The Library of Congress
Music Division
Check-list of recorded songs in the English language
in the
Archive of American Folk Song
to July, 1940
Alphabetical list with geographical index
L— Z
Washington, D. C.
The Library of Congress
Music Division
Check-list of recorded songs in the English language
in the
Archive of American Folk Song
to July, 1940
Alphabetical list with geographical index
L — Z
Washington, D. C.
pBJ ^ tfvfol
hW ^|(H^-
. 2.
217 -
L-0-N-D-O-N. Spoken by Wilbur Roberts. Riviera, Fla., Stetson
Kennedy and Robert Cook, 194-0. 3380 M
L AND N MOBILE. Sung by Uncle Bradley Eberhard. Sebring, Fla.,
Carita Doggett Corse and Robert Cornwall, 194-0. 3901 .42
LACK FOL DIDDLE I DAY. Sung by Pete Steele with banjo. Hamilton,
Ohio, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1711 B2
LADDY AND LOU. Sung by Mrs. Ewart Wilson. Pensacola, N. C,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2367 Al
LADIES IN THE DINING ROOM. Sung by eight Negro girls. Kirby
industrial school, Atmore, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1934. 38 A6
LADLE LEROY. Sung by Mrs. McNamara. Horse creek, Clay co., Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1484 Bl & 2
LADY AND A LADY GAY, A. Sung by Bill Bundy with guitar.
Manchester, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1511 B
LADY CLAIRE. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y. , Alan
Lomax, 1939. 2544 A & B
LADY DEL ROY, THE. Sung by George Vinton Graham with guitar. San
Jose, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1938. 3810 A2 & 3
LADY DEL ROY. Sung by John McCready. Grovoland, Calif., Sidney
Robertson, 1939. 3354 Al
LADY FAIR. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Meha, Ark., John A.
Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 873 Bl
LADY GAY, A. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson.. New York, N. Y., Alan
Lomax, 1939- 258.1 A & B
LADY GAY. Sung by Mrs. Eliza Pace. Hyden, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth
Lomax, 1937. 1445 A2
LADY GAY. Sung by Nancy Boggs.- Pine Mountain, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.' 1413 B3
LADY GAY. Sung by Nancy Boggs. Pine Mountain settlement school,
Pine Mountain, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1382 B«
'with fiddle. Falfurrias, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax,
1939. 2619 Bl
LADY ISABEL AND THE ELF KING. Sung by Mrs. A. M. Harris. Pine
Mountain, Ky. , Ale.n and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1415 B
LADY ISABEL AND THE ELF KNIGHT. Sung by Dr. David Mcintosh.
National folk festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson,
1937. 3250 Al
LADY ISABEL AND THE ELF KNIGHT. Sung by Marion Stoggill.
Elkinsville, Ind. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1725 Bl
LADY ISABEL AND THE ELF KNIGHT. Sung by Mrs. Carrie Walker.
Magee, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3064 Al
LADY ISABEL AND THE ELF KNIGHT. Sung by Mrs. Haden. Princeton,
Ind., Alan and Elizabeth' Lomax, 1938. ■ 1746 A2
LADY ISABEL AND THE ELF KNIGHT. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Eton
College, N. C, Fletcher Collins, 1939. 3786 B3
- 213 -
LADY ISABEL AND THE ELF KNIGHT. Sung by Mrs. Myra Barnett Miller.
Tuckaseigee, N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 845 A2
Evansville, Ind., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1735 A
LADY LEROY. Sung by Alfred Osborne. Port Huron. Mich., Ivan
Walton, 1938. 3401 Al
LADY LEROY. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Central Valley, Calif., Sidney
Robertson, 1938. 4205 A2
LADY LEROY. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Central Valley, Calif., Sidney
Robertson, 1938. 4205 B
LADY MAGGIE. Sung by Mrs. Ollie Wamble. Banner, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 3027 Al
branch, Clay co., ¥Ly... Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
1501 B
creek, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1474 A2 & B,
1475 Al
LADY; MARGARET AND SWEET WILLIAM. Sung by Justis Begley with banjo.
Hazard, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1512 A2 & B
Evansville, Ind., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1741 B
LADY MARG'ET. Sung by H. G. Robbins. Hamilton, Ohio, Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1716 B, 1717 Al
LADY MARG'ET AND SWEET WILLIAM. Sung by Mrs. Lize Pace. Hyden, Ky.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1470 B
LADY MARG'ET AND SWEET WILLIE.' Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New
York, N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1939- 2568 B, 2569 A
LADY MARG'ET AND SWEET WILLIE. Sung by Vergie Bailey. Hyden, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 14.12 B
LADY MARG'ET AND SWEET WILLIE. Sung by Vergie Bailey. Hyden, Ky. ,
. Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1414 Al
LADY MARY. Sung by May Kennedy McCord. Springfield, Mo,, Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3215 B3
LADY MOUSE. Sung by Sam Harmon. Near Marvville, Tenia., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2909 Al
LADY- NANCY. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y. , Alan
Lomax, 1939. 2588 B
LADY 0' THE LAKE, THE. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark.,
John A. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 849 Al
LADY OF CARLISLE, THE. Sung by Basil May with guitar. Salyersville,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1587 B
LADY OF CARLISLE, THE. Sung by Clay Walters. Salyersville, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1578, 1581 Al
LADY OF CARLISLE, THE. Sung by Mrs. T. M. Bryant. Evansville, Ind.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1754 Al
LADY OF YORK, THE. Sung by Mrs. Jennie Devlin. Gloucester, N. J.,
Alan Lomax and Kay Dealey, 1938. 1772 B
LADY, SHUN THAT DARK-EYED STRANGER. Sung by Gilbert Fike. Little
Rock, Ark., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3189 B3
- 219 -
LADY WENT A HUNTING. Sung by Jilson Setters. American folk song
festival, Ashland, Ky. , Jean Thomas, 1934 . 303 A
LADY, WON'T YOU PRAY FOR ME? Sung by group of Negro convicts.
Bellwood prison camp, Atlanta, Ga., John A. and Alan Lomax.
1934. 253 Bl
LADYBUG. Sung by Myra E. Hull. "Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax,
1937. k 1298 A6
LAKE OF PONCYTRAIN, THE. Sung by Perry Allen. St. Louis, Mich.,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 226a. B3
LAKE OF PONCYTRAIN, THE. Sung by Pauline Fanine, Gladys Wilder,
and Don Reda Lewis, with guitars. West Liberty, Ky., Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1562 A2
LAKE PONCHARTRAIN, THE. Sung by Ben Rice. Springfield, Mo.,
Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3224 Bl
LAKES OF COLFAINE, THE. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James, Beaver
island, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2296 Al
LAMANDA. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Central Valley, Calif., Sidney
Robertson, 1938. 4203 Bl
LAME SOLDIER, THE. Sung by Mrs. Oscar Parks. Deuchars, Ind., Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1933. 1727 B2, 1728 Al
LAMENT, A. Sung by Ella McMullen (Mother) Lassiter. Sebring, Fin.,
Carita Doggett Corse and Robert Cornwall, 1940. 3895 3
James, Beaver island, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. ■ 2286 A
LAMPLIGHTER'S HORNPIPE, THE. Played by L. 0.' Weeks on fiddle.
Springfield, Vt. , Alan Lomax and Helen Kartness Flanders,
1939- 3689 A2
LAMPLIGKTING TIME IN THE VALLEY. Sung by Ruby and Oliver Hughes.
Crossville, Term., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3174 A2
LAND OF THE YEAHOES, THE. Spoken by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York,
N. Y. , Alan Lomax, 1939. 2565 B
LAND TURTLE CARRIES THE MORTAR. Sung and spoken by Henry Lundy.
Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935. 517 A & 3, 518 Al
LARRY 0' GAFF. Played by John Sellock on fiddle. Gamine, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939. 4220 Al
LASS OF GLEN SHEE, THE. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Central Valley,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1938. 4199 Al
LASS OF LOCH ROYAL, THE. Sung by Mrs. Dora Ward. Princeton, Inc.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1743 B3
LASS OF LOCH ROYAL, THE. Sung by Mrs. Myra Barnett Miller.
Tuckaseigee, N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 851 A2:
LASS OF LOCH ROYAL, THE. Sung by Oscar Parks. Deuchars, Ind. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1730 B2
LASS OF MOHEE, THE. Sung by Clyde Spencer. Crandon, Wis., Sidney
Robertson, 1937. 3294 Bl
LASS OF MOHEE, THE. Sung by James Rattery. Walpole, N. H., Alan
Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3750 B
LASS OF MOHEE, THE. Sung by Kate Burke tt. Mabel, N. C, John A.
Lomax, 1936. 839 A2
LASSIE MAWHEE, THE. Sung by Mrs. T. M. Bryant. Evansville, Ind.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1753 A2 & Bl
- 220 -
LAST APPEAL, THE. Sung by Mrs. Alice raid Mrs. Martha Williams
and Mrs. Elizabeth Flatt. Ashland, ~Ky., John A. Lomax,
1937. 1013 Al
LAST FIERCE CHARGE, THE. Sung by Ben Rice. Springfield,. Mo.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3207 Al
LAST FIERCE CHARGE, THE. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James, Beaver
island, Mich., Alan Lcmax, 1938. 2288 A3
LAST FIERCE CHARGE, THE. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Central Valley,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 4214 A2 & B
LAST FIERCE CHARGE, THE. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Crandon, Wis.,
Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3296 Bl
LAST GOLD DOLLAR. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New
York, N. I., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1804 B2
LAST GOLD DOLLAR IS GONE. Sung by George Roark with banjo.
Pineville, Ky. , Mary Elizabeth Barniele, 1938. 2002 B-10 in.
LAST MONTH OF THE YEAR, THE. Sung by Betty fey Bowman and group
of Negro women prisoners. State penitentiary, Parchman, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3087 B2
LAST NIGHT AND THE NIGHT BEFORE. Sung by two girls. Greenville,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3100 B2
LAST NIGHT AND THE NIGHT BEFORE. Sung by Walter Whitehead. Drew,
Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Loraax, 1940. 4013 Bl
LAST NIGHT I TOOK A WALK. Sung by Margaret, Vladimir and Velso
Floriani. Ahmeek, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2374 B
LAST NIGHT IN THE EVENING. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly)
with guitar., Washington, D. C„, Alan Lomax, 1937. 994 A
LAST OF CALLAHAN, THE. Played by Luther Strong on fiddle.
Hazard, Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1537 Bl
LAST OF SIZEMORE, THE. Played by Luther Strong on fiddle.
Hazard, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1537 B2
LAST OF THE SIZEMORES, THE, Played by Boyd Asher on fiddle. Hyden,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, .1937. 1525 31
Borusky. Antigo, Wis., Robert F. Braves, 1940. 4174 31
LAST SATURDAY NIGHT WAS JOLLY. Sung by Mrs. Emma Duseribury. Mena,
Ark., John A. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 847 Bl
Gertrude Thurston and group. New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barniele, 1935. 390 Al
LATEST SONG HIT, THE. Read by Mr. Nichols. Shafter FSA camp,
Shafter, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940.
4119 Al
LAUGHING. By Joe Green. Cumins state farm, Ark., Camp No. 1, John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2591 A2
LAUREL LONESOME. Clayed by Bascom Lamar Lunsford on fiddle. New
York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1834 B3
LAWTON FAMILY, THE. Sung by Mrs. Carlos Gallimore, Mrs. Blynie,
and Myrtle Melton. Galax, Va., Bess Lomax, 1937. 1343 ^1
2 & 3
- 221 -
Victoria Wilson arid group. New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas,
Alan Lo'max and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 402 A2
unidentified boy and group. New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas,
Alan Lcmax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 4-02 A3
Wilson. New Bight, Gat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax end Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 4p4 Al & 2
LAYING RAIL CHANT. Sung by J. Wilson, R. Ramsay, G. Gorman, R.
Brown, J. Kirby, L. Jones, C. Meekins and Ed Lewis. State
penitentiary, Richmond, Va., John A. Lcmax, 1936. 724 B2
LAYING RAIL CHANT. Sung by J. Wilson, R. Ramsay, G. Gorman, R.
Brown, J. Kirby, L. Jones, C. Meekins and Ed. Lewis. State
penitentiary, Richmond, Va., John A. Lomax, 1936. 724 63
LAZ'US IS DEAD. Sung by George Jenifour. Lafayette, La., John
A. Lomax, 193/+. 107 A3
LAZY MARY. Sung by Foy Gant. Austin, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1934.
61 32
LAZY YOUNG MAN, THE. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dus anbury. Mena, Ark.,
John A. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 870 Ai
LEAD HER UP AND DOWN. Sung by Mrs. Elisabeth Flatt. Ashland, Xy. ,
John A. Lcmax, 1937. 10 13 A2
LEAD HER UP LONG AS YOU LOVE HSR. Sung bj Mrs. Iria Jones, Mrs.
Nellie Prewitt and Mrs. Vivian Skinner. Near Burnsville,
Miss., Herbert Halpcrt, 1939. 2993 A3
LEAD ME TO THE ROCK. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State
penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 739 A
LEAD ME TO THE ROCK. Sung by unidentified Negro convict. State
penitentiary, Nashville, Term., John A. and Alan
Lomax, 1933- 180 A3
LEADIN' ME ON. Sung by James Brown ana Rufus Bland. Kenansvilie.
Fla., Carita Doggett Corse and Robert Cornwall, 1940. 3899 *B1
LEAKY HOUSE, THE. Spoken by Mose (Clear Rock) Piatt! Taylor, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lcmax, 1939- 2645 Bl
LEANING ON MY LORD. Sung by Rowena Bell, Pappie, Henry Lundy and
group. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935- 535 B2
LEANING ON THE LORD. Sung by mixed Negro group. Eatonviile, Fla.,
Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935. 320 Bl
LEARNING HER LETTERS. Sung by Mary G. Nicholson. Jackson, Miss.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 882 B2
LEATHER BREECHES. Played by Boyd As her on fiddle. Hyden, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1526 A2
LEATHER BREECHES. Played by Boyd Asher on fiddle. Hyden, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1527 Bl
LEATHER BREECHES . Played by Boyd Asher on fiddle. Hyden, Ky.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. . 1528B4-
LEATHER BREECHES. Played by Carl Lathrop on fiddle. St. Louis,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2264 B4
- 222 -
LEATHER BREECHES. Played by John Hatcher on fiddle. Iuka, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939= 3003 B2
LEATHER BREECHES. Played by John Selleck on fiddle. Camino,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939- 4219 B2
LEATHER BREECHES. Played by John Stone on fiddle. Columbia, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939- 3359 A2
LEATHER BREECHES. Played by Luther Strong on fiddle. Hazard, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1537 A2
LEATHER BREECHES. Played by Russell Wise on fiddle. Cherry Lake
Farm, Fla., Margaret Valiant, 1936. . 3312 Al
LEATHER BREECHES. Played by Sanford Rich on fiddle. Arthurdale,
W. Va., Charles Seeger, 1936. 3306 A3
LEATHER BREECHES. Played by Sanford Rich on fiddle. Arthurdale,
W. Va., Charles Seeger, 1936. 3307 Bl
LEATHER BREECHES. Played by Sanford Rich on fiddle. Arthurdale,
W. Va., Charles Seeger, 1936. 3307 B3
LEATHER BREECHES. Played by Stephen 3. Tucker on fiddle. Meridian,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3048 B3
LEATHER BREECHES. Sung by Ed. Morrison. American folk song festival,
Ashland, Ky. , Jean Thomas, 1934. 299 B
LEATHER BREECHES. Sung by Harvey C. Sharp with fiddle, with guitar
by Douglas Williams. Meridian, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939.
3037 B3
LEATHER BREECHES. Sung by John McCready. Groveland, Calif., Sidney
Robertson, 1939. 3355 A4
LEATHER BREECHES. Sung by Ray Wood. Houston, Tex., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2594 B2
LEAVE HER, JOHNNY, LEAVE HER. Sung by Capt. Richard Maitland.
Sailors' snug harbor, Staten Island, New York, N. Y., Alan
Lomax, 1939. 2533 B2
LEAVING ON THE MORNING TRAIN BLUES. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter (Lead
Belly) with guitar. New York, N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2501 B
LEFT-SEATED DRIVER"." Sung by group. State penitentiary, Pafchman,
Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 664 B2
LENOX. Sung by Ed Griffin and Sacred harp singers. Meridian, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3040 B2
LEPROSY. Sung by Zackie Knox. Murrells Inlet, S. C, John A.
Lomax, 1937. 1031 B2
LESLIE COUNTY JAIL. Sung by Mary Ruth and Fannie Leu Feltner.
Middlefork, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 145? Al
LET DE HEAVEN LIGHT SHINE ON ME. Sung by Jim Carter. Livingston,
Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1314 Bl
LET 'ERGO. Played by Frank (Dad) Hendrick on fiddle and Jim
Denoon on guitar. Springfield, Mo., Sidney Robertson, 1936.
3213 Bl
LET HIM GO, GIRLS, GOD BLESS HIM. Sung by Aunt Molly McDonald.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4032 a3
LET ME BE YO' SALTY DOG. Sung by the Skyline farms group.
Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938. 16 30 31
- 223 -
LET ME BE YOUR LITTLE DOG, MAMA. Sung by Ereaux Brothers' Cajun
band, with accordion, fiddle and guitar. Crowley, La.,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934 • 13 Al & 2
LET ME BE YOUR TEDDY. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York,
N. I., Alan Lomax, 1939- 2537 Al
LET ME DOM EASY. Sung by John Alexander. State penitentiary,
Huntsville, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934- . 218 B
LET ME FLY. Sung by Cecil, Martha, Edmcnd and Robert Owens.
Clemson, S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2723 A2
LET ME GO TO MY DEAR MOTHER. Sung by J. L. Goree. Houston, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2592 A4
LET ME LOOSE. Sung by Joe and Aunt Molly McDonald with clapping.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 4031 A2
LET ME RIDE. Sung by Dock Reed and Vera Hall. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1315 31
LET ME RIDE. Sung by Negro choir from Metropolitan community
church, Chicago. National folk festival, Chicago, 111.,
Sidney Robertson, 1937, 3262 Al
LET ME ROLL EASY, LET ME ROIL SLOfJ. Sung by V. R. Parker with
guitar. State penitentiary, Huntsiriile , Tex., John A. -and
Alan Lomax, 1934- 22.1 A2
LET THE CHURCH ROLL ON. Sung by Mrs. Susan and Betty Sue Shepherd
with guitar. Cumberland, Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax. 1937.
1435 A2
LET THE DEAL GO DOWN. Sung by A. 3, Hicks. Eafconviile, Fla., Alan
Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935.
361 B
LET THE DEAL GO DOWN. Sung by Zora Neale Rurston. Jacksonville,
Fla., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3137 B2
LET THIS WARFARE BE ENDED. Sung by Elihu Trusty. Paintsville,
Ky. , Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1400 Al
LET THIS WARFARE BE ENDED. Sung by G. D. Vowell. Harlan, Ky.,
Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1330 Al
LE'S GO TO CANE-YUN. Sung by Lillie and Minnie Knox. Mnrreils
Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 903 B2
LET US ALL RUN TO JESUS. Sung by group of Negro convicts.
Camp no. 28, Gainesville, Fla., John A. Lomax, 1936. 714 32
LET US MARCH DOWN TO JORDAN. Sung by John Crist, Rev.
Cornelius Ellis and Beatrice Ellis, with guitar by Herman
Ellis. Natchez, Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940,
4008 A2
LET US SING ABOUT HEAVEN. Sung by Jimmy Boudreaux. Ne^ Roads,
La., John 'A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0 • 3997 Bl
LET'S GO DOWN TO JORDAN. Sung by' Rev. J. R. Gipscn. Jasper,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax. 1940. 3980 A6
LET'S GO DOWN TO THE WATER. Sung by Florets. Jenkins and
-group. Bellingrath gardens, Mobile, Ala., John A. Lomax,
1937. 991 A2
LET'S GO FISHIN'. Sung by Clyde (Kingfiah) Smith. New York,
N. Y., Herbert Ualuert, 1939- 3656 Al
- 224 -
LET US (cent.)
LET'S GO TO ITALY. Sung by Thomas Anderson. New York, N. Y. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1938. 3628 Al & 9
LET'S GO TO ITALY. Sung by Thomas Anderson, New York, N. Y. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1938. 3633 Al & 2
LET'S JTNE UP. Sung by Bert and Ruby Rains, with guitar by
Ruby Rains. Bakersfield, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert
Sonkin, 194-0. 4141 Al
LET'S SAIL TO A3AC0. Sung by Gertrude Thurston, Naomi McKinney
and Julia Romer. New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax
and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935 • <+07 B1
LET'S SHAKE IT. Sung by Zora Nsale Hurston. Jacksonville. FJ.a.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3135 Bl
LET WE GO TO GEORGIA, LET -WE GO HOME. Sung by Rowena Bell, Sweety
Pie and Pappie with drum. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 529 Al
LET WE GO TO GEORGIA, LET WE GO HOME. Sung by Rowena Bell, Sweety
Pie and Pappie with drum. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 531 Al
LET YOUR BANGS ROLL DOWN. Sung by Bowlegs. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933.
1863 Bl & 2-10 in.
LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE. Sung by Alice (Judge) Richardson. Natchez,
Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4.001 AD-
LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE. Sung by group of Negro men and women.
Cockrum, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3011 Al
LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE' OVER BE WORLD. Sung by Jim Carter. Livingston,
Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1314 A2
LET YOUR WILL BE DONE. Sung by Dock Reed and Vera Hail. Livingston,
Ala., John A. ana Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4050 A2
LET YOUR WILL BE DONE. Sung by group 01" Negroes from Wadmalaw
island. Charleston, S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1937.
1053 Al
LETCHER COUNTY BURGLAR, THE. Sung by K. D. Begley. Middlefork, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1454 B3
LETTER FROM HOME, A. Spoken by Mrs.. Louise Henstiri. San Antonio., Tex.
John A. Lomax, 1937. 887 A
LEVEE CAMP CHANT. Sung by W. J. Skinner. State (Raid) farm,
' Boykin, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 708 Al
LEVEE CAMP HOLLER. Sung by Alexander Williams. State penitentiary,
Parchman. Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3089 B2, 3090 Al
LEVEE CAMP HOLLER. Sung by Crap Eye. State penitentiary, Parchman,
Miss., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. 1864 B2-10 in.
LEVEE CAMP HOLLER. Sung by James Davis. Belle Glade, Fla., Alan
Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935.
373 A2 1
LEVEE CAMP HOLLER. Sung by John (Black Sampson) Gibson.
State penitentiary, Nashville, Tenn., John A. Lomax, 1933.
179 B3
LEVEE CAMP HOLLER. Sung by Luther Boyd. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936, 599 31
- 225 -
LEVEE CAMP HOLLER. Sung by Willy Flowers with guitar. Belle Glade,
Fla., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elisabeth
Bamicle, 1935- 369 B
LEVEE CAMP STORY. Spoken by Sampson Pittman, with guitar by
Calvin Frazier. Chicago, 111. , Alan Lomax, 1938. 24-77 B
LEVEE HOLLER. Sung by Enoch Brown. Livingston, Ala., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2685 B2
LEVEE RAMBLER BLUES. Sung by Ferdinand (Jelly Roll) Morton with
piano. Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938. 1644 A2
LEVEE WORK SONG. Sung by Finous (Flat Foot) Rockrnore with guitar.
Lufkin, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3988 A4
LEXINGTON MURDER. Sung by Fields Ward, Crockett Ward and Mrs.
Thomas Rutherford, with guitar. Galax, Va. , John A. Lomax,
1937. 1369 Al
LEXINGTON MURDER. Sung by Mrs. Crockett Ward. Galax, Va., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4081 A2 & B2
LEXINGTON MURDER, THE. Sung by Wesley Hargis with, guitar. State
penitentiary, Raleigh, N. C, John A. ana Alan Lomax, 1934.
90 A
LIAR, THE. Sung by Liza Witt. Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby
T. Lomax, 1940. 4023 Al
LIBERTY. Sung by Palmer Godsey and the Sacred harp singers.
Bethel church, Franklin county, Ala., Herbert lialpert, 1939 •
2949 A2
LIDDY MARGET. Sung by Mrs. Sarah Ison. Near Norton, Va., Herbert
lialpert, 1939- 2312 B2
LIDO, LIDO, LIDO. Sung by Zacharias Greene. Grants, Mangrove cay,
Andros island, Bahamas, Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 416 A2
LIE, THE. Sung by Israel Alston, with banjo by Belton Reese and
bones by Thaddeus Goodson. Brevard plantation, Adams mill,
near Columbia, S. C, , Charles Seeger, 1939. 3795 Bl
LIFE ON THE OCEAN WAVE. Played by John Stone on harmonica. Columbia,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3358 Al.
LIFEBOAT, THE. Sung by Clay Walters with fiddle. Salyersville ,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1582 A
LIFTING OYSTERS. Sung by Rollie Leo Johnson. State penitentiary,
Richmond-, Va., John A. Lomax, 1936. 722- A2
LIGHT EVENING DEW, THE. Sung by M McCormick. Newberry, Mich.,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 2334 B3
LIGHTHOUSE BLUES. Sung by Roger (Burn Down) Garnett. State pen-
itentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A., and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939-
2677 A2
LIGHTNING EXPRESS, THE. Sung by Jim Holbert. Visalia FSA camp,
Visalia, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940.
4130 B2
LIGHTNING EXPRESS, THE. Sung by Mrs. Nell Hampton. Salyersville,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1574 A2
LIGHTNING EXPRESS, THE. Sung by Mrs. Pete Steele. Hamilton, Ohio,
Alan and Elizabeth- Lomax, 1938. 1706 31
McLean. State farm, Raiford, Fla., John A.. Lomax, 1936. 693 B2
LIKE A WINTER LOVE THE SUNSHINE. Sung by Willie George Albertine
King. Winnfield, La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3997 B2
- 226 -
LIKE A WINTER NEEDS THE SUNSHINE. Sung by Willie George Albertine
King. Winnfieid, La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3999 32
LIKE AN HONEST BOY SHOULD. Sung by group of Andres island men.
Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mar;/ Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935.
521 B2 & B3
LIKE TO HAVE A GOOD TIME. Sung by Negro group. Nassau, Bahamas,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 4-89 B
LILA LEE. Sung by David Rice. Springfield, Mo., Sidney Robertson,
1936. 3210 Bl
LILLA WALL. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New York,
N. Y. , George" W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935-
1806 Bl
LILY DALE. Sung by John McCready. Groveland, Calif., Sidney
Robertson, 1939. 3344 Al ■
LILY MAE. Sung by Calvin Frazier with guitar, with guitar by
Sampson Pittman. Detroit, Mich. , Alan Lomax, 1933. 2474 A3
LILY MAE. Sung by Calvin Frazier with guitar, with guitar by
Sampson Pittman. Detroit, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2474 Bl
LILY MAE. Sung by Calvin Frazier with guitar, with guitar by
Sampson Pittman. Detroit, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2486 A
LILY MAE.. Sung by Calvin Frazier with guitar, with guitar
by Sampson Pittman. Detroit, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2.475 A
LILY B/dJNROE. Sung by Uncle Dunford. Galax, Va., John A. and
Bess Lomax, 1937. 1.340 B2
LILY OF THE WEST, THE. Sung by H. L. Maxey. Ferruin, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2744 B4
LILY OF THE WEST, THE. Sung by Mrs. Mary Fuller Cain. Clintwood,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939= 2823 A2
LILY SCHULL. Sung by Mrs. Lena Bare Turbyfill and Mrs. Loyd Bare
Hagie. Elk Park, N. C, Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2845 Al
LILY SHULL. Sung by Mrs. Sabra Bare Hampton. Morganton. N. C,
1939- 2S72 Al
LILY WHITE BABES. Sung by Retta and Samuel Harmon. Near Maryville,
Term. , Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2886 B,
LILY WHITE ROBE. Sung by I. N. Marlor. Boyd's cove, Madison co.,
N. C, Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3169 Bl
LIME, OH LIME, OH MY OUR LIME. Sung by mixed group with drum.
Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle,
1935- 492 Al
LIMPING JESUS SIMEON. Sung by Lavinia Simmons and two other
women, with patting, clapping and shouting. Edisto Island,
S. C, Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3149 Al
LINDBERGH. Sung by Clyde Spencer with guitar. Crandon, Wis.,
Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3282 B2 & 3
LINDBERGH BABY, THE. Sung by Arvie Hall. Pine Mountain, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. ' 1391 A2
LINE IT FOR THE CAPTAIN." Sung by Manuel (Peter Hatcher) Jones.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4059 B2
LINING HYMN. Sung by congregation of a Negro Baptist church.
Alexandria, Va._, John A. and Alan Lomax, .1933. 75 Bl
- 227 -
LINING HYMN. Sung by congregation of a Negro Baptist church.
Alexandria, Va., John A. and .Alan Lomax, 1933 • 87 Bl
LINING HYMN.. Sung by Enoch Brown. Livingston, Ala., John A.
Lomax , 193?'. 1330 B2
LINING HYMN. Sung by group of Negroes from Wadmalaw island.
Charleston, S. C, John A. and Huby T. Lomax, 1937.
1304- A2 & Bl
LINING TRACK. Sung by Luther Boyd. Stats penitentiary, Parehrnan,
Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 599 B2
LION'S DEN. Sung by Mrs. Julie Grogan. Silverstone, N. C, John
A. Lomax, 1936. 855 A3
LISTEN, LET ME TELL YOU. Sung by Tommy Mikel. Piney Woods school,
Piney Woods, Miss.,- John A. Lomax, 1937. 881 B2
LISTEN TO DE ROLL. Sung by Zackie Knox. Murrells Inlet, S. C,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1038 Al
LISTEN TO THE MOCKIN" BIRD'. Played by Arthur Wooten on fiddle.
Galax, Va., John A. and Bess Lomax, 1937. 1350 31
LISTEN TO THE MOCKING BIRD. Played by Thomas Mann on dulcimer.
Ortonville, Iowa, Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3277 AA
LITTLE BABY FRANKLIN. Sung by Gus Harper and group. State pen-
itentiary, Parchrnan, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1937. 892 Bl
LITTLE BALL OF YARN. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark.,
' Sidney Robertson and Laurence Powell, 1936. 32.36 Al
LITTLE. BETTY ANN. Sung by Austin Harmon, Near Maryville, Tenn.,
1939. 2881 B3
LITTLE BETTY ANN. Sung by Austin Harmon with banjo. Maryville,
Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2883 Bl
LITTLE BILLY MARIE. Sung by Negro convict. State penitentiary,
Parchrnan, Miss., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. 1862 A-l§ in.
LITTLE BIRD. Sung by Clarice Garland, Pinevil.le, Ky. , Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1939. 2006 B3--10 in.
LITTLE BIRD. Sung hy Mary Ruth and Fannie Lou Feltner. Middlefork,
Ky., Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1457 A2
LITTLE BIRD.. Sung by T. G. Hoskins with fiddle. Hyden, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 3.46.1 A2
LITTLE BIRD, GO THROUGH MY WINDOW. Sung by Eddie Nelson. Murrells
Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1303 Al
LITTLE BIRD, GO THROUGH MY WINDOW. Sung by Eddie Nelson, Murrells
Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1303 Bl
LITTLE BIRDIE. Played by John Rector on fiddle and Robert Catron
on guitar. Galax. Va. , John A. and Bess Lomax, 1937.
1349 31
LITTLE BIRDIE. Played by Wade. Ward on fiddle. Galax, Va., Alan
Lomax and. Peter Seeger, 1939. 3764 Al
LITTLE BIRDIE. Sung by Bascom' Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New
. York, N. Y. , Georgo W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935- 1802 3.4
LITTLE. BIRDIE. Sung by Farmer Oollett, with banjo by John Brook.
Middlofcrk, Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1425 A
LITTLE BIRDIE. Sung by Pete Steele with banjo. Cincinnati,
Ohio, Alan and. Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1694 Al
- 228 -
LITTLE BIRDIE IN THE TREE. Sung by Ray Wood. Houston, Tex. , John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2595 34
LITTLE BITTY BLUES. Sung by Buster Hunt with guitar. Yuba City
ESA camp, Yuba City, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert
Sonkin, 1940. 4155 B
LITTLE BITTY IAN. Sung by Aunt Molly McDonald. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2691 A2
LITTLE BITTY MAN. Sung by Aunt Molly McDonald. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4032 A2
Rolle. Key West, Fla., Stetson Kennedy and Robert Cook, 1940.
3394 Bl
LITTLE BLACK MAMMY. Sung by Drew Howard. Murrells inlet, S. C,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 903 A2
LITTLE BLACK MOUSTACHE, THE. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mens.,
Ark. , John A. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 867 B2
LITTLE BLOSSOM. Sung by Ether Harmon. Near Maryville, Term.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2911 Bl
LITTLE BOBBY. Sung by J. M. Mullins with banjo. Salyersville , Kj.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1597 A2 & Bl
LITTLE BONNY. Suns; by Ward family with guitar. Galax, Va., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 1370 B3
LITTLE BOY WENT A COURTIN' . Played by Frank Kittrall on fiddle with
heel tapping and Mrs. Kittrall beating straws. Meridian,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3036 Al
LITTLE BOY, WHO SEWED YOUR BRITCHES? Sung by two girls. Greenville,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3100 54
LITTLE BRASS WAGON. Suns; by Mrs. Mints Morgan. Bells, Tex., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 895 B2
LITTLE BROWN BULLS. Sung by Arthur Mosley. Black River Falls, Wis.,
Robert F. Draves, 1940. 4186 A & B
LITTLE BROWN BULLS. Sung by Bob Walker. Crandon, Wis., Sidney
Robertson, 1937. 32.87 Bl & 5
LITTLE BROWN BULLS. Sung by Carl Lathrop, St. Louis, Mich., Alan
Lomax, 1938. 2265 A & Bl
LITTLE BROWN BULLS. Sung by Dan Grant. Bryant, Wis., Rooert F.
Draves, 1940. 4171 A & Bl
LITTLE BROWN BULLS. Sung by John K'ubish. Traverse City, Mich., Alan
Lomax, 1938. 2304 A
LITTLE BROWN BULLS. Sung by John Norman. Munising, Mich., Alan
Lomax, 1938. 2356 B, 235? Al
LITTLE BROW BULLS. Sung by Pat Ford. Central Valley, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1938. 4207 31
LITTLE BROWN BULLS. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Central Valley, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939. 4213 3
LITTLE BROWN BULLS. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Crandon, Wis., Sidney
Robertson, 1937. "3281 Bl
LITTLE BROWN DOG. Sung by Mrs. Birmah Hill Grisscm. Saltillo, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2957 A2
LITTLE BROWN JUG. Played by Robert Ricker on banjo. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax and' Jerome Wiesner, 1940. 3903 B4
- 229 -
LITTLE BROWN JUG. Played by Hobert Ricker on banjo. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax and Jerome Wiesner, 194-0. 3909 BA
LITTLE BROWN JUG. Played by Theodore Blevins on dulcimer. Galax,
Va., Bess Lomax, 1937. 1342 B2
LITTLE. BROWN JUG. Played by Thomas Mann on dulcimer. Ortonville,
Iowa, Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3277 A2
LITTLE BROWN JUG. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo, Net-
York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1800 Al
LITTLE BROtVN JUG. Sung by George Roark with banjo. Piheyille,
Ky., Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 2.001 B2-I0 in.
LITTLE BROWN JUG. Sung by John McCready. Groveland, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939- 3348 A2 & 3
LITTLE BROWN JUG. Sung by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Garrett. Crossville,
Tenn. , Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3173 A2
LITTLE BUNCH OF ROSES. Sung by Mrs. Grace Longino. Huntsville,
Tex.', John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2649 A3
LITTLE CARPENTER, THE. Sung by Jim Howard with fiddle. Harlan,
Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1376 B2
Velma Wright. Lubbock, Tex., Jolin A. Lomax, .1937. 913 A2
LITTLE DANVILLE~" GIRL, THE. Sang by John Hatcher with fiddle. Iuka,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3003 A2
LITTLE DAVID. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New York,
N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935.
1831 Al
LITTLE DAVID. Sung by Thomas Langston, Judge Broadus., Albert
Nicholson and Joe Milhouse. State docks, Mobile, Ala., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 1335 B2
LITTLE DAVID, PLAY IT ON YOUR HARP. Sung by Richard Amerson.
.Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 404-7 Al
LITTLE DAVID, PLAY ON YOUR HARP. Sung by Alice (Judge) Richardson.
Natchez, Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4005 Bl
LITTLE DAVID, PLAY ON YOUR HARP. Sung by congregation of the
Church of the ten elders. Pineville, Ky. , Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1938. 1957 A-10 in.
LITTLE DAVID, PLAY ON YOUR HARP. Sung by John White. Murrells
Inlet, 3. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1035 Al
LITTLE DAVID, PLAY ON YOUR HARP. Sung by Mr, and Mrs. John Caldwell.
Middlef'ork, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1423 31
LITTLE DICK MILTON. Sung and spoken by Daddy Fru-Fra (Gov. Stubbs) .
Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935. 4-75 B2, 476 A & B, 477 B, 478 B, 479 A & B
LITTLE DICKIE WHIGBURN. Sung by Samuel Harmon. Maryville , Tenn.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2798 8, 2799 Al
LITTLE DO YOU GOOD PEOPLE KNOW. Sung by Mrs. Carrie Walker. Magee,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3059 B2, 3060 Al
LITTLE DOGIES. Sung by John Selman. Stamford, Tex., John a.
Lomax, 1935. 563 Bl'
LITTLE DOVE, THE. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, II. I.,
Alan Lomax, 1939. ■ 2579 A
LITTLE DOVE, THE. Sung by Finley Adams. Dunham, Ky. , Herbert
Halpert, 1939. ' 2772 Bl
- 230 -
LITTLE ELLA. Sung by Samuel Harmon. Maryville, Term-., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2803 Al
LITTLE FAMILY, THE. Sung by Mrs. Birmah Hill Grissom. Saltillo,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2956 jJ
LITTLE FAMILY, THE. Sung by Mrs. Cinderella Kinnaird. National
folk festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 326.4 LI
LITTLE FAMILY, THE. Sung by' Mrs. Leander Wilson, Zionsville,
N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 835 A2
LITTLE FAMILY OF BETHANY, THE. Sung by Huldy Roberts. Gooserock,
Clay co., Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. l/,.75 A2 & 3
LITTLE FAT BOY, THE. Sung by Jim Holbert. Visalia FSA camp, Visalia,
Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940. 4121 33
LITTLE FIGHT IN MEXICO. Sung by Mrs. Carlos Galliraore -and sons.
Old fiddlers convention, Galax, Va., John A. Lomax, 1937.
1351 A2
LITTLE FRANKTE. Sung by Barbara Davis. Esserville, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2761 B2
LITTLE GAL, LITTLE GAL, YES, MA'AM. Sung by Pearline Simmons and
Theresa Sullivan. Burkeville, Tex., John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, 1939. 2656 B4
LITTLE GAL, MA'AM. Sung by Sarah C. .Whitman. Merryville, &,a.,
John A. .and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2.667 B2
LITTLE GIRL. Sung by Maggie Fulton. Jacksonville, Fla. , Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3142 31 & 2
LITTLE GIRL, LITTLE GIRL. Sung by Annie and Hettie Godfrey.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4019 B2
LITTLE GIRL, LITTLE GIRL. Sung by group of school children. Drew,
Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4017 Al
LITTLE GIRL, YES, MA'AM. Sung by Vera Hall. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2634 31
LITTLE GREEN VALLEY. Sung by Ruby and Oliver Hughes, Crossville,
Term., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3178 A3
LITTLE HARRY EUSTON. Sung and spoken by Mrs. Harrison. Springfield,
Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Kartness- Flanders, 1939 • 3686 B
LITTLE HARRY EUSTON. Sung by Mrs. Harrison. Springfield, Vt,,
Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3687 A
LITTLE INDIANS. . Sung by. Jimmy Boudreaux, New Roads,. -La. , John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. ■ 3997 A4
Pappie. Nassau, Bahamas,- Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth
Barnicle, 1935. 524 A & B, 525 A & B, 526 A
LITTLE JOE, THE WRANGLER,' Sung by Alec Moore. -Austin, Tex., John
A. Lomax,- 1936. 654 A
LITTLE JOE, THE -.WRANGLER- Sung by Mrs. Mary Sullivan. Shafter
FSA camp, Shafter, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin,
1940. "4116 B
LITTLE JOHN HENRY. Sung by Huddle Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with
guitar. New York, N. Y. , Alan Lomax, 1938. 2503 A2
LITTLE JOHN HENRY. Sung by James (Iron Head) Baker. Central state
farm, Sugar land, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 202 Al
LITTLE JOHN HENRY. Sung by James (Iron Head) Baker. Central state
farm, Sugarland, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 224 31
- 231 -
LITTLE JOHN HENRY. Sung by James (Iron Head) Baker. Central state
farm, Sugar land, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934- •
1851 A, 3 Bl & 2-3 in.
LITTLE JOHN HENRY. Sung by James (iron Head) Baker. Central state
farm, Sugarland, Tex. , John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934-
1853 B-8 in.
LITTLE JOHNNIE GRAY. Sung by Gus Schaffer. Ontonagan, Mich., Alan
Lomax, 1938. 24-13 Al
LITTLE JOHNNIE BROWN. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York,
N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935 =
1796 AA
LITTLE JOHNNIE MILLER. Sung by Charles Strickland. Murrells Inlet,
S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 950 .12
LITTLE KITTY. Sung by Mrs. Shirley Lomax Mansell. Comanche county,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2631 B3
LITTLE LAP-DOG LULLABY. Sung by Vera Hall. Livingston, Ala., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4.04.8 Al
LITTLE LIZZIE. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark., John A.
Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 864 A2
LITTLE LOG CABIN. Sung by Mrs. W. W. .Matthews, Mrs. James A.
Friddle, Jessie Santell and Mrs. Maggie Timmins. Toccoa
Falls, Ga., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2727 A2
LITTLE LOGWOOD CABIN, THE. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with
banjo. New York, N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell
Greet, 1935- 1793 B2
LITTLE LONNIE. Sung by Burruss Johnson. State farm, Raiford, Fla.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2708 Al
LITTLE MARGARET. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New
York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1779 Al
LITTLE MARG'ET. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo.
Washington, D. C, Sidney Robertson, 1937. 324-1 Al
LITTLE MARG'ET. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo.
Washington, D. C, Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3251 AS
LITTLE MARG'ET. Sung by Samuel Harmon. Maryville, Term., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2801 Al
LITTLE MARY FAGAN. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York,
N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935-
1812 B2
LITTLE MARY FAGAN. Sung by Mrs. A. J. Huff. Gatlinburg, Term.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2876 A2
LITTLE MATTHEW GROVE. Sung by Mrs. Ruth Clark Cullipher and
Angio Clark. Mullins, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1030 Al
LITTLE MATTIE GROVE. Sung by Samuel Harmon. Maryville, Tenn.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2799 B
LITTLE MAWHEE, THE. Sung by Eilie D. Sibert. Manchester, Ky. ',
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. ' I48I A
LITTLE MAWHEE, THE. Sung by Mrs. Ewart lilsop. Pensacola, N. C,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2865 A2
LITTLE MILLER BOY. Sung by group of girls, with two fiddles,
piano and guitar. Austin, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1936.
655 A3
- 232 -
LITTLE MOHEA, THE. Sung by Happy Jack Woodward with guitar.
Ontonagan, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 24.1.1 Al
LITTLE MOHEE, THE. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York,
N. Y. , Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 327 A2
LITTLE. MOHEE, THE. Sung by Capt, William T. Day. Oakland, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3821 Al
LITTLE MOHEE, THE. Sung by Doc W. Hoppes with banjo. Estatoe,
N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 840 Al
LITTLE MOHEE, THE. Sung by Etta Kilgore. "Wise, Va., Herbert,
Halpert, 1939. 2762 A3
LITTLE MOHEE, THE. Sung by George Roark with banjo. Pinevilie,
Ky., Mary. Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 201$ B-10 in.
LITTLE MOHEE, THE. Sung by Mary and Cora Davis. Manchester, Ky. ,
Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1488 A2
LITTLE MOHEE, THE. Sung by Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Gallimore, with
guitars by the Iowa boys. Galax, Va., John A. and Bess
Lomax, 1937. 134-5 A
LITTLE MOHEE, THE. Sung by Mrs. Kettle Swindel'. Freeling, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2816 Al
LITTLE MOHEE, THE. Sung by Mrs. M. P. Daniels. East Calais, Vt. ,
Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3738 31 & 2
LITTLE MOHEE, THE. Sung by Mrs. Vera Kilgore. Highlander folk
school, Monteagle, Term., Herbert Halpert, 1939= 2938 32
LITTLE MOHEE, THE. Sung by Mrs. W. L. Martin. Hillsville, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2756 B2
LITTLE MOHEE GIRL, THE. Sung by Mrs. Minta Morgan. Bells, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 922 B3
LITTLE MOHEES. Sung by Ray Bohannan. Gatlinburg, Tenn. , Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2878 B2
LITTLE MOMIS, THE. Sung by Finley Adams. Dunham,. Ky. , Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2796 32
LITTLE MOSES. Sung by Mrs. Vera Kilgore. Highlander folk school,
Monteagle, Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2939 31
LITTLE OLD COTTAGE ON THE HILL. Played oy Mr. Miller en fiddle.
. Mitchell, S. Dak., Nicholas Ray, 1939- • 3680 A2
Lunsford with banjo. New York, N. Y. , George: W. Hibbitt and
William Cabell Greet, 1935- 1792 Al
Micanopy, Fla., John A. Lomax, 1937. 959 Al
Groveland, Calif,, Sidney Robertson, 1939- 3343 Bl
Near San Ildefonso, N. ilex., Helen H. Roberts, 1930. 755 A3
LITTLE OLD SOD SHANTY. Sung by Clyde (Slim) Wilson. Springfield,
Mo., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3199 Bl
LITTLE OMIE WISE. Sung by Mrs. Goidie Hamilton, Hani ltont own,
Near Wise,.Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2829 Al
LITTLE OMIE WISE. Sung by Mrs. Sarah Ison. Near Norton, Va.,
Herbert. Halpert, 1939. 2810 31
- 233 -
LITTLE OMIE WISE. Sung by Mrs. W. II. Buchanan. Heaton, N. C,
Herbert Halpert, 1939= 2857 B3
LITTLE ONIE. Sung by Mrs. Ruth Clark Cullipher. Mullins, S. C,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1031 Al
LITTLE PALLET OF STRAW, THE. Sunt- by Jennie Devlin. Gloucester,
N. J., Alan Lomax and Kay Dealy, 193c. 184.2 B2
LITTLE PIG. Sung by Mrs. Jessie Buchanan. Magee, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 3056 31
LITTLE RED BIRD IN THE TREE. Sung by Capt. Pearl R. Nye. Akron,
Ohio, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1003 Al
LITTLE RED' BOX. Sung by John. Grant. Rome, Miss., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 4011 33
with guitar. Migratory camp, Indio, Calif., Margaret
Valiant, 1939- 35-6/,.' 33
LITTLE ROBERT LEE. Sung by Joe Frank and. Shacks Franklin. New
Roads, La.,* John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3996 A2
LITTLE ROSA LEE. Sung by Eva Grace Boone ana five children.
Brandon, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3049 B2
LITTLE ROSEWOOD CASKET, THE. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with
banjo. New York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William
Cabell Greet, 1935. 1808 Al
LITTLE ROSEWOOD CASKET, THE. Sung by Mrs. A. J. Huff. Gatlinburg,
.Term., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2875 A4
LITTLE ROSEWOOD CASKET. Sung by Ruby and Oliver Hughes.
Crossville, Term., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3174 Al
LITTLE ROSIE LEE. Sung by school children. Brandon, Miss., John
. A. Lomax ; 1937. 886 A4
LITTLE SADIE. Sung by Mrs .Lloyd Bare Hagie. Elk Park, N. C,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2351 31
LITTLE SALLY ANN. Sung by Catharine Mason. Hew York, N. Y. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3643 A2
LITTLE SALLY SAUCER. Sung by Josephine Alonzi and group of girls.
Lenox Hill settlement house, New York, N. Y., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3649 34
LITTLE SALLY WALKER. Sung ay eight Negro girls. Kirby industrial
school, Atmore, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1934 • 88 AS!
LITTLE SALLY WALKER. Sung by Elizabeth Austin and group of women.
Old Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary
Elizabeth Bamicle, 1935. 420 A3
LITTLE SALLY WALKER. Sung by Eva Grace Boone and children's
group. Brandon, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3050 Bl
LITTLE SALLY WALKER, Sung by four girls. Tupelo, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2959 Al
LITTLE SALLY WALKER. Sung by Kettie Godfrey. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4017 R4
LITTLE SALLY WALKER. Sung by Jessie Buchanan and Elgie Durr.
Magee, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3057 32
LITTLE SALLY WALKER. Sung by Ruby Clifton, Tupelo, Miss. A Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2970 A3
LITTLE SALLY WALKER. Sung by Susie May Miller and group of five
children, Vieksburg, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939 « 3074 Al
- 234 -
LITTLE SALLY WALKER. Sung by Vera Hall. Livings con, Ala., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 1323 Bl
LITTLE SALLY WALKER. Sung by Wilford Jerome Fisher and Ruthie
May Farr. Merryvilie, La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939.
2652 A2
LITTLE SALLY WATER. Sung and spoken by Catharine Mason. New York,
N. Y., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 364-3 Al
LITTLE SALLY WATERS. Sung by Gapt. Pearl R. Nye. Akron, Ohio, John
A. Lomax, 1937. 1009 B2
LITTLE SCHOOL SONG, THE. Sung by Mrs. Cora Burgess. Grand Saline,
Tex., John A. Loma::, 1957. 931 A
LITTLE SCOTCHEE, THE. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y. ,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 825 B3
LITTLE SILVER CUP. Sung by I. N. Marlor. Boyd's cove, Madison co.,
N. C, Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3169 Al
LITTLE SIR HUGH. Sung by an eld man. New Bight, Cat island,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 410 A2
LITTLE SIR HUGH. Sung by group of Andres island men. Nassau,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 503 B
LITTLE SIR HUGH. Sung by group of men with guitar. Nassau, Bahamas,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 4-98 A2 & 31
LITTLE SIR HUGH. Sung by Mrs. A. M. Harris. Pine Mountain, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1.415 A3
LITTLE SIR HUGH. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark., John A.
Lomax and Laurence Powell, 19.36. 870 32
LITTLE SIR HUGH. Sung by Sallie Belle Turner. Harlan, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 14-14- B
LITTLE SON HUGH. Sung by May and Dovey Feltner. Hyden, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 14-48 B2
LITTLE SON HUGHES. Sung by I. N. Marlor. Boyd's cove, Madison co.,
N. C, Sidney Robertson, 1936, 3170 31
LITTLE SPARROW, THE. Sung by Mrs. Dorp Ward. Princeton, Ind., Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 19.38. 1743 A2
LITTLE SPECKLED WETHER, THE. Sung by John Sizemore, with banjo by
Farmer Collett. Middlefork, Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax,
1937. 1428 33
LITTLE STREAM OF LIQUOR, THE. Played by Ray Skeens on fiddle.
Wooten, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 193'?. 14-67 33
LITTLE STREAM OF WHISKY. Sung by Fields and Mrs. Crockett Ffcrd
and Mrs. Kate Hill, with Sogtrotters band. Galax', Va., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 1356 32
LITTLE TALK WITH JESUS, A. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New L'ork,
N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1939. 2583 B2
LITTLE TOO SMALL, A. Sung by Gant family with guitar. Austin,
Tex. , John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934- 71 Al
LITTLE TOO SMALL, A. Sung by John Collier and Claude Gryder.
Bloomington, Ind., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 19.38. 1723 A
LITTLE TURTLE DOVE. Sung by Bascoin Lamar Luusford with banjo.
New York, M. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1779 A3
LITTLE TURTLE DOVE. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo.
'Washington, D. C, Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3241 31
- 235 -
LITTLE VALLEY, THE. Sung by Jennie Devlin. Gloucester, N. J.,
Alan Lomax and Kay Dealy, 1933. 1342 A2
LITTLE MITE DAISY. Sung by group of pupils. Lower Hell-for-
cer tain school, Middlefork, Ky, , Alan and Elisabeth Lomax,
1937. 1450 A2
LITTLE WILLIE. Played by Charles L. Long on fiddle, with Sam
Neal beating straws. Quitman, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939*
3044 A3
LITTLE WILLIE. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with guitar. Mew
York, N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1790 A2
LITTLE WILLIE'S MY DARLIN'. Sung by George W. Smith. State peni-
tentiary, Raleigh, N. C, John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 98 B2
LIVERPOOL. Spoken by Wilbur Roberts. Riviera, Fla., Stetson
Kennedy and Robert Cook, 1940. 3380 A5
LIVING HUMBLE. Sung by group of four Negro convicts. Penitentiary,
Columbia, S. C. , John A. Lomax, 1936. 712 .31
LIZA JANE. Played by Harvey C. Sharp on fiddle and Douglas
Williams on guitar. Meridian, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939.
3038 Al
LIZA JANE. Played by Jake Melton on dulcimer. Galax, Va., Bess
Lomax, 1937. 1343 B4
LIZA JANE. Played by Luther Strong on fiddle. Hazard, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1539 A3
LIZA JANE. Played by Marion Rees on fiddle. Zionviile, N. C,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 837 A3
LIZA JANE. Played by Turner Powers on banjo. Cincinnati, Ohio,
Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1938. 1692 B4
LIZA JANE. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y., Alan
Lomax, 1939. 255-1 A2
LIZA JANE. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with fiddle. New York,
N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935.
1836 B3
LIZA JANE. Sung by Blind James Howard with fiddle. Harlan, Ky. ,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. 77 A3
LIZA JANE. Sung by Carl Light, with violin by Otis Light. Llano,
Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 899 Al
LIZA JANE. Sung by Cleophas Franklin. Maryville, Term. , Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2893 Al
LIZA JANE. Sung by Finie'y Adams. Dunham, Ky. , Herbert Halpert,
1939. 2797 A4
LIZA JANE. Siing by H. D. Kinard with banjo. Meridian, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3039 Bl
LIZA JANE. Sung by Jacob (Jake) Melton with dulcimer. Galax, Va.,
John A. and Bess Lomax, 1937. 1340 Bi
LIZA JANE. Sung by Sam Harmon, with banjo by Austin Harmon.
Maryville, Term., Herbert Halpert. 1939. 2897 Bl
LIZA JANE. Sung by Stavin' Chain with guitar and fiddle. Lafayette.
La., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 94 31
LIZA JANE. Sung by Thaddeus C. Willing ham with banjo. Gulf port.
Miss., Herbert Halpert,. 1939- 3117 B2
- 2.36 -
LIZA JANE RIG. Sung by Roy McDaniels. State penitentiary,
Angola, La., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. 119 A3
LIZA UP A 'SIMMON TREE. Sung by George Roark with banjo.
Pineville, Ky. , Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938.
1995 A-10 in.
LLOYD BATSMAN. Sung by Mrs, Mary Sullivan. Shafter FSA camp,
Shafter, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 194.0.
4.109 A & Bl
LOCKS .AND BOLTS. Sung by Charles Spencer. Crandon, Wis., Sidney
Robertson, 1937 . 32.83 Al
LOCKS AND BOLTS. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark., Laurence
Powell and Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3225 B3
LOCKS AND BOLTS. Sung by Mrs. Rebecca Jones. Ebeneser church, N. C,
Richard Chase, 1935 • 34-25 Al
LOCKS AND BOLTS. Sting by Mr a. T. M. Bryant. Evansville, Ind., Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1753 B2
Gainesville, Fla., Alton C. Morris, 1937. 978 Al
LOGAN. Sung by Palmer Godsey and the Sacred harp singers. Bethel
church, Franklin Co., Ala., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2948 A2 & 3.1
LOGAN, COME SHO'. Sung by Falvia Woods and children's group.
Vicksburg, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3074 A2
LOLLY TOODUM. Sung by Abner Boggs. Pine Mountain .settlement school,
Pine Mountain, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1.384- B2
LOLLY TOODUM. Sung' by Ben Rice. Springfield, Mo., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3212 A2
LOLLY TOODUM. Sung by students. Pine Mountain, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 14-16 Al
LONDON BRIDGE. Sung by four girls. Lenox Kill settlement house,
New York, N. Y. , Herbert Halpert, 1939. 364-8 Al
LONDON BRIDGE. Sung by group of Negro children. Burkeville, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2656 BJ
LONDON BRIDGE. Sang by Mrs. Birmah Hill Grissom. Saltillo, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2965 B2
LONDON BRIDGE. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark., John A.
Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936= 865 Al
LONDON BRIDGE IS A BURNING DOWN. Sung by Ina Jones, Nellie Prewitt
and Vivian Skinner. Near Burnsville, Miss,, Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2994 M
LONDON BRIDGE IS A BURNING DOM. Sung by Sam Harmon. Maryville,
Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2931 B3
LONDON BRIDGE IS BREAKING DOM. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman, Elon
College, N. C, Fletcher Collins, 1939. 3775 B2
LONDON BRIDGE IS BROKEN DOWN. Sung by four children of Heaton
school. Heaton, N. C, Herbert Halpert, 1.939- 2859 Al
LONDON BRIDGE IS BURNING DOM. Sung by Mrs. Audrey Heliums and
Mrs. Vivian Skinner. Near Tishomingo, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2932 Al
LONDON BRIDGE IS FALLING DOWN. Sung by Ethel Pharr and Ernestine
High. New York, N. Y., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3645 B4
LONDON CITY. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. Hamiltontown, near
Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2788 S4-
- 237 -
LONDON TOWN. Sung by Richard Copp. Mitchell, 3. Dak., Nicholas
Ray, 1939. 3676 A2
LONE, LONE VALLEY. Sung by Nathan Hicks. Rominger, N. C, Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2854- B3
LONE PILGRIM, THE. Sung by Ba scorn -Lamar Lunsford. New York, N. Y. ,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935- 1826 A3
LONE PRAIRIE, THE. Sung by Mrs. Carrie Walker. Magee, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3103 A2 & Bl
LONE PRAIRIE, THE. Sung by Mrs. Mettle Swindel. Freeling, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2816 B3
LONE RANGER, LONE RMGER. Sung by Catharine Mason, New York,
N. Y., Herbert Halpert, 1939. .364-3 A3
LONE STAR TRAIL, THE. Sung by Mrs. Cora Burgess. Grand Saline,
Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 929 A3
LONE STAR TRAIL. Sung by Mrs. Louise Henson. San Antonio, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1935. 658 A2
LONE WIDOW, THE. Sung by Mrs. George L. White. Grand Saline, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 926 Bl
LONELY, I'M SO LONELY. Sung by Jack Bryant. Firebaugh FSA camp,
Firebaugh, Calif., Charles L, Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940.
4147 B2
LONESOME COWBOY. Sung by Alec Moore. Austin, Tex.. John A.
Lomax, 1934- . 57 B2
LONESOME DOVE. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New York,
N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935.
1779 A2
LONESOME DOVE. Sung by Marion Stoggill. Elkinsviile, Ind. , Alan
and Elisabeth Lomax, 1938. 1725 A
LONESOME DOVE. Sung by Mrs. Alice Williams. Ashland, Ky. , John
A. Lomax, 1937. 1021 Al
LONESOME DOVE, THE. Sung by Mrs. Dizia Puekett. Near Tishomingo,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2988 B2
LONESOME HIGHWAY BLUES. Sung by Lucicus Curtis with guitar, with
guitar by Willie Ford. Natchez, Miss., John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, 1940. 4-002 Al
LONESOME JAILHOUSE BLUES. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York,
N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1939. 2535 B
LONESOME. JAILHOUSE BLUES. Sung by Mary Davis. Manchester, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1490 Al
LONESOME ROAD. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y. ,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935 • 820 B3
LONESOME ROAD. Sung '^j Bill Carr. Cherry Lake Farms, Fla.,
Margaret Valiant,, 1936. 2070 Al-10 in.
LONESOME ROAD. Sung by Curly Reeves. Migratory camp, Brawley,
Calif., Margaret Valiant, 1939. 3320 B2
LONESOME ROAD BLUES. Played by Soco Gap band. National folk
festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3256 B3
LONESOME SCENES OF WINTER. Sung by Finley Adams. Dunham, Ky. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2791 Al
Salyersville , Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1554- A
- 238 -
LONESOME SCENES OF WINTER. Sung by Mrs. A. J. Huff. Gatlinburg,
Term., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2876 Al
LONESOME SCENES OF WINTER. Sung by Mrs. Hettie Swindel. Freeling,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2814 Al & 2
LONESOME SCENES OF WINTER, THE. Sung by Mrs. Molly Wylie. Fort
Spunky, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1935. 676 Al
LONESOME TRAIL. Sung by Robert Short. Mitchell, S. Dak.,
Nicholas Ray, 1939- 3681 Al
LONESOME VALLEY, THE. Sung by Gant family. Austin, Tex. , John A.
and Alan Lomax, 1934- 70 Al
LONESOME VALLEY, THE. Sung by patient. State hospital, Austin,
Tex., John A. Lomax, " 1937*. 952 A3 & B
LONESOME VALLEY SALLY. Sung by Oliver and Ruby Hughes. Crossville,
Tenn., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3178 Al
LONG BARNEY. Sung by Lester Wells. Traverse City, Mich. , Alan
Lomax, 1938. 2307 A2
LONG BEFORE THE RISING SUN. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury, Mena, Ark
Sidney Robertson and Laurence Powell, 1936. 3225 A2
LONG CHAIN CHARLIE. Played by Ed Hunter on harmonica. Middlesboro,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1403 A3
LONG COME JOHNNIE. Sung by Ella, Foy and Ado Gant. Austin, Tex.,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 1935 • 64 A2
LONG FREIGHT TRAIN BLUES. Sung by Richard L. Lewis, with guitar
by Wilbert Gilliam. State penitentiary, Hunts ville, Tex. ,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2646 A
LONG GRAVE AND A SHORT GRAVE, A. Sung by Zackie Knox, Murrslls
Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1037 Al
LONG HOT SUMMER DAY. Sung by Clyde Kill and group of Negro con-
victs. Clemons state farm, Brazoria, Tex., John A. and Ruby
T. Lomax, 1939- 2597 Bl
LONG JOHN. Sung by Mose (Clear Rock) Piatt. Taylor, Tex., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2644 32
LONG JOHN. Sung by Washington (Lightnin') and group of Negro con-
victs. Darrington state farm, Sandy Point, Tex., John A.
and Alan Lomax, 1933- 183 A2
LONG JOHN. Sung by Washington (Lightnin') and group of Negro
convicts. Darrington state farm, Sandy Point, Tex., John A.
and Alan Lomax, 1933- 734 B-10 in.
LONG JOHN. Sung by Washington (Lightnin 1 ) and group of Negro con-
victs. Darrington state farm, Sandy Point, Tex., John A. and
Alan Lomax, 1933. 1937 B-10 in.
LONG JOHN. Sung by Washington (Lightnin') and group of Negro con-
victs. Darrington state farm, Sandy Point, Tex., John A. and
Alan Lomax, 1933. 2073 A2-10 in.
LONG JOHN. Sung by Washington (Lightnin 1 ) and group with ax-cut-
ting. Darrington state farm, Sandy Point, Tex., John A. and
Alan Lomax, 1934. 193 A
LONG JOHN GREEN. Sung by Negro convict. Memphis, Tenn., John A.
and Alan Lomax, 1933- 173 A
LONG LONESOME BLUES. Sung by Negro woman prisoner. State farm,
Ra.iford, Fla., John A. Lomax, 1936. 701 32
- 239 -
LONG LONESOME ROAD. Sung by Fields Ward, with fiddles by Uncle
Alec Dunford and Crockett Ward, Galax , Va., John A. komax,
1937. 1368 A2
LONG NOSE, WIGGLY TONGUE! Sung by "Rosalind Rosenthal. New York,
N. Y. , Herbert Halpert, 1939. 364-6 A5
LONG SUMMER DAY. Sung by group of Andros island men. Nassau,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935.
509 A3
LONG SUMMER DAY. Sung by Mrs. Mary Fuller Cain. Clintwood, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2818 BE-
LONG SUMMER DAY. Sung by Mqse (Clear Rock) Piatt. Central state-
farm, Sugar land, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. 196 A2
LONG SUMMER DAYS. Sung by James (iron Head) Baker. Central state
farm, Sugar land, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. 194 31
LONG-TAILED NANNY. Sung by Alexander Rolle. Old Bight, Cat island,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935.
421 B2
LONG-TAILED RAT. Sung by Virgil Lamb. Cumins state farm, Gould,
Ark., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2643 33
LONG- TAILED RAT. Sung by Virgil Lamb. Cumins state farm, Gould,
Ark., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2666 B3
LONG TALL ANGELS. Sung by three Negro boys. Jennings, La., John
A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 108 Al
LONG TALL GAL, A. . Sung by Sam (Old Dad) Ballard. New Iberia, La.,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 101 A3
LONG TIME AGO. Sung by Capt. Richard Mai t3 and. Sailors' snug
harbor, Staten Island, New York, N. Y. , Alan Lomax, 1939-
2515 A
LONG TIME AGO. Sung by Capt. Richard Maitland. Sailors' snug
harbor, Staten Island, New York, N. Y. , Alan Lomax, 1939.
2526 B
LONG TIME AGO. Sung by Mr. Bowlegs. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax
and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 484 33
LONG TIME AGO. Sung by Pappie and group of Andros island men.
Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935. 505 B
LONG WAY TO TRAVEL. Sung by Mary Tollman and congregation of
Johnson Baptist church. Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby
T. Lomax, 1939. 2694 A2
LONGEST DAY I EVER LIVED, THE. Sung by John Brown and group of
Negro convicts. State farm, Raiford, Fla. , John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2714 A2
LONGEST TRAIN I EVER SAW, THE. Sung by Charley Jones. Eatonville ,
Fla., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935. . 365 Al
LONGEST TRAIN I EVER SAW. Sung by group of Negro convicts.
Bellwood prison camp, Atlanta, Ga., John A. and Alan Lomax,
1934. 253 Al
LONGEST TRAIN I EVER SAW. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Bellwood
prison camp, Atlanta, Ga., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934-
253 B2
LOOK AT HIM DYING. Sung by Findlay Donaldson. Pineville, Ivy.,
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. I986 B-10 in.
- 240 -
LOOK AT THE MORNING STAR. Sung by Lavinia Simmons and two 7/omen.
Edisto Island, 3. C, Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3152 A2
LOOK AWAY BEYOND THE BLUE. Sung by Robert and Viola Russell.
Marion, Va., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3163 B2
LOOK DOWN 'THAT LONESOME ROAD. Sung by Bill Carr. Cherry Lake Farms,
Fla., Margaret, Valiant, 1936. 3309 Bl
LOOK DOWN THAT LONG, LONESOME ROAD. Sung by group of Negro convicts.
State (Reid) farm, Boykin, S. C, John A. and Alan Loraax,
1934. 267 Bl
LOOK FOR ME FOR I'LL BE THERE. Sung by Jim: Garland. New York, N. '£. ,
Alan Lomax, 1937. 1949 B-10 in.
Woods with guitar. Shreveport, La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax,
1940. 3989 B2
LOOP DE LOOP. Sung by group of school children. Brandon, Miss., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 386 Al
LOOSEN THIS OLD SHACKLE. Sung by Willie Jackson and group. Belle
Glade, Fla., John A. Lomax, 1936. 690 A
LOP-EARED MULE. Played by Rich family en fiddles, guitar, mandolin
and banjo, with calling by Otis Pugh. Arthurdale, W. Va.,
Charles Seeger, 1936. 3307 A2
LORD BAKEMAN. Sung by George Vinton Graham with guitar. San Jose,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1938. 38.11 Al & 2, Bl
LORD BAKEMAN. Sung by J. C. Kennison. Bennington, Vt., Alan.
Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. .3752 A & B
LORD BANYAN. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mens, Ark., John A.
Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936.. 857 Al
LORD 3ATEMAN. Spoken by Mrs. G. A. Griffin, Newberry, Fla., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 958 E2
LORD BATEMAN. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. Hew fork, N. 1\ , Alan
Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnacle ., 19.35'. 822 Al & Bl
LORD BATEMAN. Sung by Finley Adams. Dunham, Ky. , Herbert Halpert,
1939 . 2797 B2
LORD BATEMAN. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Menu, Ark., John A.
Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 858 A
LORD BATEMAN. Sung by Mrs. Lize Pace. Hyden, Ky.-j Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1439 B
LORD BATEMAN. Sung by Mrs. Minnie Floyd. Murrells Inlet, S, C,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939'. 2692 .Bl
LORD SALESMAN. Sung by E. H. Napier,. Hazard, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. . 1552 32
LORD BATESMAN. Sung by Mrs. Mary Young. Hazard, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1957. 1549 Al
LORD BATESMAN. Sung by Munroe Gevedon with fiddle. West Liberty,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax,. 1937. 1556 Al ■
LORD DANAVER AND LITTLE MU3GRAVE. Sung by John, Sisamoro. Middlefork,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1427 B2
LORD DANIEL. Sung by Green 'Maggard. American folk song festival,
Ashland, Ky., Jean Thomas, 1934- 308 S
LORD DANIEL. Sung by Sewane.e Begley. : Middlefork, Ky, , Alan- and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1455 B
- 241 -
LORD DANIEL. Sung by Vergie Bailey. Hyden, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax. 1937. 144-7 B2
LORD DANIEL. Sung by Vergie Bailey. Hyden, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1448 Al & Bl
LORD DANIEL'S HORN. Sung bj Dr. C. L. Watkins. Vancleave, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3112 B3
LORD DANIEL'S WIFE. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York,
N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935-
1730 A
LORD DANIEL'S WIFE. Sung by W. M. Keen. Hyden, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1473 Al
LORD DARNOLD. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. Hamiltontown, near
Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2779 A & B, 2780 Al
Hiilsville, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2750 A2 & 3
LORD, DON'T TURN YOUR CHILD AWAY. Sung by Jubilee quartet.
Cumins state farm, Camp No. 1, Gould, Ark., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2591 B3
LORD GAL, THE DOUBLE RAP. Sung by Gertrude Thurston and group,
with saw and clapping. New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935. ' 409 B2
.LORD GAL, THE DOUBLE RAP. Sung by Gertrude Thurston and group,
with saw and clapping. New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan
Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935. 409 B3
Gertrude Thurston and two girls. New Bight, Cat island,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 400 3
Gertrude Thurston and group of girls. Nov; Bight, Cat island,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle , , 1935 • 401 B
LORD GOT AWAY FROM ME, THE. Sung by Mac and Pappie with., banjo.
Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle. 1935.
519 Bl
LORD, HAVE MERCY WHIN I COME TO DIE. ; Sung by group of students
from Rust college. Holly -Springs , Miss. , Herbert Halpert,
, . 1939. 3015 Bl
LORD, HAVE MERCY WHEN I COME TO DIE. Sung by Lela Thompson family.
Cockrum, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3012 Al
LORD, HAVE MERCY WHEN I COME TO DIE. Sung by Taylor Green, Wyiie
Cone, Nathan Scott and Charlie Holloway. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 616 Al"
Montgomery, Ala., John A, Lomax, 1937. 878 B2
LORD, I STRETCH MY HAND TO THEE. Sung by People's burial aid
society choir. Columbia,.. S. C. John A. and Ruby T. Lomax,
■ 1940. . 4080 B2
LORD, I WANT YOU TO MOVE.. Sung by D. W. White and Pearson's
funeral home choir. Columbia, S. C-. . John A. Lomax, 1937.
1027 B2
LORD, I'M IN TROUBLE. Sung by Joe Miller and Jim Henry. State pen-
itentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 743 B
LORD, I'M ROLLIN'. Sung by Dock and Henry Reed and Vera Hall.
Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1317 B3
- 242 -
LORD, IT'S ALMOST DONE. Sung by Negro convict. Wetumpka, Ala.,
John A. Lomax, 1934- 225 M
LORD, LORD. Sung by Crew of "The Boys". At sea, off the Georgia
coast, Robert Cook and Robert Cornwall, 1940. 3890 B
LORD, LORD, HE SHO' IS GOOD TO ME. Sung by Gertrude Smartts and
Minnie Swear ingen, with guitar by Johnny Robertson.
Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938. 1624 32
LORD, LORD, SHORTY. Sung by group of Negro boys. Lake Arthur, La.,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 109 Al
LORD LOVEL. Sung by Anne Corbin Ball. Richmond, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2737 Bl
LORD LOVEL. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York, N. Y.,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935. 1736 A2
LORD LOVEL. Sung by Capt. Pearl R. Nye. Akron, Ohio, John A.
Lomax, 1937. ' 1007 Al
LORD LOVEL. Sung by J. M. Mullins with banjo. Salyersville , Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1594 B
LORD LOVEL. Sung by Mrs. L. L. McDowell. Smithville, Term. , Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3180 Al
LORD LOVEL. Sung by Mrs. Myra Barnett Miller. Tuckaseigee, N. C,
John A. Lomax, 1936. ' 842 B2
LORD LOVEL. Sung by Mrs. Theodosia Bonne tt Long. Saltillo, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2968 Al
LORD LOVER. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla., Alton C.
Morris, 1937.' 992 B2
LORD LOVER. Sung by Mrs. W. M. Brown. Newberry. Fla., Alton C.
Morris, 1937. 992 Bl
LORD, MAKES US ONE. Sung by Victoria Wilson. New Bight, Cat island,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 404 M
LORD, MY HIDIN' PLACE. Sung by Alice (Judge) Richardson. Natchez,
Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4006 B2
LORD RANDAL. Sung by Mrs. George A. Webb. San Angolo, Tex., John
A. Lomax, 1935- 577 A
LORD RANDAL. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College, N, C,
Fletcher Collins, 1939. 3786 Bl
LORD, SEARCH MY HEART. Sung by Lillie and Minnie Knox. Murrells
Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 903 31
LORD, SEND ME WHERE YOU WANT ME TO GO. Sung by John Emanuel. State
farm, Raiford, Fla,, John A. Lomax, 1936. 679 B2
LORD, TAKE PITY ON ME. Sung by Zackie Knox. Murrells Inlet, 3. C,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1044 Bl
LORD THOMAS. Sung by Alice Morris. Gainesville, Fla., Alton C.
Morris and John A. Lomax, 1937. . 991 B2
LORD THOMAS. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. Now York, N„ Y. ,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935- 1779 B
LORD THOMAS. Sung by Carlos Gallimore and Mrs. Crockett Ward. Old
fiddlers convention, Galax, Va., John A. Lomax, 1937.
1367 B
1/ -3
- ^-M-J ~
LORD THOMAS. Sung by Finley Adams. Dunham, Ky. , Herbert Halpert,
1939. 2771 Bl, 2772 Al
LORD THOMAS. Sung by George Vinton Graham with guitar. San Jose,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939- 3374 Al & 2
LORD THOMAS. Sung by Horton Barker. Near Chilhowle, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2836 Al
LORD THOMAS. Sung by Lola Caldwell. American folk song festival,
Ashland, Ky. , Joan Thomas, 1934- 307 B
LORD THOMAS. Sung by Mrs. C. S. MacClellan. High Springs, Fla.,
Alton C. Morris, 1937. 985 Bl
LORD THOMAS. Sung by Mrs. Carrie Walker. Magee, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 306.5 32
LORD THOMAS. Sung by Mrs. C. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 961 Al & Bl
LORD THOMAS. Sung by Mrs. Julia Grogan. Silverstone , N. C, John
A. Lomax, 1936. 840 83
LORD THOMAS. Sung by Mrs. Mary Fuller Cain. Ciintwood, Va. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2820 Al
LORD THOMAS. Sung by Mrs. Maude Cleverag'er. Luttrell, Tenn.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2936 B3
LORD THOMAS. Sung by Mrs. Minnie Floyd. Murrells Inlet, S. C,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1036 Al
LORD THOMAS. Sung by Mrs. Polly Johnson. Wise, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2759 B2, 2760 Al
LORD THOMAS. Sung by Mrs. Sebra Bare Hampton. Morganton, N. C,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2871 A3
LORD THOMAS AND FAIR ELEANOR. Sung by Mrs. Esther Bryant
Frazier. Evansvillo, Ind. , Alan and Elisabeth Lomax,
1938. 1737 A & Bl
LORD THOMAS AND FAIR ELLENER. Sung by J. C. Kennison. Bennington,
Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3753 A & B
LORD UHLAN'S DAUGHTER. Sung by Ada, Bessie and Mamie Sloan.
American folk song festival, Ashland, Ky. , Jean Thomas, 1934»
296 A
LORD UHLAN'S DAUGHTER. Sung by Walter Alderman. Galax, Va., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 136 1 Bl
LORD VANIFER'S WIFE. Sung by Capt. Pearl R. Nye. Akron, Ohio,
John A. Lomax, 1937,. 1004 Al
LORD VANIFER'S WIFE. Sung by Capt. Pearl R. Nye. Akron, Ohio,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1005 B
LORD VANNERS. Sung by Mrs. Sarah Ison. Norton, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2807 A & B, 2808 A
LORD VARNER. Sung by Mrs. Maude Clevenger. Luttrell, Term.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2936 B2
LORD VARNOLD. Sung by Mrs. Ruth Clark Cullipher and Anglo Clark.
Mullins, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937 •. 10.30 B2
LORD WATERFORD IS DEAD. Sung by Herbert Henry. New lork, N. I.,
Herbert Halpert, 1938. 3629 Bl
LORD WILL MAKE A WAY FOR ME, THE. Sung by Martha Wright and
Lillie Knox. Murrells Inlet, 8. C., John A. Lomax, 1937.
946 B3
- 244 -
LORD, WILL YOU GOME BY HERE? Sung by John and Ella Robinson and
Ida Sedbury. Lubbock, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 951 A2
LORD'S PRAYER. Sung by Uncle Rich Brown. Sumterville. Ala., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194.0. 4028 A3
Williams. Greenville, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939.
3091 A3 & Bl
LORDY, LORDY. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y. ,
Alan Lomax, 1939- 2549 A
LORDY, LORDY. Sung by the Five soul stirrers of Houston. Austin,
Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1936. 673 Al
LORDY, LORDY. Sung by Washington (Lightnin 1 ) and group of Negro
convicts. Darrington state farm, Sandy Point, Tex., John A.
and Alan Lomax, 1934- 191 31
LORENA. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New York, N. Y.,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935. 1792 132
LORENA. Sung by John McCready. Groveiand, Calif., Sidney Robertson,
1939. 3351 Al
LOSS OF LINDBERGH'S SON, THE. Sung by Henry Hall. Cumberland, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 14-30 A
LOST BABY, THE. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark., John A.
Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 876 Al
LOST CHILD, THE. Sung by Mrs. Birmah Kill Grissom. Saltillo, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2963 33
LOST GIRL, THE. Played by Lake N. Porter on fiddle. Falfurrias,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2620 A2
LOST GIRL, THE. Played by Luther Strong on fiddle. Hazard, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. ".1539 Al
LOST GIRL, THE. Played by Marion Rees on fiddle. Zionville, N. C,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 837 A/,
LOST GIRL, THE. Played by Marion Rees on fife. Zionville, N. C,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 837 Bi
LOST GIRL, THE. Played by Theophilus G. Hoskius on fiddle. Hyden,
Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1518 B2
LOST INDIAN. Played by Ervie Mar eyes on fiddle, with guitar by
Red King. San Antonio, Tex. , John A. Lomax, 1936. 556 B2
LOST INDIAN. Played by J. M. Mullins with banjo. Salyersville ,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1598 Bl & 2
LOST INDIAN. Sung by Lewis H. Propps with fiddle. Pleasanton, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 570 A2
LOST JIMMIE WHALEN, THE. Sung by Bob Walker. Crandon, Wis.,
Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3287 Al
LOST JIMMIE WHALEN, THE. Sung by Gus Schaffer. Ontonagan, Mich.,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 2412 Al & B2
LOST JOHN. Played by Enos Canoy on fiddle,, Tin Canoy on mandolin
and Lola Canoy on guitar. Mageo, Miss., Herbert Halpert,
1939. 3054 Bl
LOST JOHN. Played by Henry Garrett on harmonica and guitar with
tapping. Crossville, Tenn. , Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3176 A2
LOST JOHN. Played by Sanders Terry on harmonica. New York, N. Y. .
Alan Lomax, 1938. 2493 B
LOST JOHN. Played by Sanders Terry on harmonica. Now York, N. Y. ,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 2494 A & B
LOST JOHN. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New York, N. Y.
George Iff. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935. 1801 ' A3
- 245 -
LOST JOHN. Sung by Harry Green and group. State penitentiary.
Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1937. 885 Bl
LOST MY GLOVE YESTERDAY. Sung by Mrs. W. L. Martin. Hillsville,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2756 B3
LOST MY HANDKERCHIEF. Sung by Ann Lawrence, James Runolds and
Willie Groves. Edwards, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939.
3070 Bl
LOST MY HANDKERCHIEF, Sung by group of children. Vicksburg, Miss.,
.Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3074. B2
LOST MY HANDKERCHIEF. Sung by Mary Leff ridge, Alice Harrell,
Fanny Myres and Clara Johnson. Jackson, Miss., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 882 A2
LOST MY HANDKERCHIEF YESTERDAY. Sung by group of Negro children.
Near Newton, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939° 2657 A3
LOST SHEEP, THE. Sung by Mrs. D. L. and Sallie Belle Shepherd.
Cumberland, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1431 A
LOST TRAIN BLUES. Played by Fred Perry on fiddle, with guitar by
Glenn Carver. State farm, Raiford, Fla. , John A. and Ruby
T. Lomax, 1939. 2717 A2
LOST TRAIN BLUES. Sung by Fred Perry and Glenn Carter. State farm,
Raiford, Fla., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 3556 B
LOUISE. Played by Sanders Terry on harmonica. New York, N. Y.,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 2492 A
LOUISE. Sung by Rcscoe (Stud) Jackson and chain gang. Anderson
county, S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2725 Al
LOUISIANA BLUES. Sung by Augustus (Track Horse) Haggerty. State
penitentiary, Huntsville, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax,
1934. 222 Bl
LOUISIANA NIGGER. Sung by Lewis H. Propps with fiddle. Pleasanton,
Tex., John A. Lomax, .1936. 570 A3
LOVE BUG, THE. Sung by Sarah Ogan. New York, N. I. , Alan J-cmax,
1937. 1945 61-10 in.
LOVE COMES TWINKLlN 1 DOM. Sung by Dock Reed, Vera Hall and Jesse
Allison. Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939.
2680 B2
LOVE HENRY. Sung by Mrs. R. Jones, fthitetop, Va., Richard Chase.
1935- 3426 A2
LOVE ME, PEOPLE, LOVE ME. Sung by congregation of Baptist church.
Alma plantation, Baton Rouge, La., John A. and Alan Lomax,
1935. 104 A3. ■■
LOVE SOMEBODY- Played by John Stone on fiddle. Columbia, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3359 B2
LOVELESS CCC. Sung by Tommy Rhoadas with guitar. Visalia FSA
camp, Visalia, Calif . ,, Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin,
1940. 4130 Bl
LOVELY NANCY. Sung by, Betty Pace. Hyden, Ky. 5 Alan and Elizabeth
Lomax, 1937. 1517 B2
LOVELY NANCY. Sung by Clay Walters. Salyersville , Ky.., Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1576 B2
LOVELY NANCY. Sung by Jilson Setters with fiddle. Ashland, Ky. ,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1016 B2
- 24-6 -
LOVELY NANCY. Sung by Mrs. Lize Pace. Hydon, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax i 1937. I469 A2 & Bi
LOVELY NANCY. Sung by "Mrs. Minnie Floyd. Murrells Inlet, £. C,
John A. Lomax, 1937. IO46 Al
LOVER IN THE LONE GREEN VALLEY. Sung by white man, with guitar
by Huddle Ledbetter .(Lead Belly). State farm, Pine Bluff,
Ark., John A. Lomax, 193-4 ■ 240 A 5
LOVER'S BARGAIN, THE. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin, Newberry, Fla.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 957 B3
LOVER'S FAREWELL, THE. Sung by Mrs. C. S. MacClellan. High Springs,
Fla., Alton C. Morris, 1937. 937 B2
LOVER'S FAREWELL, THE. Sung by Mrs. C. S. MacClellan. High Springs,
Fla., Alton C. Morris, 1937. 988 B2
LOVER'S LAMENT, THE. Sung by group of patients. Texas state
hospital, Austin, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 936 Bl
LOVERS' QUARREL, THE. Sung by Mrs. Minta Morgan. Bells, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1339 A2
LOVERS' WARNING. Spoken by Mrs. M. M. Turner. Middlesboro, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1404 B2, 1406 Al
LOVERS' WARNING. Sung by Mrs. Mary M. Turner. Middlesboro, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1//J4 Bl
LOVER'S WARNING. Sung by Ralph and Arthur Aadington with guitar
and violin and comment by J. T. Adams. Wise, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2767 B2
LOVESICK. Sung by Mrs. Ruth Clark Culliphsr and Angle Clark.
Mullins, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1030 BI
LOVING HENRY. Sung by Bill Bundy with guitar. Manchester, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax. 1937. 1511 A
LOVING HENRY. Sung by E. H. Napier. Hazard, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1552 A & Bl
LOVING HENRY. Sung by Edna Feltner. Middlefork, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1456 32
LOVING HENRY. Sung by Florence Sibart. Webb branch. Clay Co.,
Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 14.85 B
LOVING HENRY. Sung by Mrs. Escc Kilgcre. Hamilton-town,, near Wise,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2832 Al
LOVING HENRY. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton.. Hamiltontown, near
Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2786 B
LOVING HENRY. Sung by Mrs. Maggie Gant. Austin, Tex., John k.
and Alan Lomax, 1934- ■ 66 Al
LOVING HENRY. Sung by Mrs. Mary Fuller Cain. Clintwood , Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2819 B4
LOVING HENRY. Sung by Samuel Harmon. Maryviile, Term.., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- ' 2805 Al
LOVING MOLLY. Sung by Gant family. Austin, Tex., John A. and
Alan Lomax, 1934. 70 Bl
LOVING MOLLY. Sung by Gant family. Austin, Tex. > John A. and
Alan Lomax, 1936. 643 A
LOVING NANCY. Sung by Mrs. Lee Skeens. Woo ten, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 14-66 A3
- 247 -
LOVING NANCY. Sung by Mrs. M. A. Harris, Pine Mountain, Ky. ,
Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 14-13 A3
LOVING SALLY TAYLOR. Sung by Mrs. Cinderella Kinnaird. National
folk festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson, 1937.
3265 Al
LOW AND LONSSOME LOW, THE. Sung by Mrs. T. M. Bryant. Evansville,
Ind., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. .1740 A
LOW DOWN BLUES. Sung by Ferdinand (Jelly Roll) Morton with piano.
Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938. 3.655 A & B
Boyd, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. /+062 31
LOW DOWN, DEATH, RIGHT EASY. Sung by Dock Reed and Vera Hall.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4035 Bl
LOW DOWN WORRY BLUES. Sung by Noah Moore with guitar. Oil City,
La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3994 3
LOWLANDS, THE. Sung by Capt, Richard Maitland. Sailors' snug
harbor, Staten Island, New York, N. Y. , Alan .Lomax, 1939-
2517 B
LOWLANDS, THE. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James, Beaver island,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2273 B, 2274 Al
LOWLANDS LOW, THE. Sung by Blaine Stubblefield with guitar.
Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1939- 2506 A
LOWLANDS LOW, THE. Sung by Blaine Stubblefield with guitar.
Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1939. 2506 B
LOWLANDS LOW, THE. Sung by George Vinton Graham. San Jose,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3377 Bl
LOWLANDS LOW, THE. ' Sung by Jonathon Moses. Orford, N. H., Alan
Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3703 Bl
LOWLANDS LOW, THE. Sung by Mrs. James T. Adams. Norton, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2778 Bl
LOWLANDS LOW, THE. Sung by Myra E. hull. Washington, D. C,
Alan Lomax, 1937. 187.1 Bl-10 in.
LOWLANDS LOW, THE. Sung by Wards H. Ford. Central Valley, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1938. 4194 A2
LOWLANDS LOW, THE. Sung by Warde K. Ford. Central Valley, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1938. 4194 A3
LOWLANDS OF HOLLAND, THE. Sung by George Vinton Graham with guitar,
San Jose, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1938. 3812 l\2
LOWLANDS OF HOLLAND, THE. Sung by Mrs. L. L. McDowell. Smithville ,
Tenn., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3183 A2
LOWLANDS SO LOW, THE. Sung by Finley Adams. Dunham, Ky. , Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2797 Bl
LUCY BABBIT. Sung by Eva Grace Boone and children's group.
Brandon, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3051 A2
LULA VIERS. Sung by Mrs. Alice Begley. Middlefork, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1456 A3
LULA WALL. Sung by E. H. Napier with banjo. Hazard, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1551 A
LULLABY. Sung by John Brown. State farm, Raiford, Fla., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2709' 32
- 2^8 --
LULLABY. Sung by Mrs. Carlos Gallimore. Galax, Va., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 1363 B4
LULLABY. Sung by Mrs. Crockett Ward. Galax, Va., John A. Lomax,
1937. 1370 B4
LULLABY, LULLABY, SWEET BABE 0' MINE, Sung by Bessie Lee and
Freddie C, Hunter. Nev.'ton, Text, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax,
1939. 2653 A2
LULU GAL. Sung by Uncle Billy McCrea. Jasper, Tex., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 3975 A2
LULU WALL. Sung by Doc Hoppes with banjo. Estatoe, N. C, John
A. Lomax, 1936. 856 A3
LULU WALL. Sung by Gilbert Fike. Little Rock, Ark., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3190 B3
LULU WALL. Sung by T. G. Hoskins with banjo. Ryden, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1460 Bl
A LUMBERING WE WILL GO. Sung by Lewis linfield Moody.
Plainfield, Wis., Robert F. Drave's, 1940. 4169 A
LUMBERJACK MONOLOGUE. Spoken by Art Mosely. Black River Falls,
Wis., Robert F. Braves, 1940. 4138 A & B
LUMBERJACK SPECIAL. Sung by Walter Ross (Potty) Ralph. Cliff
house, Tuolumne co., Calif.-, Sidney Robertson, 1939-
3359 Al
LUMBERJACK'S ALPHABET, THE. Sung by Gus Schaffer. Greenland,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2.413 A3
LUMBERJACK'S STORY. Spoken by Swen Swanson. National folk festi-
val, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3252 B4
LUMBERMAN'S ALPHABET, THE. Sung by Elmer George. East Calais,
Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939- 3709 A
LUMBERMAN ' S ALPHABET, THE. Sung by Elmer George. East Calais,
Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3709 B
LUNDERING MURDER, THE. Sung by Lawton Grogan. Silverstone, N. C,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 854 B2
LUNEY, LUNEY HAS GONE TO THE WAR. Sung by George Vinton Graham
with guitar. San Jose, Calif., Sidney. Robertson, 1939.
3373 Al
LYDIA MARGARET. Sung by Mrs. Flossie Ellon Evans. Galax, Va.,
John A. and Bess Lomax, 1937. 1344 Al
LYNCHBURG TOM. Sung by Edgar S. Smith with banjo. Cincinnati,
Ohio, Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1938. 1590 Bl
LYNCHBURG TOM. Sung by J. M. Mullins with banjo., Ky.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1587 A2
LYNCHBURG TOM. Sung by Pete Steele with banjo. Hamilton, Ohio,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938, 1710 Bl
LYRE BIRD AND THE JAY, THE. Sung by Byron Coffin, Jr., and Mrs.
Byron Coffin, Sr., with piano . Alameda , Calif., Sidney
Robertson, 1939. 3822 32
MABEL. Sung by Elmo Newcomer with fiddle. Pipe Greek, Tex., John
A. end Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 263?. A2
McAFEE'S CONFESSION. Sung, by H. G. Robbing.. Hamilton, Ohio, Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1933. 1716 A.
MCALLISTER. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Central Valley, Calif., Sidney
Robertson, 1938. 4196 B2
MCALLISTER.- Sung by Warde H. Ford. Central Valley, Calif., Sidney
Robertson, 1938. 4196 B3
McDONALD OF GLENCOE.- Sung by Ben Rice. Springfield, Mo., Sidney
Robertson, 1937. 3223 Al
MacLEOD'S REEL. Played by Aaron Morgan on harmonica. Columbia,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3368 A4
MACS AND O'S, THE. Sung by Joe Schaffer. Greenland, Mich., Alan
Lomax, 1938. 2415 B2
MADAM, I HAVE A VERY FINE FARM. Sung by Shorty Allen. Shatter .FSA
camp, Shafter, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin,
1940. 4114 B2
MADAM, I HAVE COME A COURTING. Sung by George Vinton Graham. San
Jose,- Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1938. 3815 A3 &4
MADAM, I HAVE COME A COURTING. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. -.
Hamiltontown, near Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2835 Al
MADE MI ROUND, I DONE G3T OVER. Sung by Gilbert Fike. Little Rock,
Ark., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3189 Bl
MAGGIE MOORE. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Bellwood prison
camp, Atlanta, G-a., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 251 A2
MAID FREED FROM THE GALLOWS. Sung and spoken by Jane Monroe.
Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935.
481 B2, 482 Al
MAID FREED FROM THE GALLOWS, THE. Sung by Bradley Browning. Arjay,
Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 193?'. 1387 A2 & 31
MID FREED FROM THE GALLOWS, THE. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter
(Lead Belly) with guitar. Wilton, Conn., John A. Lomax, 1935.
: - 139 A2
MAID IN LOVE, THE. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James, Beaver island,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2296 A3
MID OF GLENCOE, THE. Sung by George Vinton Graham, San Jose.,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1938. 3315 Bl & 2
MID SAVED FROM THE GALLOWS, THE. Sung by Gertrude Thurston.
New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth
Barnicle, 1935. 388 B3
MIL SAIL TOMORROW. Sung by Rowena Bell, Sweety Pie and Pappie
with drum. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935- 531 B2
Simmons, 'William Devee, Arabella Wilson and group, with drum.
Old Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth
Barnicle, 1935. 417 B2
MIN SHEET BROKE AWAI, POOR OLD MAN, THE. Sung by Gertrude Thurston
and group. New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 389 Al
- 250 -
MAJOR AND THE WEAVER. Sung by Bill Mr: Bride. Mt. Pleasant, Mich.,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 2262 kU & 5
MAJOR'S BREECHES, THE. Sung by Elmer George. East Calais, Vt.,
Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939- 3725 A
banjo. Pineville, Ky., Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1933.
2001 A-10 in.
HAKE A CHANGE IN THE BUSINESS. Sung by Buster Hunt with guitar.
Yuba City FSA camp, Yuba City, Calif., Charles L. Todd and
Robert Sonkin, 194-0. 4-154- A
MAKE IT ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD. Sung by Alan Lomax. Chevy Chase,
Md., Alan Lomax, 1937. 1617 B2
MAKE IT ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD. Sung by Bess Lomax. Chevy Chase,
Md., Alan Lomax, 1937. 16-17 B3
MAKE ME A GARMENT. Sung by Roscoe McLean. State farm, Raif'ord,
Fla., John A. Lomax, 1936. 682 Al
MAKE MY BED SOON. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. Hamiltontown, near
Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2780 3
MAKE THE DEVIL LEAVE ME. ALONE. Sung by Mary Jones and group of
Negro women prisoners, with patting. State penitentiary,
Parchraan, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3087 31
MAKE UP MY DYIN' BED. Sung by Finous (Flatfoot) Rcckmore with
guitar. Lufkin, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0.
3988 B4.
MAKES A LONG TIME MAN FEEL BAD. Sung "c?j group of Negro convicts.
State penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936.
610 A2
MAKES A LONG TIME MAN FEEL BAD. Sung by group of Negro convicts
with ax-cutting. Cumins state farm, Gould, Ark., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2641 B2
MAKES A LONG TIME MAN FEEL BAD. Sung by Gus Harper and group.
State penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1937.
884- Al
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 19-40. 4-035 B2
MAKING CHILDREN BY STEAM. . Sung by Mrs. Margaret Sullivan. Springfield
Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939- 3745 31
MAMA, DID YOU BRING ME ANY SILVER? Sung by Huddle Led better (Lead
Belly) with guitar. New York, N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2501 A
MAMA DON'T 'LOW NO 3WINGIN' OUT IN HERE. Sung by Ace Johnson with
harmonica, with guitar by L. W. Gooden. Clemens state farm,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2596 A2
MAMA DON'T RAISE NO COTTON, NO CORN. Played by string band.
Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935.
431 3
MAM DON'T WANT NO PEAS, NO RICE. Sung by Zora Neale Hurston.
Jacksonville, Fla., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3139 31
Anderson. New York, N. Y., Herbert Halpert, 1933. 3628 A3
Cleveland Simmons and mixed group. Old Bight, Cat island,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935. 4-19 A
- 251 -
Thurston. New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- ' 403 A3
man with banjo. New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax
and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935= 4-12 A
band, Nassau, Bahamas, " Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935- 433 A2
MAMA, HE STOLE MY HAT, KNOCK HIM SO DAM I Sung by mixed group.
Nassau. Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935.
4-92 A2
MAMA, I SAW A SAILBOAT. Sung by Elizabeth Austin and group. Old
Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935. 424 A3
MM, I SAW A SAILBOAT. Sung by Rowena Bell, Sweety Pie and Pappie
with drum. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935- 529 33
Thurston and group. Hew Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax
and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 391 3
MAMA, MAKE MY BED SOON. Sung by Alec Moore. Austin, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1935- 665 31
MAM, MAM. Sung by Augustus (Track Horse) Haggerty. State
penitentiary, Huntsville, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934*
210 A2
MAM, MAM, HAVE YOU HEARD? Sung by group of girls. Lenox Hill
settlement house, New York, N. Y., Herbert Halpert, 1939.
3650 A2
MAMA SAY, BALL THE JACK. Sung by Rowena Bell, Swetty Pie and Pappie
with drum. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935. 523 Bl
MAM SENT ME TO THE SPRING. Sung by group ox girls of Heaton
school. Heaton, N. C, Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2860 B8
MAM SENT ME TO THE SPRING. Sung by Mary Addington. Norton, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2776 B3
MAMA SENT ME TO THE SPRING. Sung by Mrs. Esco Kilgore. Norton,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2776 32
MAMA SENT ME, TO THE SPRING. Sung by Mrs. Mary Glenn lessee. Norton,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2775 Bl
MM'S IN ALABAMA. Sung by Augustus (Track Horse) Haggerty with
ax-cutting. State penitentiary, Huntsville, Tex., John A.
and Alan Lomax, 1934- 221 B2
MMIE. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State prison farm,
Milledgeville, Ga., John A. Lomax, 1934- 259 32
MAMMY BLUES. Played by Salty Holmes on harmonica. National folk
festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3259 35
Shafter FSA camp, Shafter, Calif., Charles L. Todd and
Robert Sonkin, 1940. 4142 33
MAN AND THE LITTLE FISH, THE. Sung and spoken by Zacharias Greene.
Grants, Mangrove cay, Andros island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax
and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 454 A
- 252 -
MAN OF GALILEE. Sung by James Williams. American folk song festi-
val. Ashland, Ky., Jean Thomas, 1934- • 307 A
MAN WITH THE MANDOLIN. Played by Sara Pitts on harmonica and guitar.
Pine Grove, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 4-225 Bl
MAN-OF-WAR SAILOR. Sung by Gertrude Thurston and group with saw
and clapping. New bight, Cat island, Bahamas, A.lan Lomax
and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 409 Bl
Nassau string band. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 440 A2
MANDY FROM BIG SANDY. Sung by Jack Garland, with guitar by Walter
Garland. Arjay, Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1389 A3
Pappie. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935- 522 A & B 523 A
MANY QUESTIONS. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Central Valley, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1938. 4-196 Bl
MAPLE ON THE HILL. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York, N. Y.,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935. 1791 B2 .
MAPLE SUGAR CORN. Sung by Clearwater with Indian drumming.
National folk festival. Chicago. 111., Sidney Robertson,
1937. 3256 Al
MARCH. Played by Red Stevens on accordion. Cherry Lake Farm, Fla.,
Margaret Valiant, 1936. 2070 Bl-10 in.
MARCH DOWN TO JORDAN. Sung by Rich Brown. Livingston, Ala., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 1332 A2
MARCHING .AROUND THE LEVEE. Sung by Mrs. Ina Jones, Mrs. Nellie
Prewitt and Mrs. Vivian Skinner. Near Burnsville, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2993 Bl
MARCHING. AROUND THE LEVEE. Sung by Ray Wood. Houston, Tex., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. ' 2594 B4-
MARCHING AROUND THE LILY. Sung by Melinda and Rosalee Vaughan.
Laager, Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2942 B2
MARCHING AROUND THE LILY. Sung by Mrs. Birmah Hill Grissom.
Saltillo, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2965 33
Vancleave, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3111 A3
MARCHING THROUGH GEORGIA. Sung by Mason Parmer with tenor guitar.
Newberry, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2351 Bl
MARIE. Played by Ramon Bermudez on drum. Tampa, Fla., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3146 B7
MARION WILKERSON TUNE, THE. Played by Henry Davis on fiddle.
Hamilton, Ohio, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1714 31
Maryville, Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 19.39. 2922 A2 & 31
MARRIED GIRL. Sung by Flora Richardson, with holler by Cqrdy
Richardson. Murrells Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937.
1043 A3
MARRIED GIRL, A. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. Hamiltontown,
near Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2834 33
MARRIED LIFE BLUES. Sung by Georgia Turner, with harmonica by Ed
Hunter. Middlesboro, Ky., 1937. 1403 32
- 253 -
and group of women. Old Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan
Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 4-20 B3
Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935- 4.86 'A2
and. Sweety Pie with drum. Nassau, Bahamas, .Alan Lomax and
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle," 1935. 529 Bl
MARRIED MAN WILL KEEP YOUR SECRET . Sung by Gertrude Thurston and
group. New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 392 B
Austin, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1936. 64.8 A2
with tenor guitar. Newberry, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2352 B2
■MARRIED WOMEN BLUES. Sung by Willie George Albertine King.
Winnfield, La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3998 A2 & Bl
MARROWBONE ITCH. Sung by Mike Brock, with guitar by Farmer Collett.
Middlefork, Ky., Alan and. Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1427 Bl
MARRY A RAILROAD MAN. Sung by Henry Truvillion. Burke ville, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2666 A2
MARSE TOMMY'S SON. Sung by Isabel Barnwell. Jacksonville, Fla.j
Stetson Kennedy, 1939. 3521 Bl & 2
MARTHA CAMPBELL. Sung by Munroe Gevedon with fiddle and guitar,-
with banjos by Cathlyn and Bart Gevedon. West Liberty, Ky.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 15o0 Bl
MARTHA PENIX. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York, N.Y.,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935- 1821 A & B
MARTHY AND MARY. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark., Sidney
Robertson and Laurence Powell, 1936. . 3233 Al
MARTHY HAD A BABY. Sung by Roscoe McLean. State farm, Raiford,
Fla., John A. Lomax, 1936. 693 Bl
MARY AND MARTHA. Sung by Mrs. Alice and Mrs. Martha Williams.
Ashland, Ky., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1013 3
MARY AND THE BABY. Sung by Ella Mitchell and Veliaa Wright.
Lubbock, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 913 B2
MARY AND. WILLIE. Sung by Mrs. Annie Richardson. Murrells Inlet ;
S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1042 A2
MARY SLAIN. Sung by Mrs. Theodosia Bonnett Long. Saltillo, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2954 Al
MARY, COME JOIN THE RELIGION. Sung by group of Andros island men.
Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935. 510 A2
MARY DEAR. Sung by Mrs. Coldie Hamilton. Kamiltontown, near
Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, .1939. 2782 A
MARY, DON'T YOU WEEP. Sung by Capt. Pearl R. Nye. Akron, Ohio,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1009 Bl
MARY, DON'T YOU WEEP. Sung by Kuddie Led" .otter (Lead Belly)
with guitar. Wilton, Conn., John A. Lomax, 1935- 131 A & Bl
MARY FAGAN. Sung by Woodrow (Woody) Wilson Guthrie with guitar.
Washington, D. C, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1940. 3415 A2
- 254 -
MARY FAGAN. Sung by Arlie i3aker. Fine Mountain, Ky., Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1411 Al
MARY JANE. Sung by Uncle Billy McCrea. Jasper, Tex., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 3986 A3
MARY JUBAL GENTLE. Sung by Dr. David Mcintosh. National folk
festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3253 Ac
MARY MACK. Sung by group of Negro school children with clapping.
Drew, Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 4017 M 5 Bl
MARY MACK DRESSED IN BLACK. Sung by Ella Jane Carter and group of
girls. Piney Ytfoods school, Piney Woods, Miss., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 881 A3
MARY MACK DRESSED IN BLACK. Sung by Willie (Red Eye) Williams.
Cumins state farm, Gould, Al-k., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax,
1939. 2670 Al
MARY, MARTHA AND LAZARUS. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College,
N. C, Fletcher Collins, 1939- 3777 B
MARY OF THE WILD MOOR. Sung by Mrs. Ewart Wilson. Pensacola, N. C,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2866 Al
MARY ON THE LORD'S SIDE. Sung by congregation of Baptist church.
New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935- 399 A2
MARY UN THE LORD'S SIDE. Sung by congregation of Baptist church.
New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935. 399 Bl
MARY ON THE WILD MOOR. Played by J. H. Duck on fiddle and Mrs.
V. W. Gifford on piano. East Bethel, Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen
Hartness Flanders, 1939- 3718 Bl
MARY, THE WILD MOOR. Sung by Joe Hubbard. Hamiltontown, near Wise,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2824 Al
MARY WAS A RED3IRD. Sung by Henry and Ruby Lee- Truvillion.
Burkeville, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3982 A2
MARY WAS A REDBIRD. Sung by Henry and Ruby Lee Truvillion. Newton,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2662 Bl
MARY'S BLESSINGS. Sung by Richard Chase. Whitetop, Va., Richard
Chase, 1935- 3428 A2
MARY'S BLESSINGS. Sung by Russell Berry and the Misses Ferryman.
Whitetop, Va., Richard Chase, 1935- 3428 Al
MARY'S TWELVE BLESSINGS. Sung by Geneva Campbell. Heaton, N. C,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2858 Bl
MASSA'S BARN. Sung by James Taylor Adams. Wise, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2770 Al
MATCHBOX BLUES. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with guitar.
State prison farm, Angola, La., John A. Lomax, 1934. 123 B
MATCHBOX BLUES. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with guitar.
Wilton, Conn., John A. Lomax, 1935. 141 3
MATHY GROVE. Sung by George Vinton Graham with guitar. San Jose,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1938. 3814 A2
MATILDA, MATILDA. Sung by Alexander Rolle. Old Bight, Cat island,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 421 B6
MAUMEE MID, THE. Sung by Mrs. Susan Weridle. Elon College, N. C,
Fletcher Collins, 1939- 2235 B2
- 255 -
MAY WE SOW THE RIGHTEOUS SEEDS. Sung by Sewanee Begley and Edna
Feltner. Middlefork, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1927.
U56 Bl
MAZOO FROM ALABAM 1 . Sung by group of Negro children with clapping.
Drew, Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 4.0 Li A5
MAZURKA. Played by Aaron Morgan on harmonica. Columbia, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3367 A2
MEDICINE MAN, THE. Sung by Huddle Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with
guitar. Wilton, Conn., John A. Lomax, 1935. 138 A
by Thomas Mann on dulcimer. Ortonville, Iowa, Sidney
Robertson, 1937. 3277 Bl
Lamar Lunsford on fiddle. New York, N. Y., George W. Hibbitt
and William Cabell Greet, 1935- 1335 A2
from central Illinois. Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson,
1937. 3242 132 & 3
AGAIN. Played by Thomas Mann on dulcimer. Ortonville, Iowa,
Sidney Robertson", 1937. 3276 Al
MEET ME, JESUS. Sung by Lavinia Simmons and throe others, with
shouting. Edisto Island, S. C, Herbert Halpert, 1939 =
3149 B2
MEET ME, MY LENA. Sung dj Elgie Durr. Mages, Miss., Herbert Halpert,
1939. 3057 A2
by Sanders Tarry on harmonica. New York, N. Y., Alan Lomax,
193S. 2493 A
MEET ME OVER IN GALILEE. Sung by Victoria Wilson. New Bight, Cat
island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle,
1935. 404 Bl
MEET YOUR PARTNER. Sung by Gilbert Fike. Little Rock, Ark.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3186 A3
MEETIN' GWINE BE HERE TONIGHT. Sung by Manuel (Peter Hatcher)
Jones. Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940.
4060 Bl
MEMORIAL TO EDWARD LEWIS, A. Sung by Doc Hoppes with banjo.
Estat'oe, N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 856 Al
Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1939- 3336 B
MERCY, LORD. Sung by D. W. White and Pearson's funeral home choir.
Columbia, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1027 A2
MERCY, LORD. Sung by People's burial aid society choir.
Columbia, S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4077 Bl
MERIDIAN JAIL HOUSE. Sung by Blind Jesse Karris with accordion.
Livingston. Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1331 A2
MERMAID, THE. Sung by A. J. Ford. Grand on, Wis., Sidney Robertson,
1937. 2236 Al
MERMAID, THE. Sung by Dascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New York,
N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935.
178A Bl
~ 256 -
MERMAID, THE. Sung by Mrs. Erarnc. Dusenbury. Mens., Ark., John A.
Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 875 A3
MERMAID, THE. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Men-., Ark., Sidney
Robertson and Laurence Powell, 1936. 3229 Al
MERMAID, THE. Sung by Mrs. J. TI. Newman. Elon College, N. C,
Fletcher Collins, 1939. 3782. A2 & D2
MERMAID, THE. Sung by Mrs. Lize Pace. Hyden, Ky., Alan and
Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1438 Al
MERMAID, THE. Sung by Mrs. Maggie Gant. Austin, Tex., John A.
and Alan Lomax, 1934 • 66 A3
MERMAID, THE. Sung by Mrs. Maggie Gant. Austin, Tex., John Ai
and Alan Lomax, 1934. 72 B2
MERMAID, THE. Sung by Samuel P. Harmon. Maryville, Tenn., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2883 Al
MERRIE TURKALEE. Sung by base era Lamar Lunsi'ord . Nations], folk
festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson, 193V. 3257 ..12
MERRIMAC AND THE MONITOR, THE. Sung by Wesley Swallow. Oakland
City, Ind. , Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1938. 1734 3
MERRY GOLDEN TREE. Sung by bascora Lamar Lunsford. New York, N. Y.,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,, 1935. 1780 B
MERRY GOLDEN TREE, THE. Sung by Mrs. Carrie Walker. Mageo, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3060 32
MERRY GOLDEN TREE, THE. Sung by Samuel Harmon. Maryville, Tenn.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2802 A2
METHODIST PREACHER. Played by basoom Lamar Lunsford on fiddle.
New York, N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and Willir-m Cabell Greet.
1935. 1834 M'
MICHIGAN FIRE, THE. Sung by Louis Dridoup. Traverse City, Mich.,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 2304 B
MICHIGAN-I-O. Sung by Lester Wells. Traverse City, Mich., Al'.m
Lonax, 1938. ' 2303 B
MIDDLESEX FLORA, THE. Sung by J. W. Green, St. James, beaver
island, Mich, Alan Lomax, 1938. 2275 A
MIDNIGHT SPECIAL. Sung by Frank Jordan and group of Negro convicts.
State penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936.
618 Al
MIDNIGHT SPECIAL. Sung by Gant family. Austin, Tex. , John A.
Lomax, 19.36. 647 A
MIDNIGHT SPECIAL. Sung by Gus Harper, Jim Henry and Herman Jackson.
State penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1937.
885 A3.
MIDNIGHT SPECIAL. Sung by Huddle Ledbotter (Lead belly) with
guitar. State prison farm, Angola, La., John A. Lomax, 1935-
124 A
MIDNIGHT SPECIAL. Sung by Huddle Ledbotter (Lead belly) with
guitar. Wilton, Conn,, John A. Lomax, 1935 • 133 A
MIDNIGHT SPECIAL. Sung by Jesse Bradley. State penitentiary,
Huntsville,. Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934* 218 Al
MIDNIGHT SPECIAL. Sung by Woodrow (Woody) Wilson Guthrie with
guitar and harmonica. Washington, D. C, Alan and Elisabeth
Lomax, 1940. 3410 Al
-- 257 -
Spencer.' Crandon, Wis., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3293 A2
MIGHTY RIDER, THE. Sung by Henry Truvillion. Burkeville , Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2655 A2
MIGRANTS, THE. Spoken by Rex Hardy. Shafter migratory camp, Calif.,
Margaret Valiant, 1939- 3332 A
MIGRATORY GRIT. Spoken by Mary Taggart. Migratory camp, Brawiey,
Calif., Margaret Valiant, 1939. 3563 Al
New York, N. Y., -Herbert Halpert, 1933. 3632 A2
MILK COW BLUES. Sung by Clarence Green. Cumins state farm, Gould,
Ark;, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939 • 2670 A2
MILK COW BLUES. Sung by Negro convict. Sta+,e penitentiary, Parchraan,
Miss., John A. Fornax , 1938. 622 Al
MILK COW BLUES. Sung by Robert Welch. State penitentiary, Parchiaan,
Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 606 Al
MILK WHITE STEED. Sung by Mrs. Sabra Sare Hampton. Near.Morgantovm,
N. ,C, Herbert Halpert, 1939. 286S Al Bl, 2
MILKING MID, THE. Sung by Elmer George and Mrs. M. P. Daniels ._
East Calais, Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Hrrtness Flanders, 1939.
3738 Al
MILKMAID. Sung by Mrs. Ada Mooney. Oxford, Miss., Herbert Halpert,
1939. 3016 Bl
MILLER, THE. Sung by a boy and three girls. Skyline' farms,
Scottsboro, Ala., Herbert Halpert, 1939. *945 A2
MILLER, THE. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y., Alan
Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935. 823 Al
MILLER, THE. Sung- by Mrs. L. L. McDowell. Smithvills, Tenn. ,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3183 H
MILLER, THE.. Sung by Mrs. Mary Fuller Cain'. Clintwood, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- "2818 B5
MILLER, THE. Sung' by Myra E. Hull. Washington, D. C, Alan. -Lomax,
1937. 1875 kZ-10 in.
MILLER, THE. Sung by Ruby Hughes. Crossville, Tenn., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3±78"B1
MILLER, THE. Sung by Ruby Wilson. Kingsville, Tex., John A, and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2625 Al
MILLER AND HIS SON, THE. Sung by Diehard Chase. Whitetop, Va,,
Richard Chase, 1935. 3431 31
MILLER BOY, THE. Sung by Carl Garrett. Crossville, Tenn., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3175 Bl
MILLER BOY. Sung by Mr. and Mrs. Hobart. Fentress. Waco, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 925 1)1
MILLER BOY. Sung by Mrs., Ina Jones, Mrs. Nellie Prewitt and Mrs.
Vivian Skinner. Near Burnsvillo, Miss., Herbert Halpert,
1939. • 2993 Al
MILLER GOT DRQWNDED. Sung by Cecil, Martha, Edmond and Robert
Owens. Clemson, S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939.
2723 DA .
MILLER THAT HAD THREE SONS, THE. Sung by Anne Corbin Ball.
Richmond, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2736 Al
- 258 -
MILLER'S A (JOIN 1 FOR TO DIE, THE. Sung by Jim Holbert. Viselifi
FSA camp, Visalia, Calif., Charles L. Todd raid Robert Sonkin,
194-0. 4.136 B2
MILLER'S DAUGHTER, THE. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark.,
John A. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 853 B
MILLER'S WILL, THE. Sung by John K. Feaster. Micanopy, Fla., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 959 A2
MILWAUKEE FIRE, THE. Sung by Asel Trublood. St. Ignace,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2325 3, 2326 Al
MILWAUKEE FIRE. Sung by Warde K. Ford. Central Valley, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1938. 4198 Bl
MILWAUKEE FIRE. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Central Valley, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1933. 4198 B2
Godson. Murrells Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 377 Al
MINE HUNTER. Spoken by Sam Harmon. Maryvilie, Tenn., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2928 Al
MINER'S CHILD, THE. Simp; by Fanny Degley. Middlefork, Ky. , Alan .
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 14.53 B2
MINER'S CHILD'S DREAM. Sung by Bill Atkins with guitar. Pineville,
Ky., Mary Elizabeth Barniclo, 1938. 1991 Al-10 in.
MINER'S COMPLAINT, THE. Sung by Mrs. Frost Woodhull. San Antonio,
Tex., John A. Lomax, 1936. 597 Bl
MINER'S DEATH, THE. Sung by Mrs. Susan Shepherd. Cumberland, Ky.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1435 Bl
MINER'S FAREWELL. Sung by Findley Donaldson. Pineville, Ky., Mary
Elisabeth. Barnicle , 1938 . * 1985 B2-10 in.
MINERS OF COAL CREEK, THE. Sung by Mrs. D. L. Shepherd with guitar.
Cumberland, Ky., Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 14-32 A2
MINER'S SONG. Sung by Robert Short. Mitchell, S. Dak. , Nicholas
Ray, 1939. 3674 A2
MINISTER'S FAREWELL. Sung by L. L. McDowell. Smithville, Tenn.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3185 A3
MINNEAPOLIS TRIBUNE, THE. Sung by Happy Woodward with guitar.
Ontonagan, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 24-10 B2
MINSTREL SONG. Sung by Georgia Loftin. Camp Indio, Calif.,
Margaret Valiant, 1939. 3328 A3
MIS' LADY, MIS' LADY. Sung by three children. Tupelo, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 296O Al
MISS BETTY'S DEAD. Sung by a group of girls. Monroe county training
school, Amory, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2975 32
MISS CINDY. Sung by Thaddeus C. Willingham with banjo. Gulf port,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3118 A2 & Bl
MISS J. I. JONES. Sung by Joyce Butnor. Heaton, N. C, Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2859 B2
MISS JINNY'S GONE TO DRINK WATER. Sung by Sarah Ann Heed and group.
Edwards, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3070 A3
MISS JULIE AND JOHN. Sung by Pinnacle and Chandler children.
Murrells Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 904 B2
MISS LUCY LONG. Sung by Mrs. Kate W. Jones. Houston, Tex., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2590 A3
- 259 -
MISS LUCY NEALE. Sung by Elisha Cox. San Angelo, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 19.35. 54-7* Al
MISS MAGGIE. Sung by Jeff Horton. Livingston, Ala., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2697 Bl
MISS MOUSIE. Sung by Barbara Davis. Esserville, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2761 Bl
MISS SALLY AT THE PARTY. Sung by W. E. Claunch with fiddle and Mrs.
Christeen Raywood with guitar. Near Guntown, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2974 A2
MISS SUE. Sung by four girls. Monroe county training school, Amory,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2975 Al & 2
MISS SUE FROM ALABAMA. Sung by Ann Lawrence and young people's
group. Southern Christian institute, Edwards, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 3069 B2
MISS SUE FROM ALABAMA. Sung by eight Negro girls. Kirby industrial
school, Atmore, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1934. 88 B5
MISS SUE FROM ALABAMA. Sung by group of children. Shreveport, La.,
John A. Lomax, 1934. 206 B3
MISS SUE FROM ALABAMA. Sung by Negro children with dancing.
Taylor, La., John A. Lomax, 1936. 614 Al
MISS SUE, MISS SUE. Sung by five of Aaron Pinnacle' s children.
Murrells Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 909 B2
MIS3 WRINKLE. Sung by Walter Alderman. Old fiddlers convention,
Galax, Va. , John A. Lomax, 1937. 1359 B2
MISS MATT, EIGHTEEN FORTY -EIGHT. Sung by Mrs. Jennie Devlin.
Gloucester, N. J., Alan Lomax and Kay Deaiy, 1938. 1776 31 .
MISSISSIPPI RIVER BLUES. Sung by Lucious 'Curtis with guitar, .
with guitar by Willie Ford. Matches, Miss., John A. and Ruby
T. Lomax, 1940. 4003 Bl
MISSISSIPPI SAWYER. Played by Happy Mountaineers. Tygart
valley homesteads, Elkins, W. Va., Gordon Barnes. 1939.
3575 A3
MISSISSIPPI SAWYER. Played by Harvey C. Sharp on fiddle and H. D.
Kinard on banjo. Meridian, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939.
3038 A3
MISSISSIPPI SAWYER. Played by Hobert Ricker on banjo. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax and Jerome Wiesner, 1940. 3904 Al
MISSISSIPPI SAWYER. Played by Houston Knob string band. Rockymount,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2738 Bl
MISSISSIPPI SAWYER, THE. Played by Jimmie Powers on fiddle, with"
guitars by Turner Powers and Rosie Ledford. Cincinnati,
Ohio, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1692 B3
MISSISSIPPI SAWYER. Played by Otis Pugh on harmonica. Arthurdale,
W. Va., Charles Seeger, 1936. 3305 Bl
MISSISSIPPI SAWYER. Played by Stephen B. Tucker on fiddle. Meridian,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 304.6 Al ''."■'
MISSISSIPPI SAWYER. Played by Tink Queer on fiddle and Franklin
Slater and Bill Fowler on guitars. Ligonier, Pa., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3156 Bl
MISSISSIPPI SAWYER. Played by ?fede Ward on fiddle. Galax, Va.,
Peter Soeger and Alan Lomax, 1939. 3763 A3
- 260 -
MISSISSIPPI SAWYER. Played by Walter Williams on banjo.
Salyersville, Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1599 Bl
MISSISSIPPI SAWYER. Sung by group of girls with two fiddles,
piano and guitar. Austin, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1936. 655 B2
MISSISSIPPI SAWYER. Sung by S. C. Simon, with fiddles by J. C.
Fowler, Elic Buckner and Alva Ruffner. Lubbock, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 905 A
MISSISSIPPI SOUNDING CALLS. Sung by Joe Shores. Greenville, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3094 Al
MISSISSIPPI SOUNDING GALLS. Sung by Joe Shores. Greenville, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3094 31
MNEMONIC SCHOOL SONGS. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College,
N. C, Fletcher Collins,' 1939. 3778 Al
MOANING. Sung by Sin-killer Griffin. Darrington state farm, Sandy
Point, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934-. 135 Al
MOANING SONG. Sung by Bessie May Branch and group. Negro school,
Brandon, Miss., John A. Lomax, .1937. 94-3 Al
MOBILE BAY. Sung by Charlie Jackson. State penitentiary, Parchman,
Miss., John A. Lomax, 1938. 60S A
MOBILE BAY. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 610 Al
MOCKING BIRD, THE. Played by Fred Perry on fiddle and Glenn Carver
on guitar. State farm, Raiford, Fla., John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, 1939. 2717 A3
MOCKING BIRD, THE. Played by John Stone on harmonica. Columbia,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3357 Bl
MOCKING BIRD. Played by Russell Wise on fiddle and Mr. White on
guitar. Cherry Lake Farms, Fla., Margaret Valiant, 1936.
3311 Al
MOLE IN THE GROUND. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo.
Leicester, N. C, Sidney Robertson, 1936. 316'/ Al
MOLLY. Sung by Mrs. Molly Wylie. Fort Spunky, Tex., John A. Lomax,
1935. 674 Bl
MOLLY BRIGHT. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College, N. C,
Fletcher Collins, 1939. 3774 34
MOLLY DEAR. Sung by Mrs. Byron Coffin, Sr. with piano. Alameda,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3824 Al & 2
MOLLY FULL 0' PEPPERS. Sung by Mrs. Ruby P. Tartt. Livingston,
Ala., John A. and Ruby l". Lomax, 1940. 4063 83
MOLLY PUT THE KETTLE ON. Played by Dewey, Awilda and Myrle
Hamrick on violin, guitar and tenor banjo. Tygart valley
homesteads, Elkins, W. Va. , Gordon Barnes, 1939. 3573 32
MOLLYCODDLE. Sung by Negro girls of Merryville school
Merryville, La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2663 Al
MONDAY I WAS 'RESTED. Sung by Albert Shepera. State prison camp,
Boone, N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 361 33
MONEY AIN'T NO USE ANYWAY. Sung by Merle Lovell with guitar.
Shafter FSA camp, Shafter, Calif.. Charles L. Todd and Robert,
Sonkin, 1940. 4111 Bl
MONEY MUSK MEDLEY. Played by Leizime Brusoe on fiddle. Rhinelander,
Wis., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3273 A2
- 261 -
MONKEY MEN. Sung by Huddle Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with guitar.
Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937. ■ ''f95A
Gelder. New York, N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1937. 194-9. A-1Q in.
MONOLOGUE: FISH-PEDDLING CRIES. Spoken by Clyde (King-fish) Smith.
New York, N. Y., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3.656. A3 '
(Kingfish) Smith. New York city, Herbert Halpert, 1939.
3655 B4
VALLEY. Spoken by Harry Hansen. Cliff house, Tuolumne Co.,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3371 B2
MONOLOGUE ON A BLACK CAT. Spoken by Uncle Alec Dun'ford. Galax,
Va., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1357 A
Robertson. Shafter FSA camp, Shafter, Calif., Charles L. '
Todd and Robert Sonkin, 194-0. ■ 4-120 A
MONOLOGUE ON A LION. Spoken' by Willie George • Albertine King.
Winnfield, La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax,- 194-0. 3999 B4-
by Woodrow (Woody) Wilson Guthrie. Washington, D. C, Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1940. 34-18 B2, 34-19 A
MONOLOGUE ON A THRIFTY MAN. Spoken by Uncle Alec Dunf ord . Galax,
Va., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1355 B2
MONOLOGUE ON AARON HARRIS. Spoken by Ferdinand (Jelly Roll) Morton
with piano. Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938.' 164.4- Bl
CHARLES. Spoken by Ferdinand' (Jelly Roll) Morton. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax," 1938. 1.64-5 B
MONOLOGUE ON ACCIDENT. Spoken by Blind. Willie McTell. Atlanta,
Ga., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax ,' 194-0 ., . 4069 B3
Roll) Morton. Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938. .1666 A
MONOLOGUE ON BEGINNINGS OF JAZZ. Spoken by Ferdinand (Jelly Roll)
Morton with piano; Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, .1938,.
164-9 A & B
Spoken by Ferdinand (Jelly Roll) Morton with piano.
Washington, D. C. , Alan Lomax, 1938. 1652 A~
Robertson. Shafter FSA camp, Shafter, Calif . , Charles L. Todd
and Robert Sonkin, 194-0. 4120 B
MONOLOGUE ON BOATS. Spoken by Capt. Asel Trueblood. St.'.Ignace,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2330 B
THEORIES OF JAZZ. Spoken by Ferdinand (Jel?„y Roll) Morton
with piano. Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938. 1651 A & B
MONOLOGUE ON CALIFORNIA BLUES. Spoken by Woodrow (Woody ) ; Wilson
Guthrie. Washington, D. C, Alan and? Elizabeth Lomax, 194-0.
3421 A
(Flatfoot) Rockmore. Lufkin, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. 'Lomax,
194-0. 3988 Bl
- 262 -
MONOLOGUE ON CUSSING. Spoken by Richard Amerson. Livingston, Ala.,
;... : John A. Lomax, 1937. 1326 Al
MONOLOGUE, ON DANCES. Spoken by Joe McDonald. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby I. Lomax, 194-0.. 4-031 B2
Jackson. New York, N. Y.., Alan Lomax, 1939. 3338 A2 & Bl
MONOLOGUE ON DEER HUNT. Spoken by Uncle Billy McCrea. Jasper,
Tex., John A. and Riiby T. Lomax, 1940. 3986 A2
MONOLOGUE ON DOCTOR RICH'S CURES. Spoken by Richard Amerson.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940 4 4034 Bl
Jackson. New York, N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1939. 2559 A
(Jelly Roll) Morten, with piano. Washington, D. C, Alan
Lomax, 1938. 1658 A & B . . .
MONOLOGUE ON EARLY DAYS. .Spoken by Joe McDonald. Livingston,
Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4034 A3
MONOLOGUE ON EARLY LIFE. Spoken by James P. Johnson with piano -
New York, N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2-496 Bl
MONOLOGUE ON EARLY LIFE. Spoken by. Willie George Albertine King.
Winnfield, La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3997 Al
Spoken by May Kennedy McCord. Springfield, Mo., Sidney
Robertson, 1939. 3216 Al
Donaldson. Colmans, Ky., Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938.
1987 B-10 in.
MONOLOGUE ON FAVORITE SONGS. Spoken by Mrs. Margaret Sullivan.
Springfield, Vt.,, Alan Lomax, ana Helen Hartness Flanders,
1939. 3746 B5
New York, N. Y., Alan Lomax,, 1939. 258.6 A & B, 2587 A & B,
2588 A ,
MONOLOGUE ON FOOLISH SONGS. Spoken by Ether Harmon, Near
• ; Maryville, Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2911 A3
Sidney Robertson. Central Valley, Calif., Sidney Robertson,
1939. 4194 B3 ,-:... ;..,-..■-
MONOLOGUE ON- GAMBLING. Spoken by Henry Truvillion. Burkeville,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3983 B4
(Jelly Roll). Morton: with piano. . Washington, D. C, Alan
Lomax, 1938. 1647: A . < /• .- ,-.i. :
MONOLOGUE ON GO DOM,": OLD HANNAH; Spoken by James (Iron Head)
Baker. Washington, D. C, John A. Lomax, 1936., - 717 A2
MONOLOGUE ON HAM SUPPERS. Spoken by A. S. Johnson. Yuba City FSA
camp, Yuba City, Calif ., Charles. L.. Todd and Robert Sonkin,
1940. 4153 B ...-...: .....
MONOLOGUE ON HARD TIMES AND FAMILY.. :-Spoken by Harriet McClintdck.
Near Sumterville , Ala.,. John A. and- Ruby T. Lomax, 1940.
4026 B3
MONOLOGUE ON HER EARLY LIFE. Spoken hy Aunt. Molly Jackson. New
York, N. Y..., Alan Lomax, 1939. .2541 Bl ; ..■
- 263 -
ME. Spoken by Mrs. Alice Williams. Ashland, Ky., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 1018 A2
MONOLOGUE ON HER LIFE. Spoken by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College,
N. C, Fletcher Collins, 1939 * 3779 B4
Springfield, Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders,
1939. 3684 A
MONOLOGUE ON HIMSELF. Spoken by Blind Willie McTell. Atlanta,
Ga., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 4-072 A3
Spoken by Ferdinand (Jelly Roll) Morton with piano.
Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1933. 164-0 A & B, I64.I A & B
MONOLOGUE ON HIS CALL TO PREACH. Spoken by Henry Truvillion.
Bxirkeville, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 3983 A
MONOLOGUE ON HIS CHILDREN. Spoken by Uncle Billy McCrea. Jasper,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 3986 Al
Mj-NjLjGUE ON HIS CONVERSION. Spoken by G. W. Blevins. Wise, Va.,
Herbert Haipert, 1939. 2766 Al, Bl & 2
MONOLOGUE ON HIS CONVERSION. Spoken by Wallace .Quarterman.
Frederica, Ga., Alan Lcrnax, Zora Noale Kurston and Mary
Elisabeth Barnicle, 193!;. 341 B, 342 Al
MONOLOGUE ON HIS EARLY EXPERIENCES . Sting, and spoken by Ferdinand
(Jelly Roll) Morton with piano. Washington, D. C, Alan
Lomax, 1938. 1664 A & B~
Harmon. Maryville, Tenn., Herbert Haipert, 1939- 2879 A & B,
2880 A
MONOLOGUE ON HIS LIFE. Spoken by Finous (Flatfoot) Rockmore.
Lufkin, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 3990 A2
MONOLOGUE ON HIS MARRIAGE. Spoken by Sara Harmon. Near Maryville,
Tenn., Herbert Haipert, 1939- ' 2901 B2, 2902-2903 Al
MONOLOGUE ON HIS NAME AND AGE. Spoken by Wallace Quarterman.
Frederica, Ga., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Marry
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 342 A2
MONOLOGUE ON HIS TRAVELS. Spoken by Ferdinand (Jelly Roil) Morton.
Washington, D. C, Alan Lma.x, 1938. 1665 A
MONOLOGUE ON HIS TROUBLES. Spoken by A. S. Johnson. Yuba City FSA
camp, Yuba City, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin,
1940. 4151 A
Visalia FSA camp, Visalia, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert
Sonkin, 194-0. 4-136 Al
MONOLOGUE ON HIS VISIONS. Spoken by Elihu Trusty. Paintsville , •
Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1398 A2 & Bl
Galax, Va., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1355 Bl
MONOLOGUE ON HISTORY OF BLUES. Spoken by Blind Willie McTell with
guitar. Atlanta, Ga., John A. and Ruby T. Ljmax, 1940.
4072 Al
Johnson. Yuba City FSA camp, Yuba City, Calif., Charles L.
Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940. 4153 A
- 264 -
MONJLOGUE )N HOLINESS CHURCH. Spoken by Aunt Molly Jackson. New
York, N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1939. 2576 B2, 2577 A & B, 2578 Al,
2 & B
Spoken by Ferdinand (Jelly Roll) Morton. Washington, D. C,
Alan Lomax, 1933. 1659 B
MONOLOGUE ON LIFE AS A FIDDLER. Spoken by Harvey C. Sharp.
Meridian, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- '3037 A
McTell. Atlanta, Ga., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940.
4072 A2
MONJLOGUE ON LITTLE FUNNY SONGS. Spoken by Aunt Molly Jackson.
New York, N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1939. 2572 Al
. McBride. Mt. Pleasant, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2259 A & 31
spoken by Ferdinand (Jelly Roll) Morton with piano.
Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938. 1663 A & B
Ferdinand (Jelly Roll) Morton with piano. Washington, D. C,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 1647 B
Sung and spoken by Ferdinand (Jelly Roll) Morton with piano.
Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938. .1648 A
Roll) Morton. Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938. 1644 Al
Roll) Morton. Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938. 1660 B
Woodrow (Woody) Wilson Guthrie. Washington, D. C, Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1940. 3422 Bl
MONOLOGUE JN OKLAHOMA. Spoken by Mrs. Flora Robertson. Shafter
FSA camp, Shafter, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin,
1940. 4119 B
MONOLOGUE ON OLD SONGS. Spoken by Blind Willie McTell. Atlanta,
Ga., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. ' 4071 Bl
Ferdinand (Jelly Roll) Morton with piano. Washington, D. C,
Alan Lomax, 1938. I65O A & B
MONOLOGUE ON PAT AND WARDE H. FORDE. Spoken by Sidney Robertson.
Central Valley, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 4194 A4
Alec Dunford, with Bogtrotters band. Galax, Va., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 1373 Al
Rome, Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4011 Al
Quarterman. Frederica, Ga., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston
and Mary Elizabeth Bamicle, 1935. 342 B
(Woody) Wilson Guthrie. Washington, D. C, Alan and Elisabeth
Lomax, 1940. 3417 A
Frederica, Ga., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 341 A
MONOLOGUE ON ST. LOUIS RAGTIME. Spoken by Ferdinand (Jelly Roll)
Morton with piano. Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938.
1654 A & B
Spoken by Ferdinand (Jelly Roll) Morton. Washington, D. C.,
Alan Loraax, 1938. 1665 B
MONOLOGUE ON SQUARE DANCING. Spoken by Aunt Molly Jackson. New
York, N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1939- 2565 A
Spoken by Woodrow (Woody) Wilson Guthrie, with songs.
Washington, D. C, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1940. 3407 *
Reno) Coffin, Sr. Alameda, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939.
3823 A4
MONOLOGUE JN THE EMANCIPATION. Sung and spoken by Wallace
Quarterman. Frederica, Ga., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston
and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 342 A3
Roll) Morton. Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938. 1679 B,
1680 A
MONOLOGUE ON THE HARMON FAMILY. Spoken by Mellinger E. Henry.
Maryville, Term., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2798 A5
by John Davis. Frederica, Ga., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston
and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 345 A & B, 346 A & B
by Woodrow (Woody) Wilson Guthrie, with songs. Washington,
D. C, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 194-0. 3409
MoNOLOGUE ON TRAVELS. : Spoken by Call Stacey. Jacksonville, Fla.,
Stetson Kennedy and Robert Cook, 1940. 3524- B4
Galax, Va .', John A. Lomax, 1937. 1359 B3
MONOLOGUE ON VIOLENCE. Spoken by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York,
N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1939. 2385 B
MONOLOGUE ON WHITE MARSTERS. Spoken by Joe McDonald. Livingston,
Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4033 B3
Becker. Shafter F3A camp, Shafter, Calif., Charles L. Todd
and Robert Sonkin, 1940. 4145 B
MONOLOGUE',, TALES ABOUT W. F. HUNTER. Spoken by Owen. Pineville,
Ky., Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 2009 A & B-10 in.
MONOLOGUE, TESTIMONY. Spoken by Mrs. Mary Sizemore with responses
, by congregation of the Church of the ten elders.
Pineville, Ky., Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 1963 B2,
196A A & Bl-10 in.
MONOLOGUE, TESTIMONY . Spoken by woman with responses by congre-
gation of the Church of the ten elders. Pineville, Ky.,
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 1962 A-10 in.
- 266 -
MONOLOGUE, THE BLACK CAT. Spoken by Richard Amerson. Livinston, Ala.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1309 B
MONTH OF SWEET MAY. Sung by Barbara Davis. Esserville, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939". 2761 A3
MOON IS SHINING BRIGHT, THE. Sung by W. M. Keen. Hyden, Ky., Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1471 B2
MOON LOOKS PRETTY, THE. Sung and played by group of seven Negro
boys on homemade instruments. False River, La., John A. and
Alan Lomax, 1934. 1852 Al-8 in.
MOONSHINE BILL. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y.,
Alan Lomax, 1939- 2543 Bl
MOONSHINE HOLLOW. Sung by Ollie Crownover with guitar. Migratory
camp, Brawley, Calif., Margaret Valiant, 1939. 3562 Bl
MOONSHINE STORY. Spoken by Harmless Bob Doolan. Pineville, Ky.,
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 2010-2014.-10 in.
MOONSHINER, THE. Sung by Daw Henson with guitar. Billy's branch,
Clay co., Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1498 A
MOONSHINER SONG, THE. Sung by Kenneth Begley. Middlefork, Ky.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1453 Bl
MOOREHEAD SONG, THE. Sung by Joe Hubbard. Hamiltontown, near Wise,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2826 B3
MOOSEHEAD LAKE SONG. Sung by Elmer George. East Calais, Vt.,
Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939 • 3714 A
MORE ROOM THERE. Sung by Viola Brown. Murrells Inlet, S. C. , John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2720 B2
MORE YOU SCRATCH, THE. Sung by Theodore Rolle with trombone and
guitar. Key West, Fla., Stetson Kennedy and Robert Cook,
1940. 3384 Bl
MORMON-EYED PREACHER, THE. Sung by George Vinton Graham with
guitar. San Jose, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1938. 3814 Bl
MORNING AIR. Sung by Nancy Boggs. Pine Mountain settlement school,
Pine Mountain, Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1382
A2 & Bl
MORNING GLORY ARGUMENT, THE. Spoken by Sam and Wilson, *rederica,
Ga., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston. and Ma.ry Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935. 343 A2 & Bl
MOSQUITO AND THE SANDFLY. Sung by Theodore Rolle with accordion.
Key West, Fla., Stetson Kennedy and Robert Cook, 1940.
3386 B3 & 4
group with drum. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 492 Bl
MOTHER AND FATHER. Sung by Red King. San Antonio, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1936. 659 B2
MOTHER DICKER. Sung by Mrs. Jennie Devlin. Gloucester, N. J.,
Alan Lomax and Kay Dealy, 1938. 1777 Al & Bl
MOTHER, HOLD MY DYING HAND. Sung by Tilman Cadle. Pineville, Ky.,
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 2019 A-10 in.
MOTHER, OH DEAR MOTHER YOU. Sung by Jennie Devlin. Gloucester,
N. J., Alan Lomax and Kay Dealy, 1938. 1844 A5
MOTHER, PLEASE DON'T DRIVE ME AWAY. ' Sung by group of Negro women
prisoners. State prison farm, Milledgeville, Ga., John A.
Lomax, 1934- 262 A3
- 267 -.
MOTHER, .QUEEN OF MY HEART. Sung by Henry Garrett. Crqssville,
Tenri. , Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3177 Al
MOTHER, THE QUEEN OF MY HEART. Sung by Lilian Napier. Pine
Mountain settlement school, Pine Mountain, Ky., Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.. 1410 A2
MOTHERLESS CHILD. Sung by Gabriel Brown with guitar. Eatonviiie,
Fla., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Maiy Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935- 358 A2
jubilee quartet. Columbia, S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax,
1940. 4078 Bl
Vera Hall. Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax,
1939. 2687 A2
MOTHER'S CHILD. Sung by William Johnson, with guitar by Leroy
Smith. Belle Glade, Fla., John A. Lomax, 1936. 691 -A
MOTHER'S GOOD-BYE. Sung by Jim and Sarah Garland. Pineville,
Ky., Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 2023 B-10 in.
MOTHER'S GOOD-BYE. Sung by Tilman Cadle. Pineville, Ky.', Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 20.18 A-10 in.
MOTHERS HAVE A HOME. Sung by L. L. McDowell. Smithville, Term.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3185 A2
MOTION SONGS. Sung by Mary Louise Jackson. San Antonio, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 584 A2
MOUNTAIN DEW. Sung by 3a scorn Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New York,
N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935 •
1799 Bl
MOUNTAIN DEW, THE. Sung by Eileen Curran. New York, N. i'., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3651 Al
MOURN, JERUSALEM, MOURN. Sung by I. .N. Mar lor. Boyd's ccve,
Madison co., N. C, Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3168 31
MOURNFUL BLUES. Sung by Smith Cason. Clemens state farm,
Brazoria, Tex,, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939 » 3551 Bl
MOURNFUL STORY. Sung by Mrs. Cleophas Franklin. Maryville, Term.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2894 Al
MOURNIN' . Sung by Alice (Judge) Richardson. Natchez, Miss., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4005 32
MOURNIN'" SONG. Sung by Dock Reed and Vera Hall. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1315 Al & 2
MOVE DE MEMBER, MOVE DANIEL. Sung by Brant Bolden. Livingston.,
Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1312-42
MR. BANJO. Sung by Mrs. Albertine Hilaire Alexis, -with prompting
by Mrs. Jeanne Wogan Arguedas. New Orleans, La., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 3125 A3 & 4
MR. BANJO. Sung by Mrs. Jeanne Wogan Arguedas. New Orleans, La.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3134 32
MR. BETHEL DOG BIT ME. Sung by Theodore Rolle. Key West, Fla.,
Stetson Kennedy and Robert Cook, 1940. 3388 32
Wilscn. New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 406 A2
- .cOo -
MR. BROWN. Sung by Uncle Billy McCrea. -Jasper, Tex., John a. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 3974 B2
MR. CHARLEY. Sung by MacDaniel. Belle Glade, Fla., Alan Lomax,
Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 374. :\2
MR. CRUMP DON'T 'LOW' IT HERE. Sung by Noah Moor 3 with guitar.
Oil City, La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3993 Al
MB.. CUNDIFF. Sung and spoken by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y.
Alan Lomax, 1939- 2541 B2, 2542 A & B, 2543 A
MR. DONDERBECK'S SAUSAGE MACHINE. Sung by Mason Parmer with tenor
guitar. Newberry, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2352 A2
MR. FROG. Sung by Capt. Pearl R. Nye. Akron, Ohio, John A. Lomax,
1937. 1009 Al
MR. GARFIELD. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York, N. Y.,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935- 1813 B3
MR. GARFIELD. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York, N. Y.,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935'- 1819 A
MR. GO SLOW AND MR. CHEE-CHEE. Sung and spoken by Herbert Miller.
Grants, Mangrove cay, Andros island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 447 A2
MR. GO SLOW AND' MR. GO FAST. Sung and spoken by Herbert Miller.
Grants, Mangrove cay, Andros island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 447 Al
MR. GRIST AND HIS WIFE AFFIE. Sung and spoken by Zilpha Star.
Grants, Mangrove cay/ Andros island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax
and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1933. 452 A
MR. GRUMBLE. Sung by Mrs. Dora Ward. Princeton, Ind., Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1732 B
MR. RABBIT. Sung by Susie Miller and two boys. Vicksburg, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3074 Bl
MR. RILEY MILLER. Sung by Henry Truvillion. Burkeville, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2666 B2
MR. ROOSEVELT. Sung by Will Wright. Clinton, Ark., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3193 A3
MR. TOM HUGHES' TOWN. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with
guitar. Little Rock, Ark., John A. Lomax, 1934. 236 B3
MR. YALLER-WING IN THE SEA. Sung by Zacharias Greene. Grants,
Mangrove cay, Andros island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935 <• 422 B2
MRS. FOGARTY'S CHRISTMAS CAKE. Sung by Frank Hendrick. Springfield,
Mo., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3214 Bl
MRS. FOGARTY'S CHRISTMAS CAKE. Sung by Leon Ponce. Columbia, Calif.
Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3369 B2
MUD FENCE, THE. Played by W. Williams on banjo and Bill Stepp on
fiddle. Salyersville, Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
1600 B2
MUFFING MAN. Sung by Eva May White. Mangee, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 3066" A3
MULE ON THE MOUNT. Sung by Zora Neale Hurston. Jacksonville, Fla.,
Herbert Halpert, 5.939. 3136 B
MULE ON THE MOUNTAIN. Sung by Thomas Anderson. New York, N. Y.,
Herbert Halpert, 1938. 3623 A5
MULE SKINNERS' HOLLERS. Sung by Henry Truvillion. Burkeville, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3985 A2
- 269 -
MULEY ON THE MOUNTAIN. Sung hy Booker T. Sapps with harmonica,
with harmonica by Roger Matthews and guitar by Willy Flowers.
Belle Glade, Fla., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 372 A2
MULEY ON THE MOUNTAIN. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Bellwood
prison camp, Atlanta, Ga., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934.
254 Al & 2
MULEY ON THE MOUNTAIN. Sung by group of Negro men. Belle Glade.,
Fla., Alan Lomax, Zura Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935- 372 Al
MULEY ON THE MOUNTAIN. Sung by James Davis. Belle Glade, fla.,
Alan Lomax, Zora Neala Hurston and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle,
1935. 373 Al
MULEY ON THE MOUNTAIN. Sung by local singer. Belle Glade, Fla.,
Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935- 372 B2
MULEY ON THE MOUNTAIN. Sung by MacDaniel. Belle Glade, Fla., Alan
Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935,
372 Bl
MULTIPLICATION TABLE SONG, A. Sung by Aunt Phoebe Elliott, New
Harmony, Ind., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1748 Al
MURDER OF ALEXANDER GOING, THE. Sung and spoken by Mrs. Lee
Skeons. Wooten, Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 14-6 B
branch, CIny co., Ky., Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937.
1501 A2
MURDER OF HARRY SIMMS, THE. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson.
N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1937. 194-1 A-10 in.
MURDER OF MARIAN PARKER, THE. Sung by Allen Pope. St. Ignace,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2333 B
Turner. Middlesboro, Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
1405 Al
MURDER OF VIRGIL GIBSON, THE. Sung by Hazel Hudson. Hazard, Ky.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1546 Al
MURDERED DY A BROTHER. Sung by J. C. Kennison. Bennington, Vt.,
Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3748 B
MURDERER'S HOME BLUES. Sung by Blind Willie McTell with guitar.
Atlanta, Ga., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4072 B2
MURILLO'S LESSON. Sung by congregation of New Hope Baptist church.
Meridian, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3041 S3, 3042 Al
MUSKRAT. Played by Mrs. Lena Bare Turbyfill on banjo. Elk Park,
N. C, Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2853 A3
MUSKRAT. Sung by Austin Harmon with banjo. Near Maryville, Term.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2885 B2
MUST HAVE PUKE RELIGION. Sting hj a group of Negro ditchdiggers.
Murrells Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1037 B3~
MUST HAVE THAT PURE RELIGION. Sung by Gorinne Pinekney and group
of children. Negro school, Brandon, Miss., John A. Lomax,
1937. 940 A2
MUST I GO BOUND? Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsf ord . New York, N. Y.,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935. 1784 A3
- 270 -
MUSTANG QUAY. Sun;- by D. W. Pre'ece. Austin, Tex., Juhn A. Lomax,
1937. 916 Al
MY ANGEL MOTHER DIED. Sung by Mrs. Lucile Henson. San Antonio,
Tex., John A. Lomax, 1936. 542 B3
MY BABY' NEEDS A PAIR OF SHOES. Sung' by Ray Wood. Houston, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2.595 36
MY BABY SISTER KEEPS ON A WRITIN' . Sung by a Negro convict.
State penitentiary, Parchmari, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1933.
1862 A2-10 in.
MY BABY'S GONE. Sung by Negro convict. Wetumpka, Ala., John A.
Lomax, 1934. 225 B3 '
MY BLUE-EYED BABY. Sun? by Mrs. J. R. Dicker staff . Near Tishomingo,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2979 Bl
MY BONNIE BLACK BESS. Sung by Bob Walker. Grandon, Wis., Sidney
Robertson, 1937. 3287 A2
MY BONNIE BLACK BESS. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Central Valley, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939. 4212 Al
MY BROTHER JACK. Sung by Mrs. Henry Garrett. Crossville, Term.-,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3175 B2
MY BURIED FRIENDS, CAN I FORGET? Sung by Charles Spencer. Crandon,
Wis., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3294 Al
MY CIGAR. Sung by Judge Charles E. Coombs. Stamford, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1935- 580 A2
MY DAD'S DINNER PAIL. Sung by Happy Jack Woodward with guitar.
Ontonagan, Mich., Alan Lomax, '.1938. 2410 Bl
MY DAUGHTER IS TOO YOUNG. Sung by group of children. Shrove port.
La., John A. Lomax, 1934. 206 B5
MY DEAR IRISH BOY. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James, Beaver island,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2283 Bl
MY DEAR OLD INNOCENT BOY. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York,
N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935-
1827 B2
MY DEAR OLD WESTERN HOME. Sung by King family with guitar. Migratory-
camp, Calipatria, Calif., Margaret Valiant, 1939.
3561 A
MY DEAR SWEETHEART. Suns By Mrs. A. J. Huff. Gatlinburg, Tenn.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2876 B, 2877 A3
MY DEAREST FRIEND. Sung by Mrs. Minnie Floyd. Murrolls Inlet,
S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 10-46 B2
Lunsford. New York, N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William
Cabell Greet, 1935. 1827 A2
MY EYES ARE DIM. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York, N. Y.,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935. 1829 Al & 2
MY FATHER AND MOTHER WERE IRISH. Sung by Myre. E. Hull. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937. 1058 B2
MY FATHER GAVE ME A LUMP OF GOLD. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury.
Mena, Ark., John A. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 863 B2
MY FATHER IS A WITNESS, OH, BLESS GOD. Sung by Uncle Caesar and
group of Negroes from Wadmalow island. Charleston, S. C,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1937. 1052 B2
- 271
Borusky. Ant i go, Wis., Robert F. Draves, 1940. 4.3.74 Al
MY FATHER'S A HEDGER AHD DITCHER. Sting by Barbara Bell. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938. 1631 M
MY FATHER'S GONE TO VIEW THAT LAND. Sung by G. D. Vowell. Harlan,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1379 A3
Eliza Pace. Hyden, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
1442 Al
MY GAL SAL. Sung by Byron Coffin, Sr., with piano by Mrs. Coffin.
Alameda, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939- 3822 Bl
MY GERMAN GIRL. Sung by R. E. Sanders. Pond 'springs school, hear
Austin, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1936. 657 A2
MY GOD IS A MAN OF WAR. Sung by Sampson Caldwell, with guitar by
Farmer Collett. Middlefork, Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax,
1937. 1422 B2
MY GOOD LORD DONE BEEN HERE. Sung by Aunt Florida .Hampton.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2698 B2
MY GOOD OLD "HUSBAND . Sung by Mrs. L. L. McDowell. Smithvllle, Term.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3179 Al & 2
MY GRANDFATHER. Sung by Richard Copp. Mitchell, S. Dak., Nicholas
Ray, 1939. 3676 Al
MY GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College,
N. C, Fletcher Collins, 1939. 3779 B2
MY HEAD AND STAY. Sung by Sewanee Begley. Middlefork, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1458 A3
Hillsville, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2750 B4
MY HIGH SILK HAT. Sung by Katharine Trusty. Paint'sville, Ky.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1396 A2
MY HOME'S ACROSS THE SMOKY MOUNTAIN. Sung by Ba scorn Lamar Lunsford
with banjo. Leicester, N. C, Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3155 32
MI HONEY QUIT ME IN THE WRONG. Sung by Jackie Foy. Washington, D. C,
John A. Lomax, 1939. 3807 A & B
MY HORSES AIN'T HUNGRY. . Sung, by Rebecca Tarwater with harmonica.
Washington, D. C, Charles ' See ger, 1936. 2089 Al-8 in.
MY HORSES AIN'T HUNGRY,' Sung by Sande McCoy and Bernard Steffen,
with harmonicas. New York, N. Y.,. Herbert Halpert, 3.939.
3637 Al ■ ;
R. Nye. Akron, Ohio, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1001 B2
MY HORSES AREN'T HUNGRY. Sung by Zelraer Ward with guitar. Arvin,
FSA camp, Arvin, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin,
1940. 4099 A3
MY HORSE'S NAME WAS BETSY. Sung by Corrine Brown. Waco, Tex.,
John A., Ruby T. and Bess Lomax, 1940. 3952 A2
MY LITTLE BONNIE'S BLUE EYES. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with
fiddle. New York, N. Y., George W. Kibbitt and William Cabell
Greet, 1935- 1785 Bl
MY LITTLE BONNIE'S BLUE EYES. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with
fiddle. New York, N. Y. , George K. Hibbitt and William Cabell-
Greet, 1935- 1838 AA
- 272 -
MY LITTLE DARLING. Sung by Frank Starnes. Migratory camp, Brawley,
Calif., Margaret Valiant, 1939. 3320 Bl
Groveland, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3355 A3 & B2
MY LITTLE HOME IN TENNESSEE. Sung by Ruby and Oliver Hughes.
Crossville, Tenn., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3178 A2
MI LITTLE MOHEE. Sung by Lois Judd and Rosetta Spainhard, with
guitar by Nathan Judd. Arvin FSA camp, Arvin, Calif., Charles
L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 194-0. 4092 A
MY LITTLE PONY. Sung by Charles L. Long with fiddle and Sam Neal
beating straws. Quitman, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939*
3042 Bl
MY LORD, WHAT A MORNIN' . Sung by Anna F. Coson and congregation
of Little Hope school house. Clemson, S. C, John A. and Ruby
T. Lomax, 1939. 2726 A2
MY LORD, WHAT A MORNING. Sung by Doris and Ella May Fitzpa trick.
Gorree state farm, Huntsville, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax,
1939. 2650 A2
MY LORD, WHAT A MORNING. Sung by four Negro boys. Hubbard training
center, Forsyth, Ga., Margaret Valiant, 1939. 3601 B
MY LORD'S A MOVIN' IN THE AIR. Sung by Huldy Roberts. Gooserock,
Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1499 A2
MY LOVE IS A RIDER. Sung by Herbert Halpert. New York, N. Y.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3641 Al, 3
MY LOVE IS LIKE' A LOZENGER. Sung by Herman Ayors. Newberry, Mich.,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 2349 A2, Bl & 2
MY LOVELY, BRIGHT-EYED JANE. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York,
N. Y., Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barriiclc, 1935. 827 A4
MY LOVER ON THE DEEP BLUE SEA. Sung by Napier. Pine Mountain
settlement school, Pine Mountain, Ky., Alan and Elizabeth
Lomax, 1937. 1410 Al
MY LULU. Sung by Ben Pitts with guitar. Pine Grove, Calif., Sidney
Robertson, 1939. 4225 Al
MY MAMMY TOLD ME. Sung by Eva Grace Boone and children's group.
Brandon, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- '3052 Al
MY MIND DON'T CHANGE BLUES. Sung by Lewis (Wild Man) Grisly.
Cumins state farm, Gould, Ark., John A. .and Ruby Lomax, 1939.
2673 A2
MY MODEL T FORD. Sung by Roland Franklin, 0. B. Duncan and Frank
Brown. San Antonio, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1936. 669 Bl
MY MOTHER.. Sung by group of girls. Lenox Hill settlement house,
New York, N. Y. , Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3550 B2
MY MOTHER AND FATHER WERE IRISH. Sung and played by Mrs. Bryon
Coffin, Sr. Alameda, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939- 3822 A4
MY MOTHER AND YOUR MOTHER. Sung by group of girls of Heaton .school.
Heaton, N. C, Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2860 64
MY MOTHER DIED A SHOUTIN' . Sung by Reefer Waller and group of Negro
convicts. Atmore state prison farm, Atmore, Ala., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 934 Al
MY MOTHER GOT RELIGION. Sung by Sylvester Johnson, with comment
by H. R. Weaver. Knight, La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939-
2659 A2 & 3
- 273 -
MY MOTHER-IN-LAW. Sung by Foy and Mrs. Maggie Gant with guitar.
Austin, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 193(4. ;65 Bl
MY MOTHER-IN-LAW. Sung by John Stone. Columbia', Calif., Sidney
Robertson, 1939. 3353 B3
MY MOTHER PASSED OUT.. Sung by mixed group. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan
Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Brrnicle, 1935. . 491 Bl
Washington, D. C. r Alan Lomax, 1937. 1056 B3
MY MOTHER SHE'S WAITING FOR ME. Sung by Mrs. Mary Shlpp. Byhalis,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3005 B2
MY MOTHER TOLD ME. Sung by Gant family, Austin, Tex., John A. and
Alan Lomax, 1936. 645 B4
MI MOTHER TOLD ME. Sung by Richard Chase. Whitetop, Va., Richard
Chase, 1935. 3430 B
MY MOTHER WAS A LADY. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Central Valley,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1938. 4201 Al
MI MOTHER, YOUR MOTHER HAD A FIGHT. Sung by group of girls. Lenox
Hill settlement house, New York, N. Y., Herbert Halpert,
1939. 3650 Bl
MY MOTHER'S DEAD AND GONE. Sung by Betty Moore and Lisa. Witt.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4022 33
MY MULE. Sung by Mrs. J. A. Hart. Newberry, Fla., John A. Lomax,
1937. 957 A2
MY MULE AND ME. Sung by G. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax", 1939- 2705 A2
MY OLD BOY I'VE LOST. Sung by Mrs. Callie Vaughan. Laager, Term.,
Herbert Halport, 1939. 2940 B3
MY OLD DOG'S TRAILIN' UP A SQUIRREL. Sung by Charles L. Long with
fiddle and Sam Meal boating straws. Quitman, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3044 B3
MY OLD DRAKE. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark., John A.
Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 873 B2
MY OLD GRANDMA. Sung by Noel Lobeau. New Roods, La., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3991 33
MY OLD HEN'S A GOOD OLD HEN. Sung by Mrs. Poarl Jacobs Borusky.
Antigo, Wis., Robert F. Draves, 1940. 4-174 A3
Iff OLD MAN WENT OFF. Sung by Mrs. Esco Kilgoro. Norton, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2776 A3
MY OLD TRUE LOVE. Sung by Mrs. Gladys Helen Davis and Mrs. Flossie-
Ellen Evans. Galax, Va., John A. and Bess Lomax, 1937. 1341 A2
MI- OLD WAGON'S ON THE; ROAD. Sung by Mrs. Laura Clift >n. Tupely,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939." 2969 B3
MY PAPA LEF' ME. Sung by Willie George Albertine King. Winnfield, La.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3999 B3
J. W. Green. St. James, Denver island, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938.
2233 B2
MY PARENTS LOVED WE TENDERLY. Sung by Jack Bailey. Crondon, Wis.,
Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3293 Al
MY PARENTS RAISED ME TENDERLY. Sung by Mrs. Emma Du sen bury. Mena,
Ark., Sidney Robertson and Laurence Powell,. 1936. 3231 Bl
MY PARENTS TREATED ME TENDERLY. Sung by Alec Moore. Austin, Tex.,
John A., Ruby T. end Bess Lomax, 1940. 3942 A3
• - 274 -
MY PARENTS TREATED ME TENDERLY. Sung by Munroe Gevedori; Salyersville,
Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1538 A & 31
MY PIGEON GONE WILD IN THE BUSH. Sung by Theodore Rolle with, accor-
dion. Key West, Fla., Stetson Kennedy and Robert Cook, 1940.
3387 E3 "
MY PORE MOTHER KEEPS A FRAYIN' FOR ME. Sung by Wallace Chains and
Sylvester Jones. Ramsey state far a, Otey, Tex., John- A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2605 A2
MY PRETTY FAIR DAMSEL. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla.,
Alton C. Morris, 1937. 992 A2
MY PRETTY FAIR DAMSEL. Sung by Mrs. Gold ie- Hamilton. Hamiltontown,
near Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2788 A2
MY PRETTY LITTLE MISS. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 954 A3
MY PRETTY LITTLE PINK. Sung by Austin'- Harmon. Maryville, Term.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 280/, Al
MY PRETTY LITTLE' PINK. Sung by H. L. Maxey with fiddle. Ferrurn, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2742 Al
MY PRETTY LITTLE PINK. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. Hamiltontown,
near Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2870 Bl
MY PRETTY LITTLE PINK. Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washington, D. C,
Alan Lomax, 1937. 1602 B5
MY SAVIOR FIRST OF ALL. Sung by Tilman Cadle. Pineville, Ky.,
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. '2018 B-10 in.
MY SON JOHNNY-O. Sung by Mrs. Eula -Cooper. Saiyersville, Ky., Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1586 -Al
MY SON'S CONVERSION. Spoken by Mrs. Marthy Williams. Ashland, K/.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1018 Al
MY SOUL IS A WITNESS FOR MY LORD. Sung by group of Negro boys.
Lake Arthur, La., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 109 A2
MY SOUL IS GONE AWAY. Sung by Noel Lebeau. New Roads, La., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3991 B4
MY SOUL WANTS SOMETHING NEW. Sung by Ed Jones. 'Livingston, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2701 Al
MY SOUL'S FULL OF GLORY. Sung by Charles Spencer. Crandon, Wis,,
Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3297 A3 & Bl
MY TIME AIN'T LONG. Sung by Clifford Raid, Johnny Mae Medlock,
Anna bells Sanford and Lois Brown. State farm, Raiford, Fla.,
John A. and. Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 271.!. Al
MY TIME AIN'T LONG. Sung by Dock and Henry Reed and Vera Hall.
Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1317 B2
MY TROUBLE IS HARD. Sung by Annie May Jefferson, and group.. State
farm, Raiford, Fla., John A. Lomax, 1936. 635 B
MY TRUE LOVE. Sung by group of children. Shreveport, La., John A.
Lomax, 1934. 206 B4
IK TRUE LOVE HAS GONE TO FRANCE. Sung by Barbara Bell. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938. 1.632 A4
MY TRUE LOVE I WANT TO MARRY. Sung by Mrs. Dizia Puckett. Near
Tishomingo, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939 . 2987 A
MY TRUE LOVE TREAT ME SO COLD. Sung 'by Thaddous Goodson with bones.
Brevard plantation, Adams mill, near Columbia, S. C, Charles
Seeger, 1939. 3794 Bl
- 27£ -
MY TRUE LOVE'S A GAMBLER. Sung by Mrs. Lee Skeens. Wooten, Ky.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1467 Al
MY TRUE LOVE'S NAME IS JOHNNY. Sung by Mrs. Mary Sullivan. Shcfter
FSA camp, Shaftsr, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin,
1940. 4H4B1
MY: UNCLE,' S .SAWMILL... Spoken by Moir Martin. Hillsville, V&., Herbert
Hal-pert, 1939. ' ■ ■' 2753 Al '
MY= WARFARE WILL. SOON 'BE ENDED-. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York,
N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1939. 2563 A2
MY WARFARE WILL .SOON BE ENDED. Sung by Mrs. Martha . Williams and
Mrs. Elizabeth Flatt. Ashland,..- Ky., John A. Lomax, 1937.
1011 A2
MY WAY IS SO HARD. Sung by Roscoo McLean and group of Negro convicts.
State farm,. Raiford, Fla., John A. Lomax, 1936. 695 £2
MY WELSH RELATION. Sung by Dr. D. W. Wickham. Dodge ville, Wis.,
Robert F. Draves, 194-0. 4.159 EL
MY WIFE AND BABY RIM AWAY. Sung by Austin Harmon with banjo. Near
Maryville, Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2886 A2
MY WILD IRISH NOSE. Sung by Steen Larsen. Newberry, Mich., Alan
Lomax, .1938. 2342 A2
MY WOMAN DON'T LIKE ME'. Sung by Will White. Boykin, S. C, John
A. Lomax, 1936... 709 B2 ..
MI - WOMAN IS A SECRET MURDER. Played by Nassau string band. Nassau,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and ' Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, -1.935. 435 B2
MY ?tfOMAN QUIT ME. Sung by Arthur (Brother-in-law) Armstrong with
guitar. Jasper, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940.
3978 B2
MY YALLOW GAL. Sung by James (Iron Head) Baker and group of Negro
convicts. Central state farm, Sugarland, Tex., John A. and
. '.' Alan Lomax, 1933. 200 Al
MY YALLOW GAL. Sung by John A. Lomax. Austin, Tex.-, John A'. Lomax,
1936. 537 B2
MY YALLOW GAL. Sung by Washington (Lightin') .and group of Negro
convicts. Darrington state farm, Sandy Point, Tex., John A.
and Alan Lomax, 1934- 1-91 B2
- 276 -
NYA BLUES. Sung by Pauline Fanine and Don Reda Lewis. West Liberty,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1562 B2
NAILED KING JESUS DOWN. Sung by Joe Lee. State Farm, Va., John
A. Lomax, 1936. 745 Al
NANCY'S FANCY. Played by Thomas Mann on dulcimer. Ortonville,
Iowa, Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3276 B2
NANCY'S FANCY. Played by Thomas Mann on dulcimer. Ortonville,
Iowa, Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3820 32
NAOMI WISE. Sung by Mrs. Minnie Floyd.- Murrells Inlet, S. C,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1301 Al
NAOMI WISE. Sung by Sgt. Alexander Kirkheart with guitar. Fort
Thomas, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1700 Al
NARRAGANSETT BAY. Sung by David Rice. Springfield, Mo., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3211 A2
NASHVILLE BLUES. Sung by John Smith, Andy R. Gayton and
Alexander Smith. State penitentiary, Parchman, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3090 A2 & Bi
NASSAU BOAT. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Belle Glade, Fla. ,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 703 B2
NASSAU BOY, HE HAD A FIGHT. Sung ay Cleveland Simmons, Pearl
Taylor and group with drum. Old Bight, Cat island, Bahamas,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 416 Al
NASSAU GALS GOING TO GIVE ME TROUBLE. Sung by Soley with drum and
saw. Chosen, Fla., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 380 B
NATCHEZ UNDER THE HILL. Played by Theophilus G. Hoskins on fiddle.
Hyden, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1520 Al
NATURAL BORN REACHER. Sung by Perry Campbell. Fort Spunky, Tex. ,
John A. Lomax, 1935. 672 Al
NEARER, MY GOD, TO THEE. Sung by Rev. J. R. Gipson. Jasper, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3980 A5
NEAT FAIR GIRL. Sung by Erella Adams. Dunham, Ky. , Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2790 A2
NEAT FAIR GIRL WORKED IN A GARDEN. Sung by Finley Adams. Dunham,
Ky., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2774 A3
NEBUCHADREZZAR. Spoken by Mrs. Birmah Hill Grissom. Saltillo,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2966 Al
Murrells Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 832 A4
NEEDLE'S EYE. Sung by group of pupils. Lower Hell-f or-certain
school, Middlefork, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
1450 B2
NEEDLE'S EYE. Sung by Mrs. Cora Home. Hazard, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1544 B2
NEEDLE'S EYE. Sung by Mrs. Mary Fuller Cain. Clintwood, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2313 A2
NEEDLE'S EYE. Sung by Mrs. Ollie Womble. Banner, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3031 B3, 3032 Al
- 277 -
NEEDLE'S EYE.. Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washington, D. 0., Alan
Lomax, 1937. 1055 B3
NEGRO PRAYER ABOUT 4 CENT COTTON. Spoken by J. L. Goree. Houston,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2591 Al
NELLY AT THE WAKE. Sung by Blaine Stubblefield with guitar.
Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax , 1933. 1634 A2
NELLY GOING TO THE WAKE. Sung by Ed Thrasher. Round Lake, Mich.,
Alan Lomax, 1933. 2321 Bl
NELLY GRAY. Played by Frank Tufts on accordion. American folk
song festival, Ashland, Ky. , Jean Thomas, 193-4. 297 B
NELLY GRAY. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New York,
N. Y. , George W. Kibbitt and William Cabell Great, 1935.
1807 A2
NEVER COURT BUT ONE. Sung by Mrs. L. L. McDowell. Smithville ,
Tenn., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3179 A3
string band. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935. 4-34 B2
Bell, Sweety Pie and Pappie with drum. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan
Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 529 A2
NEVER GROW OLD. Sung bj Bud Faulkner. Crandon, Wis., Sidney
Robertson, 1937. 3291 Bl
women prisoners. State prison farm, Milledgeville, Ga.,
John A. Lomax, 19^4 • 262 .3.1
NSW BROOM. Played by J. C. Fowler, Elie Duokner and Alva Ruffner,
with calls by S. C. Simon. Lubbock, Tex., John A. Lomax,
1937. 918 B
NEW BURYIN' GROUND. Sung by group of five Negro convicts. State
penitentiary, Columbia, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 716 31
NEW BURYIN' GROUND. Sung by John Brown and group of Negro
convicts. State farm, Raiford, Flu. , John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, 1939. 2715 A2
NEW BURYIN' GROUND. Sung by Mary Lee, Judie Holmes, Eula Coson,
Ed Pearson and Eula C. McDonald. Clemson, S. C, John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2726 B2
NEW BURYIN' GROUND. Sung by Phil Butler, Brady Walker, Thomas
Trimmer and William Gant. Clemson, S. C, John A. and Ruby
T. Lomax, 1939. 2721 32
NEW BURYIN' GROUND. Sung by Willie Williams and group of Negro
convicts. State penitentiary, Richmond, Va., John A. Lomax,
1936. 725 Al
NEW CARELESS LOVE. Played by Sanders Terry on harmonica. New York,
N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2491 A
NEW FOUND SONG, THE. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York,
N. Y. , George W. Hiboitt and' William Cabell Greet, 1937.
1820 B2
- 2.73 -
NSW JAIL, THE. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. Hamiltontc-vn, near
Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2335. B?
NEW JERUSALEM, THE. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. [Vlena, Ark.,
Sidney Robertson and Laurence Powell, 19.36- 3227 A2:
NEW JERUSALEM. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla.,
Alton G. Morris, 1937. 976 A2
NEW ORLEANS STREET BANDS. Sung and played by Ferdinand (Jelly
Roll) Morton. Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, .1933. 24-87-
NEW RED RIVER BLUES, THE. Played by Sanders Terry on harmonica.
Nov York, N. '£. , Alan Lomax, 1938. 2491 B-
NEW RIVER TRAIN, THE, Sung and played by the Ridge Rangers.
Cincinnati, Ohio, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1933. 1693 A2
NEW RIVER TRAIN, THE. Sung by Aunt Moll:,' Jackson. Wilton, Conn.,
John A. Lomax, 1935- 73 B3
NEW RIYER TRAIN. Sung by Carlos Gallimcre. Galax,. Va., John k.
and Bess Lomax, 1937. 134-2 A2
NEW RIVER TRAIN. Sung by Fields Ward with Bogtrotters band.
Galax, Va., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1371 A2
NEW YEAR'S FLOOD. Sung by Woodrow (Woody) Wilson Guthrie with
guitar. Washington, D. C. , Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1940,
3423 A2
NEW YORK CITY. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter (Lend Belly) with guitar.
Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937. 997 B
NEW YORK CITY BLUES. Sung by Tom Bell with guitar. Livingston,
Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, .194-0. 4063 Bl
NEWSBOY IN THE STREET, THE.. Sung by J. C. . Kermis on. Bennington,
Vt. , Alan Lomax and Helen Kartness Flanders, 1939.
3753 A
NEWSBOYS' CALL. Sung by Hatsell Stewart. Shreveport, La., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 19-40. 3995 '^5
NEWSBOY'S CHANT.' Sung by newsboy. Nevt York, N. Y. , Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3642 A3-
NEWSBOYS' STREET CRIES. Sun;, by Austin Bartlett. Shreveport,
La., John A. and. Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 3994 A3 & 4
NEWSPAPER HAWKING CRIES. Sung by George Cohen. Ne.v York, N. I..
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3660 B
NEWT'S DREAM. Played by Bascom Lamar Lunsford on fiddle. New
York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1338 Al & 2
Austin and group of women. Old Bight, Cat island, Bahamas,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935. 422 A2
NIG, INCH ALONG. Played by Luther Strong on fiddle. Hazard, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1531 B3
NIGGER AND GHOST. Sung by Finous (Flatfoot) Rookmore vith
guitar. Lufkin, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940,
3935 36
NIGGER BOY IN DE WOODPILE. Sung by Perry Othello Redmond. Drew,
Miss., John A. and Ruby T, Lomax, 1940. 4013 K 1 -
NIGGER, INCH ALONG. Played by Boyd Asher on fiddle, liyden, Ky.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1526 i33
NIGGER, INCH ALONG. Played. by IheophiluGG.Boskins on riddle.
Hyden, Ky. , Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1.937* ■ •■.1513 33
NIGGER LICK 'LASSES. Sung by Will Roseborough, V7I11 Brooks,
H. Davis and Jest- Alexander. Dallas, Tex.., John A, Lom&x,
1936. 601 B2
NIGGER HAKE MOLASSES. Sung by Richard Amor son. Livingston, .<-».l.'.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax j 1940. 40.47 A2
NIGGER'S WEDDING, THE. Played by Jilson Setters on fiddle.
Ashland, Ky. , John A. Lomax, 1937. 1019 Al
NIGHT-HERDING SONG. Sung by cowboy band. San Angelo, Tex., John
A. Lomax, 193% 545 B
NIGHT-HERDING SONG, THE. Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washington, D. C. ,
Alan Lomax, 1937.. 1873 Al-10 in.
NIGHT THAT I WAS 'MARRIED, THE. Sung by Mrs. Minnie Floyd.
Murrells Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 193V. 104.6 A2
NIGHT WAS DARK AND STORMY, THE. Sung by patient. State hospital,
Austin, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 952 Al
NIGHTINGALE, THE. Sung by E. K. Boy/man with fiddle. Abilene. Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 937 A
NIGHTINGALE, THE. Sung by group of students, with comment hy
Glenn Morris. Fins Mountain settlement school, Pine Mountain
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1385 A
NIGHTINGALE, THE. Sung by Mrs. Sarah Ison. Near Norton. Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2SI2 A3
NIGHTINGALES OF SPRING. Sung by Wards H. Ford. Central Valley,
Calif., Sidney Robertson," 1938. 4198 Al
NINE LITTLE DEVILS. Sung by Estelle Spurlock. Arvin FSA camp,
Arvin, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940.
4090 Bl
NINE MILES FROM TOWN, DRUNK. Sung by Joe. Bowers with fiddle and
guitar. Spur, Tex.., John A. Lomax, 19.35. 546 Al .
NINE POUND HAMMER, 'THE. Sung by Pearl ., and ■ Craig Steele, with banjo
by Pete Steele. Hamilton, Onio, Alan, and Elizabeth Lomax,
1938. 1705 Bl
, Garrett. Crossvllle, Tenn. , Sidney Robertson,-' 1936. 3175 A2
NO CORN ON TIGERT. Played by Jilson Setters en fiddle. . Ashland,
Ky., John A. Lomax, 1937. . :1Q19 Bl , .. .
NO DEPRESSION IN HEAVEN*.. Sung, by Buster Hunt with guiter. Yuba
City FSA camp, Yuba City, .Calif . , Charlea. L. Todd and. Robert
; Sonkin, 1940*. 4156 B . :."...,
NO HOME FOR THE -POOR. Sung by Mrs. -Howard with • guitar . Tempo,
.Ariz., Margaret Valiant, 1939. 3567 A
NO KU KLUX OUT TONIGHT. Sung by Bsscom Lamar Lunsford. New York,
N., Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935.
1822 B2
NO LAZY MAN. Sung by Rowena Bell, Pappie and Sweety Pie, with
drum by Stafford. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 550 B2 .;■/-■
NO MAN'S LAND. Sung by John Si z-emore . Middle! ork , Ky-. f . Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1426 Al
- 230 -
NO MO' FREEDOM. Sung by Eva White. State penitentiary, Parchman,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3086 B2
NO MO' FREEDOM. Sung by Mattie May Thomas. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3036 33
NO MORE MOURNING. Sung by John Handcox. Washington, D. C,
Charles Seeger and Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3238 Al & 2
NO MORE, MY LORD. Sung by a group of Negro men. Alma
plantation, Baton Rouge, La., John A. Lomax, 1935. 97 Al
NO MORE PENCILS, NO MORE BOOKS! Sung by Rosalind Rosenthal. New
York, N. Y., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3646 B7
NO MORE TROUBLE. Sung by group of Negro women prisoners. State
penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. Loaax, 1936. 559 A3
NO, NO, NOT I. Sung by Greene. Chosen, Fla., Alan Lomax, Zora
Neale Hurston and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935- 380 A
NO ONE TO LOVE ME. Sung by Bascom Lamar Luhsford with banjo.
New York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1798 A3
NO, SIR. Sung by Mary I la Long. Saltillo, Miss., Herbert Halpert,
1939- 2966 B2
NO, SIR, NO. Sung by Mrs. Grace Lungino'. Huntsville, Tex., Jonn
A. and Ruby T. Lcmax, 1939. 2591 Bl
NO, SIR, NO. Sung by firs. Lucy Garrison. Providence, Laurel co.,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 150.4 Al
NO, SIR, NO. Sung by Mrs. Lucy Garrison, with fiddle by G. C.
Nicholson. Providence, Laurel co., Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth
Lomax, 1937. 1503 Al
NOAH BUILT THE ARK. Sung by Josephine Douglas and group of Negro
women prisoners. State penitentiary, Parchman, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. ' 3086 Bl
NOAH, JONAH AND CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH. Sung by Will Goer. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax and Kay Dealy, 1938. 1770 Bl
NOAH, NOAH. Sung by Winnie Terry. Merryville, La., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3977 31 & 2
NOAH'S ARK. Sung by Foy and Mrs. Maggie Garit with guitar. Austin,
Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 65 B3
NOBLE FARMER, THE. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. Hamilton town,
near Wise, Va. , Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2736 A3
Ledbetter (Lead Belly) , with guitar by Huddle Ledbetter
(Lead Belly). New York, N. Y. , Alan Lomax, 1933. 2503 Al
NOBODY LOVES ME." Sung by Rosalind Rosenthal and Herbert Halpert.
New York, N. Y. , Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3646 B3
NOBODY WORKS BUT FATHER. Sung by Jim Garland, Pineville, Ky. ,
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, .1.938. 2007 A2-10 in.
NOBODY'S BUSINESS. Sung by Gilbert Flkfe. Little Rock, Ark.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3188 B3
NOBODY'S BUSINESS. Sung by Willie Ford with guitar. Natchez, Miss..
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4004 A2
NOBODY'S BUSINESS BUT MINE. Sung by Richard Aflt.-rsun. Livingston,
Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4O46 Al
- 281 -
group oi
San Antonio, Tex., John A. Losnax, 1936* 569 B
NOBODY'S BUSINESS IF I DO. Sung by Joe Harris with guitar.
Shreveport, La., John A. and Rub;/ T. Loiaax, 194.0. 3991 Al
NOBODY'S DARLING. Sung by Bill Atkins with guitar. Pineville,
Ky. , Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1938. 199?- 31-10 in.
NOBODY'S DARLING BUT MINE. Sung and played by Carl Garrett.
Crossville, Tenn. , Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3173 B2
NOBODY'S DARLING BUT MINE. Sung by Carl Light and J. A. Raines., Tex., John A. Loiaax, 1937. 902 31
NOBODY'S DARLING BUT MINE. Sung by Carl Light and J. A. Raines,
with guitar. Llano, Tex., John A. Loiaax, 1937. 902 A2
NOBODY'S DARKEN' BUT MINE. Sung by Pauline Garland and Marie
Bennett. Arjay, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Loiaax, 1937.
1393 32
NOBODY'S FAULT 3UT MINE. Sung by Lillie Knox. Murrells Inlet,
S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1039 A2
NOBODY'S FAULT DUT MINE. Sung by Simon Williams and congregation
of Johnson Baptist church. Livingston, Ala., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax", 1939. 269-4 Bl
NOBODY'S SWEETHEART! Played by Alex Buckner on fiddle, J. C.
Sowell on guitar and Alver Buckner on banjo. Lubbock, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 932 A
NOLLE PROS NELLIE. Sung by 3a scorn Lamar Lunsford with banjo.
New York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1308 31
NORAII. Sung by three Negro buys. Jennings, La., John A. and
Alan Lomax, 1934. 108 B2
NORAH AND THE FLOOD. Sung by Norman Raskins. State penitentiary,
Raleigh, N. C, John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 268 Al
NORAH ' S FLOOD, Sung by Peter Frames and group of Negro convicts.
State prison farm, Atmore, Ala,, John A. Lomax, 1937.
938 Al
fiddle. luka, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3002 33
NOT SATISFIED. Sung by Rollie Lee Johnson, State penitentiary,
Richmond, Va., John A. Lomax, 1936. 723 Al
NOTED RIDER BLUES. Sung by Buddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with
guitar. New York, N. Y. , Alan Lomax, 1938. 2502 Bl
NOTES OF HIGH DEGREE. Sung by Sam Harmon! Near Maryvilla, Tenn.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2900 Al
NOTES ON TEE STAFF, THE. Sung oj Mrs. Birmah Kill Grissom.
Saltilio, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2964 32
NOTHING BUT JOY. Sung by Walter Jones. State farm, Raiford, Fla.,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 679 31
NOTHING GOES HARD WITH ME. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York,
N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1939- 2557 B
Albertine King. Winnfield, La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax,
1940. 3998 Al
Albortine King. Winnfield, La. , John A. and Ruby T. Loraax,
1940. 3999 A2
NOT/ I'M SAVED. Sung by Mr. and Mrs. 3oyd Hcskins. Horse creek,
Clay co., Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Loraax, 1937. 1494 32
NOW, NOW, NOW. Sung by John McCready. Groveland, Calif., Sidney
Robertson, 1939. 3347 A2
NOW SALUTE YOUR RIGHT. Sung by John B. Jones. Houston, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Loraax, 1939- 2590 A5
NUMBER NINE. Sung by Austin Harmon with banjo. Near Maryvillc,
Term., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2885 A2 & 31
NURSES, THE. Sung by students. Pine Mountain, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Loraax, 1937. 1416 A2
NUTPICKER'S SONG. Sung by Gladys, Ma'ttie and Juanita Crouch. St.
Louis, Mo., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3197 A4
NUTS IN MAI. Sung by Jewel Dal ton. luka, Miss., Herbert Halpert,
1939. 3021 31
- 233 -
0. T. B. AND THE MORGAN. Sung by Eel Jones. Greenville, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939'. 3091 B2
OAKDALE'S Oil THE OUT. Sung by Arthur (Brother-in-law) Armstrong
with guitar. Jasper, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0.
3979 Al
OAR SONG. Sung by Irene Williams. Rome, Miss., John A. and Ruby
T. Lomax, 194-0. 4010 A2
OATS AND PEAS AND BARLEY GROW. Sung by group of women. New Bight,
Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barniole,
1935. 413 Bl
OATS, PEAS, BEANS. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. El on College, M. C,
Fletcher Collins, 1939- 3787 A4
OCEAN WAVE. Sung by Al Bingham. Spur, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1935.
546 B
ODEM. Sung by Palmer Godsey and the Sacred harp singers. Bethel
church, Franklin co., Ala., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2948 32
OF A RICH MAN 0' EXETAR. Sung by Samuel P. Harmon. Maryville,
Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2833 33
OF ALL DE BEAS'ES. Sung by J. L. Goree. Houston, Tex., John a. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2593 B2
OFF SHE GOES. Played by Thomas Mann on dulcimer. Ortonville, Iowa,
Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3820 A2
OFF SHE GOES. Played by Thomas Mann on dulcimer-. Ortonville, Iowa,
Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3320 A5
OFFERTORY. Spoken by Rev. Haynes. Methodist church, Eatonvillo, Fla .
Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mar;/ Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935. 354 A3 & 31
OFTEN VISIONS BY FAITH-. Sung by Canos end Mrs. Alice Williams, with
fiddle by Walter Caldwell and guitar by James Williams.
Ashland, Ky., John A. Lomax, 1937. 3.022 B2
OH BLUE1 Sung by Thelma, Beatrice and Irene Scruggs. Near
Burnsville, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2994 Bl
OH BOYS, IF YOU SEE MISTER CHARLEY. Sung by Rochelle Harris. State
penitentiary, Nashville, Tenn., John A. and Alan Lomax,
1933. 175 A
Maggie Gant with guitar. Austin, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax,
1934. 65 B2
OH BROTHERS, WILL YOU MEET ME? Sung by Mrs. Alice and Mrs. Martha
Williams and Mrs. Elizabeth Flatt. Ashland, Ky. , John A.
Lomax, 1937. 1011 Al
OH BR'R RABBIT, SHAKE IT. Sung by L. M. ' Abram,- Alzea Patterson and
Lloyd Lee Woodward. Piney Woods school, Piney Woods, Miss.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 879 A3
OH BUCK UP, GO, MR: JOE. Sung by group of Fox hill men. Nassau,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 4,59 E3
OH BUCK UP, OH BUCK UP, GO, MR. JOE. Sung by group of Fox hill men.
Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935.
439 Al
Mauldin. High Springs, Fla., Alton C, Morris, 1937. 988 A
- 23A -
OH BURY ME NOT ON THE LONE PRAIRIE. Sung by Bus com Lamar Lunsford.
New York, N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1825 A2
OH CAP'N GAIN' HEAD. Sung by Dawson Johnson. State farm, Raiford,
Fla., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2714 Al \
OH CAPTAIN. Sung by Ernest Davis. Belle Glade, Fla., John A. Lomax,
1936. 691 Bl
OH CAPTAIN, YOU PUT ME TO WHEELIN' . Sung by Richard Amerson.
Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937- 1308 B3
OH COME, ANGEL BAND. Sung by Mrs. Dal Johnson. Murrells Inlet,
S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1045 A2
OH COME HERE, DOG, AND GET YOUR BONE. Sung by Jim Henry. State
penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 3.936. 603 31
OH COME WITH ME. Sung by Mrs. Kinta Morgan. Bells, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 908 Bl
OH DaDDY, COME MAKE YOUR WILL. Sung by Mrs. Lucy Garrison.
Providence, Laurel co., Ky., Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937.
1504 B2
OH DAGO. Sung by Wilbur Shaw with clapping. New Iberia, La., John
A. Lomax, 1934- 11 A
OH DAVID. Sung by group of Negro women. State penitentiary, Parchman.
Miss., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933- 1869 A2-10 in.'
Handy with guitar. Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1933. 1621 A2
OH DEAR, WHAT CAN THE MATTER BE? Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937. 1058 A3
OH DELLA, OH DANE. Sung by group of Negro prisoners. Memphis work
house, Memphis, Tenn., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933- 174. Al
OH DIDN'T IT RAIN. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Louisiana state
penitentiary, Angola, La., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 117 Al
OH DON' WORRY 'BOUT HER, BOY. Sung by E. C. Brown. State farm,
Raiford, Fla., John A. Lomax, 1936. 699
OH FATHERS, ADIEU. Sung by G. D. Vowell. Harlan, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1379 B3
OH FATHERS, GITS READY, LET'S GO HOME, Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury.
Mena, Ark., Sidney Robertson and Laurence Powell, 193-6.
3223 Al
OH FATHERS, WILL YOU MEET ME. Sung by G. D. Vowell. Harlan, Ky. ,
Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1377 B2
Harlan, Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1379 B4
OH FLY 'ROUND, MY PRETTY LITTLE MISS. Sung by 0. L. Coffey with
banjo 4 Blowing Rock, N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 850 Bl
OH GLORY, HALLELUJAH. Sung by Capt, Pearl R. Nye. Akron, Ohio, John
A. Lomax, 1937. 1006 133
OH GLORY TO THE DYIN 1 LAMB. Sung by G. D. Vowell. Harlan, Ky., Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1379 B2
OH GO 'WAY, DEVIL, AN' LEAVE ME 'LONE. Sung by Frances Anderson.
Cumins state farm, Gould, Ark,, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939-
2672 B2
OH HAD I THE WINGS OF A TURTLEDOVE. Sung by Barbara Bell. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938. 1632 B2
- 285 -
OH HOW HAPPY ARE THEY. Sung by Mrs. If. L. Martin. Hillsville,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2751 B4~
OH HOW I LONG TO 3E THERE. Sung by 'Base pin Lamar Luhsford. New
York, N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935, 1787 33
OH I AIN'T GOBI 1 STAY HERE. Sung by Enoch Brown. Livingston,
Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. ■ 2688 Al
OH I AIN'T GONNA STAY HERE. Sung by Enoch Brown. Livingston,
Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1330 A3
Henry and Arthur Jewell. State penitentiary, Parchman, Mitis.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 94-2 A2 '
OK I THOUGHT I HEARD THE WILD OX MOAN. Sung by Rollie Lee Johnson.
State penitentiary, Richmond, Va., John A. Lomax, 1936. 724 A.2
OH IF IQUR HOUSE CATCH A FIRE, Sung by Willie Washington. Cumins
state farm, Gould,- Ark. , John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939 • 266.3 31
OH I'LL NEVER GO OUT WITH RILEY ANY MORE. Sung' by Pat Ford. ■ Central
Valley, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939.. 4211 A3
Jackson. Vicksburg, Miss., Herbert Halpert,' 1939. 3078 A2 & 3
OH I'M GWINE UP THE BAIOD. Sung by John Floyd. Vicksburg, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3076 Al
OH I!M SO SLEEPY. Sung by Kelly Page. Cumins state farm, Gould,
Ark., John A. Lomax, 1934 • 244 Al
Lewis Winfield Moody. Piainfield, Wis..., Robert F. Draves,
1940. 4170 A
OH JESUS, JES 1 WRITE MY NAME. Sung by Dock and thmry Reed and Vera
Hall. Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1333 A2
OH JESUS, LET ME RIDE. Sung by Negro group. Emmons Baptist church,
Goochland, Va . , John A. Lomax, 1936. 743 31
OH JOE GORDON. Played hy Henry Davis on fiddle, Hamilton, Ohio,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1714 A3
OH JOHN THE RABBIT, Sung by four girls. Monroe county training
school, Amory, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2975 A3
OH JOHN THE RABBIT, OH YES. Sung by group of Negro ■ children. Drew,
Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4014 A4
OH LAND OF REST, FOR THEE I SIGH. Sung by Mrs. W. L. Martin.
Hillsville, Va,, Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2751 B3
OH LITTLE PLAYMATES. Sung by community group. Shatter FS'A camp,
Shafter, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940.
4104 Al
OH LOGAN, COME ASHORE. -Sung by Mary Luff ridge, Mary Nicholson and
Annie Proctor. Jackson, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1937. 880 B5
State farm, Raiford, Fla., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939-
2713 Al
OH LAWD. Sung by James (Iron Head) Baker. Central state farm,
Sugar land, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934- 203 A
- 286 -
OH LORD (cont.j
OH LAWD, DON' 'LOW ML TO BEAT 'EM. Sung oy Willie Williams.
State penitentiary, Richmond, Va., John A. Lomax, 1936. 726 Al
State penitentiary j Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 611 A3.
convict. State penitentiary, Parchman. Miss., John A. Lomax,
1936. 603 Al
OH LAWD, LAVJDY, Sung by Uncle Rich Brown. Livingston, Ala., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 13.34- A3
OH LAWDY. Sung by Jesse Bradley and group of Negro convicts. Stats
penitentiary, Huntsville , Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934- «
217 B2
OH LAWDY ME, OK LAWDY MY. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State
prison farm, Milledgeville , Ga., John A. Lomax, 1934. 262 B3
OH LAWDY ME, OH LAWDY MY. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State
(Reid) farm, Boykin, S. C, John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934.
265 Al
OH LAWDY ME, OH LAWDY MY. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State
(Reid) farm, Boykin, S. C, John A. and Alan Lomax, 193-4.
265 B2
OH LAWSA ME. Sung by 3a s com Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New York,
N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935- 1S0S'b2
family. Cockrum, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3012 A2
OH LORD, LORD, LORD. Sung by Negro boy. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan
Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 519 32
OH LORDY, LORDY, LORD. Sung by Augustus (Track Horse) Haggerty
and group of Negro convicts. State penitentiary, Huntsville,
Tex., John A. Lomax, .1934- 223 Al
OH LORDY, WON'T YOU COME BY HERE? Sung by Velma Mosley, Wash
Dawson and Albert Williams. Drew, Miss., John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, 1940. 4015 34
Columbia, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3364 Al & 2
OH LOVELY APPEARANCE OF DEATH. Sung by Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hoskins.
Horse creek, Clay co., Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
1491 A2 & 32
OH LUTjA. Sung by A. B. Hicks, directed by Zora Neale Hurston.
Eatonville, Fla., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 193:3. 364 Al
OH MAMA, DOG BITE. Sung by mixed group. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan
Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 488 B2
Cliff house, Tuolumne co., Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939-
3362 A3
OH MAMA RED-EYE. Sung by mixed group with drums. Nassau, Bahamas,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935- 487 A
OH MAMA, THE GREYHOUND BOAT RUN 'EM DOWN. Sung and played by Nassau
string banc. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
,.. Barnicle, 1935. 437 Bl
- 287 -
OH MAN, OH MAN, YOU BETTER PRAY. Sung by Emmet Jackson. Viclcsburg,
Miss.j Herbert Halpert, 1939. . 3076 31' ';'... '
OK MARY, DON'T YOU WEEP. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York,
N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935'.:
1832 A2
OH MARY, DON'T YOU WEEP. Sung by Clara and Lonhie Frazierj with
guitar. Detroit, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2^81 Bl
OH MARY, WHO'S ON THE LORD'S SIDE? Sung by congregation of
Baptist church. New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax
and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 398 B2
OH MOUNT ZION. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Darrington state
farm, Sandy Point, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934- • 190 A3
OH MR. BROWN. Sung by Thomas Anderson. New York, N. Y., Herbert
Halpert, 1938. "3628 A2
OH MR. BROWN. Sung by Zora Neale Hurston. Jacksonville, Fla.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3M4 B2
OH MR. DOOLEY, DON'T 'REST ME. Sung by Hattie Goff. State peniten-
tiary, Parchman, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3085 B3
OH MY BANG, MY BANJO. Sung by mixed group. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan
Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 490 B2
OH MY CAPTAIN DON'T DEPEND ON ME. Sung by F. D. (Black Will) Hall.
Cumins state farm, Gould, Ark., John A. Lomax, 1934. 2//7 A3
OH MY HARRY, 0. Sung by group of Negroes. Frederics, Ga.., Alan
Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935.
322 Al
OH MY LAWD, WHAT SHALL I DO? Sung by group of Negro convicts. State
prison farm, Milledgeville, Ga., John A. Lomax, 1934. 257 32
OH MY LITTLE DARLING. Sung by Thaddeuc G. Willingham with banjo.
Gulf port, Miss., Herbert Halpert. 1939. 3115 31
OH MY LITTLE HONEY. Sung by G nt family. Austin, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1936. 6^5 B2
OH MY SOLEY. Sung by group of Fox hill men. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan
Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 440 Al
OH MY TILLA. Sung by mixed group with drum. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan
Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 485 32
OH NOW LORD, DON'T YOU LEAVE ME. Sung by group of convicts. State
penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 619 Bl
OK OYSTER. Sung by Richard Chase with guitar. Whitetop, Va.,
Richard Chase, 1935. 3426 32
OH PICK, I DRIVE YOU. Sung by Emmet Jackson with pickax driving.
Vicksburg, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3079 A2
OH PRAISE MY GOD. Sung by D. W. White snd Pearson's funeral home
choir. Columbia, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1026 A3
Borusky. Antigo', Wis., Robert F.' Braves, 194.Q. 4176 31
OH ROBERTA. Sung by Richard Amerson. Livingston,' Ala. , John A.
Lomax, 1937. 1322 Bl & 2
OH RUN AND TELL SISTER MARY. Sung by group of Negro men and women.
• Cockrum, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3012 32
Graham with guitar. San Jose, Calif,, Sidney Robertson, 1938.
3810 A4. ■ ;
- 238 -
OH SISTER SUSAN* Stfng by Barbara Bell. Washington, D. C, Alan
Lomax, 1938. 1632 Al
OH SUSANNAH. Played on fiddle, banjo and organ. Mitchell, S. Dak.,
Nicholas Ray, 1939. 3673 Al
OH SUSANNAH. Sung by group, with harmonicas. Mitchell, S. Dak.,
Nicholas Ray, 1939. 3683 Al
OH SUSANNAH. Sung by S. F. Russell with dulcimer. Marion, Va.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3161 A2
OH THE BUFORD BOAT DONE COME. Sung by Zora Neale Hurston.
Jacksonville, Fla., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3138 A2
OH THE DARKES' NIGHT I EVER SEEN. Sung by Johnny Cook. Vj. c ksburg,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3079 A3 & Bl
OH THE HAIR GROWN GRAY. Sung by Mrs. L. L. McDowell. Smithville,
Tenn., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3179 B3
OH THE IRISH AIN'T MUCH. Sung by Jennie Devlin. Gloucester, N. J..
Alan Lomax, 1938. 184-4 A2
OH THE LAMB OF GOD. Sung by Joe Lee. State Farm, Va., John A.
Lomax, 1936. 749 A2
OH THE ROCKY ROAD. Sung by group of Andros island men. Sponge
docks, Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935- 428 A2
OH THE SUN DONE QUIT SHININ 1 . Sung by Lonnie Thomas. State farm,
Raiford, Fla., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2713 A2
Brooks. Edwards, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3071 31
OH THE SUN'S GOIN' DOWN. Sung by Thomas J. Marshall. Edwards,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3071 A
OH THEY TOLD ME OUT IN KANSAS. Sung by George Vinton Graham with
guitar. San Jose, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1938. 3818 A2
hill men. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935- 437 Al
OH TO ME THE TIME DRAWS NEAR. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon
College, N. C, Fletcher Collins, 1939- 3787 Bl
OH TO ME THE TIME DRAWS NEAR. Sung by Mrs. Lize Pace. Myden, Ky.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1440 B
OH TO ME THE TIME ROLLS NIGH. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New
York, N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1305 Al
OH UNTO ME, THE TIME DREW NEAR. Sung by Mrs. Hettie Swindel.
Freeling, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2815 A2
OH WE ARE JOLLY CORN-HUSKERS . Sung by William H. Dickinson. New
York, N. Y., Herbert Halpert, 1937. 3671 B4
Harrell with guitar. Cumberland, Ky., Alan and Elizabeth
Lomax, 1937. " 1432 Al
OH WHEN I'M DEAD AND BURIED. Sung by Frank Woodward and group.
Mobile, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 945 B3
OH WHEN SHALL I SEE JESUS? Sung by Mrs. W. L. Martin. Hillsville,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2751 B2
Bare. Heaton, N. C, Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2860 Al
- 289 -
OH WHERE WERE YOU IK NINETEEN AMD FO»? Sung by Emmet Jackson and
John Floyd. Vicksburg, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3080 A2
OH WILL YOU WEAR RED? Sung by Ralph Dennet. Meridian, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. " 304-8 Al
OH WILLIE, OH WILLIE. Sung by J. M. Mullins with banjo. West Liberty,
Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1564 A3
OH WILLIE, OH ViflLLIE. Sung by J. M. Mullins with banjo. West Liberty,
Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 15 64. Bl
OH WORKIN' ON THE LEVEE. Sung by Ernest Davis. Belle Glade, Fla.,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 691 B2
OH YE PRODIGAL SON. Sung by Joe Brown, James Richardson, Willie
Howard and Paul. Perkins. State farm, Raiford, Fla., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2707 Al
OH YES. Sung by group with drum. New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 414 A2
OH YES. Sung by mixed group. New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan
Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 410 Al
OH YES. Sung by Rowena Bell, Pappie and Sweety Pie, with drum by
Stafford. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935. 530 Al
OH YES. Sung by Victoria Wilson. New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas.
Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 406 B2
OH YES, MAMMY, LOOK AT SAM. Sung by W. E. Claunch with fiddle and
Mrs. Christeen Haygood with guitar. Near Gun town, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2974 "M
OH YOU CAN SLIP YO' COLLAR. Sung by Negro convict. Stato peniten-
tiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 603 A2
OH YOU MINERS, DON'T GO TO RALEIGH. Sung by group of Negro convicts.
State prison camp, Boone, N. C, John A. Lomax, 1938. 836 32
OIL CITY BLUES. Sung by Noah Moore with guitar. Oil City, La.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3993 Bl
OKLAHOMA. Sung by Merle Lovell with guitar. Shafter FSA camp,
Shafter, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Spnkin, 1940.
4111 A2
OLD ALEX BROWN. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 956 B2
OLD APPLE TREE IN THE GROUND. Swig by Elizabeth Moore. State
penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3085 Bl
OLD APPLE TREE IN THE ORCHARD, THE. Sung by Ruth Elliot. Arvin
FSA camp, /srvin, Calif., Charles L. Todd and- Robert Sonkin,
1940. 4088 Al
OLD ARKANSAS GOT SOMETHING. .Sung by Mr. King, with fiddle, banjo
and guitar by King family. Calipatria migratory camp, Calif.,
Margaret Valiant, ~1939. ' 3331 Al & B
OLD AUNT DINAH. Sung by Butter Boy. Smithors plantation, Huntsville,
Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 196 Bl
OLD AUNT DINAH. Sung by Cecil, Martha, Edmond and Robert Owens.
Clemson, S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 19.39. 2723 Bl
OLD AUNT DINAH. Sung by John Robinson. Lubbock, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 912 B2
by Arthur (Brother-in-law) Armstrong with guitar. Jasper,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3978 A3
OLD AUNT SIS. Sung by Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark., John A. Lomax and
Laurence Powell, 1936. 369 A2
OLD BACHELOR, THE. Sung by Mrs. Dora Ward. Princeton, Ind. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1933. 17-42 Al
OLD BAD LAZARUS. Sung by John Henry Jackson and Norman Smith.
State penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939*
3039 Al
OLD BAD LAZ'US. Sung by Allen Reid. State farm, Raiiord, Fla. ,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 3554- B
OLD BALD EAGLE. Sung by Mrs. Mary Fuller Cain. Clintwood, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2317 Bl
OLD BALDY. Sung by Arthur (Brother-in-law) Armstrong with guitar.
Jasper, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 3979 A3
OLD BARNEY LAY, HE LAY IN THE OCEAN. Sung by Gertrude Thurston
and group. New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, -1935- 339 A2
Hoskins with fiddle. liyden, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax,
1937. 1/+63 B2
OLD BEN TUCKER. Sung by Wilbur Roberts, Riviera, Fla., Stetson
Kennedy and Robert Cook, 1940. 3379 32
OLD BLACK CAT, THE. Spoken by Naomi Nelson. Riviera, Fla., Stetson
Kennedy and Robert Cook. 1940.. 3380 32
Frank, Jr, and Shacks Franklin. New Roads, La.., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3996 B2
OLD BLACK CROW IN THE HICKORY TREE. Sung by Jimmy Boudreaux. New
Roads, La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3997 B2
OLD BLACK DOG. Spoken by Marietta Harmon. Maryville, Term.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2930 31 & 2, 2931 Al
OLD BLACK HORSE, THE. Sung by Charles J. Finger. Washington, D. C,
Alan Lomax, 1937. 999 B2
OLD BLACK MAMMY'S LULLABY." Sung by Isabel Barnwell. Jacksonville,
Fla., Stetson Kennedy, 1939. 3521 B4 & 5
OLD BLACK MOUNTAIN TRAIL, Sung by Wilms Leigh Leary, Geraline and
Cathaline Leary. Tygart valley homesteads, Elkins, W. Va.,
Gordon Barnes, 1939. 3576 Al
OLD BLACK TOMAN, YOU AIN' NO MO' MINE. Sung by Willie Jackson and
group. Belle Glade, Fla., John A. Lomax, 1936. 690 Bl
OLD BLIND BUOY. Sung by Matilda Keene. Newberry, Fla., Alton C.
Morris, 1937. " 990 Bl
OLD BLIND DRUNK JOHN. Sung by Mrs. Theodosia Bennett Long. Saltillo,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2951 A2 & 3
OLD BLUE. Sung by Carl Roberts. Fort Spunky, Tex., John A. Lomax,
1935. 671 Al
OLD BLUE. Sung by Franklin family, with McCowan imitating dog on
guitar. Migratory camp, Indio, Calif., Margaret Valiant,
1939. 3564 Bl "
- 291 -
OLD. BLUE. Sung by Mrs,. Ollie Womble- with guitar.. Banner, Hiss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 303-4. Bl
OLD. BLUE SOW. Played by Enos Can oy on fiddle., Tim Candy. oh . : :
mandolin and Lola Ganoy on guitar. Magee, -Miss. , -Her bort
Halpert, 1939- 3034 Al ■.:■.:. ...
OLD BOB RIDLEY. Sung by W. G. Martin. Blowing Rock, -.N. C., John
A. Lomax, 1936. 651 Bl
OLD BRIDLE. Sung by Finley Adams. Dunham, Ky., Herbert Halpert,
1939- 2795 Bl
OLD CAGKLIN.' HEN. Played by Lake N. Porter on fiddle. Falfurrias,
. Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 262G Al
OLD GALLING MOURNERS. Sung by group of six. State farm, Raiford,
Fla., John A. Lomax, 1936. 697 B
OLD CAR'LINA. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark. , John. A.
Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 8,43 Bl
OLD CHISHOLl' TRAIL, THE. Sung by Blaine Stubblefield with guitar.
Washington, D. C., Alan Lomax, 1938. 1633 Al
OLD CHISHOLM TRAIL. Sung by cowboy band. San Angelo, Tex., John
A. Lomax, 1935. 55-4 Bl
OLD CHISHOLM TRAIL, THE. Sung by Daca . New York, N. Y., Herbert
. Halpert, 1939. 3656 B2 . !
OLD CHISHOLM TRAIL, THE. Sung by Dac^. New York,. N. Y., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 3658 B3
OLD CHISHOLM TRAIL, THE. Sung by David W. Preece. Austin, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 911 A2
OLD CHISHOLM TRAIL. Sung by Frank Goo&wyn with guitar. Falfurrias,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. . 2622 32
OLD CHISHOLM TRAIL, THE. Sung by Mr. Barnes with violin. Kaplan,
La., John A., and Alan Lomax, 1934- • 11 B2.. '" -
OLD CHRISTMAS. Played by Boyd Asher on fiddle. Hyden, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1525 B2
OLD CHRISTMAS. Played by G. C. Nicholson on fiddle. Providence,
Laurel co., Ky., A].an and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937." 1503 Bl
OLD COLD 'TATERS. Sung by Lester Fairley, J. B. Thomas and
Theodore and Clyde .Smith. Piney .Woods school, Piney Woods,
Miss., John.. A. Lomax, 1937-.. ■ 381 Al
OLD COON DOG. Played by Munroe . Gevedon on fiddle, Catherine
Gevedon on- guitar and Bert Gevedon on banjo. Sulyersville,
Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1558 B3
OLD COON DOG. Sung by George . Roark with banjo. Pineville, Ky. ,
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 1999' 81-10 in. •
OLD COON DOG, THE. Sung by Henrietta and Ernestine Wilson with
guitars. West- Liberty, Ky:. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
15.62 A3 ...■:..-.. ......
OLD CRUMPY. Sting by George Vinton Graham with guitar. San Jose,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 19.39. 3373 Bl .
OLD DAD. Played by John Rector, on fiddle. Old fiddlers convention,
Galax, Va., John A. Lomax,. 1937. 1352 B2
OLD DAN TUCKER. Sung by Alexander -.Eolle. Old Bight, Cat island,
Bahamas., Alan Lomax and. Mary, Elizabeth Barnicle, 19.35. 421 B3
OLD DAN TUCKER. Sung by Austin Harmon with banjo. Maryville,
Term., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2396 Al
- 292 -
OLD DAN TUCKER. Sung by Frank Goodwyn with guitar. Falfurrias,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2622 31
OLD DAN TUCKER. Sung by Melinda and Rosalee Vaugban. Laager,
Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 294.2 Al
OLD DAN TUCKER. Sung by Pat Ford. Central Valley, Calif., Sidney
Robertson, 1939. 4211 S2
OLD DAN TUCKER, Sung by Ruby Wilson. Kingsville, Tex., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2626 84
OLD DAN TUCKER. Sung by Thaddeus C. Willingham with banjo.
Gulf port, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3116 B2
OLD DANCE TUNES. Played by C, H. Stevens en accordion. Cherry Lake
Farms, Fla., Margaret Valiant, 1936. 2070 A2-10 in.
OLD ENGLAND'S SHORES. Sung by Ben Rice. Springfield, Mo., Sidney-
Robertson, 1936. 3206 Al
OLD FAITH. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. Mew York, K. I., George
W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1937. 1820 A2
OLD FAITHFUL ALARM CLOCK, THE. Sung by Sarah Ogan. Nov; York, N. I.,
Alan Lomax, 1937. 1952 B2-10 in.
OLD FASHIONED INDIAN WAR WHOOP. Sung by Lev/is H. Propps with fiddle.
Pleasanton, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1936. 570 Al
OLD FATHER GRUMBLE. Sung by Mrs. Dizia Puckett. Near Tishomingo,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2983 A ik Bl
OLD FIELD RABBIT. Played by Jim Myer on fiddle. Magee, Miss,,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3057 33
OLD FIELD RABBIT. Sung by Mrs. Jessie Buchanan, Magee, Miss,,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3055 A2 & 3
OLD FISH SONG, THE. Sung by Blind James Howard with fiddle. Harlan,
Ky. , John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. 74 A
OLD FOOL. Sung ~'oy Mrs. Lena B. Turbyfill. Elk Park, N. C, Herbert
Halpert," 1939. 2350 Bl
OLD FOX STEPPIN' OUT. Sung by Mrs. Minnie Floyd. Murrells Inlet,
S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2719 Bl
Pleasant, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2261 Bl
OLD GOSPEL SHIP, THE. Sung by W. JL Bledsoe with guitar. Pineville,
Ky., Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 1969 B-10 in.
OLD GRAMPUS IS DEAD. Sung by Eula May O'Neal, Carol Carter ana
Katharine Wilson. Vancleave, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939 «
3112 A3
OLD GRAMPUS IS DEAD. Sung by Irene Williams. Rome, Miss., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4009 A2
OLD GRANNY HARE. Played by Howard Collins on the dulcimer.
Smithsboro, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1541 B3
OLD GRANNY RATTLETRAP. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with fiddle.
New York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1835 B2
OLD GRAY BEARD A SHAKING. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark.,
John A. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 847 33
OLD GRAY BEARD A SHAKING. Sung by Vernie Westfail, with guitar by-
Ernie Alston. Shafter FSA camp, Shafter, Calif., 1940. 4105 Bl
- 293 -
OLD GRAY BEARD NEEDS SHAVING. Sung by Oscar and Mrs. Sabra Bare
Hampton. Morganton, N. C, Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2373 Bl
OLD GRAY GOOSE IS DEAD, THE. Sung by Janie Ellis Mason.
Washington, D. C., Alan Lomax, 1937. 1000 Bl
OLD GRAY MARE. Played by Volney Fraley on harmonica . American
folk song festival, Ashland, Ky. , Jean Thomas, 1934. 293, 32
OLD GRAY MARE. Sting by Austin and Ether Harmon. Near Maryville,
Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2913 Bl
OLD GRAY MARE, THE. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York, N. Y. 3
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935. 1787 Al
C»LD GRAY MARE. Sung by Elmer Newcomer with fiddle. Pipecreek, Tex..
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2633 Al
OLD GROUNDHOG. Sung by Austin Harmon with banjo. Maryville, Tenn.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2384 Al
OLD GUM BOOTS AND LEGGINS. Sun,; by Mae Feltner. Hyden, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1474 Al
OLD HAG, YOU SEE MAMMY. Sung by Aunt Stella Horry. Murrolls Inlet,
S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 909 Al
OLD HANNAH. Sung by Tommy Woods and group of Negro convicts.
Clemens state farm, Brazoria, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax.
1939. 3551 B2
OLD HARMON AND HIS SONS. Sung by Samuel P. Harmon. Maryville, Tenn.
Henry Halpert, 1939. 2881 A2
OLD HEN. Sung by Barbara Bell. Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938.
1631 A2 & 3
OLD HEN CACKLE. Played by Ray Hushes on fiddle. Galax, Va., John
A. and Bess Lomax, 1937. 1347 A5
OLD HEN CACKLE. Played by Russell Wise on fiddle and Mr. White on
guitar. Cherry Lake Farms, Fla., Margaret Valiant, 1936.
3311 A2
OLD HEN CACKLE. Played by Skyline farms string band, with vocal
effects by Chester Allen. Skyline farms, Scottsboro, Ala.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2943 B2
OLD HEN CACKLED, THE. Played by Luther Strong on fiddle. Hazard,
Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1535 Bl
guitar and Kid West on mandolin. Shreveport, La., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3991 A4
(Brother-in-law) Armstrong with guitar. Jasper, Tex., 'John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3973 A4
OLD HEN CACKLES. Played on violin by Howard Pace, with guitar by
Lester Grass. Visalia, Calif., Margaret Valiant, 1939.
3568 A2
OLD HEN, SHE CACKLED, THE. Played by W. M. Stopp on fiddle., with
guitar by Mrs. : Mae Puckett. Salyersville, Ky., Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1572 133
OLD HICKORY CANE. Sung by Mrs. Carlos Gallimore'. Galax, Va., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 1367 A3
OLD HORSE. Sung by Capt. Richard Maitland. Sailors' snug harbor,
Staten Island, New York, N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1939. 2527 A
OLD HOUND DOG. Sung by Sara Jane Harvey. Magee, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3052 Bl
-- 294 -
OLD INDIAN, THE. Sung by Jennie Devlin. Gloucester, N. J., Alan
Lomax, 1958. 1845 Al
OLD IRELAND. Sung by Mrs. Polly Johnson. Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert,
1939. 2759 Bl
OLD IRISH WASHWOMAN, THE. Played by R. R. and Jim Denoon on fiddle
and guitar. Springfield, Mo., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3214 A2
OLD JEREMIAH. Sung by three Negro boys. Jennings, La., John A. and
Alan Lomax, 1934. 108 A2
OLD JIMMIE SUTTON. Played by Wade Ward on banjo. Galax, Va., Alan
Lomax and Peter Seeger, 1939- 3762 Al
OLD JIMMIE SUTTON. Sung by Ba scorn Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New
York, N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1802 Bl
OLD JOE CLARK. Played by an Ohio string band. Cincinnati, Ohio,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1933. 1694 B2
OLD JOE CLARK. Played by Bob and Dewey Hararick on violin and.
guitar. Tygart valley homesteads, Elkins, W. Va., Gordon
Barnes, 1939. 3575 B2
OLD JOE CLARK. Played by Boyd Asher on fiddle. Hyden, Ky. , Alan and-
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1526 B2
jLD JOE CLARK, Played by George C. Nicholson on fiddle. Providence,
Laurel cu., Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937- 1502 Bl
OLD JOE CLARE. Played by J. Paul Miles on tanjo, Wadd Miles on guitar
and Vernon Miles .on mandolin. Cherry Lane, N. C,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4086 Al
JLD JOE CLARK. Played by J. W. Russell on fiddle, Robert Russell,
Sr. on guitar and Worley Rolen on banjo. Marion, Va., Sidney
Roberts n, 1936. 3165 B2
OLD JOE CLARK-. Played by Livingston dance band. National folk
festival, Chicago," 111. , Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3258 A3
OLD JOE CLARK. Played by Luther Strong on fiddle. Hazard, Ky.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1531 02
3LD JOE CLARK. Played by Marion Ross on fiddle. Zionville, N. C,
John a. Lomax, 1936. 841 Al
OLD JOE CLARK. Played by 0. L. Coffey on banjo. Blowing Rock,
N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 350 B3
OLD JOE CLARK. Played by Rebecca Tarwater on banjo. Washington,
D. C, Charles Seeger, 1936. 2086 A3-S in.
OLD JOE CLARK. Played by Russell Wise on fiddle and Mr. White on
guitar. Cherry Lake Farms, Fla., Margaret Valiant, 1936,
3311 Bl
OLD JOE CLARK. Played by string band from London, Ky. Cincinnati,
ohio, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1694 Bl
OLD JjE CLARK. Played by Tex Vanderpeol and; Green Maggard on fiddle
and guitar. American folk song festival, Ashland, Ky., Jean
Thomas, 1934- 305 B2
OLD JOE CLARK. Played by Theodore Blevins on dulcimer. Galax, Va.,
Bess Lomax, 1937. 1342 B3
OLD JOE CLARK. Played by Wade Ward on banjo. Galax, Va., Alan
Lomax and Petsr Seeger, 1939- 3762 A3
- 295 -
OLD JOE CLARK. Played by Wayne Perry on fiddle. Crowley, La.,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934- • 21 Al
OLD JOE CLARK. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y.,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barniele, 1935. 823 B4
OLD JOE CLARK. Sung by Basoom Lamar Lunsford with fiddle. New
York, N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935- 1837 Bl
OLD JOE CLARK. Sung by Blind James Howard with fiddle. Harlan,
Ky., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933- 76 A2
OLD JOE CLARK. Sung by Carl Light, with violin by Otis Light.
Llano, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 899 A2
OLD JOE CLARK. Sung by Fields Ward with guitar, with banjo by
Wade Ward. Galax, Va., Alan Lomax and Peter Seeger, 1939.
3765 Al & 2
OLD JOE CLARK. Sung by George Roark with banjo-. Pineville, Ky.,
Mary Elizabeth Barniele, 1938. 1994. B-10 in.
OLD JOS CLARK. Sung by Gilbert Fike. Little Rock, Ark., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3190 31
OLD JOE CLARK. Sung by group of men. Pond springs school, ne::.r
Austin, Tex., John. A. Lomax, 1936. 657 B
OLD JOE CLARK. Sung by J. E. Mullins with banjo. Florress, Ky,,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1588 A &BI
OLD JOE CLARK. Sung by James (iron Head) Baker and group of Negro
convicts. Central state farm, Sugarland, Tex., John A. and
Alan Lomax, 1933. 200 A3
OLD JOE CLARK. Sung by Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Fentress. Waco,. Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 925 A2
OLD JOE CLARK. Sung by Mrs. C. S. MacClellan. ■ High Springs, Fla.,
Alton C. Morris, 1937. 986 A2
OLD JOE CLARK. Sung by Mrs. Minta Morgan. Bells, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 986 B2
OLD JOE CLARK. Sung by Mrs. Myra Barnett Miller. Tuckaseigee,
N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 842 A3
OLD JOE CLARK. Sung by Mose (Clear Rock) Piatt. Central state
farm, Sugarland, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. 197 Al
OLD JOE CLARK. Sung by Neil Collin with harmonica, with guitar by
Jim Mills and bones by McCowan. Migratory camp, Indio,
Calif., Margaret Valiant, 1939. 3565 A3
OLD JOE CLARK. Sung by Pete Steele with banjo. Hamilton, Ohio,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1933. 1710 B3
OLD JOE CLARK. Sung by Sam Harmon, with banjo by Austin Harmon.
Maryville, Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939- '2898 332
OLD JOE CLARK. Sung by Thaddeus C. Willingham with banjo.
Gulf port, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 311
« Al
OLD JOE CLARK. Sung by Woodrow (Woody) Wilson Guthrie with gui-
tar and harmonica. Washington, D. C, Alan and Elizabeth
Lomax, 1940. 3408 B2
OLD JOE FINLEY HAD A PIG. Sung by Mrs. W. B. Thornton. Gainesville,
Fla., Alton C. Morris and John A. Lomax, 1937. 991 A3
OLD JOHN TYLER. Sung by Mrs. Minta Morgan. Bells, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 894 A2
OLD KING BUZZARD. Sung by Arthur (Brother-in-law) Armstrong with
guitar. Jasper, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3987 BS
- 296 -
OLD LADY. Sung by Louise DuBose. Columbia, S. C, Charles Seeger,
1939. 3790 Al
OLD LADY AND THE DEVIL, Sung by Mrs. Lena Bare Turbyfill. Elk
Park, N. C, Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2849 31 & 2
OLD LADY GOOSE. Sung by Irene Williams. Drew, Miss., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4018 Al
OLD LADY IN THE DINING ROOM. Sung by Gwendolyn Murray. New York,
N. Y., Herbert Halpert, 1939. ' 3545 Bl
OLD LADY, SHOUT, SHOUT. Sung by Melinda Cooper and children's group.
Vicksburg, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3075 A2
OLD LADY SITTIN' IN THE DINING ROOM. Sung by Eva Grace Boone and
children's group. Brandon,- Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939°
3050 A3
OLD LEXINGTON. Played by Robert Picker on banjo. Washington, D. C,
Alan Lomax, and Jerome Wiesner, 1940. 3904 A3
OLD McDONALD'S REEL. Played by Leisime Brusoe on fiddle.
Rhinelander, Wis., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3278 B2
OLD MAID, THE. Sung by Mrs. Cinderella Kinnaird. National folk
festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3264 A3 & 4
OLD MAID, THE. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College, N. C,
Fletcher Collins, 1939. 3786 A2
OLD MAN, THE. Sung by Sam Harmon. Near Maryville, Tenn., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. ' 2907 Bl
OLD MAN AND THE OLD WOMAN, THE. Sung by Sara Jane Harvey. Magee,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3053 Al
OLD MAN BUGGER. Sung by Sterling Reason. Fork Spunky, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1935. 671 B
OLD MAN CAME OVER THE MOOR, THE. Sung by Mrs. T. M. Bryant.
Evansville, Ind., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938." 1752 B3
OLD .MAN CRUMBLE. Sung by Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Aldrich. Casa Grande,
Ariz., Margaret Valiant, 1939- 3327 Al
OLD MAN DAISY. Sung by four children. Dunham, Ky., Herbert Halpert,
1939. 2789 B2
OLD MAN LIVED ON THE HILL. Sung by Mrs. Edith Harmon. Maryville,
Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2933 B2
OLD MAN OF THE NORTH COUNTRY, THE. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford
with banjo. New York, N. Y . , George W. Hibbitt and William
Cabell Greet, 1935. 1781 Al
OLD MAN SETTIN' IN THE CORNER DYIN' . Sung by Huddie Ledbetter
(Lead Belly) with guitar. Wilton, Conn., John A. Lomax, 1935.
142 B2
OLD MAN THAT LIVED IN THE WEST, THE. Sung by Mrs. Theodosia Bonnett
Long. Saltillo, Miss., Herbert Halpert', 1939. 2955 Al
OLD MAN THAT LIVED ON THE HILL, THE. Sung by Mrs. Vera Kilgore.
Highlander folk school, Monteagle, Tenn., Herbert Halpert,
1939. 2938 Al
OLD MAN WENT TO THE BARN. Sung by Mrs. Edith Harmon. Near Maryville,
Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2912 Al
OLD MAN WHO LIVED UNDER THE HILL. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford.
New York, N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1781 B2
OLD MAN'S COURTSHIP. Sung by Elmer George. East Calais, Vt., Alan
Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3727 B
- 297 -
OLD MAN'S STORY, THE. Spoken by Sam Harmon;. Maryville, Term.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2921 B2, 2922 Al
OLD MAN'S STORY. Sung by Sgt. Alexander Kirkheart with guitar.
Fort Thomas, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1700 A2
OLD MAW-MAW. Sung by Wilbur Robert. Riviera, Fla., Stetson
Kennedy and Robert Cook, 19-40. 3378 A2
OLD MARSE JOHN. Sung by Jeff Horton. Livingston, Ala., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2697 A2
OLD MEXICO. Sung by Mrs. Birmah Hill Grissom. Saltillo, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2965 Al
OLD MICHAEL BRANNIZARIS' PUP. Sung by Leonard W. Jones, with gui-
tar by Sam Pitts. Pine Grove, Calif., Sidney Robertson,
1939. 4-224. A2
OLD MILLER, THE. Sung by Robert L. Day. Cincinnati, Ohio, Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1693 B2
OLD MISS SALLY. Sung by John Hatcher with fiddle. Iuka, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3000 A3
OLD MOLLY HARE. Played by W. A. Bledsoe on fiddle and H. D. Kinard
on banjo. Meridian, Mis s., Herbert Halpert, 1939. .3039 A3
OLD MOLLY HARE. Sung by Aunt Molly McDonald and family. Livingston,
Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, .1939. 2689 Al
OLD MOLLY HARE. Sung by Austin Harmon with banjo. Near Maryville,
Tenn., Herbert Halpert, .1939. 2886 Al
OLD MOLLY HARE. Sung by Uncle Alec Dunford, with the Bogtrotters
band. Galax, Va., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1368 B2
OLD MOLLY HARE. Sung by W. E. Claunch with fiddle, and Mrs.
Christeen Haygocd with guitar. Near Guntown, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2971 Al & 2
3LD MONTREAL FRENCH FOUR, THE. Played hy Elmer Be r con on fiddle.
Quebec, Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939-
3695 B2
OLD MORGAN. Sung by Mrs. Birmah Hill Grissom. Saltillo, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 29-62 E2
-OLD 1/DRT LINE, THE. Sung by Ivan Walton. Port Huron, Mich., Ivan
Walton, 3938. 3399 B9
OLD MOTHER FLANAGAN. Played by Fred F'uco on fiddle.- Grandville,
near Baraga, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2410 A3
-OLD .MOTHER GRAY. Sung by Ben Russak. New York, N. Y . , Herbert
Halpert, 1938. 3625 B4-
OLD MOTHER HIPPLETOE. Sung by J. D. Dillingham. Llano, Tex., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 898 A2
-OLD -MOTHER WITCH. Sung by Beatrice Nidleman. New York, N. Y.,
Herbert Halpert, 1938. 3626 A3
OLD MOTHER WITCH. Sung by Beatrice Nidleraan. New York, N. Y.,
Herbert Halpert, 1938. 3632 A3
OLD MOTHER WITCH. Sung by Celia Feldborg. New York, N. Y.,
Herbert Halpert, 1938. 3628 B4-
-OLD.. MOTHER WITCH. Sung by Gwendolyn- Murray and Eula May Ford.
New York, N. Y., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3645 A3
'OLD "MOTHER" WITCH. Sung by Josephine Alonzi and group of girls.
Lenox Hill settlement house, New York, N. Y., Herbert
-Halpert, 1939- 3648 B3, 364-9 Al
- 298 -
OLD MOUNTAIN DEW, THE. Sung by Mike J. O'Donnell. St. James,
Beaver island, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1933. 2300 Al
OLD MR. MOORE. Played by G. C. Nicholson en fiddle. Providence,
Laurel co., Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1503 A2
OLD MR. MOORE. Sung by Mrs. Lucy Garrison. Providence, Laurel Co.,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1504 A2
OLD MULE BOY. Sung by Joe and Molly McDonald. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 4-030 A3 & 4
OLD NAPPER. Sung by Mrs. Theodosia Bonnett Long. Saltillo, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2952 A3
OLD NED MOORE. Sung by David Rice. Springfield, Mo., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3204 Bl
OLD NINETY-SEVEN. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York, N. Y.,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935- 1815 Bl
OLD NINETY-SEVEN. Sung by Gilbert Fike. Little Rock, Ark., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3189 Al
OLD NIPER. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New York, N. Y.,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935. 1800 Bl
OLD NUMBER "NINE. Sung by Howard B. Spurlock and Roy Sibert. Horse
creek, Clay co., Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1939. 1482 Al
OLD NUMBER NINE. Sung by Mrs. Rebecca Jones. Ebenezer church, N. C,
Richard Chase, 1935- 3425 B2
OLD OAK TREE, THE. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James, Beaver island,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2992 B
OLD OWL, THE. Sung by Grade Boggs. Fort White, Fla., Alton C.
Morris, 1937. 989 B3
OLD PAINT. Sung by Bob Crisweli with fiddle, guitar and bones. Spur,
Tex., John A. Lomax, 1935- 552 Bl
OLD PEGGY WALKER. Sung by Finley Adams. Dunham, Ky., Herbert Halpert,
1939. 2796 Al
OLD PHAROAH. Sung by Mrs. Birmah Hill Grissora. Saltillo, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2968 B2
OLD PHOTOGRAPH, THE. Sung by Ben Pitts with guitar. Pine Grove,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 4223 B2
OLD PINSFIELDS. Played by Bogtrotters band. Old fiddlers convention,
Galax, Va., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1353 B2
OLD QUEBEC. Sung by Mrs. Minta Morgan. Bells, Tex., John A. Lomax.
1937. 894 B2
OLD QUEEN QUINE. Sung by Finley Adams. Dunham, Ky., Herbert Halpert,
1939. 2795 A2
OLD RAGGED BOOTS. Sung by Vergie Bailey. Hyden, Ky., Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 14H A2
OLD RAINEY. Spoken by Tilman Cadle. Pineville, Ky., Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1938. 2026 A & B-10 in.
OLD RATTLER. Sung by Augustus (Track Horse) Haggerty and group of
Negro convicts. State penitentiary, Huntsville, Tex., John A.
and Alan Lomax, 1934- 211 A2
OLD RATTLER. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with guitar.
7filton, Conn., John A. Lomax, 1935". 156 A
OLD RATTLER. Sung by Mose (Clear Rock) Piatt. Central state farm,
Sugarland, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 205 B2
OLD RATTLER. Sung by Mose (Clear Rock) Piatt. Taylor, Tex., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2645 B2
- 299 -
OLD RATTLER. Sung by Mose (Clear Rock) Piatt and James (Iron Head)
Baker. Central state farm, Sugarland, Tex., John A. and Alan
:Lomax, 1934- 208 Bl
OLD RATTLER. Sung by Tommy Woods and group of Negro convicts.
Clemens state farm, Brazoria, Tex., John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, 1939. 3551 A2
OLD RED FOX, THE.' Sung by Mrs. Minta Morgan. Bells, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 90S Al
OLD ROBIN. Sung by Mrs. A. J. Huff. Gatlinburg, Term., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2376 A3
Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937. 1055 A3 & 4
OLD ROCKY MOUNTAIN GOAT, THE. Played by Elmer Barton on fiddle.
Quebec, Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Hartn'ess Flanders, 1939 •
3692 Bl
OLD ROSIN THE BOW. Sung by George Vinton Graham with guitar. San
Jose, Calif., Sidney" Robertson, 1939. 3374 A3 '
OLD SALLY GOODIN. Played by R. R. , Jim and Boy Denoon on fiddle,
guitar and mandolin. Springfield, Mo., Sidney Robertson,
1936. 3199 A2
OLD SAM FINLEY. Sung by Mrs. Bryon Coffin >Sr. with piano. Alameda,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1938. 3821 A3
OLD SCOLBIN' WIFE. Sung by Samuel P. Harmon. Maryville, Term.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2.883 B2
OLD SHARON. Played by Tink Queer on fiddle and Franklin Slater and
Bill Fowler on guitars. Ligonier, Pa., Sidney Robertson, 1936.
3156 B2 & 3
OLD SHEEP, YOU KNOW THE WAY. Sung by Alice (Judge) Richardson.
Natchez, Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4006 B3
OLD SHILOH. Sung by May Kennedy McCord. Springfield, Mo., Sidney
Robertson,' 1936. 3215 B2
OLD SHIP OF ZION. Sung by Cleophas Franklin. Maryville, Tenn.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2894 B2
OLD SHIP OF ZION, THE. Sung by Doc W. Hoppes with banjo. Estatoe,
N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 840 A2
.OLD SHIP OF ZION. Sung by Gentry Young Bennett. Merryville, La.,
John A, and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2665 A2
OLD SHIP OF ZION. Sung by group of Negroes. Drew, Miss., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4016 A2
OLD SHIP OF ZION. Sung by L. L. McDowell. Smithville, Tenn.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3185 B2
OLD SHIP OF ZION, THE. Sung by Mrs. Estelle and Hazel McNeely and
Will Wright. Clinton, Ark., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3193 Bl
OLD SHIP OF ZION, THE. Sung by Mrs. Nell Hampton and Mrs. Mae
Puckett with guitar, with fiddle by \1. M. Stepp. Salyersville,
Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1573 Bl
OLD SHIP OF ZION. Sung by Rev. J. R. Gipson. Jasper, Tex., John
A. and Ruby. T. Lomax, 1940. 3980 A8
OLD SHIP OF ZION. Sung by Rev. J. R. Gipson. Jasper, Tex., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax,' 1940. 3980 Bl
OLD SHOE BOOT iJJD LEGGINS.' Sung by Sam Harmon. Near Maryville,
Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2904 Bl
- 300 -
OLD SHOEMAKER, THE. Sung by Mrs. Joseph A. Gaines. Murrells
Inlet, S. C, John A. Loraax, 1936. 832 A2
OLD SHOES AND LEGGINS. Sung by Mrs. Louise Ilenson. San Antonio,
Tex., John A. Lomax, 1936. 661 Bl
OLD SHOES AND LEGGINS. Sung by Uncle Alec Dunford. Galax, Va.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. ' 1355 Al
OLD SISTER PHOEBE. Sung by Alec Moore. Austin, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1935. 576 B3
OLD SISTER PHOEBE. Sung by Aunt Phoebe Elliott. New Harmony,
Ind., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1933. 1747 B2
OLD SISTER PHOEBE. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark., John
A. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 865 B3
OLD SKIPPER, THE. Sung by Pearl R. Nye. Akron, Ohio, Ivan
Walton, 1938. 3403 Al
OLD SMOKY. Sung by Anna Carter. Luttrell, Tenn., Herbert Halpert,
1939. 2934 Al
OLD SMOKY. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York, N. Y., George
W.' Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935- 1786 Bl
OLD SMOKY. Sung by Doc Hoppes with banjo. Estatoe, N. C, John A.
Lomax, 1936. 853 B2
OLD SMOKY. Sung by Finley Adams. Dunham, Ky., Herbert Halpert, 1939-
2774 B2
OLD SMOKY. Sung by Mrs. Esco Kilgore. Hamiltontown, near Wise, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2834 A3
OLD SMOKY. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. Hamiltontown, near Wise,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2834 A2
OLD SMOKY. Sung by Mrs. May Staplcton. Hamiltontown, near Wise, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2785 A2 & Bl
OLD SPECTACLED LADY. Sung by girls of Merryville grammar school.
Merryville, La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2665 B2
OLD SPECKLED LADY. Sung by group of Negro children. Near Newton,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2657 A2
OLD SPECKLED LADY, WAY OVER YONDER. Sung by group of Negro school-
children. Drew, Miss., John A. and Ruby 'TV Lomax, 1940.
4014 B4
OLD SPINNING WHEEL, THE. Sung by June Chandler. Murrells Inlet,
S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1302 Ai
OLD STEPSTGNE. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New York,
N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, .1935-
1792 Bl
OLD TENNESSEE. Played by R. R. and Jim Denoon on fiddle and guitar.
Springfield, Mo., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3213 Al
OLD TIME COUNTRY PEOPLE, THE. Played by G. G. Albritton and G. W.
0' Berry on fiddle and straws. Sebring, Fla., Carita Doggett
Corse and Robert Cornwall, 1940. 3901 Bl
OLD TIME RELIGION. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York, N. Y.,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935- 1826 A2
OLD TIME RELIGION. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York, N. Y.,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935- 1828 B3
OLD TIME RELIGION. Sung by Hannah Bessellien, Mittic Doctor and
congregation of Jerusalem Baptist church. Murrells Inlet,
S. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 834 B2
. - 30.1 -
OLD TIME RELIGION. Sung by Rev. B. D. Hall, Joe and Johnny Hall.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4055 A2
OLD TIME RELIGION. Sung by Sarah Garland and Huddie Ledbettcr
(Lead Belly). Pineville, Ky., Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1938.
2020 A-10 in. .
OLD TIME RELIGION, AMEN. Sung by Blind Willie McToll with guitar.
Atlanta, Ga., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4071 B2
OLD TIME- SCHOTTISCKE.' Played by Ed Morrison on fiddle. American
folk song festival, Ashland, Ky. , Jean Thomas, 1934- 300 B
OLD TIMERS'. REEL. Played by Frank (Dad) Hendrick on fiddle, with
guitar by Jim Denoon. Springfield, Mo., Sidney Robertson,
1936. 3213 B2
OLD- TITANIC. Sung by Lavinia Simmons. Edisto Island, S. C, Herbert
Halpert, 1939.' 3150 B2, 3151 Al
OLD TOM CAT, THE. Sung by King family. Calipatria, Calif.,
Margaret Valiant, 1939- 3327 A3
OLD TOM WILSON. Sung by Finley Adams. Dunham, Ky., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2770 Bl
OLD TOM WILSON. Sunt: by Ruby Hughes. Crossville, Tenn., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3174 B4
OLD UNCLE RABBIT. Sung by Katharine and. Christeen Shipp. Byhalia,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3008 Al
OLD VIRGINIA BREAKDOWN. Sung by Crockett Ward, with banjo by Wade
Ward. Old fiddlers convention, Galax, Va., John A. Lomax,
1937. 1359 Al
OLD VIRGINIA BREAKDOWN. Sung by Fields Ward, with banjo by Wade
Ward. Old fiddlers convention, Galax, Va., John A. Lomax;'-
1937. 1359 A2
OLD VIRGINNY NEBER TIRE. Sung by Janie Ellis Mason. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937. 1000 Al
OLD WAGONER. Played by R. R. Denoon on fiddle and Jim Denoon
on guitar. Springfield, Mo., Sidney Robertson, 1936.
3213 A2
OLD WILLOW TREE, THE. Sung by George Vinton Graham with guitar.
San Jose, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3374 B3
OLD WOMAN, THE. Sung by E. A. Briggs. Medina, Tex., John A. and
Ruby T.. Lomax, 1939. . 2641 Al
OLD WOMAN ALL DRESSED IN WHITE, THE. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford.
New York, N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935.. 1827 A3
OLD WOMAN ALL SKIN AND BONES. Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washington,
D. C, Alan .Lomax, 1937. 1876 Al-10 in.
OLD WOMAN AND LITTLE PIG. Sung by Mrs. Shirley Lomax Mansell.
Comanche county, Tex., John -A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2642 A2
OLD WOMAN UNDER THE HILL. Sung by Capt. Pearl R. Nye. Akron, Ohio,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1003 A2
OLIUS BROWN. Sung by W. C. Handy with guitar. Washington, D. C. ,
- • -Alan Lomax, 1938. 1621 Bl
OLIVER CROMWELL, THE.- Sung by John P. Gallarno. Port Huron, Mich.,
'Ivan- Walton, 1938. 3398 B?
OLIVER CROMWELL, THE. Sung, by John P. Gall- mo. Port Huron, Mich,,
Ivan Walton, 1938. 3400 Al
- 302 -
OLIVER CROMWELL, THE. Sung by John P. Gallarno. Port Huron, Mich.,
Ivan Walton, 1938. 3404 B2
OLLIE VAN. Sung by Richard Chase. Whitetop, Va., Richard Chase,
1935. 3428 A3
OMA WISE. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y., Alan
Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 824 B2
OMA WISE. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y., Alan
Lomax, 1939. 3340, 3341 A
OMA .WISE. Sung by Mrs. Esco Kilgore. Norton, Va., Herbert Halpert,
1939. 2776 A2
OMIE WISE. Sung by Cleophas Franklin. Maryville, Tenn., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2891 B2
OMIE WISE. Sung by Delia Sibert. Webb branch, Clay co., Ky., Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. I486 A2
OMIE 'WISE. Sung by Finley Adams. Dunham, Ky., Herbert Halpert,
1939. 2796 Bl
OMIE WISE. Sung by Johanna Shepherd. Middlesboro, Ky., Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1405 B2
OMIE WISE. Sung by Mrs. A. J. Huff. Gutlinburg, Tenn., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2877 B3
OMIE WISE. Sung by Mrs. Lloyd Bare Hagie. Elk Park, N. C, Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2852 A2
ON A BRIGHT AND SUNNY MORNING. Sung by Bs scorn Lamar Lunsford with
banjo. New York, N. Y., George W., Hibbitt and William Cabell
Greet, 1935- 1828 Al
Minnie Wilson. Princeton, Ind., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax,
1938. 1746 B3
ON A COLD WINTER NIGHT . Sung by Ruby Hughes. Crossville, Term.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3174 B2
ON A MONDAY MORNING. Sung by Curly Reeves. Calipatria, Calif.,
Margaret Valiant, 1939. 3327 B2
ON A MOUNTAIN STANDS A LADY. Sung by Beatrice Nidleman. New York,
N. Y., Herbert Halpert, 1938. ' 3625 Bl
ON A SUMMER EVENING, AS A POOR WOMAN LAY. Sung by the congregation
of the Church of the ten. elders, with guitar. Pineville, Ky,,
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 1964 32-10 in.
ON CLODDIE'S BANKS. Sung by Mrs. R. R. Lenoon. Springfield, Mo.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3201 Al
ON FIELDMOUNT SPRING. Sung by Mrs. Cinderella Kinnaird. National
folk festival,. Chicago," 111. , Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3266 B2
ON JORDAN'S STONY BANK. Sung by congregation. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4040 A & B
ON JORDAN'S STORM BANKS. Sung by Dock Reed and Vera Hall. Livingston,
Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4020 A3
ON JORDAN'S STORMY BANKS. Sung by Mrs. Alice Williams. Ashland,
Ky., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1020 Al
Hillsville, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1.939. 2751 Al
ON MY WAY TO THE CANAAN'S LAND. Sung by Elihu Trusty. Paintsville,
Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1399 A2
ON NEW CALVARY. Sung by three Negro boys. Jennings, La., John A.
and Alan Lomax, 1934. 108 B3
- 303 -
ON ROBERTS' FARM. Sung by Bascom Lamsr Lunsford. New York, N. Y.-,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935- 1820 Al
ON TENNESSEE MOUNTAIN. Sung by Mrs. Sarah I son. Norton, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2809 Al
ON THE BANKS OF LAKE ERIE. Sung by Mrs. M. P. Daniels. East
Calais, Vt., Alan Loraax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939-
3731 A
ON THE BANKS OF SALEE. Sung by Capt. Pearl R. Nye. Akron, Ohio,
Alan and Elisabeth Loraax, 1937. 1606 A
ON THE BANKS OF THE OHIO. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo.
New York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1813 Al
ON THE BANKS OF THE OHIO. Sung by Mrs. Esco Kilgore. Norton, Va,,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2776 M
ON THE BANKS OF THE OLD TENNESSEE. Played by H. L. Maxey on fiddle.
Ferrum, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2743 B3
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2743 Bl & 2
Salyersville, Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Loraax , 1937. 1576 A & Bl
ON THE GRAND RIVER. Sung by Alfred Osborne. Port/ Huron, Mich.,
Ivan Walton, 1938. 3396 B2
ON THE GRAND RIVER. Sung by Alfred Osborne. Port Huron, Mich.,
Ivan Walton, 1938. 3399 Al
ON THE HILL OVER THERE. Sung by group. Arjay, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1390 A2
ON THE LAND WHERE THE BULLETS FLY. Sung by Odell Wooten, Llano,
Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 900 A2
ON THE MOUNTAIN. Sun;; by Beatrice Nidleman. New York, N. ¥.,
Herbert Halpert, 1938. 3632 BA
ON THE MOUNTAIN STANDS A LADY. Sung by group of girls, with rope
jumping. Lenox Kill settlement house, New York, N. Y.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3650 Al
ON THE OLD KISSIMMEE PRAIRIE. Played by Bob Hall, Walter Van Bass,
Ned Hugh Bass and J. C, Kingon, on banjo, guit"r and violin.
Kenans ville, Fla., Carita Doggett Corse and Robert Cornwall.
1940. 3896 B
ON THE OTHER SIDE OF JORDAN. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New
York, N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1830 A3
ON THE TOP OF OLD SMOKY. Sung by Mrs. Cleophas Franklin. Maryville,
Tenn., Herbert halpert, 1939. 2890 Al & 2
ON THE TOP OF OLD SMOKY. Sung by Mrs. Mary Franklin Farmer.
Crossnoro. N. C, Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2862 B2
ON THE TOP OF OLD SMOKY. S\ing by Mrs. W. R. Buchanan. Heaton,
N. C, Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2857 B2
ON TOP OF OLD SMOKY. Sung by Mrs. Lloyd Bare Hagie. Elk Park, N. C,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2351 B2
ON TO RICHMOND. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College, N. C,
Fletcher Collins, 1939- 3788 Al
Dusenbury. Mena, Ark., Sidney Robertson and Laurence Powell,
1936. 3225 Bl
- 304 -
Borusky. Anti-go, Wis., Robert F.. Braves, 194-0. 4.174. B2
Borusky. Antigo, Wis., Robert F. Draves, 1940. 4175 A2
Carrie Walker. Magee, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3062 B2
ONCE I HAD A LOVING MOTHER. Sung by Ernest Wright and. four Negro
convicts. Belle Glade, Fla., John A. Lomax, 19.36. 704 Al
ONCE I HAD A SWEETHEART.. Sung by Ruby Hughes. Cross ville, Tenn.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3174 Bl
ONCE I HAD AN OLD GREY MARE. Surg- by Ellie Sibert. Horse creek,
Clay co., Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 148.3 Al
ONCE MORE ALUMBERING GO. Sung by Carl Lrthrop. St. Louis, Mich.,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 2266 B
jNCE MORE ALUMBERING GO. Sung by Elmer George. East Calais, Vt.,
Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3726 B2
ONCE MORE ALUMBERING GO. Sung by Lester Wells. Traverse City,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2308 A2
ONCE THERE WAS A BLIND MAN. Sung by Dr. David Mcintosh. National
folk festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3250 B2
ONCE THERE WAS A LITTLE KITTY. Sung by Mrs. Shirley Lomax Mansell.
Comanche county, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 26-38 B2
American folk song festival, Ashland, Ky., Jean Thomas, 1934.
306 B
ONCE UPON A TIME. Sung by Clyde (Kingfish) Smith. New York, N. I.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3655 B3
ONE DAY AS I WAS AWALKING. Sung by prison quartet. State peniten-
tiary, Huntsville, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934- 188 Al
ONE DAY AS I WAS WALKING. Sung by Augustus (Track Horse) Haggerty
and group of Negro convicts. State penitentiary, Huntsville,
Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 216 Al
ONE DAY AS I WAS WALKING. Sung by Augustus (Track Horse) Haggerty
and group of Negro convicts. State penitentiary, Huntsville,
Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 216 B2
ONE DAY I THOUGHT I'D HAVE SOME FUN. Sung by Francis Sullivan.
Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938. 1850 Al
ONE DAY I WAS WALKING ALONG. Sung by Bus com Lamar Lunsford. New
York, N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935.
1830 A2
ONE DAY IN A LONESOME GROVE. Sung by Mrs. Emma Busenbury. Mora,
Ark., Sidney Robertson and Laurence Powell, 1936. 3230 Al
ONE DkY IN SPRINGTIME. Sung by Nathan, Lois -and Lura Judd, with
guitar by Nathan Judd.. Arvin FSA camp, Arvin, Calif., Charles
L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940. 4093 Al
ONE DOLLAR BILL, BABY. Sung by Huddle Ledbetter (Lead Belly).
Wilton, Conn., John A. Lomax, 1.935. 48 A2
ONE EVENING LAST NOVEMBER. Sung by Beatrice Nidleman. New York,
N. Y., Herbert Halpert, 1938. 3627 A4
ONE EVENING LAST NOVEMBER. Sung by Beatrice Nidleiunn. New York,
N. Y., Herbert Halpert, 1938. 3632 Bl
- 305 -
ONE EVENING SO LATE AS I RAMBLED. Sung by Uncle Rube Cas.sity.
West Liberty, Ky. , Alan and Elisabeth Loma.x 1937- 15 60 Al
ONE-LEGGED INDIAN, THE. Spoken by Dominick Gallagher. St. James,
Beaver island, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2270 A2
ONE MO' TRAIN. Sting by group of Negro convicts. State prison farm,
Milledgeville, Ga,, John A. Lomax, 1934- ■ 26.1 A3
ONE MORE RIVER TO CROSS. Sung by D. W. White and Pearson's funeral
home choir. Columbia, S. C, John A. Lomax, 193". 1028 Bl,
New York, N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1937. 1950 Al-10 in.-
ONE MORNIN' AT THE BREAK OF DAY. Sung by Crap Eye. State peniten-
tiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1933- 1864 Bl-10 in.
ONE MORNIN' EVE AND ADAM BROKE THE LAW. Sung by group of students
from Rust college. Holly Springs, Miss., Herbert Halpert,
1939. 3015 A2
ONE MORNING IN MAY. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. Wilton, Conn.,
John A. Lomax, 1935- 73 Bl
ONE MORNING IN MAY. Sung by Ether Harmon. Maryville, Tenn., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2932 B2, 2933 Al
ONE MORNING IN MAY. Sung by Mrs. Eliza Pace. Hyden, Ky., Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937'. 1443 A2
ONE MORNING IN MAY. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark.,
Sidney Robertson and Laurence Powell, 1936- 3226 A2
ONE MORNING IN MAY. Sung by Mrs. Virginia Meade. Hollywood, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939. 334-2 Al
ONE MORNING IN MAY. Sung by 0. F. Kirk. Oakland City, lad., Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 193 8. 1720 Bl
ONE MORNING SOON. Sung by Clabe and Mary Amerson and Mandy Tartt.
Boyd, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. A063 A2
ONE MORNING SOON. Sung by Mrs. Louise Edwards and mixed group.
Gautier, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3106 Al
ONE MORNING SOON. Sung by Sims and Mandy Tartt and Betty Atmore.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2700 A2
ONE NIGHT I CAME 'HOME TO IK KITTY. Sung by John Norman. Muni sing,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2355 B
ONE NIGHT IN CLEVELAND. Sung by Capt. Pearl R. Nye. Akron, Ohio,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 161A A3
ONE OH, THE. Sung by Mrs. Maggie Hundley and Anna Carter, Luttrell,
Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2935 A2
ONE OF US. Sung by Irene and. Louise Holt with guitar and mandolin.
Skyline farms, Scottsboro, Ala., Herbert Halpert, 1939.
2945 B
ONE SATURDAY NIGHT. Sung by Colon Keel. State farm, Raiford, Fla.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2708 Bl
ONE, TWO, THREE, A-LEARY. Sung by seven children. Greenville,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3099 Al
ONE, TWO, THREE, MANIGONE. Sung by Peter Reed. Edisto Island, S. C„,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3147 A4
ONE YEAR, TWENTY-FOUR YEARS AGO. Sung by two girls. Greenville,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3100 A3
ONLY A TRAMP. Sung by Francis Sullivan. Washington, D. C, Alan
Lomax, 1938. 1850 A3 & Bl
- 306 -
ONLY ME ONE. Sung by Victoria Wilson. New Bight, Cat island,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 4-33 B3
Paintsville, Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1397 B2,
1398 Al
OOZING DADDY. Sung by Milton Locke with guitar. State penitenti-
ary. Huntsville, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934- • 221 Bl
ORE KNOB, THE. Sung by Lawton Grogan. Silverstone, N. C, John -A.
Lomax, 1936. 354 Bl
ORPHAN CHILD, THE. Sung by Jennie Devlin. Gloucester, N. J., Alan
Lomax and Kay Dealy, 1933. 134-3 A2
ORPHAN CHILD, THE. Sung by Mrs. W. L. Martin. Hills ville, Va.„
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2756 Al & A2
ORPHAN CHILD, THE. Sung by Vergie Bailey. Hyden, Ky., Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 14-46 B2
ORPHAN CHILDREN, THE. Sung by group of pupils. Lower Hell-for-
certain school, Middlofork, Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax,
1937. 14-51 B2
ORPHAN CHILDREN HAVE A HARD TIME. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford.
New York, N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1828 Bl
ORPHAN GIRL, THE. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y.,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 825 B4-
CiRPHAN GIRL, THE. Sung by Mrs. D. L. Shepherd. Cumberland, Ky.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 14-31 B
ORPHAN GIRL. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College, N. C,
Fletcher Collins, 1939. 3780 B2
ORPHAN GIRL, THE. Sung by Mrs. L. L. McDowell. Smithville , Term.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3180 31
ORPHAN GIRL. Sung by Mrs. Minnie Floyd. Murrells Inlet, 3. C,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2722 B2
ORPHAN GIRL, THE. Sung by Mrs. Ollie Murphy. Crowley, La., John
A. and Alan Lomax, 1934- • 19 A
OTHER NIGHT MEN I CAME HOME, THE. Sung by Herbert Halpert. New
York, N. Y., Herbert Halpert, 1939. ' 364-0 A3
OUR GOODMAN. Sung and spoken by Simeon Rolle and group. Grants,
Mangrove cay, s island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 375 B2
OUR GOODMAN. Sung by Gladys Wilder and Pauline Fanine. West Liberty,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1564- Al
OUR GOODMAN. Sung by H. J. Beeker. Appalachian state teachers
college, Boone, N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 34.3 A2
OUR GOODMAN. Sung by Jerome Feiner. New York, N. Y., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 364.0 Bl
OUR GOODMAN. Sung by Mrs. M. A. Harris. Pine Mountain, Ky., Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1413 M & Bl
OUR GOODMAN. Sung by Mrs. Myra Barnett Miller. Tuckaseigee, N. C,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 8/ + 2 Bl
OUR GOODMAN. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Central Valley, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1938. 4200 A4-
OUR MOTHERS. Sung by Mrs. Mary Sullivan. Shafter FSA camp, Shafter,
Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940. 4-119 A2
- 307 -
OUT EAST BLUES. Sung by Joe Harris with gtdtar. Shreveport, La.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 3991 A2
OUT IN THE COLD AGAIN. Sung by Rochelle French with guitar, with
guitar by Gabriel Brown. Eatonville, Fla., Alan Lomax, Zora
Neale Hurston and Mary Elisabeth Bamicle, 1935. 357 A
OUT IN THE COLD WORLD ALONE. Sung by Mrs. Estelle McNeely.
Clinton, *vrk., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3194- Bl
OUT ON DIS BATTLEFIELD. Sung by Mary Jane, Gelia, Martha and Jim
Travis. Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1312 B2
OUTSHINE DE SUN. Sung by Capt. Pearl R. Nye. Akron, Ohio, Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1606 B2
OUTSHINE DE SUN. Sung by Dock and Henry Reed and Vera Hall.
Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1320 Bl
OUTSHINE DE SUN. Sung by Steen Williams, Will Broadnax, J. D.
Elliott and Madison Green. State penitentiary, Parchman,
Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 613 A
OUTSHINE THE GLITTERING SUN. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. Now
York, N. Y., Alan Lomax and Elizabeth Bamicle, 1935- 821 A3
OUTSHINE THE SUN. Sung by congregation of Baptist church, Alma
plantation, Baton Rouge, La., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934..
102 B2
OUTSHINE THE SUN. Sung by Martha and Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Bell;/},
with guitar by Huddie Ledbetter. New York, N. Y., Alan
Lomax, 1938. 2502 A2
OUTSHINE THE SUN. Sung by Theodore Adair. Baton Rouge, La., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 4-000 Bl
OVER HILLS AND OVER DALES. Sung by Mrs. Crockett Ward. Galax, V a .,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 4.083 Al
OVER HILLS AND OVER DELLS. Sung by Mrs, Crockett Viard. Galax, Va.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1354- Al
OVER IN THE PROMISED LAND. Sun/; by Capt. Pearl R. Nye. Akron. Ohio,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1006 B2
OVER JORDAN. Sung by Mrs. L. L. McDowell. Smithville, Tenn.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3183 32
OVER THE OCEAN, OVER THE SEA. Sung by Eula May Ford. New York,
N. Y., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 364-5 B2
OVER THE RIVER,, CHARLIE. Sunt: by Mrs. Mary Fuller Cain. Clintwood,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2817 B3
OVER THE RIVER, CHARLIE. Sung by S. F. Russell with dulcimer.
Marion, Va., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 31 61 Al
OVER THE RIVER I MUST GO. Sung by Mrs. Ruth Clark Cullipher and
Angie Clark. Mullins, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1299 B3
OVER THE RIVER TO CHARLIE. Played by Munroe Gevedon on fiddle,
Catherine Gevedon on guitar and Bert Gevedon on banjo.
Salyersville, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1558 BA
OVER TIRE WAVE. Played by Mr. Forster on harmonica. Calumet, Mich.,
Alan Lomax, 1938. ' 2335 33
OVER THE WAVES. Played by Mitchell Old-time orchestra. Mitchell,
S. Dak., Nicholas Ray, 1939. 3673 A2
OVER THERE. Sung by Bella Bowlegs and Pappie. Nassau, Bahamas,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Bamicle, 1935. 519 A3
OVER YONDER OCEAN. Sung by Mrs. R. Jones. Whitetop, Va., Richard
Chase, 1935. 34-27 Al
- 3C8 -
.)X DRIVER, THE. Played by Mtinroe Gevcdon on fiddle, Catherine
Gevedon on guitar and Bert Gevcdon on banjo. Salyersville ,
Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1558 B2
OX-DRIVING SONG. Sung by H. R. Weaver. Merryville, La., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 26^8 A2
uX-DRIVING SONG. Sung by H. R. Weaver. Merryville, La., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3976 E3 & E>5
OXFORD GIRL, THE. Sung by Marion Stoggill. Elkinsville, Ind., Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1722 B3, 1724 Al
OXFORD GIRL, THE. Sung by Mrs. Audrey Heliums. Near Tishomingo,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2978 A2
OXFORD GIRL. Sung by Mrs. G. V. Easley. Koulka, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 302/, A2
OXFORD MERCHANT. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Central Valley, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1938. 4-197 A
OYSTER GIRL, THE. Sung by Mort Montonyea. Sloatsburg, N. Y.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3668 A2
•>-!:"» O
- 309
PACKIN' UP AND GETTIN' READY TO GO. Sung by group of Negro
convicts. State prison farm, Milledgeville , Ga., John A.
Lomax, 1934. 259 B'l
PACKIN' UP AND GITTIN' READY TO GO. Sung by Cornelius and Beatrj
Ellis and John Crist. Natchez, Miss., John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, 1940. 4007 A2
PADDY DOYLE. Sung by Capt. Richard Maitland. Sailors' snug harbor,
Staten Island, New York, N. Y. , Alan Lomax, 1939. 2532 Al
PADDY DOYLE. Sung by Capt. Richard Maitland. Sailors' snug harbor,
Staten Island, New York, N. '£., Alan Lomax. 1939. 2532 Bl
PADDY DOYLE AND BIDDY 0' TOOLE. Sung by Charley Bowlen.. Black
River Falls, Wis . , Robert F. Dfcaves, 1940. . 4184 B
PADDY GET BACK. Sung by Capt. Richard Maitland. Sailors' snug
harbor, Staten Island, New York, N. Y. , Alan Lomax, 1939.
. 2513 A & B
.:".•■•, nionica.. Central Valley, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1938.
4208 Al
PADDY MILES THE FISHERMAN. Sung by John Christian. Coloma, Wis.,
Robert F. Draves, 1940. 416? A2
PADDY ON THE TURNPIKE. Sung by Mrs. Minta .Morgan. Bells, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 924 Al
PADDY WENT OUT TO HOE HIS CORN. Sung by Kirs. Carrie Walker. Magee,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3063 A2 & Bl
PAPA DON'T RAISE NO COTTON, NO CORN. Sung by Gertrude Thurston
and group. New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 388 B2
PAPA GOIN' TO TOWN, ZIGZAG. Sung bj Eva Grace Boone and children's
group. Brandon, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3052 A3
PAPER OF PINS, A. Sung by Barbara Bell. Washington, D. C, Alan
Lomax, 1938. 1631 B3
PAPER OF PINS. Sung by Barbara Davis. Esserville, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. ' 2761 A2
PAPER OF PINS. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo. Now York,
N. Y., George W. Ribbitt and William Cabell Greet, 3935.
1783 B2
PAPER OF PINS. Sung by 'Emaline Ashland, Ky. , John A.
Lomax, 1937. 1022 A2
PAPER OF PINS. Sung by Jewell Pylat. Livingston, Ala., John A.
and Ruby T.. Lomax, 1940. 4024 Al
PAPER OF PINS. Sung by Juanita and Car lie Williams. American folk festival, Ashland, Ky. , Joan Thomas, 1934. 288 B
PAPER OF PINS. Sung by Mrs. Ada Mooney. Oxford, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3018 Al
PAPER OF PINS. Sung by Mrs. Emma Duseribury, Mena, Ark., Sidney
' Robertson and Laurence Powell, 1936. 3226 32
PAPER OF PINS. Sung by 'Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College, N. C,
Fletcher Collins, 1939. 3776 A2
PAPER OF PINS, THE. Sung by Mrs. Lena Bare Turbyfill, Elk Park,
N. C, Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2843 Al
- .310 -
PAPER OF PINS. Sung by Mrs. Mary Franklin Farmer, Crossnore, N. C,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2862 Bl
PAPER OF PINS. Sung by Mrs. Minnie Floyd. Murrells Inlet, S. C,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2719 A3
PAPER OF PINS. Sung by Mrs. Ruth Clark Cullipher and Angie Clark.
Mullins, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1029 A3
PAPER OF PINS. Sung by Mrs. Shirley Lomax Mansell. Comanche
county, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2633 B2
PAPER OF PINS. Sung by Mrs. W. L. Martin. Hillsville, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2756 A4
PAPER OF PINS. Sung by Mrs. W. R. Buchanan. Heaton, N. C, Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 28.57 Bl
PAPER OF PINS, A. Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washington, D. C, Alan
Lomax, 1937. 24 Al & 2-10 in.
PARLOR IS A PLEASANT PLACE. Sung by Paul Holland. Springfield, Mo.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3218 Bl, B2, B3
PARSON'S DAUGHTER, THE. Sung by Burl Ives with guitar, Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax and Kay Dealy, 1938. 1769 Bl
PARTING SONG. Sung by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spencer. Crandon, Wis.,
Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3292 Al
PARTRIDGE IN A PEAR TREE. Sung by Oscar and Mrs. Sabra Bare Hampton.
Morganton, N. C, Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2873 B2
PARTY AT MANGEL SCHNEIDER'S, THE. Sung by Leon Ponce. Columbia,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939- 3365 Bl
PASS AROUND THE BOTTLE. Sung by W. E. Claunch with fiddle. Near
Guntovm, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2972 B3
PASS AROUND THE BOTTLE. Sung by Walter Williams with banjo.
Salyersville, Ky. , Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1601 B
PASTIME ANNIE. Played by Bob Hall, Walter Van Bass. Ned Hugh and
J. C. King on banjo, guitar and fiddles. Caruja Ranch,
Kenansville, Fla. , Carita Doggett Corse and Robert Cornwall,
194-0. 3898 B
PATRICK SHSEAN. Spoken by Mrs. Margaret Sullivan. Springfield,
Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939.
3745 B2, 374-6 Al
PATTING SONGS. Sung by John A. Lomax. Lufkin, Tex., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3973 B7
PATTONIO. Sung by Ado and Foy Gant. Austin, Tex., John A. and
Alan Lomax, 1934. 68 A2 & A3
PAUL BUNYAN STORIES. Spoken by Crosshaul. Ironwood, Mich., Alan
Lomax, 1938. 2423 A
PAUL BUNYAN STORIES. Spoken by Perry Allen. St. Louis, Mich.,
Alan Lomax, 1933. 2264 B2, 2265 32,-2266 B2
PAUL BUNYAN 'S STORY. Spoken by Bill McBride. lit; Pleasant, Mich.,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 2259 B2 , 2260 Al
PAULINE. Sung by Albert Jackson. State prison farm, Atraore, Ala.,
John A. Lomax, 1934- 232 B
PAULINE. Sung by Allen Prothro. State penitentiary, Nashville,
Turin., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. 176 B
- 311 -
PAULINE. Sung by Allen Pro thro' s quartet. State penitentiary,
Nashville, Tenn. , John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. ...177 Al
PAULINE. Sung by Bowlegs. State penitentiary, Parchman ? . Miss. ,
John A. and Alan Loinax, 1933- 1857 A3-10 in. ; . ' '
PAP AW PATCH. Sung by Illinois group, with dance band. National
folk festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson, 1937.
3261 Al
PAPAW PATCH. Sung by Marie Floyd. Fort White, Fla. , Alton C.
Morris, 1937. 989 B5
PAPAW PATCH. Sung by Mary Floyd. Iuka, Miss., Herbert Haipert,
1939. 3019 B3
PAYDAY. Sung by Willie Ford with guitar. Natchez, Miss., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. £003 Al
PAYDAY AT COAL CREEK. Sung by Pete Steele with banjo. Hamilton,
Ohio, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1702 Bl
PAYROLL TOMORROW. Sung by Rowena Bell, Sweety Pie and Pappie with
drum. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935. 532 A2
PEA RIDGE. Played by George Still on fiddle, the Pell boys on
guitars and Lucille Ball on piano, with calling by Creed
Maxwell. Arthurdale, W. Va., Charles Seeger, 1936. 3307 Al
PEACE AND FREEDOM. Sung by Alice and Johnnie. St. Louis, Mo.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3195 B3
PEANUT FARM, THE. Sung by Bert Martin with guitar... Horse creek,
Clay co., Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. .1496 31
PEANUT STAND. Sung by Ben Rice. Springfield, Mo., Sidney Robertson,
1937. 3223 A2
PEAPICKER'S BLUES. Sung by Buster Hunt with guitar. Yuba City
FSA camp,' Yuba City, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert
Sonkin, 194-0. 4154 31
PEARL BROWN. Sung by Mrs. Lola Canoy, with violin by Jim Myers.
Magee, Miss., Herbert- Haipert,' 1939- 3058 Bl
PEARL BRYAN. Sung by Jilson Setters with fiddle. Ashland, Ky. ,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1017. Al
PEARL BRYAN. Sung by Mrs. Edith Harmon. Maryville, Tenn., Herbert
Haipert, 1939- 2915 Bl
PEARL BRYAN. Sung by Mrs. Pete Steele. Hamilton, Ohio, Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1706 32
PEARL BRYAN. Sung by Sgt. Alexander Kirkheart with guitar. Fort
Thomas, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1699 A
PEARL BRYAN. Sung by Thelma, Beatrice and Irene Scruggs. Near
Burnsville, Miss., Herbert Haipert, 1939. 2995 A2 & A3
PEARL BRYANT. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York, N. Y. ,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935. 1824 3
PEARL BRYANT. Sung by Ellie D. Sibert. Horse creek. Clay co.,
Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1477 A
PEARL BRYANT. Sung by Lois Judd. Arvin FSA camp, Arvin, Calif.,
Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940. 4102 B
PEARL BRYANT. Sung by R. C. Macfarlane. Salyersville, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1567 Bl
- 312 -
PEAS IN THE POT. Sung by Laura Alexander and Hattie Fitzgerald,
with clapping. Eatonvilie, Fla., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale
Hurston and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle , 1935. 4-07 Al
PEAS IN THE POT. Sung by Naomi McKirmey and Julia Romer, with clapp-
ing. New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935.. 4-07 A2
PEAS PUDDIN' HOT. Sung by Myrtle and George Pinnacle. Murrells
Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 904- E>3
PEDDLER, THE. Sung by Andrew E. (Mary Ann) Gallangher. St. James,
Beaver island, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2272 Bl
PEDDLER, THE. Sung by Jim Howard with fiddle. Harlan, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1374 B
PEEKY-BOO. Played by Hobert Ricker on banjo. Washington, D. C,
Alan Lomax and Jerome Wiesner, 1940. 3904. B2
PEEP, SQUIRREL. Sung by Celina Lewis. Livingston, Ala., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2699 B2
PEEP, SQUIRREL. Sung by Harriet McClintock. Near Sumterville,
Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 4-025 B5
PEEP, SQUIRREL. Sung by Hettie Godfrey. Livingston, Ala., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax", 194-0. 4-013 Bl
PEEP, SQUIRREL. Sung by Richard Amerson. Livingston, Ala., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4.04-7 B3
PEEPING AT SUSAN. Sung by Gant family. Austin, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1936. 64.5 B3 ■
PEERLESS, THE. Sung by Gus. Schaffer. Ontonagan, Mich., Alan
Lomax, 1933. . 2412 Bl
PEMBROKE. Sung by Mrs. Alice Williams. Ashland, Ky. , John A.
Lomax, 1937. 1012 A2
PENITENTIARY BLUES. Sung by Beatrice Tisdall and Mattie May
Thomas. State penitentiary, Parchman , Miss., Herbert Halpert,
1939. 3082 B2, 3083 Al
PENITENTIARY BLUES. Sung by Rudolf Thompson. State penitentiary,
Angola, La., John A. Lomax, 1933- 1854 A3-10 in.
PERRY'S VICTORY. Played by Mrs. Ben Scott on fiddle and Myrtle
B. Wilkinson on banjo. Turlock, Calif. , Sidney Robertson,
1939. 4227 B3
PERRY'S VICTORY. Sung by Capt. Pearl R. Nye. Akron, Ohio, John A.
Lomax, 1937. 1002 Al
PERSIAN CAT, THE. Sung by Blaine Stubblefield with guitar.
Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938. 1633 A2 & Bl
PERSIAN'S CREW, THE. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James, Beaver
island, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1939. 2279 B
PETE DEAN AND McCOIG. Sung by Edith ana Katharine Collins.
Luttrell, Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2937 B2
PETER EMMERLEY. Sung by James Rattery. Walpole, N. H. , Alan Lomax
and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 374-9 A
PETER GRAY. Sung by Dr. Frank A. Melton. Washington, D. C, Alan
Lomax, 1939. ' 2505 A
PETRONELLA. Played by L. 0. Weeks on fiddle. Springfield, Vt.,
Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3691 B2
- 313 -
PHILLIP'S DANCE TUNE. Played by Crockett Ward on fiddle and Fields
Ward on guitar. Galax, Va., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0.
4082 Bl
PHILLY00 DANCE TUNE. Played by Bogtrotters band. Galax, Va., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 1371 B2
PHOEBE. Sung by Ora Dusenbury. Mena, Ark., John A. Lomax and
Laurence Powell, 1936. 374 A2
PHYLLIS STOLE THE HAM. Sung by Theodore Rolle with accordion. Key
West, Fla., Stetson Kennedy and Robert Cook, 1940. 3386 A2
PICK A BALE 0' COTTON. .Sung by group of Negro convicts with ax-
cutting. State penitentiary, Huntsvilio, Tex., John A. and
Alan Lomax, 1934- 214- Bl
PICK A BALE 0' COTTON. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly)
with guitar. Wilton, Conn., John A. Lomax, 1935. 150 Bl
PICK. A BALE 0' COTTON. Sung by James (Iron Head) Baker. Washington,
D. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 721 B3
PICK A BALE 0" COTTON. Sung by James (Iron Head) Baker and group
of Negro convicts. Central state farm, Sugar land, Tex., John
A. and Alan Lomax, 1934- 205 Al
PICK A BALE 1 COTTON. Sung by James (Iron Head) Baker, Will
Crosby, R. D. Allen «nd Mpse (Clear Rock) Piatt. Central
state farm, Sugarland, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1939.
195 Al
PICK A BALE.O' COTTON. Sung by Mose (Clear Rock) Piatt. Taylor,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2643 A2
PICK 'EM UP. Sung by Albert Sheperd. State prison camp, Boone,
N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 861 B2
PICK SONG. Sung by Willie Jackson and group. Belle Glade, Fla.,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 690 B2
PICKIN' UP CHIPS. Sung by G. E. Norris with banjo. Middlefork,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1424 Al
PICTURE FROM LIFE'S OTHER SIDE, A. Sung by Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Prock. Brawley, Calif., Margaret Valiant, 1939- 332f; Bl
Lunsford with banjo. New York, N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and
William Caboll Greet, 1935. 1792 A2
PIDDY-ME-FEE. Sung by Finley Adams. Dunham, Ky. , Herbert lialpert,
1939. 2795 B2
PIECE. Played by Mitchell Old-time orchestra. Mitchell, S. Dak.,
Nicholas Ray, 1939- 3673 M
PIECE OF BALONEY, THE. Sung by Steen Larson. Newberry, Mich.,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 234-2 Al
PIG AND THE DEVIL'S EYE,, THE. Played by Enos Canoy on fiddle and
Jim Myers beating straws. Magee, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939.
3058 Al
PIGEON ON THE GATEPOST. Played by James Rattery on fiddle. Walpole,
N. H. , Alan Lomax and Helen Hartnoss Flanders, 3.939. 3751 Al
PIGGLY WIGGLY BLUES. Sung by Prentis Brown. Greenville, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3093 M & Bl
PIGTOWN FLING, THE. Played by Leiaimc Brusoa on fiddle. Rhine lander,
Wis., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3278 B'3
- 314 -
PIGTOWN FLING, THE. Played by Thomas Mann on dulcimer. Ortonville,
Iowa, Sidney Robertson, 1937. .' J .277 B3
PINEY RIDGE. Played by W. M. Stepp on fiddle. Salyersvilie , Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1569 Al
PINNING OF THE LEAVES. Sung by John Davis and mixed Negro group.
Frederica, Ga., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary-
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 320 Al
PIONEER TUNE. Played by John Selleck on fiddle. Camino, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939- 4221 Al
PITCH MY TENT UP IN THE AIR.' Sung by Barbara Davis. Esserville,
Va. 5 Herbert Halpert, 1939. ' 2762 Al
PITTY-PATTY GREEN GRASS. Sung by Mrs. George L. White 1 . Grand, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 920 Bl
PIZEN SARPINT SONG, THE. Sung by Aunt Phoebe Elliott. New Harmony,
Ind., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1933, 174.7 B4
PLAIN POLKA. Played by Aaron Morgan on harmonica. Columbia, Calif.
Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3367 31
group of Negroes from Wadmalaw island* Charleston, S. C,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1937. 1048-54, 130-4
PLANTATION ECHOES, COMMENT ON. Spoken by Rosa Warren Wilson.
Charleston, S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1937.
1048 Al A3
PLANTATION MOANS; Sung by Irene Williams. Rome, Miss., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4011 A4
PLANTATION STORY. Spoken by Evelyn f/erner. Jacksonville, Fla . ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3140 Al
PLANTATION TWILIGHT BURIAL. Sung and spoken by group of Negroes
from Wadmalaw island. Charleston, S. C, John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, 1937. 1052-1054, 1304
Washington, D. C, Charles Seegor and Sidney Robertson, 1937.
3239 Al
PLAY GOES ON 'TILL MORNING, THE. Sung by Mrs. Minte Morgan. Bells,
Tex., John k. Lomax, 19.37,'' 1339 Al
Austin and group of women. Old Bight, Cat island, Bahamas', ■
Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 425 E
PLAY SONG. Sung by Manuela Longoria. Brownsville, Tex., John- A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. ''2607 'iU
PLAYGROUND CALLING. Sung by Fay Laws. Hoaton, N. C. , Herbert
Ha] port, 1939. 2859 33
PLEASE SIT DOWN. Sung by group with harmonica. Mitchell, S. Dak.,
Nicholas Ray, 1939. 3683 B1-B4
PLENTY GOOD ROOM. Sung by Jim Carter. Livingston, Ala-., John A.
Lcivax, 1937. 1313' B2
PLUMB DE LINE. Sung by Dock and Henry Reed and' Vera Hall.
Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. .1317 Bl -
PLUMB DE LINE. Sung by Dock and Henry Rood and Vera Hall.
Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1.3 19 A2
PLUMB DE LINE. Sung by Rev. B. D. Hall, Joe and Johnny Hall.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4061 A2
- 315 -
PLUTIE. Sung by Joe McDonald. Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby
T. Lomax, 194-0. ' 4033 A3
POISON IN A GLASS OF WINE. Sung by Bill Bundy with guitar.
Manchester, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1509 B
POISON IN A GLASS OF WINE. Sung by Mae McNamara. Horse creek.
Clay co., Ky. , Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1484 A2
POISON IN THE GLASS OF WINE. Sung by Florence Sibert. Webb
branch, Clay co., Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
1487 A2
POKUS JUMPED' THE WINDOW. Sung by mixed group. Old Bight, Cat
island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth "Barnicle,
1935. 421 A2
POLICE SPECIAL BLUES. Sung by Augustus (Track Horse) Haggerty
with guitar. State penitentiary, Huntsville, Tex., John A.
and Alan Lomax, 1934- 211 Bl
POLISH WEDDING DANCE. Played by Polish group with accordions.
National folk festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson,
1937. . 326Q.A2
POLK COUNTY BLUES. Sung by Philip Anderson. Belle Glade, Fla.,
Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935. 373 B
POLK COUNTY BREAKDOWN. Played by Robert Davis on guitar. Fredsriea,
Ga., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elisabeth
Barnicle, 1935- 312 Al
POLKA. Played by John Selleck on fiddle. Cai;iino 5 Calif., Sidney
Robertson, 1939. 4221 A2
POLLY. Sung by Elmer and Mrs. M. P. Daniels. East Calais, Vt.,
Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939- 3735 A2
POLLY-POLLY- WEE. Sung by Huddle Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with
guitar. Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937.. 993 A2
POLLY PUT THE KETTLE ON. Sung by Mrs. Esco Kilgore. Norton, Va. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2777 Al
POLLY VANN. Sung by Mrs. J. H. Smith. Newberry, Fla., Alton C.
. Morris, 1937. 990 B2
POLLY VAUGHN. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Merit:., Ark., Sidney
Robertson and Laurence Powell, 1936. 3234 B2
POLLY WADDLE DOODLE. Sung by Mrs. Pete Steele, with banjo by
Pete Steele. Hamilton, Ohio, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax,'
1938. 1708 A
POLLYANNA LOW GAL. , Sung by Viola Brown. Murrells Inlet, S. C,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2702 33
Plattville, Wis.,, Robert F. Draves, 1940. 4160 Al •
POMPEY SMASH. Sung by David Rice. Springfield, Mo., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3208 Bl & B2
PO 1 BOY. Sung by J. Wilson. State penitentiary, Richmond, Va.,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 725 Bl
PO' BOY. Sung by Sykes Jones .' Eatonville , Fla., Alan Lomax,
Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935- 365 B3
316 -
(cont. )
BOY. Sung by Washington (Barrel House) White with guitar.
State penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. and Ruby I.
Lomax, 1939. 2678 Bl
BOY, LONG. WAYS FROM HOME. Sung by Rochelle French with
guitar, with guitar by Gabriel Brown. Eatonville, Fla., Alan
Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935.
454 B
CHILD. Sung by Dock Reed. Livingston, Ala., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2633 A2
FARMER.. Sung by Lemuel Jones. State penitentiary, Richmond,
Va., John A. Lomax, 1936. 729 Al
FRIENDLESS CHILD. Sung by Roscoe McLean. State farm,
Raiford, Fla., John A. Lomax, 1936. 696 A2
GAL. Sung by Zora Neale Hurston. Jacksonville, Fla.,
Herbert Kalpert, 1939- 3139 A2
GIRL LONG WAYS FROM HOME. Sung by Negro women prisoners.
State penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936.
737 A2
HOWARD. Sung by Huddie Lcdbettor (Lead Belly) with guitar.
Wilton, Conn., John A. Lomax, .1935. 139 3
LAZ'US. Sung by Carol Smith and chain gang. Anderson county,
S. C.., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939., 272£ Bl
LAZ'US. Sung by Charles Clark and Henry Wesley with ax-
cutting. Cumins state farm, Gould, Ark,, John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, "l939. 2674 Al
LAZ'US. Sung by Charles (Texas) Thomas. Cumins state farm,
Gould, Ark., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2672 Bl
LAZ'US. Sung by Eugene Fester. Kilby prison, Montgomery,
Ala. , John A. Lomax, 1934. 230 A
LAZ'US. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Bellwood prison
camp, Atlanta, Ga., John A. Lomax, 1934- 252 Bl
LAZ'US. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Penitentiary,
Richmond, Va., John A. Lomax, 1936. 730 Bl
LAZ'US. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State Farm, Va.,
John A. Lomax,' 1936. 750 A3
LAZ'US. Sung by group of . Negro convicts. State peniten-
tiary, Parchman, Miss., John
, c v (
649 A
LAZ'US. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State peniten-
tiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933 •
1860 Al & A2-10 in.
LAZ'US. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State peniten-
tiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, .1936. 735 A
LAZ'US. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State prison
farm, Milledgeville, Ga. , John A. Lomax, 1934. 26l Al
LAZ'US. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State prison
farm, Milledgeville, Ga., John A. Lomax, 1934. 261 B2
LAZ'US. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State (Reid) farm,
Boykin s
C, John A. Lomax, 1934- 267 A
LAZ'US. Sung by Judge Williams. Tucker state farm, Tucker,
John A. Lomax, 1934. 246 A
- 317 •-
POOR (cent.)
PO' LAZ'US. Sting by Roscce McLean and group of Negro convicts.
State farm, Raiford, Fla., John A. Lomax, 1936.- 695 Al
PO' LAZ'US. Song by Vera Hall. Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax,
1937. 1320 Al
PO' LAZ'US. Sung by Vera Hall. Livingston, Ala., John A. ana
Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4050 Al
fiddle and Jim Myers beating straws. Magee, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3058 A3
PO' PRISONER BLUES. Sung by Johnnie Myer. .State penitentiary,
Raleigh, N. C, John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 269 A3
PO' SINNER, FAREWELL. Sung by Dock Reed and Vera Hall.
Livingston, Ala., John A, and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2686 Bl
PO' STRANGER BLUES. Sung by Johnny Mae Medlock and Lillian
Hutchins. State farm, Raiford, Fla., John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, 1939- 2718 A2
POOR BABES IN THE WOODS. Sung by Mrs. W. L. Martin. Hillsville,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2757 A5
POOR ELLEN SMITH. Sung by Mrs. Cleophas Franklin. Maryville,
Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2891 B3
POOR ELLEN SMITH. Sung by Mrs. W. L. Martin. Hillsville, Va. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2745 Bl
POOR GOINS. Sung by Finley and James Taylor Adams. Dunham, Ky. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2771 Al
POOR JACK, HE COME ON SHORE. Sung by Capt. Asel Trueblood. St.
Ignace, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2329 A2 & Bl, 2330 Al
POOR JIM, THE NEWSBOY. Sung by Jennie Devlin. Gloucester, N. J.,
Alan Lomax,- 1938. 1842 Bl
POOR JOE BREAKDOWN. Played by Robert Davis on guitar.
Frederica, Ga. , Alan Lomax., Zora Neale Hurston and Mary
Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935. 312 A2
POOR JOHNNY'S BEEN TO SEA. Sung by Mrs. Eliza Pace. Hyden, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1513 B2 & B3, 1514 Al .
POOR LITTLE JOHNNY. Sung by Harriet McClintock. Near Sumterville
Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, .1940. 4025 Al
POOR LITTLE KITTY FOOT. Sung by Mrs. Ollie Womble. Banner, Miss.
Herbert Halpert, 3.939. 3033 Al
POOR LITTLE RAGGED CHILD. Sung by Vergil Bowman; with guitar
by Raymond Junior Bowman. Cincinnati, Ohio, /dan and Elizabeth
Lomax, 1938. 1689 Al
POOR LITTLE TURTLEDOVE. Sung by Bernard Steffen with dulcimer.
New York, N. Y. , Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3638 Bl
POOR LITTLE TURTLEDOVE. Sung by Dee Burqiie. Mew York, N. Y. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3636 A3
POOR LITTLE TURTLEDOVE. Sung by Doe Burque. New York, N. I.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3636 Bl
POOR MINER. Sung by Blaine. Stubblefield. Washington, D. C,
Alan Lomax, 1939. 1848 B
POOR NAOMI WISE. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York, N. I. ,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935. 1824 A
- 318 --
POOR (cont.)
POOR NORA. Sung by Mrs. Minta Morgan. Bells, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 907 A2
POOR OLD MAIDS. Sung by Mrs. J. F. Hornbeak. Moss Bluff, Fla. ,
Alton C. Morris, 1937. 983 El
POOR OLD IVAN, THE. Sung by Capt. Leighton Robinson, Alex Barr,
Arthur Brodeur and Leighton McKenzie. Belvedere, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939. 4-229 B
POOR OMIE. . Sung by Mrs. Polly Johnson. Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert,
1939. 2760 A4
POOR OMIE WISE. Sung by Alec Moore. Austin, Tex., John A. Lomax,
1934. 57 Bl
POOR ORPHAN LEFT ALONE, A. Sung by Abner Boggs. Pine
Mountain, Ky. , Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 14-16 32
POOR ROBIN. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. Hamiltontown, near
Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2330 B2
POOR ROBIN IS DEAD. Sung by Mrs. Eula Cooper. Salyersville ,
Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1536 A2
POOR SAILOR BOY, THE. Spoken by Elmer George. East Calais,
Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939- 3710 A
POOR STRANGER. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson, Wilton, Conn., John
A. Lomax, 1935. 73 Al
POOR STRANGER BLUES. Sung by the Dixie harmony four. Cross City,
Fla., Stetson Kennedy and Robert Cook, 1939. 3527 A3 & Bl
POOR WAYFARING STRANGER, THE. Sung by Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hoekins.
Horse creek, Clay co., Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
1490 B2, 1491 Al
POOR WAYFARING STRANGER. Sung by Sidney Robertson. Central
Valley, Calif., Sidney Robertson, .1939- 4-215 Al
POOR WILLIE. Sung by Mrs. Norah Adding ton. Norton, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2777 32
POP CAUGHT A CRAWDAD. Sung by Ray Wood. Houston, Tex., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2595 B3
POP GOES THE WEASEL. Played by a fiddle, piano, bass and guitar
combination at Sons of the Veterans of Civil War dance with
Ed. Larkin, fiddler and prompter. Chelsea, Vt., Alan Lomax
and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3721 32
POP GOES THE WEASEL. Played by H. L. Maxey on fiddle. Ferrum, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2744 Bl
POP GOES THE WEASEL. Sung by Southern Illinois group, with dance-
band. National folk festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson,
1937. 3261 A2
POPULAR CREEK. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark., John A.
Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 876 B2
PORK AND BEANS. Sung by James P. Johnson with piano. New York,
N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2496 33
PORTLAND FANCY. Played by J. H. Buck on fiddle, Mrs. V. W.
Gifford on piano and V. W. Gifford on trumpet. East Bethel,
Vt. , Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3713 Al
PORTLAND FANCY, THE. Played by L. 0. Weeks on fiddle. Springfield,
Vt. , Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939= 3690 33
- 319 -
POSSUM- ALA. Sung by Annie Brevier. Montgomery, Ala., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 878 A2
POSSUM AND THE RACCOON. Sung by Enos Canoy with fiddle, with
mandolin by Tim Canoy and guitar by Lola Gancy. Magee,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3053 Bl
POSSUM UP A GUM STUMP. Sung by Ray Wood. New Orleans, La., John a.
Lomax, 1937. 893 Bl
POSSUM UP A 'SIMMON STUMP. Sung by Doc Hoppes with banjo. Estate-.* ,
N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 853 Bl
POSSUM WAS AN EVIL THING. Sung by Henry Truvillion. Burkeville,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3983 Bl
POTATO STORY. Spoken by Cull Stacey. Cross City, Fla., Stetson
Kennedy and Robert Cook, 1939. 3524 B2
POUND CAKE AND SUGAR. Played by Stephen B. Tucker on fiddle.
Meridian, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3047 B2
POWER. Sung by Julia Griffin and. group of Negro women prisoners.
State farm, Raiford, Fla. , John A. Lomax, 1936. 702 Al
PRAISE GOD. Sung by Palmer Godsey and the' Sacred harp singers.
Bethel church, Franklin co., Ala., Herbert Halpert, 1939.
2948 Al
Hoskins and Bert Martin. Horse creek, Clay co., Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1494 A
PRAISE THE LORD, I'VE GOT M TICKET. Sung by W. M. Bledsoe with
guitar. Pineville, Ky. , Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1938.
1969 A-10 in.
PRAY LITTLE MILK MAID. Sung by Joe and Molly McDonald.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and. Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4031 Al
PRAY ON. Sung by group of three Negro convicts. Belle Glade, Fla.,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 704 32
PRAY, PRAY, CHILDREN. Sung by Jim Carter. Livingston, Ala..,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1313 31
PRAYER, Spoken by a Negro woman. Charleston, S. C, John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1937. 1049 A2 & Bl
PRAYER. Spoken by Alice (Judge) Richardson. Natchez, Miss., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940 • 4006 A2
PRAYER. Spoken by D. W. ■White. Columbia, S. C, John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4080 Bj
PRAYER. Spoken by Dock Reed. Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby
T. Lomax, 1940. 4041 E2, B3, B4
PRAYER. Spoken by Dock Reed, with moaning by Vera hall.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4051 A2
PRAYER. Spoken by Findlay Donaldson. Golmans, Ky. , Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 1979 A-10 in.
PRAYER. Spoken by Francis Godson. Murrells Inlet, S. C, John
A. Lomax, 1936. 377 A2
PRAYER. Spoken by Greenwood Rogers. Penitentiary, Columbia, S. C,
John A. Lomax. 1936. 712 Al
PRAYER. Spoken by Greenwood Rogers. Penitentiary, Columbia, S. C,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 712 A2
PRAYER, A. Spoken by Jim Garter. Livingston, Ala., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 1313 A2
- 320 -
PRAYER. Spoken by John Hampton. Raiford, Fla. , John A. Lomax,
1936. 683 B
PRAYER. Spoken by members of congregation at Palm Sunday service.
Darrington state farm, Sandy Point, Tex., John A. Lomax,
1934- 185 A2 & B.1
PRAYER. Spoken by Negro convict. Raiford, Fla., John A. and Ruby
T. Lomax, 1939- 2710 A2
PRAYER. Spoken by Negro convict. State prison farm, Atmore, Ala.,
John A. Lomax, 1934. 233 A2
PRAYER. Spoken by Negro convict preacher. State prison farm,
Milledgeville, Ga., John A. Lomax, 1934. 2b0 A
PRAYER. Spoken by Rev. J. R. Gipson. Jasper, Tex., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 3981 A2
PRAYER. Spoken by Rev. J. R. Gipson with piano. Jasper, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3980 B3
PRAYER. Spoken by Rev. Sherwin Siaemore in Church of the ten
elders. Pineville, Ky. , Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1938.
1957 B-10 in.
PRAYER. Spoken by Rev. Sherwin Siaemore, with responses by the
congregation of the Church of the ten elders. Pineville,
Ky., Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1938. 1963 A-10 in.
PRAYER. Spoken by Rev. fferd, with moaning by congregation of
Johnson Baptist church. Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby
T. Lomax, 1939. 2694 32
PRAYER. Spoken by Richard Amerson, with moaning by Hettie Godfrey.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940.
4052 B2, 4053 Al
PRAYER. Spoken by S. L. Clark, with moaning by congregation of
Johnson Baptist church. Livingston, Ala., John &.. and Ruby
T. Lomax, 1939. 2693 A2
PRAYER. Spoken by Sister Hattie Guilliard. Baptist church, Alma
plantation, Baton Rouge, La., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934 «
l03 B2
PRAYER. Spoken by trusty. State penitentiary, Parchinan, Miss.,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 615 B2
PRAYER. Spoken by Uncle Rich Brown. Sumtarville, Ala., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, ' 1940. 4028 AA
PRAYER. Spoken by Will (John Baptist) Lee. Merryville,. La.-, John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2.660 32
PRAYER AND ANNOUNCEMENT. Spoken by Rev. 3. D. Hall. Livingston,
Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4055 Bl
PRAYER WITH MOANING. Spoken by Pa Henry. Eatonville, Fla., Alan
Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935-
352 A
PRAYING TOGETHER OF THE PEOPLE. Spoken by Rev. Sherwin Sizemore,
with congregational responses in the Church of the ten elders.
Pineville, Ky, , Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 1956 A & B-10 in.
PREACHER AND GRIZZLY BEAR. Sung by Finous (Flatfoot) Rockmore
with guitar. Lufkin, Tex., John A. and Ruby I. Lomax, 1940.
3985 B7
- - 321 -
East Calais, Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Kartne'ss Flanders,
1939- 3726 Bl
PREACHER STANDIN' IN DE PULPIT. Sung by congregation of Mt.
Olive Primitive Baptist church. Livingston, Ala., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2698 A2
PREACHER WENT A HUNTIN'. Sung by Jim Garland. Pinoville, Ky. ,
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1933. 2007 Al-10 in.
PREACHER WENT A HUNTING. Sung by John Davis and group.
Frederica, Ga., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mar;
Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935. 343 Al
PRECIOUS LORD. Sung by Mrs. Louise Henson. San Antonio, Tex.,
' John A. Lomax, 1936. 60S Al
PRECIOUS LORD, HOLD MY HAND. Sung by Rev. B. D. Hall, Joe and
Johnny Hall. Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax,
194.0. 4055 B2
PRECIOUS MEMORIES. Sung by woman in Church of the ten elders.
Pineville, Ky., Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 1967 B2-10 in.
PRETORIA BALLAD. Sung by Willy Bullard and group of Andros island
men. Sponge docks, Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 4-28 B, 429 A ft B, 430 A
Newberry, Fla., John A. Lomax, 1937. 955 A3.
Nicholson on fiddle. Providence, Laurel co., Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1505 A3
on banjo and Hudson on fiddle. Austin, Tex., John A. Lomax,
1935. 539 B2
Drew, Miss., John 1\. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4012 Bl
PRETTIEST THING I EVER DONE, ITS. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford.
New York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1826 31
PRETTY BOY FLOYD. Sung by Woodrow (Woody) Wilson Guthrie with
guitar. 'Washington, D. C, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, l c >40.
3412 B4
PRETTY BOY FLOYD. Sung by Woodrow (Woody) Wilson Guthrie . with
guitar. Washington, D. C, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1940.
3413 A
PRETTY COLD RAIN. Sung by Samuel Harmon. Maryville, Tenn. . Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2882 A2
PRETTY FAIR DAMSEL. Sung by G. W. Blevins. Wise, V,a., Herbert
■ Halpert, 1939. 2763 Al I '
Middlefork, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1455 Al
PRETTY FAIR MAID. Sung by Mrs. C. A. : Burke tt. Mabel, N. C. , John
A. Lomax, 1936. 838 31
PRETTY FAIR MAID. Sung by Mrs. Mary Sullivan. Shaftor. FSk camp,
Shafter, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940.
4115 B
- 322 -
Pine Mountain settlement school, Pine Mountain Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1382 Al
PRETTY FAIR MISS. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York, N. Y.,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935. 1739 Bl
PRETTY FAIR MISS. Sung by Mrs. Ewar't Wilson. Pensacola, N. C,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2363 A2
PRETTY FAIR MISS, A. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla.,
Alton C. Morris, 1937. 976 B2
PRETTY FAIR MISS. Sung by Mrs. Mary Fuller Cain. Clintwood, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2820 B2
PRETTY FAIR MISS. Sung by Mrs. Hettie Swindel. Freeling, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2815 Al
PRETTY FAIR MISS IN THE GARDEN. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury.
Mena, Ark., John A. Lonax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 863 B3
PRETTY FAIR MISS IN THE GARDEN. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury.
Mena, /irk., John A. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 871 Al
PRETTY FAIR MISS IN THE GARDEN, A. Sung by Rachel Davis. Moss
Bluff, Fla., Alton C. Morris, 1937. 983 B2
PRETTY GIRL A MILKING HER COW. Played by Bernard Steffen and
Charles Pollock on harmonicas. Washington, D. C, Charles
Seeger, 1936. 330/+ AA
PRETTY GIRL A MILKING THE COW. Sung by Sande McCoy ana Bernard
Steffen with harmonicas. New York, N. Y. , Herbert Halpert,
1939. 3639 A3
PRETTY GIRL DON'T PAY ME NO MIND. Played by Fred Perry on fiddle,
with guitar by Glenn Carver. State farm, Raiford, Fla.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2715 B2
PRETTY JIMMY. Sung by Mrs. Theodosia Bonnett Long. Saltillo, Miss.,
Herbert. Halpert, 1939- 2951 3
PRETTY LAURA. Sung by Mrs. Cinderella Kinnaird. National folk
festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3267 32
fiddle. Iuka, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3000 83
PRETTY LITTLE GIRL. Played by Guy Farmer on fiddle. Galax, Va, ,
John A. and Bess Lomax, 1937. 134-7 AA
PRETTY LITTLE GIRL, THE. Sung by Mrs. W. L. Martin, Hillsville,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2753 A3
Gant with guitar. Austin, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax,
193A. 65. Al
PRETTY LITTLE PINK. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York. N. Y. ,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935- 1798 Al
PRETTY LITTLE PINK. Sung by Laura Clifton. Tupelo, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2970 Al
PRETTY LITTLE PINK. Sung by Mrs. Dizia Puckett. Near Tishomingo,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2989 Bl
PRETTY LITTLE PINK. Sung by Mrs, Mollie Wylie. Fort Spunky, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1935. ' 670 33
PRETTY LITTLE PONIES. Sung by J. L. Goree. Houston, Tex., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2593 A3
- 323 -
PRETTY LITTLE WIDOW, THE. Flayed by ff. II, Stepp on fiddle, with
guitar by Mrs. Mae Puckett. . Salver sville, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax,, 1937. 1572 B2
PRETTY MAID MILKING THE COW, THE. Sung and spoken by Mrs.
Harrison. Springfield, Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Harthess
Flanders, 1939. 3686 A
PRETTY MOHEE. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York, N. Y. ,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935. 1801 Al
PRETTY MOHEE, THE. Sung by Mrs. A. J. Huff. Gatlinburg, Term. ,
Herbert Halpcrt, 1939. 2877 Bl
PRETTY MOHEE, THE. Sung by Mrs. Callie Vaughan. Leager, Term. >
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2940 A3
PRETTY MOHEE, THE. Sung by Mrs. til. St. Buchanan. Heaton, N. C,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2856 Bl
PRETTY MOLLY. Sung by Mrs. Paulino Parsons. Luttreli, Term.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2935 Al
FRETTY MOLLY-0. Sung by Mrs. G, A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 955 Al
PRETTY POLLY. Played by Bev Bailey on fiddle. Hazard. Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1536 B3
PRETTY POLLY, Played by Boyd Asher on fiddle. Myden, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1523 B2
PRETTY POLLY. Played by Lee Skeons on fiddle. Wooten, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1466 Al & A2
PRETTY POLLY. Played by Luther Strong on fiddle. Hazard, Ky.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1538 Al
PRETTY POLLY. Played by M. Asher on banjo. Hyden, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1519 Al
PRETTY FOLLY. Sung- by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y. , Alan
Lomax, 1939. 2550 A2 & B
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, 11. Y. , Alan
Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 823 A2
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Austin Harmon. Maryville, Term., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2830 Bl
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Austin Harmon with banjo. Maryville, Term.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2806 B2
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Ben Rice. Springfield, Mo., Sidney Robertson.
1937. 3223 Bl
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by group of students. Pine Mountain settlement
school, Pine Mountain, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
1383 32, 13 84 Al
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Harry Lee (Chad) Gullett, with guitar by-
Janes Williams and fiddle by E. W. Caldwell. Ashland, Ky.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1022 Bl .
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Hazel K. Thornton. Gainsville, Fla., Alton
C. Morris, 1937. 980 Bl
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Horton Barker. Near Chilhowie, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2338 B2
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Huldy Roberts. Gooserock, Clay co., Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 14-83 3
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by J. E. Riley. High Springs, Fla., Alton C.
Morris, 1937. 975 B2
- 324 -
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Jirn Howard with fiddle. Harlan, Ky. . Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1375 A-Bl
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Lilian Napier. Pine Mountain settlement
school, Pine Mountain., Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
1409 Bl
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by May Kennedy McCord , Springfield, Mo., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3216 B2 & B3
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Mrs. E. C. Ball. Galax, Va., John A. and
Bess Lomax, 1937. 1346 Bl & B3
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Mrs. A. M. Harris. Pine Mountain, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. HI 5 Al
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Mrs. Eliza Pace. Hyden, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1-445 B
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. Hamiltontovvn, near
Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2329 A3
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Mrs. M. A. Harris. Pine Mountain, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 14-15 A2
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Mrs. Ollie Womble. Banner, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 3031 B2
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Mrs. Sarah Ison, Near Norton, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2811 A
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Nathan Hicks. Romihger, N. C, Herbert
Halpert, 1939. ' 2856 A3
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Nora Bagley. Pino Mountain settlement
school, Pine Mountain, Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
H10 B
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Pete Steele with banjo. Hamilton, Ohio, Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1701 A
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Pete Steele with banjo. Hamilton, Ohio, Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1933. 1702 Al
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Pine Mountain octet. Pine Mountain, Ky.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 14.11 B3
PRETTY POLLY. Sung by Walter Caldwell. American folk song festival,
Ashland, Ky. , Jean Thomas, 1934 • 294 A
PRETTY POLLY AND* SWEET WILLIAM. Sung by Finley Adams. Dunham, Ky. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2773 Bl
PRETTY POLLY AND THE PARROT BIRD. Sung by Finley Adams. Dunham,
Ky., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2773 Al
PRETTY POLLY PERKINS. Sung by Mrs. Maude McShan Wesson. Saltillo,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2950 Bl, 2951 Al
PRETTY ROMEY. Sung by Mrs. Gant. Austin, Tex., John A. and Alan
Lomax, 1934. 62 A
PRETTY SALLY. Sung by Gapt. Pearl R. Nye. Akron, Ohio, Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1608 B2, 1609 Al
PRETTY SARO. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. Nov/ York, N. Y. , George
W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935. 1790 Al
PRETTY SARO. Sung by Cleophas Franklin. Maryville, Term., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2889 A
PRETTY SARO. Sung by H. G. Robbins. Hamilton, Ohio, Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1713 B
PRETTY SARO. Sung by J. M. Mullins. Florress, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1592 A
PRETTY SARO. Sung by James B. Fairless. luka, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3013 B2
PRETTY SARO. Sung by Mrs. Edith Harmon. Near Maryville, Tenn. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2914 Bl
PRETTY SARO. Sung by Mrs. Ollie Womble. Banner, Miss.-, Herbert •
Halpert, 1939. 3025 B2
PRETTY SARO. Sung by W. M. Keen. Hyden, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth
Lomax, 1937. U71 A
PRETTY SARY. Sung by Aunt Phoebe Elliott. New Harmony, Ind., Alar;
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1933. 1747 A
PRETTY YALLER GAL. Sung by group of Negro convicts, with ax-cutt:1
State penitentiary, Huntsville, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax
1934. 214 B2
PRIBE OF GLENCOE, THE. Sung by" J. W. Green. St. James, Beaver
island, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2297 B2, 2298 Al & In2
PRIBE OF GLENCOE, THE. Sung by Louis Brideup. City,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2306 A2, 2306 Bl
PRIMROSES. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. Hamilton town , near Wise,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2327 Bl
PRISON BLUES. Sung by Robert Higgins. State penitentiary, Raleigh,
N. C, John A, and Man Lomax, 1934. 270 A2
PRISON BOUND. Sung by Johnny Floyd with cotton-hoeing. Vicksburg,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3079 B2
PRISON CELL. Sung by Mrs. Ganl with guitar. Austin, Tex., J elm A.
and Alan Lomax, 1934 > 71 A2
PRISON RIBER BLUES. Sung by group of Negro women prisoners. State
penitentiary, Psrchman, Miss., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933.
1869 B3-10 in.
PRISONER AT THE BAR, THE. Sung by Mrs. Audrey Heliums. Near
Tishomingo, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2973 Bl
PRISONER BLUES. Sung by Ozells Jones. .Rail' oi-d, Fla,, John A.
Lomax, 1936. 692 Al
PRISONER FOR LIFE. Sung by Mrs. Louise Hanson. San Antonio, Tex,,
John A. Lomax, 1935. b53 Al
PRISONER GIRL BLUES. Sung by a Negro woman prisoner. Old state
penitentiary, Wetuiiipka, Ale . , John A. Lomax, ±934. 225 B2
PRISONERS' CALL, THE. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. i\ ,
Alan Lomax, 1937. 1942 B-10 in.
PRISONER'S SONG, THE. Sung by George Vinton Graham with guitar.
San Jose, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1938. 3314 Al
PRODIGAL SON, THE. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark.,
Sidney Robertson and Laurence Powell, 1936. 3233 Bl
PROTESTANT COW. Sung by Barney McCarthy. St. James, Beaver island,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1933. 2302 A2, 2302 Bl
PROTESTANT MINISTER, THE. Spoken by Domini ck Gallagher. St. James,
Beaver island, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1933. 2270 Al
PROUD IRISH LADY, THE, Sung by Bag com Lamar Lunsford. New York,
N. Y., George W, Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935.
1737 Bl
- 326 -
PUFF-EYED HEN, THE. Sung by Mrs. Zamora O'Shea. Dallas, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1935. 64-2 B3 ■
PULDOO. Sung by Dobie Red and eight men. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 736 A2
PULL A BRICK. Sung by the Pinnacle and Chandler children.
Murrells Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 904. Bl
PULLIN! CYPRESS LOGS OUT OF SWAMP. Sung and spoken by John
(Big Nig) Bray. Amelia, La., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934.
92 B
PULLIN' THE SHIP. Sung by Eva Grace Boone and children's group.
Brandon, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3051 B3
PULLIN' THE SKIFF. Sung by girls' group. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3084 A2
PULLIN 1 THE SKIFF. Sung by Sarah Ann Reed and group. Edwards,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3070 32
PUNCH A-NEVER LITTLE FELLOW. Sung by three children. Tupelo,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2960 B3
PUNCHEON FLOOR. Played by Harvey C. Sharp on fiddle and Douglas
Williams on guitar. Meridian, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939.
3037 Bl
PUPPY SHOW. Sung by mixed group. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 486 82
PUPPY SHOW. Sung by Rov/ena Bell, Sweety Pie and Pappie with drum.
Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935. 526 33
PURPLE DAY, THE. Sung by Will (John Baptist) Lee. Merryville, La.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2660 Bl
PURTIEST GAL IN THE COUNTRY. .Played by W. A. Bledsoe on fiddle
and H. D, Kinard on banjo. Meridian, Miss., Herbert Halpert,
1939. 3038 Bl
PUT MY LITTLE SHOES AWAY. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo.
New York, N. Y. , Georse W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1795 B2
PUT MY LITTLE SHOES AWAY. Sung by Robert and Viola Russell.
Marion, Va. , Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3164 A2
PUT YOUR BIG FOOT THERE. Sung by John A. Lomax, with fiddle by
E. K. Bowman. Abilene, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 930 32
PUTTING ON THE AGONY. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Central Valley. Calif.
Sidney Robertson, 1938. 4200 33
QUADRILLE TUNE. 'Played by Ben Pitts on harmonica and guitar.
Pine Grove, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 1+223 A2
QUADRILLE TUNE. Played by John Selleck on fiddle. C ami no, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939. 1+220 B2
QUAKER COURTSHIP, THE.' Su:ig by George Vinton Graham with guitar.
San Jose, Calif., Sidney Robertson,' 1939. 3375 B2
QUAKER LOVER, THE. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College,
N. C, Fletcher Collins, 1939. 3785 Bl
QUAKER'S COURTSHIP, THE.. Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washington, D. C,
Alan Lomax, 1937." 187U E2, 1875 Al-10 in.
QUEEN SLENDER. Sung by Finley Adams. Dunham, Ky. , Herbert Halpcrt,
1939. 2770 A2 ■■
QUEEN MARY. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with guitar.
Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937. 997 A
QUEENSTOM MOURNER, THE. Sung by Mrs. Flora Eddy. Near Randolph
Center, Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939*
3715 A & 3, 3716 Al
QUITTIN' TIME SONG. Sung by Samuel Brooks. Edwards, Miss.,
Herbert Halpcrt, 1939 • 3071 B2
QUITTING THE SONGS AND YELLS.. Sung by Thomas J. Marshall and
Samuel Brocks. Edwards, Miss., Herbert Hal-pert, 1939«
3072 Bl
-~ 328 -
RABBIT. Sung by four girls. Monroe county training school, Amory,
Miss., Herbert Halpert s 1939- 2975 A4
RABBIT, A RABBIT. Sting by Bascom Lamar Lunsford 'with fiddle. New
York, N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1801 B4-
RABBIT HASH. Sung by Molly McDonald. Livingston, Ala., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. .4033 B2
RABBIT .IN DE GARDEN. Played by Ace Johnson on harmonica. Clemens
state farm, Brasoria, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939*
2596 Al
RABBIT IN GARDEN. Sung by group of older children. Brandon, Miss.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 884 B4
RABBIT IN THE PEA PATCH. Played by W. E. Claunch on fiddle and
Mrs. Chris teen Haygood on guitar. Near Guntown, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2973 M
RABBIT IN THE PEA PATCH. Sung by Angie Clark. Mullins, S. C. ,
John A.. Lomax, 1937. 1030 B3
RABBIT ON A LOG. Sung by Mary James. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939= 3084 32
RABBIT ON DE LOG, Sung by Jeff Horton. Livingston, Ala., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2697 32
RABBIT ON THE LOG. Sung by Josephine Douglas. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3085 Al
RABBIT ON THE LOG. Sung by Will C. Thomas. Iuka, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 3021 Al
RABBIT, RABBIT, Sung by Mrs. Laura and Ruby Clifton. Tupelo,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2969 B2
RABBIT, RABBIT. Sung by two men. Edwards, Miss., Herbert Halpert,
1939. 3068 Bl
RABBITS IN THE LOWLANDS. Sung by George Roark with bin jo.
Pineville, Ky. , Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 2000 A-10 in.
RABBITY HASH. Sung by John A. Lomax with patting. Lufkin, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4044 A4
RACCOON UP THE 'SIMMON TREE. Sung by Huddle Ledbetter (Lead Belly)
with guitar. Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937, 996 A2
RACCOON WALTZ. Played by Frank Tufts on accordion. American folk
song festival, Ashland, Ky. , Jean Thomas, 1934. 297 A
"Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937. 1055 A2
RACHEL, I'VE BEEN THINKING. Sung by George Vinton Graham with
guitar. San Jose, Calif.. Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3376 A4
RACKIN' TO MY SHACK. Sung by J. M. Mullins with banjo.
Salyersville, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1596 33
RADIO BURN DOM ON THAI' BAY. Sung by Cleveland Simmons, William
Devoe , Arabella Wilson and group, with drum. Old Bight, Cat
island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935. 417 Al
RAFFLE FOR A STOVE, THE. Sung by Fred Carriere, Champion, Mich.,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 2425 A
. - 329 -
RAFFLE FOR A STOVE. Sung by Leon Ponce. Columbia, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3356 B2
RAGGEDY ANN. Played by J. D. Dil.lingfe.rn en banjo and A. J. Miers
on fiddle. Austin, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1935 • 54-3 A3
RAGGEDY ANN. Played by Kill Billies on guitar, .banjo and fiddle.
San Antonio, Tex., John A. Lomax, .1936. 568 E
RAGGEDY, RAGGEDY. Sung by John Handcox. Washington, D. C,
Charles Seeger and Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3237 Al
RAGING SEA, TRE. Sung by Mrs. Crockett Ward. Galax, 7a., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 1370 Al
RAGTIME ANN. Played by Tink Queer on fiddle and Franklin Slater
and Bill Fowler on guitars. Ligonier, Pa., Sidney Robertson,
1936. 3155 M
RAGTIME ANNIE. Played by Lloyd (Red) Harmon on guitar and Willard
Brewer on fiddle. Shafter FSA camp, Shafter, Calif., Charles
L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 194-0. 4108 Al
RAIL UNLOADING. Sung by Henry Truvillion and gang.. Wiergate, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 397.3 A3
RAILROAD BILL. Sung by Bascora Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New York,
N. Y. , George W. t and William Cabell Greet, 1935-
1801 Bl
RAILROAD BILL. Sung by Blind Jesse Harris with accordion,
Livingston, Ala., John A. Lorn x, 1937. 1.327 32
RAILROAD BILL. Sung by H. D. Kinard with banjo. Meridian, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3039 32
RAILROAD BILL. Sung by Vera Hall. Livingston, Ala., John A.
• Lomax, 1937. 1315 B3
RAILROAD BILL. Sung by Vera Hall. Livingston, Ala., John A,
Lomax, 1937. ' 1323 A3
RAILROAD BLUES. Played by Woodrow (Woody) Wilson Guthrie on
harmonica. Washington, D. C, Alan and Elisabeth Lomax,
1940. 34-07 B
RAILROAD BOY, A. Sung by Mrs. J. F. Hornbeak. Moss Bluff, Fla,,
Alton C. Morris, .1937. 983 S3
RAILROAD FLAGMAN, THE. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York,
N. Y., George W. and William Cabell Greet, 1935-
1795 A2
RAILROAD LINE BLUES. Sung by Woodrow (Woody) Wilson Guthrie with
guitar. Washington, D. C, Alan ana Elisabeth Lomax, 1940.
34-17 Bl
RAILROAD MAN. Sung by Hattie Goff . State penitentiary, Par chraan,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3085 B2
banjo, with tapping by Sam Harmon. Maryville, Tenn. , Herbert
Halpert, 19.39. 29-17" Bl
RAILROAD RAG. Sung by Joe Harris and Kid West, with guitar and
mandolin. Shrevepert, La.., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194.0.
3990 31
RAILROAD RAG. Sung by Joe Harris with guitar. Shreveport, La.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lcmax, 1940. 3990 A3
RAILROAD WRECK, THE. " Sung by Elmer George. East Calais, Vt., Alan
Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3710 31
- 330 -
RAILROAD WRECK. Sung by W. Williams. State penitentiary, Richmond,
Va., John A. Lomax, 1936. 729 A3
RAIN OR SHINE. Sung by Mrs. Louise Henson. San Antonio, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 387 B2
RAIN OR SHINE. Sung 'by Mrs. Louise Henson. San Antonio, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 838 Al
RAIN OR SHINE. Sung by Mrs. Lucile Henson. San Antonio, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 54-2 32
RAINBOW SONG. Sung by Sam Hazel. Greenville, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. ' 3097 B2
RAISE A RUCKUS. Sung by Joe Frank, Joe Frank Jr. and Shacks
Franklin. New Roads, La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940.
39-96 Al
RAISE A RUCKUS TONIGHT. Sung by Arthur Stitt, Robert Presser,
James Wilkcrson and William Carver. State Farm, Va., John
A. Lomax, 1936. 746 A2
RAISE A RUCKUS TONIGHT. Sung by Butter Boy. Smithers' plantation,
Huntsville, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 196 B2
RAISE A RUCKUS TONIGHT. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Bellirood
prison camp, Atlanta, Ga., John A. Lomax, 1934- 250 B3
RAISE A RUCKUS TONIGHT. Sung by John Davit, and male group.
Frederica , Ga., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 333 Bl
RAISE BIG TATERS IN SANDY LAND. Sung by 77. E. Clauneh with fiddle,
with guitar by Mrs. Christeen Haygood. Near Gunio'.-m , Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2.974 Al
RAISING PUMPKINS. Spoken by Sam Harmon. Maryville, Term., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2923* Bl, 2929 Al
RAISING TURNIPS. Spoken by Sam Harmon. Maryville, Term., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2927 .83
RAKE'S HORNPIPE. Played by Stephen B. Tucker on fiddle. Meridian,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3046 31
RALLY, BOYS, RALLY. Sung by Mrs. Ollie Womble. Banner, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3032 B4
RALLY TRUDUM. Sung by May Kennedy McCord. Springfield, Mo.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3212 A3
RAMBLING BOY, THE. Sung by Fanny (Sewanee) Begley. Lower h'ell-
for-certain school, Middlefork, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth
Lomax, 1937. 1452 B
RAMBLING BOY, THE. Sung by Mrs. Hettie Swindel. Freeling, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2816 A2
RAMBLING BOY, THE. Sung by Mrs. Mary Fuller Cain. C.lintv/ood, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2320 A3
RAMBLING BOY, THE. Sung by Mrs. Mollie Wylie. Fort Spunky, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1935. 676 A2
RAMBLING BOY, THE. Sung by Mrs. iviyra Barnett Miller. Tuckaseigee,
N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 843 A3
RAMBLING BOY. Sung by Mrs. Oda Smith. Dallas, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1940. 2080 A-10 in.
- 331 -
RAMBLING BOY. Sung by Mrs. Vivian Skinner. Near Tishomingo,
Miss,, Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2981 A3 31
RAMBLING BOY, THE. Sung by Oda Smith, Dallas, Tax., John A.
Lomax, 194-0. 3847 A2
RANDAL, MY SON. Sung oj Mrs. Sarah Ison. Norton, Va.. Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2309 A2
RANGE BOSS ON HIGH. Sung by J. C. Jones. Shafter migratory
camp, Calif., Margaret Valiant, 1939. 3330 B3
RANGE OF THE BUFFALO, THE. Sung by Finley Adams. Dunham, Ky. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2791 Bl
RANGO. Sung by Uncle James Archer. Vicksburg, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3073 A & Bl
RANSOM KANDSOM CINNAMON TEA. Sung by Clarice Garland. Pine'ville,
Ky., Mary Elizabeth Barnicie, 1938. 2005 AI-10 in.
MNSUM-TANSUM . Sung by Aunt Phoebe Elliott. New Harmony, Lid.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1747 Bl
RANZELj MY SON. Sung by Mort Montohyea. Sloatsburg, N> I. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3668 B
RATS IN THE ISSAL BARROW. Flayed by John Brovm on fiddle. luka,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3003 Ai
RATTIN' SECTION. Sung hy Mrs. Jessie Buchanan. Magee, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 305? Al
RATTLE, RATTLE SECTION. Sung by Father Howard. Cumins state
farm, Gould, Ark., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939.
2640 A2
RATTLER. Played by Skyline farms string band, with vocal
effects by Chester Allen. Skyline farms, Scottsbcro, Ala.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2944 Al
RATTLESNAKE. Sung by Alice Phillips. New York, N. Y., Herbert
Halpert, 1933. 3631 B2
RATTLESNAKE. Sung by Alice Phillips and Beatrice Nidleman. Netf
York, N. Y., Herbert Halpert. 1938. 3631 Bl
RATTLESNAKE. Suns by Beatrice Nldleman. New York, N. Y. , Herbert
Halpert, 1933. 3626 "M
RATTLESNAKE. Sung by Herbert Halpert. Nev; fork, N. i\ , Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 364-1 B3
RATTLESNAKE. Sung by Josephine Alonzi and group of girls. Lenox
Hill settlement house, New York, N. Y, , Herbert Halpert,
1939- 3649 33"
RATTLESNAKE DADDY. Sung by Jack Garland. Arjay, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1393 Bl
RATTLESNAKE SONG. Sung by Mrs. Lisa White. Magee, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939 • 3063 Al
RATTY, RATTY SECTION. Sung oy Ed Jones. Greenville, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3091 Al, A2
RAVING SHANTY BOY, THE.- Sung by John Herman.. Muni sing, Mich.,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 2355 A
RAW RUCKUS NINE. Sung by the Franklin family with; guitar.
Migratory came, Indie, Calif., Margaret' Valiant, 1939. •
3565 A2
RAW RUM, GIN- AND TODDY. Sung and played by Nassau string band.
Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnicie,
1935. 4-40 A3
- 332 -
READ ABOUT ADAM. Surig by Frank Woodward, Sallie Howard and
Floreta and Hattie Jenkins. Mobile, Ala., John A. Lcmax,
1937. 945 Al
READ 'EM, JOHN, RFAD 'EM. Sung by group of Negroes. Frederick,
Gav, Alan Loraax, Zora Neale Kurston and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935- 321 31
READ 'EM, JOHN, READ 'EM. Sung by group of Negroes. Fre-dorica,
Ga., Alan Lomax, Z^ra Neale Hurston and Mary Elisabeth
Barnicle, 1935. 322 Bl
READ 'EM, JOHN, READ 'EM. Sung by group of Negroes. Frederiea,
Ga,, Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Kurston and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935- 322 B2
READING THAT LETTER. Sung by Mary Sneed and group of Negro
women prisoners. State farm, Raiford, Fia., John A. Lomax,
1936. " 702 A2
READY WHEN HE COMES AT THE MORN. Sung by Uncle Rich Bro^-n,
Sumterville, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4028 A2
READY WHEN THE GREAT DAI COMES. Sung by' Paul and Clarence
Elliott, Horace Summery and Floyd Christian. Anderson, S. C,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2727 B2
REAP WHAT YOU SOW. Sung by Mattio Bell. Boyd, Ala., John A, and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4064 A2
REBELS' RAID, THE. Played by W. M. Stspp on fiddle. Salyersville ,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1573 B2
RED APPLE JUICE. Sung by Basccm Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New
York, N. I., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935- 1802 Al
RED BALL. Played by old man with harmonica. New Orleans, La.,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. 173 B
RED BALL TURNING OVER. Sung by Eugene Foster. Kiloy prison,
Montgomery, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1954 • 230 B
RED BIRD IN THE TREE. Sung by Aunt Caroline Home. Livingston,
Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2oB8 A3 & Bl
RED CROSS STO'. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with
guitar. Wilton, Conn., John A. Lomax , 1935 • 138 B
RED CROSS STORE, THE. Sung by Pete Harris with guitar. Richmond.
Tex., John A. and Alan Loraax, 1934- 78 B2
RED HILL SPECIAL, THE. Played by group from Fort Thomas, Ky. , on
fiddles. Cincinnati, Ohio, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938.
1690 A2
RED HOT SUN TURNING OVER, Sung. by John Brown and group of Negro
convicts. State farm, Raiford, Fla., John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, 1939. 2715 Al
RED IRON ORE, THE. Sung by Capt. Asel Trueblood. St. Ignace,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1.938. 2324 A2, Bl & B2
RED IRON ORE. Sung by Capt. Putman. Port Huron, Mich., Ivan
Walton, 1938. 3402 A2 & Bl
RED IRON ORE. Sung by Harvey Bonnah. Cleveland, Ohio, Ivan .
Walton, 1938. 3405 Al
RED LEAF, YELLOW LEAF. Sung by four girls. Tupelo, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2959 32'
- 333 -
RED RIVER BLUES, Sung by Frank Evans with guitar. State peniten-
tiary, Parchraan, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 664 A2
RED RIVER JIG, THE. Played by Joe and Clarence Cloud on banjo
and fiddle. Odanah, Wis., Alan Lomax, 19.33. 2470 Bl
RED RIVER RUNS. Sung by J. Brown, J. Owens and W. Williams.
State penitentiary, Richmond, Va., John A. Lomax, 13)6.
723 Bl"
RED RIVER SHORE. Sung by Mrs. Mints- Morgan. Bells, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 907 B2
RED RIVER SHORE. Sung by William J. Tate. San Antonio, Tex,,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 625 Bl
RED RIVER SHORE, ANSWER TO THE. Sung by Mrs. Minta Morgan. Sells,
Tex., John A. Lomax, 1957. 907 23
RED RIVER VALLEY*. Sung by cowboy band. San Angelo, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 193 .5. 554 A
RED STONE KILLS. Sung by Austin Harmon. Near Maryville, Term.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2911 B2
REDBIRD. Sung by Munroe Gevedon with fiddle, with guitar and
banjo by Cathlyn and Bert Gevedon. West Liberty, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 15 60 83
REDWING. Played by Ambers Denton on dulcimer. Cody, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1553 Bl
REDWING.. Played by Doyle Pugh on harmonica. Arthurdalo, W. Va.,
Charles Seeger, 1936. ' 3305 A3
REDWING. Played by Willie Sigler and Joe Kaddix on mandolin and
guitar. Tygart valley homesteads., Elkins, W. Va.', Gordon
Barnes, 1939- 3572' AL
REEK AND RAMBLIN' BLADE, THE. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mona,
Ark., Sidney Robertson and Laurence Powell, 1936. 3227 Bl
REEK AND RAMBLING ONE, THE. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury, Mena,
Ark., John A. Lomax and Laurence PowoII, 1936. 372 Bl
REEL, REEL, YOUR DELIGHT. Sung by Gilbert Fike. Little Rock, Ark.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3186 B2
RSILLY,THE FISHERMAN.' Spoken by Mrs. Margaret' Sullivan.
Springfield, Vt... Alan- Lomax and Helen Hartrress Flanders,
1939. 3745 A3 '
REJECTED LOVER, THE. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark.,
John A. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 366 B2
REJECTED LOVER, THE. Sung by Mrs. Maggie Gant. Austin, Tex.,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 69 33
REMEMBER, GAL. Sung by mixed, group with druip,< Nassau, Bahamas,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, "-935. 437 B
REMEMBER ME. Sung by congregation of Baptist church. Alma
plantation, Baton Rouge, La., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934 •
103 Al
REMEMBER ME. Sung by John Lyles, Sterling Mason, Leonard Sykos
and Mosely Wilson. State prison camp, Boone, N. C. , John A.
Lomax, 1936, 861 Al
REMEMBER ME. Sung by group of Negroes from Wadmalaw island.
Charleston, S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1937. 1304 32
RENA, BIG-FOOT RENA. Sung by Mary, Joe, Jim and Jane McDonald.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2691 32
-- 334 ■
RESURRECTION CAR, THE.' Sung by Capt. Pearl R. Nye-. Akron, Ohio,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1005 A2
REUBEN RANZO. Sung by Capt, Richard Maitland. Sailors' snug harbor,
Staten Island, New York,' N. I., Alan Loraax, 1939- 2515 E
REUBEN, REUBEN. Played by a fiddle, piano, bass and guitar combina-
tion at Sons of the Veterans of Civil War dance with Ed. Laricin,
fiddler and prompter. Chelsea, Vt. , Alan Loraax and Helen
Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3721 33
REUBEN, REUBEN, I BEEN THINKING. Sung by Ernest Bourne. Washington,
D. C, Alan Loraax, ; 1938. 1637 Bl
REUBEN'S TRAIN. Sung by Fields Ward with guitar, with fiddle by
Davy Crockett Ward. Galax, Va., John A. and Ruby I. Lomax,
194-0. 4080 B4
REVIVE US. Sung by People's burial aid society choir. Columbia,
S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4076 A2
RHINORDINE. Sung by Foy and Ella Gant with guitar. Austin, Tex.,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 63 A2
RHINORDINE. Sung by Gant family. Austin, Tex., John A. and Alan
Lomax, 1934- ' 63 Bl
RHINORDINE. Sung by Gant family. Austin, Tex., John A. and Alan
Loraax, 1934- ' 67 A2
RHINORDINE. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. Hamiltontown ; near Wise,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2784. B2, 2785 Al
RHINORDINE. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. Hamiltontown, near Wise,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2833 B3
RHINORDINE. Sun ; < by Mrs. Sarah Ison. Near Norton, Va. , Herbert "
Halpert, 1939. 2812 Al
RICH IRISH LADY, THE. Sung by Aunt Molly J-ckson, New York, N. 1.,
Alan Lomax, 1939. 2584 A & 31
RICH LADY FROM LONDON, THE. Sung by Mrs. Thoodosia Bonnett Long.'
Saltillo, Miss., Herbert Kalpert, 1939. 2953 B
RICH MAN AND LAZARUS, THE-. Sung by Mrs. J. 1. Newman. Hilon College,
N. C, Fletcher Collins, 1939- 3777 A
RICH MERCHANT, THE. Sung by Dominick Gallagher. St. -'James, Beaver
island, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2268 A2
RICH MERCHANT, THE. Sung by Joe Hubbard. Hamiltontown, near Wise,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2824 31
RICH MERCHANT'S DAUGHTER, THE. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James,,
Beaver island, Mich,, Alan Lomax, 1938. 2275 B
RICH MERCHANT'S DAUGHTER, THE. Sung by Mrs. Maude Clsvenger.
Luttrell, Term., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2937 Al
RICH MERCHMAN, THE. Sung by Mrs . G. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla., .
Alton C. Morris. 1937. 981 Bl
RICH OLD LADY, THE. Sung by James (Iron Head) Baker. Central state
farm, Sugar land, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934 • 201 Bl
RICH OLD LADY, THE. Sung by James (Iron Head) Baker. Central state
farm, Sugar land, Tex., John A. and Alan Loraax, 19 34 • ' 204- Al
RICH OLD LADY, THE. Sung by James (Iron Head) Baker. Central state
farm, Sugarland, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934- 206 Bl
RICH OLD LADY, THE. Sung by James (Iron Head) Baker. Washington,
D. C, John A. Lomax, 1936, 721 Al
- 335 -
RICH OLD MERCHANT, THE,. Sung by Clyde Sturgill. Whitetop, Va. ,
John A. Lomax, 19.35. 649 Bl
RICH OLD MISER, THE. Sung by Elmer George. East Calais. Vt. ,
Alan Lomax and Helen Kartness Flanders, 1939. 3732 B2
RICH OLD MISER, THE. Sung by Mrs. M. P. Daniels. East Calais,
Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3732 Bl
RICH SQUIRE, THE. Sung by Mrs. R. R. Denoon. Springfield, jfo,',
Sidney Robertson., 1936. 3205 Al
RICKETIEST SUPERINTENDENT. Sung by five Negro girls. State pen-
itentiary, Parchman, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3081 Bl
RICKETT'S HORNPIPE. Played by Luther Strong on fiddle. Hazard,
Ky. , Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1537 A3
RICKETT'S HORNPIPE. Sung by J. D. Dillingham with banjo, with
fiddle by A. J. Means and piano by J. W. Means. Austin,
Tex., John A. Lomax, 1936. 623 A2
RIDDLE SONG, THE. Sung by Mrs. W. L. Martin. Hiilsville, V?,,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2756 B4
RIDE MY HORSE. Sung by John Davis, Bill Tatnall, John Brewster
and Robert Davis. Frederica, Ga., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale
Hurston and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 312 Bl
four Negro convicts. Penitentiary, Columbia, S. C, John
A. Lomax, 1936. 712 B2
RIDE ON, JESUS. Sung by Laura Hatcher and mixed group. Gautier,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3106 B
RIDE ON, KING JESUS. Sung by quartet of Negro convicts.
Huntsviile, Tex., John A. raid Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2603 Bl
RIDE ON, KING JESUS. Sung by Richard Amerson, Nettie Godfrey and
Little Polk. Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax,
1940. 4053 Aj5
RIDIN' OLD PAINT. Sung by Baca. New York, N. 1. s Herbert Halpert,
1939- 3658 B2
RIDIN' ON A HUMPBACKED MULE. Sung by Belton Reese with banjo
and Thasseus Gocdson with bonss. Brevard plantation, Adams
mill, near Columbia. S. CT, Charles Seeger, 1939- 3795 Al
Akron, Ohio, Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1.607 Al
RIGHT BACK IN JAIL AGAIN. Sung by James Griffin. Cross City,
Fla. , Stetson Kennedy and Robert Cook, 1939. 3527 A2
RIGHT DOWN HERE. Sung by Michael Mabank and group. Murrells Inlet,
S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. .1035 A2
RIGHT ON THAT SHORE. Sung by Augustus (Track Horse) Haggerty and
group of Negro convicts. State penitentiary, Huntsviile,
Tex., John A, and Alan Lomax, 1934. 217 Bl
RILEY AND I WERE CHUMS. Sung by Bob Walker. Crandon, Wis.,
Sidney Robertson, 1937. .3290 A2
RILEY SHANTY. Sung by Henry Blue and Negro male group. Frederica,
Ga., Alan Lomax, Zcra Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935- 331 A2
RILEY SHANTY. Sung by Henry Blue and Negro male group. Frederica,
Ga., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935. 331 Bl
._ 336 -
RING AROUND THE BORDER. Sung by 'Mrs. Minta Morgan. Bells, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 903 A2
RING AROUND THE MOSES'. Sung by Daisy Maris and four children,
Brandon, Miss., Herbert, Halpert, 1939- 3049 Al & A2
RING AROUND THE ROSES. Sung by four children. Dunham* Ky. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- '2789 Al
RING AROUND THE ROSES. Sung by Gwendolyn Murray. New York, N. Y. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 36/+ 5 A2
RING AROUND THE ROSES. Sung by Melinda and 'Resale e Vaughan. Laager,
Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2942 33
RING AROUND THE ROSES. Sung by' three children of Keaton school.
Heaton, No C, Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2858 32 & 33
RING AROUND THE ROSY. Sung by four girls. Lenox Hill ' settlement
house, New York, N. 1., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3643 A2
RING DANCE. Played by group on guitar, washboard and tub, with calls
Charleston, S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1937. 1054 A
RING, OH RING. Sung by Jackie Knox. Murrells Inlet, S. C John A.
Lomax, 1937. " 1300 32
RING ROUND ROSEY. Sung by group of Negro children. Burkeville,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 193 9- •' 2656 31
RING THEM YALLER WOMEN'S DO' BELLS. Sung by group of Negr"; convicts.
Bellwood prison camp, Atlanta, Ga., John A. and A3 an Lomax,
1934- 254 B3
RIO GRANDE. Sung by John M. (Sailor Dad) Hunt. Marion, Va. , Herbert
Halpert, 1939" ■ 2840 A2
RIO GRANDE. Sung by John M. (Sailor Dad) Runt. Marion, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2.840 A3
RIPPLING BROOK. Played by Mr. Rindlisbacker on fiddle. National
folk festival, Chicago, ; 111. , Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3255 Al
RISE, OLD NAPPER. Sung by Mrs. Nancy Stacy. Hazard, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1543 Al
RISE, RUN ALONG, MOURNER. Sung by Joe Lee. State Farm, Va., John A.
Lcmax, 1936. 835 31
RISE, SALLY, RISE. Sung by group of Negro girls. Frederica, Ga.,
Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle,
1935. 311 A2
RISE, SALLY, RISE. Sung by group of Negro girls. Eatonvilie, Fla. ,
Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle,
1935- 349 Al
RISE YOU UP, MY TRUE LOVE. Sung by Mrs. Carrie Walker. Magee, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3066 31
RISE YOU UP, MY TRUE LOVE. Sung by Mrs, Ina Jones. Near
Burnsvillo, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939 . 2991 32
RISING SUN BLUES, THE. Sung by Bert-' Martin with guitar. Horse
creek, Clay co., Ky., Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1496 B2
RISING SUN BLUES, THE. Sung oy Daw Reason. Billy's branch, Clay
co., Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth,' Loinak, 1937. 1508 32
RISING SUN BLUES, THE. Sung by Georgia Turner. Middlesboro, Ky. ,
Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1404 Al
RISSELTY ROSSELTY. Sung by R. R. Denoon. Springfield, Mo.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3204 32
- 337 -
RIVER-DRIVER'S SONG. Sung by Pat Ford. Central ■ .-Valley,' Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1938. 4-206 B2
RIVER IN THE PINES, THE. Sung by Frank (Frenchy) Uchytil, with
Italian accordion by Mr. Otto Rindlisbacher and viking
'cello by Mrs. Otto Rindlisbacher. National folic festival,
Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson, 1937. ■ 324-6 A2 .
RIVER IN THE PINES, THE. Sung by Frank (Frenchy) Uchytil, with
Italian accordion by "Mr.. Otto Rindlisbachor ."and viking
'cello by Mrs.- Otto Rindlisbacher. National, folk festival,
Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson, 1937. -"' • 3253 3 .
RIVER IN THE PINES, THE. Sung by Frank (Frenchy) Uchytil, with
Italian accordion by Mr. Otto Rhindlisbacher and viking
'cello by Mrs. Otto Rindlisbacher. National folk festive.!,
Chicago, 111.., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3254 Al
RIVER IN THE PINES, THE. Sung by Frank (Frenchy) Uchytil, wiin ,;
Italian accordion by Mr. Otto Rindlisbacher and viking
'cello by Mrs. Otto Rindlisbacher. Washington, D, 0.,-Alan
Lomax, 1938. 1622 B3, 1623 Al ,'."■' ■-.'
RIVER SIDE, THE. Sung by J. W. Green. St.- James, Beaver- island,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2282 B
RIVER SONG. Sung by Tom McKinney. Vicksburg, Miss., John A.
Lomax, 1936. 617 A2
RIVER THAT RUNS, THE. Sung by Mrs. Susan and Betty Sue Shepherd.
Cumberland, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. ' 14-3.6 31,
ROANOKE RIVER. Sung by Bascorn Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New York,
N. Y., George W. Kibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935=
1804 Al
ROARING RIVER. Sung by Basc-ora Lamar Lunsford with fiddle. New
.York, N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William' Cabell' Greet, 1935.
1838 A3
ROBERT CHARLES' STORY. Spoken by Ferdinand (Jelly Roll)- Morton,
Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 19.38.- 164-6. A & B ..'.' ;.--...
ROBERTA. Sung by Hudriio Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with guitar.
Wilton, Conn., John A." fronax, 1935. 51 B
ROBERTA. Sung by Richard Amerson. Livingston, Ala., John A. end
Ruby T. 'Lomax, 1940. 4048 Al • •
ROBIN BIRD SONG. Sung by Mrs. Howard. Phoenix, Ariz., Margaret
Valiant, 1939- 3323' BS ■ ■[. y. ■:
ROBIN THOMPSON'S DAUGHTER, Sung by Jv W. Green. St. James,
Beaver island, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 228'6 B2, 22.87 Al
ROCK ALL OF OUR BABIES TO SLEEP, Sung by Nathan Judd.with guitar.
, Arvin FSA camp, Arvin, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert".
Sonkin, 1940. 4089 .A2 .
ROCK AND RYE. Sung by Mrs. Mary Fuller Cain. Clintwood, V&.-,.
Herbert Halpert, 1939., , 2819 A.3
ROCK CANDY.- Sung by Charles L. Long with fiddle and Sam ileal
beating straws. Quitman, Miss,, Herbert Halpert, 1939.
3044 B2 ■ . ,.•
- 338 .-
ROCK CANDY. Sung by group of Negro school children. Drew, Miss.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 4-017 A3
ROCK CHARIOT. Sung by Richard Amerson. Livingston, Ala., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 1322 A2
ROCK, DANIEL, UNTIL I DIE. Sung by Pappie, Belle, Henry Lundy .and
mixed group. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth
Barnicle, 193?. 534 Bl
ROCK FOUNDATION. Spoken by Negro preacher. State prison farm,
Milledgeville, Ga., John A. Lomax, 1934 • 258 A2 :
ROCK, I TELL YOU, ROCK. Sung by Bill Tatnall and group,. Fred erica,
Ga., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935. 317 Bl
ROCK, I TELL YOU, ROCK. Sung by Bill Tatnall and group. Frederica,
Ga., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935. 317 B2
ROCK, I TELL YOU, ROCK. Sung by Bill Tatnall with guitar.
Frederica, Ga., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 319 Al
ROCK ISLAND LIME. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Cumins state
farm, Gould, Ark., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2671 Al
ROCK ISLAND LINE. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Little Rock,
Ark., John A. Lomax, 1934- 236 Al
ROCK ISLAND LINE. Sung by group of Negro convicts with ax-cutting.
Cumins state farm, Gould, Ark., John A. Lomax, 1934. 248 Al
ROCK OF AGES. Sung by Jim and. Sarah Garland and Buddie Ledbetter.
(Lead Belly). Pineville, Ky. , Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1938.
2023 A-10 in.
ROCK PILE. Sung by Thomas (Rooster) Monroe .. Cumins state farm,
Gould, Ark., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, .1939 • 2673 32
ROCK RIGHT THROUGH THE FIRE. Sung by group' of Andres island men.
Sponge docks, Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935- 430 B3
ROCK THE BABY, JOHN. Spoken by Jennie Devlin. Gloucester, N. J.,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 1843 B5
ROCK THE BABY, LUTEN. Sung by Grade Boggs. Fort White, Fla.,
Alton C. Morris, 1937. 989 A2
ROCKABABY BUNTIN' . Sung by Mrs. Alice Williams. Ashland, Ky. ,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1021 B2
ROCKABYE BABY. Sung by Alice and Johnnie. St. Louis, Mo., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3195 A3
ROCKABYE BABY. Sung by Fanny Myres. Jackson, Miss-., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 880 B3
ROCKABYE BABY. Sung by Georgia Baymors . Jackson, Miss., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 880 34
ROCKABYE BABY. Sung by Mrs. Jessie Buchanan. Magse, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3055, B2
ROCKABYE BABY. Sung by Mrs. Ruth Clark Cullipher and Angle
Clark. Mullins, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1299 31
Galax, Va. , John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4082 Al
ROCKING CHAIR BLUES. Sung by Viola Jenkins, Gainesville, Fla.,
Alton C. Morris, 1937. 977 Bl
ROCKING THE BABY TO SLEEP. Sung by Jennie Devlin. Gloucester,
N. J., Alan Lomax, 1938. 1843 B4
ROCKS IN THE MOUNTAIN. Sung by; Wendell Hart and four Negro .
convicts. State (Reid) farm, Boykin, S. C, John A. Lomax,
1936. 720 Bl
ROCKS ON EVERY SIDE. Sung by Viola Brown. Murrells Inlet, S. C.
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2722 Bl
ROCKY ISLAND. Played by M. Asher on banjo. Hyden, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1516 Bl
ROCKY ISLAND. Sung by J. M. Mullins with banjo. West Liberty,
Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1565 B
ROCKY ISLAND. Sung by Maynard Britton with guitar. Big Creek,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1524 Bl
ROCKY MOUNTAIN. Played by Crockett Ward on fiddle and Fields
Yferd on guitar. Galax, Va. , John A. and Ruby T. Lomax,
194-0. 4082 B2
ROCKY MOUNTAIN TOP. Sung by John Siaemore, with guitar by-
Farmer Coilett. Middlefork., Ky, , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax,
1937. 1423 B4, 1429 Al
ROCKY MY SOUL. Sung by Uncle Rich Brown. Sumterville, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4027 Bl
ROCKY ROAD TO DUBLIN, THE. Played, by Fred Fuco on violin.
Grandville, near Baraga, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938* 2409 &3
ROCKY ROAD TO JERICQ. Sung by group of cowboys, with fiddle by-
Clifford Murray and guitar by Mrs. Bob Oriswell.
Throckmorton, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1935. 549 Al
ROCKY ROW. Sung by group of Negro school children. Near York,
Ala., John A. and Ruby X. Lomax, 1940. 4029 B4
RODE OFF TO FAMARTON. Sung by Dora Franks. Merryville, La.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2667 A3 & Bl
ROLL A BOWL 0' SHOAT AND i, HOG EYE. Sung by Finley- Adams .
Dunham, Ky. , Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2797 A2
ROLL, ALABAMA, ROLL. Sung by Capt. Richard Maitland. Sailors'
snug harbor, Staten Island, New York, N. Y., Alan Lomax,
1939 2527 B, 2528 A
ROLL DOWN THE LINE. Sung by Thaddeus Goddson with bones and
Belton Reese with banjo. Brevard plantation, Adams mill,
near Columbia, S. C, Charles Seeger, 1939. 3792 A2
ROLL 'EM. Played by Pete Johnson on piano. New York, N. Y. ,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 2499 B
ROLL 'EM FOR YOU. Sung by Rowena Bell, Pappie and Sweety Pie
with drum. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935- 529 B2
ROLL 'EM ON DOWN. Sung by Pappie and group of Andres island
men. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935. 507 B
ROLL, JORDAN, ROLL. Sung by Alice (Judge) Richardson. Natchez,
Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4001 Bl
ROLL ON, BABE. Sung by J. M. Mullins with banjo. Florress, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1589 A2 & B
ROLL ON, BUDDY. Played by Luther Strong on fiddle. Hazard, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1534 Bl
- 340 -
ROLL ON, BUDDY. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. I.,
Alan Lomax, 1939- 2548 A & B
ROLL ON, BUDDY. Sung by Bill Atkins with guitar. Pineville, Ky. ,
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 1989 A2-10 in.
ROLL ON, BUDDY. Sung by Mrs. Louise Henson. San Antonio, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 888 Bl
ROLL ON, BUDDY. Sung by Mrs. Louise Henson. San Antonio, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 939 Al
ROLL ON, BUDDY. Sung by Skyline farms group. Washington, D, C.,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 1630 B2
ROLL ON, BUDDY. Sung by W. C. Randy with guitar. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938. 1.621 A3& A4
ROLL ON, LITTLE DOGIES. Sung by Mrs. J. L. Davis. Spur, Tex,,
John A. Lomax, 1935. 553 A
ROLL ON, LITTLE DOGIES. Sung by San Angelo cowboy quartet. San
Angelo, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1935- 54-3 B
ROLL ON THE GROUND. Sung by Ray Wood. Houston, Tex., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- ' 2594 A2
ROLL ON THE GROUND, BOYS. Sung by- Thaddeus 0. Willingham with
banjo. Gulfpcrt, Miss., Herbert Kalpsrt, 1939. 3113 A
ROLL OUT THE PICKETS. Sung by Ruby Rains with guitar. Bakersfield,
Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonk'in, 1940. 414-0 Bl
ROLL OVER JORDAN. Sung by group of Andres island men. Nassau,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 496 31
ROLL, ROLL UNDER. Sung by Albertine Keith. Murrolls Inlet, S. C,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 946 Al
ROLL THE COTTON DOWN. Sung by Capt, Leighton Robinson, Alex Barr,
Arthur Brodeur and Leighton McKenzie. Belvedere, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939. 4232 B2
ROLL THE COTTON DOM. Sung by Capt. Richard Maitiand. Sailors'
snug harbor, Stater Island, New York, II. Y,, Alan Lomax,
1939. 2520 B
ROLLIN' DOWN THE LINE. Sung by group of Negro prisoners. Work
house , Memphis, Term., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1.933. 174 Bl
ROLLIN' DOWN THE LINE. Sung by group' of Negro prisoners. Work
house, Memphis, Term. , John A. and Alan Lomax. 1933. 174 B2
ROLLING HOME.' . Sung by Capt. Leighton Robinson, Alex Barr,
Arthur Brodeur and Leighton McKenzie. Belvedere, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939- 4230 A
ROLLING HOME. Sung by Capt. Richard Maitiand. Sailors' snug harbor,
Staten Island, New York, N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1939.
2520 A, 2521 A
ROLLING SAM. Sung by student body of Dorchester academy. Mcintosh,
Ga., Margaret Valiant, 1939. 3604 32
ROLLING UP COTTON. Played by Henry Davis on fiddle, Hamilton,
Ohio, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1715 A2
ROLLY-TOO-RUM. Sung by Mrs. Neil Hampton. Salyersville, Ky., Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1572 Al
- 341 -
ROLLY TRUDUM. Suing by Horton Barker. Near Chilhowie, Va,,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2838 Bl
ROLLY TRUDUM. Sung by Mrs. Ada Mooney. Oxford, Miss., Herbert
. Halpert, 1939- 3016 B2
ROLY-POLY. Sung by Mrs. Grace Langino. Huntsville, Tex.. John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 264.7 A3
ROMISH LADY, THE. Sung by Ba scorn Lamar Lunsford, New York,
N. I., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935.
1790 32
ROMISH LADY, THE. Sung by Mr. and Mrs. Boyd. Hoskins. Horse
creek, Clay co., Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1492 Bl
ROMISH LADY, THE. Sung by Mrs. Hallie May Preece. Austin, Tex,,
John A. Lomax, 1937= 916 Bl
ROMISH LADY, THE. Sung 'oj Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College, N. C,
Fletcher Collins, 1939- 3784 Bl
ROMISH LADY, THE. Sung by Mrs. Leander Wilson. Zionvilie, N.,C,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 835 Ai
ROMISH LADY, THE. Sung by Mrs. Minnie Floyd. Murrells Inlet,
S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1Q40 AI & B
ROMISH LADY, THE. Sung by Mrs. Myra Barnett Miller. Tuchaseigee,
N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 842 33
ROMISH LADY, THE. Sung by Mrs. T. M. Bryant. Evansville, Ind.,
Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1938. 1752 A2
ROMISH LADY. Sung by Mrs. W. L. Martin. Hills villa, Va. , Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2752 M, Bl & 62
ROMISH LADY, THE. Sung by Monroe Gevedon, with guitar and banjo
by Cathlyn and Bert Gevedon. Vilest Liberty, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937, 1557 B
ROOSEVELT BLUES. Sung by Annie Brewer .. Montgomery, Ala., John A,
Lomax, 1937. 948 Bl
ROOSTER AND THE PREACHER. Sung by Mrs. Jessie Buchanan, Magee,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3056 B2
ROOT, HOG, OR DIE. Sung by Ed Thrasher. Round Lake, Mich., Alan
Lomax, 1938. 2321 A4 & B2 ■
ROOT, HOG, OR DIE. Sung by R, R. Denoon. Springfield. Mo.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3199 Al
ROOT, HOG, OR DIE. Sung dj R. R. Denoon with guitar. Springfield,
Mo., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3346 Al
ROOT, HOG, OR DIE. Sung by Sam Bell. Cliff house, Tuolumne co.,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939- 3371 Al & A2
ROOT, HOG, OR DIE QUICKSTEP. Played by Aaron Morgan on harmonica.
Columbia, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939= 3367 B3
ROSE CONNELLY. Sung by Tilman Cadie, Middles boro, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1402 Al
ROSE IN THE RING. Sung by Beatrice Nidleman. New York, N. Y. ,
1938. 3625 32
ROSEMARY AND THYME. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark.,
John A. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 866 A2
ROSEMARY AND THYME. Sung by Myra S. Hull. Washington, D. C,
Alan Lomax, 1937. 1371 Al-10 in.
ROSES BLOOM IN THE SUNSET. Flayed by Henry Davis on fiddle.
Hamilton, Ohio.. Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1938. 1714 B4
- M2 -
ROSES ON MY SHOULDER. Sang by school child. Dunham, Ky. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2789 B4
ROSEWOOD CASKET. Sung by Cleophas Franklin, Maryville, Term.,
Herbert Halpert. 1939- 2892 B3
ROSEWOOD CASKET, THE. Sung by Mrs. Rebecca Jones. Ebenezer church,
H. C, Richard Chase, 1935- 3425 A3
ROSEWOOD CASKET. Sung by Mrs. W. R. Buchanan. Heaton, N. C,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2856 32
ROSIE. Sung by Aunt Molly McDonald and family. Livingston,
Ala,, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2689 B2
ROSIE. Sung by Dobie Red and eight men. State penitentiary,
Parcman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 736 Al
ROSIE. Sung by Dobie Red and group. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 734 B
ROSIE. Sung by eight Negro girls. Kirby Industrial school,
Atmore, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1934. 88 Bl
ROSIE. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Oakley, Miss., John
A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. 1855 Bl-10 in.
ROSIE. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. 1858 A -10 in,
ROSIE. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. 1859 E-10 in.
ROSIE. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Tucker state farm,
Tucker, Ark., John A. Lomax, 1934- 241 B2
ROSIE. Sung by Hosea (Blue) Smith. Cumins state farm, Gould,
Ark., John A. and Ruby I. Lomax, 1939. 2.674 B
ROSIE. Sung by Lonnie Robertson, Jim Taylor and six Negro con-
victs. Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 605 A
ROSIE. Sung by Negro convict group. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939« 2681 Al
ROSIE. Sung by Vera Hall. Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, 1939- 2678 B2
ROSIE, BIG-LEG. Sung by Frank (Gulf port Red) Mixon and group
of Negro convicts,, with ax-cutting. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 268.1 A2
ROSIE, BIG-LEG. Sung by George Brooks, Jeff Wilson end group.
State penitentiary. Parchman, Miss,, John A. Lomax, 1937.
892 A
ROSIE, BIG-LEG. Sung by Jeff Webb and group. State penitentiary,
Parchjaan, Miss,, John A. Lomax, 1937. 884 A2
ROSIE, BIG-LEG, Sung by Lonnie Robertson and about forty
convicts. State penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax,
193 S, 741 A
ROSIE, OH, GAL. Sung by Ed Jones. Livingston, Ala., John A.
and Ri-by T. Lomax", 1939- 2701 S3
ROSIN THE BCW. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New York,
N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet. 1935=
1800 A2
ROSIN THE BOW. Sung by Capt. Pearl R. Nye. Akron, Ohio, Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1612 Al
- ;.v H .j.. -
ROLLY TRUDUM. Sung by Norton Barker. Near Chilhowie, Va.,
Herbert Halpert., 1939. 2838 Bl
ROLLY TRUDUM. Sung by Mrs. Ada Mooney. Oxford, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. ' 3016 B2
ROLY-POLY. Sung by Mrs. Grace Langino. Huntsville, Tex.. John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2647 A3
ROMISH LADY, THE. Sung by Bascoro Lamar Lunsford. New York,
N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935.
1790 32
ROMISH LADY, THE. Sung by Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hoskins. Horse
creek, Clay cc, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1492 82
ROMISH LADY, THE. Sung by Mrs. Kallie May Prsece. Austin, Tex,,
John A. Loinax, 1937. 916 Bl
ROMISH LADY, THE. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College, N. 0. ,
Fletcher Collins, 1939- '3784 Bl
ROMISH LADY, THE. Sung by Mrs. Leander Wilson. Zionvilie, N..C,
Joiin A. Lomax, 1936. 835 Al
ROMISH LADY, THE. Sung by Mrs. Minnie Floyd. Murrells Inlet,
S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1040 Al & B
ROMISH LADY, THE. Sung by Mrs. Myra Barnett Miller. Tuehaseigee,
N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 842 33
ROMISH LADY, THE. Sung by' Mrs. T. M. Bryant. Evansville, Ind.,
Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1938. 1752 A2
ROMISH LADY. Sung by Mrs. W. L. Martin. Hillsville, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2752 A/+, Bl & 32
ROMISH LADY, THE,. Sung oy Munroe Gevsdon, with guitar and banjo
by Gathlyn and Bert Gevedon. West Liberty, Ky. , Alan and
Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1557 B
ROOSEVELT BLUES. Sung by Annie Brewer. Montgomery, Ala., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 948 Bl
ROOSTER AND THE PREACHER. Sung by Mrs. Jessie Buchanan. Magee,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3056 32
ROOT, HOG, OR DIE. Sung by Ed Thrasher. Round Lake, Mich., Alan
Lomax, 1938. 2321 A4 & 32
ROOT, HOG, OR DIE. Sung by R. R. Denoon. Springfield. Mo.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3199 Al
ROOT, HOG, OR DIE. Sung by R. R. Denoon with guitar. Springfield,
Mo., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3346 Al
ROOT, HOG, OR DIE. Sung by Sam Bell. Cliff house, Tuolumne co.,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3371 Ax & A2
ROOT, HOG, OR DIE QUICKSTEP. Played by Aaron Morgan on harmonica.
Columbia, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3367 B3
ROSE CONNELLY. Sung by Tilman Cadle. Middlesboro, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1402 Al
ROSE IN THE RING. Sung by Beatrice Nidleman. New York, N. Y. ,
1938. 3625 B2
ROSEMARY AND THYME. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark.,
John A. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 866 A2
ROSEMARY AND THYME. Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washington, D. C,
Alan Lomax, 1937. 1371 Al-10 in.
ROSES BLOOM IN THE SUNSET. Played by Henry Davis on fiddle.
Hamilton, Ohio., Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1938. 1714 B4
- M2 -
ROSES ON MY SHOULDER. Sung by school child., Dunham, Ky. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2789 B4
ROSEWOOD CASKET. Sung by Cleophas Franklin, Maryville, Term.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2892 B3
ROSEWOOD CASKET, THE. Sung by Mrs. Rebecca Jones. Ebenezer church,
N. C, Richard Chase, 1935- 3425 A3
ROSEWOOD CASKET. Sung by Mrs. W. R. Buchanan. Heaton, N. C.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2856 B2
ROSIE. Sung by Aunt Molly McDonald and family. Livingston,
Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2689 B2
ROSIE. Sung by Dobie Red and eight men. State penitentiary,
Pare man, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 736 Al
ROSIE. Sung by Dobie Red and group. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 734 B
ROSIE. Sung by eight Negro girls. Kirby industrial school,
Atmore, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1934 • 88 Bl
ROSIE. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Oakley, Miss., John
A. and Alan Lomax, 1933- 1855 Bl-10 in'.
ROSIE. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. I858 A-10 in,
ROSIE. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. 1859 E-10 in.
ROSIE. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Tucker state farm,
Tucker, Ark., John A. Lomax, 1934- 241 B2
ROSIE. Sung by Hosea (Blue) Smith. Cumins state farm, Gould,
Ark., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2674 B
ROSIE. Sung by Bonnie Robertson, Jim Taylor : and six Negro con-
victs. Parchman, Miss., John A." Lomax, 1936. 605 A
ROSIE. Sung by Negro convict group. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2681 Al
ROSIE. Sung by Vera Hall. Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T,
Lomax, 1939- 2678 32
ROSIE, BIG-LEG. Sung by Frank (Gulfport Red) Mixon and group
of Negro convicts,, with ax-cutting. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., John A. and. Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2681 A2
ROSIE, BIG-LEG. Sung by George Brooks, Jeff Wilson end group.
State penitentiary, Parehoan,. ' Miss. , John A. Lomax, 1937.
892 A
ROSIE, BIG-LEG. Sung by Jeff Webb and group. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss,, John A. Lomax, 1937. 884 A2
ROSIE, BIG-LEG, Sung by Lonnie Robertson and about forty
convicts. State penitentiary, Parchman, Miss.. John A. Lomax,
193o, 741 A
ROSIE, OH, GAL. Sung by Ed Jones, Livingston, Ala., John A.
and Rvby T. Lomax, 1939- 2701 B3
ROSIN THE BCW. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New York,
N. Y.j George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935,
1800 A2
ROSIN THE BOW. Sung by Capt. Pearl R. Nye. Akron, Ohio, Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1612 Al
- 345 -
ROXIE. Sung by group of Negro convicts ^with ax-cutting. State
penitentiary, Parchraan, Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax,
1939. 2676 Al
ROXIE. Sung by Will Broadnax and group of convicts. State pen-
itentiary, Parchraan, Miss., John A. Loraax, 1936. 621 Bl
ROXIE ANNE. Sung by Gilbert Fike. Little Rock, Ark., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 31S7 B3
ROXIE ANNE. Sung by Samuel Clay Dixon. Mt. Vernon, Ind., Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1749 Bl
ROYAL BAND, THE. Sung by Mrs. Sabra Hampton. Mcrganton, N. C,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2872 Bl & B2
RU-DI-RU-DI-RAY. Sung by Ray Wood. New Orleans, La., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 885 A2
RUBBER BALL BLUES. Sung by Lucious Curtis with guitar, with
guitar by Willie Ford. Natchez, Miss., John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, 1940. 4-007 Bl
RUBBER DOLLY. Sung by school children. Brandon, Miss., John A.
Lomax, 1937. " 836 A2
RUBEN. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New York, N. Y.,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935- 1788 A2
RUDE AND RAMBLING MAN. Sung by Oscar Hampton. Morgantown, N. C,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2871 A2
RUINT COBBLER, THE. Sung by Basccm Lamar Lunsford. New York,
N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935.
1328 A3
RUMBA. Played by Ramon Bermudez on drum. Tampa, Fla . , Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3 146 B4
RUN ALONG, JOHNNY. Sung by Mrs. Crockett Ward, Galax, Va., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4048 31
RUN ALONG, JOHNNY, Sung by Mrs. Crockett Ward. Galax, Va., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4084 32
RUN AWAY, BABE. Sung by Willie Outlaw. Cumins state farm, Gould,
Ark. , John A. and Ruby T, Lomax, 1939- 2669 B2
RUN, BANJO. Played by Justis Begley on banjo. Hazard, Ry. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1530 B2
RUN DOWN, ELI. Sung by Jimmie Strothers with banjo. State Farm,
Va., John A. Lomax, 1936. 747 Al
RUN HERE, JEREMIAH. Sung by Alberta Bradford and Becky Elsy. Avery
Island, La., John A. Lomax, 1934- 106 Bl
RUN HERE, LULA. Sung by group of Fox hill men. Nassau, Bahamas.,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 439 A2
RUN, LITTLE D0GIES. Sung by Francis Sullivan. Washington, D. C,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 1849 Al, Bl & B2
RUN, MARY, RUN. Sung by Martha Wright, Lillie Knox and Albertine
Keith. Murrells Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 9-10 Bl
RUN, MOURNER, RUN. Sung by Alberta Bradford and Becky Elsy.
Avery Island, La., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934- 106 B2
RUN, NIGGER, RUN. Played by Stephen B. Tucker en fiddle.
Meridian, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3046 A4
RUN, NIGGER, RUN. Played by W. M.*Stepp on fiddle. Salyersville ,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937, 1569 A3
- 346 -
RUN, NIGGER, RUN. Sung by Dr. David Mcintosh, National folk fes-
tival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson, 19.37. 324-3 A2
RUN, NIGGER, RUN. Sung by Dr. David Mcintosh. National folk fes-
tival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3248 A3
RUN, NIGGER, RUN. Sung by G. D. Vowell. Harlan., Kj., Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1381 A5
BUN, NIGGER, RUN. Sung by Georgia S. Baymore. Jackson, Miss.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 882 A3
RUN, NIGGER, RUN. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Slon College, N. C,
Fletcher Collins, 1939- 3787 32
RUN, NIGGER, RUN. Sung by Mrs. Minta Morgan. Bells, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 922 A2
RUN, NIGGER, RUN. Sung by Mose (Clear Rock) Piatt. Central state
farm, Sugarland, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. 196 Al
RUN, NIGGER, RUN. Sung by S. F. Russell. Marion, Va.. Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3163 A2
RUN, NIGGER, RUN. Sung by Thaddeus C. Willingham with banjo.
Gulf port. Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3115 A
RUN, NIGGER, RUN. Sung by Uncle Tom West with dulcimer. American
folk song festival, Ashland, Ky. , Jean Thomas 1 , I934« 291 A
RUN, NIGGER, RUN. Sung by W. E. ' Clauhc'h. with fiddle ana Mrs.
Christeen Haygood with guitar. Near Guntown , Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2973 A3
Fox hill men. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935. 439 A3
RUNAWAY NEGRO. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Cumins state
farm, Gould, Ark., John A. Lomax., 1934. 244 32
RUNNING DOWN. Sung by Elizabeth Austin and group of women. Old
Bight, Cat island, Bahamas., Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935- 420 B4
RUNNING STEWBALL. Sung by Vester 'Whitworth, with guitar by
Zelmer Ward. Arvin FSA camp, Arvin, Calif., Charles L, Todd
and Robert Sonkin, 1940. 4098 B2
RUNNING UP DE SHINY WAY. Sung by.D. W. White and Pearson's funeral
home choir. Columbia, S, C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1028 B2
RUNNING UP THE KING'S HIGHWAY. Sung by Betty Moore and Liza Witt.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4023 32
RUSTIC DANCE. Played by Mr. Miller on fiddle, with organ and
banjo. Mitchell, S. Dak., Nicholas Ray, 1939- 3676 Bl & 2
RYE STRAW. Played by Bascom Lamar Lunsford on fiddle, New York,
N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935.
1836 B2
RYE STRAW. Played by Frank Kittrall on fiddle with heel tapping
and Mrs. Kittrall beating straws. Meridian, Mies., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 3036 B2
RYE WHISKY. Sung by Aung Molly Jackson. New York, N. I., Alan
Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935- 828 A3
RYE WHISKY. Sung by Bob Crisvrell with fiddle, guitar and bones.
Spur, Tex., John A. , Lomax, 1935. 552 B2
RYE HUSKY. Sung by Elmo. Newcomer with fiddle. Pipecreek, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2634 3
- 347 -
RYE WHISKY. Sung by Fields and Mrs. Crockett Ward and Mrs. Kate
Hill. Galax, Va. , John A. Lomax, 1937. 1356 Bl
RYE WHISKY. Sung by Finley Adams. Dunham, Ky. , Herbert Halpert,
1939. 2770 B2
RYE WHISKY. Sung by Frank Goodwyii with guitar. Falfurrias, Tox. ,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2622 B3
RYE WHISKY. Sung by Lewis H. Propps with fiddle. Pleasanton,
Tex. , John A. Lomax, 1936. 558 B
RYE WHISKY. Sung by Llano singers. Llano, Tex., John A. Lomax,
1937. 901 A2
RYE WHISKY. Sung by May Kennedy McCord. Springfield, Mo., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3216 Bl
RYE WHISKY. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 956 A3
RYE WHISKY. Sung by Sgt. Kirkheart with guitar, with banjo by
Edgar Smith and fiddle by Marvin Thornton. Fort Thomas, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1700 B
RYE WHISKY. Sung by Woodrow (Woody) Wilson Guthrie with guitar.
Washington, D. C, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1940.
3408 A & Bl
- 348 -
SADLY BLOWS THE WEEPING WILLOW. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New
York, N. Y. , Alan Lomax, 1939. 2530 A
SAK, COW, I CAN'T MILK THAT KICKIN' COW.- Sung by Job and Molly
McDonald. Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0.
4030 B2 & B3
SAID THE BLACKBIRD. Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washington, D. C, Alan
Lomax, 1937. 1056 Al
SAID THE BULLFROG TO THE CRANE. Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937, 1056 A3
SAIL AROUND THE OCEAN. Sung by Mrs. J. R. Bickers taff . Near
Tishomingo, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939= 2981 B5
SAIL AWAY FOR THE RIO GRANDE'. Sung by Charles J. Finger. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937. 999 Al
SAIL, GAL, GOT A PIECE TO SAIL. Sung by Elizabeth Austin and group
of women. Old Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 420 Al
SAIL ON, LITTLE GIRL,' SAIL ON. Sung by Rochelle French with guitar,
with guitar by Gabriel Brown. Eatonviile, Fla. , Alan Lomax,
Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 356 B
SAIL THE BOAT. Sung by an adult. Monroe county training school,
Amory, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2976 B4
SAIL THE HOOT. Sung by an adult. Monroe county training school,
Amory, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2976 B4
SAIL THE HOOTICAT. Sung by Eva Grace Boone and five children,.
Brandon, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3049 B3
SAIL THE WIDE WORLD OVER. Sung by C-ant family. Austin, Tex. , John
A. Lomax, 1936. 650 A2
Austin and group of women. Old Bight, Cat island, Bahamas,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 420 A2
SAILOR AND THE SOLDIER, THE. Sung by Mrs. Theodosia Bennett Long.
Saltillo, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2952 A2
SAILOR AND THE TAILOR, THE. Sung by Mrs. J. A. Hart. Newberry,
Fla., John A. Lomax, 1937. 957 B2
SAILOR BOY, THE. Sung by Austin Harmon with banjo. Maryville,
Tenn. , Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2219 A2
SAILOR BOY, THE. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James, Beaver island,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 3285 B
SAILOR BOY. Sung by Samuel Harmon. Maryville, Tenn., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2802 Al
SAILOR BOY SEES PLEASURE, THE. Sung by John Harris. Ramapo, N. Y. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1937. 3672 Al
SAILOR BOY'S REQUEST, THE. Sung by Mrs. L. L. McDowell.
Smithville, Tenn., Sidney Robertson, 1936. .3182 Bl
SAILOR JACK. Sung by John McCready. Groveland, Calif. , Sidney
Robertson, 1939- 3354 Bl
SAILOR WAS SICK. Sung by Cleophas Franklin, Maryville, Tenn.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2892 B2
SAILOR'S ALPHABET. Sung by Capt. Leighton Robinson, Alex Barr,
Arthur Brodeur, Leighton McKenzie and group. Belvedere, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939. 4230 B
- 349 -
SAILOR'S ALPHABET. Sung by Ivan Walton. Port. Huron, Mich., Ivan
Walton, 193S. 3399 B4
SAILOR'S GRAVE, THE. Sung by Pat Ford. Central Valley, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939 . . 4-211 B.1
SAILOR'S SWEETHEART. Sung by Bill State., San Antonio, Tex., John
A. Lomax, 1936. 555 A . . •
SAINT . ' , - '
ST. JAMES HOSPITAL. Sung by E. A. Briggs. Medina, Tex.,' John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2637 A3
ST. JAMES HOSPITAL. Sung by Henry Lundy. Nassau, Bahamas,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth 3arnicle, 1935- 521 Bl
ST. JAMES HOSPITAL. Sung by James (iron Head) Baker. Central
state farm, Sugar land, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934«
204 Bl
ST. JAMES HOSPITAL. Sung by James (iron Head) Baker. Central
state farm, Sugarland, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934«
206 A2
ST. JAMES HOSPITAL. Sung by James (iron Head) Baker.
Washington, D. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 718 Bl
ST. JAMES HOSPITAL. Sung by Margaret Phieff . New Bight, Cat
island, Bahamas, Alan Lornax and Mary Elizabeth Barniele,
1935. 410 31
ST. JAMES HOSPITAL. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 956 JB3
ST. JAMES HOSPITAL. Sung by Mose (Clear Rock) Piatt. Central
state farm, Sugarland, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933-
194 B2
ST. JAMES INFIRMARY. Sung by Jesse Wadley. Bell wood orison
camp, Atlanta-, Ga. , John A. Lomax, 1934. 255 Al
ST. PATRICK'S DAY IN THE MORNING. Played by Henry Davis on
fiddle. Hamilton, Ohio, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938.
1714 Al
ST. PATRICK'S DAY IN THE MORNING. Played by L. 0. Weeks on
fiddle. Springfield, Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness
Flanders, 1939. 3690 B2
ST. PETER AT THE GATE. Sung by Capt. Pearl R. Nye. Akron,
Ohio, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1006 A3
ST. PETER AT THE GOLDEN GATE. Spoken by John McCready.
Groveland, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939- 3352 Al, Bl & 3
and Beatrice Perry. State penitentiary, Parchman, Miss.,
Herbert Helper t, 1939. 3087 A2
SAL GOT A MEAT SKIN LAID AWAY. Sung by Cleophas Franklin.
Maryville, Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2893 B2
SALEM. Sung by Uncle Billy McCrea. Jasper, Tex., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 3987. Al
SALISBURY MILLS. Sung by Mort Montonyea. Sloatsburg, N. Y. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1933. 3666 A2
SALLY. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark,, John A. Lomax
and Laurence Powell, 1936. 867 Al
SALLY AM DE GAL FOR ME. Sung by Janie Ellis Mason. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937. 1000 A2
- 350 -
SALLY MNE. Played by Bascom Lamar Lunsford on fiddle. New York,
N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935.
1834 B4
SALLY ANNE. Played oy Bogtrotters band. Galax, Va., Alan Lomax
and Peter Seeger, 1939. 3767 A2
SALLY ANNE. Played by J. W. (Peg) Hatcher on fiddle and Raymond
K. Sloan on guitar. Ferrum, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939.
27^1 31
SALLY ANNE. Sung by Mrs. Jeanne Wogan Arguedas. New Orleans, La.,
Herbert. Halpert, 1939- 3126 Al
SALLY ANNE. Sung by Mrs. Lina Melton. Galax, Va. , John A. and
Bess Lomax, 1937. 1340 A2 & A3
SALLY BROWN. Sung by'Capt. Leighton Robinson, Alex Barr, Arthur
Brodeur and Leighton McKenzie. Belvedere, Calif., Sidney
Robertson, 1939. 4231 A2
SALLY BROWN. Sung by Capt. Richard Maitland. Sailors' snug harbor,
Staten Island, New York, N. Y. , Alan Lomax, 1939. 2526 A
SALLY BROWN. Sung by John M. (Sailor Dad) Hunt. Marion, Va. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2839 A3
SALLY BROWN. Sung by S. F. Russell with dulcimer. Marion, Va,,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 316.1 A3
SALLY BUCK. Sung by Rex and James Hardie with Shafter,
Calif., Margaret Valiant, 1939. 3566 A2
SALLY GO 'ROUND THE MOON. Sung by Eddie Nelson. Murrells Inlet,
S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1303 B
SALLY GO 'ROUND THE MOONLIGHT. Sung by four girls. Tupelo, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2959 A3
SALLY GO 'ROUND THE SUNSHINE. Sung by eight" Negro girls. Kirby
industrial school, Atmore, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1934. 88 A3
SALLY GO 'ROUND THE SUNSHINE. Sung by group of little Negro girls.
Eatonville, Fla., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 349 B4
SALLY GO 'ROUND THE SUNSHINE. Sung by group of young people.
Edwards, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3072 Al
SALLY GOODIN. Played by Bob and Dewey Hammrick on violin and guitar.
Tygart valley homesteads, Elkins , W. Va., Gordon Barnes, 1939.
3575 B1
SALLY GOODIN . Played by Boyd Asher on fiddle. Hyden, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 19371 1525 Al & a2
SALLY GOODIN. Played by George C. Nicholson on fiddle, Providence,
Laurel co., Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1502 B4
SALLY GOODIN. Played by Howard Page on fiddle and J. D. Alien on
guitar, with calls by 01-o-n Pink. Visalia FSA camp, Visalia,
Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940. 4129 3
SALLY GOODIN. Played by J. W. (Peg) Hatcher on fiddle. Ferrum,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 274-1 B2
SALLY GOODIN. Played by Jimmy Haramick on fiddle. Hyden, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1527 M
SALLY GOODIN. Played by John Brown on fiddle. luka, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3002 Bl
SALLY GOODIN. Played by Justis Beglcy on banjo. Hazard, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1533 A2
- 351 -
SALLY GOOBIN. Played by Lake N. Porter on fiddle. Falfurrias,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2620 32
SALLY GOODIN. Played by Luther Strong on fiddle. Hazard, Xy. ,
Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1531 31
SALLY GOODIN. Played by Marion Rees on fiddle. Zionville, N. G.,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 841 A2
SALLY GOODIN. Played by Volney Fraley on harmonica. American folk
song festival, Ashland, Ky. , Jean Thomas, 1934. 295 A
SALLY GOODIN. Played by W. M. Stepp on fiddle. Salyersviile, Ky.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1574 Al
SALLY GOODIN. Played by Wade Ward on fiddle. Galax, Va., Alan
Lomax and Peter Seeger, 1939 • 3763 A4
SALLY GOODIN. Played by Wayne Perry on fiddle. Crowley, La., John
A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 21 A2
SALLY GOODIN. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with fiddle. New York,
N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935.
1835 A3
SALLY GOODIN. Sung by Blind James Howard with fiddle. Harlan, Ky.. ,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. 77 A2
SALLY GOODIN. Sung by John A. Lomax. Drew, Miss., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4.012 B'5
SALLY GOODIN. Sung by Lewis H. Propps, with guitar by Red King.
Pleasanton, Tex., John A. Lomax, 3.936. 620 A
SALLY GOODIN. Sung by Mrs. Mary Fuller Cain. Clintwood, Va. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2819 A7
SALLY GOODIN.. Sung by Sam Harmon, with banjo by .Austin Harmon.
Maryville, Term., Herbert Halpert, 1939. ' 2898 31
SALLY GOODIN. Sung by Thaddeus C. Willingharn with banjo. Gulf port,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 19 39. 3118 32
SALLY GOODIN. Sung by W. E. Claunch with fiddle and Mrs.
Chris teen Haygood with guitar. Near Gun town, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2973 B2
SALLY GORDON. Played by Fred Ferry on fiddle and Glenn Carver on
guitar. State farm, Raiford, Fla. , John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, 1939. 2717 Al
SALLY GOT A RED DRESS. Sung by Arthur (Brother-in-law) Armstrong
with guitar. Jasper, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax. 1940.
3978 31
SALLY JOHNSON. Played by J. C. Fowler, Elic Bucknor and Alva
Ruffner on fiddles, with calls by S. C. Simon. Lubbock,
Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 91?.' A
SALLY JOHNSON. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with fiddle. New
York, N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1835 A4
SALLY JOHNSON. Sung hy group of cowboys, with fiddle by Clifford
Murray and guitar by Mrs. Bob Criswell. Throckmorton, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1935. 549 Bl
SALLY JOHNSON. Sung by J. D. Dillingham with fiddle, with banjo
by Cox and guitar by Johnson. Austin, Tex. , John A. Lomax,
1935 . 578 B2
SALLY LOST HER PETTICOAT. Sung by Ray Wood. Houston, Tex., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2594 A4
- 352 -
SALLY MONROE. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James, Beaver island,
Mich., Alan Loraax, 1938. 2233 A
SALLY MONROE. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James, Beaver island,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2293 B2
SALLY MONROE. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James, Beaver- island,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2293 B3
SALLY-0. Sung by Charles L. Long with fiddle and Sam Neal beat-
ing straws. Quitman, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 30-43 A3
SALLY RILEY-0. Sung by Ivan Walton. Port Huron, Mich., Ivan Walton,
1938. 3399 B2 "
SALLY WENT TO MOBILE. Spoken by Free: Lee Fox, Jacksonville, Fla. ,
Stetson Kennedy and Robert Cook, 194-0. 3526 B4-
SALLY WENT TO MOBILE*". Sung by Fred Lee Fox. Jacksonville, Fla.,
Stetson Kennedy and Robert Cock, 19-40. 3526 B2
SALLY'S GOT RELIGION. Sung by Vera Hall. Livingston, Ala., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 4-066 B2
SALLY'S IN THE GARDEN. Sung by Mrs. Pearl Jacobs Borusky. Antigo,
Wis., Robert F. Draves, 194-0. 4-176 B2
SALT, SALT SEA. Sung by Jilson Setters. American folk song festi-
val, Ashland, Ky. , Jea.n Thomas, 1934- 304 B
SALTY DOG. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with guitar.
Wilton, Conn., John A. Lomax, 1935- 4-5 B
SAM BASS. Sung by Beale D. Taylor. Medina, Tex., John A. Lomax,
1939. 3806 Al
SMI BASS. Sung by Beale D. Taylor. Medina, Tex.., John A. Lomax,
1939. 3808 Al
SAM BASS. Sung by Ben Rice. Springfield, Mo., Sidney Robertson,
1937. 3222 Bl ■ -
SAM BASS. Sung by E. A. Briggs. Medina, Tex., John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, 1939'. 2637 Al
SAM BASS. Sung by T. G. Koskins with fiddle:. Hydcn, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 14-62 A
SAM GONE IN MY CUCKOO EYE. Sung by Frederick McQueen and group of
Andros island men. Sponge docks, Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax
and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 4-28 A3
SAM, MAMA LOOK AT RUGGED SAM. Sung by Victoria Wilson. New Sight,
Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935. 4-06 Al
SAMMY DAVIS' RAGTIME STYLE. Played by Ferdinand (Jelly Roll)
Morton on piano. Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1933. 164-2 Al
SAMMY GONE AWAY. Sung by Vera, Hall. Livingston, Ala., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4066 A3
SAMSON. Sung by Dock Reed and Jesse Allison. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T, Lomax, 1939. 2683 Al
SAMSON. Sung by Sylvester Johnson. Knight, La. , John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, 1939. 2659 B
SANDY, HE BELONGS TO THE MILL. Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937. 1602 A5
SANDY LAND. Sung by Mrs. Gallic, Melinda and Rosalee Vaughan.
Laager, Tenn. , Herbert Halpert, 1939. 294-1 33
SANDY RIVER BELLE. Played by J. W. (Peg) Hatcher on fiddle. Ferrum,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2740 Bl
- 353 -
SANGAREE. Sung by John Davis and mixed Negro group, with Kinging,
clapping and dancing. Frederica, Ga. , Alan Lomax, Zora
Neale Rurston and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 323 31
SANTA BARBARA EARTHQUAKE. Sung by Glida, Ella and Fay Gant.
Austin, Tex. j John A. and Alan Lcraax, 1935 • 64 Bl
SANTA BARBARA EARTHQUAKE, THE. Sung by Mrs. Vaster Whitworth,
with guitar by Zelmer Ward. Arvin FSA camp, Arvin, Calif.,
Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 19.40. 4098 Bi
SANTA FE BLUES. Sung by Smith Cason with .guitar. Clemens state
farm, Brazoria, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2593 31
SANTA FIELD (FE) BLUES. Sung by Willie Ford with guitar. Natchez,
Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4004 31
SANTY ANNA. Sung by Capt. Richard Maitland, Sailors' snug harbor,
Staten Island, New York, N. Y. , Alan Lomax, 1939. 2519 3
SANTY ANNA. Sang by James M. Connolly. New York, N. I., Herbert
Halpert, 1938. 3627 38
SANTY ANNA. Sung by James M. Connolly. New York, N. Y. , Herbert
Halpert, 1933. 3632 Al
SANTY ANNO. Sung by John M. (Sailor Dad) Hunt. Marion, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2839 Bl, 2340 Al
SANTY ANNO. Bong by John M. (Sailor Dad) Hunt. White top, Va., John
A. Lomax, 1935. 652 3
SARDIS. Sung by congregation of New Hope Baptist church. Meridian,
Miss., "Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3041 A2 & Bl
SAREY KELLY BLUES, THE. Sung by Claude Cryder with guitar.
Bloomington, Ind., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 3.933 • 1722 Al
SATAN LOST DE FADDLER'S KEY. Sung by Annie Holmes. Murrolls Inlet,
S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2719 32
SATISFIED. Sung by Annie and Hettie Godfrey. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4019 31
SATISFIED. Sung by Aunt Molly McDonald and family. Livingston,
Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2689 A3
SATISFIED. Sung by group of Negro school children. Near York, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4-029 A3
SATISFIED. Sung by group of Negro school children, with clapping.
Drew, Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4014 A2
SATISFIED. Sung by Leora Anderson, Edwards, Miss., Herbert Halpert,
1939- 3068 32
SATISFIED. Sung by Mrs. Laura and Ruby Clifton. Tupelo, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2969 Al
SATISFY. Sung by Katharine Shipp. Byhalia, Miss., Herbert halpert,
1939. 3008 Bl
SAW A SOW. Sung by Sara Jane Harvey. Magee, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3052 32
SAY, LITTLE SISTER, WON'T YOU MARRY ME? Sung by group of Negro
girls. Frederica, Ga., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 310 31
SCAND'LOUS AND A SHAME. Sung by Ed Jones. Livingston, Ala., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2703 A2
SCHENECTADY. Sung by Palmer Godsey and Sacred harp singers.
Bethel church, Franklin co., Ala., Herbert Halpert. 1939.
2949 32
SCHOOL SONG, THE. Sung by Mrs. T. M. Bryant. Evansville, Ind. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Loraax, 1938. 1755 A2
SCHOONER HUME. Sung by Ivan Walton. Port Huron, Mich., Ivan
Walton, 1938. 3399 B8
SCHOONER MOONLIGHT. Sung by Ivan Walton. Port Huron, Mich., Ivan
Walton, 1938. 3399 B5
SCHOTTISCHE. Played by Aaron Morgan on harmonica. Columbia, Calif,,
Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3363 B3
SCHOTTISCHE. Played by Aaron Morgan on harmonica. Columbia, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939- 3367 B2
SCHOTTISCHE. Played by Leizime Brusoe on fiddle. Rhinelander,
Wis., Robert F. Draves, 1940. 4-189 A2
SCHOTTISCHE. Played by Thomas Mann on dulcimer. Ortonville, Iowa,
Sidney Robertson", 1937. 3820 A7
SCHOTTISCHE. Played on organ, banjo and fiddle. Mitchell, S. Dak.,
Nicholas Ray, 1939. 3673 A3
SCIOTO VALLEY MILLS, THE. Sung by Capt. Pearl R. Nye. Akron, Ohio,
John A. Loraax, 1937.
1001 A2
SCISSORS GRINDER SONG. Sung by Ernestine Laban. Lafont Catholic
old folks' home, New Orleans, La., John A. Lomax, 1937.
889 B2
SCOLDING WIFE. Played by Bascora Lamar Lunsford on fiddle. New
York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1836 kl,
SCOLDING WIFE, THE. Played by J. D. Dillingham on fiddle, Cox on
banjo and Johnson on guitar. Austin, Tex. , John A. Lomax,
1935. 578 Bl
SCOLDING WIFE, THE. Played by Marion Rees on fiddle. Zionsville,
N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 837 A5
SCOTCH TUNE, A. Played by Fred Fuco on fiddle. Grandville, near
Baraga, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 24.10 A2
Mountain settlement school, Pino Mountain, Ky, , Alan and
Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1386 B
SCOTT NUMBER TOO. Played by John Hatcher on fiddle. luka, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3000 Al
SCOTT'S RETURN. Played by H. L. Maxey on fiddle. Ferrum, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2743 A4
SC0TTS30R0 BOYS. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with
guitar. New York, N. Y. , Alan Lomax, 1933. 2502 Al
SCRUBBER MURPHY. Sung by Ivan Walton. Port Huron, Mich., Ivan
Walton, 1938. 3399 36
SEA GULL. Sung by group of boys, with guitar. Migratory camp,
Brawley, Calif., Margaret Valiant, 1939- 3561 B2
SEA LINE. Suns by Mrs. Alice Williams. Ashland, Ky. , John A.
Lomax, 193? • 1012 Al
SEA LION. Sung by Aunt Molly McDonald and family. Livingston,
Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2689 31
SEA LION. Sung by Leora Anderson and five others. Edwards, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3067 Bl & 32
SEA LION. Sung by Katharine and Chris teen Shipp. Byhalia, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3003 33
- 355 -
SEA, SEA, GOT TO GIVE UP THE DEAD. Sung by group of Negro
convicts. State (Read) farm, Boykin, S. C, John A. and
Alan Lomax, 1934- 266 32
SEE DAY DAWNING. Sung by Henry Blue and Negro male group.
Frederica, Ga., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 336 Bl
SEE JOHN, THE WRITER. Sung by a group of Negro ditch-diggers.
Murrells Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1037 Bl
SEE THE BOAT COME ROUND THE BEND. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury.
Mena, Ark., John A. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 863 A2
SEE UNCLE LOU MEN HE FALL IN THE WELL? Sung by Gertrude Thurston
and mixed group with drum. New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935. 336 31
SEED TICK. Sung by group of Negro children. Burkeville, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2656 B2
SELINE. Sung by Sarah Ann Reed and young people's group. Southern
Christian institute, Edwardc, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939-
3069 31
SEND DOWN BLESSING. Sung by Pappie, Belle, Henry Lundy and mixed
group. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935. 534 Al
SEND DOM BLESSING. Sung by Victoria Wilson. New Bight, Cat island,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935. 403 31
SEND DOWN YOUR HAND. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with
guitar. Wilton, Conn., John A. Lomax, 1935. 149 A
SEND DOWN YOUR HAND. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Bally) with
guitar. Wilton, Conn., John A. Lomax, 1935. 151 3
SEND FOR THE FIDDLE. Sung by Flora, Ruby and Cordy Richardson.
Murrells Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1043 Al
SEND ME. Sung by Christeen, Katharine, Alison and Isaac Shipp.
Byhalia, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3006 Al
SEND ME' DOWN A BLESSING. Sung by Victoria Wilson. New Bight, Cat
island, Bahamas. Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle,
1935. 409 A2
SENTENCE TO DEATH. Sung by Andrew E. (Mary Ann) Gallagher. St.
James, Beaver island, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1933. 2300 3
2301 A
SENTENCE TO JAIL IN DECEMBER. Sung by John Canoe and group of
young men, with banjo and guitar. New Bight, Cat island,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935. 393 A
SENTENCE TO JAIL IN DECEMBER. Sung by John Canoe and group of
young men, with banjo and guitar. New Bight, Cat island,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935. 393 B
SEPARATED LINE. Sung by Noah White. State prison farm, Atmoro,
Ala., John A. Lomax, 1934* ■ 229 B2
SERGEANT TALLY-HO. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Central Valley, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1938. 4200 Bl
SERMON. Spoken by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York, N. Y. , George
W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935. 1811 B
SERMON. Spoken by Findlay Donaldson. Colmans, Ky. , Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1933. 1979 B, 1983 A-10 in.
- >56 -
SERMON. Spoken by Henry Mathews. State penitentiary, Parehinan.
Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 6.19 A2
SERMON. Spoken by J. L. Goree. Houston, Tex., John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, 1939. 2592 B2 & B3
SERMON. Spoken by John Hampton. State farm, Raiford, Fla. , John A.
Lomax, 1936. 688 A
SERMON. Spoken by minister of Negro Baptist church. Alexandria,
Va., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. 75 B3
SERMON. Spoken by Negro. State prison farm, Atmore, Ala., John A.
Lomax, 1934 . 233 A3
SERMON. Spoken by Negro convict. State penitentiary, Parchman,
Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 619 B2
SERMON. Spoken by Rev. Aaron Pinnacle. Heaven's gate church.,
Murrells Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 868 A
SERMON. Spoken by Rev. Boyd, with moaning by congregation.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4037 A a J ,
4038 A
SERMON. Spoken by Rev. Gage. Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby
T. Lomax, 1940. 4038 B, 4039 Ai & Bl
SERMON. Spoken by Rev. Gilbert Lee. Murrells Inlet, S. C, John A.
Lomax, 1936. 832 A3
SERMON. Spoken by Rev. J. B. Bryant. State farm, Raiford, Fla.,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 638 3
SERMON. Spoken by Rev. Pratt. Mt. Sinai Baptist church, New Bight,
Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax ana Mary Elizabeth Barnieie,
1935. 395 A & Bl
SERMON. Spoken by Rev. Sherwin Sizemore in Church of the ten elders.
Pineville, Ky. , Mary Elisabeth Barnieie, 1938. 1958.- I960 A-I0 in.
SERMON. Spoken by Rufus Oram. Speigner, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1934-
228 A2
SERMON. Spoken by Sin-killer Griffin. Darrington state farm. Sandy
Point, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 112 B
SERMON. Spoken by William S. Loscutoff. San Francisco, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1938. 3832 AI. & A2
SERMON: JESUS AND ZACHARIAS. Spoken by Uncle Caesar. Charleston,
S. C, John A. and Ruby 1, Lomax, 1937. 1050 A2
SERMON: KEEP OUT OF TROUBLE." Spoken by J. H. Gilbert. New Bight,
Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnieie,
1935. 415 Bl
Caesar. Charleston, S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1937.
10 5 I Al
Charleston, S. C, John A. .and Ruby I. Lomax, 1937. 1050 B2
H. Dinsmore. Laurel grove, Wise cc, va,, Herbert Halpert,
1939- 2769 A, Bl & B2
Carlos Williams. Laurel grove, Wise co., Va. , Herbert Halpert,
1939. 2768 A & B
SERMON FOR FUNERAL. Spoken by Uncle Caesar. Charleston, 3. G.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1937. 1052 A2 & Bl
- 357 -
SERMON ON JOB, JOB. Spoken by Richard Anierson, with moaning by
Kettie Godfrey and Lillie Polk. Livingston, Ala.. John A«
and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 4053 B, 4054 A
SERMON ON JUDGEMENT. Spoken by Richard Amerson. Livingston, ids..,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4-054 B
SERMON WITH SINGING. Sung and spoken by Sin-killer Griffin.
Darrington state farm, Sandy Point, Tex., John A. and Alan
Lomax, 1934- 186 A & 3
SERVICE. Spoken by Rev. Aaron Pinnacle. Heaven's Gate Methodist
church, Murrells Inlet, S. C, John A. and Bess Lomax, 1936.
833 Bl
SERVICE, A. Spoken by Rev. Haynes and visiting pastor. Methodist
church, Satonville, Fia., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston aria
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 353 A2 & .3, 354 Al & A2
SERVICE. Sung and spoken by congregation and choir of Mount Sinai
Baptist church. New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax
and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 394, 395
SERVICE. Sung and spoken by Findlay Donaldson and congregation of
Mountain assembly of Church of God. Colmans, Ky. , Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1933. 1978 -1983, 1987 B-10 in.
SERVICE. Sung and spoken by minister and congregation of Baptist
church. Alma plantation, Baton Rouge. La., John A. and Alan
Lomax, 1934- 102.-104'
SERVICE. Sung and spoken by Rev. Boyd, Rev. Gage, Dock Reed, Vera
Hall, Polly Larkin and congregation of Brown Chapel Baptist
church. Livingston, Ala. . John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940.
4037 -4042
SERVICE. Sang and spoken by Rev. Haynes and congregation of
Methodist church. Eatonville. Fia., Alan Lomax, Zora .Neale
Kurston and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 353, 354
SERVICE. Sung and spoken by Rev. Sherwin Sisemore and congregation
of Church of the ten elders.' Pineviile. Ky. , Mary Elisabeth
Barnicle, 1938. 1954? 1967-10 in.
SERVICE OF THE LORD. Sung Iry Palmer Godsey and the Sacred harp
singers in. Bethel church. Franklin co. , Ala., Herbert Ralpert,
1939. 2949 Ai.
SET CALLING. Sung by George Roark with banjo. Pineviile, Ky. ,
Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1938. 200.4 A & B-10 in.
SET CALLING. Sung by Henry Z«eifui with fiddle, with sound of
dancing. Fort Spunky, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1935- 740 A2
SET CALLING. Sung by Howard Smith, v:ith fiddle by J. II. Buck.
East Bethel, Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders,
1939. 3719 Al
SET CALLING. Sung ey John Selivan with string band. Stamford, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1935. 536 A
SET DOWN, SERVANT. Sung by Adie Cor bin, Ed Friersoh and others.
State prison, Nashville. Term.., John A. and Alan Lomax.
1933. " 178 32
SET DOWN, SERVANT. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State peniten-
tiary, Huntsville, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934- 212 Al
- 358 -
SET DOWN, SERVANT. Sung by Victoria Wilsdn. New 3ight, Cat
island, Baha.mas, Alan Lomax and. Mary Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935. 404 A3
SETTIN'. HERE THINKING. Sung by Noah Moore with guitar. Oil City,
La., John A. and Ruby T. Loiuax, 1940. 3995 A2
SETTIN' IN THE KINGDOM. Sung by Alice (Judge) Richardson. Natchez,
Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4001 B2
SETTIN' ON TOPSIDE THE WORLD. Sung by Arthur (Brother-in-law)
Armstrong with guitar. Jasper, Tex., John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, 1940. 3937 B3
SETTING DOWN 'LONGSIDS OF MY LORD. Sung by Pappie and group of
Andros island men. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 506 A
SETTING DOWN 'SIDE OF MY LORD. Sung by Pappie, Belle, Henry Lundy
and mixed group. Nassau, Bahamas, 1935. 534 B2
SEVEN CENT COTTON. Sung by Woodrow (Woody) Wilson Guthrie path
guitar. Washington, D. C, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1940.
3418 A2
SEVEN LONG YEARS. Sung by Mrs. Hallie May Preecc. Austin, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 916 B2
Kinnaird. National folk festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney
Robertson, 1937. 326? Bl
Elon College, N. C, Fletcher Collins, 1959. 3782 B3
SEVEN LONG YEARS I SERVED THE KING. Sung by Mrs. Eliza Pace. Hyden,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lornax, 1937. 1442 B2
SEVEN LONG YEARS IN PRISON. Sung by Saul Tippins and four Negro
convicts. State (Reid) farm, Boykin> S. C, John. A. Lomax,
1936. 707 B2
SEVEN LONG YEARS I'VE BEEN BOUND. Sung by Mrs. Eliza Pace. Kyden,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1.9.37. 1442 A2
SEVEN YEARS SONG, THE. Sung by Mrs. Myra Barnett Miller.
Tuckaseigee, N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 851 BI ■'
SEVENTEEN NEXT SUNDAY. Sung by Mrs. Ada Mooney. Oxford,' Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3018 Bl ■ '
SHABBY GENTEEL, THE. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College,
N. C, Fletcher Collins, 1939. 3778 B2
SHACK BULLY WAKING-UP SONG. Sung by Richard Amerson.- Livingston,
Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1322 Al
SHACK ROUSTER HOLLER. Sung by Harold B. Kazelhurst. Jacksonville,
Fla., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3143 31 & B2
SHAD SONG. Sung by Clyde (Kingfish.) Smith and Henry Draper. New
York, N. Y. , Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3654 A2
SHADOW OF THE PINES, THE. Sung by John McCready. Groveland, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3351 Bl
Salyersville, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1599 A2
SHADY GROVE. Played by J. W. Russell on banjo.- Marion, Va. , Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3162 Bl
SHADY GROVE. Sung by J. M. Mullins with banjo. West Liberty, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1566 A
- 359 -
SHADY GROVE. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. Hamiltontown, near-
Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2787 A2
SHADY GROVE. Sung by Vernie Westfali, with guitar by Merle
Love 11. Shaf'ter FSA camp, Shafter, Calif., Charles L. Todd
and Robert Sonkin, 1940. 4113 Bl
SHADY VALLEY. Sung by Mrs. Lloyd Bare. Hagie. Elk Park, N. C,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2347 82
SHAKE 'EM ON DOM. Sung by Lucille Walker. State penitentiary,
Parchinan, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3084 Bl
SHAKE HANDS WITH MOTHER AGAIN. Sung by congregation of Church
of the ten elders, with guitar. Pineville, Ky. , Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1938. 1963 Bl-10 in.
SHAKE HANDS WITH MOTHER AGAIN. Sung by Jim. and Sarah Garland.
Pineville, Ky. , Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1933. 2022 A.--10 in.
SHAKE HANDS WITH MOTHER AGAIN. Sung by Mrs, Susan and Betty Sue
Shepherd. Cumberland, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
1436 Al
SHAKE IT, MAMMA. Sung by Lemuel Jones. State penitentiary, Richmond,
Va** John A. Lomax, 1936. 729 A2
SHAKE MY MOTHER'S HAND. Sung by Christeen, Katharine, Alison and
Isaac Shipp, Byhalia, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3006 B2
SHAKE, SHAKE, MAT-TIE. Sung by Negro convict* Louisiana state
penitentiary, Angola, La., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933.
119 B3
SHAKE THAT WOODEN LEG, DINAH-0. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusonbury. Mena,
Ark., Sidney Robertson and Laurence Powell, 1936. 3225 A3
SHAKE THAT WOODEN LEG, DINAH-0. Sung by Mrs. Mints Morgan. Bells,
Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 953 32
SHAKE THE DILLY TREE. Sung by Gertrude Thurston and group. New
Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935- 390 Bl
SHAKE YOUR LITTLE FOOT, SALLY ANN. Sung by Thaddeus G. Willingham
with banjo. Gulf port, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3114 31&B2
SHAMUS O'BRIEN. Played by Pat Ford on harmonica. Central Valley,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1938. 4207 B2
SHAMUS O'BRIEN. Played by Pat Ford on harmonica. Central Valley,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1933. 4208 A2
SHAN VAN VOCHT. Sung by Herbert ^oary. New York, N. v., Herbert
Halpert, 1938. 3630 B2
SHANGAREE. Sung by Molly and Joe McDonald. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2690 Bl
SHANGHAI, THE. Sung by Willard Brewer with guitar. Shafter FSA
camp, Shafter, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin,
.1940. 4103 Bl
SHANGHAI CHICKEN. Sung by Anne Corbin Bail. Richmond, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2738 Al
SHANGHAI ROOSTER. Sung by Jennie Devlin. Gloucester, N. J., Alan
Lomax and Kay Dealy, 1938. 1843 Al
SHANTYBOY, THE. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Central Valley, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1938. 4202 B2
Coloma, Wis., Robert F. Braves, 1940. 4167 Al
- 360 -
SHANTYBOY ON THE BIG EAU CLAIRE. Sung by Arthur Mosely. Black
River Falls, Wis., Robert F. Brave's, 1940. 4187 Al
SHANTYBOY TUNE. Played by Ray Calkins on Paul Bunyan Harp.'
Vfeshington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938. 1622 A2
SHANTYMAN'S LIFE. Sung by Alfred Osborne. Port Huron, Mich., Ivan
Walton, 1938. 3396 Al
SHANTYMAN'S LIFE, THE. Sung by Henry Humphries. Hancock, Wis.,
Robert F. Braves, 1940. 4168 A
SHARON. Played by Russell Wise on fiddle. Cherry Lake Farms, Fla.,
Mjwrgaret Valiant, 1936. 3312 A2
SHAVE ANB A HAIRCUT. Sung by Rosalind Rosenthal and Herbert Halpert.
New York, N. Y. , Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3646 34
SHE AIN'T THAT KIND. Played by Floyd Jones on harmonica. Arvin F8A
camp, Arvin, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940.
4095 Al
' SHE BROUGHT MY BREAKFAST. Sung by Jim Henry (Duck) Home.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2692 Al
SHE GAVE KISSES ONE. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo.
New York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1809 A2
SHE'S A DOUBLE-CROSSING WOMAN. Dung by Calvin Frazier with
guitar, with guitar by Sampson Pittman. Detroit, Mich., Alan
Lomax, 1938. 2484 B
SHE'S GONNA WRITE HIM. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State
penitentiary, Parchraan, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 739 B2
Woodward with guitar. Ontonagon, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1933.
2410 B3
Blackburn. Concord, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939 • 3345 Al
Blackburn. Concord, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939- 3366 Al
Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937. 1056 A5
SHE WAS HAPPY TILL SHE MET YOU. Sung by Conniver Ward with guitar.
Visalia FSA camp, Visalia, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert
Sonkin, 1940. 4137 B2
on banjo. Washington, D. C, 'Alan Lomax and Jerome Wietner,
1940. 3 90 A B5
SHE'LL BE COMING 'ROUND THE MOUNTAIN. ; Sung by Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Garrett. Crossville, Tenn. , Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3173 A3
SHEEP DONE GONE ASTRAY. Sung by' Ernest Wright and four Negro
convicts. Belle Glade, Fla., John A.' Lomax, 1936. 704 A2
SHEEP SONG, THE. Sung by Samuel Simpson Adams. Dunham, Ky. , Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2792 Al
SHEEPIE. Sung by Louise DuBosc. Columbia, S. C. , Charles Seeger,
1939. 3790 A2
SHEEPSKIN AND BEESWAX. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College,
N. C, Fletcher Collins,' 1939. 3772 D2
- 361 -
SHEFFIELD APPRENTICE, THE. Sung by Mrs. M. P. Daniels,. East
Calais, Vt. , Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939-
3724 B
SHEFFIELD APPRENTICE, THE. Sung by Mrs. T. M. Bryant. Evansville,
Ind., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1751 B
SHENANDOAH. Sung by Captain Richard Maitland. Sailors' snug bar bur,
Staten Island, New York, N. Y. , Alan Lomax, 1939- 2532 3
of Negro convicts. State penitentiary, Parchman, Hiss., John
A. Lomax, 1936. 621 B2
SHERMAN CYCLONE, THE',. Sung by Jim Holbert. Visalia FSA camp,
Visalia, Calif., Cha.rles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940.
4135 B2
SHERMAN, TEXAS CYCLONE, THE. Sung by Mrs. Hallie May Preece. Austin,
Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 926 A2
SHERMAN'S MARCH. Played by 0. L. Coffey on banjo. Blowing Rock,
N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 355 B3
SHINE, LITTLE LULA. Sung by Cleophas Franklin. Maryville, Term,,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2893 A3
SHINE ON. Sung by Doris McMurray. Gorree state farm, Kuntsville,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 264.8 B2
SHINE ON ME. Sung by congregation of country Baptist church.
Alexandria, Va., John A. Lomax, 1933- 87 B2
SHINE ON ME. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Speigner, Ala., John
A. Lomax, 1934- 226 A4
SHINES LIKE IN THE MORNING. Sung by Joe Lee. State Farm, Vs., John
A. Lomax, 1936. 745 B4
SHING IS A LITTLE BABY. Sung by Harriet McClintock. Near Sumter-
ville, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 4025 A3
SHINING ANGEL. Sung by group of Andros island men. Sponge docks,
Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mar;/ Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935- 478 A2
SHIP CARPENTER, THE. Sung by Clay Walters. Salyersville, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1580 A & B
SHIP CARPENTER, THE. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. Hamilton-town,
near Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2787 Bl
SHIP CARPENTER, THE. Sung by R. C. Macfarlane. Salyersville, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1567 A
SHIP OF ZION. Sung by John R. Gipson and family. Merryville, La.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2651 A2 & A3
SHIP THAT IS SAILING HIGH, THE. Sung by 3a scorn Lamar Lunsford.
New York, N. Y. , George Y-J. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1825 Al
SHIP THAT NEVER RETURNED, THE. Sung by Ba scorn Lamar Lunsford with
banjo. New York, N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell
Greet, 1935. 1825 31
SHIP THAT NEVER RETURNED, THE. Song by George Roark with banjo.
Pineville, Ky. , Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 2002 A- 10 in.
SHIP THAT NEVER RETURNED, THE. Sung by Jim Howard with fiddle.
Harlan, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1375 32
- 362 -
SHIP THAT RUNS ON DRY LAND, THE. Spoken by Sam Harmon, Maryville,
Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2923 B2, 2924 Al
SHIP THAT WAS LOST AT SEA, THE. Sung by Mrs. Mary Fuller Gain.
Clintwood, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2320 El
SHOE BOOTS AND LEGGERNS. Sung by Mrs. Retta Harmon. Near Maryville,
Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2905 Bl
SHOE DOLL. Sung by Mir. and Mrs. Hobart Fentress. Waco, Tex., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 925 B2
SHOEMAKER., THE. Sung by Barbara Davis. Esserville, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2760 B/+ - . .
SHOEMAKER'S SONG. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. . Hamiltont own,
near Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2331 Al
SHOES, SHOES, MY OLD TRAVELING SHOES. Sung oy Henry Lundy and group,
with toasts. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935. 511 A2
SH00-DE-L00. Sung by Jeff Horton and Robert Chapman. Livingston,
Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2695 B2
SHOO, DUCK, SHOO. Sung by Pinnacle children. Murrells' Inlet, S. C,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 904 A2
SHOO-FLY. Sung by Fields Ward, with Bogtrctters Band. Galax, Va.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1363 31
SHOO-FLY. Sung by group of Negro school children. Drew, Miss.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 401+ B2
SHOO-FLY. Sung by Joe and Molly McDonald. Livingston, ilia., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 4032 A 5
SHOO-FLY, DON'T BOTHER ME. Sung by Jennie Devlin. Gloucester,
N. J., Alan Lomax and Kay Dealy, 1933. 1343 Bl
SH00-LI-L00. Sung by Gilbert Fike. Little Rock, Ark., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3186 B.3 & 34
SHOO-LIE LOW. Sung by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strickland and Mrs.
Bob Watts. Murrells Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 950 Bl
SH00-R0BIN. Sung by Cecil, Martha, Edmond and Robert Owens. Clemson,
S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2723 A3
SHOO-'ROUN' . Sung by group of children. Brandon, Miss., John A. LomaXj
1937. 384 Bl
SHOOT OLD DAVY BUGGER. Sung by Austin Harmon with banjo. Maryville,
Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2388 B2
SHOOT THAT TURKEY BUZZARD. Sung \^y G. D. Vowell. Harlan, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1381 A4
SHOOT' THE BUFFALO. Played by Paul Holland on harmonica. Springfield,
Mo., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3217 A2
SHOOT THE BUFFALO. Sung by Mrs. Audrey Heliums, Mrs. Vivian Skinner
and Mrs. Lillian Pennington. Near Tishomingo, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2930 Bl
SHOOT THE BUFFALO. Sung by Mrs. Ina Jones and Mrs. Nellie Prewitt.
Near Burnsville, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2992 A2
SHOOT THE BUFFALO. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College, N. C,
Fletcher Collins, 1939. 3770 A3
SHOOT THE BUFFALO. Sung by Mrs. Minta Morgan. Bells,. Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 895 Al
- 363 -
SHOOT THE BUFFALO. Sung by Mrs. Ollie Womble. Banner, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3032 A2
SHOOT THE BUFFALO. Sung by Myra E.- Hull. Washington, D. C,
Alan Lomax, 1937. 1602 A3
SHOOTIN' CREEK. Played by J. W. (Peg) Hatcher on fiddle. Ferruia,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2740 A2
SHOOTING OF HIS DEAR, THE. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York,
N. Y. , Alan Lomax, 1939. 2576 A & Bl
SHORES OF AMERIKAY, THE. Sung by Mrs. Harrison. Springfield, Vt.,
Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3687 B2
SHORES OF LAKE MICHIGAN, THE. Sung by Ivan Walton. Port Huron,
Mich., Ivan Walton, 1938. 3399 33
SHORT LIFE IN TROUBLE. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo.
New York, N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1784 B2
SHORT LIFE OF TROUBLE, A. Sung by Southern sisters. Cincinnati,
Ohio, Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1938. 1.69
tL i\£-
SHORT METER HYMN, A. Sung by congregation cf Jerusalem Baptist
church. Murrells Inlet*, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 368 PI
SHORTENIN' BREAD. Played by Bell brock string band, directed by
Clarence Brown. Cincinnati, Ohio, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax,
1935. 1694 A2
SHORTENIN' BREAD. Played by Robert Ricker on banjo. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax and Jerome Wiesner, 1940. 3903 A2
SHORTENIN' BREAD. Played by J. M. Mullins with banjo.
Salyersville, Ky„, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1598 33
SHORTENIN' BREAD. Played by M. Asher on banjo, Hyden, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1520 A2
SHORTENIN' BREAD. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with fiddle.
New York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and Vsillicm Cabell Greet,
1935. 1799 32
SHORTENIN' BREAD. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with fiddle.
New York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1840 A2
SHORTENIN' BREAD. Sung by Celina Lewis. Livingston, Ala., John
A. and Ruby T, Lomax, 1939. 2699 B3
SHORTENIN' BREAD. Sung by George James. Atmore state prison farm,
Atmore, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 943 A3
SHORTENIN' BREAD. Sung by Henry and Modie Stine Truvillion.
Burkeville, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2664 Al
SHORTENIN' BREAD. Sung by Ora Dell Graham and group of Negro
school children, with clapping. Drew, Miss., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4017 B2
SHORTENIN' BREAD. Sung by Tom McKinney. V'icksburg, Miss., John
A. Lomax, 1936. 617 Al
SHORTY GEORGE. Sung by Huddle Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with guitar.
Wilton, Conn., John A. Lomax, 1935. 149 B, 150 A
SHORTY GEORGE. Sung by James (iron Head) Baker. Central state
farm, Sugarland, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933- 210 B
SHORTY GEORGE. Sung by James (Iron Head) baker. Control state
farm, Sugarland, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 202 A2
- 364- -
SHORTY GEORGE. Sung by Smith Cason with guitar. Clemens state
farm, Brazoria, Tex., John' A. and Ruby T 4 Lomax, 1939.
2598 Al
SHOUT FOR JOY. .Sung by Mrs. Marguerite Bogan and Mrs. Jessie
Buchanan. Magee, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3056 Al
SHOUT, LITTLE LULA. Sung by Austin Harmon with banjo. Maryville,
Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2397 B3
SHOUT, LULIE. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New York,
N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935.
1789 B3
Smithville, Term., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3184. B2
SHOUTING LITTLE LULU. Sung by Pete Steele with banjo. Hamilton,
Ohio, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1710 A2
SHOVE IT OVER. Sung by Zora Neale Hurston. Jacksonville, Fla.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3136 A
(Brother-in-law) Armstrong with guitar. Jasper, Tex., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3979 Bl
SHOW ME THE GAL THEY CALL WORRY CARE. Sung by Pappie with guitar.
Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935-
523 Bl
SHOW ME THE LADY. Sung by Gilbert Fike. Little Rock, Ark.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3188 A2
SHREVEPORT JAIL, THE. Sung by Kuddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with
guitar. Bellwood prison camp, Atlanta, Ga., John A. Lomax,
1934. 250 Bl
SHREVEPORT JAIL, THE. Sung by Huddle Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with
guitar. Wilton, Conn., John A. Lomax, 1935- 133 B
Island, S. C, Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3147 Bl-
SHULE AGRAH. Sung by Mrs. Margaret Sullivan. Springfield, Vt. ,
Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 374-5 Al
SIC 'EM DOGS ON. Sung by Washington (Barrel House) -White with
guitar. State penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2678 A2
SIDNEY ALLEN. Sung by Tilman Cadle. Pineville, Ky. , Mary-
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 2028 B-10 in.
SIERRA LOVE SONG. Sung by Isaac Shipp.. Byhalia, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3009 Al
SIFTING SANDS. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with fiddle. New
York, N. Y.. George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 184-6 A3 & AA
SIGNBOARD, THE. Spoken by Bert Graham. Newberry, Mich., Alan Lomax,
1938. 234-1 Bl
SILAS CARTER'S SERMON. Sung by Mrs. Matilda Keene. Newberry, Fla.,
Alton C. Morris, 1937. 982 B3
SILENT SEA, THE. Sung by the Ward family, with guitars by
Zelmer and Conniver Ward. Visalia FSA camp, Visalia, Calif.,
Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 194-0. 4137 A
SILK MERCHANT'S DAUGHTER. Sung by Mrs . Cinderella Kinnaird.
National folk festival., Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson,
1937. 3266 Bl
- 365 -
SILK MERCHANT'S DAUGHTER. "Sung by Mrs. J. E, Riley. High Springs,
Fla., Alton C. Morris, 1937. 984. B
SILVER BELL, THE. Sung by John Stone with harmonica. Columbia,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3357 A3
SILVER DAGGER, THE. Sung by. Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y. ,
Alan Lomax, 1939- 2540 A & B
SILVER DAGGER. Sung by Crockett Ward. Galax, Va. , John A. and
Bess Lomax, 1937.. ,1341 3
SILVER DAGGER. Sung by Mrs. Birmah Hill Grissom. Saltillo, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2963 Al
SILVER DAGGER, THE. Sung by Mrs. George L. White. Grand Saline,
Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 920 A2
SILVER DAGGER. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Ellon College, N. C.,
Fletcher Collins, 1939. 3769 33, 3770 Al
SILVER DAGGERS, THE. Sung by Jim Garland. Pineville, Ky. , Mary
Elizabeth Barnicie, 1933. 2003 A3-10 in.
SILVER JACK. Spoken by Bert Graham. Newberry, Mich. , Alan Lomax,
1938. 2345 B2
Kennedy McCord. Springfield, Mo., Sidney Robertson, 1936.
3216 A4
SILVER MERCHANT'S DAUGHTER, THE. Sung by Mrs. Myra Barnett Miller.
Tuckaseigee, N. C, John' A. Lomax, 1936. 352 A2
SILVER STRANDS. Played by W, M. Stepp on fiddle. Salyersville ,
Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1563 Al
SILVERY TIDE, THE. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James, Beaver island,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 19.33. 2276 B, 2281 Al
SILVERY TIDE, THE',. Sung by Mrs. J. U, Newman. Elon College, N. C,
Fletcher Collins, 1939. 3736 B2
SIMEON WENT DOWN THE BAY ROAD. Sung by Gertrude Thurston and group.
New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and. Mary Elizabeth
Barnicie, .1935. 390 B2
SIMON SLICK. Sung by Flora Earnson. Central Valley, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939- 4215 A3 & A4
SIN NO MORE. Sung by Negro convict. State prison farm, Milledgeville ,
Ga., John A. Lomax, 1934- 261 B3
SINCE I GOT MINE. Sung by Thaddeus Goodson with bones. Brevard
plantation, Adams mill, near Columbia, S. C», Charles Seeger.
1939. 3795 B3
Manchester, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax. 1937. 1473 A2
SINDO. Played by Negro on flutina (accordion). Nassau, Bahamas,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnicie, 1935. 485 Al
SINFUL TO FLIRT. Sung by Mrs. Esco Kilgore. Norton, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2778 B2
SINFUL TO FLIRT. Sung by Mrs. W. L, Martin. Hillsvillo, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2747 B2
SING A SONG 0' JOHNNY. Sung by Mrs. George L. White. Grand
Saline, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. ' 919 B2
SING AS YOU GO. Sung by Mrs. Louise Henson. San Antonio, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 887 Bl
- 366 -
Jacobs Borusky. Antigo,, Wis., Robert F. Draves, 194-0.
4172 B
SING SAN KITTY, WON'T YOU KIMEO? Sung by John McCready. Groveland,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 334-5 B2
SING SONG KITTY, WON'T YOU KIMEO? Spoken by Mrs. Jennie Devlin.
Gloucester, N. J., Alan Lomax and Kay Dealy, 1939. 1775 B2
Murrells Inlet, S. G., John A. and Ruby T. Loraax, 1939-
2711 Bl
SING TRU-LA-L00-L00 . Sung by -Mr. and Mrs.' Jesse Aldrich. Casa
Grande, Ariz., Margaret Valiant, 1939. 332/+ B
SINKING OF THE CUMBERLAND, THE. Sung by Warde H, Ford. Crandon,
Wis., Sidney Robertson, 193'/- 2236 A2
SINKING OF THE TITANIC, THE. Sung by Clyde Spencer and Harry
Fannin. Crandon, Wis., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3283 Bl
SINKING OF THE TITANIC, THE. Sung' by Mrs. A. J. Huff. Gatiinburg,
Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2877 A2
SINKING OF THE TITANIC. Sung by Ruby Hughes. Crossville,' Term.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. ' 3174- B3
SINKING OF THE TITANIC. Sung by Walter Roberts'. Raiford, Fla.,
John A. Lornax, 1936. 686 A2
convicts. Ramsey. state farm, Otey, Tex. , John A. and- Ruby T.
Lomax, 1939- 2605 Al
SINNER, YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN. Sung by group of Negro convicts.
Camp No. 28, Gainesville, Fla., John A. Lomax, -1936. 714. 31
IOUX INDIANS, THE. Sung by Alec Moore. Austin, Tex., Jo'im A.
Lomax, 1934- • 56 Bl' '
SIOUX INDIANS, THE. Sung by Alec Moore. Austin, Tex., John A.,
Ruby T. and Boss Lomax, 194.0. 394-2 Bl
SIOUX INDIANS, THE. Sung by Red King. San Antonio, Tex.,. John A.
Lomax, 1936. 662 Al
SIS JOE. Sung by Bowlegs. State penitentiary, Parchman, Miss.,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 193.3. 1357 A2-I0 in.
SISSY IN DE BARN. Sung by Julia Griffin and group of Negro
women prisoners. State farm, Raiford, Fla., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2713 B3
SISSY IN THE BARN. Sung by Negro school children. Jasper, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax. 1940. 3931 B5
SISSY IN THE BARN. Sung by school children. Brandon, Miss.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. ' 886 A3
SISSY IN THE BOND. Sung by Catherine Mason and three girls.
New York, N. Y. , Herbert Halpert, 1939- 36A2 32
SISTER, AN' I DO LOVE THE LAMB. Sung by four Negro convicts.
State prison camp, Boone, N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 336 Al
SISTER NETTIE IN THE GARDEN. Sung by Hortercehe Turner and group.
Edwards, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- .3070 Al
SISTER PHOEBE. Sung by Mrs. Mary Fuller Cain. Ciintwood, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2813 M,
SISTER RECOGNIZES BROTHER. Sung by group of Haitian Negroes. Nassau
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 4-61 A
- 367 -
SISTER'S IN THE ROOM A COURTING". Sung by Alec Moore. Austin, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1934- • 53 Bl
SIT DOWN AND REST ME A WHILE. Sung by a Macon, Ga., quartet.
Cherry Lake Farms, Fla. , Margaret Valiant, 1936. 3309 A3
SITTING DOM SIDE 0' THE LORD. Sung by Winnie Terry. Merryville^
La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 3977 B4
SITTING ON TOP OF THE WORLD. Played by Wayne Perry on fiddle.
Crowley, La., John A. and Alan' Lomax, 1934. 20 Al
SIX KINGS' DAUGHTERS. Sung by Mrs. Boyd Raskins. Horse creek,
Clay co., Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1495 B
SIX KINGS"' DAUGHTERS, TEE. Sung by Mrs. M. P. Daniels. East
Calais, Vt. , Alan Lomax and Helen' Hartness Flanders, 1939 •
3730 A
Magee., Miss., Herbert Ife.lp.ert, 1939- 3053 A2
SIX MARRIED DAUGHTERS. Sung by Mrs! Emma Dusenbury. Mona, Ark.,
John A. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 859 31
SIX MONTHS IN JAIL. Sung by Mrs. Lucile Henson. San Antonio.' Tex. ,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 542 Al
SIX-0. Sung by Cornelius Walker and group of convicts.
State (Reid) farm, Boykin, S. C. , John A. Lomax, 1936. 705 B2
SIXTEEN DAYS IN GEORGIA. Played by J.'d. Dillingham and friend
on banjo and fiddle. Austin, Tex., John A. Lomax, 193.5.
567 Al
SIXTEEN YEARS OF AGS. Sung by Mrs. Edith' Harmon. Near Maryville,
Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2913 32
SKEPTIC'S DAUGHTER. Sung by Mrs. Leander Wilson. Zionsville, N. C,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 720 Al
SKEWBALD. Sung by Tom Wells'. Sells, Tex. . John A. Lomax,' 1937.
. 906 A2
SKIBAREEN. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James, Beaver island, Mich.,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 2292 A
SKIN AND BONES. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Tucker state
farm, Tucker, Ark., John a. Lomax, 1934. 241 Al
SKIN AND BONES. Sung by Mrs. Maggie Gant. Austin, Tex., John A.
and Alan Lomax, 1934' 66 B5
SKIP TO MY LOU. Sung by Aunt. Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y. , Alan
Lomax, 1939. 3335 B
SKIP TO MY LOU. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y., Alan
Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barniclc, 1.935. 826 32
SKIP TO MY LOU. Sung by Austin Harmon with banjo. Maryville, Tenn.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2918 B2
SKIP TO MY LOU. Sung by group of girls, with two fiddles, piano
and guitar. Austin, Tex. , John A. Loiaax, 1936. 655 A2
SKIP TO MY LOU. _ Sung by group of pupils. Lower' Hell-f or-certain
'school, Middlefork, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
1450 .63
SKIP TO MY LOU. Sung by Henrietta and Ernestine Wilson with guitars.
West Liberty, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lemax, 1937.' 1563 32
SKIP TO MY LOU. Sung by Jesse Stafford. Crowley, La., John A. and
Alan Lomax, 1934. 15 A3
- 368 -
SKIP TO MY LOU. Sung by John A. Lomax. Galax, Va., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 19-40. 4034 B3
SKIP TO MY LOU. Sung by May Kennedy McCord. Springfield, Mo.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3206 B/<
SKIP TO MY LOU. Sung by Mr. and Mrs. Crockett Ward, Fields Ward,
Mrs. Thomas Rutherford and Frances Ward, with guitar.
Galax, Va., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1370 A3
SKIP TO MY LOU. Sung by Mrs. Cora Home. Hazard, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1544 B3
SKIP TO MY LOU. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College, N. C,
Fletcher Collins, 1939- 3773 B3
SKIP TO MY LOU. Sung by Mrs. Lena B. Turbyfill. Elk Park, N. C,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2853 B4 '
SKIP TO MY LOU. Sung by Mrs. Minta Morgan. Bolls, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 953 Al
SKIP TO MY LOU. Sung by Mrs. Ollie Womble. Banner, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3032 B3
SKIP TO MY LOU. Sung by Mrs. W. L. Martin. Hillsville, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2755 A3 & Bl
SKIP TO MY LOU. Sung by Rebecca and Penelope Tarwater with banjo.
Washington, D. C, Charles Seeger, 1936. 2086 Bl-8 in.
SKIP TO MY LOU. Sung by Rebecca and Penelope Tarwater with banjo.
Washington, D. C, Charles Seeger, 1936. 2036 B2-8 in.
SKIP TO MY LOU. Sung by Sam Harmon . Maryville , Term., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2932 Al
SKIP TO MY LOU, MY DARLING. Sung and spoken by Aunt Molly
Jackson. New York, N. Y. , Alan Lomax, 1939. 2563 B
SKIP-A TO MY LOU. Sung by Sande McCoy and Bernard Steffen with
harmonica. New York, N. Y. , Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3633 Al
SKYLINE JUBILEE. Sung and played by the Skyline farms string
band. Skyline farms, Scottsboro, Ala., Herbert Halpert, 1939.
2943 Al
SKYLINE SALTY DOG. Played and sung by -Skyline farms string band.
Skyline farms, Scottsboro, Ala., Herbert Halpert, 1939.
2944 Bl
SLAVE STORY. Spoken by member of Plantation Echoes cast. Charleston,
S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1937. 1054 B2
SLAVERY DAYS. Spoken by Uncle Billy McCrea. -Jasper, Tex., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3975 Al
SLAVERY DAYS. Sung by Fields Ward, with Bogtr otters band. Galax,
Va., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1356 Al
SLEEP, BABY, SLEEP. Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washington, D. C, Alan
Lomax, 1937. 1293 A3
SLEEP ON, MOTHER, SLEEP ON. Sung by 17. J. Franklin. Raiford, Pla.,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 637 B2
SLIDE MUNGER, SLIDE. Played by Nassau string band. Nassau, Bahamas,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 434 Al
SLIDE MUNGER, SLIDE. Sung by mixed group with drum and raw. Grants,
Mangrove cay, Andros island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary-
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 456 Bl
SLIDE MUNGER, SLIDE. Sung by Victoria Wilson. New Bight, Cat island,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 411 Al
- 369 -
SLIDE ON, TRAMPS. Sung by Thaddeus Goodson with bones and Belton
Reese with banjo. Brevard plantation, Adams mill, Columbia,
S. C, Charles Seeger, 1939. 3794 Al
SLIDIN' JENNY. Played by Luther Strong on fiddle. Hazard, Ky. }
Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1534 A2
SLIGHTED SWEETHEART. Sung by Mrs. W. L. Martin. Hillsvillo, V,~ . ,
Herbert 'Halpert, .1939. 2748 Al
SLIGHTED SWEETHEART. Sung by Mrs. W. L. Martin. Hillsville, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2753 B2
SLOW DRAG WORK SONG. Sung by Tommy Woods and group of Negro
convicts. Clemens state farm, Brazoria, Tex., John A. and Ruby
T. Lomax, 1939. 2596- Bl
SLY YOUNG CROW, THE. Sung by Mrs. M. P. 'Daniels. East Calais, Vt.,
Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 374.0 A4
SMAIjSET, THE. Played on guitar, washboard and tub, with, clapping.
Charleston, S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1937. 1054. Bl
SMARTY GOING TO A PARTY. Sung by Herbert Halpert. New fork, N. I . ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 364-6 B5
SMILE AND SING. Sung by Stamps-Baxter quartet. Cherry Lake Farms,
Fla., Margaret Valiant, 1936= 3310 B2
SMOKY MOUNTAIN BLUES. Sung hy Wallace Chains and Sylvester Jones,
with guitar by Sylvester Jones. Ramsey state' farm, Otey,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2606 Al
SMOKY MOUNTAIN GONG. Played by Champaign county, dance band.
National folk festival, Chicago, 111.., Sidney Robertson,
1937. 3259 A2
SMUGGLERS OF BUFFALO, THE. Sung by J. W. Green. Stv James, Beaver
island, Mich., Alan Lomax,; 1938. 2296 B2
SNAIL, SNAIL. Sung by Mrs. Theodosia Bennett Long. Saltillo, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2953 A2 ' ■
SNAKE SONG. Sung by John Josh j 'Nana Tiger, Barfield Johns and
Robert Osceola. Seminole Indian Reservation, Fla., Carita
Doggett Corse. and Robert Cornwall, 1940. 3892 A
SNAPPIN' BUG. Played by Henry Davis on fiddle. Hamilton, Ohio,
Man and Elisabeth 'Lomax, 1938, 1713 A3
SNOW BIRD. Played by Br. scon Lamar Lunsford on fiddle. New York,
N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935-
1839" Al
SNOWFLAKES NOW ARE. FALLING; Sung by Mrs. J. R. Bicker staff.
Near Tishomingo, Miss. , Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2982 BI
SNOWY- WATER BLUES. .Played by James P. Johnson en piano. New
York, .N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2490 34
SO, DON'T YOU MIND ME DYING. Sung by Ella Mitchell. Lubbock,
Tex., John'- A. Lomax, 1937. 912 Al
SO FREELY, LORD." Sung by G. D. Vowell. Harlan, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1378 Bl
SO FREELY, LORJD. Sung by G. D. Vowell. Harlan, Ky. , John A. and
Alan Lomax, 1933. 75 A2
SO GOD CAN USE ME. Sung by Walter Jones, State farm, Raif ore , Fla.,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 681 Al
SO I ROBBED OLD NELSE. Sung by David Rico. Springfield, Mo.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3209 Al
- 370 -
SO LONG, ITS BEEN GOOD TO KNOW YOU. Sung by Woodrow (Woody) Wilson
Guthrie with guitar, Washington, D. C, Alan and Elizabeth
Lomax, 194.0. 3410 B2
SO SOON I'LL BE AT HOME. Sung by Curtis Clark. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 4-04-4 A5
SO SOON I'LL BE AT HOME. Sung by group of Negro women prisoners.
State penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936.
559 Bl
SO SOON IN MY CHAMBER ROOM. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena,
Ark., John A. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 359 A3
SOAP SUDS OVER THE FENCE. Played by T.M. Bryant on fiddle.
Evansville, Ind., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1739 A2
SOD SHANTY ON THE PLAINS. Played by Mr. Miller on fiddle. Mitchell,
S. Dak., Nicholas Ray, 1939. 3630 A3
SODA GAL. Sung by J. D. Dillingham with banjo. Austin, Tex., John
A. Lomax, 1936. 537 B3 ■
SOLDIER AND THE LADY. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y. ,
Alan Lomax, 1939. 2560 A & B
SOLDIER AND THE LADY, THE. Sung by Marvin E. Thornton, with guitar,
banjo and fiddle by group from Fort Thomas, Ky. Cincinnati,
Ohio, Alan and Elizabeth" Lomax, 1938. 1690 Al
SOLDIER AND THE LADY, THE. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College,
N. C, Fletcher Collins, 1939. 3771 A
SOLDIER BOY, THE. Sung by Irvin David Williams. Ashland, Ky . , John
A. Lomax, 1937. ' 1023 B2
SOLDIER BOY. Sung by Mrs. Callie Vaughan. Laager, Term., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2940 B2
SOLDIER BOY, THE. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark., John A.
Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 875 A2
SOLDIER GOES TO WAR, A. Sung by Jimmy Boudreaux. New Roads, La.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3997 A6
SOLDIER LOVER. Sung by Mrs. A. J. Huff. Gatlinburg, Term., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2874' B4
SOLDIER OF THE CROSS. Srnlg by group of Andros island men. Nassau,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 3.935 •
500 B, 501 A & B '
SOLDIER OF THE JUBILEE. Sung by Henry Blue and Negro male group.
Frederica, Ga., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 331 Al
SOLDIER, SOLDIER. Sung by Mrs. Lloyd Bare Hagie. Elk Park, N. C,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2344 A2
SOLDIER, SOLDIER, MARRY ME. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena,
Ark., John A. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 865 A2
Turbyfill. Elk Park, N. C, Herbert Halpert, 1939. 284-3 Al
SOLDIER, WON'T YOU MARRY ME? Sung by Arlie Baker. Pine Mountain,
Ky., Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937, 1411 B2
SOLDIER, WON'T YOU MARRY ME? Sung by Gant family. Austin, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 645 Al
SOLDIER, WON'T YOU MARRY ME? Sung by Gladys and Eva Bagley.
Middlefork, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1451 Al
SOLDIER, WON'T YOU MARRY ME? Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College,
N. C, Fletcher Collins, 1939. 3787 A2
- 371 -
SOLDIER, WON'T YOU MARRY ME? Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washing ton,
D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937. 1874 131-10 in.
SOLDIER, WON'T I0U MARRY ME? Sung by Sande McCoy and Bernard
Ste'ffen with harmonicas. New York, N. Y. , Herbert, Kalpert,
1939. 3639 Al
SOLDIER, WON'T YOU MARRY ME? Sung by Sande McCoy and Bernard
Steffen with harmonicas. New York, N. Y. , Herbert Halpert,
1939. 3639 M
SOLDIER'S ADVICE, THE. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. .Elon College,
N. C, Fletcher Collins, 1939. 3779 Al
SOLDIER'S JOY. Played by A. L. Mitchell on guitar and Earl Stout
on fiddle, with calls by West George. Firebaugh FSA camp,
Firebaugh, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin,
194-0. 4.I46 B
. SOLDIER'S JOY. Played by Check Stafford on harmonica, with piano,
guitar, accordion and double bass accompaniment. National
folk festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3253 BI
SOLDIER'S JOY. Played by E. C. Bali and his string band. Galax,
Va., John A. and Bess Lomax, 1937. 1348 31
SOLDIER'S' JOY. Played- by E. K. Bowman on fiddle. Abilene, Tex.,
John A. Lomax", 19.37. 930 A2
SOLDIER'S JOY. Played by Fronchy Oriot on harmonica. Central
Valley, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1938. 4208 32
SOLDIER'S JOY. Played by Henry Davis on fiddle. Hamilton, Ohio,
Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1935. 1714 A3:
SOLDIER'S JOY. Played by Houston Bald Knob string band.
Rockymount, Va. , Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2738 32
SOLDIER'S JOY. Played by J. C. Fouler on guitar. Alec Buekner on
fiddle and Alva Ruff nor on banjo. Lubbock, Tex., John A,
Lomax, 1937. 947 B
SOLDIER'S JOY. Played by J. II. Buck on fiddle, Mrs. V. W.
Gifford on piano and V. W. Clifford on trumpet. East Bethel,
Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3717 33
SOLDIER'S JOY. Played by Jimmie Powers on fiddle and Turner
Powers and Rosie Bedford on guitars. Cincinnati, Ohio., Alan
and 1 Elizabeth Lomax, 1933. 1692 B2
SOLDIER'S JOY. Played by John Hatcher oh the. fiddle. luka, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2998 A & 331
SOLDIER'S JOY;' Played by John Selleck on fiddle. Gamine, Calif,,
Sidney Robertson, 1939- 4219' BI
SOLDIER'S JOY.- Played by John Stone on fiddle. Columbia, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939 • 3360 31
SOLDIER'S. JOY. Played' by Luther Strong on fiddle. Hazard, Ky. ,
Alan and Elisabeth. Lomax, 1937. 1535 32
SOLDIER'S JOY. Played by Mrs. Ben Scott on fiddle and Myrtle 3.
Wilkinson on banjo. Turiock, Calif., Sidney Robertson,
1939. 4227 A2
SOLDIER'S JOY. Played by Otis and Vernon Light on fiddle. Llano,
Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 900 31
SOLDIER'S JOY. Played by Rindlisbacher group on home-made fiddle
and guitar. National folk festival, Chicago., 111., Sidney-
Robertson, 1937. 3252 A3
- 372 -
SOLDIER'S JOY. Played by Stephen B. Tucker on fiddle. Meridian,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. .3045 34
SOLDIER'S JOY, THE. Played by T. M. Bryant on fiddle.
Evansville, Ind., Alan and Elizabeth Loinax, 1938. 1738 A3
SOLDIER'S JOY. Played by W. S. Claunch on fiddle and Firs.
Christeen Haywood on guitar. Near Guntown, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2971 A3
SOLDIER'S JOY. Played by Wade Ward on fiddle. Galax, Va. , Alan
Lomax and Peter Seeger, 1939. 3764. .82
SOLDIER'S JOY. Played by Willard Lay on. harmonica. Arthurdale,
W. Va., Charles Seeger, 1936. 3.305 A2 .
SOLDIER'S LIFE, A. Sung by G. W. Blevlns. Wise, Va., Herbert,
Halpert, 1939- 2765 A
SOLDIER'S POOP, LITTLE 301, A. Sung by J. U. Newman. Elon College,
N. C, Fletcher Colin ns, 1939- 3778 A2 & Bl
SOLDIER'S SONG. Sung by Mrs. Alice Williams, Ashland, Ky. , John A.
Lomax, 1937. 102.1 Bl
SOLDIER'S SWEETHEART, THE. Sung "by Herbert E. Roop with guitar.
Fort Thomas, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1699 B4
SOLDIER'S SWEETHEART, THE. Sung by Wardc H. and Pat Ford. Central
Valley, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1938. 4204- Bl
SOLEY MARRIED, Sung by Abraham (Rabbit) Atterly and group with
drum and saw. Chosen, Fla., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston
and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935= 376 32
SOME FAIR MORNING. Sung by Rev. J. R. Gipsori with piano. Jasper,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Loins x, 1940. 3931 A3
SOME FOLKS SAY THE DEVIL. Sung by group of Negro- women prisoners.
State penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936.
559 A2
Gloucester, N. J., Alan Lomax, 1938. 1343 32
Pineville, Ky. , Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1938. 1984 82-10 in.
SOME MOTHER'S BOY TONIGHT, Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New lork,
N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1939. 2571 B2
SOME OF THESE DAYS. Sung by Zackie Knox. Murrells Inlet,, S. C,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1044 32
SOME OLD COLD, RAINY DAY. Sung by A. 3. Hicks. Eatonville, Fla.,
Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935. 362 B
SOME SWEET DAY AFTER AWHILE. Sung by Lavinia Simmons and mixed
trio ; with clapping and patting. Edisto Island, S. C, Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3H8 B2
SOME SWEET DAY AFTER AWHILE. Sung by Lillie and Thelma Knox.
Murrells Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1032 Al
SOME WILL COME ON SATURDAY NIGHT. Sung by 3a scorn Lamar Lunsfcrd
with banjo. New York, N. '£. , George W. Hibb.itt and William
Cabell Greet, 1935. 1799 A2
SOMEBODY GOT DROWNDED IN THE SEA. Sung by group of Negro women
prisoners. Gorree state farm, Huntsville, Tex., John A. and
Alan Lomax, 1934- 220 31
SOMEBODY IS LOW AND HANDSOME. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury.
Mena, Ark., John A. Lomax and. Laurence Powell, 1936. 371 A2
SOMEBODY KNOGKIN' AT YO' DOOR. Sung hy group of Negro men and
women. Cockrum, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3014 Bl
Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937. 1298 Al
SOMEBODY TOUCHED ME. Sung by Robert Chapman. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2695 31
SOMEBODY'S ROCKIN 1 MY SUGAR LUMP. Sung by Mrs. Callie, Meiinda
and Rosalee Vaughan. Laager, Term., Herbert Halpert, 1939.
2941 Bl
SOMEBODY'S TALL AND HANDSOME. Sung by' patient. State hospital,
Austin, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 952 A2
SOMETHING GOT A HOLD OF ME. Sung by Willie Bledsoe with guitar.
Pineville, Ky. , Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 1975 A-.1G in.
(Lead Belly) with guitar. Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937.
994 B
Jefferson and Ozelia Jones. State farm, Raiford, Fla. , John
A. Lomax, 1936. 702 3
Johnny Mae Medlock and Julia Griffin. State farm, Raiford,
Fla., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 3556 A
Brady ?/alker, Thomas Trimmer and William Gant. Clemens,
S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2723 Al
SOMETIMES I GET A THINKIN 1 . Sung by Oscar (Buddy) Woods with guitar.
Shreveport, La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3939 A3
SOMETIMES I GET A THINKIN'. Sang by Oscar (Buddy) Woods with guitar.
Shreveport, La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 19.40. 3939 Bl
Harris. State penitentiary, Nashville., Tenn., John A. Lomax,
1933. 173 A3
SOMETIMES IT CAUSE ME TO TREMBLE. Sung by group of Nogro women.
State penitentiary, Par oilman. Miss., John A. and Alan Lomax,
1933- 1369 Bl-10 in.
SOMEWHERE IN HEAVEN YOU WILL FIND ME. 'Sung by Joe and -.Johnny Hail.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. A061 31
(Kingfish) Smith. New York, N. Y. , Herbert Halpert, 1939.
3655 B5
SONG FROM WEST COAST OF AFRICA. Sung by Thomas Anderson. Nev^ fork,
N. Y., Herbert Halpert, 1938. J'633 B3
SONG IN ZION, A. Sung by Ellie D. Sibert. Manchester, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1473 Bl
SONG OF THE OLD BACHELOR. Sung by S. F. Russell. Marion, ' Va. ,
Sidney Robertson, 19.36. 3158 Al.
SONG OF THE PWA. Sung by Villi Wright. Clinton, Ark., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3193 Al
SONG OF THE SEA. Sung by Bascorr. Lamar Lunsford. New York, N. Y. ,
George W. Kibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935. 1793 B3
- 374 -
SONG OF 316, ILGWU. Sung by Frances Worts. Bryn Mawr , Pa.,
Alan Lonax, 1933. 1771 B2
SONG TO KID THE ICEMAN. Sung. by Clyde (Kingfish) Smith. New
York, N. T. ,. Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3655 B2
SONNY BOY. Sung by Car], Light and' J. A. Haines. Llano, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 900 B2
SOON, OH, SOON. Sung by Lillie and Thelma Knox, Murrolls Inlet,
S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1034. B2
SOON ONE MORNIN'. Sung by Dock and Henry Reed and Vera Hall.
Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1319 Al
SOON ONE MORNIN'. Sung by Dock Reed ana Vera Hall. Livingston,
Ala., John A. and Ruby.T. Lomax, 1940. 4020 31
Robinson. Lubbock, Tex. , John A. Lomax, 1937. 951 Al
SOON'S EVER I LEAVE-A MY TOMB. Sung by group of Negro convicts.
Kilby prison, Montgomery, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1934- 233 Bl
SORGHUM SYRUP SONG. Sung by Alec Moore. Austin, Tex., Join A. Lomax,
1934- 55 A2
with drum and saw. Grants, Mangrove cay, Andros island, Bahamas,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicie, 1935. 456 B2
SOULTANA. Sung by Eve Anastassiou. Tarpon Springs, Fla, , John
Filareton, 1940. 3833 Bl
SOUNDING THE LEAD ON THE OHIO RIVER. Sung by W. C. Handy with guitar.
Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938. 1621 B2
S0URW00D MOUNTAIN. Played by Base cm Lamar Lunsford on fiddle. New
York, N. Y., George 11. Hibbitt and William Cabel] Greet, 1935.
1339 A3
S0URW00D MOUNTAIN. Played by Ben S. Dagger on banjo. Elk Park,
N. 0., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2850 A3
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Played by Boyd Ashor on fiddle, Hyden, Kv. } Alan
and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937.' 1526 31
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Played by George 0. Nicholson on fiddle.
Providence, Laurel co., Ky, , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
1505 Al ;
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Played by E. L. Maxey on fiddle. Ferrum, V;;,,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2744 Al & A2
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Played by Howard Collins on dulcimer.
Smithsboro, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1541 B2
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Played by J. W. (Peg) Hatcher on fiddle.
Ferrum, Vs., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2740 A3
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN^ Played by J. W. Russell on fiddle, Robert
Russell, Sr., on guitar and Worioy Rolen on banjo. Marion, Va.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3165 Al & A2
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Played by Luther Strong on fiddle. Hazard, Ky.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1537 B.3
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Played by Marion Rees on fiddle. Zlonville,
N. 0. , John A. Lomax, 1936, 841 B2
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Played by, Mr. Barker on banjo. Crandon, Wis.,
Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3238 A2 b. A3
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Played. by Mrs. Lena Bare Turbyfill on banjo.
Elk Park, N. C, Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2852 A3
- 375 -
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Flayed by Pete Steele on banjo. Hamilton,
Ohio, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. ■ 1711 H3
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Played by Tex Vanderpool and Green Maggard on
fiddle and guitar. American folk song festival, Ashland ,
Ky. , Jean Thomas, 1934- 305 A
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Played by Theodore Blevins on dulcimer. Galax,
Va., Bess Loinax, 1937. 13 42 A3
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Sung and played by Hobart Ricker. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax and Jerome Wiesner, 1940. 3903 Al
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Sung by Austin Harmon with banjo. Near Maryvillv ,
Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2887 A2 & Bl
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Sung by Bascem Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New
York, N. I., George W. ■Ribbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1839 A2
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN, THE. Sung by Blind James Reward with fiddle.
Harlan, Ky. , John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933- 76 Al
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Sung by George Roark with banjo. Pineville,
Ky. , Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938 • 1995 3-10 in.
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Sung by Mary Floyd. luka., Miss.,. Herbert
Halpert,, 1939. 3020 A4
S0URW00D MOUNTAIN. Sung by Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Ball. Galax, Va.,
John A. and Bess Lomax, 1937,. 134.6 A2
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Sung by Mrs. Hettie Swindel. Freeling, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2815 B2
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Sung by Mrs. Lucy Garrison. Providence, Laurel
eo., Ky. , Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1505 A2
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Sung by Mrs. Mary Fuller Gain. Clintwood, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2822 Al
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Sung by Mrs. W. L. Martin. Hillsville, Va. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2755 A2
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Sung by T. G. HoskinR with fiddle. Hyden, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. I464 33
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Sung by Theophilus G. Hoskins with fiddle, with
banjo by M. Asher. Hyden, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth nomax, 1937.
1515 A3
SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN. Sung by Tom West. American' folk festival, Ashland,
Ky., Jean Thomas, 1934. 293 A
SOUTH SEA SHANTY. Sung by Mrs. Hallie May Preece. Austin,- Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 916 A2
SOUTHERN SOLDIER, THE. Sung by Mrs. Minta Morgan. Bells', Tex., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 1333 Bl
SOW AND THE PIGS. Sung by W. C. Martin. Blowing iiock, N. C, John A.
Lomax, 1936. 651 B2
SOWS IN THE CORNER. Sun- by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 954 Al
SPANISH FANDANGO., THE. Played by Pete Steele on banjo. Hamilton,
Ohio, Alan and Elizabeth Loinax, 1933. 1705 32
SPANISH TWO-STEP, THE. Played by Ernest Alston on guitar and
Harding Price on harmonica. Shafter FSA camp, Shafter, Calif.,
1940. 4104 83
SPANISH WAR. Sung by Blind Jesse Harris with accordion.
Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937.
- 376 -
SPARKLIN' BLUE EYES. Sung by Billy Jane Thompson, Willodean
Judd and Virginia Wright. Arvin FSA camp, Arvin, Calif.,
Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 194C 4103 A2
SPARKLING SUNDAY NIGHT. Sung by Mrs. J. J. Newman. Elon College,
N. C, Fletcher Collins, 1939. 3780 31
SPEAK TO ME, DARLING. Sung by Ray Wood. Houston, Tex., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2595 38
SPEED THE PLOW. Played by L. 0. Weeks on fiddle. Springfield, Vt.,
Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3691 A2
Mrs. May McCord. Springfield, Mo., Sidney Robertson, 1936.
3212 B2 & 3
SPONGER MONEY. Sung by a Bahaman with accordion. Key West, Fla.,
Stetson Kennedy and Robert Cook, 194-0. 3335 B3
SPONGER MONEY. Sung by Joanna and group, with saw and drum.
Chosen, Fla., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary-
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 37b A2
SPONGER MONEY. .Sung by Joanna and group, with saw and drum.
Chosen, Fla., Man Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 376 Bl
SPONGER MONEY. Sung by Theodore Rolls. Key West, Fla., Stetson
Kennedy and Robert Cook, 194.0. 3388 Bl
SPORTING COWBOY, THE. Sung by Mrs. Vera Kilgore. Highlander folk
school, Monteagle, Tenn. , Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2938 83
(Rabbit) Atterly and mixed group with drum. Chosen, Fla.,
Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935. 334 A
with drum and saw. Chosen, Fla., Alan Lomax. Zora %ale
Hurston and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935- 382 A
SPRINGFIELD JAIL. Spoken oy Elmer Barton. Quebec, Vt., Alan
Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939- 3697 Bl
SPRINGFIELD JAIL. Sung by Elmer Barton. Quebec, Vt, , Alan Lomax
and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939- 3697 Al
SPRINGFIELD MOUNTAIN. Sung and spoken by Mrs. Lee Skeens. Wooten,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1465 B
SPRINGFIELD MOUNTAIN. Sung by A].ec Moore. Austin, Tex. , John A.
Lomax, 1934- 56 B2
SPRINGFIELD MOUNTAIN. Sung by J. C. Kennison. Bennington, Vt.,
Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3755 A
SPRINGFIELD MOUNTAIN. Sung by Morton Montonyea. Sloatsburg,
N. Y., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3663 A
SPRINGFIELD MOUNTAIN. Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washington, D. C,
Alan Lomax, 1937. 1372 B1-B3-10 in.
SPRINGFIELD MOUNTAIN. Sung by Virginia Easley. Koulka, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3025 A2
SPRUCE BRANCH HOG SONG. Sung by T. G. Hoskins. Hyden, Ky., Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1517 A2
SPRUCE BRANCH HOG SONG. Sung by Theophilus G. Hoskins. Hyden, ^\,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937." 1517 Bl
- 377 -
SQUARE DANCE GALL. Sung by Al Bingham; Spur, Tex., John A. Lomax,
1935- 5-48 B '
SQUARE DANCE CALLS. Sung by Bob Smith. National folk festival,
Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 324.2 31
SQUARE DANCE CALLS. Sung by John Selman,with string band..
Stamford, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1935. 538 A
SQUARE DANCE CALLS. Sung by Pete Harris with guitar. Richmond,
Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934- 73 Al
SQUAW DANCE. Played by Joe and Clarence Cloud on banjo and
fiddle. Odanah, Wis., Alan Lomax, 1933. 24-69 Bl .
SQUAW DANCE. Played by Joe and Clarence Cloud on banjo and . ;..
fiddle. Odanah, Wis., Alan Lomax, 1938. 24.69 B2-
ST. See SAINT ..;/■. ,
STACKERLEE. Sung by Foy Cant. Austin, Tex., John A. and. Alan
Lomax, 1934- 61 A2
STAGOLEE. Sung by Albert Jackson. State prison farm, Atmore, Ala.,
John A.. Lomax, 1934. 231 A
STAGOLEE. Sung by Bert Martin with guitar. Manchester, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1479 Bl
STAGOLEE. Sung by Blind Jesse Harris with accordion. Livingston,
Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1328 B
STAGOLEE. Sung by Blind Pete and partner, with guitar. Little
Rock, Ark., John A. Lomax, 1934- 239 A2
STAGOLEE. Sung by Buena Flynn. State farm, Raif ord , Fla., John A.
Lomax, 1936. 700 A2
STAGOLEE. Sung by group of Negro women prisoners. State farm,
Raiford, Fla., John A. Lomax, 1936. 699 A2
STAGOLEE. Sung by John (Big Nig) Bray with guitar. Amelia, la.,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 135? A2-8 in.
STAGOLEE. Sung by Lonnie Robertson with guitar. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 733 A
STAGOLEE. Sung by Lucious Curtis with guitar, with guitar by Willie
Ford. Natchez, Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940.
4003 B2
STAGOLEE. Sung by Mrs. George A. Webb. San Angelo, Tex. , John A.
Lomax, 1935. 577 B
STAGOLEE. Sung by Negro convict. Cumins state farm, Gould, Ark.,
John A. Lomax, 1934. 245 Al
STAGOLEE. Sung by Roscoe McLean and group of Negro convicts.
State farm, Raiford, Fla., John A. Lomax, 1936. 694 B2
STAGOLEE. Sung by Tom Bell. Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax,
1937. 1326 Bl
STAGOLEE. Sung by unidentified Negro convict. Tennessee state
penitentiary, Nashville, Term. , John' A. and Alan Lomax,
1933. 180 Al
STAGOLEE. Sung by Vera Hall. Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax,
. 1937. 1323 A2
STAI YAI YUKA TUMA YEA. Sung by Baseom Lamar Lunsford. New York,
N. Y. , George W. Kibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935-
1812 A2
STAND, BOYS, STAND. Sung by Austin Harmon with banjo. Maryville,
Tenn. , Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2883 A2
- 378 -
Zacharias Greene. Grants, Mangrove cay,' - Andros island,
Bahamas, .Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle. 1935.
445 B4
stirrers of Houston. Austin, Tex. , John A. Lbmax, 1936.
673 B2
STANDING IN. THE NEED OF PRAYER. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford.
New York, N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1832 B2
STANDING ON THAT ROCK. Sung by group of Negro women prisoners.
State farm, Raiford, Fla., John A. Lomax, 1936. 699 Al
STANDING ON THE BORDER. Sung by Pete Harris with guitar.
Richmond, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934- • 89 A4
STANDING ON THE ROCK. Sung by Minnie Williams. State farm,
Raiford, Fla., John A. Lomax, 1936. 700 Al
STANDING ON THE ROCK. Sung by Minnie Williams and group of Negro
women prisoners. State farm, Raiford, Fla., John A. Lomax,
1936. ' 701 Al
STAR LIGHT, STAR BRIGHT. Spoken by school girls. Camp Winona,
Lake Como, Pa., Herbert Halpert, 1937. 3670 A9
STATE FARM BLUES. Sung by Claude Cryder with guitar.
Bloomington, Ind. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1721 33
STATE FARM BLUES. Stxng by Henry Williams. Kilby prison,
Montgomery, Ala. , John A. Lomax, 1934- 235 B2
STATE OF ARKANSAS, THE. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. Now York, N. Y
Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 327 Al
STATE OF ARKANSAS', THE. Sung by Elizabeth Minyard. Pine Mountain
settlement school, Pine Mountain, Ky., Alan and Elizabeth
Lomax, 1937. 1391 Bl
STATE OF ARKANSAS, THE. Sung by Mrs. Emm:, Dusenbury. Mena, Ark.,
John A. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 365 B2
STATE OF ARKANSAS, THE. Sung by Mrs. Hallie May Preece. Austin,
Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 915 A2
STATE OF ARKANSAS, THE. Sung by 'Mrs. Ollie Womblc. Banner, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939." 3031 Al
STATE OF ARKANSAS, THE. Sung by Theophilus G. Hoskins. Kyden,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1518 A2
STAVIN' CHAIN. Sung by Tricky Sam with guitar. State penitentiary,
Huntsville, Tex. , John A. -and Alan Lomax, 1934. '210 Al
STAVIN' CHAIN. Sung by Tricky Sam with guitar. State penitentiary,
Huntsville, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934- 215 Al
STAVIN 1 CHAIN. ' Sung by Wilson Jones with guitar, with banjo by
Charles Gobert and fiddle by Octave Amos. Lafayette, La.,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. Q 4 B2
STAY ALL NIGHT AN' DON'T GO HOME. Played by 0. I.,. Coffey on
banjo. Blowing Rock, N. C. , John A. Lomax, 1936. 855 B2
STAY IN THE FIELD. Sung by Hagar Brown. Murrells Inlet, S. C,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 830 Al
STAY IN THE FIELD. Sung by Laura Hatcher and mixed group.
Gautier, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3106 A2
- 379 -
STAY IN YOUR MOTHER'S HOUSE. Sung by mixed group. Nassau, Bahamas,
Alan Lcinax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 488 Al
STAY IN YOUR MOTHER'S HOUSE. Sung by Pappie and group of Andres
island men. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935. 523 B2
STEAL AWAY. Sung by J. Wesley Jones and group of Negro -"voices.
National folk festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson,
1937. 3263 A2
STEAL AWAY. Sung by Negro chorus. Cincinnati, Ohio, Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1639 B2
STEAL HER, GOLDEN BOY. Sung by L. M. Abrcra, Alzea Patterson and
Lloyd Lee Woodward. Piney Woods school, Piney' Woods, Misfi.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 879 M
STEAL LIZA JANE. Sung by Johnny Mae Medlcck, Ruth Hines and
Gussie Slater. State farm, Raiford, Fla.., • John A. and Ruby
T. Lomax, 1939. 2718 B2
STEAL MISS LIZA. Sung by three children. Tupelo, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2960 B2
STEAL MISS LIZA JANE. Sung by group of little Negro girls.
Eatenville, Fla., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 34-9 B2
STEAL MISS LIZA JANE. Sung by group of Negro girls. Fred erica,
Ga., A.Ian Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935. 310 Al
STEAL MISS LIZA JANE. Sung by group of Negro girls. Frederica,
Ga., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935. 310 B2
STEAL PARTNER. Sung by Richard Osceola, Nana Tiger, John Josh
and Morgan Smith. Seminole Indian Reservation, Fla.,
Carita Doggett Corse and Robert Cornwall, 194-0. 3895 A
STEALING OF AN .HEIRESS. Sung by Sam Harmon. Near feryville, Tenn.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2904. 32
STEALING PARTNERS. Sung by Mrs. Mary Fuller Cain. Clintwood, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 28.1.7 B4
STEAMBOAT. Sung hy Charles L. Long with fiddle. Quitman, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3043 32
STEAMBOAT BILL. Sung by Gilbert Fike. Little Rock, Ark., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3186 31
STEAMBOAT DAYS. Sung and spoken by Richard Amerson. Livingston.
Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4051 B
STEAMBOAT QUICKSTEP. Played by L. 0. Weeks on fiddle. Springfield,
Vt. , Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3690 B4
STEAMBOAT QUICKSTEP. Played by L. 0. Weeks on fiddle. Springfield,
Vt,, Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3691 Al
STEEL CALLING HOLLER. Sung by Sam (Old Dad) Ballard. Now Iberia,
La., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934 • 99 Al
STEEL-DRIVING, EXPLANATION. Spoken by Henry Truvillion. Vviergate,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 397.3 32
STEEL-DRIVING SONG. Sung by Henry Truvillion. Burkeviile, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2658 A
- 380 -
STEEL-DRIVING SONG. Sung by Henry Truvillioh and gang.
Wiergate, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 3973 Bl
STEEL-LAYING HOLLER. Sung by John (Black Sampson) Gibson.
Stete penitentiary, Nashville, Tenn. , John A. and Alan
Lomax, 1933. 179 Bl
STEEL-LAZING HOLLER. Sung by Rochelle Harris. State penitentiary,
Nashville, Tenn., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. 181 At
STEP BACK, CINDY. Played by Davy Crockett Ward on banjo. Galax,
Va., Alan Lomax and Peter Seeger, 1939. 3768 Al
STEPMOTHER, THE. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College, N. C,
Fletcher Collins, 1939. 3784 B2
STEWBALL, Sung by Bowlegs. State penitentiary, Parchman, Miss.,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. 1863 B4-10 in.
STEWBALL. Sung by Dobie Red and eight men. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 736 B
STEWBALL. Sung by four Negro convicts. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 602 Bl
STEWBALL. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Oakley, Miss., John A.
and Alan Lomax, 1933. 1855 A--10 in.
STEWBALL. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State Farm, Va., John
A. Lomax, 1936. 831 Al
STEWBALL. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State prison farm,
Oakley, Miss., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. 1867 B2-10 In.
STEWBALL. Sung by group of Negro convicts, with ax-cutting. State
penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax,
1939. 2677 Bl
STEWBALL.- Sung by Gus Harper and group of Negro convicts. State
penitentiary 3 Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1937. 94-2 B2
STEWBALL. Sung by Lee Guest, Eugene Wilson, Matthew Willis and
Booker T. "Wilson. State prison camp, Boone, M. C. , John A.
Lomax, 1936. 862 A2
STEWBALL. Sung by Ollis (Thirty Cents) Giles, W. D. (Alabama)
Stewart, Ross (Po' Chance) Williams and Leroy (Burnt Billy)
Russell. State penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 3557 'b
STEWBALL. Sung by Roscoe McLean and group of Negro convicts. State
farm, Raiford, Fla. , John A. Lomax, 1936. 695 A2
STEWBALL. Sung by Washington (Lightnin 1 ) and group of Negro con-
victs. Darrington state farm, Sandy Point, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1934. 189 A
STEWBALL. Sung by Washington (Lightnin 1 ) and group, with ax-cutting.
Darrington state farm, Sandy Point, Tex., John A. and Alan
Lomax, 1934- 193 Bl
STEWBOY. Spoken by Harold B. Haaelhurst. Jacksonville, Fla.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3143 33
STICKS AND STONES. Sung by Josephine Alonzi and group of girls.
Lenox Hill settlement house, New York, N. Y. , Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3649 A3
STICKS AND STONES. Sung by Mrs. Epstein, Nov, York, N. Y. , Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 366.1 B2
STICKS AND STONES. Sung by Rosalind Rosenthal and Herbert Halpert.
New York, N. I. , Herbert Halpert, 1939. 36/, 6 B2
- 381 -
STIRLING'S HOTEL. Sung by Pat Ford. Central Valley, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1938. 4207 .Al
STO' GALLERY BLUES. Sung by Willie Ford with guitar, with guitar
by Lucious Curtis. Natchez, Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax,
194-0. 4007 Al
STOCK-TIMS. Played by Negro convict on guitar, with sound of
dancing. State prison farm, Hilledgeville , Ga., John A.
Lomax, 1934- 260 Bl
STOCKADE BLUES, THE. Sung by Southern sisters with guitars.
Cincinnati, Ohio, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1933. 1693 Bl
STONE RIVER. Sung by D. W. Preece. Austin, Tex., John A. Lomax,
1937. 921 Al
STONE RIVER. Sung by Mrs. Hallie May Preece. Austin, Tex., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 926 Al
STONE RIVER. Sung by Mrs. Oscar Parks. Deuchar,"-, Ind., Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1727 A & Bl
Rice. Springfield, Mo. , Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3346 A2
Rice. Springfield, Mo., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3219 Al
Vinton Graham with guitar. San Jose, Calif., Sidney
Robertson, 1939. 3374 B2
STONEWALL JACKSON. Played by T. M. Bryant on fiddle.,,
Ind., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1733 34
STONY POINT. Played by W. A. Bledsoe on fiddle and H. D. Kinard
on banjo. Meridian, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939 • 3039 Al
STOOP DOWN AND DRINK. Sung by Ed .Jones. Livingston, Ala., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2703 B2
STOP AN' TAKE A RIDE. Sung by Cecil, Martha, Edmond and Robert
Owens. Clemson, S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939 »
2724 Al
STOP IT, JOE. Sung by James P. Johnson with piano. New York,
N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1938. . 2490 B2
STORIES. Spoken by Leon Ponce and Hall. Columbia, Calif., Sidney
Robertson, 1939- 3356 33
STORIES ABOUT BRAD LOWRY. Spoken by Tilman Cadle. Pineville, Ky. ,
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 2025 Bl ft 2-10 in.
STORM, THE. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James, Beaver island, Mich.,
Alan Lomax, 1933. 2283 Bl .
State prison farm, Atmcro, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1934- 229 31
STORM IN ARKANSAS. Sung by Tom Bell with guitar. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4066 Bl
STORM STORY, A. Spoken by Beatrice Lang. Jacksonville, F'ia.
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3137 Al
STORMALONG. Sung by Capt. Richard Maitland. Sailor's snug harbor,
Staten Island, New fork, N. Y. , Alan Lomax, 1939.
2522 A3 ft Bl
STORMALONG. Sung by Capt. Richard Maitland. Sailors' snug harbor,
Staten Island, New York, N. Y. , Alan Lomax, 1939- 2p?3 <*■ & 81
STORMS ARE ON THE OCEAN* Sun ? -- by Mrs. Fsco Kilgore. Kamiltontovm,
near Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939.- 2831 B2-
STORMS ARE ON THE OCEAN, THE. Sung by Mrs. fester Whitworth, with
guitar by Zelraer Ward. Arvin FSA camp, Arvin, Calif., Charle.-:
L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 194-0. 4093 A2
STORMS ON THE /ROLLING OCEAN. Sung by Gant family. Austin, Tex.,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 1936. 643 B
STORY ABOUT THE MURDER OF A CHILD. Sung by Julep Rower. Brussells,
Wis., Robert F. Draves, 1940.' 4166 A3 & Bl
STORY MOST' LOVELY I'LL TELL, A. Sung by Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Spencer. Crandon, Wis., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3282 al, j-.2kBl
STORY MOST PLEASING I'LL TELL YOU. A. Sung by Vincent Caldwell and
group. Ashland, Ky. , John A. Lomax, 1937. 1015 Bl
STORY OF OIL BOOMS. Spoken by Woodrow (Woody) Wilson Guthrie.
Washington, D. C, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1940 . 3420 Al
STORY OF THE '93 STORM. Spoken by Hagar Brown and Oato Singleton.
Murrells Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 193b, 830'. A3
STORY OF THE WEDDING. Spoken by Uncle Alec.Dunford. Galax, Va. ,
Alan Lomax and Peter Sesger, 1939. 3766 Al & A2
STOWAWAY, THE. Sung by J. W» Green, St. James, Beaver island, Mich.,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 2296 Bl
STOWAWAY, THE. Sung by John Norman. Muni sing, Mich., Alan Lomax,
1938. 2359 B
STRANGAREE. Sung by Celine. Lewis. Livingston, Ala. , John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2.699 3.1
STRANGE FLY FROM CUBAL. Spoken by Willie George Albertino King.
Winnfield, La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3993 03
STRAWBERRY WALK. Sung by group of Negro school children. Near York,
Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4029 Bl
STREET CRIES OF NEW YORK CITY. Sung' by Irving Epstein and Eddy
Socol. New York, N. Y., Herbert lialpert, 1939. 3662 A2
STRIKING MINERS, THE. Sung oy Henry Garrett. ' Crossvills, Term.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3175 Al
STRING DEM BEANS. Sung by student body of Dorchester academy.
Mcintosh, Ga., Margaret Valiant, 1939- 3004 LI
Sibert. Manchester, Ky. , Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937.
1478 B2 . ,
STRUGGLING. Sung by Gladys, Matties and Juanita Crouch. St. Louis,
Mo., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3196 Bl & 32
STUTE'S MOUNTAIN. Spoken by Uncle Alec Dunford. Galax, Va., Alan
Lomax and Peter Seeger, 1939. 3766 .31, 3763 Bl
STUTTERING SONG. Sung byLloyd Stalcup. Shafter FSA crimp, Shafter,
Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940. 4104 A3
SUBCONTRACTOR'S SONG. Sung by Henry Truviilion. Burkcvillo, Tex,,
John A. and Itidby T. Lomax, 1940. 3985 A3
SUCH A GITT1N' UPSTAIRS. Sung by John a. Lomax. Drew, Miss., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4012 B3
SUCK HER OUT. , Sung "oy Gertrude Thurston and mixed group 'with drum.
Nevr Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, ;Vian Lomax and. Mary til
Barnicle, 1935 - .386 B2
- 383 -
SUCK HER, OUT. Sung by Gertrude Thurston and mixed group with
drum. New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary-
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 387 A
SUGAR BABE. Sung by Alec Moore. Austin, Tex., John A. Lomax,
1934- 55 Bl
SUGAR BABE. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson, New York, N. Y. , Alan
Lcmax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. '327 B5
SUGAR BABE. Sung by J. L. Goree. Houston, Tex., John A. and Ruby
T. Lomax, 1939. 2593 B3
SUGAR BABE. Sung by Ray Wood. Houston, Tex., John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, 1939. ' 2594 Al
SUGAR BABE. Sung by Sims and Mandie Tartt and Bettie Atmore.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2704 A3
SUGAR HILL." Sung by Fields Ward. Galax, V-a., John A. Lomax, 1937,
1356 B3
SUGAR IN THE GOURD. Sung by Jim Garland. Pineville, ¥,j., Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 2008 A2-10 in.
SUGAR IN THE GOURD. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. ' 955 A5
SUGAR LUMP. Sung by Ruby Wilson. Kingsville, Tex., 'John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2626 B3
SUGAR LUMP. Sung by- school group. Vanclesvo, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3110 A2 & A3
SUGAR MAMA. Sung by Jack Delancey. Chosen, Fla.', Alan Lomax, Zors
Neale Hurston and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935. 379 B2
SUGAR TOM. Sung by Sam Harmon, with' banjo by Austin Harmon.
Maryville, Tenn. , Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2397 A2
SUKE BRINDY. Sung by Mrs. Laura and Ruby Clifton. Tupelo, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2970 M & 81
Evansville, Ind., Alan and Elizabeth Lcmax, 1938.. 1754 B2
Reed and Vera Hall. Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937.
1319 32
women prisoners. State prison farm, near Little Rock, Ark.,
John A. Lomax, 1934. ' 236 31
SUN DIDN'T SHINE ON YONDER' S MOUNTAIN. Sung by group of women
prisoners. State prison farm, near Little Rock, Ark., John
A. Lomax, 1984. 236 B2
high school quartet. Newton, fox., John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, 1939- * 2653 B2
SUN DON'T EVER GO DOWN, DE. Sung by Celine. Lewis. Livingston,
Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2699 A2
SUN GOING DOWN. Sung by E. C. Broron. Raiford, Fla., John A.
Lomax, 1936. 687 Al
with accordion. Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937.
1331 Al
SUN GONE DOM. Sung by Willie Outlaw. Women's camp, Cumins state
farm, Gould, Ark., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2640 «3
- 384 -
SUN SHINES OVER 1'HE MOUNTAIN, THE. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury.
Mena, Ark., John A. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 365 Bl
SUN WENT DOM BEYOND YON HILL, THE. Sung by Mrs. Emma. Dusenbury.
Mena, Ark., Sidney Robertson and Laurence Powell, 1936.
3230 Bl
SUN WILL NEVER GO DOWN, THE. Sung by group of Negro convicts. '
Speigner, Ala., John A. 'Lomax., 1934- ■ 227 31
convicts. State farm, Raiford, Ela,, John A. Lomax, 1936.
69-4 A2
SUNDAY GAL. Sung by Jack Bryant with guitar. Firebaugh, Calif.,
Charles L. Todd and Robert Scnkin, 194-0. 4.14-7 31
SUNDAY MORNING BAND. Sung oj group of Negro women prisoners.
Gorree state farm, Huhtsville , Tex., John A. Lomax, 193-4 =
220 Al
SUNNY HOME IN DIXIE. Played by John Rector and his string band,
Robert Catron, Ivor Edwards and Kelly Luridy. Galax, \'a.. John
A. and Bess Lomax, 1937.
Lih>i ixX.
., .ark., Sidney
-.-, i
SUNNY SOUTH, THE. Sung by John McCready. Groveland, Calif., Sidncy
Robertscn, 1939- 3350 B2
SUNNY TENNESSEE. Sung by Sa scorn Lamar Lunsford with banjo. Nov;
York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935.
1304 B3
SUNNY TENNESSEE. Sung by Gilbert Fike. Little Rock
Robertson, 1936. .3187 A3
SUNRISE CALL. Sung by Florence Clark. American folk song r estiva
Ashland, Ky. , Jean Thomas, 1934- 287 A
SUSANNA. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New York, K. I,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935 • 1800 B3
SUSANNA GAL. Sung by Fields Ward with guitar, with fiddle by
Crockett Ward. Galax, Va., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194.0.
4-031 31
SUSANSIDE SIDE, THE. Sung by Lester Wells. Traverse City, Mich.,
Alan Lomax, 1933. ~2303 B
SUSIE GAL. Sung by Edna Taylor. State penitentiary, Parchman,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939
SUSIE LOU. Sung by Aunt Molly McDonald. Livingston, Ala., John
and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0 • 4-032 M
SUZANNE. Sung by group of Negro children. Near Newton, Tex,., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2657 31, 2 & B3
SUZETTE-A. Sung by adult. Monroe county training school, Amory,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 29^6 B3
ixiayea Dy lumber jack
en banjo. Marinesco, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 24.20 B2
SWANNANOA CUT. Sung by Doc Hoppes with banjo. Estatoe, N. C, John
A. Lomax, 1936. 856 31
SWANNANOA TUNNEL. Sung by Austin Harmon with banjo. Maryville,
Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2915 32
SWANNANOA TUNNEL. Sung by Bascom Lamer Lunsford. New York, N. Y. ,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, J.935- 1791 31
- 385 -
SWANNANOA TUNNEL. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo.
National folk festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson,
1937. 3^56 B2
SWAPPING SONG, THE. Sung by Mr?. G. S. MacGleilan; High Springs,
Fla., Alton G. Morris, 1937. 987 Al
SWEET BABE. Sung by Leroy Allen, with guitar by Huddle Ledbetter
(Lead Belly). Tucker state farm, Tucker, Ark., John A. Lomax,
1934. 246 Bl
SWEET BETSY FROM PIKE. Sung by Bud Faulkner. Grandoh, Wis., Sidney
Robertson, 1937. 3295 Al N
SWEET BETSY FROM PIKE. Sung by Private John Hacker with guitar.
Fort Thomas, Ky. , Alan arid Elizabeth Lomax, 1933. 1.697 Al
SWEET BETSY FROM PIKE. Sung by Vester Whitworth and Zelmer Ward,
with guitar by Zeluor 'Ward. Arvin FSA camp, Arvin, Calif.,
Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940. 4099 A2
SWEET BUNCH OF DAISIES. Sung by Garrett family. Crossville, Term.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3173 Bl
SWEET FAREWELL, A. Sung by Samuel Simpson Adams. Dunham, Ky. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939 . 2793 B2
SWEET IRENE. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y. , Alan
Lomax, 1939. 2571 i. & 31
SWEET ISLAND'S HILL. Sung by Mrs, Eliza Pace. Hyden, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1513 A2 & 31
SWEET JANE. Sung by Sen Rice. Springfield, Mo., Sidney Robertson,
1937. 3221 Al, A2 & Bl
SWEET JANE, Sung by Clyde Sturgiil. Whitetop, Va. , John A. Lomax,
1935. 551 B
SWEET JANE. Sung by Mrs, Clyde Sturgiil, Whitetop, Va,, Richard
Chase, 1935, ' 3429 A
SWEET JANE. Sung by Mrs. Clyde Sturgiil. Whitetop, Va., Richard
Chase, 1935. 3430 A
SWEET JANE. Sung by Mrs, Esco Kilgore. Norton, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2778 Al
SWEET JANE. Sung by Mrs. Norah Addington, Norton, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2777 Bl
SWEET LILY". Sung by Mrs. Callie V'aughan. Laager, Tenn., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2941 Al
SWEET LITTLE WOOD MOUSE, A. Sang by Wilbur Roberts. Riviera, Fla.,
Stetson Kennedy and Robert Cook, 1940. 3379 31
SWEET LOVE. Sung by Joo and Aunt Molly McDonald. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4032 B2
SWEET MARY AND SWEET JOSEPH. Sung ey Mr. G. A. Griffin. Newberry,
Fla., John A. Lomax, 1937. 963 A3
SWEET MARY, WEEP NO MORE FOR ME. Sung by George Vinton Graham with
guitar. San Jose, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1938. 3812 B2
SWEET PAPA KEEFE. Sung hy Victoria Wilson and group. New Bight,
Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935. 411 A2
SWEET PEGGY GORDON. Sung by Mort Montonyea. Sloatsburg, N. Y.,
Herbert Halpert, 1938. 3666 31
SWEET POTATERS. Sung by Mary Floyd. luka, Miss., Herbert Halpert,
1939. 3020 Bl
- 386 -
PATOOTIE BLUES. Played by Albert Amnions on piano. Now York,
N. Y. , Alan Lomax, 1938. 2500 A
RAQUALE. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James,. Beaver island, Mich.,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 2294. A2
SOLDIER BOY. Sung by Mrs. Ev;srt Wilson. Pensacola, N. C,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2865 B2
SORROW. Sung by Joe Walker. Iuka, Miss., Herbert Halpert,
1939- 3021 "32
SUNNY SOUTH. Sung by Capt. Asel Trueblood. St. Ignatae, Mich.,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 2331 B4 N
SUNNY SOUTH, THE. Sung by Judge Charles Rasrnussen. Lotus,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939." 4-222 A2 & A3
SUSAN. Played by Jilson Setters on fiddle. Ashland, Ky. , John
A. Lomax, 1937. 1019 A2
WILEY JANE. Sung by mixed group. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax
and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 490 Al
WILLIAM. Sung by Barbara Davis. Esserville, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2760 B3
WILLIAM. Sung by Elmer George and Mrs. M. ?. Daniels. East
Calais, Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939 •
3734 A2
WILLIAM. Sung by Fields Ward. Galax, Va,, John A, Lomax,
1937. 1357 31 "
WILLIAM. Sung by Fields Ward. Galax, Va., John A. Lomax,
1937. 1361 Al
WILLIAM. Sung by Mrs. Carrie Walker. Magee, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3062 A & 51
WILLIAM. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla., John A.
Lomax, 1937. ' 954 A2
WILLIAM. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. Kamiltontovm, near
Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2783 B, 2784 Al & A2
WILLIAM.. Sung by Mrs. Retta Harmon. Near Maryville, Tenn.,
Herbert Halpert/ 1939= 2905 32,' 2906 Al
WILLIAM. Sung by Mrs. Theodosia Bennett Long. Saltillo, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939 ■
WILLIAM. Sung by Sam Harmon. Near Maryville, Term., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2901 A2
WILLIAM AND FAIR ELLENDER.' Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin.
Newberry, Fla., Alton C. Morris, 1937. 992 Al
WILLIE. Sung by .Aunt Mollie Jackson. New York, N. Y., Alan
Loinax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 828 B4-
WILLIE. Sung by Cleophas Franklin. Maryville, Tenn., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2890 ' A3
WILLIE. Sung by Int, Junes, Near Burnsvllle, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2997 B2
WILLIE. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. Hamiltontown, near
Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2733 33
WILLIE. Sung by Mrs. Lloyd Bare Hagie. E].k Park, N. C,
Herbert Halpert,, 1939. 2343 B2
WILLIE. Sung by Mrs. Myra Barnett Miller. Tuckaseigee.
N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 845 Al
- .337 -
SWEET WILLIE. Sung by Mrs. Sarah Ison. Near Norton, Vs., Herbert
Halpert, 1939 . ' 2813 A3
SWEET WINDS OF ZION, THE. Sung by Mrs. Lee Skeens. Woofers, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 14.67 A2'
SWEET WINE. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. Hamiitontown, near
Wise, Vai, Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2827 Al £ A2
SWEETHEART HUNTING. Sung by Mrs, Minta Morgan. Bells, Tex., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 895 B.3
SWEETHEART IN. THE ARMY. Sung by Abrer Boggs.. Pine Mountain es.ett la-
ment school, Pine Mountain. Ky.,. Alan and Elizabeth Lomax,
1937. 1384 A3 & 31
SWING A LAD I UP AND DOWN. Played by Henry Davis on fiddle. r
: Hamilton, Ohio, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938- 1714 ,32,
SWING-A-LOW. Sung by Baseom Lamar Lunsford. Now York, N. I.,
■George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell. Greet, 1935- 1830 Ai
SWING LITTLE COM LEE. Sung by Irene Williams. Drew, Miss., John
A. and Ruby T.- Lomax, 194-0.. 4018 A2
SWING LOW, SWEET CHARIOT. '.Sung by Negro chorus. Cincinnati, Ohio,
, Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1933. 1689 31
SWING LOW, SWEET CHARIOT. Sung by Soley. Chosen, Fla. , Alan '
Lomax, Zora Neale Hurstcn and Mary Elisabeth B.nrniele, 1935.
377 A2
SWING YOUR PARTNERS 'ROUND YOU. Sung by children's group. Pond
springs school, near Austin, Tex., John A. Lomax, .1936.
656 Bl
. SWING YOUR TAIL.- .Sung by A-nciros island man and mixed chorus. Grants
Mangrove cay, Andros island, Bahamas > Alan Lomax and Mary
Elisabeth. Barnicle, 1935. .407 B4 .
SWING YOUR TAIL. Sung by Papple and, group of Andros Island men.
!l Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Sarnicle.
1935. 509 Al
SWING. YOUR TAIL. Sung/by Pappie. and group of. Andros Island men.
Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth -Sarnicle,
... 1935. . 510 Al '.
SWOFFORD BRANCH STILLS, THE. Sung by Daw Hanson With; guitar.
Billy's branch, Clay co., Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax,
\. 1937. 1500 B..
SWORD IN -MI HAND. Sung by Lillie and Thelma Knox with clapping.
■ Murrells Inlet, S. C,,. John A. Lomax, 1937, 1032 Bl
- 383 -
T FOR TEXAS. Sung by Bowlegs. State penitentiary, Parchman, Miss.,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933- 1863 Al-10 in.
T. B. BLUES. Played by Pete Steele on guitar. Hamilton, Ohio, Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1711 A3 & Bl
TA-RA-RA -BOOM-DE-AYE. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y. ,
Alan Lomax and Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 823 B3
TA-RA-RA-R.UM-BOM~E-RAY. Sung by George Vinton Graham with guitar.
San Jose, Calif.., Sidney Robertson, 1939- 3376 B3
TAILOR AND THE CHEST. Sung by Mort Montonyea. Sioatsburg, N. Y.,
Herbert Halpert, 1938. 3665 Al
TAILOR BOY, THE. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Central Valley, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1938. 4204 Al
TAKE A STAND. Sung by Lisa Witt and Betty Moore. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lornax, 1940. 4022 A2
TAKE A 'TATER AND WAIT. Sung by Russell Wise with guitar. Cherry
Lake Farms, Fla., Margaret Valiant, 1936. 3311 B2
TAKE A WHIFF ON ME. Sung by Blind Jesse Harris. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1332 Al
TAKE A WHIFF ON ME. Sung by Huddle Ledbetter (Lead Belly). Stat,;
prison farm, Angola, La., John A. Lomax, 1935.' 12.6 A3
TAKE A WHIFF ON ME. Sung by Huddle Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with
guitar. State prison farm, Angola, La., John A. Lomax., 1933..
120 Al
TAKE A WHIFF ON ME. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with
guitar. Wilton, Conn., John A. Lomax, 1935. 45 A
TAKE DIS HAMMER. Sung by group. State farm, Raiford, Fla., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2720 Al
TAKE GOOD CARE OF MOTHER. Sung by Red King. San Antonio, Tex., John
A. Lomax, 1936. 569 A
TAKE GOOD CARE OF MOTHER, Sung by Red King. San Antonio, Tex. , John
A. Lomax, 1936. 659 Bl
TAKE IN THE LIFE BOAT. Siing by Willie Bledsoe and John Hensley with
guitar. Pineville, Ky. , Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1933.
1976 Ai-10 in.
TAKE IT AWAY. Sung by Arthur (Brother-in-law) Armstrong. Jasper.
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3979 A4
TAKE ME AS I AM. Sung by Bolton Reese. Brevard plantation, Adams
mill, near Columbia, S. C, Charles Seeger, 1939.
3793 B2, B3 & B4
TAKE ME BACK. Sung by Finous (Flatfoot) Rockmore with guitar.
Lufkin, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3988 Al
TAKE ME BACK. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with guitar.
Wilton. Conn., John A. Lomax, 1935. 141 A2
TAKE ME BACK TO COLORADO. Sung by Dan v. Stafford. White top, Va.,
John A. Lomax, 1935. 550 Bl
TAKE ME BACK TO WELDON. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Bellwood
prison camp, Atlanta, Ga., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934*
254 B2
TAKE ME THROUGH. Sung by congregation of Church of the ten elders,
with guitar and testimonies. Pineville, Ky, , Mary Elisabeth
Barnicle, 1938. 1966 A & B-10 in.
. - 389 -
TAKE ME THROUGH. .Sung. by John Hensley and two /girls^ with guitar.
Pineville, Ky. , "Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. ' 1974 A-10 in.
TAKE ME THROUGH. Sung by Mrs. Susan and Betty Sue Shepherd. .
Cumberland, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 14-36 B2
TAKE THIS HAMMER. Sung by Clifton Wright and group of Negro
convicts. State penitentiary, Richmond, Va.,- John A. Lomax.,
1936. . 726 Bl
TAKE THIS LETTER TO MI MOTHER. Sung by L. G. Cannon. Belle Glade,
Fla., John A. Lomax, 1936. 704 Bl
TAKE WARNING BY ME. Sung by Cleophas Franklin. Maryville, Term.,
' Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2889 Bl'
Collins, with piano by Margaret Valiant. Cherry Lake. Faring,
Fla., Margaret Valiant., 1936. 3308 AI
TALE OF A LITTLE FIG. Sung by Gant family. Austin, Tex., John. A .
and Alan Lomax, 1936. 645 Bl
TALK ABOUT US BLACK COONS. Sung by Mrs. Minnie Wilson. Princeton,
Ind., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 174-6 B4
TALK ON. Sung by Lonnie Fraziar with guitar. Detroit, Mich., Alan
Lomax, 1938. 24.80 B2 ' • ■■ .
TALK RIGHT HOLY. Sung by group of Negroes. Frederica, Ga., Alan"
Lomax, Zora Neale Hurstcn and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935 •
322 A2
TALKING BLUES. Sung by Homer Pierce with guitar. Arvin FSA canp,
Arvin, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 194.0.
4095 B
TALKING BLUES. Sung by Russoll Wise ;vith guitar. Cherry Lake Farms,
Fla., Margaret Valiant, 1936. 3311 B3
TALKING DUST BOWL BLUES. Sung Dy Woodrow (Woody) Wilson .Guthrie
with guitar. Washington, D. C, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax,/
194-0. 34-11 A2 & 31
TALKING IN SEBASTOPOOL. Played by Gabriel Brown and- Roehelle .
French on guitars. Eatonville, Fla., Alan Lomax, Zora Nealo
Hurston and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 360 B
TALL ANGELS AT THE BAR. Sung by Bat and bar quartet with Monroe
Bowd.rey. Smithers plantation, Hantsville , Tex., John A.
and Alan Lomax, 1934. 36 A
- TALL ANGELS AT THE BAR. Sung by three Negro boys. Jennings, La.,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934 ° 103 A.3
TALL PAPAYA TREE. Sung by Maggie Jean Allen and Johnnie V. Allen,
with guitar by J. D". Allen. Visalia FSA camp, Visalla,
Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Scnkin, 1940. 4128 B2
TALL STORIES. Spoken by Vernie. (Shorty) Allen. Shaftor FSA camp,
Shaftsr, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940.
4112 A
TALL STORIES ABOUT HUNTING. Spoken by Tilman Cadle, Pineville,
Ky., Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 19.38. '2025 -A-10 in, ••■.
TALLY RALLY DEVIL." Sung" by' Willie James Skinner. State (Held)
farm, Boykin, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 70S A2.:
■TAMBO EATING -TAMARIND/ Sung by Wilbur Roberts .Riviera, Fla.,
Stetson Kennedy and. Robert Cook, ' 1940. '■ 3379 B3 .
TAMP *-EM UP SOLID. Simg by Manual (peter Hatcher) Jones.
Livingston, Ala. , "John A.' ana Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4-059 Bl
- 390 -
TAMP 'EM UP SOLID. Sung by Rochelle Harris. State penitentiary,
Nashville, Term., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. 131 A4
TAMP 'EM UP SOLID. Sung by Rochelle Harris. State penitentiary,
Nashville, Tenn., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933- 181 L'2
TAMP 'EM UP SOLID. Sung by Sam (Old Dad) Ballard. New Iberia,
La., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934 . 101 A4
TAMPA. Sung by Zora Neale Hurston. Jacksonville, Fla., Herbert
Halpert, 1939 . 3139 Al
TANK ARGUMENT, TILE. Spoken by Sara and Wilson. Frederica, Ga. 3
Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle ,
1935. 343 B2, 344 A & B
TAP DANCE. Sung and danced by anonymous group, With clapping,
Mayport, Fla., Robert Cook and Robert Cornwall, 1940.
3S90 A2'
TARRY TROUSERS. Sung by Mrs. Jennie Devlin. Gloucester, N. J.,
Alan Lomax and Kay Dealyj 1933. 1775 Al
Mcintosh. National folk festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney
Robertson, 1937. 3251 Al
TATTLER'S WAGON. Sung by W. M. Bledsoe with guitar. Pineville,
Ky. , Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1333. 1968 82-10 in.
TATTLER'S WAGON, THE. Sung by Willie Bledsoe with guitar.
Pineville, Ky. , Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1938. 1975 B-.1Q in.
TAYLOR'S MARCH. Played by H. L. Maxey oil fiddle. Ferrum, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2743 A3
TEA ROLL IDEA. Sung by Theodore Rolls. Key West, Fla., Stetson
Kennedy and Robert Cook, 1940' 3388 Al
TEDDY BEAR BLUES. Sung by Curley Reeves. Brawl ey migratory camp,
Calif., Margaret Valiant, 1939- 3317 A2
TEE-R00. Sung by Foy and Ado Gant. Austin, Tex., John A. and Alan
Lomax, 1934. 61 A3
TEE-R00. Sung by Maggie, Foy, Ella, Glida and Ado Gant, with
guitar. Austin, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934- 67 Al
TEETOTALERS. Sung by Mr. and Mrs. Crockett Ward. Galax, Va.. ,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1360 B2
TELEPHONE TO GLORY. Sung by John Hensiey with guitar, and Jim and
Mamie Garland. Pineville, Ky. ? Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 19.38.
1977 B-10 in.
TELL ME HOW I HAVE TO WAIT. Sung by Alec Moore, Austin, Tex.,..
John A. ana Alan Lomax, 1936. . 654 B3
TELL ME HOW LONG I'M IN YOUR HANDS. Sung by group of Andros island
men. Sponge docks, Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 427 B
TELL ME RIGHT. Sung by Negro convict. State prison farm,
Milledgevilie, Ga., John A. Lomax, 1934- 261 A2
TELL ME WHAT KIND OF MAN JESUS IS. Sung by Elder Sykes .and mixed
group. Eatonville, Fla., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and
Mary Elizabeth' Barnicle, 1935- 350 A
TELL ME WHAT THE JAYBIRD SAY. Sung by Do'ck Reed. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. and- Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4057 Al
TEL1, ME WHAT THE JAYBIRD SAY. Sung by V^ra : Hali. Livingston, Ala,,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940., ' ' 4068" Al
- 391 -
house, Tuolumne co., Calif. , Sidney Robertson, 1939.
3361 A2
TELL MY GOOD LORD"HOWDY". Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New
York, N. Y.j George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935- 1831 Bl
TEMPERANCE BALL. Siuig by Mrs. Theodosia Bonnett Long. Saltillo,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2955 B3
TEMPEST, THE. Played by J. H. Buck on fiddle, Mrs. V. W.
Gifford on piano and V. W. Gifford on trumpet. East Bethel,
Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3717 BJ.
TEMPLE HOUSE, THE. Flayed by Patrick Bonner on fiddle. St. James,
Beaver island, Mich., Alan Lomax, 193S. 2272 B2
TEN LITTLE INDIANS. Sung by firs. Hallie May Preece, Austin, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 915 Bl
TEN POUND HAMMER. Sung hy group of Negro ditch-diggers. Murrells
Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1037 32 "
TEN STEPS. Played by Bascom Lamar Lunsford on fiddle. New York,
N. Y., George W. Hibbitt sad William Cabell Greet, 1935.
1836 A2
Alice (Judge) Richardson. Natchez, Miss., John A. and Ruby
T. Lomax, 1940. 4006 A3
TEN THOUSAND GODDAM CATTLE. Sung by Alan Lomax. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937. 1000 B2
TEN THOUSAND GODDuM CATTLE. Sung by Daca. New York, N. Y.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3658 Al
TEN THOUSAND MILE. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y. ,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935 • 825 A3
TEN THOUSAND MILES. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y.,
Alan Lomax, 1939. 2570 B
TEN THOUSAND MILES. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. Wilton, Conn.,
John A. Lomax, 1935= 73 A4
TEN THOUSAND MILES AWAY. Sung by J. C. Kennison. Bennington,
Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3761 Bl
TEN THOUSAND MILES AWAY. Sung by Mrs. Maggie Cant. Austin, Tex.,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934 • 66 B2
TEN THOUSAND MILES FROM HCME^ Sung by unidentified Negro man.
New Orleans. La., John A. and Alsn Lomax, 1935. 114 A2
TENDIN' GANGWAY. Sung by James Williams with shouting. State
docks, Mobile, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1336 Bl
TENNESSEE. Sung by J. M. Mullir.s with banjo. Florress, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1590 32, 1591 A '
TENNESSEE DOG. Sung by Jiramic Strothers with banjo. State Farm,
Va., John A. Lomax, 1936. 744 B2
TENNESSEE WAGONER, THE. Played by Robert Kicker on banjo.
Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax and Jerome Wiesner, 1940.
3904 A2
TESTIMONY. Spoken by one. of trie sisters of a country Baptist
church. Alexandria, Va., John A. Lomax, 1933. 87 A2
- 392 -
BELL. Played by W. E. Clauncb on fiddle arid Mrs. Chris teen
Haygood on guitar. Near Guntovm. Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939 ■
2973 B4
CANYON. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Central Valley, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1938. 4-206 A3
GIRL. Sung by Lloyd Stalcup, with guitar by Ernie Alston.
Shafter FSA camp, Shaftor, Calif., Charles L. Todd and
Robert Sonkin, 1940. 4110 B2
PIONEER, THE, Sung by Mrs. Minta Morgan. Bells, Tex., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 906 Bl
RANGER, THE. Sung by Bealo D. Taylor. Medina, Tex., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax:, 1939. 2640 Al
RANGER, THE. Sung 'by Seal e D. Taylor. Medina, Tox. , John
A. Lomax, 1939- 3806 A3
RANGER, THE. Sung by Beaie D. Taylor. Medina, Tox., John
A. Lomax, 1939- 3808 A3
RANGER, THE. Sung by Henry A. Briggs. Medina, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1939. 26-40 31
RANGER, THE. Sung by Henry E. Briggs. Medina, Tex. , John A.
Lomax, 1939- 3806 A4
RANGER, THE. Sung by Henry E. Briggs. 'Medina, Tox., John A.
Lomax, 1939. 3808 A4
RANGER. Sung by Mrs. Birmah Kill Grissom. Saltillo, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2964 Al
RANGER, THE. Sung by Mrs. Cinderella Kinnaird. National
folk festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson. 1937.
3263 32
RANGER. Sung ~:yj Sam Harmon. Near Maryville, Tenia., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- ' 2913 Al
RANGERS, THE. Sung by Aunt, Molly Jackson. Ne^ fork, N. I. ,
Alan Lomax, 1939- 2556 B, 2562 Al
RANGERS, THE. Sung by J„ C. Kennison. Bennington, Vt., Alan
Lomax bjid Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3754 3
RANGERS, Sung bj Mrs. Louise Henson. San Antonio, Tex., John
A. Lomax, 1936. 662 -A2
RANGERS, THE. Sung by Mrs. Oscar Parks. Bouchers, Lad., Alan
and Elisabeth Lomax, 1938. 1729 A
RANGERS, THE. Sung by Mrs. Polly Hughes, Artemus Fhipps and
Erella Adams. Dunham, Ky. , Herbert, Halpert, 1939. 2791 32
RANGERS, THE. Sung by Mrs. W. L. Martin. Hillsville, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2754 A2 & 3
RANGERS. Sung by Pauline Fanine, Gladys Wilder ana Bon Reda
Lewis with guitars. West Liberty, Ky. ,. Alan ana Elisabeth
Lomax, 1937. 1561 31
RANGERS, THE. Sung- by W. C. Bagloy. Middlefork, Ky., Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1457 31
WAGON. Played by Stephen 3. Tucker on fiddle. Meridian, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3046 32
GOD ALMIGHTY. Sung by Alberta Bradford and Becky Eisy. Lake
Arthur, La., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 105 A2
GOD ALMIGHTY. Sung by Alberta Bradford and Becky Elsy. Lake
Arthur, La., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934- 105 A3
- 393 -
THANK YOU FOR DE RISEN' SUN. Sung by Dock and Henry Reed and
Vera Hall. Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax,, 1937.. 1320 A3
THANK YOU, MASTER. Sung by group of Negro women. State pen-
itentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. and Alan Lomax, .1933.
1869 Al-10 in.
THANKING JESUS FOR DE HOLY GHOST. Sung by Dock Reed. Livingston,
Ala., John A. Loraax, 1937. 1325 33
DAT 'LIGION JESUS GIVE ME. Sung by Rich Brown. Livingston,
Ala.,. John A. Lomax, 1937. 1332 A3
DAT OLD BLACK GAL. Sung by Zora Neale Hurston, Jacksonville,
Fla. , Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3135 B2
. DAT.'S ALL RIGHT, HONEY. Sang by Mose (Clear Rock) Piatt with
clapping. Central state farm, Sugariand, Tex. , John A. and
Alan Loraax, 1933. 19A A
Lillian Dodson, with guitar by Dalbert Dodsoh. Visalia FSA
camp, Visalia, Calif . ., Charles L. Toad, and Robert Sonkin,
1940. 4129 Al
THAT ANGEL BAND. Sung by Gertrude Thurston. New Bight, Cat
island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth. Barnicle.
1935- 407 A3
THAT BLACK GAL. Sung by Washington (Lightmn 1 ) and group,
with ax-cutting. Harrington state farm, Sandy Point, Tex.,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934* 193 B2
THAT BLUE-EYED GIRL.. Sung by Bascora Lamar Longford with banjo.
New York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. iS02 B3
THAT GIRL I LOVE. Sung by Thaddeus. Goodson with bones and
Selton Reese with banjo. Brevard plantation, Adams mill,
near Columbia, S. C, Charles Seeger, 1939. 3792 A3
THAT GOL DURNED WHEEL. Sung by Frank Goodwyn. Falfurrias,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2616 El
THAT LONESOME VALLEY. Sung by Robert and. Viola Russell, with
guitar by Robert Russell. Marion, Vs.., Sidney Robertson,
1936. 3164 Al
THAT OLD BLACK GAL. Sung by A. B. Hicks. Eatonvillo, Fla:.,
Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hursten and M-arv Elizabeth Barriiclo,
1935- 363 Bl
THAT OLD FEELIN 1 . Sung by Sarah Ogan. Nevv York, N. 1. , Alan
Lomax, 1937. 1945 32-10 in.
THAT 'PRETTY LITTLE SQUIRREL, Sung by Mrs. Cinderella Kinnaird;
National folk festival, Chicago, 111,, Sidney Robertson,
1937. 3265 A4
THAT'S ALL RIGHT, BABY. Sung by Kose (Clear Beck) Piatt.
Central state farm, Sugariand , Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax.
1934. 224 B2
THAT'S ENOUGH FOR ME. Sung by I. N. -Harlow. Boyd's cove.
Madison cc, N. C, Sidney Robertson , 1936. 3168 A2
THAT'S ENOUGH FOR ME TO KNOB'. Sung by four Negro boys., Huboard
training center, Forsyth, Ga., Margaret valiant, 1939,
3602 A
- 394 -
THAT 13 (cont.)
THAT'S THE WAY. Sung by Mrs. Crockett Ward. Galax, Va., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 136 J A2
THAT'S THE MY WITH THE TEXANS. Sung by Mrs. Molli'e Wylie.
Fort Spunky, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1935. 670 Bl
THAT'LL DO NOW. Sung by Clay Begley. Middlefork, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 14-54 Bl
DEM LONG SUMMER DAYS. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State
penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1936.
600 Bl ■'"
THEM BONES 0' MINE. Sung by Henry Truvillion. Burkeville, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3932 A3
THEM DARK CLOUDS IS RISIN' . Sung by Cora Strickland and Elgie
Durr. Magee, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3057 Bl
THEM GOLDEN SLIPPERS. Sung by Sascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo.
New York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935- 1310 B2
Negro convicts. State Farm, Va., John A. Lomax, 193-6. 831 A2
Lunsford with banjo. New York, M. Y., George W. Hibbitt and
William Cabell Greet, 1935. 1809 AI
THERE IS A BOARDING HOUSE. Sung by. Ray Wood. Houston, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- . 2595 Bl
THERE IS A LAND OF PLEASURE. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Central
Valley, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1938. 4098 A2
THERE IS A LAND OF PLEASURE. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Crandon,
Wis., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3236 A2
THERE IS A LARK AND A LILY DEAR. Sung by May Feltner. Hyden,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1473 B2
THERE IS BALM IN GILEAD. Sung \>j Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New
York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1826 B4
Belle, Henry Lundy and mixed group. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan
Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Earnicle, 1935. 534 A2
by Ella Mitchell. Lubbock, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 912 A2
THERE'S A BOAT FULL OF IRISH. Sung by Ben Rice. Springfield,
Mo., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3220 Bl
Walters with fiddle. Saiyersvilie, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth
Lomax, 1937. 1532 Bl
THERE'S A LADi BY THE RIVER. Sung by Elsie Katz. New York,
N. Y., Herbert Halpert, 1933. 3629 A2
THERE'S A LADY IN THE RIVER. Sung by Catherine Mason and three
girls. New York, N. i. , Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3642 Bl
- 395 -
THERE IS (cont.)
Elihu Trusty. Paintsville, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth
Lomax, 1937. 1394. EL
Austin and group of women. Old Bight, Cat island, Bahamas,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935. 422 AI
Smartts and Minnie Swearingen, with guitar by Johnnie
Robertson. Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1938. 16.24 A & Bl
Cornelius Ellis and Beatrice Ellis, with guitar by Herman
Ellis. Natchez, Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940.
4008 Bi
THERE'S A SPOT THAI I KNOW. Sung by McGee brothers and sinter,
with guitar and yodel. Casa Grande valley farms, Collidge,
Ariz., Margaret Valiant, 1939. 3558 Al
THERE.' S AUNT JEMIMA. Sung by George Vinton Graham with guit
San Jose, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3376 Bl
THERE'S BILLx JONES, THE TINNER 30Y. Sung by George Vinton
Graham. San Jose, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3377 B3
THERE'S BLOOD ON THE SADDLE. Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lornax, 1937. 1873 32 --10 in.
Gloucester, N. J., Alan Lomax, Kay Dealy, 1938. 1843 B3
harmonica. Middlesboro , Ky. , Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937.
1403 A2
THERE'S. NO ONE TO WELCOME ME HOME. Sung by Elmer George. East
Calais, Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939.
3741 a'
THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME. Sung by Bill Atkins with guitar.
Pineville, Ky., Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1938. 1990 B2-10 in.
THERE'S POTATOES IN THE OVEN. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Crandon,
Wis., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3286 A3
THERE'S POTATOES IN THE OVEN. Sung by Warde H. Ford and his
brother-in-law. Crandon, Wis-., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3285 Bl
THERE'S SOME ONE WAITING FOR YQU. Sung by Odell Wooten. Llano,
Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 902 Al
THERE LIVED A MAN IN OUR TOM, Sung by William K. Dickinson. New
York, N. Y., Herbert Halpeft, 1937. 3670 BL
Alice Vanderson and Elizabeth Moon. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3083 A3 & 31
THERE SETS THE SALLY IN THE CHAIR. Sung by grout, of Negro
children. Frederica, Ga . , Alan Loiuax, Zora NeaJ.e Hurston
and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935. 309 31
'THERE. SITS A YOUNG LADY. Sung by school group. Vancleave, Miss..
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3110 B3
THERE STANDS A BLUEBIRD, Sung by Zora Neale Hurston. Petionville,
Haiti, Alan Lomax. 1936- 1879 A3-10 in.
- 396 -
THERE WAS A COUNTRY BLADE. Sung by John B. Jones. Houston, Tex.,
John' 'A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2590 Bl
Near Maryville, Term., Herbert Halpert,. 1939- 2906 A2
■ Bocot.' Throckmorton, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1935- 668 Bl
Bccot. Throckmorton, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1935, 666 B2
THERE WAS A FARMER. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla.,
Alton C. Morris, 1937. 976 Bl
THERE WAS A FARMER. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla.,
John A. Lomax, 1937, 958 Al
THERE WAS A JOLLY MILLER BOY. Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937. 1055 B4
THERE WAS A LADY AND A LADY GAY. Sung by Huldy Roberts.
Gooserock, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1476 B
THERE WAS A LADY FAIR. Sung by Mrs. Sarah Ison. Norton, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2808 3
THERE WAS A LADY LIVED .ABROAD. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusonbury.
Mena, Ark., Sidney Robertson and Laurence Powell, 1936.
3235 Al
THERE WAS A LADY LOVED A SWINE.' Sung by Mrs. Kate W. Jones.
Houston, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Loik'x, 1939. 2590 A2
Hoskins.. Horse creek, Clay co., Ky. , Alan and, Elizabeth
Lomax, 1937. 1492 A & 31
THERE WAS A LITTLE MAN. Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washington,. D. C,
Alan Lomax, 1937. 1602 34.
THERE WAS A MAN, Sung by D.. B. Prow-ell, Charlie Sims and Wash
Dennis. State penitentiary, Parcbinan, Miss., John A. Lomax,
1936. 610 B "
THERE WAS A PIGGY. Sung by Mrs. Shirley Lomax Mans ell- Comanche
county, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, .1939- 2642 Al
THERE WAS A RICH MAN. Sung by Mrs.. Charles Spencer. Crandon, Wis.,
Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3292 A2 & Bl
THERE WAS A RICH. OLD FARMER. Sung by Jesse Stafford. Crowley,
La., John A. and Alan 'Lomax, 1934 ■ 15 Al
THERE WAS A RICH OLD FARMER. Sung by Jesse Stafford. Crowley,
La., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934 . 15 3
THERE WAS -A RICH OLD MERCHANT. Sung by Mrs. Lize Pace. Hyden, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1441 B
THERE WAS -A. YOUTH. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 963 83
THERE MS A YOUTH, Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla.,
Alton C. Morris, 1937.. 978 A3
THERE WAS AN OLD OWL. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla.,
Alton C. Morris, 1937. 973 A2
Moses., N. H. , Alan Lomax and. Helen Hartness Flanders,
1939. 3708 B2
THERE WAS AN OLD WOMAN. Sung by Glida, Ella ana Foy Gant. Austin,
Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1935. 64 A3
- 397 -
Bryant. Evansville, Lad. „ Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1938.
1752 A3
William- ff. Dickerson. New York, N. Y., Herbert Halpert,
1937. 3670 B5
DESE BONES. Sung by Mrs. Jessie Buchanan. Magee, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3056 A2
group with guitar. Washington, D. 0., Alan Lomax, 1938.
1629 Bl
Lunsford with banjo. New York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt
and William Cabell Greet, 1935. 1809 B2
THEY HAVE GIVEN HER TO ANOTHER. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury.
Mena, Ark., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3232 A2 & Bl
THEY HAVE TAKEN MY LORD' AWAY. Sung by Otis Goodwin. State pen-
itentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 611 Bl
THEY IS JOY TN THAT LAND. Sung by Fayette Dorsey. Penitentiary,
Columbia, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 711 A2
Wilson Guthrie, with guitar. Washington, D. C. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1940. 34-13 B2, 3414 Al
THEY SAY IT IS SIMPLE TO FLIRT. Sung by Mary and Cora Davis.
Manchester, Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
U89 Al & Bl
THEY'LL ONLY TALK ABOUT YOU. Sung by Theodore Rolle with
accordion. Key West, Fla., Stetson Kennedy and Robert Jones,
1940. 3387 A
THIEF OF TENNESSEE, THE. Sung hj Mrs. Cinderella Kinnaird.
National folk festival. Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson,
1937. 3267 Al
THIRTY DAYS IN JAIL. Sung by Finous (Flatfoot) Rockmore with
guitar. Lufkin, Tex. , John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940.
3988 A3
THIRTY DAYS IN JAIL. Sung by Pete Harris with guitar. Richmond,
Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 89 A2
THIRTY DAYS IN THE WORKHOUSE. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter
(Lead Belly) with guitar. Wilton, Conn., John A. Lomax,
1935- 53 B
THIRTY-FIRST LEVEL BLUES. Sung by Vladimir, Jr. and Velso
Floriani. Ahmeek, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2374 Al
DIS OL' HAMMER. Sung by Jimmie Strothers. State Farm, Va.,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 745 Bl
THIS DAY'S BEEN A LONESOME DAY, Played by Wilson Ramsey on
fiddle. Galax, Va. . John A. and Bess Lomax, 1937.
1347 A3
- 393 -
THIS (cont.)
THIS HEART 0' MINE. Sung by James (Iron Head) Baker.
Ramsey state farm, Otey, Tex., John A. and Ruby I, Lomax,
1939. 2604 B2
THIS IS LIKE HEAVEN TO ME. Sung by woman in Church of the
ten elders. Pineville , Ky. , Mary Elisabeth Barnicie, 1933.
1967 Bl-10 in.
THIS IS THE SEVEN FOX. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry,
Fla., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2705 A3
Washington, D. C., Alan Lomax, 1937. 1293 A2
THIS 13 THE WA? TO WILLOWBES. Sung by Ethel Pharr and
Gwendolyn Murray. New York, N. Y. , Herbert Halpert, 1939 •
36/ + 3 31
THIS IS THE MAX" Y0!J BUILD A BRIDGE. Sung by Clifford Raid,
Johnny Mae Medlock, Annabelle Sanford and Lois Brown. State
farm, Raiford, Fla., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2711 A2
THIS LAND OF GEORGIA. Sung by Jco Lee. State Farm, Va. , Join A.
Lomax, 1936. 335 B2
and John Hensley with guitar. Pineville, Ky., Mary Elizabeth
Barnicie, 1938. 1977 A-10 in.
THIS LITTLE LIGHT 0' MINE.' Sung by Betty Moere and Lisa Y-.itt.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940, 4023 B3
THIS LITTLE LIGHT 0' MINE. Sung by Deri? McMurray. C-orree
state farm, Huntsville, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939.
2648 Bl
THIS LITTLE LIGHT 0' MINE. Sung by Jim Boyd. State penitentiary,
Huntsvilie, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 199 B
THIS LITTLE LIGHT 0' MINE. Sung by Rov." J. R. dips on." Jasper,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, IG4O. 3979 B4
THIS LITTLE LIGHT ! MINE. Sung by Rev. J. R. Gipson. Jasper,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3930 A2
THIS MORNING. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with
guitar. Bellwood orison camp, Atlanta, Ga., John A. Lcrcax,
1934. 252 A2
THIS OLD HAMMER. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State (Re-id)
farm, Boykin, S. C, John A. ana Alan Lomax, 1934- 267 B2
THIS OLD HAMMER. Sung by Thomas Anderson. Ne?/ York, N= Y. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3635 A2
THIS OLD MAN COME HOME. Sung by Samuel P. Harmon. Maryvills,
Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2383 A2
THIS OLD-TIME RELIGION. Sung by Gilbert Fike. Little Rock,
Ark., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3139 B2
THIS OLD WORLD'S IN A TANGLE. Sung by Calvin Frazier with
guitar. Detroit, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2478 A
THIS OLD WORID'S IN A TANGLE. Sung by Calvin Frazier, with
guitar by Sampson Pittman. Chicago, 111.., Alan Lomax, 1933,
2474 Al
THIS TRAIN. Sung by Bascora Lamar Luhsford. New York, N. I,,
George W. Hibbitt and "William Cabell Greet, 1935. 1833 Bl
"5QO _
THIS (Cont.)
THIS TRAIN. Sung by Dorchester academy boys' quartet.
Mcintosh, Ga., Margaret Valiant, 1939. 3606 B
THIS TRAIN. Sung by group of Ahdros island men. Nassau,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barniole, 1935'
502 A
THIS TRAIN. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Bellwood
prison camp, Atlanta, Ga., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934 •
256 Al
THIS TRAIN. Sung by Prof. Jenkins and Dorchester academy
boys' quartet. Mcintosh, Ga., Margaret Valiant, 1939.
3606 A
THIS TRAIN. Sung by Walter McDonald. State penitentiary ,
Parchman, Miss., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933.
1861 Al & A2-10 in.
with banjo. Washington, D. C, Charles Seeger, 1936.
2087 A2-8 in.
Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1314 Al
and three boys. Piney 'Woods school, Piney Woods, Miss.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 881 Bl
THOMPSON'S OLD GRAY MARE. Sung by Ba scorn Lamar Lunsford with
banjo. New York, N, Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell
Greet, 1935. 1810 Al
Angelo, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1935 • 54-7 Bl
Dusenbury. Mena, Ark., Sidney Robertson and Laurence Powell,
1936. 3228 Bl
THOUGHT I HEARD MY BANJO SAY. . Sung by Jimrnie Strothers with banjo.
State Farm, Va., John A. Lomax, 1936. 744 A2
THOUGHTS FROM OTHER TIMES. Spoken by Ben Rice, Springfield, Mo.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3210 Al
THOU'RT GONE, MY PRECIOUS DARLING. Sung by Mrs. Alice Williams.
Ashland, Ky. , John A. Lomax, 1937. 1021 A3
THREE BABES, THE. Sung by. Mrs. Birdie Coulter, San Antonio,
Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 928 B2
THREE BABES, THE. Sung by Mrs. Texas Gladden. White top, Va.,
John A. Lomax, 1935. 551 A
THREE BRAVE MEN. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York, N. Y. ,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935.' 1812 B3
THREE CROWS. Sung by Burl Ives with guitar. Washington, D. C,
Alan Lomax and Kay Beaiy, 1938. 1770 A2
THREE CROWS, THE. Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washington, 0. C, Alan
Lomax, 1937. 1872 A2-4-10 in.
THREE GIRLS BECOME MEN. Sung and. spoken by Henry Lundy. Nassau,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935 •
513 B2, 514 Al
THREE GOLD LILIES. Sung by Sims and Mandie Tartt and Settle
Atmore, Livingston, Ala.,, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939.
2704 B2
- 400 -
THREE JOLLY OLD BUMS. Sung by Herbert Halpert. New York, N. Y.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939 . 3640 B2
THREE JOLLY ROBBERS. Sung by Alee Moore. Austin, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1935- 576 Al
THREE JOLLY ROBBERS, THE. Sung by Alec Moore. Austin, Tex.,
John A., Ruby T. and Bess Lomax, 1940. 3942 A2
THREE LITTLE BABES. Sung by Arthur Williams. Pineville, Ky. ,
Mary Elizabeth Earnicle, 1938. 1968 A-10 in.
THREE LITTLE BABES, THE. Sung by Bascoa Lamar Lunsford. Mew York,
N. Y. s George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935.
1787 B2
THREE LITTLE BABES, THE. Sung by Finley Adams. Dunham, Ky. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2792 A2 & B
THREE LITTLE BABES. Sung by Mrs. Carrie Walker. Magee, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3065 A & Bl
THREE LITTLE BABES, THE. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry,
Fla., John A. Lomax: , 1937'. 962 B
THREE LITTLE BABES. Sung by Mrs. Theodosia Bennett Long.
Saltillo, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2955 A2 &. Bl
THREE LITTLE BABES, THE. Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washington, D. C,
Alan Lomax, 1937. 1058 Al
THREE MAIDS. Sung by Mrs. Martha Shupe; Hamiltontown , near Wise,
Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2731 Al
THREE MAIDS, THE. Sung by Mrs. Polly Johnson. Wise. Va. , Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2758 A2 .
THREE MILES AND A HELL OF A WAY. Sung by Alfred Osborn. Port
Huron, Mich., Ivan Walton, 1939. ' 3397 A4
THREE NIGHTS DRUNK \ Sung by Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ball with guitar
and mandolin. Old fiddlers convention, Galax, Va., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 135-1 Bl
THREE NIGHTS' EXPiKItlNCS, THE. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford
with banjo. New York, N. Y. ., George W. Hibbitt and William
Cabell Greet, 1935. 1781 Bl
THREE NIGHTS' EXPERIENCE. Sung by Colon Keel. State farm,
Raiford, Fla., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2709 Bl
THREE NIGHTS' 'EXPERIENCE. Sung by Mrs. Mary Franklin Farmer.
Crossnore, N. C. , 1939. 2861 B2, 2862 Al
THREE NIGHTS' EXPERIENCE. Sung by Mrs. Sabra Bare Hampton.
Morganton, N. C, Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2870 A
THREE PERISHED IN THE SNOW. Sung by Mrs. Carlos Gallimore. Galax,
Va., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1353 A2
THREE SAILBOATS FROM OLD BIGHT. Sung by Cleveland Simmons and
group of women. Old Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax,
and Mary Elisabeth Bamicle, 1935- 418 Al & Bl
THREE, SIX, NINE. Sung by Gwendolyn Murray. New York, N. Y. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 36/^5 B3
THREE SONS. Sung" by Sam Harmon. Near Maryville, Tenn., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2905 Al
THREE WISHES, THE. Sung by John Stone with harmonica. Columbia,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1959- 3357 32
THREE WISHES. Sung by Rosetta Spainhard and Lois Judd, with guitar
by Nathan Judd. Arvin FSA camp,' Arvin, Calif., Charles L. Todd
and Robert Sonkin, 1940. 4094 3
- 401 -
Begley. Middlefork, Ky. , Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937.
1455 A2
THROW ME OVER YONDER. Sung by group of Andros island men.
Sponge docks, Nassau, Bahamas., Alan Lomax and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935= 426 E2
THROW THE BREAKUS ON ME. Flayed by Soley, Jack Delancey and
mixed group on saws and drums. Chosen, Fla., Alan Lomax,
Zora Neale Hurstcn and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935 •
375 Bl
THROW THE BREAKUS ON ME. Sung by Soley, Jack Delancey,
Abraham (Rabbit) Atterly and mixed group. Chosen, Fla.,
Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elisabeth
Barnicle, 1936. 375 A
B. Tucker on fiddle. Meridian, Miss., 1939. 3045 B3
TI-YI-YA-YA-HOO. Sung by Negro girls of Merryville school.
Merryville, La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2663 A2
TI-YI-Y1TPY-YEA. Sung by Boyd ana Roy Sibert. Webb branch, Clay
co., Ky, , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. I486 B;3
TI-YI-YOUPY-YOUPY-YA. Sung by Francis Sullivan. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax and Kay Dealy, 1338. 3.768 ,32
TI-YIDDLE-UM-YEAH. Sung by Mose (Clear Rock) Flatt. Central
state farm, Sugnrlnnd, Tex., John A. ana Alan Lomax, 1933.
194 B4
TIBAUD SONG, THE. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James, Beaver island,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2278 A
TIDEO. Sung by May Kennedy McCord. Springfield, Mo., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3206 33
TIE-PACKING. Sung by Henry Truvillion and gang. ?«iergat3, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3975 B3
TIE-SHUFFLING CHANT. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State
prison farm, Oakley, Miss., John A, and Alan Lomax, 1933.
1867 Al-10 in.
TIE-SHUFFLING CHANT. Sung by John (Black Sampson) Gibson.
State penitentiary, Nashville, lean,, John A. and Alan
Lomax/ 1933. 179 Al
TIE-SHUFFLING CHANT, Sung by Rochelle Harris. State penitentiary,
Nashville, Term. , John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933. 181 A2 & A3
TIE-TAMPING CHANT, Sung by Henry Truvillion air! gang. Margate,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3973 A2
TIE-TAMPING CHANT. Sung by Henry Hankins with tapping.
Tuscumbia, Ala., Herbert Halpert,' 1939. 2947 Al '& A2
TIE-TAMPING CHANT. Sung by James Clark. Livingston, Ala., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 402.1 A2
TIE-TAMPING CHANT. Sung by James Clark and Jeff Norton.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby I, Lomax, 1940. 4021 Bi
TIE-TAMPING CHANT. Sung by Manuel (Peter Hatcher) Jones.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4066 A3
TIE-TAMPING CHANT. Sung by Richard Amerson. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4048 Bl
- 402 -
TIE-TAMPING CHANT. Sung hy Rudolf Thompson with, guitar. Angola,
La. , John A. and .Alan Lomax, 193.3. 1854 3-10 in.
TIE-TAMPING CHANT. Sung by Will Roseborough, Will Brooks, H.
Davis and Jess Alexander. Dallas, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1936.
601 A
TIE-THROWING CALL. Sung by Tom Stephenson. Merryvills, La.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. .3976 Bl
TIE-TOTING HOLLER. Sung by Sam (Old Dad) Ballard, New Iberia, La.,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 99 A2
TIGER MAN-OF-WAR. Sung by group of Andros island men. Nassau,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 515 A2
TIGER RAG. Played by Livingston dance band. National folk festival,
Chicago, 111., Sidney ""Robertson, 1937. 3253 A2
TIGHT LIKE THAT. Sung by Buddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with guitar.
Wilton, Conn., John A. Lomax, 1935. 142 A
TIGHT LIKE THAT. Sung by Rowena Bell, Pappis and Sweety Fie, with
drum by Stafford. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary
Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935^ 530 Bl
TILAS MACK. Sung by Blind Jesse Karris. Livingston, Ala., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 1328 AI
TILL I DIE. Sung by group of Negro convicts, Ramsey state farm,
Otey, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2605 Bl
TILL THE DAi IS DONE. Sung by group of - Negro men and women.
Cockrum, Miss,, Herbert Halpert, 2.939. 3011 A2 & Bl
TILL WE MEET AGAIN. Sung by group of Negroes from Wadmalaw island,
Charleston, S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1937. 1051 33
TILLY, LEND ME YOUR PIGEON.. Sung by Zora Kaale Hurston.
Jacksonville, Fla . , . Herbert Halpert, 1939 >• 3144 B3
mixed group with dram and saw. .-Chosen., Fla., Alan Lomax,
Zora Neaie Hurston and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935. 381 B
TIME. Sung by group of Fox hill men. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax
and Mary Elizabeth' Barnicle, .1935. 438 33 ,
TIME. Sung by Pappie'and group of Andros island men. Nassau,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 505 A
TIME ENOUGH YET. Sung by Mrs. C, S. MacClellan. High' Springs,
Fla., Alton C. Morris, 1937. 985 32
TIME ENOUGH YET. Sung by Mrs. L. L, : McDowell. Smithvilie, Term.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3181 A'l
TIMS ENOUGH' YET. Sung by Mrs. L.L. McDowell. Smithvilie, Term.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. .3183 A3
TIME ENOUGH YET. Sung by Mrs. Minnie Floyd. Murrells Inlet, S. C,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1303 3b
TIME ENOUGH YET. Sung by Mrs. Mollis Wylie. Fort Spunky, Tex,,
John A. Lomax, 1933- ' 676 B2
TIME HAS COME, MY DEAREST DEAR, THE. Sung by Mrs. Goldis Hamilton.
Hamiltontown, near, Va=, Herbert Halpert, 1939= 2835 Bl
TIME HAS MADE A CHANGE. Sung' by Ernest Baggs. Cumins state farm,
Gould, Ark., John A, and Ruby I. Lomax, 1939. 2675 Bl
TIME IS A WINDIN 1 UP, Sung by Betty Moore and Lisa Witt.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby I. Lomax, 1940. 4.023 A2
/ no
TIME IS A WINDIN' UP. Sung by John Jones and group of Negro
convicts. State prison farm, Atmore, Ala., John A.
Lomax., 1937. 938 Bl
TIME IS DRAWING VERY NEAR, THE. Sung by Sain Harmon. Near
Maryville, Term., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2904. A3.
TIME IS DRAWING VERY NIGH, THE. Sung by Mr. Ether Harmon. Near
Maryville, Term, , Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2903 .31
TIME IS GITTIN' HARD.. Sung by Lucious Curtis with guitar, with
guitar by Willie Ford. Natchez, Miss., John A., and Ruby
T. Lcmax, 194-0. 4012 Al
Hillsville, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 375-2 B3
TIMES IS GETTIN' HARD. Sung by Theophilus G. Hoskins, with banjo
by M. As her. Hyden, Ky, , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
1517 B3
TIN CAN ALLEY. Sung by Ezra Lev/is. State penitentiary, Richmond,
Va., John A. Lomax, 1936. 726 B2
TISHOMINGO COUNTY BLUES. Played by John Hatcher on fiddle. luka,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2999 Bl
TIST A-TIST A-TASTET. Sung by three children. Tupelo, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2960 A2
TITANIC, THE, Sung by Arlie baker. Pine Mountain, Ky., Alan arid
Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1Z.1I Bl
TITANIC, THE. Sung by Gibert Fike. Little Rock, Ark., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3139 A2
TITANIC, THE. Sung by Huddie Lodbetter (Lead Belly) with guitar.
Wilton, Conn., John A. Lomax, 1935. 136 A
TITANIC. Sung by Walter Caldwell, with guitar by James Williams.
Ashland, Ky. , John A. Lcmax, 1937." 1023 Al
TITANIC SINKING. Sung by Patrick Williams and group of Andros
island men. Sponge docks, Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and
Mary Elizabeth Barnacle, 1935- 431 A
TO BE A FARMER'S BOY. Sung by Elmer George and Mrs. M. P.
Daniels. East Calais, Vt„, Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness
Flanders, 1939. 3733 A
TO BE SHO'. Sung by Annabelle Abram and group of Negro women
prisoners. State penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 30S5 A3
TO ME MY LOVE, THE TIME DRAWS NIGH. Sung by Mrs. T. M, Bryant.
Evansville, Ind., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938.
1754 B3, 1755 Al
TO THE PINES. Sung by Ba scorn Lamar Lunefor'd. Nev; York,'!)!. Y.,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935- 1829 B3
TOAST. Spoken by Finley Adams. Dunham, Ky. , Herbert Halpert,
1939. 2770 B3
TOBACCO IS A NOXIOUS WEED. Sung by Wilbur Roberts. Riviera, Fla. ,
Stetson Kennedy and Robert Cook, 1940. 3380 A2
TOBACCO SONG. Sung by John Caldwell, Middle-fork, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1418 31
TOLL THE BELL. Sung by Alberta Gibson and group of women. Piney
Woods school, Piney Woods, Miss,, John A. Lomax, 1937. 881 A2
- uou -
TOM AND JERRY. Played by John Matcher on fiddle. luka, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3000 B2
TOM AND JERRY. Flayed by Stephen B. Tucker on fiddle. Meridian,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. ' 3047 A2
TOM AND JERRY. Sung by group of cowboys, with fiddle by
Clifford Murray and guitar by Mrs. Bob Cri swell. Throckmorton,
Tex., John A. Lomax, 1935. 549 A2
TOM AND JERRI. Sung by Pop Warner, State penitentiary, Huntsville,
Tex., John A /and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2649 A2
TOM BOLYN. Sung by Mrs. Lize Pace. Myden, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1433 A2
TOM DOOLEY. Sun;,- by Bascoro Lamar Lunsford. New York, N. I.,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935- 1813 A2
TOM DOOLEY. Sung by Cleophas Franklin. Maryville, Term., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2391 Bl
TOM DOOLEY. Sung by J.. Frank Bare and Mrs. Lena Bare Turbyfill.
Elk Park, N. C, Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2345 Bl
TOM DULA. Sung by Mrs. Myra Burnett Miller. Tuckaseigee, N. C,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 852 Bl
TOM MORGAN'S HOG SONG. Sung by Thoophilus G. Hoskins. Hyden, Ky. ,
Alan and .Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1517 Al
TOM-TOM, THE. Played by Mrs. R. R. Denoon on guitar, R. R. Denoon
on fiddle and Jim Denoon on mandolin. Springfield, Mo.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3199 B2
TOM MITE. Sung by Mary Jane. Riviera, Fla., Stetson Kennedy and
Robert Cook, 1940. 3380 Al
TOMMY. Sung by Flora and Ruby Richardson. Murrells Inlet, S. 0.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1042 B3
TOMMY BOYLE. Sung by Patrick McDonough. St. James, Beaver
island, Mich. , Alan Lomax, 1938= 2289 A & B
TOMMY ' S GONE TO HILO. Sung by Capt. Richard Maitland. Sailor's
snug harbor, Stater Island. New York, N. Y, , Alan Lomax,
1939. 2522 B
TOMORROW IS SUNDAY. Sung by Mrs. Lena Bare Turbyfill. Elk Park,
N. C, Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2346 B4
TOM'S LOVE CALL TO LENA. Sung by Irene Williams. Rome, Miss.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4010 Bl
TONE THE BELL EASY. Sung by Gabriel Brown with guitar.
Eatonville, Fla., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary
Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935. 353 Al
TONY IS A DAGO. Sung by Mrs. Jeanne Wogan Arguedas. New Orleans,
La., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3126 a2 & 3
TOO POOR, TOO POOR. Sung by Gilbert Fike .' Little Rock, Ark.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3183 Al
TOO-RI-RU-RA. Sung by Mrs. Minta Morgan. Bells, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 894 Al
TOOTHACHE. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusonbury. Mena, Ark., John A.
Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 875 B3
TOOTHACHE. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark., John A.
Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 876 Bl
TOWPATH SONG. Sung by Elmer Barton. Quebec, Vt. , Alan Lomax and
Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3695 Al
- 405 -
T0WS0NT0WN. Sung by Francis Sullivan. Washington, D. C, Alan
Lomax, 1938. ' 1850 33
TRACK-CALLING. Sung and spoken by Henry Truvillion. rjurkevi.].le ;
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2654 A3
TRACK-CALLING. Sung and spoken by Henry Truvillion. Burkeville,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2654 Bl
TRACK-CALLING. Sung by Henry Truvillion. Burkeville, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3984 A4
TRACK-LAYING HOLLER. Sung by Henry Truvillion and gang. Wiergate.
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940, 3973 Al
TRACK-LINING HOLLER. Sung by Henry Truvillion. Burkeville, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, .1.939. 2654 Al & A2
TRACK-LINING HOLLER, Sung by Henry Truvillion. Burkeville, Tex. ,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3984 B
TRACK-LINING HOLLER. Sung by Negro convict. State penitentiary,
Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936.
TRACK-LINING HOLLER. Sung by Richard Amerson. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, I94C. 4043 A2
TRACK-LINING SONG. Sung by James Clark and Jeff Horton.
Livingston, Ala., John. A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4021 Al
TRACK-LINING SONG. Sung by John (Black Sampson)Gibsan. State pen-
itentiary, Nashville, Term.', John A. and Alan Lomcx, 1933.
180 B2
TRAIL TO MEXICO, THE. Sung by Daca. New Zork, N. Y., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3658 A2 & Bl
TRAIL TO MEXICO. Sung by Frank Goodwyn with guitar. Falf urrias ,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2622 Al
TRAIL TO MEXICO, THE. Sung hy Mrs. Lucile Hanson. Son Antonio,
Tex., John A. Lomax, 1936. 658 Bl
TRAIN. Played by Ace Johnson on harmonica, Clemens state farm.
Brazoria, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2599 B2
TRAIN, THE. Played by Daw Henson on harmonica. Billy's branch.
Clay co., Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1508 Bl
TRAIN. Played by Negro convict on harmonica. State penitentiary,
Huntsville, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 207 Al
TRAIN, THE. Played by Negro on harmonica. Frederics:, Ga. , Alan
Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935. 318 Bl
TRAIN, THE. Played by Negro on harmonica. Frederics., Ga., Alan
Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935. 340 Al
TRAIN, THE. Played by Roger Matthews on harmonica. Belle Glade,
Fla., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935- 367 A
TRAIN, THE. Sung by Woodrow (Woody) Wilson Guthrie with guitar
and harmonica. Washington, D. C, Alan and Elizabeth
Lomax, 1940. 3407 A
TRAIN A PULLIN' THE CROOKED HILL. Played by Pete Steele on tenjo.
Hamilton, Ohio, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 19.38. 1704 32
TRAIN BLUES.. Played by Dewey, Awilda and Myrle Hamrick on
violin, guitar and tenor banjo. Tygart valley homesteads,
Elkins, W. Va., Gordon Barnes, 1939. 3573 Bl
- 406 --
TRAIN 3LU.ES. Played by Russell Wise on fiddle and Mr, Shite on
guitar. Cherry Lake Farms, Fla., Margaret Valiant, 1936.
3.311 A3
TRAIN BLUES. Sung by Lucious Curtis with guitar. Natchez, Miss.,
John A. and Ruby T. Loinax, 1940. 4003 A2
TRAIN, DON'T YOU LEAVE ME. Sung by Negro convict. State (Reid)
farm, Boykin, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 705 Al
TRAIN IMITATION. Played by Richard' Amerson on French harp.
Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. - 1308 Al
TRAIN IMITATION. Played by Richard Amerson on harmonica.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4027 A
TRAIN IS OFF THE TRACK, THE. Sung by Mrs. Esco Kilgore.
Hamiltontcwn, near Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2833 Al
TRAIN ON THE ISLAND. Played by Velma Hester on dulcimer. Galax,
Va., Bess Lomax, 1937. 1343 Bl
TRAIN ON THE ISLAND. Sung by Fields Ward, with Bogtrotters band.
Old fiddlers convention, Galax, Va., John A. Lcmax, 1937.
1364 Al
TRAIN SONG, A. Sung by Doc Hoppes with banjo. Estatoe, N. C,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 856 A2
TRAIN SONG. Sung by J. L. Goree. Houston, Tex., John A. and Ruby
T. Lomax, 1939- 2593 B4
TRAIN WILL BE HERE TONIGHT, THE. Sung by group of Andros island
- men. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935. 504 3
TRAMP, THE. Sung by Joe Lee. State Farm, Va., Jehu A. Lomax, 1936.
'745 B2
TRAMP, TRAMP, TRAMP. Sang by Archie Sticc. Newberry, Mich., Alan
Lomax, 1938. 2353 B2
TRAMP, TRAMP, TRAMP. Sung by Mason Parmer with tenor guitar.
Newberry, Mich., Alan Lcmax, 1938. 2352 Bl
TRAMPING. Sung by four Negro boys. Hubbard training center,
Forsyth, Ga., Margaret Valiant, 1939- 3601 A
TRAMPING. Sung by Zackie Knox. Murrells Inlet, S. C, John A.
Lomax, 1937. 1033 A2
TRAVELER, THE. Played by L. 0. Weeks on fiddle. Springfield, Vt.',
Alan Lcmax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3690 Al
TRAVELERS LINE, A. Sung by Mrs. Mary Sullivan, Shafter FSA camp,
Shafter, Calif., Charles L. Todd ana Robert Sonkin, 1940.
4115 A3
TRAVELING BOY. Played by Mr. Forster on harmonica. Calumet,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2384 B2
TRAVELING MEN. Sung by Finous (Flatfoot) Rockmore with guitar.
Lufkin, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3988 B2
TRAVELING ON. Sung by congregation of Baptist church, alma
plantation, Baton Rouge, La., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934.
103 Bl
TRAVELING PILGRIM. Sung by congregation of New Hope Baptist
church. Meridian, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3041 B2
TRAVELING SHOES. Sung by Amelia Pursley and group of Negro
women prisoners. State farm, Radford, Fla., John A. Lomax,
1936. ' 701 A2
- 407 -
TRAVELING SHOES. Sung by Ben Hill and group of Negro convicts.
State farm, Raiforcl, Fla. . , John A. Lomax, 1936. 698 A2
TRAVELING SHOES. Sung by group of men. Near Canton, Ga., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4074 B2
convicts. State (Reid) farm, Eoykin, S. C., John A. and
Alan Lomax 3 1934 • 264 A2
TREACHEROUS BROTHER, THE. Sung by Mrs. Maggie Gant. Austin,
Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 66 A 5
Sloatsburg, N. Y., Herbert Ha'lpert, 1933.
3665 B2, 3666 Al
TREE IN THE WOOD, THE. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College,
N. C, Fletcher CoHines, 1939. 3731 B2
TREMBLING MOTORMAN, THE. Sung by Ralph and Arthur Addington
with guitar and violin. Wise, Va., Herbert. Halpert, 1939.
2762 Bl
TRENCH BLUES. Sung by John (Big Nig) Bray with guitar. Amelia,
La., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 93 A
TRENCH BLUES, THE. Sung by John (Big Nig) Bray. Amelia, La.,
John A. Lomax, 1934 • 242 A3
TRENCH BLUES, THE. Sung by John (Big Nig) Bray with guitar.
Amelia, La., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934- 92 A
TRIP ON THE CANAL. Sung by Pearl R. Nye. Akron, Ohio,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1604 A & 13, I6C5 Al
TRIP ON THE CANAL, A. Sung by Cant. Pearl R. Nye, Akron, Ohio,
Ivan Walton, 1933. 34-03 BI
TRIP TO MEXICO. Sung by cowboy band. San Antonio, Tex., John
A. Lomax, 1935- 55^ 32
TROUBLE. Sung by Cool Breeze- and Reese Crenshaw, with guitar.
State "orison farm, Milledgeviile , Ga. , John a. Lomax,
1934. ' 2?9 Al
TROUBLE IN MIND. Sung by Field?: Ward, with Bogtrotters band.
Old fiddlers convention, Galax, Va., John A. Lomax,
1937. 1364 A2
TROUBLE IN MY HOME. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State
penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., John. A. Lomax, 1936.
622 Bl
TROUBLE IS HARD. Sung by Gussie Slayter and Clifford Reed.
State farm, Raiford, Fla., John A. ana Ruby T. Lomax,
1939. 2716 Bl
TROUBLE ON MY MIND. Sung by J. M. Mulling. Salyerfrville, Ky.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1598 A3.
TROUBLE ON MY MIND. Sung by Uncle Branch Higgins. Salyersville ,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1592 B2
TROUBLE SO HARD. Sung by Dock and Henry Reed and Vera Hall.
Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1317 Al
TROUBLE, TROUBLE. Sung by James Hale. State prison farm,
Atmore, Ala,, John A. Lomax, 1937. 948 A4
TROUBLED ABOUT MY SOUL. Sung by Lillie Knox. Murrells Inlet,
S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1300 33
- 4.08 -
TROUBLED IN MIND. Sung by J, M. Mullins with banjo. Florress, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1583 B2. 1539 Al
TRUE AND FAITHFUL BRAKEMAN, THE. Sung by Bradley Browning. Arjay,
Ky. , Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1387 Al
TRUE AND TREMBLING BRAKEMAN. Sung by Bert Martin with guitar.
Horse creek, Clay co. s Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
1497 Al
TRUE BATTLE OF I DON'T CARE. Played by Otis Light on violin,
Car]. Light on guitar and James Light on banjo, with set
calling, Llano, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 900 Al
TRUE-BLUE BILL. Sung by George Roark with banjo. Pineville, Ky. ,
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 2001 Bl-10 in.
TRUE LOVER OF MINE. Sung by George Vinton Graham. San Jose, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1938. 3812 Al
TRUE LOVER'S. DISCUSSION, THE. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James,
Beaver island, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2295 A2
TRUE LOVER'S FAREWELL. Sung by Mrs. Ollie Worable. Banner, Miss.,
Herbert Halport, 1939- -3026 Bl
TRUE PADDY'S SON, THE, Sung by Mrs. Jennie Devlin. Gloucester,
N. J., Alan Lomax and Kay Doaiy, 1938. 1776 Al
TRUE PADDY'S SONG. Sung by Mason Parmer with tenor guitar.
Newberry, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2353 Al
TRUE SWEETHEART, THE. Sung by Vester Whitwcrth, with guitar by
Zelrner Ward. Arvin FSA camp, Arvin, Calif., Charles L. Todd
and Robert Sonkin, 1940. 4099 Al
TRULY, TRULY, CHILDREN. Sung by James Mclven, Louis Crosby, James
White and Newman Winstead. State prison camp, Boone, N. C,
John A. Lomax, 1936, 860 Al
TRUTHFUL BILL, Sung by Sterling Reason. Fort Spunky, Tex., .John
A. Lomax, 1935- ' 670 Al
TRYIN' TO GET HOME. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State prison
farm, Milledgeville, Ga., John A. Lomax, 1934- 257 Bl
TUCKER'S BARN. Sung by Bascora Lamar Lunsford with fiddle. New York,
N. Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935-
1834 A2
a group of Negroes from Wadmalaw island, Charleston, S. C,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1937. 1048 -1051
TUNE THE OLD COW DIED ON, THE. Sung by David Rice. Springfield,
Mo., Sidney Robertson, 1936, 3208 A2
TUNE THE OLD COW DIED ON, THE. Sung by Leon Ponce, Columbia, Calif,,
Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3363 A3
TUNE THE OLD COW DIED ON, THE. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Central
Valley, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939, 4212 A2 '
TUNES ON CANE PIPES. Played by Mr. Miller on cane pipe.
Whitetcp, Va., Richard Chase, 1935. 3431 B2
TUNING OF THE FIDDLE. Played on fiddle by L, 0,. Weeks.
Springfield, Vt. s Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders,
1939. 3690 A2
TUPELO DESTRUCTION. Sung by Lulu Morris and congregation.
Tupelo, Miss., Herbert Halp&rt, 19.39- 2953 A& B
- 409 -
TUPELO DESTRUCTION. Sung by Will C. Thomas. luka, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3020 B3
TURKEY BUZZARD. Played by Asheville, N. C, dance band. National
folk festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson, 1937.
.3244 A3
TURKEY BUZZARD'. Played by J. W. Testerman on dulcimer. Galax,
Va., John A. and Bess Lomax, 1937. 1347 Al
TURKEY BUZZARD. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with fiddle.
New York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell
Greet, 1935- 1334 B2
TURKEY IN THE HAY. Played by Rindlisbacher group on home-made
fiddle and guitar. National folk festival, Chicago, 111.,
Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3252 A3
TURKEY IN THE STRAW. Played by Ernest Sexton on jews harp.
Farm laborers' camp, Visalia, Calif., Margaret Valiant,
1939. 3568 Bl
TURKEY IN THE STRAW. Played by Isaac Tate on guitar and
harmonica, with tap dancing by Zanadia McCrea. Farm
laborers' camp, Visalia, Calif., Margaret Valiant, 1939.
3563 B2
TURKEY IN THE STRAW. Played by J. D. Dillingham and friend on
banjo and fiddle. Austin, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1935.
567 A2
TURKEY IN THE STRAW. Played by John Stone on fiddle. Columbia,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3360 B3
TURKEY IN THE STRAW. Played by Mrs. Scott on fiddle and Myrtle
B. Wilkinson on tenor banjo. Turlock, Calif., Sidney
Robertson, 1939. 4226 A4
TURKEY IN THE STRAW. Played by S. F. Russell on dulcimer.
Marion, Va., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3160 B4
TURKEY IN THE STRAW. Played by Theodore Blevins on dulcimer,
Galax, Va., Bess Lomax, 1937. 1342 Bl
TURKEY IK THE STRAW. Played by Tink Queer on fiddle and
Franklin Slater and Bill Fowler on guitars. Ligonier,
Pa., Sidney Robertson, .1936. 3156" A3
TURKEY IN THE STRAW. Played by Willard Lay and. Doyle Pugh on
harmonica. Arthurdale, W,. Va., Charles Seager, 1936.
3305 B3
TURKEY IN THE STRAW. Sung by Elmo Newcomer with fiddle, with
banjo by Bill Newcomer. Pipecreek, Tex., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2632 3
TURKEY IN THE STRAW. Sung by Harvey Bonnah. Cleveland, Ohio,
Ivan Walton, 1933, 3405 32
TURKEY IN THE STRAW. Sung by Nicholas Ray, with organ by Mrs.
Clark, fiddle by Clark Kenyon and banjo by John Sawyer.
Mitchell. S. Dak., Nicholas Ray, 1939- 3673 83
TURKEY REVEILLE, THE. Sung by Mrs. Ewart Wilson. Pensacola,
N. C, Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2S6L Bl
TURKEY RUN AWAY. Sung by Cecil, Martha, Edmond and Robert
Owens. Clemson, S. C, John A. and Ruby I. Lomax, 1939.
2723 B2
- 410 -
TURKISH LADY, THE. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. Hamiltontown,
near Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939= 2787 B2
TURKISH LADY, THE. Sung by Mrs. Sarah Ison. Norton, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2809 B
TURKISH REVEILLE, THE. Sung by Horton Barker. Near Chilhowie, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2837 Al
TURN HER AWAY. Sung by Theodore Rolle. Key West, Fla., Stetson
Kennedy and Robert Cook, 194-0. -3390 Bl
TURN OUT FROM BELOW. Sung by Henry Lundy and group. Nassau,
Bahamas, Alan Lcmax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935 •
511 B2
TURN OVER. Sung by Ray Wood. Houston, Tex., John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, 1939- 2595 B2
TURN THE GLASSES OVER. Sung by Mary Floyd. luka, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939 . 3019 Bl
TURN THE KEY OF BETHLEHEM. Sung by group of Negro men and women.
Cockrum, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3014 32
TURN TO MY LOU, L0OLA-LA-L0O . Sung by Ruby Wilson. Kingsville,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939 • 2625 A4
TURN YO' RADIO ON. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with
guitar. Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937. 998 A
TURN YOU ROUND. Sung by Fred Grady. State farm, Raiford, Fla.,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 713 Al
TURNIP GREENS. Sung by Curtis Dartey with dulcimer. American
folk song festival, Ashland, Ky. ,. Jean Thomas, 1934*
302 A2
TURNIP GREENS. Sung by Mrs. Maggie Gant. Austin, Tex., John A.
and Alan Lomax, 1934- 69 Al
TURNIP GREENS. Sung' by Rebecca and Penelope Tarwater. Washington,
D. C, Charles Seeger, 1936. 3304 Bl
TURNIP GREENS. Sung by Red King with guitar. San Antonio, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 556 A
TURNIP GREENS. Sung by Red King with guitar. San Antonio, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1935. 693 A
TWELVE APOSTLES, THE. Sung by Ado Gant. Austin, Tex., John A.
and Alan Lomax, 1934- 68 B2
TWELVE APOSTLES. Sung by Basccm Lamar Lunsford. New York, N. Y.,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935- 1789 A3
TWELVE 'APOSTLES. Sung by Dr. David Mcintosh. National folk
festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3253 A3 & M
TWELVE APOSTLES. Sung by Mrs'. Frank Hobnen. Washington, D. C,
John A. Lomax and John Longnagger, 1940. 4087 A & E
TWELVE COMMANDMENTS, THE. Sung by Babe, Chad and Emaline Caldwell.
Ashland, Ky. , John A. Lomax, 1937. 1012 B
TWELVE COMMANDMENTS, THE. Sung by Barbara Bell. Washington, D. C =>
Alan Lomax, 1938. 1632 ' A2
TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS, THE. Sung by Mrs. Susie Morrison.
Gainsville, Fla., Alton- C. Morris, 1937. 989 Al
TWELVE DISCIPLES, THE. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Beilweod
orison camp, Atlanta, Ga. , John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934.
250 A
- i+n -
TWELVE DISCIPLES. Sung by group of Negro convicts. Cumins state
farm, Gould, Ark., John A. Lomax, 193U« 93 B
TWELVE DISCIPLES. Sung by People's burial aid society choir,
Columbia, S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 191+0. 1+077 B2
TWELVE GATES TO DE CITY. Sung by People's burial aid society
choir. Columbia, S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomo.x, 191+0
1+080 Al
TWELVE GATES TO TEE CITY. Sung by Travis family. Livingston,
Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937* 13H A2
TWENTY-FOUR SAILORS, TEE. Sung by Fred Carriere. Champion,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 21+31 A2, 2I+3I+ Al & 3
TWENTY-ONE SUMMERS. Sung by James (Studdy Long) Smith. Cumins
state farm, Gould, Ark., John A, and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939*
26l6 B2
TWENTY-POUND BULLDOG, THE. Sung by A. J. Ford. Crandon, Miss.,
Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3295 Bl
TWENTY-SEVENTH OF AUGUST, 1893 . Sung by Lavinia Simmins. Edisto
Island, S. C. , Herbert Halpsrt, 1939. 3150 Bl
TWENTY YEARS AGO. Sung by Mrs. Carlos Gallimore. Galax, Va. ,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1366 A2
TWINKLE, LITTLE STAR, Played by L. C. Franklin on fiddle. Camp
Indio, Calif., Margaret Valiant, 1939. 3328 A2
TOO BABES IN THE WOODS. Sung by Olga Acovedo. Kingsville, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2623 A
Redmond. Drew, Miss., John A, and Ruby T. Lomax, 191+0.
I+013 b6
TWO BROTHERS, THE. Sung by Clay Walters. Salyersville , Ky.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1957. 1581 B
TWO BROTHERS, THE. Sung by J. C. Kennison. Bennington, Vt.,
Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939 • 3757 B
TWO BROTHERS, THE. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury, Mona, Ark.,
John A. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 870 Bl
TWO BROTHERS, THE. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman, Elon College,
N. C, Fletcher Collins, 1939. 3785 B2
TWO CONVICTS. Sung by Marline and Viola Luksr. Shafter
migratory camp, Calif., Margaret Valiant, 1939« 3329 A2
TWO CRUEL BROTHERS, THE. Sung by Gant family. Austin, '"Tex. ,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 1936. 61+8 B
TOO IRISH TUNES. Played by John Selleok on fiddle. Camino,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 1+221 Bl & B2
TOO IRISHMEN AND A HEBREW. Spoken by Fred Loe Fox. Jacksonville,
Fla. , Stetson Kennedy and Robert Cock, 191+0. 3526 A3
TOO ITALIANS. Sung by Munroo Govedon with fiddle, with guitar
and banjo by Cathlyn and Bert Gevedon. West Liberty, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1560 B2
TOO LITTLE BABES. Sung by Samuel P. Harmon. Maryville, Tenn. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2881 B2
TOO LITTLE GIRLS SLIDING AWAY. Sung by Mrs. Mary Fuller Cain.
Clintwood, Va. , Herbert Halpert/ 1939. 2819 B2
- 412 -
TWO LITTLE JOHNNIES. Sung by G. D. Vowell. Harlan, Ky. ,■ John A.
and Alan Lomax, 1933. 75 A6
TWO LITTLE JOHNNIES. Sung by G. D. Vowell. Harlan, Ky., Alan
and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1381 A3
TWO LITTLE ORPHAN CHILDREN. Sung by Bill Atkins with guitar.
Pineville, Ky. , Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1933. 1991 Bi-10 in.
TWO LITTLE RABBITS. Sung by Annie Holmes. Murrells Inlet, S. C,
' John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- '2721 A3
TWO LITTLE SCHOOLBOYS. Sung by John Harris. Ramapo, N. Y. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1927. 3672 A2
TWO LITTLE SCHOOLBOYS. Sung by John Harris. Ramapo, N. Y. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1937. 3672 B2
TWO LITTLE SISTERS. Sung by Mrs. Ollie Wcmble. Banner, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3026 Al
TWO LITTLE SISTERS. Sung by Samuel Harmon. Maryville, Tenn.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2801 E>3
TWO ORPHANS, THE. Sung by Arnie Hall, Pine Mountain settlement
school, Pine Mountain, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
L408 B2
TWO ORPHANS, THE. Sung by Bud Faulkner. Crandon, Wis., Sidney
Robertson, 1937. 3295 A2
TWO SCHOOL BOYS, THE. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 954 Bl
TWO SEEDS OF CORN BRING MAMA HERE. Sung by group of Fox hill men.
Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935. 438 Al
TWO SISTERS, THE. Sung by Anne Corbin Ball. Richmond, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2737 Al & A2
TWO SISTERS, THE. Sung by Bess Lomax. Austin, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1934- 61 Bl
TWO SISTERS, THE. Sung by Horton Barker. Near Chilhowie, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2836 Bl
TWO SISTERS. Sung by Kindness Harris. Fort Spunky, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1935- 672 3
TWO SISTERS, THE. Sung by Mrs. C. S. MacClellan. High Springs,
Fla., Alton C. Morris, 1937. 985 Al
TWO SISTERS, THE. Sung by Mrs. Carrie Walker. Magee, Miss.',
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3063 B2
TWO SISTERS, THE. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 960 Al
TWO SISTERS, THE. Sung by Mrs. Mary Eyres'. Martins creek, Clay
co., Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1506 A
TWO SISTERS, THE. Sung by Mrs. Mary Myres. Martins creek, Clay
cc, Ky., Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1506 31
TWO SISTERS, THE. Sung by Mrs. R. Jones. Whitetop, Va., Richard
Chase, 1935. 3427 Bl
WO SOLDIERS, THE. Sung by Glenn Carver. State farm, Raiford,
Fla., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2712 Bl & A2
TWO SOLDIERS, THE. Sung by Munroe Gevedon with fiddle, with guitar
and banjo by Cathlyn and Bert Gevedon. "West Liberty, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1556 B, 1557 A
TWO-STEP. Played by Bill Tatnali on guitar. Frederica, Ga., Alan
Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935.
314 B
- 413 -
TWO-STEP. Played by John Davis and brother on guitar and
harmonica. Frederics, Ga., Alan Lornax, Zora Naale
Huts ton and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 313 El
TWO-STEP. Played by John Stone on fiddle. Columbia, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3360 A3 ;.
guitar. Clemens state farm, Brazoria, Tex., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 3552 Al
Maryville, Term., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2923 Al F-. Bl
' "1 /'
U. S. MARINE MARCH. Played by Mrs. Kate W. Jones on piano.
Houston, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2589 B2
UGLY MUG. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College, N. C,
Fletcher Collins, 1939- 3775 33
UH, UH. Sung by Frank Jordan and group of Negro convicts. State
penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 618 A2
UM-HUM, OH, LORDY, UM-HUM. Sung. by group of Negro convicts.
State prison farm, Milledgevilie , Ga., John A. Lomax, 1934.
263 32"
UNCLE BILL IS SICK IN BED. Sung by Melinda and Rosalee Vaughan.
Laager, Term., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2942 BA
UNCLE BUD. Sung by James Brown and Rufus Bland. Caruja Ranch,
Kenansville, Fla., Carita Doggett Corse and Robert Cornwall,
1940. 3900 A2
UNCLE BUD. Sung by Thaddeus C. Willing ham with banjo. Gulf port,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939 ■ 3117 A & 31
UNCLE JOE. Played by Nassau string band. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan
Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicie, 1935. 435 A
UNCLE JOE. Sung by Mrs. Nancy Stacy. Hazard, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1543 A3
UNCLE JOE. Sung by Moses Morgan. Pickett, Wis., Robert F. Braves,
1940. 4184 A
UNCLE JOE. Sung by Uncle Alec Dunford with fiddle. Galax, Va.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1359 Bl
UNCLE JOHN IS SICK IN BED. Sung hy Ray Wood. Houston, Tex., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2595 A5
UNCLE JOHNNIE SICK IN BED. Sung by Myra E, Hull. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937. 1055 Bl
UNCLE LOU. Sung by Rowena Bell, Sweety Pie and Fappio with drum.
Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle,
1935. 527 A3
UNCLE LOU, DON'T TOUCH THE PAY/. Sung by Rowena Bell, Sweety Pie
and Pappie with drum. Nassau, Bahamas. Alan Lomax and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 528 A2
UNCLE RAT. Sung by Charles Fulton with piano. Oakland, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939- 4-216 Al & 2
UNCLE RAT. Sung hy Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. Hamilton town, near
Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2829 31
UNCLE REMUS. Spoken by Aunt Florida Hampton. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1325 Al
UNCONSTANT LOVER, THE. Sung by Ben Rice. Springfield, Mo., Sidney
Robertson, 1937. 3222 B3 Sc 4
UNDER THE DOUBLE EAGLE. Played by the Happy mountaineers. Tygart
valley homesteads, Elkins, W. Va., Gordon Barnes. 1939.
3575 A2
UNDER THE JUNIPER TREE. Sung by Mrs. Theodosia Bennett Long.
Saltillo, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2952 B
UNDER BONDERS TREE. Sung by Mrs. Benton Cooper. Casa Grande,
Ariz., Margaret Valiant, 1939- 3325 A
- 415 -
UNFAITHFUL SWEETHEART, THE. Sung by Alec Moore, Austin, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1934- . 55 B2
UNFORTUNATE PUPPY. Sung by Elmo Newcomer with fiddle.
Pipecreek, Tex; , John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2734 A2
and congregation of African Methodist church. Tupelo,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2959 31
UNLOADING STEEL RAILS. Sung and spoken by Henry Truvillion.
Burke vi lie, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939.
2654 B2
UNTIL I REACH MY HOME. Sung by William Brooks. New Orleans,
La., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1937. 890 B4, 891 Al
UP AND DOWN BUILDUP (THE) K. C. LINE. Sung by Little Brother
with guitar. State penitentiary, Huntsville, Tex., John
A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 200 B2
UP AND WW THE BROOM. Played by Patrick Bonner on fiddle.
St. James, Beaver island, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938.
2269 B3
UP AND DOWN THE LANE. Sung by J. M. Mullins with banjo.
Salyersville, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
1597 B2
UP AND DOM THIS OLD RAILROAD. Sung by Mrs. Vesta French.
Luttrell, Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2937 A2
UP THE ROAD FUR AS I CAN SEE. Sung by John Hatcher with fiddle.
Iuka, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3003 A3
UPON THE, MOUNTAIN. Sung by Thomas Anderson. New York, N. Y.,
Herbert Halpert, 1938. 3635 B3
USE ME, LORD. Sung by Katharine Shipp. Byhalia, Miss.. Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3007 A2
UTAH CARL. Spoken by Ella May Verdon. Shafter FSA camp, Shafter,
Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940. 4107 A
- .416 -
VACANT LOT, THE. Sung by Mrs. J. F. Hornbeak. Moss bluff, Fla.,
Alton C. Morris, 1937. 983 B4
VALENTINE, THE. Sung by Tom ..West. American folk song festival,
Ashland, Ky. , Jean Thomas,. 1934. 298 B
VANCE SONG, THE. Sung by Uncle Branch Higgins. Salyersville,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1592 Bl
VANDERDECKEN. Sung by Capt. Richard Maitland. Sailors' snug
harbor, Staten Island, New York, N. Y., Alan Lomax, 1939.
2529 B, 2530 A
VARSUVIANA. Played by Aaron Morgan on harmonica. Columbia, Calif.
Sidney Robertson, 1939- 336S Al .& 2
VERY FIRST TIME I SAW MY LOVE, THE. Sung by Mrs. Pearl Jacobs
Borusky. Antigo, Wis., Robert F. Draves, 1940. 4173 A2
VERY WELL DOME, SAID JOHNNY BROWN. Sung by John A. Lomax. Galax,
Va., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4080 B5
VERY WELL SAID, OH JOHNNY BROWN, Sung by Mrs. Crockett Ward.
Galax, Va., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4072 A2
VILLIKINS AND HIS DINAH. Sung by Anne Corbin Ball. Richmond, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2737 B2
VIRGINIA. Sung by Byron (Byron Reno) Coffin, Sr., with piano by
Mrs. Coffin. Alameda, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939-
3823 B3
VIRGINIA REEL. Sung by Mother Lassiter. "Sabring, Fla., Carita
Doggett, Corse and Robert Cornwall, 1940. 3896 A
VIVA L'AMOR. Sung by Mercedes Cortes. San Antonio, Tex., John
A. Lomax, 1936. 56I Bl
•- 417 •-
WABASH CANNONBALL, THE. Sung by Bill Bundy with guitar.
Manchester, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1510 A
WABASH CANNONBALL, THE. Sung by Billy Jane Thompson, Willodean
Judd and Virginia Wright. Arvin FSA camp, Arvin, Calif'.,
Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940. 410.3 Al
WABASH CANNONBALL, THE. Sung by John P. Gallamo. Port Huron,
Mich., Ivan Walton, 1933. 3400 Bl
WABASH CANNONBALL, THE. Sung by Vernie Westfall, with guitar by
Ernie Alston. Shafter FSA camp, Shafter, Calif., Charles
L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940. 4105 32
WABASH, SANTA FE. Sung by Tilman Cadle. Pineville, Ky. , Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 2027 Al-10 in.
WACO GIRL, THE. Sung by Eddie Murphy. Crowley, La., John A. and
Alan Lomax, 1934- 18 Al
WACO GIRL, THE. Sung by Fred Ross. Arvin FSA camp, Arvin, Calif.,
Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940. 4101 B
WACO IDA. Sung by Jesse Bradley and Augustus (Track Horse)
Haggerty, State penitentiary, Huntsviile, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1934- 217 A5
WADE IN THE WATER. Sung by John Robinson. Lubbock, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 912 Bl
WAGON YARD BLUES. Sung 02f Woodrow (Woody) Wilson Guthrie with
guitar. Washington, D. C. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1940.
3418 A3
WAGONER. Ployed by Bev Bailey or, fiddle. Hazard, Ky, , Alan and,
Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 153o B2
WAGONER. Played by Clinton Swathoff on fiddle and Otis Evans on
guitar, with calls by Elmo Newcomer. Pipeoreelc, Tex., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2636 Al, A2 & B
WAGONER. Played by J. D. Dillingham or banjo and Hudson on fiddle.
Austin, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1935 . 539 Bl
WAGONER. Played by J. D. Dillingham on banjo, Hudson on fiddle and
Cox on guitar. Austin, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1936. 665 A2
WAGONER, THE. Played by Jim Mills, Arthur McCown, Tex Melton, L.
C. Franklin and A. C. Plumley. Camp Indio, Calif., .Margaret
Valiant, 1939. 3328 Al
WAGONER, THE. Played by Lloyd (Red) Harmon on guitar and Millard
Brewer on fiddle. Shafter FSA camp, Shafter, Calif., Charles
L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940. 4103 A2
WAGONER. Played by Red King on guitar and Casey King on fiddle.
San Antonio, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1936. 659 A2
WAGONER. Played by Theophilus G. Ho skins on fiddle. Kyden, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1516 A2
WAGONER. Played by W. E. Claunch or: fiddle. Near Guntown, Miss..,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2972 A3
WAGONER BOY, THE. Sung by Mrs. Maude McShan Wesson,. Saltillo,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2950 Al & 2
WAGONER LAD. Sung by Bas com Lamar Lunsford. New York, N. Y. ,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935. 1786 Al
- 418 -
WAGONER LAD. Sung by Gleophas Franklin. Maryville, Term., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2391 A2
WAGONER LAD, THE. Sung by Oscar Parks. Deuchars, Ind. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1730 A
WAGONER'S LAD, THE. Sung by Lav/ton Grogan. Silvers-tone, N. C,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 8.55 Al
WAGONER'S LAD, THE. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton. Kamiltontown,
near Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2828 Al .
WAGONER'S LAD, THE. Sung by Mrs. Myra Harriett Miller. Tuckaseigeo,
N. G., John A. Lomax, .1936. 842 Al
WAGONER '8, LAD, THE. Sung by Sam Harmon. Near Maryville, Tenn.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2903 B2
WAGONER'S SONG, THE. Sung by Mrs:. Birdie Coulter. San Antonio,
Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 928 A2
WAHOO. Played by lumberjack on homemade mandolin. National folk
festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3255 A3
WAIT FOR ME. Sung by group of Negroes from Wadmalaw island.
Charleston, S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1937. 1052 Al
WAIT ON THE RISING SUN. Sung by Christeen, Katharine, Alison and
Isaac Shipp. Byhalia, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3006 Bl
WAITIN' ON YOU. Sung by Dock Reed, Jesse Allison, Jr. and Vera
Hall. Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939.
2682 Al
WAITIN' ON YOU. Sung by group of Negro women prisoners. State
prison farm, Milledgevilie , C-a. , John A. Lomax, 1934-
262 Al
WAITIN' ON YOU. Sung by Rev. B. D. Hall, Joe and Johnny Hall.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4056 Bl
WAITIN 1 ON YOU. Sung by Richard Amerson. Livingston, Ala., John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4046 A3
WAITING FOR A TRAIN. Sung by Bill Atkins with guitar. Pinoville,
Ky. , Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 1988 B2-10 in.
WAKE ME, SHAKE ME. Sung by Ray Wood. Houston, Tex., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2595 A7
Franklin. Maryville, Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2892 Bl
WAKE, OH, WAKE, YOU DROWSY SLEEPERS. ' Sung by Mrs. L. L. McDowell.
Smithviile, Tenn., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3179 33 &2
WAKE, SALLY BAKER. Sung by Jpe and Molly McDonald. Livingston,
Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 4034 A2
WAKE UP. Sung by Marjorie Edgar. National folk festival, Chicago,
111., Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3247 AA
WAKE UP DRY BONE IN LOW LAM)'. Sung by Victoria Wilson and mixed
group. New Bight, Cat island.. Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 402 B2
WAKE UP, JACOB. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fla. , Alton
C. Morris, 1937. 978 .83
WAKE UP, JACOB. Sung by Zora Neale Hursfon. Jacksonville, Fla.,
Herbert Halpert., 1939. 3144 Bl
WAKE UP, SLEEPY. Sung by Henry Truvillion. Burkevil'le, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2658 Bl
- 419 -
WAKE UP, SUSAN. Played by Elmer Barton on fiddle. Quebec;, Vt.,
Alan Lomax and Helen Har/thess Flanders, 1939- 3699 31
WAKIN' UP. Sung by Richard Amerson. Livingston, Ale., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0.. 4045 B2
WAKING-UP SONG. Sung by George Gorara. Camp No. 10, Culpeper,
Va., John A. Lomax, 1936. 722 Bl
WALK ABOUT, ANNIE. Sung by a group of small children. Monroe
county training school, Araory, Miss., Herbert Halport, I93' :
2976 A2
WALK ALGNG, JOHNNY. Played by E. K. Bowman on fiddle. Abilene,
Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 930 Bl
WALK DOOLEI. Sang by Uncle Billy McCrea. Jasper, Tex., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3974 A3
WALK DOWN, SUGAR TREE. Sung by Henry Truvillion. Burkeville,
Tex,, Alan Lomax, 1939 . 2666 Bl
WALK IN GREEN GRASS, DUST, DUST, DUST. Sung by group of girls,
with two fiddles, piano and guitar. Austin, ■ TeX. ,• John A.
Lomax, 1936. 655 A4
WALK ON THE BAY, LET ME SEE YOU WALK-. Sung by mixed group.
Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Bsrnicie,
1935- 492 B2
WALK TOGETHER CHILD] (EN. Sung by Negro convict. State peniten-
tiary, Richmond, Va., John it. Lomax* 1936. 728 A2
WALK WITH ME. Sung by Archie Williams and Mrs. Martha Williams.
Ashland, Ky. , John A. Lomax, 1937. 1025 Al
WALK WITH ME. Sung by Lillian and Charley P. Hens ley. Arjay,
Ky. , Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1338 Al
WALK WITH ME, LORD, Sung by David Ehoades and group of Negre
Convicts. State prison farm, Atraore, Ala., John A. Lomax,
1937. 938 A3
WALKA DOLLY WALK. Sung by Henry Truvillion. Burkevillo, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3983 B3'
Tex., John A. and Ruby T, Lomax, 1939. 2592 Al
WALKING AND TALKING,. Sung by Mrs, Emma Dusonbury, Men?, grit..
John A. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 872 62
WALKING BOSS. Sung by Tricky Salmon, Johnny Smith and. Alex
Williams. State penitentiary, Par oilman, Miss., Herbert
Halport, 1939. 3090 32
WALKING IN M SLEEP. Played by Fred Perry on fiddle and Glenn
Carver on guitar. State farm, Raiford, Fla, , John A, and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2715 111
WALKING IN MY SLEEP. Played by dado Ward or fiddle. Galax., Va.,
Alan Lomax and Peter Seeger, 1939 ■ 3762 B3
WALKING IN THE LIGHT. Sung by Arthur Stitt., Robert Pressor,
James Wilkinson and William Carver. State Farm, Va., John
A. Lomax, 1936. 733 32
WALKING IN THE' PARLOR. Played by Beseem Lamar Lunsford on banjo.
New York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell
Greet, 1935. 1802 12
- 4-20 -
WALKING IN THE PARLOR; Played by W. E. CLaunch on fiddle. and
Mrs. Christeen Haygood on guitar. Near Guntovm, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2973 A2
WALKING IN THE PARLOR. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford with fiddle
New York, N. Y. , George W. Rabbi tt and William Cabell
Greet, 1935. 1340 B2
WALKING IN THE PARLOR. Sung by Doc Hoppes- with banjo. 'Estatoe,
N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 853 B3'' ;
WALKING IN THE SEMINARY, Sung by the Edwards* Luling Dixie
singers. Luling, Tex., John A. 'Lomax, '1936. 604 B2
WALKING JOE. Sung by Alexander Rolle. Old Bight, Get island,
Bahamas, Alan Loraax. and Mary Elizabeth ,Barnicle> 1935.
423 Al '
TALKING ON THE GREEN GRASS. Sung by eight children. Greenville,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- " 3100 Al
WALKING ON THE GREEN GRASS. Sung by four -girls. Tupelo, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2959 B3' :
WALKING ON THE GREEN GRASS. Sang by Negro school children.
Jasper, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, -1946. 3981 Bl
Margaret Phicff. New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan
Lomax and Mary 'Elizabeth Barruele, 1935. 410 B3
WALKING UP THE GREEN GRaSS. Sung by Catharine Mason and three
girls. Nev/ York, N. Y-. , Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3644 Al
WALKING UP THE GREEN GRASS. Sung by -Gwendolyn and Eula May Ford.
New York, N. Y. , Herbert Halpert j 1039. 3644 A2
WALKING UP THE GREEN GRASS. Sung by Herbert Halpert. Hew York,
N. Y. , Herbert Halpert, 1939. ' 3641 B2
WALKING UP THE GREEN GRASS. Sung "by three girls. Lenox Hill
settlement Louse, Nev/ York, N. Y. , Herbert Halpert, 1939.
3647 A4, B2
WALKING VERY SORRY. Sung by Gertrude Thurston and nixed group
with drum. New Bight, Gat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and
Mary Elizabeth Barniele, 1.935. 337 B
WALLINS CREEK GIRLS. Sung by Daw Reason.'' Billy's branch. Clay
co., Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Loinaxj 1937. 1499 Bl
WALLS OF JERICHO, THE. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry,
Fla., John A. Lomax, 1937. 956 AA
WALLS OF JERICHO, THE. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry,
Fla., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939
A. (>.
WALTER JUMPED A FOX. Sung by Dr. David Mcintosh. National folk
festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson, 1937.
3250 B3 & 4
WALTER, WALTER, WILDFLOWER. Surg by Ceiia Feldborg. New York,
N. Y. , Herbert Halpert, 1938.' 3628 B3
WALTER, WALTER, WILDFLOWER. ' Sung by Celia Feldberg. New York,
N. Y., Herbert Halpert, 1938.' 3631 Al & 2
WALTER, WALTER, WILDFLOWER. Sung by-Herbert Halpert. New York,
N. Y. , Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3641 31
WALTZ 'N' SWING, THE. Sung 'by Mrs. Mints Morgan. Bells, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 923 Bl
- A2i ~
WANT A' LITTLE WATER, JOHNNY? Sung by Thaddeus C. Wiliingham with
banjo. Gulf port, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3115 B2
WANT TO GO COURTING. Sung by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry, FA.;.,
John A. Loraax, 1937. 95& A2
WANT TO GO TO A3AC0. Sung by group of Andros Island men. Sponge
docks, Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth
Barnicle, 1935* 430 B2
Lillie and Thelma Knox. Murrells Inlet, 3. C, John A,
Loraax, 1937. 1034 A2
Simmons, William Devoe, Arabella Wilson and group, '.vifch
drum. Old Bight, Cat Island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax an! Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 417 Bl
WAR IS NOW RAGING, THE. Sung by Bus com Lamar Lunsford. Nov; Iork }
N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935.
1794 A2
WAR IS NOW RAGING, THE. Sung by Mrs. Cinderella Kimmird.
National folk festival, Chicago, 111-., Sidney Robertson,
1937. 326,4 Al
WAR JUBILEE. Sung by Beltorr Reese with banjo and Thaddeus
Goodson with bones, Brevard plantation, Adams mill.; near
Columbia, S. C, Charles Seoger, 1939. 3791 B
WAR OF SIXTY-TWO. Sung by Mr*. Mary Fuller Cain. Clintwood, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2S1S Bl
WARD LAKES. Sung by Ivan 'Wal ton. Port Huron, Mich., Ivan Walton,
1938. 3399 B7
WARREN AND FULLER. Sung by Mrs. Mints Morgan. Bells, Tex.. John
A. Lomax, 1937. "~1323 A2
WARS OF GERMANY, THE. Sung- by Oscar Parks. Deuchars, Inc., Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1732 A2
WARS OF GERMANY. Sung by Sam Harmon. Maryville , Tenn., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2927 A2, 3?
WAS A MASSY HAD A LASSIE. Sung by Frank Davidson. ilLoomington,
Ind. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1726 22
Livingston, Ala., John A. mid Ruby T. Lomax, 1939.
2699 Al
WAS TWO SISTERS LOVED ONE MAN. Sung by Samuel P. Harmon.
Maryville, Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1929. 2881 31
of Brown Chapel Baptist church. Livingston, Ala.., John A.
and Ruby T . Lomax , 1940 ; 4041 A
Near Maryville, Tenn., .Herbert Halpert. 1939- 29-14- 2.3
WASH YOUR FEET AND GO 10 SLEEP. Sung by 12":^ • Ruth Clark
Cullipher and Angle Clark, Mullins, S. C. , John A. Lomax,
1937.' 1299 a2
WASHINGTON THE GREAT. Sung by Mrs. Mints Morgan. Bells, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1337 El
- 422 -
WASN'T THAT A MIGHTY STORM: Sung by Sin-killer Griffin and
congregation at Pain Sunday service . Darrington state f: na,
Sandy Point, Tex., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934- 135 B2
WASP BITE NOBY ON HER CONCH-EYE. Played by Nassau string band.
Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935. 4.3/+ A2
WASSAIL SONG. Sung by Edith. Fitzpatrick. James. American folk
song festival, Ashland, Ky. , Jean Thomas, 1934. 290 D
WATER BOUND. Played by So F. Russell on dulcimer. Marion, Va.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3160 31-3
WATER BOUND. Played by Theodore Blevins on dulcimer. Galax,
Va.,J3ass Lomax,' 1937. 1343 A5
WATER GALL. Sung by Cordy and Mrs. Annie Richardson. Murrells
Inlet, S. C., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1043 51
WATERFORD BOYS, THE. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James, Beaver
island, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1933. 2237 32, 2233 Al
Albertine King. Winniieid, La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax,
1940. 4000 A2
house, Tuolumne co.,- Calif., Sidney Robertson , 1939-
3362 B3
WATERMELON SPOILING ON THE VINE. Sung by Negro with banjo. New
Bight, Gat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1936. 411 Bl
WATERMELON STORY, Spoken by Iviose (Clear Rock) Piatt. Central
state farm, Sugar land, Tex., Joan A. and Alan Lomax, 1933.
197 A2
WATERMELON VENDOR'S CALL. Sung by Ellabell Singleton.
Jacksonville, Fla., Herbert Halpert, 1939= 3142 A3
WATERWORKS IN GEORGIA. Sung' by group of Negro convicts. Cumins
state farm, Gould., Ark., John A. Lomax, 1934. 249 B2
WATERWORKS IN GEORGIA. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State
penitentiary, Parehman, Miss., John A, and Alan Lomax,
1933. 1358 32-10 in.'
WATERWORKS IN GEORGIA. Sung by group of Negro prisoners. Viork
house, Memphis, Tenn. , John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933.
174 B4
WAY DOWN CURRY ROAD. Sang by Cleveland Simmons, William Devoe,
Arabella Wilson ana group, with drum. Old Bight, Cat Island,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and. Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1035.
416 B2
WAY DOWN CURRY ROAD. Sung by Gertrude Thurston end group of young
men. Nev; Bight, Gat Island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935'. 338 Bl
WAY DOWN IN ALABAM'. Sung by Mrs, Minta Morgan. Bells, Tex,, John
A. Lomax, 1937. 922 Al
WAY DOWN IN COLUMBUS, Sung by Mrs. Esco Kiigore. Namiltontown ,
near Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert , 1939." 2831 Bl
WAY DOWN IN K.AR0. Sung by aunt Molly Jacksun. New York, N. Y. ,
Alan Lomax, 1939= 2562 A2
- 423 -
Tucson, Ariz., Margaret Valiant, 1939* - 3559 Al, 2 & 3
Maryville, Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2007 B2
WAY DOM IN THE LONE GREEN VALLEY. ' Sung by Mrs. Esco Kiigore.
Hamilton town, near Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939.
2832 B2
"WAY DOM SOUTH. Sung by Mrs. W. L. Martin, Hillsville, Va,,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2753 Bl
WAY DOWN SOUTH WHERE I WAS BORN. Sung by Herbert Lambert. New
York, N. Y., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 364-5 A4
WAY DOM THE MOUNTAIN. Sung by J. M. Mullins. Salyersville , Ply.,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1598 A2
WAY DOM THE RIVER, BOYS. Sung by J, M. Mullins with banjo.
Salyersville , Ky. , Alar; and Elisabeth Lofex, 1937. 1597 Al
WAY DOWN YONDER. Sung by Rev. H. W. Stuckey. Jac.kBonvil.le, Fin . 3
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 314-0 31
Woods school, Piney Woods, Miss;., John A. Lomax, 1937.
881 B3
WAY DOWN YONDER IN YANKTIYANK. Sung by t.vo girls. Greenville,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3100 B6
WAY HIGH UP. Sung by Sid Jordan. State penitentiary, Parchaan,
Miss., John A. Lomax, 1930. 598 Bl
WAY OUT IN IDAHO. Sung by Blaine Stubblefield with guitar.
Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1933. 1634 Bl
WAY OUT ON THE MOUNTAIN. Sung by women's group. Cumins state
farm, Gould, Ark., John A. and Idib'y T. Lomax, 1939= 2633 32
Silvers tone, N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 854- Al
WAY OVER IN DE PROMUS LAND, Sung by Henry Truvillion. Burkeville,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3984 A2
WAY OVER IN THE PROMISED LAND. Sung by Huddle Led better (Lead
Belly) with guitar. Wilton, Conn., Join A. Lomax. 1935.
131 B2
WAY OVER YONDER. Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washington, D. G.., Alan
Lomax, 1937. 1875 B1-1G in.
Springfield, Mo., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3216 i.2
WAYFARING STRANGER. Sung by Bill Garr, with piano by Margaret
Valiant. Cherry Lake Farms, Fla, , Margaret vbliant, 1936.
3313 Al
WAYFARING STRANGER, THE. Sure bji G. E. Norris. Middlefork, Ky. ,
Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 14-19 Bl
WAYFARING STRANGER, Sung by Warde H. Ford. Crandon, Wis.,
Sidney Robertson, 193^
> s -ru-i
WAYNESBURG. Played by Bev Baker on fiddle and Norman Combs on
guitar. Hazard, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
1538 Bl
WAYS OF THE WORLD, THE. Played by Luther Strong on fiddle.
Hazard, Ky., Alan end Elizabeth Lomax, 1.937. 1536 Al
- A24 -
WAYS OF THE WORLD, THE. Played by W. M. Stepp on fiddle.
Salyersville, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
1569 A2
WE ALL GOT LOST IN THE STORM. Sung, by Gant family. Austin, Tex. ,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 645' A2
WE ALL HAVE SOMETHING TO DO. Sung by Dock Reed. Livingston,
Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0. 4057 51
WE ANCHORED BY THE ROADSIDE INN. Sung by Jonathon Moses. Orford,
N. Hi, Alan Lomax and. Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939.
3705 B2
WE ARE ALMOST DOWN TO THE SHORE. Sung by ■Jimrnie Strothers
with banjo. State Farm, Va., John A. Lomax, 1936. 747 A2
Smithville , 'Term., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3185 Al
WE ARE THE WITNESS, WE ARE THE' NINE. Sung by group of Fox
hill men. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barniele, 1935. 438 A3
WE ARE THREE BUMS. Sung by Margaret Phieff . New Bight, Cat
island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barniele,
1935 . ' 410 B2
WE 1 RE ALL GWINE DOWN TO JORDAN'. Sung by Edwin L. Stevens.
Lafayette, La., John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 112 A2
Valley, Calif,, Sidney' Robertson, 1939 ^ 4210 S2
WE'RE BOUND FOR RIO GRANDE. Sung by J. M. (Sailor Dad) Hunt.
Whitetop, Va., John A. Lomax, 1935. 652 A2
WE'RE GOIN' AROUND THE MOUNTAIN. Sung by Eva Grace Boone and
five children, with clapping. Brandon, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3049 31
WE'RE GOIN' ; ROUND THE MOUNTAIN, Sung by group of children.
Brandon, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1937. 884 B2
Hannah Bessellien and Mittio Docter. Murrells Inlet, S. C,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 834 A3
Nye. Akron, Ohio, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1614 Al
WE'RE GOING TO PUMP OUT LAKE ERIE. Sung by Capt. Pearl R. Wye.
Akron, Ohio, Ivan Walton, 1938 ', 3A03 B2
Cain. Clintuood, Va. , Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2818 A5
Cullipher and Angle Clark. Kullins, S. C, John A- Lomax,
1937." 1030 BA
WE'RE MARCHING 'ROUND THE LEVEE. Suag by Mrs.' Minta Morgan.
Bells, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. ' 953 31
WE'RE MARCHING 'ROUND THE LEVEE. Sang by Mrs. Ollie Womble.
Banner, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939 3033 A3 & 31
Lunsford. New York, N. Y. , George W„ Ribbitt and William
Cabell Greet, 1935. 1783 'Bl
- 4.25 -
WE ARE (oont.)
WE'RE WALKING ON THE GREEN- GRASS. Sung- by Laura Wilson and
children's group. Violet; burg. Miss, s, Herbert Halpert, 1939 ■
3075 Al
WE DON'T HAVE NO PAYDAY HERE. Sung by Viola Brown. Murrells
Inlet, S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2720 Dl
Merryville, La., John A. and Ruby T. Loraax, 1939. 2651 Bl
WE HAS A JEST GAWD. Sung by Isabel Barnwell. Jacksonville, Fla. ,
Stetson Kennedy, 1939- 3521 B3
WE HAVE FATHERS GONE TO GLORY. Sung by Charlie Black and Bradloy
Browning. Arjay, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
1387 B2
WE HAVE FATHERS UP IN HEAVEN. Sung by G. . D. Vowell. Harlan, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1380 A2
WE HAVE GAME TODAY. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. Y, ,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935 « 826 53
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 27,73 A2 & Bl
WE SHALL KNOW EACH OTHER THERE. Sung by Mrs. Martha Williams
and Mrs. Alice Williams. Ashland, Ky. , John A. Lomax, 1937.
1024. A2
WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED. Sung by Alice and Johnnie. St. Louis,
Mo., Sidney Robertson, .1936. 3195 Bl
WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED. Sung by Katharine Trusty, paintsville,
Ky. , Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1396 B2
Dusenbury. Mena, Ark., Sidney Robertson and Laurence Powell,
1936. 3229 33
WE WILL TRY TO CATCH THE FLEA. Sang by Bascom Lamar Longford.
New York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William' Cabell Greet,
1935. 1829 A3
WE'LL ALL GO DOWN TO ROWSER'S. Sung by Samuel Clay Dixon. Mt.
Vernon, Ind., Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1938. 1749 Al
WE'LL BE AT HOME AGAIN. Sung by Mattic Cairns. Pineville, Ky.,
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 1965 B-10 in.
WE'LL BE HAPPY IN THE KINGDOM. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson.
New York, N. Y. , Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle,
1935. 820 A2
WE'LL CROSS THE RIVER -OF JORDAN. Sung by G. D. Vowell. Harlan,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1373 83
WE'LL DRINK THE OLD JUG DRY. Sung by Loon Ponce. Columbia,
Calif., Sidney Robertson,, 1939. " 33b4 Bl
Nye. Akron, Ohio, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1005 Al
of Church of the ton elders. Pineville, Ky. , Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1938. 1950 B--IQ in.
of Church of the ten elders. Pineville, Ky. , Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1938. I960 B--10 in.
- 426 -
WE SHALL (cont.)
WE'LL UNDERSTAND -'IT BETTER. Sung by Helen Stephen's. Ruth
Golden, Gladys Dorteh and Helen Cole. Jackson, Miss., John
A. Loraax, 1937. 882 Al
WE WEAVE THE WADMAL. Sung by Mary Floyd. Iuka, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3020 AI
WE WON'T GET HOME UNTIL MORNING. Sung by group, with harmonicas.
Mitchell, 3. Dak., Nicholas Ray, 1939. 3683 A3
WEALTHY OLD FARMER. Sung by Mrs, Mary Sullivan, with guitar by
Lloyd (R$d) Harmon. Shafter FSA camp, Shafter", Calif.,
Charles 1,. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940. 4117 'A & El
WEARY BLUES, THE. Sung by Pete Steele with banjo. Hamilton, Ohio,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1712 A
WEARY PUN 0' TOW, THE. Sung by Mrs. Charlotte Maclnnes. Oakland,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3857 Bl
WEAVER'S DANCE, THE. Played by Charles Korvenpaa on fiddle, with
clapping. Green, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2407 Al, 2 & 3
WEAVING DANCE. Played on fiddle, with dancing by Finnish group.
National folk festival, Chicago, ill,, Sidney Robertson,
1937. 3249 B2
WE'D RATHER BE A COUPLE OF BUMS. Sung' by Mason Parmer with tenor
guitar. Newberry, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2351 A.1
WE'D RATHER BE A COUPLE OF BUMS. Sung' by Mason Parmer with tenor
guitar. Newberry, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1933. ' 2331 A2
WE'D RATHER NOT BE ON RELIEF. Sung by Lester hunter with guitar.
Shafter migratory camp, Calif ., Margaret Valiant, 1939.
3566 Bl"
with guitar. Shafter migratory camp, Calif'., Margaret
Valiant, 1939- 3567 B ■
WEDDING BELLS, THE. Spoken by Bert Graham; 'llevbRrfy, Mich., Alan
Lomax, 1933. 2344 B2
WEDDING BELLS. Sung by G. E. Norris.' Middlefork, Ky. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax,- 1937. 1418 A2 & '32, 1419 A
WEDDING DAY, THE. ; Sung by Mrs. Jinks Hart. Newberry, Fla., John
A. Lomax, '1937. 955 B3
WEEPIN' MARY. Sung by Melinda • Jones , Elsie Smith, Lucy McKoover
and Annie Harvey. Austin, Tex. , John A. -Lomax, 1937=
9 14 A2
WEEPING ON A WILLOW TREE. Sung by Sam Harmon. Near Maryvilie,
Tenn., Herbert Halpert,' 1939. 2914 Al
WEEPING WILLOW, THE. Sung by Ben Rice. Springfield, Mo., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3209 Bl
WEEPING WILLOW TREE, THE. Sung by ■■•Base cm Lamar Lunsfo'rd with
banjo. New York, N. Y. , George W. Kibbitt ana William Cabell
Greet, 1935. 1837 Al
WEEPING WILLOW TREE. Sung by Chick Thomas and Kayden Kelley.
American folk song festival, Ashland, iiY'> Jean Thomas,
1934- 291 B
- 427 -
WEEPING WILLOW TREE. Sung by Mr. and Mrs. Crockett Ward, Mrs.
Thomas Rutherford and .Mrs. Curios Gallitnore. Galax, Va.,
John A. Lennox, 1937. 1366 32
WEEPING WORRY BLUES, THE.' Sung by Booker T. Sapps with harmonica
Belle Glade, Fla. , Alan .Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 369 A
WEEVILY WHEAT. Played by Wayne Perry on fiddle. Crowley, La.,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934- 21 A3
WEEVILY MEAT. Sung by Alec Moore. Austin, Tex., John A. Lomax,
1935. 576 B2
WEEVILY WHEAT. Sung by Alec Moore. Austin, Tex., John A. Lomax,
1936. 654 B2
WEEVILY WHEAT. Sung by Alec Moore. Austin, Tex., John A., Ruby
T. and Bess Lomax, 1940. 3942 Al
WEEVILY WHEAT. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New Y'qrk, N. Y. ,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 826 A2
WEEVILY WHEAT. Sung by Dr. C. L. Watkins. Vancleave, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3111 A2
WEEVILY WHEAT. Sung by Dr. Mcintosh. National folk festival,
Chicago, III., Sidney Robertson, 1937, 3243 B4
WEEVILY WHEAT. Sung by George Vinton Graham. San Jose, Calif.,
Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3374 A4
WEEVILY WHEAT. Sung by Jesse Stafford. Crowley, La., John A.
and Alan Lomax, 1934- 15 A2
WEEVILY WHEAT. Sung 'by Maude El linger and group of four,
Luttreli, Term., Herbert Halpert, 1939 . 2935 B3
WEEVILY WHEAT. Sung Hj Mrs. Birmah Hill Grissom. Saltiilo,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2966 A3
WEEVILY WHEAT. Sung by Mrs. Callie, Belinda and Vaughan.
Laager, Tenn. , Herbert halpert, 1939- 2941 32
WEEVILY WHEAT. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Llena, Ark., John A.
Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 363 M
WEEVILY WHEAT. Sung by Mrs. Swart Wilson. Pensaoola, N. C,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2866 .32
WEEVILY WHEAT. Sung by Mrs. Minta Morgan. Bells, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1937. 953 A2
WEEVILY WHEAT. Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washington, D. C, Alan
Lomax, 1937. 1602 A4
WEEVILY MEAT. Sung by Oscar Parks. Deuchars, Ind. , Alan and
Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1732 A4
WEEVILY WHEAT. Sung by R. I. Blackwood and group. White top, va.,
Richard Chase, 1935. 3431 A3
WEEVILY WHEAT. Sung by Sam Harmon. Maryville. , Term., Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 29.31 Bl
WELCOME. Sung by Gilbert Filce. Little Rock, Ark., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. 3139 B/+
WELCOME THE TRAVELER HOME. Sung by Jim Garland. New York, N. Y. ,
Alan Lomax, 1937. 1947 A-10 in.
WELCOME, WELCOME. Played by .Bernard Steffun and Charles Pollock
on harmonicas. Washington, D. C, Charles Seeger, 1936,
3304 A2, 330-6. A3
-428 -
WELCOME, WELCOME. Played by, Bernard Steffen and Sande McCoy on
harmonicas. New York, N. Y. , Herbert Halpert, 1939.
36.39 A2
WELDON.- Sung by group of Negro convicts. Camp No. 28, Gainesville,
Fla., John A. Lomax, 1936. 714 A2
WELFARE SUPERVISOR'S CHANT, THE. Sung by Gladys, Mattie and
Juanita Crouch. St. Louis, Mo., Sidney Robertson, 1936.
3196 Al
WELL DIGGIN' MAN, THE. Spoken by Sam Harmon. Maryviile, Tenn.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2929 B2, 2930 Al
WELL DONE. Sung by D. W. White and Pearson's funeral home
.choir. Columbia, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1025 A2
WELL, I'LL DO WHAT THE SPIRIT SAY DO. Sung by Bessie May Branch
and group of children. Negro school, Brandon, Miss., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 940 32
WELL, IT AIN'T NO WAY TO HIDE. Sung by Roscoe McLean. State
farm, Raiford, Fla., John A. Lomax, 1936. 682 B
WELL, IT'S SO DARK. Sung by Dock and Henry Reed. Livingston,
Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1333 A3
WELL MET, MY OLD TRUE LOVE. Sung by Mrs. Pearl Jacobs Borusky.
Antigo, Wis., Robert F. Draves, 1940. 4175 B, 4176 A
WELL, SAID THE BLACKBIRD. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New
York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William -Cabell Greet,
1935. 1822 A3
WELL WATER, THE. Sung by George Vinton Graham with guitar. San
Jose, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1938. 3816 Al
WENT INTO GARDEN. Sung'by Jessie Mclntyre. Drew, Miss., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4013 B5
WENT OUT A COURTING, Sung by Ga'nt family. Austin, Tex., John
A. and. Alan Lomax, 1935. ' 64. B2'"
WENT TO THE BARN. Sung by Perry Othello Redmond. Drew, Miss.,.
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4013 32
WENT UP ON THE MOUNTAIN. Sung by Richard Walker. Magee, Miss.,
Herbert -Halpert, 1939- 3104' 32 < '"
WENT UP ON THE MOUNTAIN. Sung by Richard Walker. Magee, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3104 E4 ' ;
WENT UP ON THE MOUNTAIN TOP. Sung by Austin Harmon with banjo.
Maryviile, Tenn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2895 Al & 2
WEST INDIAN BLUES. Sung by unidentified/ convict. State peniten-
tiary, Nashville , Tenn., John 'A. and 'Alan Lomax, 1933 •
178 Al
WEST PALM BEACH STORM, THE. ' Sung by Viola Jenkins. Gainesville,
Fla., Alton C. Morris, 1937. ' 977 A'
WEST TEXAS BLUES. Sung by Roger Gill 1 and; Smith Gas on, with
guitar by Smith Cason. Clemens state farm, Tex. , John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2598 A2
WESTERN COUNTRY. Played by J. W. (Peg)' Hatcher on fiddle. Ferrum,
Va., Herbert Halpert", 1939- 274.1 Al & 2
WESTERN COUNTRY.' Sung by Fields Were, with Bogtrotters band.
Galax, Va., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1365 31
- 4-29 -
WESTERN COWBOY, THE. Sung by Don Mooney. Luling, Tex,, John A.
Lomax, 1936. 604 Al
WESTERN COWBOY, THE. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with
guitar. Louisiana state penitentiary, Angola, La., John A.
Lomax, 1933. 119 31
WESTERN COWBOY. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with
guitar. State prison farm, Angola, La., John A. Lomax, 1935.
122 B
WESTERN COWBOY. Sung by Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with
guitar. Wilton, Conn., John A. Lomax, 1935. 135 B
WESTERN COWBOY. Sung by Percy Ridge. State penitentiary,
Huntsville, Tex. , John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. 200 Bl
WESTERN RANGERS, THE. Sung by Elmer George. East Calais, Vt. ,
Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3728 B
WESTERN RANGERS, THE. Sung by Mrs. M, P. Daniels. East Calais.
Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3728 A
WESTERN UNION TELEGRAM, A. Played by Ed Morrison on the fiddle.
American folk song festival, Ashland, Ky. , Jean Thomas,
1934. 299 A
WEXFORD GIRL. Sung by Alfred Osborne. Port Huron, Mich., Ivan
Walton, 1938. 3401 Bl
WEXFORD GIRL, THE. Sung by David Rice. Springfield, Mo., Sidney
Robertson, 1937. 3219 Bl
WEXFORD GIRL, THE. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James, Beaver island,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2282 A
WEXFORD GIRL, THE. Sung by Mrs. Edith and Austin Harmon. Near
Maryville, Tern., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2912 32
VffiAT A MORNING THAT WILL 3E. Sung by Paul and Clarence Elliott,
Horace Summery and Floyd Christian, Anderson, S. C. John
A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2727 31
WHAT A WONDERFUL THOUGHT. Sung by Jim Garland. New York, N. Y. ,
Alan Lomax, 1937. 1951 B2-10 in.
WHAT ARE THEY DOING IN HEAVEN? Sung by Albertine Keith. Murrells
Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 897 B2
Gainesville, Fla., Alton C. Morris, 1937. 977 32
with guitar. Pineviiie, Ky. , Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938^
2007 £3-10 in.
WHAT COMES OUT OF THE CHIMNEY? Spoken by school girls. Camp
Winona, Lake Como, Pa., Herbert Halpert., 1937. 3670 A7
WHAT COMES OUT OF THE CHIMNEY? Spoken by school girls. -Camp
Winona, Lake Como, Pa., Herbert Halpert, 1937. 3670 A8
Rochelle French with guitars. Eatonvillo, Fla., Alan Lomax,
Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935. 359 B3
and spoken by Henry Lundy. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 513 A2 & Bl
-.430 -
WHAT IS THE SOUL OH MAN? Sung by Dock and henry Reed and Vert.
Hall. Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1321 A2
WHAT'-S IT TO ME, MAMMA? Sung "by Jim Henry, with guitars by
Oscar Lewis and Amzie Byrd. State penitentiary, Parchman,
Miss., John A. Lomax, 1937. 935 Bl
Huddis Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with guitar. Wilton, Conn.,
John A. Lomax, 1935. 1/+6 B.
WHAT JESUS IS. Sung by Rowena Bell, Pappie, "Henry Lundy and
group. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnacle," 1935- 535 Bl
WHAT KIND OF MAN JESUS IS. Sung by Vera Hall. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4020 Al
WHAT KIND OF SHOES DO ANGELS WEAR? Sung by Dorchester academy
quartet. Mcintosh, Ga., Margaret Valiant, 1939. 3605 Al
WHAT LUCK, YOUNG JOHNNY? Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark.,
Sidney Robertson and Laurence Powell, 1936. 3226 Al
WHAT MORE CAN HE DO? Sung by Lonnie Frazier with guitar. Detroit,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2430 A2
WHAT MORE CAN JESUS DO?' Sung by Mary Amerson and Mottle Boll.
Boyd, Ala-., John A. and Ruby T, Lomax, 1940. 4062 A2
WHAT SAM GRAY WHISTLED. Played by Leisime Brusoc on fiddle.
Rhinelander, Wis., Sidney Robertson. 1937. 3278 Bl
WHAT SHALL I DO? Sung by Mrs. Lucile Henson. San Antonio,
Tex., John A. Lomax,, 1936. 542 A3
• Ma it land. Sailors' snug harbor, Stnten Island, New York, N. Y,
Alan Lomax, 1939. 2521 B
WHAT WILL I DO WITH THE 3ABY-0? Sung by Bill Atkins with guitar,
Pineville, Ky. , Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1933. 2007 61-10 ii
■ WHAT WILL I DO WITH THE BA3Y-0? Sung by Mrs. Pearl Jacobs
Borusky. Antigo, Wis., Robert F. Draves, 1940. 4173 Al
WHAT'LL l"D0 WITH THE BiDY, OKI Sung by Henrietta and Ernestine
Wilson with guitars. West Liberty, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth
Lomax, 1937. 156.1 A2
WHAT'LL WE DO WITH THE BABY-0? Sung by Blind James Howard with
fiddle. Harlan, Ky. , John A. and Alan Lomax, 1933.
■in in
WHAT SHE ATE. Sung by Uncle Bob Ledbetter, Oil City, La., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3994 A2
WHAT YOU GOIN' DO WITH THE BABY? Sung by Crockett Bard with banjo.
Galax, Va.., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1357 B2
WHAT YOU GOING TO DO WITH TILLA? Sung by mixed group. Nassau,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth' Barnicle , 1935- 490 31
Lubbock, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 913 A3
Mary Amerson and Mandy Tartt. Boyd, Ala., John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, 1940. 4O64 Al
- 431 -
Mandie Tartt and Bettie Atmore.' Livingston, Ala., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 193?. 2702 Bl
WHEEL IN DE MIDDLE 0' DS WHEEL. Sung by Frank Woodward and group.
Mobile, Ala., John A. Loiaax, 1937. 94-5 B2
Riviera, Fla., Stetson Kennedy and Robert Cook, 1940.
3378 B4
WHEN A WOMAN GET BLUE. Sung by Lawrence Fornier and Gietus Meir,
with accordion and violin. Coulee Croche, La., John A. and
Alan Lomax, 1934. . 25 Al
WHEN BE MOON GO DOWN AND VANISH AWAY. Sung by Brown brothers jubi-
lee quartet. Columbia, S. C, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax,
1940." 4078 A2
WHEN FIRST I WENT TO SEA. Sung by Andrew E, (Mary Ann) Gallagher.
St. James, Beaver island, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2301 B,
2302 AI'
Maggie Gant with guitar. Austin, Tex,, John A. and Alan
Lomax, 1934. 65 A2
Oscar Parks. Deucha'rs, Ind. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938.
1731 B2, 1732 Al
Near Tishomingo, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2989 &
WHEN I CAN READ Ml TITLE CLEAR. Sung by Dock Reed and V^ra Hall.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2686 A2
WHEN I CAN READ MY TITLE CLEM. Sung by Dock Reed and Vera Hall.
Livingston, Ala,, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4020 A2
WHEN I CAN READ MY TITLE CLEAR. Sung by Dock Reed, Vera Hall,
Hettie Godfrey raid Polly Larkin, Livingston, Ala., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4051 A3
WHEN I CAN READ MY TITLE CLEAR, Sung by James Martin. Merryville,
La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3977 A3
Hills ville, Va. , Herbert. Halpert, 1939. 2751 A4
WHEN I DIE. Sung by Ray Wood. Houston, Tex., John A. and Ruby T.
Lomax, 1939. 2595 B5
WHEN I DIE I WANT TO GO TO HEAVEN. Sung by Mrs. Minta Morgan.
Bells, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1338 A2
Traverse City, Mich. , Alan Lomax, 1938. 2307 Bl
banjo and guitar. Lafayette, La., John A., ^iid. Alan Lomax,
1934. 192 A
WHEN I FIRST MET YOU, 1929- Sung by Augustus (Track Horse)
Haggerty, State penitentiary, Runtsvillo, Tox., John A. and
Alan Lomax, 1934. 212 A2
WHEN I GET BIG. Sung by Willie George Albertine King. JJinnfield,
La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3999 A3
WHEN I GET. BIG HOY/ I'M GOING SING. Sung by Willie George Albcrtine
King. Winnfield, La., John A. .■and Ruby T. Lomax, 194-0.
3997 33
WHEN I GET DEAD. Sung by Martha Wright, Liilie Knox and . 'libertine
■ Keith. Murrells Inlet, S. C, John A.- Lomax, 1937. 910 32
MIEN I. GIT HOME. Sung by Smith Cason and group of Negro convicts.
Clemens state farm, Brazoria, Tex., John A. and Rub;,'" T. Lomax.,
1939. 2597 A2
WHEN I GO HOME. Sung by Dock and Henry Reed and Vera Kail.
Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 13 IS B2
WHEN I LAY MY BURDEN DOM. Sung by group of Negro convicts. State
penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936.. 622 A2
WHEN I LAY MY BURDEN DOWN. Sung by Sally Adams , Thaddeiis Goodson,
Belton Reese and Israel Alston. Brevard plantation, Adams
mill, near Columbia, S. C, Charles Seeger, 1939. 3792 Al
WHEN I LAY MY BURDEN DOWN. Sung by Theodore Adair. Baton Rouge,
La., John A. and Ruby '£.. Lomax, 194-0. 4-000 BA
WHEN I LEAVE YOU, BABY. Sung by Ellis Evans with, harmonica, with
washboard by Jimmy Lewis. Lloyd, La.., John A. and .Alan
Lomax, 1934.. 113 Al
WHEN I LIE DOWN. Sung oy Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry, Fia., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 960 A2
WHEN I LIE DOWN' LAST NIGHT. Sung by Blind Joe with guitar. State
penitentiary, Raleigh, N. C, John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934.
268 ]S1
by two women in Church of the ten elders. Pin.eville , Ky„ ,
Mary Elizabeth Barniclo, 1938. 1967 .A-iO in.
WHEN I LOSE MY MONEY. Sung by Manuel (Peter Hatcher) Jones.
Livingston, Ala. , John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4-060 B2
WHEN I REACH THAT CITY ON THE HILL. Sung by congregation of Church
of the ten elders. Pineville, ^-j' 3 Mary Elisabeth Barnicle,
1939. 1955 Al-10 in.
Williams. Ashland, Ky. , John A. Lomax, 1937. 1020 Bl
WHEN I WAKE UP IN THE MORN IN ' . Sung Oy Allen Reed. State farm,
Radford, Fla., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2713 B2
WHEN I WAS A BACHELOR, , Sung by Mrs. Dizia Puekott. Near
Tishomingo, Miss., Herbert Hulperi, 1939. 2986 AS, Bl
WHEN I WAS A BACHELOR. Sung oy Mrs. T. M. Bryant. Evansvillc,
Ind. , Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1938. 1752 Al
WHEN I WAS A BRAVE COWBOY. Sung by Gent family. Austin, Tex.,
John A. and Alan Lomax, 1936. 650 Al
WHEN I WAS A COWBOY. Sung by Mrs. Minnie Floyd. .Murrells Inlet,
S. C, John A., Lomax, 1937. 1303 B5
WHEN I WAS A LITTLE BABY. Sung by Mrs. 0. Hanson, luka, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3019 A2
WHEN I WAS A LITTLE BOY. Spoken uy Mrs. Jennie Devlin.
Gloucester, N. J., Alan Lomax and Kay Deaiy, 1938. 1776 A2
WHEN I WAS A LITTLE BOY. Sung by .Alien Ret A State farm, Raiford,
Fla., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax,, 1939. , 2707 Bl
- 433 -
WHEN I MS A LITTLE BOY. Sung by Gilbert Fike. Little Rock, Ark. ,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3190 Al
WHEN I WAS A RICH MAN. Sun;- by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Newberry,
Fia., John A. Lomax, 1937. 955 A6
WHEN I WAS A YOUNG GIRL. Sung by Aunt Molly McDonald and
Livingston, Ala. , John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2639 A<:
WHEN I WAS A YOUNG GIRL. Sung by Mrs. Dizia Puckett. Near
Tie.hvi.dngo, Miss., Herbert Ralpert, 1939. 2936 B2
WHEN I WAS A YOUNG MAN, OH THEN. Sung by George Vinton Graham
with guitar. San Joss, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939.
3376 BA
WHEN I WAS CRaWLIN' ON THE FLOOR. Sung by Willie George
Albertine King. Winnf laid , La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomajt,
1940. 4000 Al
WHEN I VvAS SINGLE. Sung by Capt. Pearl R. Nye. Akron, Ohio,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 100.4 A2
WHEN I WAS SINGLE. Sung by Mrs. Cinderella Kinnaird, National
folk festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Roburtson, 193".
326A Ak!
WHEN I WAS SINGLE, Sung by Mrs. Emma Dussnbury. Mena , Ark.,
John A. Loraax and Laurence Powell., 1936. 874 Al
WHEN I WAS SINGLE. Sung by Mrs. M a y Staple ton. Karailtontown ,
near Wise, Va., Rorbort Halport, 1939. 2786 A2
WHEN I WAS SINGLE. Sung by Roy MeDaniels, Louisiana state pen-
itentiary, Angola, La., John A. and Alan Lomax, . "1.933.
119 Al
WHEN I WAS SINKING DOWN. Sung by John Robinson. Lubbock, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 949 A2
WHEN I WAS THE AGE OF ONE. Sung by seven children. Greenville,
Miss., Herbert Ralpert. 193?. 3099 A9 & 31
WHEN I WAS YOUNG. Sung by Mrs. Crockett Ward. Galax, V:.., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 1370 A2
WHEN I WAS YOUNG AND IN MY PRIME, Sung by Bill Sundy with guitar.
Manchester, Ky. , Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1509 A2
WHEN I WAS YOUNG AND IN MY PRIME. Sung by Jennie Devlin. Gloucester,
N. J., Alan Lorasx and Kay Dealy, 1938. 1344 k3
WHEN I WAS YOUNG AND IN MY YOUTH. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury.
Mena, Ark., John A.. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 870 A2
WHEN I WAS YOUNG AND SINGLE. Sung by. Mrs. Goldie Hamilton.
Hainiltontown, near Wise, Vs., Herbert Ralpert, 1939-
2334 B2
WHEN I WENT A COURTIN' . Sung by Cant family. Austin, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1936. 64b B
WHEN I WOKE UP THIS MORNING. Sung by school group. VancleavOj
Miss., Herbert Ralpert, 1939. 3112 B2
WHEN I WORE MY APRON LOW. Sung by Alexander Rolie. Old bight.
Cat island, Bahamas, Alan and Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935-
423 A2
WHEN I WORE MY APRON LOW. Sun;; by vera Hall. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4065 B2
- 434 -
WHEN I WOULD GO A TRAVELIH' . Sung by Dr. David Mcintosh.
National folk festival, Chicago, 111., Sidney Robertson,
1937. y^l^ B2
WHEN I'M GONE, GONE, GONE. Sung by Zackie Knox. Murrells Inlet,
S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1033 Al
WHEN IT RAINS FIVE DAYS. Sung by Negro women prisoners. State
penitentiary, Parchman, Miss., John A. Loniax, 1936. 737 33
Merle Lovell with guitar. Shafter FSA camp, Shafter, Calif.,
Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 194.0. 4118 A?
WHEN JESUS CHRIST WAS HERE BELOW. Sung by Mrs. Alice Williams.
Ashland, Ky. , John A. Lomax, 1937. ' 1020 A2
WHEN JONES'S ALE WAS NEW. Sung by John M. (Sailor Dad) Hunt.
Marion, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2.842 Al
WHEN JONES'S ALE WAS NEW. Sung by John M. (Sailor Dad) Hunt.
Whitetop, Va., John A. Lomax, 1935. 651 A
WHEN MARY LAID" HER DOWN TO SLEEP. Sung by George Vinton Graham
with guitar. San Jose, Calif., Sidney Robertson, I93S,
33.11 32
Cumins state farm, Gould, Ark,, John A. and Ruby I. Lomax,
1939. 2652 Bl
Mosely. Drew, Miss., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940.
4016 B2
WHEN OUR LORD SHALL COME AGAIN. Sung by congregation of
Church of the ten elders. Pineville, Ky. „ Mary Elisabeth
Barnicle, 1933. 1961 .82-10 In.
WHEN SHALL I READ MY TITLE CLEAR? Sung by Dock end Henry Reed.
Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1333 Bl
Jacobs Borusky, Antigo, Wis., Robert E. Drsves, 1940,
4175 Al
Rich Brown. Sumterville , Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax,
1940. 4023 Al
Pennsylvania miner. National folk festival, Chicago, III.,
Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3245 B2
WHEN THE' BOYS GOES A COURTIN'. Sung by Richard Walker, Magea,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3104 B3
WHEN THE BRIDEGROOM COMES. Sung by Jemes Washington and group oT
Negro convicts. State (Reid) farm, Boykin, S. C, John A.
Lomax, 1936. 706 Bl
WHEN THE CLOUDS ROLL AWAY. Sung by People's burial aid society
choir. Columbia, S. C>, John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940.
4076 B2
WHEN THE FIRST TRUMPET SOUNDS. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsf ord .
New York, N. Y. , George ¥»'. Hibbitt ami William Cabell Greet,
1935. 1332 Bl
WHEN THE GATES SWING OPEN. Sun- by Ed Jonos. Livingston, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2703 Bl
- 435 -
MEN THE GATES SWING OPEN. Sung by William Brown, Terrell Conle;; ,
Eugene Blackner and Alvin Brown, State penitentiary,
Huntsville, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2646 B2
WHEN T}ii; GATES SWING WIDE FOE ME. Sung by U. T. Rycroft, with piano
by Mrs. C. P. Bethea. Cherry Lake Farms, Fla,;, Margaret
Valiant, 1936. 3309 Al
Sung by Joe Lee. State Farm, Va., John. A. Lomax, 1936.
745 A2
WHEN THE LEAF TURNS RED. Sung by Wilbur Roberts. Riviera, Fla.,
Stetson Kennedy and Robert Cook, 1940. 3378 A3
WHEN THE LEAF TURNS RED. Sung by Wilbur Roberts. Riviera, Fla.,
Stetson Kennedy and Robert Cook, 1940. 3373 Bl
Middlefork, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1413 Al
WHEN THE MOON COMES DOl.'N IN BLOOD. Sung by Bernard Steffen with
dulcimer. New York, N. Y., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3633 A2
WHEN THE MOON GOES DOWN IN BLOOD. Sung by Augustus (Track Horse)
Hugger ty, Jesse Bradley and four other Negro convicts.
State penitentiary, Huntsville, Tex., John A. and Alan
Lomax, 1934- 2.13 Bl
WHEN THE OLD SUN WAS A CRAWLIN' . Sung by Capt. Pearl R. Wye.
Akron, Ohio, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1615 A2
Ferrum, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2742 B3
WHEN THE ROCKS ARE MELTIN' . Sung by Thaddeus Goodscn, Israel
Alston, Belton Reese and Sally Adams. Brevard plantation,
Adams mill, near Columbia, 3. C, Charles Seeger, 1939.
3794 B2
WHEN THE ROLL AM CALLED AGAIN. Sung by nixed Negro group. Mt.
Arena, S. C. , John A. Lomax, 1936. 377 A3
WHEN THE ROLL IS CALL AGAIN. Sunt by Lillie Knox and Martha Wright.
Murrells Inlet, S. C, John" A. Lomax, 1937. 946 A3
WHEN THE ROLL IS CALLED UP YONDER. Sung by congregation of Church
of the ten elders. Pinevillo, Ky. , Mary Elizabeth Barnicle,
1939. 1954 31-10 in.
Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1316 Bj
WHEN THE SAINTS GO MARC BIN' . Sung by Uncle Rich Brown. Sumforville,
Ala. , John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4026 A2
WHEN THE SAINTS GO MARCHIN'' ON. Sung by Louis and Nathan Hicks.
Rominger, N. C, Herbert halpert, 1939. 2856 al
WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN. Sung by Uncle Bob Ledbetter. Oil City,
La., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3992 B2-B4.
WHEN THE TRAIN COMES ALONG. Sung by Ray Estill. Middlefork, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1451 A2
WHEN THE TRAIN COMES ALONG. Sung by Itollic Lee Johnson. State
penitentiary, Richmond, Va., John A. Lomax, 1936. 723 A2
WHEN THE WHALE GETS STRIKE. Sung by Paepio. Nassau, Bahamas,
Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935. 512 Al
WHEN THE WIND BEGINS TO BLOW. Sung by nine Negro children, with
dancing. Taylor, La., John A. Lomax, 1936. 614 B3
- ggu -
Medina, Tux., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2641 El
WHEN THE WORK'S /.EL DONS; THIS FALL. Sung by Clay Walters,
Salyersville, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1577 A
Salyersville , Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1577 B
WHEN TROUBLE'S IN MY HOME, Sung by Rev. 3. D. Hall, Joe srid
Johnny Hall. Livingston,, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax,
1970. 4055 Al
WHEN UPON THE CLOUDS IN HEAVEN. Sung by Mountain assembly of the
Church of God. Colrnans, Ky. , Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938.
1973 A-10 in.
octet. Pine Mountain, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
1412 A2
WHEN WE ALL GET TO HEAVEN,, bung by G, D. Vowell. Harlan, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Loniax, 1937. 1378 A3
WHEN WE GET TO HEAVEN. Spoken by Basoom Lamar Lunsford. Leicester,
N. C, Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3168 B2
Sweety Pie and Pappie with drum. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan
Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 527 A2
Andres island men. .Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 3.935- 495 A
New York, N. i. , Akin Lomax, 1939- 3338 Al
Tex. , John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939
1 t ...-„,- , "iO"o ";£o^' '• ■'"
Negro convicts. State penitentiary, Parehman, Mies., John A.
and Alan Lomax, 1933. 1368 A2-10 in.
WHEN YOU WAS NUT A SLENDER BOY. Sung by Mrs. Eliza Pace. Hydun,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1513 Al
WHEN YOUNG LADIES GETS HARRIED. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury.
Mcna, Ark., Sidney Robertson and Laurence Powell, 1936.
3230 A2
WHERE ARE YOU RUNNING? Sung by Henry Truvillion. 3u.rkevi.IIe, Tex.
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3932 Al
WHERE ARE YOU TRAVELING? Sung by Charlie Black. State (Raid)
farm, Beykin, S. C, John A. Lomax, 193-6. 707 Al
WHERE DE SUN DONE GONE. Sung by Huddle Ledbetter (Load Belly)
with guitar. Wilton, Conn,, John A. Lomax, 1935. 153 A
WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? Sung by three Negro women prisoners. State
penitentiary, Parchman, Miss.. Herbert Halport, 1939-
3087 Al
Jacksonville, Fla., Herbert Halpei't, -1939- 3141 31
Hazard, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937, 1546 A2
WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, MY GOOD OLD MAN? Sun:- by Mrs. Nancy Stacy.
Hazard, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth L max, 1937. 1546 El
- 4.37 -
WHERE IS THE GAMBLING MAN? Sung by' group of Negro convicts.
State (Reid) farm, Boykin, S. C, John A. and Alan Louisa,
193A. 266 Al
WHERE MY COAT USED TO BE. Sung by Jim Henry. State penitentiary,
Par ehman, Miss. , John A. Lomax, 1937. 885 B2
MERE MY LORD LENT TO PRAY. Snng by James Mclven, Louie Crosby,
James Mite and Newman Winstead. State prison camp, Boone,
N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 860 Bl
Richmond, Va. , Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2736 Bl.
'Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax, 1937. 1058 B'3
Jones, Elsie Smith, Lucy McKeever and Annie Harvey.
Austin, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 914. AI
WHERE WE'LL NEVER GROW OLD. Sung by Mangrum trio, Mr. and
Mrs. Vester Whltworth and Roy Carter. Arvin FSA camp, Arvin,
Calif.. Charles L. Todd and Robetft Sonkin, 1940. 4100 3
MERE WERE YOU WREN THE SUN I3EWT DOWN? Sung by Renry Truvillion.
Burkoville, Tex., John A. and Ruby T„ Loma;:, 1940. 3982 31
convicts. State prison farm, Atmore, Ala., John A. Lomax,
1934. 232 Al
WHERE YOU, RACHEL? Spoken by Harriet McCIintqck', Near
Sumterville, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax., 1940. 4026 Bl
WHERE' D YOU GET YOUR WHISKY? Sung by Enos Canoy with fiddle and
Jim Myers beating straw. Magee, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939.
3058 A2
MICH SIDE ARE YOU ON? Sung by Jim Gar lane. New York, N. 1., Alan
Lomax, 1937. 1951 83.-10 in.
MICH SIDE ARE YOU ON? Sung by '.Oilman Cadle. Middlesborb, Ky. ,
Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937, 1402 A2
WHICH WAY DO THE RED RIVER RUN? Sung by Buddie Ledbetter (Load
Belly) with guitar ...Wilton, Conn., John A. Lomax, 1935- 128 A
WHILE I'M ON THIS JOURNEY. Sung oy Fred Grandy. State farm,
Raiford, Fla., John A. Lomax, 19.36. 7.13 A2
Negro woman prisoners. State prison farm, Milledgev file , Ga.,
John A. Lomax, 1934. 263 iiA
WHIPPOORWILL. Sung by Fields and Mrs, Crockett Ward and Mrs. Kate
Hill, with Bogtrotters bend. Galax, Va., John A. Lomax,
1937. 13 5 o A2
M1PP00RWILL SONG, 'IKE. Sung by George Vinton Graham with guitar.
San Jose, Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 4217 A3
WHISKY JOHNNY. Sung by Capt. Leighton Robinson, Alex Barr, Arthur
Brodeur and Leighton McKenaie. Belvedere, Calif., Sidney
Robertson, 1939. 4232 Bl
WHISKY JOHNNY. ' Sung by Capt. Richard Maitland. Sailors' snug
harbor, Staten Island, New York, N. I., Alan Lomax, 1939-
2533 Bl
WHISTLE AND HOE. Sung by Mrs. Louise Benson. San Antonio, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1936. 661 i J >3
- 433 -
WHISTLE AND HOE. Sung by Mrs, Louise Hcnson. San Antonio, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1937. 838 A2
WHISTLE, DAUGHTER. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman. Elon College, N. C,
Fletcher Collins, 1939. 3787 A3
WHISTLE PIG. Sung by Cleophas Franklin. Maryville, Tenn. ,
Herbert Haipert, 1939- 2891 Al
WHISTLE, WHISTLE," DAUGHTER. Sung by Mrs. Goldie Hamilton.
Hamiltontown, near Wise, Va., Herbert Haipert, 1939. 2329 A2
WKISTLIN' RUFUS. Sung by Georgia Loftin with guitar. Migratory
camp, Inclio, Calif., Margaret Valiant, 1939. 3 5 64 A2
WHISTLING RUFUS. Played by Paul Holland on French harp.
Springfield, Mo., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3213 BJ+
WHITE BOSOM BARE, THE.' Sung by Alec Moore.' Austin, Tex., John A.
Lomax } 1934. 59 A2
WHITE CAT. Spoken by Aunt Florida Hampton., Livingston, Ala., John
A. Lomax, 1937. 1325 A2
WHITE COCKADE, THE. Played by J. K. Buck on fiddle, Mrs. V. W.
Gifford on piano and V. W. Gifford on trumpet. East Bethel,
Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Har'tness Flanders, 1939- 3718 B2
WHITE FOLKS IN DE COLLEGE. Sung by P. H. Thomas. Jacksonville,
Fla., Stetson Kennedy and Robert Cook, 194-0. 3523 A2
WHITE GAL, BROWN GAL, BLACK GAL. Sung by group of Negro convicts.
State penitentiary, Richmond, Vs., John A. Lomax, 1936.
730 B3
WHITE GOWN AND DINGI COAT. Suttg bv Rcnvena' Bell, Sweety Pie and
Pappie with drum. Nassau, Bahamas, Alnn Lomax: and Mary
Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935."' 528 Al
WHITE. HOLLAND HANDKERCHIEF. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James,
Beaver island, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2294 A3 & 31
WHITE HOUSE BLUES, THE. Sung by Maynard Dritton with guitar.
Big Creek, Ky., Alan end. Elisabeth Lomax, 1937 » 1523 &1
WHITS PILGRIM, THE. Sunp. by Aunt Molly Jackson. New -York, N. Y. ,
Alan Lomax, 1939. 2530 3
WHITE PILGRIM, THE. Sung by 0. F. Kirk. Oakland City, Ind., Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938* ' 172 6 B2
WHITE RIVER TWO STEP, THE. : Played by Joe and Clarence Cloud on
banjo and fiddle. Odahah, Wis.,' Alan Lomax, 1938. 2470 A2
MITE SLAVE, THE. Sung by Jim Garland. New York, K. Y. , Alan Lomax,
1937. 1953 Al-10 In.
WHO BROKE THE LOCK? Sung by Fields Ward, with Bogtrotters band.
Galax, Va., Jehn A. and Bess Lomax, 1937. 1350 Al
WHO BUILT DE ARK? Sung by Mrs. Mary Jane, Celia and Martha Travis,
Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1312 A3
WHO CURLED YOUR HAIR? Sung by J. L« Goree. Houston, Tex., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- 2592 Bl
WHO CURLED YOUR HAIR? Sung by J. L. Goree. Houston, Tex.,. John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2593 A2
WHO KILLED COCK ROBIN? Sung Xpj Mrs. J. F. Hornboak. Moss bluff,
Fla., Alton C. Morris, 1937. 933 Al
WHO KILLED COCK ROBIN? Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washington, I). C,
Alan Lomax, 1937. 1056 A4
- 439 -
WHO KILLED POOR ROBIN? Sung Yrj Mrs. Edith Harmon. Near Maryville,
Tenn., Herbert Halport, 1939. 2907 A2
WHO KILLED POOR ROBIN? Sung by Mrs. Emms Dusenbury. Kent., Ark.,
Sidney; Robertson and Laurence Powell, 1936. 3229 31
WHO SHALL BE ABLE TO STAND? Sung by Elihu Trusty. Paintsville,
Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Loniax, 19.37. 1399 Al
WHO SHALL BE ABLE TO STAND? Sung by John Davis and mixed group.
Froderica, Ga., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 32/, Bl •
WHO WANTS -.TO BE MY DONKEY? Sung by Rosalind Rosenthal. Now York,
N. Y., Herbert Halport, 1939. 364.6 B6
WHO WILL BE A WITNESS? Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. New York,
N„ Y., George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935.
1830 B2
L. L. McDowell. Smithville, Tenn., Sidney Robertson, 1936.
3185 Bl
Maryville, Tenn., Herbert Helper t, 1939- 289.4 Bl
Willinghara with banjo. Gulf port, Miss., Herbert Halport,
1939. " 3116 Al
WHOA, BACK, BUCK. Sung by Huddle Ledbetter (Lead Belly) with
guitar, Wilton, Conn., John A. Loniax, 1935. 15-4 8
WHOA, BACK, BUCK. Sung by Negro convict. State farm, Pine Bluff,
Ark., John A. Loniax, 193/-. 240 A2
WHOA, CAN'T GIT DE SADDLE ON. Sung by Celina Lewis. Livingston,
Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2599 A3
WHOA DAR, MULE. Sung by Gilbert Pike. Little Rook, Ark., Sidney
Robertson, 1936. ' 3190 B2
WHOA, LARRY, WHOA. Sung by Mrs. Matilda Kg one. Newberry, Fla.,
Alton C. Morris, 1937. 979 Bl
WHOA, MAUDE, WHOA. Played by J. D. Dillingham ^m banjo and
0. J. Light on fiddio. Llano, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937.
899 32
WHOA, MULE. Sung by Bert Martin with guitar. Manchester, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lornax, 1937. .1479 B2
WHOA, MULE. Sung by Elisha Cox. San Angela, Tex,, John A. Lomax,
1935. •■ 547 A2
WHOA, MULE, WHOA. Played by Robert Ricker on banjo. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax and Jerome Wiesner, 1.940. 3904 34,
WHOA, MULE, WHOA. Sung by Paul Holland with harmonica.
Springfield, Mo., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3217 Al
WHOA, MULE, WHOA.' Sung by Samuel Clay Dixon. Mt. Vernon, Ind. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1749 B3, 1750 Al
WHOA-MULE WHOOP. Sung by Enoch Brown, Livingston, Ala., John A.
and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4068 A2
WHOLE HOG, THE. Sung by Base cm Lamar Lunsford. Nee Zork, N. Y. ,
George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935. 1S01 A2
WHOOP. Sung by Peter Reed. Edisto Island, S. C, Herbert Halport,
1939. 3148 Al
- ao -
WHOOPEE TI-YI-YO. Sung by Gant family. Austin, Tex., John A. arid
Alan Lomax, 1936." 644 Bl
WHOOPEE TI-YI-YO. Sung by Lewis H. Propps with fiddle.
Pleasanton, Tex., John A. Lomax, 1936. 570 32
WHOOPEE TI-YI-YO. Sung by Myra E. Hull. Washington, D. t. ; Alan
Lomax, 1937. 1873 Bl-10 in.
WHOOPEE TI-YI-YO. Sung by Ted Henderson. Tygart valley homesteads,
Elkins, W. Va., Gordon Barnes, 1939- 3573 A2
WHOOPS. Sung by group of children. Frederic'a, Ga., Alan Lomax,
Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935- 330 B2
WHO'S BEEN DOIN' IT? Sung by Bianding Sloan. Hew York, N. Y. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1938. 3627 M & B5 "
WHO'S BEEN HERE SINGE I BEEN GONE. Sung by Henry Truvillion.
Burkeville, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 266.4 Bl
WHY DOES THE MIDWIFE? Sung by Mary Nicholson, Alice Harrell, Mary
Leffridge and Annie Proctor. Jackson, Miss., Jolm A. Lomax,
1937. 880 Bl
WHY DON'T YOU COME OUT DE VALLEY? Sung by Mattio Bell. Boyd, Ala.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 19-40. 4064 Bl
WHY DON'T YOU WRITE a" LETTER HC?&? Sung by Sam Sell. Cliff house,
Tuolumne co., Calif. } Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3361 32
Sylvester Juhnsun, Rufus Stevenson, Donald Hickman and Sam
Hickman. Knight, La., John A. and Ruby T". Lomax, 1939.
2659 Al
WHY SING? Sung by C, L. Williams. Greenville, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3091 A2
WICKED BROTHERS, THE. Sung and spoken by Jane Monroe. Nassau,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elisabeth 'Barnicle, 1935.
482 B2
WICKED BROTHERS, THE. Sung and spoken by Negro from Exuma.
Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle.
1935. 482 A2 & Bl
WICKED DAUGHTER, THE. Sung by Alec Moore. Austin, Tex., John
A. Lomax, 1934. 58 ' A2
WICKED DAUGHTER, THE. Sung by Barbara Davis. Wise, Va., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 2761 B3
WICKED GIRL, THE. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Menu, Ark.,
John A. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 848 B4
WICKED POLLY. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, -N. Y. , Alan
Lomax and Mary Elizabeth -Barnicle, 1935. 825 A2
WICKED POLLY. Sung by Mrs. J..F. Hornbeak. Moss bluff, Fin.,
Alton C. Morris, 1937.. 983 A2
WIDOW BUD, THE. Spoken by Mrs. A. S. Johnson. Yuba City FSA camp,
Yuba City, Calif., Charles' .L. Todd and Robert Sonkin, 1940.
4151 3
WIDOW DUNN. Played by link Queer on fiddle and Franklin Slater
and Bill Fowler on guitars.- Ligonier, Pa., Sidney Robertson,
1936. 3157 Al
WIDOW'S DAUGHTER, THE. Sung by Private Haynes... Fort Thomas, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1697 32
- _ui -
WIDOW'S DAUGHTER, THE. , Sung by Private Hayoes. Fort Thomas, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1698 A
WIFE OF KELSO, THE. Sung and spoken by Mrs. Jennie Devlin.
Gloucester, N. J., Alan Loinax' and Kay "Dealy, 1938. 1773 B
WIFE. OF KELSO, THE- Sung by Bill McBride. Mt. Pleasant, Mich, ,
Alan Lomax, 1933. 2264 A2
WIFE OF USHER'S WELL. THE. . Sung by Mrs. C, A. Burkett, Mabel,
N. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 838 A2
WIFE OF USHER'S WELL, THE. Sung by Mrs. Edith Harmon. Near
Maryville, Term., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2906 Bl
WIFE 'OF USHER'S WELL. Sung by Mrs. Gladden. Whitetop, Va. s
Richard Chase,. 1935. 3429 B
WIFE OF USHER'S WELL, THE. Sung by Mrs. Julia Grogan.
Silverstone, N. C, John a. Loiiiax, 1936. 853 -«1
WIFE OF USHER'S WELL, THE. Sung by Sande McCoy and Bernard
Staff en with harmonicas. New York, N. Y. , Herbert Haloert,
1939- 3637 32
WIFE OF USHER'S WELL, THE. Sung by Wesley Swallow. Oakland City,
Ind., Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1938. 1734 A
Wye, Akron, Ohio, Alan and Elizabeth Loiiiax, 1937. 1603 B
Hyden, Ky. , Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1513 Al
Pace. Hyden, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1515 HI
Hyden, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1471 B.1
Salyersville, Ky. , Alan and Elisabeth Lomax, 193?!. 1579 31
WILD AMERIKAY, THE^ Sung by J. W. Green. St, James, Beaver
island, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2296 A2
WILD AND RECKLESS HOBO. Sung by Bill Atkins with guitar.
Pineville, Ky. , Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1933.
1988 A & Bl-iO in.
WILD AND RECKLESS HOBO, THE. Sung by T. G. Koskins with banjc,
Hyden, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 14 61 Al
WILD AND RECKLESS HOBO. Sung uy Tilnan Cadle. Pineville, Ky. ,
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1938. 2027 A2-10 in.
WILD AND RECKLESS MOTORMAN, THE. Sung by Mary Magdalone Trusty.
Paintsrille, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1395 Bl
WILD BILL JONES. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, .N. Y. ,
Alan Lomax, 1939. 2554 8
WILD BILL JONES, Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New -t'ork, N. I, ,
Alan Lomax and Mar;/ Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. <i2S B2
WILD BILL JONES. Sung by Austin Harmon with banjo. Maryville,
Term., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2396 A2 & Bl
WILD BILL JONES. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. Nov/ York, N. I.,
George W. Hibbitt and William Gal. ell Greet, 1935. 1822 A2
WILD BILL JONES. Sung by Finley Adams. Dunham, Ky. ,' Herbert
Halpert, 1939. ' 2797 Al
WILD BILL JONES i Sung, by 0,, E. Norris .with banjos Middlefork,
Ky.j Alan and Elizabeth Loiiiax! 1937* 1424 A2 k Bl
- / 4 y + 2 -
WILD BILL JONES. Sung by Jim Garland. Pineville-, Ky.., Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1939 . 2008 Al-10 in.
WILD BILL JONES. Sung by Mrs. W. L.' Martin. Hillsville, Va.',
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2746 B4
WILD BILL JONES. Sung by Tilman Cadle. Middlesboro, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 193*7. 14-02 31
WILD BILL JONES. Sung by Troy Cambron with guitar. Visalia
F3A camp, Visalia, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin,
1940. 4139 Al
WILD BOAR. Sung by Samuel Harmon. Maryville, Tenn. , Herbert
Halpert, 1939- 2805 B
WILD-CAT WOMAN AND TOM-CAT MAN, Sung by Nathan Judd with guitar.
Arvin FSA camp, Arvin, Calif., Charles L. Todd and Rooort
Sonkin, 1940. 4096 B2
WILD COLONIAL BOY, THE. Sung by John Norman. Muni sing, Mich.,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 2359 A
WILD COWBOY, THE. Sung by Mrs. M, P. Daniels. East Calais, Vt.,
Alan Lomax and Helen Hartn.ess Flanders, 1939- 3731 Bl
WILD GEESE. Sung by Mose (Clear Rock) Piatt. Taylor, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2644 Bl
WILD HOG IN THE WOODS. Sung by Alec Moore. Austin, Tex. , John
A. Lomax, 1935. 665 32
WILD HORSE. Played oy Volney Fr&ley on harmonica and. Charlie
Keeton on fiddle. American folk song festival, Ashland,
Ky. , Jean Thomas, 1934- '287 B'
WILD HORSE, THE. Flayed by Walter Williams on banjo and Bill
Stepp on fiddle, Salyorsville, Ky. , Alan and Elisabeth
Lomax, 1937. 1600 31
WILD IRISH BOY, THE. Sung by Warde H. Ford. Central Valley,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 4210 31
WILD IRISHMAN, THE. Sung by Mrs. J. u. Merman. Lion College,
N. C, Fletcher Collins, 1939- 3776 Bl
WILD MUSTARD RIVER, THE, Sung by Carl Lethrop. St. Louis,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 19.33. 2266 Al
WILD RIPPLING WATER, THE. Sung by Alec Moore. Austin, Tex.,
John A. Lomax, 1934- ' 59 Al
WILD ROVIER, THE. Sung by Bill McBride. &t. Pleasant, Mich. ,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 2261 32 & 3
WILDEE WEAVER. Sung by Samuel Harmon. Maryville, Tonn.>
Herbert Halpert," 1939- 2306 Al
WILDWOOD FLOWER. ' Played by Otis O^Niel on harmonica. Shafter
migratory camp, Calif., Margaret Valiant, 1939- 3330 A2
WILKINS AND HIS DINAR. Sung t^- Elmer George. East Calais, Vt.,
Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939- 3735 3
WILL FOX. Sung by Blind Willie McTell 'with guitar. Atlanta, Ga. ,
John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4070 32
WILL HE NEVER COME AGAIN? Sung by Mrs. Minta Morgan. Bells,
Tex., John A. Lomax, 1937. 895' A2
WILL RAY. Sung by Mrs. G. V. Easley. Koulka, Miss., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3023 32
- 443 -
WILL THE CIRCLE BE UNBROKEN? Sung by E. F. James, T. Vanderpool
G. Maggard and T. James. American folk song festival,
Ashland, Ky., Jean Thomas, 1934. 292 A
TWILL THE CIRCLE BE UNBROKEN? Sung by Mrs.. Annie Richardson.
Murrells Inlet, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1937. 1042 Bi
WILL THE CIRCLE BE UNBROKEN? Sung by Tilman Cadle. Pineville,
Ky., Mary Elizabeth Barniclo, 1938. 2021 A-10 in.
WILL THE WATERS BE CHILLY? Sung by Firs. W. L. Martin.
Hillsville, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2752 A3
WILL THE WEAVER. Sung by Elmer George. East Calais, Vt. , Alan
Lomax and Helen Hartnoss Flanders, 1939. 3740 Al
WILL THE WEAVER. Sung by Jennie Devlin. Gloucester, N. J.,
Alan Lomax and Kay Dealy, 1933. 1845 A2
WILL THE WEAVER. Sung by Mrs. M. P. Daniels. East Calais, Vt.,
Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3740 A2
WILL THE WEAVER. Sung by Mrs. Nell Hampton. Salyersvillc, Ky. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1585 Al
WILL YOU GUIDE ME? Sung by Bat and her quartet, with Monroe
Bowdrey, Smi there plantation, near Huntcville, Tex., John
A. and Alan Lomax, 1934. &6 81
WILL YOU MARCH D0«N? Sung by James (Iron Head) Baker. Ramsey
state farm, Otey, Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939.
2604 B3
Washington, D. C„, Alan Lomax, 1937, 1058 A?
WILLIAM AND MOLLY. Sung by Mrs. Dizia Puckett. Near Tishomingo,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2988 A2 & B..I.
WILLIAM AND NANCY. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. X. ,
Alan Lomax, 1939- 3335 A
WILLIAM HALL. Sung by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N. I.,
Alan Lomax, 1939- 3336 A
WILLIAM HALL. Sung by Marion Stoggill. Elkinsville, Ind. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1722 A2 & Bl
WILLIAM HALL. Sung by Mrs. Diaia Puckett. Near Tishomingo,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2990 82
WILLIAM HALL. Sung by Mrs. Emma Dusenbury. Mena, Ark., John A.
Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1936. 864 Al
WILLIAM HALL. Sung by Mrs. Lilly Williams. Springfield, Mo.,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3202 Al
WILLIAM WAS A ROYAL LOVER. Sung, by Capt. Pearl A. Nye. Akron,
Ohio, Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1&05 A2
WILLIE-0. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James, Beaver island, Mich,,
Alan Lomax, 1938. 2293 A3
WILLIE TRAINER. Sung by J. W. Green. St. James, Beaver island,
Mich. , Alan Lomax, 1938. 2288 B2
WILLOW GARDEN. Sung by' Artie Gertrude Adams. Dunham, ^.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2790 Al
WILLOW GARDEN, THE. Sung by Mrs. Hettie Swindel. Freeling, Vs.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2814 A3
WILLY. Sung by Mrs. Bxrinah Kill Grissom. Saltillo, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2962 A2 & 31
- 444 -
WILLY AND LENA. Sung by Alec Moore. Austin, Tex.., John A.
Lomax, 193-4. ' 5& Al
WILLI AND LENA. Sung by Aloe, Moore. Austin, .Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1935. 576 Bl
WILLI BRANDON. Sung by Jonathan Moses. OrforcL, N'. H. , Alan
Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939. 3700 A "
SILLY MOORE. Sung by Mrs. Alice Bpgley. Middlefork, &j., Alan
and Elizabeth L max, 1937. lAfio AI
WILLY MOORE. Sung by Mrs. Alice Begloy. Middlefork, Ky„ , Alan
and Elizabeth L max, 1937. 1456 A2
WILLY MOORE. Sung by .Mrs. Ruth Clark Cullipher.. Mullins, S. C.,'
John A. Lomax, 1937. 1029 B2
WILLY REILLY. Sung by Capt. Pearl R. Nye. Akron, Ohio, John A.
Lomax, 1937. ; 1003 31
WILLY REILLY. Sung by Gus Schaffcr. Greenland, Mich.., Alan
Lomax, 1938." 2413 Bl & 2
Graham. San Jose, Calif .,. Sidney Robertson, 1938.
3817 A & B ...
WILLY TAYLOR. Sung by George Vinton Graham with guitar. San
Jose, Calif.,.. Sidney Robertson, 1938. 3814 A3
WILLY TAYLOR. Sung by Jonathon Moses. Orford, N. H,, jilan Lomax
and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939- 3707 A2 & 3, 3708 A
WILLY TAYLOR. Sung by Pen McCready. Groveland, Calif., Sidney
Robertson, 1939. -3355 A2
WILLY WEAVER. . Sung by Mrs. Lena Bare Turbyfill. Elk Park, N, C,
Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2847 A3
WILLY WEAVER. Sung by Mrs. '.Maude D. Clevenger and Mrs. Norah
de Vault. Luttrell, Tenn. , Herbert Halpert, 1939-
2936 A3 & Bl
WILLY WEAVER. Sung by Nancy Boggs. Pine Mountain, syy,. } Alan and
Elizabeth Lqmax, 1937. .1413 B2
WILLY, WILLY, WEE. Sung- , by Annie Braver. Montgomery, Ala., John
A. Lomax., 1937. '878 34-.
. group with drum. Nassau, .Bahamas. Alan Lomax and Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. . 485 A2
Bell, Sweety Pie and .Pappie with drum. Nassau, Bahamas,
Alan Lomax and .Mary Elisabeth Barnicle, 1935- 527 32
Springfield, Mo.. , Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3224 32
WISH I WAS A SINGLE GIRL. Sung by Mrs. Crockett Ward and Mrs.
Carlos Gallimore. Galax, Va., John A. Lomax, 1937. 13&6 Al
WISH I WAS A SINGLE MAN AGAIN. Sung by Rev. H. W. Stuckey.
Jacksonville, Fla», Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3141 Al
WITCH STORIES. Spoken by Aunt Molly Jackson. New York, N, Y. ,
Alan Lomax, 1959. 2.566. A & 3
WITCH STORIES. Spoken by Marshall Collins. Livingston,,. Ala. , John
A. Lomax, 1937. 1.311 3
New York, N. Y. , Alan Lomax, 19.39. 2547 A
— 4-4-5 --
WITNESS FOR JESUS. Spoken by J. Hcnsiey. Pineville, Ky. , Mary
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1933. 1961 A-10 In.
WOKE UP THIS MORNIN'.. Sung by Finous (Flatfoot) Rockmore.
Lufkin, Tox. , John A. and Ruby T. Loaax, 1940 • 3935 B2
KOLF, ARE YOU READY? Sung by Beatrice Nidleman. New fork, N. X, ,
Herbert Halpert, 1938 . 3626 A2
WOLF, ARE YOU READY? Sung by Herbert Helper! . Now York, N. 2. ,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3641 34
WOLF, ARE YOU READY? Sung by Josephine Alonzi and group ox girls
Lenox Kill settlement house, New York, K. Y. , Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3649 B2
WOLVES A HOWLIN'. Sung by John Hatcher, with fiddle by John
Brown, luka, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 3002 A2
WOLVES A HOWLIN'. Sung by W. E. Glauncb with fiddle and Mrs.
Christeen liaygood with guitar. Leer Gun town, Miss.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. ' ' 2974 A3
WOMAN AND THE DEVIL. Sung by Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Ball with guitar
Old fiddlers convention, Galax, Va., John A. Lemax, 1937.
1351 32
WOMAN AND THE DEVIL. Sung by Mr, and Mrs, E. G. Bail with guitar
Old fiddlers convention, Galax, Va., John A. Luiaax, 1937,
1351 B3
WOMAN AT THE WELL, THE. Sung by Vincent Caldwell and group.
Ashland, Ky. , John A. Lomax, 1937. 1015 A2
hill men. Nassau, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth
Barnicle, 1935- 440 81
WOMAN'S SWEETER THAN MAN. Sung by Victoria Wilson -and group.
New Bight, Cat island, Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary •
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 4-11 A3
Lamar Lunsford with banjo. New York, N. Y. , George W.
Hibbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935. 1300 A3
WONDER WHAT'S DE MATTER IN ZI'QH. Sung by Mary Amerson. Boyd,
Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 4064 H2
Livingston, Ala., John A-. Lomax, 1937. 1306 A2
WOND'RING SWEETHEART. Sung by Hazel HcNeely. Clinton, ij?k. ,
Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3194- Al
WONDROUS LOVE. Sung by Base ok Lamar Lunsford, Hew York, M. I.,
George W. Hibbitt and William CabeJ.l Greet, 1935.
1326 B2
WONDROUS LOVE. Sung by group of students. Pino Mountain settle-
ment school, Pine Mountain, Ky. s Alan end Elizabeth
Lomax, 1937. 1333 A3
WONDROUS LOVE. Sung by Mrs. W. L. Martin. Hillsville, Va.,
Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2751 Bl
WONDROUS LOVE. Sang by Palmer Godsey and Sacred harp singers.
Bethel church, Franklin eo., Ala., Herbert Halpert, 1939.
2947 Bl
- 446 "
WONDROUS LOVE. Sung by Pine Mountain octet. Pine: Mountain, 'fry. ,
Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1.412 Al
WONDROUS LOVE. Sung by Richard Chase., ivhitetop, Va., Richard
Chase, 1935- 3428 32
WONDROUS LOVE. Sung by Russell Perry and the Misses Perryroau.
Whitetop, 7a. ~ Richard Chase, 1935. 3-423 Bl
WON'T DAT BE A TIME? Sung by Sims" and Mandie Tartt and Bet tie
Atmore. Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939.
2700 Bl ' . :
WON'T THAT BE A TIME? Sung by Annie and Nettie Godfrey.
Livingston, Ala., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax j 194-0.
4019 Al k 2
WON'T TURN BACK. Sung by James (Iron Head) Baker. Penitentiary,
Columbia, S. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 70S. B2
WON'T TURN BACK. Sung; by James (Iron Read) Baker. Washington,
D. C, John A. Lomax, 1936. 718 Al
WON'T YOU COME OVER TO HOLOV Sung hy -Elinor Barton. Quebec, Vt. ,
Alan Loraax and Helen Haftness Flanders, 1939 » .36-96 B
WON'T YOU LET ME GO WITH YOU? Sung by Mrs. L. L. McDowell.
Smithvillo, Tenn. j Sidney Robertson, .1936". 3131 Bl
Bascom Lamar Lunsford with banjo. Hew York, N..Y., George
W. Hi'bbitt and William Cabell Greet, 1935. 1307 Al
WOODCROPPER ' S JIG. Played oy Rindlisbacher group on homemade
instruments. National folk festival, Chicago, III.,
Sidney Robertson, 1937. 3254 A2
WOODEN-LEGGED SOLDIER, THE. ■ Sung- by Ray Wood. Houston, Tex.,
John A. and Ruby T. Loinax, 1939. 2594 Bl
WOODPECKER PECKIN' . Sung by Daea. New York, N. P., Herbert
Halpert, 1939. 3657 B
WOODS HOLLER. Sung by Gits vd/fch accordion. National folk festi-
val, Chicago, 111.', Sidney Robertson, 1937, 3252 Bl
WOODSTOCK TOWN. Sung by I. N. Marlov. Boyd's Cove, Madison co. 5
N. C, Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3I6S Al
WORK DON'T BOTHER ME. Sung by Colon Keel. State fern, Raiferd,
Fla., John k. and Ruby' -Tv Loinax, 1939. 2703 ,B2
WORK SONG FROM NASSAU PRISON. Sung by .group of young men. Nov;
Bight, Cat island, 'Bahamas, Alan Lomax and te.ry Elisabeth
Barnicle, 1935. 333 A
WORKED ALL SUMMER LONG. Sung by James Griffin. Cross City, Fla.,
Stetson Kennedy and Robert Cook. 1939 •• 3527 Al
WORKERS' ANSWER, TEE. Sung by Gladys, Mattie and Juanita Crouch.
St. Louis, Mo., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3196 A2
WORKHOUSE BLUES. Sung by Beatrice Tisdall and Mattie May Thomas.
State penitentiary, Parchmari, Miss., Herbert Halpert-, 1939.
3083 A2
WORKING FOR THE CROWN. Sung by Mrs. Es telle MeNeely. • Clinton,
Ark., Sidney Robertson, 1936. 3192 o2
WORKING ON DE BUILDIN' . Sung by D. W. White and Pearson's
funeral homo choir. Columbia, 3, 0„, John A. Lc-max, 1937.
1025 22
- 447 -
WORKING ON THE BUILDING, bung by J. Hensley and two girls, with
guitar. Pineville, Ky. , Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1933.
1973 B-10 in.
AWORKINC- ON THE RAILROAD. Sung by Ernest Bourne. Washington,
D. C, Alan Lomax, 1933. 1637 B2
WORKING ON THE RAILROAD. Sung by Laura Hatcher and mixed group,
Gautier, Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3103 A2
WORKIN'S TOO HARD, BOYS. Sung by J. M. Mullins with banjo.
Salyersville , Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1596 /'.<■'' &
WORLD CAN'T DO ME NO HARM, THE. Sung by John Davis and male group,
Frederica, Ga., Alan Lomax, Zora Neale Hurston and Mary-
Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935. 333 Al
WORMS. Sung by school group. Vancleave, Miss., Herbert Halpert,
1939- 3112 Bl
TJORRIED MAN BLUES. Sang by Cur ley Reeves, Brawley migratory camp,
Calif., Margaret Valiant, 1939. 3326 Bl
WORRIED MAN BLUES. Sung by Woodrow (Woody) Wilson Guthrie e/ith
guitar and harmonica. Washington, D. C, Alan and Elizabeth
Lomax, 194-0. 3416 31
WORRIED, WORRIED. Sung by James Hale. Atrnore state prison farm,
Atmore, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 943 A2
WORRY BLUES. Sung by Jessie Lockett. Clemens state farm, Brazoria,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1939- £596 B3
WORRY BLUES. Sung by W. S. (Jay Bird) Earri&pn and group of
Negro convicts. Ramsey state form, Otey, Tex., John A. and
Ruby T. Lomax, 1939. 2606 Bl
Arthur (Brother-in-law) Armstrong with guitar. Jasper,
Tex., John A. and Ruby T. Lomax, 1940. 3978 A5
WOULDN'T MIND DYING. Sung by Minnie Williams and group. State
farm, Raiford, Fia. , John A. Lomax, 1936. 684-32
WRASSLIN 1 JACOB. Sang by group of Negro men and women. Co ehrum,
Miss., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 3009 32, 3010 Al
WRECK OF THE C. & 0., THE. Sung by Mrs. Maggie Gant. Austin,
Tex., John A. and Alan Lo;jiax, 1934. 66 Bl
WRECK OF THE MERGED, THE. Sung by Edward McCanley. St. James,
Beaver island, Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938, 2294 Al
WRECK OF THE NINETY-SEVEN, THE. Sung by Mrs. W-. L. Martin.
Hillsville, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2747 33
WRECK OF THE OLD NINETY-SEVEN, THE. Played by Ambers Deaton on
dulcimer. Cody, Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
1553 B2
WRECK OF THE OLD NUMBER NINE, 'HIE. Played by Hobert Ricker on
banjo. Washington, D. C, Alan Lomax and Jerome Wiesner,
1940. 3903 31
WRECK ON THE SOMERSET ROAD, THE. Sung by Justis Begley with
banjo. Hazard, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1532 A2
WRECK ON THE SOMERSET ROAD, THE. Sung by Justis Begley with
banjo. Hazard, Ky. , Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937.
1532 B
- 448 -
WRECKED AND RAMBLING BOY, THE. Sung by Mrs. Audrey Heliums.
Near Tishomingo, Miss.,. Herbert ilalpert, 1939. 2979 A2
WRITTEN DOM. Sung by four Negro convicts. State pc-rii tentiary ,
Parchraan, Miss., John A. Lomax, 1936. 602 B2
- 449 -
' Y ■
YADDLE, DADDLE. Sung by Cant family. Austin, Tex., John A.
Lomax, 1936. 644 Al
YADDLE, DADDLE. Sung by Gant family. Austin, Tex. , John A.
Lomax, 1936. 644- A2
YALLER GAL. Sung by George Vinton Graham with guitar, San Jose,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 3373 A3
Livingston, Ala., John A. Lomax, 1937. 1325 SI
YALLER WOMAN. Sung by Eugene Foster. Kilby prison, Montgomery,
Ala., John A. Lomax, 1934. 237 B2
YANKEE BROWN. Sung by Daniel Bonner. St. James, Beaver island,
Mich., Alan Lomax, 1938. 2272 A
YANKEE DOODLE. Played by Ed Larkin on fiddle, with piano and
guitar. Chelsea, Vt., Alan Lomax and Helen Hartness
Flanders, 1939. 3722 Ai & 32
YANKEE DOODLE. Played by Howard Smith on fiddle and Mrs. V, W.
Gifford and J. H. Buck on pianos. East Bethel, Vt., Alan
Lomax and Helen Hartness Flanders, 1939' 3719 A2
YANKEE DOODLE. Played hy T. ;.'!. Bryant on fiddle. Evansvilie,
Inc., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1938. 1738 B2
YANKEE DOODLE. Sung by Alexander nolle. Old Bight, Cat island,
Bahamas, Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, 1935.
421 B5
Wise, Va., Herbert Halpert, 1939- 2764' A2
YE GUARDIAN POWERS. Sung by Mrs. J. U. Newman, Eton College,
N. C, Fletcher Collins, 1939. 3780 A2, 3781 Al
YE SONS OF COLUMBIA. Sung by Mrs. Eiama Dusenbury. Mena, Ark.,
John A. Lomax and Laurence Powell, 1930. 364 B
YE WINGED SARASONG, BEAR THE NEWS. Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford.
New York, N. Y. , George W. Hibbitt and William Cabell Gz'eet,
1935. 1826 B3
YEAR OF JUBILEE, THE. Played by John Selleck on fiddle. Camino,
Calif., Sidney Robertson, 1939. 4220 32
YEAR OF JUBILEE. Sung by Uncle James Archer. Vicksburg, Miss.,
Herbert Halport, 1939. 3073 B2
Pine Mountain, Ky., Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1416 Bl'
Ashland, Ky. , John A. Lomax, 1937. 3.024 Bl
YELLOW CAT. Sung by Austin Harmon with banjo, with patting by
Sam Harmon. Maryvillo , Tonn., Herbert Halpert, 1939. 2918 Bl
YELLOWBUD GALS. Sung by Capt. Pearl R. Nye. Akron, Ohio, Alan '
and Elisabeth Lomax, 1937. 1614 31
YES OR NO. Sung by Mrs. C. S. MacClellan. High Springs, Fin.,
Alton C. Morris, 1937. 986 A3
YES OR NO. Sung by Mrs. M. A. Harris. Pino Mountain, Ky. , Alan
and Elizabeth Lomax, 1937. 1413 i 1 ! & 2
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