North America (NA)- Variants

I. North America (NA)- Variants

[Raw text, mostly unedited]

[Since Kemppinen's book was published in 1954, several collections were published and other versions were collected after this work. Also he is missing some versions that were collected before 1954 but not yet published (Flanders; Warner etc.) that he may have not known about or had access to. One important collection, Bronson's  Traditional Tunes was not yet published. Some of the books that were published after 1954 are: Ancient Ballads (Flanders); More Traditional Ballads of Virginia (Davis); Maryland Folk Legends and Folk Songs (Carey); Folk Songs of Middle Tennessee (Boswell); Ballads and Folk-Songs of the Southwest (Moores); In the Pines (Roberts); Folk Songs from the West Virginia Hills (Gainer); Traditional American Folksongs (Warner); Folklore: Folk-Songs (Burton and Manning--they have other several short books out). Some collections are include Max Hunter Collection Wolf Collection; Abrams Collection; and I.G. Greer Collection.

Not many recordings have been included, some Library of Congress records came out in the late 1950s and early 1960s (Jean Ritchie etc).

So to the NA and NAS variants which number 128 (leaving off West Indies) nearly 100 more variants may be added. At the end I'll add the ones I have collected (214).

R. Matteson 2014]

                          NORTH AMERICA (NA)

                        1. Scottish Variants (NAS)

The Pretty Polly Form (associated with the Scottish May Colvin Form, first and foremost with versions GSc 8 and 9)


  NAS 1. (1694) New York Times Magazine, October 9, 1927, Pretty Polly, 11  4-line stanzas, the last line repeated; (1695) Gordon 78. p z False-hearted beast-Pretty Polly.

        a: Once I courted a charming beauty bright
           And on her affections I placed my whole heart's delight,
           Soon as her parents this secret came to know
           They wouldn't let me come into the door.

          We left her father's house, we stole the horses away,
          I rid the milk-white horse and her the tabby gray.
         We rode till we came to the lonesome seas
         One long summer day.

      >>It's light you down, my Pretty Polly,
          It's light you down,>> said he,
      >>For six kings' daughters I've drowned here,
          And you the seventh shall be!>>

   b: >>It's turn your face to the waterside,
          Likewise your back to me;
          For it's a pity such a rebel as You
          A naked woman should see!>>

c: When the knight turns his face towards the water the maid grasps him round the waist ind pushes him into the sea; the knight asks the maid to stretch out her hand and help him but the maid says:

       >>Lie there, lie there, you false-hearted beast!
           I'd rather 'twere you as me.>

d: The maid mounts her milk-white steed and leading the tabby grey with her she rides home three hours before the dawn; when the parrot begins to talk upon the maid's arrival the maid promises it a cage of pure- gold with a ring-of willow if the bird will keep silent; when the parrot is asked why it is making a noise so early it answers:

>>The old cat scratched at my cage door,
And the glass shall worry me.>>

   ) 160 (


  NAS 2. (1696) Greenleaf No. 1 A Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight, Green Point, 1920 13 4-line stanzas. p: Squire's son, a false-hearted youth- An innkeeper's daughter. a (the knight court) the maid for many a long wintery night and long summery day), b, c, d.

  NAS 3. (1697) Greenleaf No. 1 B, Rocky Harbour, 1920, 7 4-lines stanzas. p: Elf knight- Pretty Lady.

         a: There was an elf knight come from the north land,
             And he came a-courting me;
             He said he would take me unto the north land,
             And there he would marry me.

   NAS 4. (1698) Greenleaf No. 1 C[1], 5 4-line stanzas. p: False-hearted villain--Maid. a, b, c, d.


  NAS 5. (1699) MacKenzie, Ballads No. 1 A Lady Isabel and the Elf-Knight, Pictou County, 17 4-line stanzas; (1700) Journal XXIII, 374 Pretty Polly; (1701) MacKenzie, Quest 93. p: A Lord- Pretty Polly.

     a: There was a lord in Ambertown,
        He courted a lady gay,
        And all he wanted of this pretty maid
        Was to take her life away.

     >>Go get me some of your father's gold,
          And some of your mother's fee[2],
          And two of the best nags out of the stable,
          Where there stands thirty and three.>>

b, c. d (the maid returns from the seashore two hours before dawn).

    NAS 6. (1702) MacKenzie, Ballads No. 1 B, Pictou county, 16 4-line stanzas; (1703) MacKenzie, Quest 184, one stanza. p, A lord-Pretty Polly MacConnel. a, b, c, d.

    NAS 7. (1704) MacKenzie, Ballads No. 1 C Pretty Polly, Pictou County, 16 4-line stanzas; (1705) MacKenzie, Quest 183, 3 4-line stanzas. p: A lord- Pretty Polly. a, b, c, d.

  1. The variant can just as well be Nova Scotian for that is where the singer learnt it (Greenleaf 6).
  2. The singers have generally repeated the form in a stereotyped (cliche) manner without knowing what it means. MacKenzie writes on this point (Quest 184):>>John [Langille, singer of the variant] was content with the word 'feet because, although he had no idea what it meant, he was  convinced that it was right.>>

Lady Isabel  )161(

   NAS 8. (1706) Fauset 109 No. 1 Pretty Polly, 36 lines. p: A rich squire's son, a ruffian- Maid. a, b, c, d.


  NAS 9. (1707) Barry-Eckstorm-Smyth 14 A The Cage of Ivory and Gold. Buckfield, 1925, 14 4-line stanzas. p: Vile rebel--Pretty Polly. a (the knight tells the maid to take her father's and mother's valuables and they ride to the shore of the salty sea).

      >>If six knights' daughters you've drown-ed here,
         'Tis not what you promised me;
          You promised you'd carry me to merry green land,
          And there you'd marry me.>>
b, c, d.

     NAS 10. (1708) Barry-Eckstorm-Smyth 16 B Pretty Nancy, Orland, 1870. 15 4-line stanzas. p: False lover-Pretty Nancy. a, b, c, d.

     NAS 11. (1709) Barry-Eckstorm-Smyth 19 C (the variant can just as well be Massachusettsian), 1922, 11 4-line stanzas. p: False Lover-Pretty Pollee. a, b, c, d.

     NAS 12. (1710) Barry-Eckstorm-Smyth 21 D The False-Hearted Knight. Charlotte County, 1928, 10 lines. p: False-hearted knight-Nancy. a (in London lived a false-hearted knight).

    NAS 13. (1711) Barry-Eckstorm-smyth 22 E, Southwest Harbor, 1928. 6 4-line stanzas p: [False Lover]- Nancy a, d.

    NAS 14. (1712) Barry-Eckstorm-Smyth 26 G The False-Hearted Knight. Mattawamkeag, 1928, 18 4-line stanzas. p: False-hearted knight-Pretty Fair Maid. a (the variant begins with the following introduction: I'll tell you of a false-hearted knight).

       b: >>Go bring me the sickle, that I may crop the nettle
               That grows on the river's brim,
              That it may not entangle my curly, curly locks
              Nor nettle my milk-white skin.>> (Cf. GSc B.)
c, d.

    NAS 15. (1713) Barry-Eckstorm-Smyth 29 H The False Knight Outwitted, A New Song Roxburghe Ballads VII,3B3], about 1765, 12 4-line stanzas. p: False Knight-Pretty Polly. a, b, c, d (the father hears the conversation between his daughter and the parrot).

    NAS 16. (1714) American Songster 212 The Outlandish Knight, 16 4-line stanzas; (1715) Barry-Eckstorm-Smyth 31 I. p: An outlandish knight-King's daughter. a (an outlandish knight comes from the Northern Countries and entices the maid to follow him with promises of marriage), b, c, d (the king hears the conversation between his daughter and the parrot).



    NAS 17. (1716) Bulletin of the Folk-Song Society of the Northeast I,3 Pretty Polly, Thornton, 1908, 10 4-line stanzas. p: False young man-Pretty Polly, a, b, c, d.


    NAS 18.
(1717) Flanders-Brown 190 The Outlandish Knight, Bennington, 1930, 12 4-line and 2 3-line stanzas. p: The outlandish knight-Pretty Polly.

      a: He followed me up and he followed me down,
          And he followed where I lie.
          He followed me til I had not a tongue
          To answer >>yes >>or >>no>>.
b, c, d.


     NAS 19. (1719) Journal XVIII,132 No. IV Lady Isabel and the Elf-Knight, Cambridge, 11 4-line stanzas; (1719) Barry-Bckstorm-Smyth 24 F. p: False Knight - Pretty Polly. a.

     b: >>Won't you stoop down to pick that brier,
             That grows so near the brim?
             For I am afraid it will tangle my hair,
             And rumple my lily-white skin.>>
c, d.

     NAS 20. (1720) Journal XXIV, 333 No. 1 Lady Isabel and the  Elf-Knight, Boston, 12 lines. p: Elf-knight-Pretty Polly. c, d.

     NAS 21. (1721) Journal XXIV, 344 No. 2, Boston 12 4-line stanzas[2]. p: William-Bonny Goldin. a (the knight says he has already drowned 11 king's daughters), b, c, d.

     NAS 22. (1722) Campbell-Sharp No. 2 A Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight, Amherst, 1916, 14 4-line stanzas; (1723) Journal XXII, 374 No. 1, Boston, 31 lines, fragmentary. p: (1723) Willie-Pretty Colleen, (1724) False Sir John- Pretty Goldan. a (the knight and the maid ride to Northern Scotland), b, c, d.


    NAS 23. (1724) Korson 30 The Six Kings' Daughters, Washington County, 14 4-line stanzas, the last line is always repeated. p: False-hearted knight- Pretty Polin. a, b, c, d.
1. Vide the variant index for variants noted down in the north-eastern states of the United States Journal XXIX, 156 No. 4 Lady Isabel and the Elf-Knight.
2. In this variant as in several others some stanzas are incomplete (the singer has not remembered the words, etc.) but this circumstance is not mentioned specifically in the following cases.



    NAS 24. (1725) Journal XXII,76 The King's Daughter, Vineland, only melody.


    NAS 25. (1726) Folk-Lore Journal VII,28 Wilson, from the neighbourhood of Washington, 15 4-line stanzas, the last line is always repeated; (1727), Child III,496. p: Wilson-Pretty fair maid. a (the knight says he has already drowned nine king's daughters).

    b: In stooping down to cut the cords round,
        Sing, >>Turn your back on me.>>
    c: And with all the strength this lady had
       She pushed him right into the sea, sea, sea;

(the knight asks the maid for help), d.

    NAS 26. (1728) Davis TBV No. 3 A The King's Daughter; or Pretty Polly, Rockingham County, 19I3, 15 4-line stanzas, the last line is always repeated. p: False-hearted wretch-Pretty Polly. a, b, c, d.

    NAS 27. (1729) Davis TBV No. 3 B Pretty Polly, Albemarle County, 1917, 14 4-line stanzas, the last line is always repeated. p: Pretty Jimmie-Pretty Polly. a, b, c, d.

    NAS 28. (1730) Davis TBV No. 3 C The Salt Water Sea, Alleghany County, 1924, 12 4-line stanzas, the last line is always repeated. p: False-hearted wretch-Pretty Polly. a, b, c, d.

NAS 29. (1731) Davis TBV No. 3 D The King's Daughter; or Come a Link,
Come a Long, Campbell County, 1924, rr 4-line stanzas. p: lFalse-hearted
wretclt]-Prett2 fair miss. L, bt c (when the knight, pushed into the water,
asks for help the maid answers:)

>>No, sir, for you have drownded
Nine of the king's daughters [air],
LT:lJT:lJl :ff il3J'.r *. o u.

NAS 30. (rrst) Davis TBV No. g E seaen King's Daughters, Roanoke county,
rr22, Io 4-line stanzas, the last line is always repeated. p: [False-Hearted
1922, Io 4-line starrzas, the last line is always repeated. p: fFalse-hearted
wretchf -PretQ princess. ?s bt c, d.

NAS 31. (tzsd Davis TBV No. g F seuen King's Daughters, Roanoke county,
1922, 7 4'line stanzas. pr A man out in the land-Prete Pauline. a, b, c.

1 Cf. the variants of the French Renaud Form.



   NAS 32. (1734) Davis TBV No. 3 G Song Ballad of Pretty Polly, Wise County, 1916, 12 4-line stanzas. p: False William-Prete Polly. a, b, c, d.

NAS 33. (1735) Davis TBV No. 3 H Miss Mar2's Parrot, Campbell County,
r9I5, 16 4-line stanzas. pz False-ltearted wretch-Miss Mory. a'rb, G, d.

NAS 34. (1736) Davis TBV No. 3 I Lady Isabel and the Elf-Knighf, Washing-
ton County, 1921, ro 4-line and z 6-line stanzas. pt False)lung man-Prett2
Poll2 Anne. a, b, c, d.

NAS 35. (1737) Davis TBV No. 3 J Pretfi Gold Lee, Campbell County,
rgr4, I r 4-line stanzas, the last line is always repeated; (rZSS) The Focus
IV,zIz, May rgr4.pz False-ltearted man-Prett2 Gold Lee lLeafl. arb, c, d.

NAS 36. (rZSd Davis TBV No. g K Sweet William and Prettlt PolU, Henrico
County, tgr4, ro 4-line stanzas. p: Sweet William-Prete Polfu.

NAS 37. QZ+o) Davis TBV No. 3 L lEnglish and Scottish Ballads by Louise
Lilliston, Ocean Current, the semi-monthly paper of the Wachapreague High
School, November r r, rgzo], Accomac County, r I 4-line stanzas. pt False-
Itearted )lung man-PretQ fair maid. a, b, c (when in the water and asking
the maid for help the knight promises to take her back to her father's home
and marry her), d.

NAS 38. (rZ+r) Davis TBV No. 3 M King's Seuen Daughters. Pittsylvania
County, r9rT, ro 4-line stanzas. ps False-hearted man-lKing's daughterl.
a, hs c (the knight promises to take the maid with him to beautiful Scotland
[wonderland] and marry her there), d.

NAS 39. Qf+r) Davis TBV No. 3 N Tlte Six King's Daughters or The Seuenth
King's Daughter, Prince Edward County, 6 4-line stanzas, the last line is always
repeatedl UZ+d The Focus IY,zr4, M^y ryr+. pt Fake-ltearted wretclt-Prett2
Polly. a, b, c, d.

NAS 4o. (rZE+) Davis TBV No. 3 O Lady Isabel and the Elf-Knight or Pretty
PollJt, Sussex County, rg2r, 7 4-line stanzas. pt False-ltearted uitlain-Pollt.
a, bt c, d.

NAS 4r. (rZ+d Davis TBV No. g P Pretty PollJt, Lee County, rg2o, 5
4-line stanzas, the last line is always repeated, in addition prose nariative-.
pt False )lung man-Prettlt Polly (the parrot of the variant is also Pretlt PoltSt).
ar br G, d.

NAs 42. (1746) Davis TBv No.g QTlre seuen King's Daughters, Franklin
County, t9r4,6 lines. pz False-e1ed uifuun-lKing's daughterl. c.

, NAS 43. Qz+il Davis TBV No. 3 R The False-Hearted Knight, Roanoke
County, 1916, 6 4-line and one 6-line stanzas. pz False-hearted knig,ht-fKing's
daughterf. b, c, d.

^. NAS 44. QZ6B) Davis TBV I\o. g S La$t Isabel and the Elf-Knigttf, Roanoke
County, 1925, 4 lines. p - *. L.



  NAS 45. (1749) Chappell v Ladlt Isabel and the Elf-Knight A, (Roanoke-Albemarle), 1924,3 4-line stanzas. p: William-Prettlt little Poll. a (the knight courts the maid to lead her astray).

  NAS 46. (1750) Chappell n Lady Isabel and the Elf-Knight B, (Roanoke-Albemarle), rg24, 3 4-line stanzas. p: False-hearted knightf--Prett2 Polfu. a
(the knight says he has already drowned 15 maids), b, c.

NAS 47, (1751) Sharp-Karpeles No. 3 E, I)ewey, r9r8, g 4-line stanzas,
the last line is always repeated; QZSz) Sharp-Karpeles No. 3 G, Bndicott,
r9r8, z 4-line stanzas. p: False-hearterl soul-PretQ little miss. a, b, c, d.

NAS 48. (rZSd Sharp-Karpeles No. 3 FI, Buena Vista, rqr8, one 4-line
stanza. pz lFalse-hearted knight-King's daughter). a.

(12 newer Virginian manuscript variants have been listed in the work of Arthur Kyle Davis, Jr., Folk-Songs of Virginia, a Descriptiue Index and Classification of Material Collected under the Auspices of the Virgrnia Folklore Society, Durharn, North Carolina, Duke University Press, 1949, pages 4-5 No. 4 Lady Iscbel and the Elf-Knight, but the present writer has
been unable to obtain the texts of these variants.)


  NAS 49. (1754) Cox No. 1 A Pretty Polly, Tucker County, 1915, 15 4-line stanzas, the last line is always repeated. p: False-Hearted man-Pretty Polly. a, b, c, d.

NAS 5o. (tZSd Cox No. r B,Six King's Daugltters, Randolph County, r9r5,
r5 4-line and one 6-line stanzas. pz Rag-aillain-Little Aggie. t, b, Go d.

NAS 5r. Q756) Cox No. I C PretQ Polfu, Wayne County, r9r5, 16 4-line
stanzas. p: Villain-PretQ CoIIin (the parrot of the variant is Prett_y Pollfi.
?, br c, d.

NAS 52. (IZSZ) Cox No. r 7) PretQ Polljt, lVlonongalia County, 1916. ro
4-line stanzas. pz lVillain)-PretQ PoIQ. ao c, d.

NAS 53. U4SB) Cox No. r E Prett2 Polfu,IVlonroe County, r9r5, 13 4-line
stanzas, the last line is always repeated. p: False-ltearted man--PretQ Poll2.
il, b, c, d.
NAS 54. UZSI Cox No. r F The King's Daughter, or, Tlu False Louer,,
Monongalia County, I9I6, rr 4-line stanzas, the last line is always repeated.
pt False-ltearted knight-PretQ fair maid. a (the knight promises to take the
maid with him to beautiful Scotland [wonderland] and marry her there),
b, c, d.

NAS 55. Q76o) Cox No. t G The Salt-Water Sea, Pocahontas County, g
4-line stanzas. pz False-hearted loaer-PretQ Polly. o, b, c, d.

) 166 (

  NAS 56. (1761) Cox No. 1 H. Pretty- Polly, Gilmer County, 1916,: 8 4-line stanzas. p: False-hearted man-King's daughter). a, b, c (the 'kni{ht-pro*ir",
to take the maid to St. Mary's and marry hJr), d.

NAS 57. Q76e) cox No. r I Jix Kingos Daughters, Marion county, r9r5,
6 4-line stanzas, the last line is always re=peatedl pz'False-hearted ttrtgni-hi;i
Last. o, b, co d.

NAS 58. Q7Q) combs Ms ? [c9py- of manuscript, sent ro me by Dr.
Josiah H. Combs in his letter of_rith'September rg5r from his colleciions]
{gl colt;ns, Gilmer county, !g?4, Ms, t4 4-titr" stanzis. pt False black priest-May Collins. a (the priest ana thi maid rid" to the bank oi the stream an hour
before dawn).

b: >>But turn you around, black priest!
And hide behind that briar;

c (when the priest hides himself on the river bank behind the briar the maid
pushes him into the water), d.

NAs 59. (1764) cox TB No. r A The False sir./0hn, 1925, r34-linestanzas,
the last line is always repeated; er6d cox TB lio. I'B"si; rtir;, Daughteri,
Monongalia county, r9j4,6 fragm;tary 4-line stanzas . pt False sir john-
Pretty Colleen. as b, c, d.


NAS. 6o. Q766) Journal XXXV,3 gB Little Gorden, perrsyville, 11 4-line and one 6-line stanzas, the last line is always repeatei. pz False-Hearted knight*

L:uI: G.oQ1. a (as an introduction jhele is an'injunctiin to listen to the itory
of the F$sltl and Little Golden; the knight go.", to the maid in the .rrerring at 9 o'clock), b, c, d.


b: >Oh, stoop and bend these briers down
'fhat grow so near the brim,
So they won't entangle my curly locks,
Or tear my milk-white skin.>
c, d.

NAS 61. (1767) Journal XXVII, 9o No. 1 Lady Isabel and the
Ypsilanti, 19r 2, rr 4-line stanzas; g7oa7 Gardner chickering No.
JolT Sgt N.o. !, one 4-line stanza. pi Fol* knight-prett2"maid.
knight lives in London).

1. For Michigan folk poetry see Bertrand L. Jones, Folk-Lore in Michigan, rgr4.

) 167 (

  NAS 62. (1770) Gardner-chickering- No. 1 B, Arger, 1935, 1 4-line stanza, the last line is repeated;.ezzr) Gartn.r-chi&ering No. r c, Greenville, rggT. p.- fFo{sr,-hem r';d krighT King,s daughtefi. a.


  NAS 63. (1771) Journal xxII, _65 No. rrr Laet Isaber and the Erf_Knight, westfield, rz 4-line sranzas. pz.Fa"rse-hearted t";sit-i*;;;rib. ,,b, c, d.


NAS 64. Qzzd American speecrt. IJl,rr4.Lad1t Isaber and the Erf_Knight,
14 4-line stanzas.. pt Gallant fiung lcnigit, ,rh-10*g man-poil1t. a (theknight
inveigles the maidlnto trav.tiing"ato"[ *itn rr1- ro the green [wonder]land),
b, c, d.


NAs 65' U774) Journal of the ltlinois state Historicql societ2 XXXI,3or
La$t Isabel and the Elf Knigltr,"Marion: ry +-ii". ,iur"ur, the rasr-line is always
repeated ; Qzzd.Maclntos\ +; Qzloj rrr. ribrury_of Congress, Washington,
I)ivision of Music, Record. id hpM, Ord.. N;. !W^9 fig+, z A r, sung
by David s. Maclntosh at Nationar Folk Festirru.t i' cni.rfJ'16gl.pz Farse
william-PretQ Gotin (the parrot of the varianr is a-lso Golin). a (the knight
entices the maid to foilow him to old EnghnJF; c (the maid trips the knight
into the water), d.

Nls .6\'-Q-zzz) Journal XXIV,33 4 prettlt corendee,peoria, 13 4-rine stanzas.
p: Lord Mullen-prettlt corendee (th; p";.;'i;^p_r:,,1 poru).- a ltr,e knight
entices the maid to iccompurry iri- i" i."ri""af.

Gr d.

Polfu. a,

b: >>Oh, turn your back, Lord Mullen,>> she said,
>And walk close to the sea,
That I may have a moment to pray,
For the Lord to save poor me!>>

67' Q77B) Gordon,^Aduenture-.rgr prett2 p0il2,_springfierd, r3 4-rine
Qzzd sandburg 6o, 14 4-[nJ stanzas. pz raie-teirted *oi-'rrrttF
b, c, d.


NAS 68. (1780) Brewster Ir[o. q.A. Six Kjng's Daughters, vanderburg county,
I935, to 4-line stanzas, the lastline is:l*lrGpeated; e1ar1The Library
of congress, washi_ngton, Division-of-Music, Rtcord 78 RpM, order No.
Lwo r\g4, r A Ladl,Tsabit ana the Etf Knglf ,L"s-oy Mrs. Tho*i, nr. Bryant
r9gB. pr False-hearted knight-prett1t"poul-Air:r. i at. k"i1'i|roilir., to take
the maid to the shore of ihe u".,riir*t-,L-i;. ;)rderlandl),-b, c, d.

) 168 (

  NAS 69. (1782) Journal XLVIII,305 Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight, Gibson County, 1935, 11 4-line stanzas; (rzsd Brewster No. 3 B Pretgt Polll. pz False- hearted William [villain] -Pretty Poll2. a, b, c, d.

NAS 70. (1784) Brewster No. 3 C Six Kings' Daughters, Putnam County, 1935, 7 4-line stanzas, the last line is always repeated. pz fFalse-hearted William-King's daughter (the parrot of the variant is Pretty Poll ). ", b, c, d.

NAS 71. Q7B5) The Library of Congress, Washington, Division of Music,
Record 78 RPM, Order No. LWo t6g4, r B z Lafui Isabel and the Etf Knight,
sung by Mrs. Haden, Princeton I938, 5 4-line stanzas. pt False-ltearted knight
-PretQ fair maid. d, btc (>Lie there, lie there, you ugly worthless scamp!>>), d.

NAS 72. Q7B6) The Library of Congress, Washington, Division of Music,
Record 78 RP\4, order No. LWo 169+, z B Ladlt Isabel and the Etf Knight,
sung by Marion Stoggill, Elkinsville r938, 5 4-line stanzas. pt False-hearted knight-Pretty Pauline. a, b, c.


NAS 73. (1787) Combs MS A Pretty Polly, Knott County, 1909, MS, 14
4-line stanzas; QTss) Wyman-Brockway Bz Six Kings' Daughters, rz 4-line stanzas. p: False-ltearted man-Prettlt Polly. a (the knight says he will take
the maid to New Scotland), b, c, d.

NAS 74. (1789) Campbell-Sharp No. z C Lagt Isabel and the Elf Knight, Clay County, 1909, 5 4-line and one 5-line stanzas, the last line is always repeated; (1790) Sharp-Karpeles No. 3 B. p: Sweet Willie-Pretty Polly. a, b, c, d.

NAS 75. UZgr) The Library of Congress, Washington, Division of Music, Record 78 RPM, Order No. LWO r 694, r B
Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight, sung by Mrs. A. M. Harris, Pine Mountain, 1937, 9 4-line stanzas. p: Old Wretch-Maid. a (the knight proposes to the
maid and kisses her until she
cannot resist), b, c, d.

NAs. 76. (!zgt) Journal LII,zo No. r G If I Take off M7 sitken sta4, rgg},
(th.e ballad might just as well be one from nbrthern Wiiconsin), 5 fragmentary
4-line stanzas. pt Toung man-Prettl -fair maid. b, c, d.

NAS 77. ,Q4$)_F!^tp-Earpeles No. 3 F, Madison County, r9r 7, 12 4-line
stanzas. pt Low William-Prett2 Polfu. irb, c, d.

NAS 78, (r4g4) Sharp-Karpeles No. 3 f, Claiborne County, rgr7, one
4-line stanza. p: -. o.

NAS 79.,(r4g5) Sharp-Karpeles No. 3 J, Knox County, rgr7, one 4-line
stanza, the last line is repeated, p: - - -. c.

1 For Kentuckian variants see also Shearin-Combs 7 and. Sewanee Review XIX,315.



NAS 80. (1796) Journal XLII,'54 No. r pretty lorl, Blount county, r9zB,
16 4-line stanzas; (rzgz) Henry liJ":; ^+. p, roire r4ing viuian[vlain] *pretty
Polfu. at bs c, d.

NAs 81. (r7gB) Henry I{o..2 B pJe-tt1t polt}, near cumberland Gap, 6r
lines' pz False-hearted wietch-PrtttL ioui. ""(&r.knight promises to take the
maid tr: the vast golden land [wonjerh"af l, d, ., a.

NAS 82. ('zgd) Bulletin of the Tennessee Folklore Soclet) VIII,65 Six King's
Daugltters, I93p, ro 4-line ind e 5-line stanzas. pz FaTse-heartid man-pretty
little miss. a, b, c, a.

NAS 83. QBoo) Duncan g6 prettL p-ottJt, Northern Hamilton county, r989,
MS, 7 4-line stanzas, the IaIt Hne is ,il;il r.p..r.a. pz Farse-rtearted wltie_
Prett2 Polly. ?, b, c, d.

NAS 84. QBor) perry rgz prettL p0il1, The King,s Daugrtter, carter county,
MS, 12 4-line,stanzas, th". rast iirr" ii;h;y;";epeated. pt Farsertood man_
Pretty Polly. i, b, c, d.


NAS 85. (1817) Journal xxvlll,r+l ro. 4-Lagt Isaber, r9r3, 16 4-rine
stanzas. pz False-ltearted knight*prett2-Colin. a;b, c, d.

NAs 86. (1818) campbell-sharp No. e B LadT Isabel and the Elf Knight,
Allanstand, rqr6, 5 4-line stanzaq the rast line is-alyays repeated ; eBo4)
sharp-Karpeles N;. i A. pr Farse-rtea,rrtii";iii-lKing,s daughter.a, b, c, d,

NAS 87. QBofl ca.mpbelr-sharpNo. e E, carmen, 1916, one 4-rine stanza,
the last line is, repeatei ; eBo6) lsfr"rp_f]*1., *o. 3 D. p:
fKing's daughterl. d.

NAS 88. (rsofl .scarborough t27 LadJ) Isaber and the Erf_Knight, nark
Ridge, 5 4-line and z 6-line ,iur"ur.. pt False-ltearted.kni,ght-fKing,s daughter l.
?rb, c (>Lie there, Iie there, yorl ,.oirrful old Jog!>), d.

NAS 89. Qsos) Brown-Hudson-Belden Ms A !rytty pore, ]MS, r r 4-line
stanzas, the last line is always repeated ; eaogly*i$ MS The King,s Daughter,
MS, g 4-line stanzas. p, Folre-lrearted man_prettl potQ. drbrc, d.

NAS 90. QBro) Brown-Hudson-Belden MS B Tlte seuen sisters, Henderson
county, rgz8, YS, t r stanzas, 4r lines, tn. Lrt rine of .u"h ,tuLa is arways
repeated. pt False luung man_pret4, firy. ", ., J.

NAS 91. QBrr) Brown-Hudson-Berden Ms c .The seaenth King,s Daughter,
MS, r 7 4-line stanzas. pt False-hearted Wittiam-Prett4 Clouanne. a- (the knight
promises to take the miid to wessymoreland [westmoreland]), b, c, d.

1. For North Carolinian variants see Brown 8.

) 170 (


   NAS 92. (1812) Brown-Hudson-Belden Ms D loltl cold Rain, Watauga county, _MS, 15 4-line stanzas. p: False-hearted aiilain:p;;;a cold Rain. a, b, c, d.

NAS 93. (rBr3) Brown-Hudson-Belden MS E sweet william, MS, 16 4-line
and one z-line stanzas, the last- line is always repeated. pt Sweet Wittiam-
P1ettL P:!1. a (Sweet William rides across Dr.rk.iy Mouritain- ro propose to
the maid), b, c, d.

NAs 94. QBr4)_Niles +!-a!l ls.rr.ber and_the Effin-Knight, Ashevile, ro 4-rine
stanzas. pt False Villian-La$t Ishbel. at hr., i.

NAS 95. QBrfl Brown-Hudson-Belden MS F The Six Fair Maids,Watauga
County, r9r5 Ms, 6 4Jine stanzas. pr False-hearted knight-i;eiu little miss.
a, b (>>Turn your back, you dirty aoJu), G, d.

NAS 96. QBr6) Brown-Hudson-Belden MS G Seuenth King's Daughter,
Yadkin county, :g!r, MS, rz 4-llne stanzas, the last line is ul*iy, repeated.
pt False-hearted knight-prett2 polly. a,rb, c; d. .t


NAS 97. QB.T) Reed smith 97 No" r A Lad2 Isabel and the Etf Knight,
williamston, r_g1-3,.g 4-line stanias, the rast line"is ut*uy, ,.p.^t.a; eBfi)
Reed Smith, Bulletin S r62,67 A. pr False-hearted loue, oli uittain-prettlt miss.
zs b, c, d.

NAS 98. Qsp) Reed.smith gg No. r B Toung Jimmie, walhaila , rg24, ra
4;line stanzas, the last line is alyrays -repeated i (az4 ir..J sr"itrr, Bulletin
$ 16z,69 B. p, Toung Jimmie-pretty po[12. ,ri, c, d.'


NAS 99. QBzr) Journal XIX,z3z The Prettjt Golden Queen, South Missouri,
rz 4-line stanzas, the last rine is. ur*'yr repJated; k€rl BLra"" o e, ,goj.
pr False-ltearted wretch-prete Golden durrn.' d, b, c; d. '

NAs 100- psp) Be_lde-n 7 B wiilie came ouer the ocean, r9o9, rz 4-rine sran-
zas. p: Willie-Queen Lad2. 7rb, c, d.

NAS  101. Qsza) Belden B C, 14 4-line stanzas. pt False aillain-prett2
Caroline. 4, b, c, d.

NAS 102. (rs?!) Belden g D poilL and wiiliam, Kirksville, rgrr, 5 4-line
stanzas, the last line is always repeaied. pz lwiiliaml-rrrtj iri6: ?rbrc, d.

NAS 103. QBzG) Belden ro E, putnam county rgr r, 13 4-line stanzas.
pz False-ltearted man-prettlt p0il1. a, b, c,

NAS 104. QBzT) Belden rz F, ,9rg,9 4-line stanzas, the last rine is arways
repeated. pz Hard-hearted wretch_Friti2" Goti. a, c, d.'

) 171(

NAS 105. (1828) Belden I3 Ga The King's Seuen Daughters, Warrensburg,
13 4-line stanzas, the last line is always repeated.; QSzg) Bilden-r4 Gb, Saline"n
!o-9nty, 14 4-Iine stanzas, the refrain is abov.. pi False yuig man-Pretty
Poll2. L, b, c, d.

NAS 106. Q$o) Journal XLIX,zr3 prett) polly, phelps county, rgr7,
! 4-line stanzas;- (r$l Belden r6 H, one 4-line stinza. pz-False-ltearied *in-
lPrettlt Poll2]. ?, bs G, d.

NAS 107. Qs3z) -Randolph oMF z16 purfir polfu, poot Holler, ozarks,
ro 4-line stanzas, the last line is always repeated. pr False-hearted man-
Purt2 Polfu. a, b, c, d.

NAS 108. (rBsil -Randotph oF r,4r A prete pottL Ann, Anderson, rg27,
I I 4-line stanzas, the last line is always repeaied. pz Satt-nearted man-iret't2
Polfu (the parrot of the variant is pretty potU Ann).-a, b, c, d.

NAS 109. (tss+) Randolph oF I,43 B The pretfit collee, pineville, 1929,
13,4-line stanzas. pz False-hearted wretch-Prett2 Cittee (the parrot is pitU,l'.
i, b, c, d.

NAS 110._ (rBsd Randolph oF r,47 E wittie came ouer the ocean, cyclone,
I93 I, one 4-line stanza, the last line is repeated. pz Willie -lKing's daugiterl. a.


NAS 111. (1836) Randolph oF I,45 c sweet Nelrie, Farmington, 1938,5
4-lr,ne stanzas, the last line is always repeated. p: Sweet Wittiamlsweet Nettie.
d, b, c, d.

NAS 112. (r9sil- Randolph oF r,+G D seuen Kings' Daughters, Rogers,
r-9-42, 6 4-line and z z-line stanzas. pz False-hearted man-Fretty' tittte"misi
(the parrot is Prett2 Polll. arb, c, d.


NAS 113. QfuS)- Hudson, Specimens No. r Ladlt Isabel and the Elf Knight,
I_3 4-line stanzas, the last line is always repeatedl USSS) Ffudson, "Fotksingp
6r A Prett2 Polfu, oxford. p: False-hearted Teceiuer' :pliia polfir. a.

b: >O turn yourself around and about
To view the leaves on the tree,

c (the knight calls for. help.and promises to take the maid to a foreign country
and marry her there), d (the maid arrives home just as the day"du*.,r). '

NAS 114. QB4o) Hudson, Folksgngs 61167 B Pretty Potfit, rz 4-line and one
5-line stanzas, the last line is always repeated. pt, False young man- Pretty Polly. a, b, c, d.


NAS 115. (1841) Hudson, Folksongs fi167 C, Vaidett, 9.4-lite stanzas' the
last line i, ul*uyJ repeated. pz lFitse )oung manf-PretQ Poll1. a, c, d'

NAS 116. (1B42) Hudson,Folksongsg'16lDPrett2_Pol[l,olt:d,24-line
s:arlzas, the last line is repeated. pi lFoltt ),ung manl-PretQ Poll1. a'

NAS 117. QS+d Hudson, Folft Tunes Io The King's Seuen Daughters, 12
.-Iine stanzas, ;h; last line is always repeated. p: False-hearted man-Prett2
F:tt1', i, b, G, d.

NAS 118. (rS++) The Library of congress, washing_ton,-Division of Music,
R.ecord 78 RpM]bJ"r No. LWo ,6gi, V A , Ladlt Isabel and tlr,e Elf Klight,
,",rS nV Carrie fraker, Magee- I93.9, 6^4-line s!1nzas, the last line is always
..pE^t"a. pz False-hroitrd tinightlViett2. Iiute thing. a, b' c' d (the maid
u..irr., home just before the day dawns) '


NAS 119. (rs+s) campbell-sharp No.. z D, Rabun G^p, I9Io, Io 4-Iine
,tanzas, the last "lin. i, Ll*uy' t"p?!9d; QSa6) Sharp-Karpeles No' 3 C
L;i; Isabel and th,e EIf Kniglt. p: ^Witlio*, i tott lo-u,g man-Prettl fair miss"
" 1in" knight comes i.rorr1h" iaging sea), b (: NAS t4)' c' d'


NAS 120. (1849) Morris II,366 No' rBI A Purty Polfu'-.High Springs' 15
:-line stanzas, tiie last line is u.l*ryt repeated, IvIS. p z Villain, a dirt, dog-
Vttrty PoIIlt. alb, c (>I'11 take you down to Margold CountY>>)' d'

NAS 121. QB4B) Morris II,369 B Prettlt-Pol$t, Gainesville, MS, r4 4-line
stanzas. pz Falie-hearted dltaii-"Pren, Pil[,. i (the knight reveals clearly
'"rhere he intends to take the maid:)

>>O rise You uP' mY Pretty PollY,
And go along with me;
H*: iffi ffi1: ",l:.,::::i;::'''

b, c, d'

NAS 122. QB4g) Morris II,1,7t c Tle seuen sisters, white springs, I-935,
\IS, 14 4-line 'tii'ur, the lasftne is always repeated. pz False Lord-Pretty
Collendon. fl, b, G, d.


NAS 123. (1850) Publications of the Texas Folk-Lore socieu_x,r38 A Prettl
polllt, rz 4]litre ltunur, the last line is always repeated. pz False Joung man-
Prettlt Polly. rr br c, d.


NAS 124. (1851) Publications of the Texas Folk-Lore societ4 X,r3B/4o B,
A rstin, [pJ +-line stanzas, the last line is always repeated. p. (roui ]iurg *onj
-Pretty PoIQ. a, b, c.

The Willie Form (the knight kitts the maid with a korfr)


NAS 125. QB5z) Lomax No. 84 Pretfii Pot$t, ro z-line stanzas, the first
line of each stanza is alwaysrepeated. pt Witiii-Pretfit Polfu. a: The knight
courts the maid the whole n1S.ht_and tempts her u*uy with him, promising
to marry her; they go across hill down dale [cf. Gehenna);

They went a little piece further and what did they spy?
A new-dug grave and a spade lying by.

>Willie, O Willie, I'm afraid of your way,
I'm afraid you will lead my poor body astray.))

She fell down on her knees and she suffered no fear,
r>How can you kill a poor girl that loves you so dear?>> *

r>Pretty Polly, pretty Polln you're thinking just right,
I dug on your grave the best part of last night.>>

c: >>There's no time to talk now, there,s no time to stand.>>
He drew out his knife all in his right hand.

He stabbed her to the heart, her heart's blood it did flow,
And into the grave pretty Polly did go.

d: He threw a little dirt over her and started for home,
Leaving no one behind but the wild birds to mourn.

2. The Negro Variants (NAN)

The Handsome Knight Form (the knight takes the maid, into the middle
t tl" strgam locearf but is drowned himself; associated partlt with
the scottish king's daughter partt2 with thi May coruil noimy

NAN 1. (1853) Scarborough NFS 49 Lady Isabel and the Elf Knighr, south
U19o, Negro_section, 15 4-line stanzai, the last line is alwa"ys refexed. pl
Talt and handsome man-Sweetheart (the parrot of the variant is Pretty polly).

) 174 (


a: The knight comes and proposes to the maid and asks her to steal away
into the dark night and ride with-him; they ride-3 hours before day breaks,
reaching the shore of the ocean; here the knight tells the maid to undress
as her clothes are too valuable to rot in the salt sea water; the maid asks the
knight to take her back to her mother but the knight ordbrs her to wade
across the stream (sea; cf. the Slavic Soldier's Bride Form); he takes the maid
by the hand and pulls her into the water so that she is first up to her instep,
rhen up to her knees and gradually up to her waist (cf. GSc z), but the knight
hurries on;

I cry to him, >>The water's up to my neck.>> -
>>Lay all your fears aside.
We soon will be across it notv,
We've reached the deepest tide, deepest tide.>>

b: I caught hol' of de tail of my milk-white steed,
c: He was drowned wid his aPPle baY.
d: I pulled out of de water an' landed at my mother's home
An hour befo' de daY, de daY.

The maid's mother asks why the parrot is so noisy an hour before day-
break, but the maid forbids the parrot to say anything about her; the parrot
says a kitten (kitty) is at the door.

3. The French Variants (NAF)

The King's Daughter and Renaud Form (associated with
the French -form of the same name)


NAF 1. (1854) Barbeau-Sapir z5 Le mdcltant Guillon, rz 4-line stanzas. p:
Le mdchant Guillon-Jeanneton. a: The knight asks the maid to walk along the
shore of the heaving sea; when they come to the forest the rnaid complains
of thirst; the knight says she will get nothing to eat or drink before she has seen
her blood flor,v; from the forest they emerge onto the shore of a water where
the knight tells the maid to undress.

b: Quand ell' s'y fut dCshabill6',
Le beau galant s'approcha d'elle;
C'est pour tirer son bas du pied.
c: Dedans la mer ell'la pouss6.

Dedans la mer A s'y noyer
Une branche il a-t attrapee.
La belle a pris son grand couteau,
A coupe la branche i fleur d'eau.



>>Tends-moi la main, bell'Jeanneton!>> -
>>P€che, Guillon, pdche poissons!
Si tu en prends, n'en mangeronsl
A nos parents en Porterons.> -

>>Ne veux-tu pas, bell'Jeanneton,
Que j'aille revoir mon pdre?>> -
>Non, non! Guillon, mdchant gargon!
Va-t'en donc voir la mer au fond.>> -

>>Comment vont tous ces gens parler
En te voyant arriver seule?>> -
>>Ils apprendront la v€rit6,
Mais que tu voulais m'Y noYer.>> -

>>Qui dans le bois te conduira?>> -
>>C'est ton cheval, mon beau Guillon!
A grand tourment nous emmenat
A pas lents me ramdnera.>> -

>>Voici, la bell', voici les clefs
De mon chA,teau, de mes richesses.>> -
>>Je n'en ai que f,air' de chdteau,
Ni de ch6teau, ni de Guillon!>> -

>>Retourne-t'en, bell' Jeanneton,
Tout droit au logis de mon Pdre.
To lui diras que je suis mort;
Bell'Jeanneton n'a Pas de tort.))


NAF 2. QB55) Gagnon En revenant de la jolie Rochelle, Iz e-line stanzas
and refrains:

La voili ma mi'qu'mon coeur aime tant,
La voili ma mi' qu'mon coeur aime!

p: Knight (1st person singular) Beautiful maid.
J'ai rencontrd trois jolies demoiselles.

J'ai rencontrd trois jolies demoiselles;
J'ai point choisi, mais j'ai pris la plus belle.

J'ai point choisi, mais j'ai pris la plus belle;
J'l'y fis monter derridr'moi, sur ma selle.

J'l'y fis monter derridr'moi, sur ma selle;
J'y fis cent lieues sans parler avec elle.


(when the maid rides with the knight she asks for something to drink; the knight takes her to a spring but the maid does not want to drink; the knight now takes the maid to her father's place where the maid drinks a glass to the health of her father, mother, sister, brother and lover [an obscured form, cf. RF 6l).


1. Spanish Variants (WIS)

The Princess Isabel Form (associated with the Spanish form
of the same name)


WIS 1. (1856) Poncet y de C6rdenas 74 Isabel, eo lines; (.SSZ) Chac6n
i- Calvo r25 a, Camagtiey, 2r lines. pt Count-Isabel. a: In Madrid is a palace
called Oropel, where there lives a girl called Isabel; while the maid,is playing
chess a count comes and takes poor Isabel (Poncet y de C6rdenas: Isabel's
crown [wreath]); the maid begins to cry but the knight tells her that if it is
i,tr her brothers she weeps she does so in vain for they will all be imprisoned.

b: >>No lloro por nada de eso, / ni por nada de interds;
Lloro por un pufral de oro.>> - / osi me dices para qud?>> -
>>Para partir esta pera, / que vengo muerta de sed.>>

c -d:

WIS 2. QB5B) Chac6n y Calvo rz5 b, Habana, ez lines. pr Duke-Isabel.
e the palace is called oruzbel), b, c (the duke has hardly handed the dagger
::' uhe maid when she kills him with it).


WIS 3. QBS) Martinez rg5 Isabel, zr lines. p: An Aragonian Touth-Lady Isabel.

a: En Madrid hay un palacio todo lleno de Oropel;
Alli vive una seflora que la llaman Isabel.
Estando un dia jugando al juego del alfiler,
Se present6 un buen rnozo, un buen mozo aragonds,
Que prendado de su gracia quiso llevarla con dl.
A la mitad del camino, asi le dijera dl:
>>;Por qu6 lloras, Isabel? Si lloras por tus hermanos,
No los volver6s a ver; y si lloras por tus padres,
Prisioneros han de ser.> - b: >>No lloro por mis hermanos
Ni por cosa de inter6s; lloro mi pufral de oro
Para matarte, por cruel.>>

12. Lady Isabel



My list of North American Ballads 214:

Three Times Around- Williams (IO) c1865 Bronson
    Six Kings' Daughters- Cunningham (WV) c1867 Cox B
    The Ocean Wave- Ferguson (OH) c.1868 Eddy C
    The Pretty Colin- Delorme (NY) c1869 Flanders G
    Pretty Nancy- Young (ME) 1870 Barry B
    Six Kings' Daughters- Clark (VA) c1871 Davis O
    Pretty Polly- Lively (WV) c1875 Cox E
    Pretty Polly- Old woman (TX) c1875 Scarborough
    The False Lover- Devlin (PA) c1879 Lomax/Newman
    The Errant Knight- Pease (NH) c.1880 Flanders J
    Willie Come Over the Ocean- Kelley (MO) 1881
    The King's Daughter Fair- Heed (UT) 1883 Hubbard
    Wilson- nurse girl (VA) 1889 Babcock JAFL
    Bold Outlandish Knight- Tanner (ME-WI) c.1889
    My Pretty Golden- Riley ( MD) c1890 Mcmillan
    My Pretty Colinn- Stork (OH) c1890 Eddy D
    Six King’s Daughters- Dietz (WI-NY) c1891 REC
    Seventh King's Daughter- Simpkins(NC) 1900 Brown C
    Pretty Golden Queen- old lady (MO) 1903 Belden A
    Pretty Polly- Hopkinson (MA) Barry 1904 JAFL
    Pretty Polly- Osborn (NJ) 1907 Barry MS
    Lady Isabel- Ravois (NJ) 1907 Barry MS
    Lady Isabel & Elf-Knight- Berry(VA) 1908 Sharp MS
    False Sir John- Carson (MA) 1908 Barry JAFL
    Bonny Goldin- M. A. K. (MA) 1908 Barry JAFL
    Pretty Polly- Lougee (NH) 1908 Flanders I; Barry
    Pretty Polly- E. A. S. (MA) 1908 Barry JAFL
    Pretty Colendee- M. J. P. (IL) 1908 Barry E JAFL
    Pretty Polly- Bishop (KY) 1909 Sharp B
    Pretty Polly- Langille (NS) 1909 Mackenzie JAFL
    Pretty Polly- (WI) 1909 Hammond JAFL Beatty
    Willie Came Over the Ocean- Rickman (MO) 1909
    Six King's Daughters- Davis (MO) 1909 Belden C
    Polly and William- Jenkins (MO) pre1909 Belden D
    Pretty Polly- John Langille (NS) 1910 Mackenzie A
    William- Moore (GA) 1910; Sharp C
    Pretty Polly- David Rogers (NS) 1910 Mackenzie B
    Pretty Polly- Levi Langille (NS) 1910 Mackenzie C
    Six Pretty Maids- Husted (MO) 1911 Belden E
    Six Pretty Maidens- Conners (NS) 1912 Barry MS
    My Pretty Colin- mtn whites (NC) 1913 Perrow JAFL
    The King's Daughter- Gowl (VA) 1913 Davis A
    Pretty Goli- Yeater (MO) 1913 Belden F
    Seventh Kings' Daughter- King (SC) 1913 Smith A
    Seven Kings' Daughters- Maxie (VA) 1914 Davis Q
    Pretty Gold Lee- Blankenship (VA) 1914 Davis J
    Sweet William & Pretty Polly- (VA) 1914 Davis K
    Six King's Daughters- Peck (VA) pre1914 Davis N
    The Six Fair Maids- Icenham (NC) 1915 Brown F
    Pretty Polly- Paugh (WV) 1915 Cox A
    Six Kings' Daughters- Long (WV) pre1915 Cox I
    Miss Mary's Parrot- Sprouse (VA) 1915 Davis H
    Six Kings Daughters- (KY) 1916 Wyman/Brockway
    False-Hearted Knight- Sands (NC) 1916 Sharp A
    Milk-White Steed- Shelton (NC) 1916 Sharp D
    Pretty Polly- Mack (WV) pre 1916 Cox D
    False-Hearted Knight- Harrington (VA) 1916 Davis R
    Sweet William- Perry (GA-NC?) c.1916 Brown E
    The King's Daughter- Barker (WV) pre1916 Cox F
    My Pretty Colleen- Coit (MA) 1916 Sharp A (1917 ed
    The Salt-Water Sea- Gregg (WV) pre1916 Cox G
    Pretty Polly- Hays (WV) pre1916 Cox H
    Song Ballad of Pretty Polly- Wiley(VA) 1916 Dav. G
    Pretty Polly- Vanhook (Ky) 1917; Sharp F
    Steal Your Father's Gold- Wilson(KY) 1917 Sharp MS
    Pretty Polly- Doyel (MO) 1917 Barbour, Belden H
    The Outlandish Knight- Kilburn (KY) 1917 Sharp MS
    Your Father's Gold- Ray (KY) 1917 Sharp I
    Little Golden- Mace (OH) c. 1917 Eddy
    Pretty Polly- Jackson (VA) 1917 Davis B
    King's Seven Daughters- Clement (WV) 1917 Davis M
    You Promised To Take Me- Sloan(KY) 1917 Sharp J
    He Followed Her Up- Cannady (VA) 1918 Sharp G
    Nine Kings' Daughters- Donald (VA) 1918 Sharp E
    Your Father's Gold- Wheeler (VA) 1918 Sharp H
    Six Fair Maids- McCormick (NC) 1918; Sharp MS
    Nine Kings Daughters- Bowyer (VA) 1918 Sharp MS
    My Pretty Golin- Hendrickson (IL) 1918 Mclntosh
    Six King's Daughters- Boone (NC) 1918 Sharp MS
    Six King’s Daughters- Cleverdon (NS) 1918 EG - C
    Pretty Polly- old lady (VA) 1920 Bryson; Davis P
    Six Pretty Fair Maids- (VA) 1920 Davis L
    False-Hearted Youth- Payne (NL) 1920 Greenleaf
    An Elf Knight Come- Walters (NL) 1920 Greenlief B
    Pretty Polly- (NC) c.1921 Sutton; Brown A
    Pretty Cold Rain- McNeill (NC) c1921 Brown 4D
    Pretty Polly Anne- Hart (VA) 1921 Davis I
    A Man in the Land- Reid/Leftwich(VA) 1921 Davis CC
    Seven King's Daughters- (VA) 1922 Davis E
    False-Hearted Knight- Lindenberg (MA) 1922 Barry C
    Seven King's Daughters- Roop (VA) 1922 Davis F
    My Father's Gold- Noel (VA) 1923 Davis S
    Pretty Polly- Jones (MS) c.1923 Hudson A
    Pretty Polly- Pritchard (NC) 1924 Chappell B
    Come A Link- Stinnet (VA) 1924 Davis D
    William and Poll- Hooker (NC) 1924 Chappell A
    Pretty Polly- Pritt (VA) pre1924 Davis C
    Six Kings' Daughters- Sanders (WV) 1924 Cox
    Cage of Ivory and Gold- DeCoster (ME) 1925 Barry A
    The False Sir John- Lingo (IN) 1925 Cox
    Pretty Polly- Bruun (NE) pre1927 Cooper
    Pretty Polly Ann- Grant (MO) 1927 Randolph A
    Pretty Polly- Mobley (IL) 1927 Sandburg; Gordon
    Pretty Polly- Harmon (TN) 1928 Henry A; JAFL
    False-Hearted Knight- Hathaway (ME) 1928 Barry G
    The Seven Sisters- Gordon (NC) 1928 Brown B
    False-Hearted Knight- Brockway (ME) 1928 Barry D
    Pretty Nancy- Black (ME) 1928 Barry E
    The Pretty Collee- Higgins (MO) 1929 Randolph B
    Pretty Polly- Aylward (NL) 1929 Karpeles
    He Followed Me Up- Harrington(VT) 1930 Flanders F
    Maid Undressed- Burditt (VT) c1930 Flanders R
    Hard-Hearted Man- Adams (VT) 1931 Flanders S
    Salt Water Sea- Gibson (VA) 1931 Davis AA
    Pretty Polly- Oikle (NS) pre1931 Fauset
    Pretty Polly- Marshall (TX) pre1932 Dobie A
    Six King's Daughters- Ellis (TX) pre1932 Dobie B
    My Pretty Polin- Sayre (PA) 1933 Bayard
    He Followed Me Up- Daniels (VT) 1933 Flanders L
    Lady Ishbel and her Parrot- Melton (NC) 1934
    Go Steal To Me- George (VT) 1934 Flanders M
    Six King's Daughters- Edwards (VT) 1934 Flanders P
    Six Pretty Maidens- Shipman (MA) 1934 Flanders Q
    Six Kings' Daughters- Bryant (IN) 1935; Brewster A
    Six Kings' Daughters- Raley (IN) 1935 Brewster C
    Royal Robes- Sheldon (MI) pre1935 Gardner B
    Your Father's Gold- (VA) c1935 Wilkinson MS
    Pretty Polly- Morris (VA) 1935 Wilkinson MS
    King William's Son- (NC) 1936 Niles
    Seventh King's Daughter- Church (NC) 1936 Brown 4G
    Pretty Polly- Miller (NC) 1936 Brown 4A
    Pretty Polly- Lewellen (MS) pre1936 Hudson B
    Pretty Polly- Swetnam (KY-MS) pre1936 Hudson C
    Pretty Polly- Callaway (MS) pre1936 Hudson D
    Seventh Kings' Daughter- Clawson (NC) 1936 Scarb
    Pretty Polly- Nelson (NS) pre1937 Creighton B
    King's Seven Daughters- Long (MS) 1937 Halpert
    Pretty Polly- Thornton (FL) pre1937 Morris B
    Six Pretty Fair Maids- Sprague (NJ) 1937 Halpert
    Six Pretty Fair Maids- Clevenger (NJ) 1937 Halpert
    Six Pretty Maids- Sweet (NJ) 1937 REC Halpert
    Dapple Grey- Clark (ON) pre1937 REC Fowke
    Sweet William- Scotch lady (OK) 1938 Moore A
    Sweet Nellie- Trail (AR) 1938 Randolph C
    If I Take Off My Silken Stay- Borusky (WI) 1938
    Pretty Polly- Gully (TN) pre1938 Henry B
    Pretty Fair Maid- Haden (IN) 1938 Lomax REC
    Six King's Daughters- Bryant (IN) 1938 Lomax REC
    Pretty Polly- Stoggill (IN) 1938 Lomax REC
    Her Father's Own Gold- Weeks (OH) 1939 Eddy A
    Pretty Maid- Knapp (OH) pre1939 Eddy E
    Six Pretty Maids- Bozarth (NJ) 1939 REC Halpert
    Seventh King's Daughters- York (NC) 1940 Brown 4C
    Pretty Cold Rain- Hicks (NC) c.1940 Brown D
    The Castle by the Sea- Fish (NH) 1940 Warner
    Pretty Pollee- Hayes (ME) pre1940 Flanders E
    Six King's Daughters- Stokes (VT) 1940 Flanders K
    Pretty Polly- Dryden (TX) pre1941 Owens B
    Pretty Pollee- Richards (NH) pre1941 Flanders C
    Seven King's Daughters- Drain(AR) 1942 Randolph D
    Pretty Pollee- Moses (NH) pre1942 Flanders B
    Six Pretty Maidens- Lane (ME) 1942 Flanders O
    Daughter of Old England- Amey(NH) 1942 Flanders D
    Pretty Mary- Russell (VT) pre1942 Flanders G
    Seventh Pretty Maid- Smith (NS) 1943 Creighton A
    Pretty Polly- Gough (NY) 1943 Cutting B
    False-Hearted Knight- Burling (RI) 1944 Flanders A
    Pretty Polly- Cutting (NY) 1944 Cutting A
    Seventh King's Daughter- Frye (NC) 1945 Brown G
    Milk White Nag- Keener (WV) 1946 Musick
    Take Off These Clothes- Ezell (AL) 1947 Arnold B
    Billy Came Over the Main White Ocean- (AL) 1947
    Knight of the North Land- McIntire(CA) 1947 Hub B
    The Willow Tree- Shiffrin (NY) c.1950 Davis
    The King's Daughter- Johnson (TN) 1950 Boswell
    False Young Man- Aikins (NS) 1950 Creighton C
    Pretty Mary- Fleet (NS) pre1950 Creighton D
    Milk-White Steed- Dow (NS) 1950 Creighton E
    Six Pretty Maids- Sanford (NS) 1950 Ceighton F
    The King's Daughter- Snodgrass (TN) 1950 Boswell
    Purty Polly- Riley (FL) pre1950 Morris A
    The King's Daughter- Heaney (NL) 1951 Peacock
    Pretty Polly- Drake (TX) 1952 Owens A
    False Sir John- Jean Ritchie (KY) 1954 REC
    The Seventh Sister- Beck (NC) 1954 Buchanan
    Six Kings' Daughters- Glasscock (WV) 1957
    False-hearted Knight- (WV) pre1957 Musick
    Pretty Fair Maid- Carter (WV) 1957 Musick D
    He Mounted on His Milk-White Nag- Keener(WV) 1957
    The King's Daughter- Enzor (KY) 1957 Roberts
    Outlandish Lad- Jensen (UT) 1957
    Little Billy- Bird (AR) 1958 Max Hunter
    Lovin' Polly- Parker (AR) 1958 Max Hunter
    Willie Came Over the Wide Ocean- High (AR) 1959
    Pretty Polly- Cooper (AR) 1959 Max Hunter
    Pretty Polly- Gray (OK) pre1959 Moore B
    The Courting of Aramalee- Fugate(KY) pre1961 Niles
    Pretty Golden Queen- Barnes (AR) 1961 Wolf A
    The Gates of Ivory- Underhill (NB) 1962 Wilson
    Pretty Polly Ann- Gilbert (AR) 1963 Wolf
    The False-Hearted Knight- Shinn (WV) 1969 Bush
    Six Kings' Daughters- Gainer (WV) c.1971 Gainer
    Lady Isabel & the Elf Knight- Hickerson (OR) 1976
    Her Father's Gold- Smith (NC) 1976 REC

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