Bonnie James Campbell- R. J. Parker (QC) c.1902 Barry JOAFL
[From: Traditional Ballads in New England- III by Phillips Barry; The Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 18, No. 71 (Oct. - Dec., 1905), pp. 291-304. Informant's name supplied from Barry's MS (Bronson).
This fragment of a version from Barry is the first published US/Canadian version. Barry collected this version from R. Jean Parker. from Bury, Providence Quebec. Bury is a municipality in Le Haut-Saint-François Regional County Municipality in the Estrie region of Quebec, Canada. R. J. P. learned the ballad circa 1902 from a Mrs. Jones, age 80, who was the wife of a sea captain.
R. Matteson 2013]
Bonnie James Campbell- Taken down by me August 15, 1905, at Newbury, Vt., from the singing of R. Jean Parker, Bury, P. Q., who learned it a few years ago from a very aged woman.

Saddled and bridled and booted rode he,
Soon home came the saddle, but never came he.