Mollie's Ghost- Pearl Jacobs (KY-WI) 1938 Treat
[My title. Fragment from: Kentucky Folksong in Northern Wisconsin by Asher E. Treat; The Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 52, No. 203 (Jan. - Mar., 1939), pp. 1-51. A few of his notes follow,
R. Matteson 2016]
Mrs. Jacobs and her older children learned the songs while they were still living in Kentucky, and have sung them continuously among themselves ever since. When asked where a tune has been learned, Pearl usually responds, "O, I hyeard mother sing it".
31. ON THE DAY OF JIMMIE'S TRIAL, MOLLIE'S GHOST DID APPEAR-- Sung by Pearl Jacobs Borusky, July 13, 1938. Cf. Sharp, Shooting of his dear.

On the day of Jimmie's trial,
Mollie's ghost did appear,
Saying, "Uncle, dearest uncle,
Jimmie Randall goes clear.
He shot his own true love,
He took her for a swan,
. . . .