going back to Georgia
I ' m going to live anyhow

until I die
I ' m not gonna lay my religion

I ' m riding on that new river

In that morning
In the shadow of the pines
I ' se gwine back to Dixie
It's a long time talking

about the serving of the



Asheville ( cont . )
Jack and J oe
Jack o' diamonds
Jenny Line] (?.)
Jesse James
Jesus loves me
Jinnie Jenkins
John Collins
John Hardy (3)
John Henry (2)
John KIrby
Johnson boys
Jolly is the miller
Judge Henry
Kidder Cole (2)
Kind Miss
King William
Kitty Klide
Kitty Wells
Last gold dollar
Laurel lonesome
Lilla Wall
Little birdie
Little brown jug
Little David
Little Johnny Brown
Little logwood cabin. The
Little Margaret (2)
Little Marget
Little Mary Pagan
Little old log cabin in the

Little rosewood casket, The
Little turtle dove (2)
Little Willie
Liza Jane
Lone pilgrim, The
Lonesome dove

Lord Daniel ' s wife
Lord Lovel
Lord Thomas
Lost John
Maple on the hill
Martha Penix
Medley: Nancy Kolinj Sally

Ann; Cumberland Gap
Mermaid, The
Merrie Turkaiee
Merry golden tree





Asheville (cont.)
Methodist preacher
Mole in the ground
Mountain dew
Mr. Garfield (2)
Must I go bound?
My dear old innocent boy
My dearest friend, 'tis fare

you well
My eyes are dim
My home's across the Smoky

My little Bonnie ' s blue

eyes (2)
Nellie Gray
New found song, The
Newt's dream
No Ku Klux out tonight
No one to love me
Nolle Pros Nellie
Oh bury me not on the lone

Oh how I long to be there
Oh lawsa me

Oh Mary, don't you weep
Oh to me the time roils nigh
Old Faith

Old granny Rattletrap
Old gray mare. The
Old Jimmie Sutton
Old Joe Clark
Old man of the north country,

Old man who lived under the

hill, The
Old Ninety-Seven
Old Niper
Old Smoky
Old stepstone
Old time religion (2)
Old woman all dressed in

white , The
On a bright and sunny morning
On Roberts ' farm
On the banks of the Ohio
On the other side of Jordan
One day I was walking along
Orphan children have a hard



Asheville (cont.)

Paper of pins

Pearl Bryant

Picture that is turned to-
ward the wall, The

Poor Naomi Wise

Prettiest thing I ever done,

Pretty fair Miss

Pretty little pink

Pretty Mohee

Pretty Saro

Proud' Irish lady, The

Put my little shoos away

Rabbit a rabbit

Railroad Bill

Railroad flagman, The

Red apple juice

Roanoke river

Roaring river

Romish lady, The

Rosin the bow

Row us over the tide-

Ruint cobbler, The

Rye straw

Sally Ann

Sally Goodin

Sally Johnson

Scolding wife


She gave kisses one

Ship that is sailing high,
. The '

Ship that never returned,

Short life in trouble

Shortenin' bread (2)

Shout Lulie

Sifting sands

Snow bird

Some will come on Saturday

Song of the sea
Sourwood mountain (2)
Stai yai yuka tuma yea
Standing in the need of

Sunny Tennessee






Vsheville ( c on t , )

Swannanoa tunnel (2)

Tell my good Lord howdy
Ten steps

That blue-eyed girl
Them golden slippers
There are nine blue bottles

on the wall
There is balm in Gilead
They cut down that old pine

This train

Thompson ' s old gray mart?
Three brave men
Three little babe?, The
Three nights' experience, The
To the pines
Tom Dooley
Tucker ' s barn
Turkey buzzard (2)
Twelve apostles
Wagoner lad

Walking in the parlor (2)
War is now raging. The
Vile will try to catch the flea
Weeping willow tree, The
Well, said the blackbird
We're marching 'round the

When the first trumpet sounds
When we get to heaven
Who will be a witness?
Whole hog, The
Wild Bill Jones
Woman's tongue will never

take a rest, A
Wondrous love
Won't you spread the flocks

of flowers o'er my grave?
Ye winged Sarasong, bear the

Young man and maid


Blo wing Rock (cont.)

Go in' down the Mobile line
I went to go to Piney
Oh fly 'round, my pretty

little Miss
Old Bob Ridley
Old Joe Clark
Sherman's march
Sow and the pigs
Stay all night an' don't go



Barbara Allen

brother, are you ready?

Burglar man, The

Can't sit down (2)

Floyd Collins

Frankie and Johnny

Ground hog

Hiking Jerry

I am walkin' this lonesome

I don't let the girls

worry my mind
Jes ' look at the people
Jesus Christ
John was a writin'
Monday I was 'rested
Oh you miners, don't go to

Our goodman
Pick ' em up
Remember me
Sister, an' I do love the


Truly, truly, children
Where ray Lord went to pray
You ever been down?



y Lane
Black-eyed Susie
County jail
Old Joe Clark


Blowing Rock

Ace and deuce of diamonds


Careless love



Barbara Allen
Forsake)! lover
Frankie Baker


- 94




Grog snore ( c ont . .)

House carpenter, The
I gave my love a cherry
I love little Willie
On top of old Smoky
Paper of pins
Three nights' experience

Fox chase
Freight train, The
Lost John (2)
Meet me on the railroad and

bring me my shoes and

Now careless love
New Red river blues, The

Ebeneae r Ch urch

House carpenter. The (2)
Locks and bolts
Old Number Nino
Rosewood casket, The

Elk Park

As I went cut one morning

Black-eyed Susie-
Black Jack Davy
Boys, stay away from the girls

I say
Brown girl, The
Cindy (2)
Cripple creek
Cumberland gap
Dixon and Jackson
Down in the low green valley
Drummer boy. The
False Henry
George Collins (2)
Ground hog
Hold up your hand, old Joshua,

she cried
House carpenter,' The
I wish my woman was dead
In seaport town
In this ring the ladies fair
Jack the sailor boy


Elk Park (cont.)
Jim Blake
Jimmy Ransom
Lily Schull
Little Sadie
Old fool

Old lady and the devil
Omie Wise

On top of ,old Smoky
Paper of pins, The
' Rowan county crew
Shady valley
Skip to my Lou
Soldier, soldier
Soldier, soldier, won't you

marry me?
Sourwobd mountain (2)
Sweet Willie
Tom Dooley
Tomorrow is Sunday
Willy weaver
loung farmer

Elo n College

As I went out one morning

in May
Babes in the wood
Barbara. Allen
Bible is the engineer, The
Billy boy
Boy's best friend is his

mother, A
Buckeye Jim
Charlie over the water
Cock Robin

Come all you good people
Dog and gun
Down by the seashore
Dying cowboy, The
Dying cowboy's lament
Fare you well, my own true

Farmers, The
Fickle lover, The
Frog in the pool
Frog went a courting
George came riding through

the town


- 95 -


Eion College ( c c n t . ) Elbn Col lege ( c on t . )

George Riley Quaker lover, The

ua tell aunt Patsy Rich man and Lazarus, The
Go toll that weary traveling Romish lady. The

man Run, nigger, run

Good old man, The Seven lonp years I served

Grasshopper sittin' on a my king

sweet potater vine Shabby genteel, The

Guerilla man, The Sheepskin ana beeswax

Gypsy's warning, The Shoot the buffalo

Gypsy's warning, The reply Silver dagger

to the Silvery tide, The

House carpenter , The Skip to my Lou

I caught a beau Soldier and the lady, The

I .Lost my glove Soldier, won't you marry me?

I married me a wife Soldier's, The

I stepped cut one morning Soldier's poor little boy, A

in May Sparking Sunday night

I'll build me a castle Stepmother , The

Independence song Tree in the wood, The

Independent lover Two brothers, The

Indian song ugly mug

Irish Molly-0 Rhistlo", daughter
Is this the promise yuU made Wild Irishman, The

to me? Ye guardian powers
Jockey hat, The

Johnny home from sea Lata too

Journeyman tailor Dying cowboy, The

King William was King Little Moheo, The

G-eorge ' s sen Lulu Wall

Kitty went fiddl.e-die-dee Memorial to Edward Lewis, A

Lady Isabel and the elf Old ship o' Zicn, The

knight Old Smoky

London bridge is breaking Possum up a ' simmon stump

down Swannanoa cut

Lonesome road blues Train song, A

Lord Randal Walking in the parlor
Mary, Martha and Lazarus

Maumee maid, The he a ton

Mermaid, The Billy boy

Mnemonic school songs Booger man

Molly Bright Cinderella

Monologue on her life Gome all ye fair and tender

My grandmother's advice ladies

Oats, peas, beans Down in the meadow where the

Oh to me the time draws near green grass grows

Old maid, The E-V-I-V over

On to Richmond Froggy in the meadew

Orphan girl Froggy wont a courtin'

Paper of pins Gain 1 to see Miss Jinny-I-Jones


- 9o -




Heaton (cont.)

Green grass growing all around

I am a little orphan

Ickie, biekie, sody cracker

Ingin' , ingin'. Number Nine

Little Oirde Wise

London bridge is broken down

Matna sent mo to the spring

Mary's twelve blessings

Miss J, I. Jones

My mother and your mother

Oh where are you ^;oin' , my

pretty little bird?
On the top of old Smoky
Paper of pins
Playground calling
Pretty Mohee, The
Ring around the' roses
Ro o e v/o o d c a ske t



Black Jack Davy

Down in the valley to pray

Knoxville girl, The

Laos of Mohoo, The

Pretty fair maid

Wife of Usher's Well, The

Young Charlotte

Madi son count y

Baptist, Baptist, you know i

my name-
Barbara Allen

Climbing over Zion's hill
House carpenter, The
Lily white robe
Little silver cup-
Little son Hughes
Mourn, Jerusalem, mourn
That's enough for me
Woodstock town
Young squire (2)



Black Jack Davy


Come, let us sing

House carpenter. The


Morganton (cont.)
Lily Shull
Lord Thomas
Milk white steed
Old gray beard needs shaving
Partridge in a poar tree
Royal band, The
Rude arid rambling man
Throe nights experience

Pen sa cola

Blood of fair Lucy, The
Boys go a courtin' , The
British lady, The
Dishonest miller, The
Frankie and Johnny
Froggy wont a courtin'
Ha, ha , ha, said Johnny

His old grey beard a shining
Hone came the goodm; n
I ! m going to marry before I

Johnny is a miller
Just twenty year's ago
Laddy and Lou
Little Mawhae, The
Mary of the wild moor
Pretty fair miss
Sweet soldier boy
Turkey reveille. The
hoevily wheat
Yonder c .-mes Spado with a

hog in a sack


All night long

.Aunt Rhody

Can't hide

Don't talk about it

Draw a bucket of water

Fox and the lawyer

Great change since I been

Green grass growing all

He died upon the cross
In trouble


_ Q7 -


Raleigh (cont. )

Lexington murder, The



Tuckaseig ee ( c ont . )


Little Willie ' 3 my darlin '
Norah and the flood
Po 1 prisoner blues
Prison blues



Bafbry Ellen
Bol ' Lampkin
Brown girl, The
George Collins
Ground hog
House carpenter
Lone , lone valley
Pretty Polly

When the saints go'


ohnny Doyle



Shulls Mills

Battleship Maine, The
Heathen Chinese, The

Claude Allen
Frank! e Baker
Frankie Silver
George Collins
Ground hog
Hanging of Finley Preston,

The *
House carpenter, The
Lion' s den
Lord Thomas
Lundering murder, The
Ore knob, The
Wagoner's lad. The
Way out West in my sunshiny

Wife of Usher's Well, The


Brown girl, The

Come all you fair and tender

Cripple creek
Earl Bran

Golden willow tree, The
Hog drovers


House carpenter, The

Johnson boys. The

Lady Isabel and the elf knight

Lass of Loch Royal, The

Lord. Lovel

Old Joe Clark

Our goodman

Rambling boy, The

Romish lady, The

Seven years song, The

Silver merchant ' s daughter ,

Sweet Willie
Tom Dula

Wagoner's lad, The
Young Johnnie
Zion's ship is on the ocean

Bar bare Allen

Zionv iLIe

Affk&risa 3 traveler
Cripple creek
Cumberland gap
Down the road
Gambling man, The
Ground hog (2)
In the valley
Jimmy Sutton
Little family, The
Lisa Jane
Lost girl, The (2)
Old Joe Clark
Romish lady, The
Sally Goodin
Scolding wife, The
Skeptic L^ daughter , The
Sour wood" ffioixnta in


93 -





Banks of the sweet Dundee,

Barbara Allen

Between me and the wall

Sold bolster, The

Boys, keep away from the
girls, I say

Clever skipper, The

Cruel ship's carpenter, The

Cumberland's craw, The

Dark-eyed canaler

Dutcb jollification song

Edward Bold

Girl with the striped stock-
ings on, The

Gospel chariot, The,

Gospel train, The

Mouse carpenter, The

Kusha-bye-ba by

In a storm

I r i sh wa sherwoman

James Bird

Jawbone walk, jawbone talk

Johnny and Molly

Jolly boatman, The

Jones' hospital

Julianne J oh job oh

Just one penny

Keep that papee

Little red bird in the tree-
Little Sally Waters

Lord Level

Lord Vanifer's wife (2)

Mary, don't you weep

Mr. Frog

My horses ain't hungry, they
won't eat your hay

Oh glory, hallelujah

Old skipper, The

Old woman under the hill

On the banks of Salee

One night in Cleveland

Outshine; de sun

Over in the promised land

Perry's victory

Pretty Sally

Resurrection car, The

Ridin' on the elevated rail-


A kron (cont.)
Rosin the bow
St. Peter at the gate
Scioto valley mills, The
Trip on the canal (2)
We'll end this war down by

the river
We ' re going to pump out

Lake Erie (2)
When I was single'
When the old sun was a crawlin'
Wife, wrapped in the wether's

skin, The
William was a royal lover
Willy Reilly
icllo.wbud gals


Arkansas traveler, The
Coal creek march, The
Confession of Edward Hawkins,

Cripple creek
Dishonest miller, The .. :
Dog and the gun, -The
Early, early all on one

Plot corn, cole corn
I'm just here to get my baby

out of jail
Iris h wa s he rw oirian , The
Little birdie
j.iZza Jane
Lynchburg town
Mississippi sawyer, The
Now river train-, 1 The
Oh Joe Gordon
Old Jo„ Clark (2)
Old miller, The
Poor little ragged child
Red hill special, The
Rowan county ere??, The •
Short life of trouble, A
Shortenin ' bread
Soldier and the lady; The
Soldier's joy
Steal away
Stockade blues, The
Swing low, sweet chariot


- 99 -



Julia La Plants
Red iron ore




in the straw



Boston burglar, The

Buffalo gals


Careless love

Coal creek march, The

Coon creek girl, The

Cripple creek

Darling Cora

Death of Mrs. Bruton, The

Drunken hiccoughs, The

Ellen Smith

Fair Charlotte


Hard times (2) .

Hoe down

Hogs in the corn field

Hounds in the woods

House carpenter, The (2)

I just come clown before you

to see what I could see
I wish I were single again
Ida Red

Injun ptiddin' and a pumpkin pie
Irish lady, The
J. B. Marc urn song, The
John Henry
Johnny, oh Johnny
Knoxville girl, The
Lack fol diddle I
Lady Marg' et
Lightning express,
Lynchburg town
McAfee's confession
Marion Wilkerson tune, The
Nine pound hammer, The
Old Joe Clark
Payday at Coal creek
Pearl Bryan
Polly waddle doodle
Pretty Polly (2)
Pretty Saro
Rolling up cotton
Roses bloom, in the sunset






Hamil ton ( c ont . )

St. Patrick's day in

the morning
Shouting little Lulu
Sn&ppin 1 bug (2)
Soldier's joy
Sourwood mountain
Spanish fandango
Swing a lady up and down
T. B. blues
Train, a pullin' the crooked

Weary blues, The
Yesterday morning before







Okema h

Autobiography of Woodrow

(Woody) Wilson Guthrie
Beaumont rag
Billy the Kid
Bluest blues, The
Boll weavil song
Bring back to me my blue-
eyed boy
California blues
Chain around my leg, A
Church house blues
Dialogue on bankers
Dialogue on dust storms
Dialogue on experiences in

Dialogue on love songs
Dialogue on Okies and the

dust bowl
Dialogue on Okies out West
Dialogue on Oklahoma oil

booms and dust storms,

experiences in California

and Will Rogers
Dialogue on outlaws and Jesus

Dialogue on southern chain

Dialogue on the dust bowl
Dialogue on the dust "bowl

and the experiences of

Okies traveling to and in

Dialogue on the Green valley

Dirty overhalls
Do-re-mi, The
Dust bowl blues
Dust bowl refugees (2)
Dust pneumonia song
Go in' down the Frisco line
Great dust storm, The
Groen valley waltz
Greenback dollar
Hard times
Highway 66
I ain ' t got no home in the

world any more
If you ain't got the do-re-me
I'm a j oily banker


Okemah ( cont . )

I'm goin' down that road

feelin' bad
I'm settin' on that foggy

mountain top (2)
Jesse James (2)
Mary Fagan
Midnight special
Monologue on a man going to

California for contract

Monologue on Okies in Cali-
fornia and Will Rogers
Monologue on railroads and .

men out of work
Monologue on the boyhood of

Woodrow (Woody) Wilson

Monologue on the California

Monologue on the youth of

Woodrow (Woody) Wilson .

Mew Year.' s flood
Old Joe Clark
Pretty boy Floyd (2)
Railroad blues
Railroad line blues
Rye whisky
Seven-cent cotton
■So long, it's been good to

know you
Story of oil booms
Talkin' dust bowl blues
They laid Jesus Christ in

His grave
Train /The
Wagon yard blues
Worried man blues


- 101 --


Bryn Mawr

Frisco strike saga
Song of 316, ILGWU

Lake Como

All around the butterdish

Cry, baby, cry

Ee eny-rae eny-rainj''-Tno

Fatty and Skinny had a race

Frances is mad

Keep the kettle boiling

Star light, star bright

What comes out of the

chimney? (2)
Your mother and my mother



Bully of the town
Down yonder
Golden slippers
Mississippi sawyer
Old Sharon
Ragtime Arm
Turkey in the straw
Widow Dunn


- 102 -



Ready when the great day

What a morning that will be

An derson county

Ain't no heaven on de county

Flat-foot blues
Gospel train, De
Hell down yonder


r J '


, ' us


Boyki n

Bad man ballad


Didn't lcnow I had t.) bow

30 low

Do you call that religion?

D jfic been here

Don't talk about it

Downward road is crowded, The

God j He rolled in the wind
and storm

Governor Johnston

I she' can't stand it long

I w ,nder what my mother
wants to stay n.ere for

I'm goin' home on the nbrnin'

I'm gonna bathe my wear;/ soul

It may be the last time

I've got the keys to the king-

John crossed the water

Look down that long, lonesome

My woman don't like me

Oh Lawdy me, oh Lawdy my (2)

Po' Las 'us

Rocks in the mountain

Sea, sea got to give up the

Seven long years in prison


Tally rally devil

This old hammer

Train, don't you leave me


B oykin ( cont . )

Traveling to' that new

burying ground
When the bridegroom comes
Where are you traveling?
Where is the gambling man?

C harleston
C >me with me

Daniel in the lion's den
Drinkin' of the wine
Goin' in the wilderness
Hs never said a mumbaling

How kin you get to heaven in

your sins?
I am some poor mother's

child (2 : )
I got a ark on the ocean

I heard the angels singin'
I wonder if I'll ever reach

h me
I'm going to meet yui in that

I'm gonna stay right here
Jesus love us

Jesus on de main line, tjo
John Henry

Let Your will be done
Lining hymns
ivly Lather is a witness, oh,

b'ldss God


Plantation echoes


a ioi.£


play in three acts
Plantation echoes, Comment on
Plantation twilight burial
Remember me
Ring dance

Sermon? Jesus and Zacharias
Sermon: Marching through an

unfriendly world
Sermon: This ;ld man doan'

last always
Sermon for funeral
Slave story






Smalset, The
Till we meet again
Tuesday night in Dixie, a

spiritual meeting
Wait for me

Blue bird
Communion hymn
Go preach My gospel
Goblin man j The
Gospel train, De
Keep a runnin' from de fire
Let me fly
Miller got drownded
My Lord, 'what a raournin'
New buryin' ground (2)
Old aunt, Dinah
Roughy, rocky road, /i
Sometime I feel like my

time ain ' t long
Stop an' take a ride
Turkey run away
You better run
Your mamma's a lady



Ain't but de one train run

dis track
All night long
Baby dear, don't you cry
Better day a comin' bye and

Bile dem cabbages down
Bowie gged Joe
Dead and gone

Do you know nigger devil?

Everybody troubled
Ezekiel saw the wheel
Feed me till I want, no more
P'ox hunt

Gal keep a ticklin' mo
God don't like it, no, no
Go in' to take a ride on the

chariot wheel
Gonne be a time


C olumbia ( cont . )
Got to be tried
Kappy is the man that tends

to the mill
Heigho to my holly heigho
Honey in the rock (2)
I am in His care
I don't want nobody stumblin 1

over me
I jus' stand and wring my

hands and cry
1 love to walk with Jesus
If I got in sight of the Lord
If it wasn't for the Lord
I'll' be standin' at de station
I'm a royal child
I'm living humble
I'm pressing on
I'm the loader of high

It's du sign of de judgment
Jesus put the seal of heaven

on my soul
Jesus will fix it for you
John Henry
John saw that number
Lie, The
Living humble
Lord, I stretch my hand to

Lord , I want You to move
Mercy, Lord (2)
Motherless children sees a

hard time
My true love treat me so col'
New buryin' ground
Oh praise my God
Old lady

One more river to cross
Prayer (3)
Revive us
Ride on back to heaven in

the morning soon
Ridin' on a. humpbacked mule
Roil down the line
Runnin' up de shiny way

Since I got mine
Slide on, tramps
Take me as I am


- 10A -




Columbia ( c on t . )
That girl I love
They is' joy in that land
Twelve disciples
Twelve gates to de city
War jubilee
Well done
When de moon go down and

vanish away
when I lay my burden down
When the clouds roll away
Mien the rocks are rneltin'
Won't turn back
Workin' on de buildin'
You better let that lit; alone
You can' t hide
Young Rogers
Zion setting at God's right




I could tell you. the time

Mt . Arena

When the roll am called

Mul lins

Byo-o-baby bunting

Careless love

Come along, pink

Dew drops are falling

Fair Eleanor

Georgia boy

His old grey beard a

House carpenter, The
Little Matthew Grove
Little Onie


Ed is to Island

All long, all long

Be dum bosy

Believe my baby, she got a

black cat bone
Blow, Gabriel
Down by the river
Everybody want to know how

I die
Fish vender's songs and calls
Holy Ghost pouring down In

my heart
Honey in the rock (2)
If you want to be a preacher
Johnny, keep a-rollin' , your

time ain't long
Key lost, The
Knock a little drum shell
Limping Jesus Simeon
Look at the morning star-
Meet me, Jesus
Old Titanic

One, two, three, manigone
Shrimp vender's songs and

Some sweet day after awhile
Twenty- seventh of August,




Over the river I must go

Paper of pins

Rabbit in the pea patch

Rockabye baby

Wash your feet and go to

i're m

Willy Moore

fiurrells Inlei


All night, all day too
Another buildin' not made

with hands
At de beautiful, gate
Ballad of the '93 storm
Barbara Allen
Beulah land

Biscuit in the kitchen
Black and dirty
Black Jack Davy
Black sheep, black sheep
Blind ma.n
Blow, Gabriel
Blue-eyed chick
Buz za I'd and crow
By-and-by (3)
Bye-o-baby (2)






.I'urrells In let ( c on t . )
Chickens in the garden
Christ told Nicodsmus
Come along

Came, sinner, come go with me
Come through -the sawmill
Crooked gun, The
Cuckoo, The
Daniel, in de lion den
Davy Crockett
Derby ram, The
Determined to hold out

to de end
Didn't it rain?
Do let me out in dab lady's

Don't get weary, we're al-
most done
Don't take everybody for your

Don't turn back
Doubtin' Thomas
Drive old Satan away
Ezekiel and the dry bones
Fare ye well, my darling
Finger ring
George Collins
Georgie Buck, the rabbit
God's goin' read out de book

dat day
Going to Georgey
Got de keys to de kingdom
Green gravel

Green grows the willow tree
Green leaves (2)
Hard, times, boys
Have you decided which way to

Heaven is a beautiful place (2)
Heaven is a beautiful place,

I know (2)

How about you?
How kin you got to heaven in

your sins?
I ain't goin' work on the

I am so glad
I can't go back
I don't want to run this race

in vain


Murrells Inlet (cont.)

I got a letter this mornin'
I have a mother gone to

I know, I know He sot me

I know my time ain't long
I lost ray master's barn key
I want to be an angel
If you will be my bride
I'll be sleepin' in Jesus
I ' 11 be waiting there
I'm a soldier of the cross
I'm out on the ocean sailing
Irish lady, The
I ' ve got another building
Jesus comfort me
Jesus is my only friend
Jesus on the main line
Jesus, rock my baby to sleep
Jesus will fix it f or you
John saw a hundred and forty-
four thousand
John wrote a letter this morning
Johnny bought a ham
Just a goin' over Jordan
Keep work in' on de build-in 1
King Jesus goin' to shake a

righteous hand

Le ' s go to Cane-yun
Listen to de roll
Little bird, go through my

window (2)
Little black mammy
Little David, play on your.

Little Johnny Miller
Long grave and a short grave,

Lord Eateman
Lord, search ray heart
Lord, take pity on me
Lord Thomas
Lord will moke a way for me,

Lovely Nancy
Married girl
Mary and Willie
Mind, my brother, how you

walk on the cross






M urre'Ils-' inlet ( c on t . )
Miss' Julie and John
Miss Sue, Miss Sue
More room there
Must have pure religion
My dearest friend
Naomi "Wise

Nebuchadrezzar and Belshaazar
Night that I was married, The
Nobody's fault but mine
Oh come, angel band
Ola fox steppi'n' out (2)
Old hag, you see mammy
Old shoemaker, The
Old spinning wheel, The
Old-time religion
Orphan girl
Paper o 1 pins (2)
Peas puddin' hot
Pollyanna low gal

Pull e. brick
Right down here
Ring, oh, ring
Rocks on every side
Roll, roll under
Romish lady, The
Run. Mary, run,.. .;
Sally go ' round the moon
Satan lost de f adder's key
See John, the writer
Send for the fiddle
Sermon (2)

Shoo, duck, shoo
Shoo-lie low
Short meter hymn, A
Sing sorig Polly, won't you

Some of these days


Some sweet


3.r while


Soon, oh, soon
Stay in the field
Story of the '93 storm
Sword in my hand
Ten pound hammer
There's a little rosebud

Time enough yet


Murrells Inlet ( cont . )

Troubled about, my sou].
Two little rabbits
You gots to move
Wants i^ be in heaven when

de first trumpet sounds
Water call

We don ' t have no payday here
We're goin' to break bread

together on our- knees
Whbt are they doing in

When I get dead
When I was a cowboy
When I ' m gone , gone , gone
fftieri -the roil is call again
Will the circle be unbroken?
You got to go down
You gots to move
Levee- camp chant


- 107 -


M itchell

Chisholm trail
Cowboy's philosophy
Dreary black hills
Firemen ' s ball
Hi-hi, Jerusalem
Homd on the range
Homestead q uadrille
I'm a sunburnt cowboy
Indian love songs
Indian war song
Irish washerwoman
Little old cottage on the

London town
Lonesome trail.
Miner's song
My grandfather
Oh Susannah (2)
Old black Joe
One-eyed Riley
Over the waves
Piece sit down
Rustic dance

Sod shanty on the plains
Turkey in the straw
We won't got home until



- 103 -




A-rag, The
Amazing grace
Chinese breakdown
Cniseler's sorrow
I was born about four

thousand years ago
Lamplighting time in the

Little brown jug
Little green valley
Little rosewood casket
Lonesome valley Sally
Lost John
Miller, The
Miller boy, The
Mother, queen of my heart
My brother Jack
My little home in Tennessee
Nineteen twenty-eight to

nineteen thirty-four
Nobody ' s darling but mine
Old Tom Wilson
On a cold winter night
Once I had a sweetheart
She'll be coming 'round the

Sinking of the Titanic
Striking miners, The
Sweet bunch of daisies
Will the roses bloom in



All my sins are taken away

Billy boy

Boston girl

Butcher boy, The

Gome all ye fair and tender

Dear companion, The
Down by yon weeping willow
Frog went a courting
I'm going to C-eorgy
Judge and jury, The
Little Mary Pagan
Little Mohees

Little rosewood casket, The
Lonesome scenes of winter
My dear sweetheart


Gatlinburg ( c on t . )
Old Robin
Omie Wise
Pretty Mohee, The
Sinking of the Titanic, The
Soldier lover
You told mo dear that you
loved ne




Fair maid all in the garden
Four' in the middle
Had a little fight in Mexico
Jolly is the miller
Marching ' round the lily
My old boy I've lost
Old Dan Tucker-
Pretty Mohee, The
Ring around the roses
Sandy land
Soldier boy
Somebody's rockin' my sugar

Sweet Lily

Uncle Bill is sick in bed
Weevily wheat ■



Chimney sweeper

Coffee grows on white oak

Come all ye fair and tender-
House carpenter-
It was one dark and starlish

John Rilejr
Katy dear-
Lord Thomas
Lord Varner
Old Smoky-
One oh, The
Pete Dean and McCoig
Pretty Molly
Rich merchant's daughter,

Rowan county trouble
Up and down this old railroad
Weevily wheat
Willy weaver


- log





All night fooling m'e


Arkansas traveler, The

As the snow lies on the field

Barbry Ellen

Battle af Mill Spring, The

Big-eyed rabbit

Big sheep, The (2)

Bile them cabbage down

Bill;/ boy

Black Jack Davy


Bonny blue eyes

Boogerboo , The

Bramble briar, The

Brisk young farmer

Broken enga goment

Butcher ' s boy

Cackle eld hen

Calomel song, The

CandT"" girl

Cat skins

Cindy (2)

Claude Allen

Cowboy song, A

Cripple; creek

Cruel ship carpenter

Cumberland gap

Dance, boatman, dance


Darling Cora

Dear companion, The

Doodle bug

Driver boy, The

Earl Brand

Fair and tender ladies (2)

Fair damsel

Fair Eilender

Family lived in Bethany

Fly around, my pretty little

Frank! e
Frankie Baker
Free little bird
George /.lien
George Collins (2)
Giant tale, A
Go forth and face your

Go unto that young man
Green bed, The


Maryville (cent.)
Henry Brown
Hog drivers
Holly twig, The
Hone"/, let your hair hang

House carpenter, The (2)
I love little Willie (2)
I loved a lass
I rode to church last

Sunday (2)
I walked out one mornin 1 in

May (2)
If you will marry me
I'm going to Georgy
I'm troubled in mind (2)
Irishman, The

It a in 1 t gonna rain any more
I've been on the water so long
Jack and the beanstalk
Jack, Tom and Will
Jesse James (2)
Jimmy Randal (2)
John Hardy
John Henry
John Wright
Johnny Doyle
Johnson boys
Jolly sailor, The
King Henry's conquest of

Lady mouse
Lily white babes
Little Betty Ann (2)
Little blossom
Little Dickie Whigburn
Little Ella
Little Marget
Little Mattie Grove
Liza Jane (2)
London bridge is a burning

Loving Henry
Marriage of the King's

daughter, The
Mermaid, The
Merry golden tree, The
Mine hunter
Minister's farewell






Maryvillo ( c ont . )

Monologue on foolish songs
Monologue on his marriage
Monologue on my grandfather,

John Harmon
Monologue on the Harmon

Mournful story

My pretty little pink
My wife and baby run away
Notes of high degree
Number Nine

Of a rich man o' Exetar
Old black dog
Old Ban Tucker
Old gray mare
Old groundhog
Old Harmon and his songs
Old Joe Clark
Old man, The

Old man lived on the hill
Old man went to the barn
Old man's story, The
Old Molly Hare
Old sooldin' wife
Old ship of Zion
Old shoe boot and. leggins
Gmio Wise

On top of old Smoky
One mornin ' in May
Pearl Bryan

Poor Ellen Smith ,
Pretty cold rain
Pretty Polly (2)
Pretty Saro (2)
Railroad nigger and a barlow

Raising pumpkins '
Raising turnips
Red stone hills
Rosewood casket
Sailor boy, The (2)
Sailor was sick
Sal got a meat skin laid away
Sally Goodin
Shine, little Lula
Ship that runs on cry land,

Shoe boots and leggorns


Maryville (cent.)

Shoot old Davy Dugger
Shout, little Lula
Sixteen years of age
Skip to my Lou (2)
Sourwood mountain


Stand, boys


, s


Stealing of an heiress

Sugar town

Swannanoa tunnel

Sweet William (2)

Sweet Willie

Take warning by me

Texas ranger

There was a damsel young and

This old man come home

Throe sons

Time is drawing very near,

Time is drawing very nigh,

Tom Dooley

Two little babes

Two little sistors

Two young men on their

Wagoner lad (2)

Wake, oh, wake, you drowsy

Wars of Germany

Was two sisters loved one oian

has you. there when they cruci-
fied our Lord?

Way down in some lonesume piney


Weeping on a willow tree

Weevily wheat

Well diggin' man, The

Went up on the mountain top

Wexford girl, The

Whistle pig

Who killed poor Robin?

Who will shoe yovir pretty

little feet?
Wife of Usher's Well, The
Wild Bill Jones
Wild boar


Wildee we&ver
Yellow cat






Haryville (cent.)
Yorkshire bite
Young Beham
luting Johnny
Young Johnny Scot


John Henry
Jump-in' Judy
Long John Green
Oh Delia ^ oh Dane
Rollin' down the line (2)
Waterworks in Georgia


Amazing grace

Barbry Ellen

Beggar drew nigh, The

Brave volunteer, The


Jacob's ladder

John Hardy

John Henry

Little Mohee, The

Little Moses

Old nan that .lived on the

hill, The
Sporting cowboy, The

Nash ville

Ain't nobody's dirty

Angels drooped their wings

and gone on to heaven, Thl
Ball and chain blues
Bully of the town, The
Cripple creek
Every mail day
Hot boiling sun
Jehovah keeps a watching

over me
Jumping Judy
Lead me to the rock
Levee camp holler
Oh t iysj if you see Mister

Ohm ley
Paul Due (2)
Set down, servant
Sometimes I think my woman,

she too sweet to die


Nc s hville ( c ont . )

Steel laying holler (2)
Take warning by me
Tamp 'em up solid (2)
Tie shuffling chant (2)
Track lining song
West Indian blues

Rockw ood

Back to dear old Tennessee

Barbara Allen

Cripple creek

Heaven, heaven

I wouldn't mind dyin' if

dyin' was all (2)
Joe Turner blues


iv:v aorst


ain't hungry


Old Joe Clark

Skip to my Lou (3)

This train don't carry no

Turnip greens


Barbara Allen (2)

Billy boy

Broken chain, The

Come along and go along

Come with me to the old

Fathers, now our meeting is

Hark, from the tomb the

doleful sound
Hog drovers
House carpenter, The
Hunting s ,-jng
I belong to that band
I have a mother over yonder
I shall meet my mother there
Jackie Frasier
Lord Level

Lowlands of Holland, The
Miller, The
Mothers have a home
My good uld husband
Never c )urt but me
Ob tlie hair grown gray
Old ship of Zion


- 112 -


Smithville ( cont . )
Orphan girl, The
Over Jordan

Sailor boy's request, The
Shout, shout, we're a. gaining

Time enough yet (2)
Wake, oh wake, you drowsy

We are drinking at the

Who will be the driver when

the bridegroom comes?
Won't you let me go with you?
Yonder s town
You gonna reap just what you




- 113


Location unknown
Kimo, kimo
Old gray goose is dead,

Old Virginny neber tire
Sally am de gal for me

Abilen e

Eighth of January

Nightingale , The

Put your big foot there






Walk along, Johnny


Adieu to damp weather
Adieu to the stone walls
Aroasin 1 grace
Arkansas traveler
Awake _, awake
Banks of Italy
Barbara Allen (3)
Battleship Maine, The
Beware, all you handsome

Billy boy
Birmingham jail
Black Jack Davy (2)
Boys I know are ugly, Tht
Breakdown number 1
Breakdown number 2
Breakdown number 3
Breakdown number U
Brown girl, The
Buffalo gals (2)
Bury me not on the .Ion:-;

Can't dance Josie
CattJ_e stampede
Cole Younger

Come all you jolly cowboys
Come all you young people
Cowboy's lament, The
Cuckoo, The (2)
Dark was the night and

cold the ground on

which my Savior laid '
Dead sea waits
Deceiver, The


Austin (cont. )
Diamond Joe
Do, Lord, remember me
Don't you hear the lambs a

cryin' ?
Down in the valley
Dreary black hills, The
Durant hornpipe
Dusty miller-
Dying Calif ornian, The (2)
Farmer's boy, The
Fatal wedding, The
Frog went a court in' (2)
Git along, .little dogies






little dogies


Go to sleepy, little baby

Going Yiest

Ground hog

Kail John and his army

Hard times, po' boy (2)

Kattie Stout

Hills of Mexico, The

How did you feel whan you

came out of bhe wilderness'
I am a man of pleasure
I am bound to follow ■ the

long-horned cows
I am free

I ' 11 tell you of a fellow
I'm gonna watch, fight and

I-' 1 -J

In the inawnin' when I rise
J anes Ervin

Jesus going to make up my
dying bed




gsrden, The


Jimmy Murphy

Joe Turner

John 0' Doyle

John, the revelator

Jolly cowboy, The

Kelly waltz

Kitty woncha kimeo

Lazy Mary

Little Joe, the wrangler

Little miller boy

Little too small, A

Lonesome cowboy

Lonesome valley, The (2)


- 11/. -




Aus tin (cont. )
Long come Johnny
Lordy, Lordy
Lover ' s lament , ' The
Loving Henry
Loving Molly (2)
Mama, make my bed' soon
Married me -a wife in the

month of June
Mermaid, The (2)
Midnight special
Mississippi sawyer
Mustang gray
My German girl'
My mother-in-law
My mother told me
My parents treated me tenderly
My yallow gal

Night was dark and stormy, The
Noah ' s ark
Oh boys, stay away from

the girls, I say
Oh my little honey
Old Chisholm trail, The
Old Joe Clark
Old sister Phoebe

Peeping at Susan
Poor Omie Wise
Prettiest little girl in the

Pretty little girl from the

nation, A
Pretty Romey
Prison cell
Raggedy Ann
Rejected lover, The
Rhinordine (3)
Rickett's hornpipe
Romish lady, The'
Roving gambler
Sail the wide world, over
Sally Johnson
Santa Barbara earthquake
Scolding wife, The
Seven long years
Sherman, Texas cyclone, The
Sioux Indians, The (2)



Austin (cont, )

Sixteen days in Georgia
Skin and bones
Skip to my Lou
Soda gal

Soldier, won't you marry rne?
Somebody's tall and handsome
Sorghum syrup song-
South sea shanty
Springfield mountain
Standing by the bedside of

a neighbor
State of Arkansas, The
Stone river (2)
Storms on the rolling ocean
Sugar babe
Swing your pardncrs round

Tale of a little pig
Tee-roo (2)

Toll me how I have to: wait
Pen little Indians
Ten thousand miles away
There was an old woman
Throe jolly robbers (2)
Treacherous brother, The
Turkey in the straw
Turnip greens
Twelve apostles, The
Two cruel brothers, The
Two sisters, The ■
Unfaithful sweetheart ,- The-
Wagonor (2)
Walk, in green grass, dust,

dust, dust
We all got lost in the storm
Weepin' Mary
Weevily wheat
Went out a courting
Yshen first to this country

a stranger I came -
luien I was a brave cowboy
When I went a ccurtin'








be when the


first trumpet sounds?
Wicked daughter, The
White bosom bare. The
Wild hog in the woods
Wild, rippling water, The






Austin (cont.)

Willy end Lena (2)

Whoopie ti-yi-yo

Wreck of the C. & 0., The

laddie, daddle (2)

Young man who wonldn ' t hoe

corn, The
You're nobody's darling

but mine


Calling farm animals
Eeph caught a rabbit
Fox and hounds (2)


Bachelor' s lay, The

Banks of Arkansas, The

Barbara Allen

Billy boy

Boss of the section. gang.

Buffalo girls

Bumblebee, The

Captain Jinks of the
horse marine

Carry me back to my child-
hood home

Close of the day. The

Cowboy's ride, The

Dan Tucker

Farmer's boy, The

Froggy went a courtin'

George Washington

Grasshopper settin' on a


sv?e t


pertater vine


Greenback dollar, The

Gum tree canoe

Hog drivers

Home came a good man

I'll be a good boy

I'll be an old maid

In the state of Arkansas

Jennie, get the hoecaks en

Jew tang

Juniper tree

Little brass wagon

Little Mohee girl, The

Lovers' qixarrel, The


Bells (cont J
Oh come with me
Old Joe Clark
Old John Tyler
Old Quebec
Old red fox. The
Paddy on the turnpike
Play goes on till morning,

Poor Nora
Red river shore
Red river shore, Answer to

Ring around the border
Run, nigger, run
Shake that wooden leg,

ShoOt the buffalo
Skip to my Lou
Southern soldier, The
Sweetheart, hunting
Texas pioneer, The
Walts 'a' swing, The
Warren and Fuller
Washington the great
Way down in Alabarn'
Weevily wheat
We're marching 'round the

When I die I want to go to

Will he never come again?

Brazor ia

Cap'n, I got a home in

Clemens rag
Driving levee
East Texas rag
Gray horse blues
Hammer song-
Hesitating blues
I got a homy in New Orleans
I wouldn't mind dyin' if

dyin' was all
inx j..uensa
Jack o' diamonds


- 116




Brazoria (cont.)

Long hot summer day

Mama don't 'low no swihgin'

out in here
Mournful blues
Old Hannah
Old Rattler
Babbit in de garden
Santa Fe blues
Shorty George
Slow drag work song
Two white horses standin'

in line
West Texas blues
When I git home
Worry blues


Play song
Roly poly
Track-call in'
Unloading steel rails





All around green apple tree

Cap'n, I'll hide you

Gome on, boys, and let's go

Cotton picking song

Gimme a little water, Johnny

Git up in de mornin' soon (2)

Here comes Uncle Jesse

hold my hand while I run this

I ' 11 answer to my name
I'm a talkin'
I'm goin' lay do>;. r n my life

for ray Lord
In de kingdom
Israelites shoutin' in

It just suits me
January, February
Little gal, little gal, yes

ma * am
London bridge
Marry a railroad man
Mary was a redbird


Burkeviile ( c one . )
Mighty rider, The
Monologue on gambling
Monologue on his call to

Mr. Riley Miller
Mule skinners' hollers
Possum was an evil thing
Ring ' round rcsey
Seed tick
Shortenin' bread
Steel-driving song
Subcontractor' s song
Them bones o' mine
Track-callin' (3)
Track-lining (2)
Unloading steel rails
Wake up, sleepy
Walk down, sugar tree
Walka dolly walk
Way over in de promised

Whore are you running?
Where were you when the

sun went down?
Who's been here since I

been gone

Comanche county

All the little horses
All the pretty little

Billy boy

Crows in the garden
I hardly think I will
I love little Willy
Little kitty
Old woman and little pig
Once there was a little

Paper of pins
There was a piggy

Crystal City
Cradle song
Hymn to the passion of Christ


Grawdad song
Cripple, The


- JJ.7




Da llas (cent.)

Dallas railway, The
Indian hunting song
Jinny, get your hoe cake

Nigger lick 'lasses
Puff -eyed hen, The
Rambling boy (2)
Tie- tamping chant


Billy in the low ground
Black Jack Grove
Drunkard ' s lament
Dying cowboy, The (2)
Jolly Irishman, The
Kicking mule, The
Lady in the center and

three hands round
Lost girl, The
Old cacklin' hen
Old Chisholm trail
Old Dan Tucker
Rye whisky
Sally Goodin
That gol durued wheel
Trail to Mexico
Zebra dun

Fort Spunky
Billy Barlow
Blackbirds on the rush.

Brown girl, The
Calling dogs
Calling hogs
Cattle calling
Drunkard's dream, The
Gol darn wheel. The
High loping cowboy
Hog drovers
Lonesome scenes of

winter, The

Natural born roacher
Old blue
Old man bugger
Pretty little pink
Rambling boy, The


Fo rt Spun ky ( c ont . )
Set calling
That's the way with the

Truthful Bill
Two sisters, The

Grand Saline
Barbara Allen
Black sheep, The ■
Charlie Quantrell- (2)
Death of Nancy Downing
Don't marry an old man
Farewell chant, The
Fate of Nancy Downing, The
Gambler's fate, The
Half -past four, the noisy

cook will roar
House carpenter's 'wife
I've just come down from

the white folks' house
Little school song, The
Lone star trail, The
Lone widow, The
Pitty-patty green grass
Round county crew, The
Silver dagger, The




song o' Johnn;


Wagoner's song,
Young Charlottie

Ho uston

All those pretty little

Archer ' s song , The

Bessie Moore

Bully of the town, The

Chew my terbaccer

Christopher Columbo

Dilly, daily

Home , boys , home

Hunting horn calls

Hush, my baby, don't you cry

I got a purty gal down do

I stuck ray finger in a craw-
dad's hole

I wish I was a little ruck

I'll eat when I'm hungry


- 1.18




H ous ton (cent.)
I'm a hustler
Johnny, get. your gun (2)

Leather brooches
Let me go to my dear mother
Little birdie in the tree
Marching around the levee
Miss Lucy Long

My baby needs a pair of shoes
Negro prayer about U cent

Now salute your right
Of all de beas'es
Pop caught a crawdad
Pretty little
Roll on the ground
Sally lost her petticoat

Speak to mo, darling
Sugar babe (2)
There is a boarding house •
There was a country blade
There was a lady loved a

Train song
Turn over

U. S. Marine inarch
Uncle John is sick in bed
Wake me, shake me
Walked all the way from

When I die
When you hear that peafowl

Who curled your hair? (2)
Wooden-logged soldier, The



Ain't that good news?


Be sure you are right

Black Bebty

Black gal (2)

Cap'n don't 'low no truckin'

'round in here
Cat and do^ fight
Climbing up the mountain
Desert blues


Hunt s vl lie ( c ont . )

Don't say aloha when I go

Down in the bottom

Drop ' em down

Drop old diamond

Dry bones

Ella Speed

Pox and hounds

Gambling Blackie

Go down, old Hannah

Go on, old 'gator

God a 'mighty drag (3)

Good God a 'mighty

Gorree blues

Gray goose, The (2)




t, rfe


Green grass growing all

Hammer ring (2)
Hat tie Green
Heaven is only a dream
Howling wolf blues
I am a pilgrim
I don't, care where they

carry my body '
I feel that old black


'woman is a jinx t<




I just want to tell you

* ; hat the good Lord done

for me
I like to live in the country
I met ycu mama, 1929
I saw the light
If I get my ticket, Lord
If you don't want-a-get

in trouble
I'll be satisfied then

It was early one mornin'
It's a blessin' jes' to

call my Savior's name
Let me down easy
Let me roil easy, let me

roll slow
Little bunch of roses
Long freight train blue's
Louisiana blues
Mania. , mama
Mama's in Alabama







Kuntsville (cont.)
Midnight special
My Lord, what a morning
No, sir, no, sir, no
Oh bawdy

Oh Lordy, Lordy, Lord
Old aunt Dinah
Old Rattler
One day as I was a

v;alking (3)
Oozing daddy
Pick a bale o 1 cotton
Police special blues
Pretty yaller gal
Praise a ruckus tonight
Ride on, King Jesus
Right on that shore
Set down, servant
Shine on
Somebody got drowned in

the sea
Stavin' chain (2)
Sunday morning band
Tall angels at the bar
This little light o'

mine (2)
Tom and Jerry
Up and down buildin'

(the) K. C. line
Waco Ida
Western cowboy
When I first met you, 1929
When the gates 'Swing open
When the moon goes down

in blood
Will you guide me?
You're nobody's darling

but mine



All I want is a hoss

and buggy
AnKising grace

Awfullest sight I ever see
blow, Oornie, blow
Boat's iip the river, The

Casey Jones
Clap clap partner-
Coming home


J asper (cont,)

Cotton-eyed Joe
Ging ging
Going down the road, won't

be back no mo'
Green over fields
Handy gal
Have you decided which way

to go?
I shall not be moved
I ' m a bad man from the

Brazos land
I'm coming, Lord
I'm going through
I'm lookin' for the man who

don't know Jesus
It's cool down here at the

river Jordan
Jaybird flew in the barber

Johnny got a meat skin laid

Ju rawsy row, row
Jump Jim Crow
Let's go down to Jordan
Lulu gal
Mary Jane

Monologue on deer hunt
Monologue on his children
Mr . Brown
My woman quit me
Nearer my God to Thee
Oakdale ' s on the out
Old aunt Jarmolly goin' to

be there to the light o'

the moon
Old Baldy
Old hen ca.ckled and rooster

laid an .sgg
Old King Buzzard
Old ship of Zion (<)
Prayer (2)

Sally got a red dress
Settin' on topside of the

Show me de gal dey call

Jennie Flanagan
Sissy in the barn


- 120




Jasper (cont. )
Slavery days
Some fair morning
Take it away

This little light o' mine (2)
Walk Dpoley

Walking on the green grass
Wouldn't a -been here, but
look what brought me dovra

Kingsvill e

Form a figure, eight
Four in the middle
Gents go center
Irish trot
Miller, The
Old Dan Tucker
Sugar lump

Turn to my Lou, loola-la-loc
Two babes in the woods


Breakdown with calling


Cowboy Jack

Here we go to Baltimore

Joe Bowers

Liza Jane

Nobody's darling but mine (2)

Old Joe Clark

Old mother Hippletoe

On the land where the

bullets fly
Rye whisky
Soldier's joy-
Sonny boy
There's some one waiting

for you
True battle of I don't care
Whoa, Maude, whoa
Younger brothers


As I went in the valley to

Dan Tucker
Devil ' s dream
Do, Lord, remember me


Lub bock ( c ont . )
Eighth of January
God's on the main line, now

tell Film what you want
Have you any time for Jesus?
He ' s a lily of the valley
I woke up this mawnin' with

my mind set on Jesus
I'm on the battlefield for

my Lord
In the mawnin' when I rise
Jesus going to make up my

dying bed
Just before the heaven door

Little children., your line's

dragg in'
Lord, will you come by here?
Mary and the baby
Mississippi sawyer
New broom

Nobody's sweetheart
Old aunt Dinah
Sally Johnson

So_, don't you mind me dying
Soldier's joy
Soon will be done with the

troubles of this world
There is something in my

mind that keeps on

worrying me
Wade in the water
What you gonna do when "the

world on fire?
When I was sinking down



Boil weevil

Ella Speed

I ' 11 be carried to the new

Levee work song
Make up my dy.ln' bed
Monologue on Coley Jones and

other musicians
Monologue on his life
Never spoke a mumble
Nigger and ghost
Patting songs
Preacher and grizzly bear






Lufkin (cent.)
Rabbit hash
Take me back
Thirty days in jail
Traveling man
Woke, up this mornin'


All the way

Been on the cholly so long

Build on that, chore

Cotton compress chant

Frank ie and Johnny

H e s i ta ti on blue s

How did you feel when you

come out the wilderness?
I can tell the world

about this
It keeps on leakin' in

this eld building
Walking in the seminary
Western cowboy, The



Amazing grace
Billy boy

Cowboy's lament (j)
Frail wiidwood flower
Jessu James
Old woman, The
Roving gambler
St- James's hospital
Sam Bass (3)
Texas ranger, The (6)
When the work ' s all done
next fall

New ton

Billy boy

Cornfield song (2)

Crawfish pond

Hard times

Huntin '

I can't stay away

Itisket-Ita sket


Lost my handkerchief

Lullaby, lullaby, sweet
babe o ' mine


Newton (cent. )

Old. speckled lady

Mary was a redbird

Sun didn't shine out on

yonder mountain. The
Track-linin' hollers


Ella Speed

Gambler, where was you when

they called yo' name?
Jesus 'walk round your bedside
My pore mother- keeps a

prayin' for me
Sinner will be runnin' in dat

great day
Smoky mountain blues
Till I die
Will you march down?
Worry blues

P ipe Creek

Blue-eyed Suzy
Cotton-eyed Joe

Old gray mare
Rye whisky-
Turkey in the straw

Pleasa ntcn

Apple blossom

Bucking mule, whoa mule

Cackling hen, The

Goodbye, my little darling

Goodbye, old paint

Gray eagle, The

Indian war whoop

Lost Indian

Louisiana nigger

Old-fashioned Indian

war whoop
Rye whisky
Sally Good in
Whoopi e ti -yi -yo


Alabama bound
Blind Lemon's song


122 -




Richmond (con t . )

Buffalo skinners, The

Carrie .

Ho rambled

Is you mad at me?

Jack o' diamonds


ia xi. Antonio ( c on t . )




■jad man


Red Gross stor




Square- dance calls
Standin' on the border
Thirty days in jail

San Angelc
Lord Randal
Miss Lucy Neale
Night hording song
Old Chisholm trail
Red river valley
Roll on, little dcgies
Those agonising, cruel

slavery days
Whoa mule

San Antonio


Ain ' t goin ' to work no mo '

Apples for a penny

As I walked out one 'evening

Ashes to ashes

Awful, awful, awful

Beautiful Ohio

Black sheep, The

Boston burglar, The

Bowery girl, The


Climbing Jacob's ladder

Coupon song

Cowboy waltz

Cowboy's lament. The {?,)

Do re si, do si la

Frankie and Albert

Georgia girls

Gospel train

Got a little home to go to

Hard times (2)

Hole in the nickel, A

I can't get a letter from

If you don't want to get

in trouble


I'm worried now but I won't
be worried long (2)

Jesus and Lazarus

Kelly waltz, with variations

Letter from home, A

Lone star trail

Lost Indian

Mi ner ' s comple i nt , The

Mo flier and father

Motion songs

My angel mother died

My model T Ford

Nobody's business but
ray own

Old shoes and legging

Precious Lord

Prisoner for life

Raggedy Ann

Rain or shine (3)

Red river shore

Roll on, buddy (2)

Sailor's sweetheart

Sing as you go

Sioux Indians

Six months in jail

TaKe good care of mother (?.)

Texas rangers

Three babes, The

Trail to Mexico, The

Trip to Mexico

Turnip greens (2)

Viva 1'amor


Wagoner's song, The

vVhat shall I do?

Whistle and hoe (2)

Ziah Green

Sandy Point
All night long
Church service, Easter
Didn't it rain?


God a 'mighty drag (2)
God moves or: the water
Gonna bo a witness for
my Lord


clown, old Hannah
'way, Ea'iie


123 -




Sandy Point ( cont . )
Gray goose, The
Great God a' mighty (2)
Hammer ring

Johnny, won't you ramble
Long John (4)
My yallow gal
Oh Mount Zion

Sermon with singing
Stewball (2)
Tliat black gal
Wasn't that a mighty storm 1



) hire s e breakdown



Breakdown tune with calling

Chicken reel

Cole lounger

Joe Bowers

Nine miles from town, drunk

Ocean wave

Old Paint

Roll on, little dogiss

Rye whisky

Square dance call


Apple blossoms
Breakdown ana dance calls
Brown girl of Paris
Brown girl of Ravies. The
Crosby county cowboy ; ; .ong
He takes his chance in the

dark chapparal
Home sweet home
Little dogies
My cigar
Set calling
Square dance calls


Sugarland ( c o n t . )
Barbara Alien
Black Betty (3)
Come on an' bow down
Cowboy yodel
Dat's all right, honey
Drop ' em down


3, The

, The


Farmer's curst wif

Geese and the goat

Git on the road

Go clown, old Hannah (6)

Good morning, Mister Charley

Gray goose, The (2)

I feel that, old black woman

is a jinx to me
1 met you mama, 1929
I'm pressing on (2)
It's a scandalous and a

Jack o' diamonds
Little John Henry (4)
Long summer day (2)
Monologue on Co down, old

My yallow gal
Oh Lawd

Old Joe Clark (2)
Old rattler (2)
Pick a bale o' cotton (3)
Rich old lady, The (4)
Run, nigger, run
St. James hospital (4)
Shorty George (2)
That's all right, baby
This heart o' mine
Watermelon story
Villi you march down?
Won't turn back (2)
You ;:et me laughin' just

to keep from cryin'
ioung maid saved from the





Air ' no mo ' cane on the

Bra aos
Ain't it hard to be a

right black nigger? (4.)




Am' no more cane on

Bad management
Black Betty




- 124.


Taylor (cont.)
Gat story, The
Ghost story
Go down, old Hannah
Jesus' bosom is your pillow
Leaky house, The
Long John
Old Rattler

Pick a bale o' cotton (2)
Wild geese



Cattle calls and breakdown
Cowboy's home sweet home,

The (2)
Green corn

Rocky road to Jericho
Sally Johnson
There was a fair lady who

lived on the plain (2)
Tom and Jerry
Young companions






Coffee grows on white oak

Figure eight
First young gents swing a

right hand lady
Irish trot
Miller boy

My horse ' s name was Betsy
Old Joe Clark
Shoe doll




Go to sleep (2)

Rail unloading


Steel-driving , explanation


Tie -tamping chant



- 125


fe.l t Lake Ci oy

Awor'king on the railroad
Come, come, ye saints
High on the mountain top
Reuben, Reuben, I been


- 126 -


B ennington East Calais (cont.)

Fair Fannie Moore How we tried to lick the

Gentleman of Exeter, A teacher

Green mountain boys, The In St-. Charles

Jewish girl, The Jam on Gerry' s rocks, The

Jim Fiske James McD >nald

Lord Bakeman John Riley (2)

Lord Thomas and fair Ellener Johnstown flood, The

Murdered by a brother Kate and the cow horns

Newsboy in the street, The King John and the bishop (2)

Springfield mountain Little Mohee, The

Ten thousand miles away Lumberman's alphabet (2)

Texas rangers. The Major's breaches, The

Two brothers, The -Hiking maid, The

Moosehoad lake bong

Ch elsea Dlcl man's courtship

Black cat quadrille, The On the banks of Lake Erie

Chorus jig Once more slumbering go

Flowers of Michigan, Tho Polly

Girl I left behind me, The Poor sailor boy. The

Pop goes the weasel Preacher and the country

Reuben, Reuben church, The

Yankee Doodle Railroad wreck, The

Rich old miser, The (2)

E ast Bethe l Sheffield apprentice. The

Devil's dream, The Si:>: Kings' daughters, The

Ingleside Sly young crow, The

Mary on the wild moor Sweet William

Portland fancy There's no one to welcome

Set calling me hone

Soldier's joy To bo a farmer's boy

Tempest, The Western rangers, The (2)

White cockade, The Wild cowboy, The

Yankee Doodle ftilkins and his Dinah


East C alai s

Bold boatsraan, The


Will the weaver (2



Bold soldier, The Arkansas traveler. The

Cambric shirt, The Bonaparte's retreat

Christie Warden Bummers' reel, The

Convicted soldier, The Bamming on the turnpike

Diamonds o£ Berry, The

Drunken old man, The

Dying Calif ornian, The Devil's dream, Th

Edmund Dell East Brookfield woolen

Fair Lucy (2)

Frenchman's bail, The (3) Hull's victory

Golden willow tree, The Old Montreal French four,

Honest Irish Lad, The The

House carpenter, The Old Rocky mountain goat, The



i' , n ''



-. )i

'49, The


t r?

dream, ; ]




ml J


mi. ,






Quebec (cont.)

Springfield jail (2)
Tow path s._>ng
Wake up, Susan


Won't you c


over to


Randolph Center
Fair Charlotte
Hurrah for New England
Queenstown mourner, The

Spring field

Anthony Rowley
Arkansas traveler. The
Bonaparte ' s march
Bowery boys
Caled ;nia march
Cherry tree car /I, The
Cock robin is dead and

gone to his grave
Croppy boy, The
Daniel 0' Council's welcome

to parliament
Devil's dream, The

Dying nun. The
Father, father, build me s

Father Tom G'Neale
Ghost >f the murdered gir]

Ghost stories
Grace O'Mallej
Gypsy' s hornpip
Haste to the we


, The



Henry, the brave
Hull's victory
In Dublin's fair city-
pretty Polly did dwell
Jane Campbell
Katheleen Ma^s ;urneen, won't

you let me inV
Lamplighter 1 s hornpipe, The
Little Harry Eustom (2)
Making children by steam
Monologue on favorite songs
Monologue >n her parents'

Patrick Sheoan


Spr ingf ield ( c .mt . )
Portland fancy. The
Pretty maid milking the c

Reilly the fisherman
St. Patrick's day in the

Shores of Amerikf.iv, The
Shule Agrah
Speed the plow
Steamboat quickstep (2)
Tuning of the fiddle
lou gallant sjiis of Erin
You inhabitants uf



jw .


- 123 -





Cross Jordan in a calm time

Down by the river of' life

I'll trust in the Lord'.

In that land

Lining hymn (2)


Shine on me




Drunkard's courtship, The

Farmer's cursed wife, The

Lord Thomas

Pretty Polly

Roily Trudum

Turkish reveille, The

Two sisters, The


Gap'n he got drunk
Charming Betsy
Christmas last
Come all you Fair landers
Cripple creek
Cumberland, gap


Drag out pis




Fight in Mexico

Gents In the ring where the

tide runs high
Great Galilee
Ground hog
Gypsy Davy
hiccup, oh, Lordy
House carpenter, The
I wonder where Marian's gone
Ida Red
John Hardy
Johnny Booger
King William
Lily of the West, The
Long summer day-
Lord Thomas
Loving Henry


Cli ntwood ( cont . )
Miller , The
Needle ' s eye
Old bald eagle
Over the river, Charlie
Pretty fair Miss
Rambling boy, The
Rock and rye
Sally Goodin
Ship that was lost at sea,

Sister Phoebe
Sourwood mountain
Stealing partners
Two little girls sliding

War of sixty-two
We ' re marching around the



Captain got a long chain
Waking-up song

Barbry Ellen
Little Frankie
Miss Mousie
Month of sweet May
Paper of pins

Pitch my tent up in the air-
Shoemaker, The
Sweet William


Arkansas traveler
Boatman- The
Bonyparte : s retreat
Capture of John Hardy, The
Charles Giteau
Forky deer

Git along, Lisa Jane
Going to get some corn
Green mountain polka
Hard to love and can't be

House carpenter
John Hardy
Lily of the West, The


129 -




Forrtun (cent, )

My pretty little pink
On the banks of the old

Tennessee (2)
Pop goes the weasel
Row the beaver dam
Sally Ann
Sally Goodin
Sandy river belle
Scott's return
Shootin' creek
Sourwood mountain (2)
Taylor ' s march
Western country
When the proud ship bore

my lover nigh


B&rbry Allan

Comely flower

Cripple creek

Cumberland gap

Handsome girls, The

I rode one cold winter's

Little Mohee, Tne
Lone prairie, The
Lonesome scenes of winter
Oh unto me, the time drew

Pretty fair Miss
Rambling boy. The
Sourwood mountain
Willow garden, The


Alabama jubilee (2)
Alas, my darling (2)
All around the house
All the prettv little.

Angelina , the baker
Arkansas traveler (2)
Barbara Allen
Barney McCoy
Billy Barlow
Black-eyed Suzy
Blind child ' s prayer
Blue bottle


Galax (cont, )

Boston, burglar, The (2)

Brown-eyed girl

Brown eyes

Butcner ' 3 boy

Bye-o-baby buntin '

Cackling hen (2.)

California cotillion (2)

Captain with the whiskers

Carroll county blues

Charles Guiteau

Chick old hen

Chicken reel

Chilly winds (2) '

Cindy ■ •

Claude Allen

Cold, icy floor, The

Cor inns.

Covboy' s lament

Cripple creek (2)

Cumberland ge. p

Days of forty-nine

Deadheads and suckers

Do come back again

Dream of the miner ' s child

Ducks in the mill pond


Ellen Smith

Fisher's hornpipe

Flop-eared mule (2.)

Fortune (2)

Fox chase

Pan's all over (2)

Galiigray hawk

Gallows tree

Go to sleep

Go to sleep, my baby dear

Goin' down the road feelin'

Going down to Shiloh
Goodbye, my lover
Hanna Maria
Hard times

Heigho to my holly heigho
Holy Ghost




due t


Hop light, ladies

Hot time in old town tonight


130 -




Galax (eont.)

House carpenter, The

Hungry hash bones

I don't love nobody

Ida Red

It ain't gonna rain no more

Jack Harold

Jackie Monroe

Jennie Jenkins

Jesse James \2)

Jesse nigger

J cwish lady

Jim crack corn

Jimmy Sutton (2)

Jinny put, your kittle on

John Brown had a litt] e

Indian boy
John Hardy (2)
John Henry (3)
June apple
Just because
Katy Kline
Katy Wells
King William was King George's

Lawton family. The
Lexington murder (2)
Lily Munroe

Listen to the raockin' bird
Little birdie (2)
Little Bonny
Little brown jug
Little fight in Mexico
Little stream of whisky
Liza Jane (2)
Long, lonesome road
Lord Thomas
Lord Uhlan's daughter
Lullaby (2)
Lydia Margaret
Miss Wrinkle
Mi s s i s s ipp i s awyer
Monologue on a black cat
Monologue en a thrifty man
Monologue on his White top



Galax (cent.)

Monologue on Piney Woods

girl of North Carolina
Monologue on two wonderful

My old true love
New river train (?:)
Old dad
Old hen cackle
Old hickory cane
Old Jimraie Sutton
Old Joe Clark (3)
Old Molly Hare
Old pinefields
Old shoes and leggins
Old Virginia breakdown (2)
Over hills and over dales
Over hills and over dells
Phillip's dance tune
Phillyoo dance tune
Pretty little girl
Pretty Polly
Raging sea, The
Reuben's train
Rockabye, the cradle is

Rocky mountain
Run along, Johnnie (2)
Rye whisky
Sally Anne (2)
Sally Goodin
Silver dagger
Skip to my Lou (2)
Slavery days
Soldier ' s j oy ( 2 )
Sourwood mountain (2)
Step back, Cindy
Story of the wedding
State ' s mountain
Sugar hill
Sunny home in Dixie
Susanna gal
Sweet William (2)
That's the way
This day ' s boon a lonesome

Three nishts drunk


131 -




Galax (cent. )

Three perished in the snow

Train cm the island (2)

Trouble in mind

Turkey buzzard

Turkey in the straw

Twenty years ago

Uncle Joe

Very well done said Johnny

Brown (2)
Walkin 1 in my sleep
Water bound
Weeping willow tree
Western country
What you goin' do with the

When I was young
Who broke the lock?
Wish I was a single girl
Woman and the devil (2)
Zeb Turney's girl


He kicked ' em out of heaven

I want to know

I'm striving

Oh Jesus, let me ride


Allen murder case, The
Amazing grace
And am I born to die?
Barbry Ellen (2)
Blind girl, The
Blue-eyed JSlla
Boston burglar, The
Brethern, we have met to

Come, thy Fount of ev'ry

Cumberland gap
Drunkard's dream, The
Drunkard's lone child, The
False hearted boy, A
Fathers have a home sweet

Fly around, my pretty little



Hil lsville (cent.)

Four thousand years ago
Frankie Baker


i'roKr went




George Collins (2)

Had a little fight in Mexico

Hangman's Song, The

How condescending and how

How firm a foundation, ye

saints of the Lord
How pleasant thus to dwell

How tedious and tasteless

the hour . '■

I'm a poor, wayfarin 1

stranger (2)
I'm going home
I'm going to Cuby
I've a mother up in heaven
Little Mohee, The
Lord, dismiss us with Thy

bios sing
Lost my glove yesterday
My heavenly home is bright

and fair
My uncle's sawmill
Oil how happy are they
Oh land of rest, for thee I

Oh when shall I see Jesus?
Orphan child., The
Paper of pins
Poor babes in the woods
Poor Ellen Smith
Pretty little girl
Riddle song, The ■ . ■ ■
Romish lady

Row ns ever the tide (2)
Sinful to flirt
Skip to my Lou.
Slighted sweetheart (2)
Sourwood mountain
Texas rangers. The
Time is swiftly rolling on,

'Tis the old-time religion
Yiiay down South
What wond'rous love is this?
When I can read my titles clear






Hillsvil le ( c ont . )
Wild Bill Jones
Will the waters be chilly?
Wreck of the Ninety-Seven


As I walked .over London's

bridge (2)
Battle in the horseshoe
Bell cow

Blow, boys, bully boys, blow
Blow the man down
Bonaparte ' s retreat
Careless love
Cluck, old hen
Cone all you Virginia girls
Down in that lonesome valley
Down in the valley
Froggy went a courtin'
General Lee
Good fat bacon and a tub of

Haul away ray Johnny
I ' 11 be fourteen on Sunday
Jesus born, in Bethlea
John Fransvor
John Hardy

Johnny's gone to Hilo
Look away beyond the blue
Oh Susanna
Old Joe Clark
Over the river, Charlie
Put my little shoes away
Rio Grande (2)
Run, nigger, run
Sally Brown (2)
Santy Anno
Shady grove

Song of the old bachelor
Sourwood mountain
That lonesome valley
Turkey in the straw
Water bound

When Jones' ale was new
Young people who delight in



'.■■ or to n

Babes in the wood

Black Jack David

Brown girl, The

Butcher boy

Come all true-hearted

Cone all young and tender-

Down the greenwood side

Ellon Flannery

Ellen Smith

Fair damsel in the garden

Fair Ellender

Fox stepped out one mocn-
shiny night

Froggy went s courtin 1 '

Go to sleep, li'l baby

House carpenter (2)

1 once loved a young man

1 ' ve been in ship and slan-

Licidy Marget

Little Omie Wise

Lord Vanners

Lowlands low, The

Mamma sent me to the
spring (3)

My olu man went off

Nightingale , The

Oma 'wise

On Tennessee mountain

On the banks of the Ohio

Polly put the kettle on

Poor Willie

Pretty Polly

Randal, my son


Sinful to flirt

Sweet Jane

Sweet Willie

There was, a lady fair

Turkish lady, The

Young Edward

Richmon d

'Barrel house blues
Bitiiu' spider


- 1.33




Richmond (cont.)

Bob McDan'el has two darkies

Boll weevil been here

Brook, come out of the "water

Galling hogs

Can't you line * era?

Bock cries

Down by the rock in the

Dry bones
Every mail day
Everywhere I look this

Frankie and Johnny
Freight train blues
Frog he would a wooing go
Georgia land
Going to Boston
Have children of my own
I can't help from cryitt'

I feel the spirit moving 1
I'll give to you a paper of

John Henry

Laying rail chant (2)
Lifting oysters
Lord Level
Miller that had three sons,

New bury-in 1 ground
Not satisfied
Oh I thought I heard the


wild ox moan


low ma to


Oh Lav/d, don 1

bea o ' eui
Po ! boy
Po ' farmer
Fo' Laz'us
Railroad wreck
Red river runs
Shake it, mamma
Shanghai chicken
Take this hammer
Tin can alley
1 Twas on a Monday
Two sisters, The
Villikins and his Dinah


Richmond (cont.)

Walk together children
When the train comes along
Where, oh .where are the

Hebrew children?
White gal, brown gal, black

f5 uX


John Hardy
Kitty Klein


Di-ne e-o , ladi e s

Double eagle march

Get along home, Cindy

Green mountain polka

Mi a s i s s ippi s a wye r

Round town girl , won ' t you

come out tonight?
Soldier ' s j oy

State Far m


All night long

Black gal

Corn shucking time

Daddy, where. you been so

Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel

Dis ol' hammer

Do j Lord, Lord, remember me

Don't talk about it

Git ql\ board

Gain' to Richmond

House done built without

I used to work on the tractor

I'll go on

Jay bird (2)

Jesus made me just what I am


Keep away from the blood-
stained, banners

Sailed King Jesus down

Oh the Lamb of God

Fo' Las 'us

Raise a ruckus tonight

Rise, run along, mourner


13 Jt




Sta te Farm (cant.)
Run down, Eli
Shines like in the morning
Tennessee dog
There ain't but the one train

on this track
This land of Georgia
Thought I heard my banjo say
Tramp , The

'Walking in the light
We are almost down to the

When the King was in trouble,

he seen the handwriting on

the wall

White top

Barbara Allen
Drowsy sleeper

Father Grumble

Gray-haired mother, The

Green leaves

Haul away, my Rosy

House carpenter, The

King William

Love Henry

Mary's blessings (2)

Miller and his sons, The

My mother told me

Oh oyster

Qllie Van

Over yonder ocean

Rich old merchant, The

Santy Anno

Sweet Jane (3)

Take me back to Colorado

Three babes, The

Tunes on cane pipes

Two sisters, The

Weevily wheat

We're bound for Rio Grande

When Jones' ale was new

Wife of Usher ' s Well

'Wondrous love (2)

Young Charlotte


Addington ' s breakdown
Ashland tragedy, The


Wise (cent.)

At tne foot of lenders

Bachelor ',s hall
Barney McCoy (2)
Blevin's Christian song
Brown girl, The
Captain Patrick song

Come all ye tender-hearted
Cripple creek (2)
Cubyan soldier, The
Cumberland gap
Dublin city
Dying cowboy (2)
Ellen Flannery (2)
Ellen Smith
Farmer's wife, The
Floyd Collins
Fond affection
George Collins
Get along home, Cindy
Golden willow tree, The
Gyp sen Davy
Hard-working miner


Hark , hi




:.■ my



Hot cold frozen stone

House carpenter, The (2)

I dreamt a dream

I never expect to see you
any more

I wish I were single again

John Go Billups

Johnny Doyle

Little Mohee, The

Little Omie Wise

London city

Lord Darnold

Lord Thomas

Lovor ' 3 warning

Loving Henry (2)

Madam, I have come a court-

Make my bed soon

Married girl, A

Mary dear

Mary,, the wild moor

Massa's barn



- 135 - '


W ise (cont.) Wise ■county

Monologue on his conversion I never expect to see you any

Moorehead song, The more

My pretty fair damsel Sermon at Laurel. Grove Primitive

My pretty little pink Baptist church (2)

New jail, The

Noble farmer, The

Old Ireland

Old Smoky (3)

Poor Omie

Poor robin

Pretty fair damsel

Pretty Polly


Rhinordine (2)

Rich merchant, The

Roving cowboy, The

Shady grove

Ship carpenter, The

Shoemaker ' s song

Soldier ' s life , A

Storms are en the ocean

Sweet William

Sweet Willie

Sweet wine

Three maids, The (2)

Time has come, ray dearest

' dear , The

Train is off the track, The

Trembling motorman, The

Turkish lady, The

Uncle rat

Wagoner's lad, The

Way down in Columbus

Way down in the lone gr^en

When I was single
When I was ycung and single
Whistle, whistle, daughter
Wicked daughter
Yankees descended upon

Mercy Run
Young Andrew
Young Edward was a sailor

Young ladies' experience
Young rovers


- 136 -



Arkansas traveler

Careless' love

Chine se breakdown

City quickstep

Colored aristocracy

Dill pickles


How in the devil do the

--Id folks know? (3)
Leather breeches (5)
Lop-eared mule
Mississippi sawyer
Pea ridge
Soldier's joy
Turkey in the straw


Beauty Lily ho

Coal and coke line, The

Columbus stockade, The

Crawdad song

Foreman young Monroe

Jericho road, The

Mississippi sawyer

Mollie put the kettle on

Old Black mountain trail

Old Joe Clark


Roun' town gals

Sally Goodin

Train blues

Under the double eagle

Whoopee ti-yi-yo


... 137 -


Location unknown
Dinnerhorn solo
Lumberjack's story

Anti go i

I once had two handfuls

of gold
I once knew a little girl
I'll sell my coat, I'll

sell my hat
Last Saturday night I

entered a house
My father keeps a publi ■•

My old hen's a good old hen
Oh pretty girl, won't ycu

list 1 and come
Once I courted a charming

beauty bright
Once I courted a pretty

little girl
Sally's in the garden
Sing lay, sing lay, sing

lay the lily low
Very first time I saw

my love, The -
Well met, my old true

What will I do with the

When she got there , she

was highly mounted
You may climb a chestnut


Black River F alls
Bold Mclntyres, The
Day at the county fair
Little brown bulls, The
Lumber j ack monologue
Paddy Doyle and Biddy

' Toole
Shantyboy on the Big Eau

Claire, The


I went to market
Story about the murder of
a child



Flat river girl, The

Jam on Gerry's rocks, The

Little brown bulls, The


Paddy Miles the fisherman
Shantyboy of the Big Eau
Claire, The

Grand o n

Barbara Allen

Battle of Antietam creek. The

Black sheep, The

Boys in blue, The

Brother Jack

Butchers ' boy, The

Crandon ballad

Cripple creek

Cruel hiss, The

Custer's last charge

Foot washing song

Foreman Monroe ■

Go tell aunt Rhody

Hicks Carmichael

House carpenter, The

I am a man of pleasure and

to BLackwater came
I'se going from the cotton

Jack and Joe
Judgment day, The
Keith and Biles line, The
Lass of Mohee, The
Last fierce charge, The

Little brown bulls (2)
Locks and bolts
Lost Jimmie Fnalen, The
Mermaid , The
Mighty adley-ca-budl ey-

My bonnie black Bess
My buried friends, can I

My parents loved me tenderly
My soul's full of glory
Never./grow old
Parting song


- i3a




Grandon ( cont . )

Riley and I were chums
Roane county crew, The
Sinking of the Cumberland,

Sinking of the Titanic, The
S o urwood mountain
Story most lovely I'll tell,

Sweet Betsy from Pike
There is a land of pleasure
There was a rich man
There's potatoes in the

oven ( 2 )
Twenty-pound bulldog, The
Two orphans, The
Wayf ar in g s tr an go r
Young Charlotte


My Welsh relation


Shantyman's life, The

Milw auke e

Around the mountain

Billy boy

Deer hunt, The

Great American railway. The

My father's a hedger and

My true love has gone to

Oh had I the wings of a

Oh sister Susan
Old hen

Paper of pins, A
Twelve commandments , The


Pickett (cent.)
~He*"s the lily of the valley
Uncle Joe

Plal nfie ld

Aluffibering we will go
Dreary black hills, The
Oh it's about three years

ago I was digging in the



Pempey is dead and Laid in
his grave



Devil' s dream

Fisher's hornpipe (2)


Money musk medley

Old McDonald's reel

Pigtown fling, The


What Sam Gray whistled






Herdsgirl's Sunday (2)
Hired girl' s' holiday, The
Hounds in the woods, The
In 1871 to swamp for a go-
devil wc- begun
Rippling brook
River in the pines, The (4)
Shantyboy tune
Soldier's joy
Turkey in the hay
Woodchopper ' s jig


Qua nan

Red river jig, The

Squaw dance (2)

White river two step, The


Pi ckett )

Cuckoo song (2)
Girl that was rejected, The



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